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2014 提升中小學補救教學成效之理論與實務研討論壇 壹 緒論 一 研究動機 數學教育是全民性的 應使每一位學生的資賦都能獲得充分的實現與發展 每一位學生都能擁有最適合自己的教育 台灣國中小學生的數學能力 在國際評 比上雖然都名列前茅 但是學習落後的學生比例卻也高於世界平均 近年來教育 行政部門也越



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10 5 10 9 10 10 10 11 1B 1E 1C 1A1D Read the newspaper every day and explore the key to knowledge and wisdom. The newspaper is the best tool to upgrade our English standard. These are the messages our S4 and S6 students got from the talk given by Miss Mary Suen, assistant editor of Young Post (SCMP) on Oct 4 in our school hall. Exhausted though they were after a day s study, our students were busy flipping the pages and showing immense interest in the wealth of knowledge in the paper. This talk is one of the programmes in our school to help students cultivate a regular reading habit and thus enhancing their English standard. After several rounds of intense competition, Wong Lun Shu (S7A) was awarded the Certificate of Merit at the final round held on October 9. Wong Lun Shu together with four other finalists namely, Cheung Yan Yin and Kei Ching of S7S and Lau Pik Ha of S2 attended the Award Ceremony held at the 3

Convention Centre on October 23. 10 16 10 20 髄 10 23 The English Morning Assembly started from the 5 th cycle and will run to 20 th cycle this School year. During the assemblies, each class takes turns to perform in the school hall. Some classes will sing English songs, some will recite poems and some will choose to perform dramas. This is a chance for students to practise their English and learn how to cooperate with each other as well as learning from their peer groups. Mr. Gary Hartfitt, Teaching Consultant of the Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, was at school from October 25 to 29. He observed a total of 24 teachers including both English Language and EMI subject teachers. Mr. Harfitt took detailed notes of the lessons observed and gave immediate feedback to the teachers. All teachers found his comments very insightful. During the week when Mr. Harfitt was at school, he had a share of life as a teacher at Fukien Secondary School. He had the school lunch boxes for meals and attended all the English-related activities including the English morning assemblies and the Halloween Fest. He will present a talk to all English Language and EMI teachers on November 10. Mr. Harfitt s field of study is on the effectiveness of classroom language. He was a secondary school teacher for many years before he began his career at the University of Hong Kong. 4

10 29 On 28 October, the English Department organized a variety of activities to celebrate Halloween. Early in the morning, from 7:30-8am, Student Ambassadors dressed up in scary costumes shouted slogans at the gate. During the morning assembly and lunch break, S7A students performed a brilliant Halloween drama in the school hall. All the students cheered, laughed and screamed. The performers were proud that their efforts had paid off. After school from 3:30pm to 5:00pm, there was a Halloween bazaar at the school hall. Different stall games, such as Fishing for Eyeballs, Face Painting, Halloween Drawing, Trick or Treat, Headless Creatures were prepared for students to have fun. It was great fun. As it was Day E, English Speaking Day, students were also engaged in speaking English all day long. The topic for that day was, of course, Halloween. In fact, students had such great time that they were already looking forward to the next such activity Christmas perhaps. 4C 5



咏 8

刋 9



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