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those four kinds of factors are significantly associated with the intention to institutional care of the elderly without ADL disability. However for t

轮 状 病 毒 (rotavirus, RV) 感 染 是 波 及 全 球 的 一 种 常 见 疾 病, 好 发 于 婴 幼 儿 时 期, 秋 冬 季 节 为 发 病 高 峰 在 世 界 范 围 内 估 计 5 岁 以 内 的 儿 童 95% 至 少 经 历 1 次 RV 感 染, 其 中 有 1/



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DOH92-DC-1038 * *

5.81 2 14,486 5.16% CDC2001 1~12 18 logistic regression analysis - I

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 II

Abstract Tuberculosis is one of the important health issues in the world, and is the notifiable disease in Taiwan. Tuberculosis cases have been registered and followed up by center of disease control (CDC) each year. The effects of prevention for tuberculosis were satisfied. However, the death rate of 5.81 per hundred thousand population was still higher than the control standard rate defined by WHO that the tuberculosis death rate is less than 2 people per hundred thousand population. There were 14,486 confirmed diagnosis TB cases and the default rate was 5.16% in 2001. Incomplete treatment is the important factor that increases the difficulty of tuberculosis s prevention and treatment. This study would like to investigate the relative factors of failed treatment for TB patients. The database was derived from CDC nationwide dataset of TB patients that registered in CDC from January to December in 2001. This study would like to examine whether the patients were successfully treated after 18 months of registration and whether the patient had interrupted treatment more than two months during the treatment period. Proportional random sampling was applied to select TB patients. Structured questionnaire were used to interview TB patients by phone. Descriptive statistics described the patients characteristics and the related variables according to treatment status. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to analyze the associated factors that influenced the treatment outcome of TB patients. The results showed that the factors associated with interrupted treatments including lacking family support such as divorce or separation, taking medicine irregularly, having great impacts on life, being unfamiliar with the way of taking medicine, and feeling heavy burden of medical expenditure. The main problems for patients after taking medicine were drug s side effect and uncomfortable. Thus, the key factor causing to have interrupted treatments was highly related to III

patients compliance behaviors. In addition, the factors associated with successful treatment were male, middle level education, and lower family income. Patients with these characteristics would have lower cure rates. When patients took medicine irregularly, had interrupted treatment, or lacked the awareness of TB, it would increase to have failed treatments. Based on the results, the study provides some recommendations to CDC decision makers as follows: (1) advocate the concept of going to the fixed hospitals/clinics for TB treatments; (2) encourage pharmaceutical factory to invent new TB medicine with lower side effect or shorter treatment course; (3) recommend the Bureau of National Health Insurance to modify the payment system for TB treatment; (4) reconfirm the TB dataset correctly. There are some recommendations to physicians as follows: (1) enhance the awareness of TB and treatment course to TB patients; (2) improve the communication with patients families and enhance family s support; (3) implement case management program for TB patients. The recommendations to public health nurses are the following: (1) increase the visits and give more concerns to TB patients; (2) enhance TB patients compliance. Key word: Tuberculosis, Interrupted treatment, Failed rate, Cure rate IV

... 1... 1... 1... 10... 12... 12... 13... 15... 17... 17... 18... 21... 23... 26... 26... 28... 31... 31... 32... 32... 34... 35... 39... 57 V

3-1... 17 3-2... 39 3-2... 40 3-3... 41 3-3... 42 3-4... 43 3-5... 44 3-5... 45 3-6... 46 3-6... 47 3-7... 48 3-7... 49 3-8... 50 3-9... 51 3-9... 52 3-10... 53 3-10... 54 3-11... 55 3-11... 56 VI

0.65% 0.06% 1.29% 0.11% 62.70 80.19 ( 2001) 2000 6 WHO (Directly Observed Therapy, DOT) 90 11 1

mycobacterium tuberculosis 1993 1998 2000 INHRMPpyrazinamide(PZA, Z) ethambutol(emb, E) 0 0 (2HRZ/4HR) INH (>4%) EMB(2HRZE/4HRE) 90% 95% American Thoracic Society, 1986 AIDS HIV PZAHER 9 INH ERZ 6-9 12-18 ER RMP HEZ 9-12 HE 18-24 2

American Thoracic Society, 1986; British Thoracic Society, 1990 (monotherapy) 1991 HRZ HR ( fixed - dose tablet) WHO (Directly Observed Therapy, DOT) WHO 2003 MDR-TB Pedro, 2002 MDR-TB 3

39 46 5 1990 67 1984 20 ( ) 5.15 1.02 82 20 0.65% 0.06 87.4%94.1% 2.23.3 2000 TB Center 4

16% 84% 2002 90 2002 294.44 18,533 16.23% 91.56 10 5.81 1,299 1.03% 12 ( 2003) 3.42 3.27 5

1,299 77.30% 1,196 65 2003 19981. 18 2. 3. 18 4. 5. 2003 Karall, 1985Moridky et al., 1990 1998 Orem, 1985 Addington, 1979 19801997 6

Centers for Disease Control, 1992 2003 1980 Westaway, 1989Dunn et al., 1990 Lee et al., 1993 1996 Daryl & Ralph, 1977 1998 Campbell et al., 1970 1988 Isoniazid Campbell et al., 1970 GOTGPTBilirubin CreatinineCBCPlatelet countpza Uric Acid EMB 1997 Mangtani 1995 1% 12% Bhatti et al.,1995 1996 7

Hudelson Centers for Disease Control, 1992 Directly Observed Therapy, DOT WHO HRZ HR ( fixed - dose tablet) 1996 WHO 1999 1,113 1,500 (Brewer et al., 1998) 10 21 (Josephine, 8

1994) fee for services disease management (Todd & Nash, 1996) Armstrong1996 Ellrodt1997 90 10 11 (DRG) case management 1991 90 9

11,715 2003 1 2 3 4 10

5 6 11

1 CDC2001 1~12 9,056 18 1,162 7,894 18 18 201 153 20 156 558 28 530 135 88 12 85 323 3 320 850 2 12

3 1 content validity retest method 92 11 1 15 15 0.88 Cronbach s α 10 Cronbach s α 0.94 2 13

WHO logistic regression analysis 14

1 / 15

2 / 16

90 3-1 a χ 2 χ 2 n=530 n=10,582 p-value n=320 n=1,133 p-value 0.421 0.745 355 7264 251 879 175 3318 69 254 0.146 0.102 20 19 327 9 19 20-34 68 1429 41 149 35-49 78 1672 51 250 50-64 125 2037 83 288 65 240 5117 136 427 a. 2003 a 17

1 850 71.29% 65 44.24% 73.18% 13.65% 58.35% 61.53% 8.71% 50.19% 38.44% 3-2 2.94% 98.12% 6.82% 92.71% 5.06% 4 0.47% 39.53% 28.35% 3.76% 3-2 2 530 62.35% 320 37.65% 3-3 12 30.63% 19.69% 16.56% 7.41% 18

3-3 95.29% 4.71% 20 153 42 (27.5) 16.99% 39.41% 20.12% 52.82% 46.23% 28.68% 22.26% 3-7 7.88% 32.24% 34.31% 26.28% 18.25% 64.23% 111 20% 12% 7.76% 4.71% 3-3 3 19

3-4 56.70% 33.18% 10.12% 58.47% 31.41 10.12 49.65% 10.71% 85.65% 14.35% 62.00% 6.94% 62.59% 9.18% 44.94% 18.35% 52.00% 17.29% 64.47% 34.12% 67.18% 28.82% 3-4 4 89.29% 2.12% 3-5 20

74.35% 74.05% 46.84% 2.56% 81.53% 3-5 1 P<0.05 74.42% 64.86% (21.88%) (8.30%) 3-2 P<0.05 76.58% 29.73%30.63% 16.24%18.00% 3.11% 43.24% 3-3 21

P<0.05 18.02% 8.93% 23.42% 8.80% 49.55 25.71% 3-4 P<0.05 6.31% 1.49% 3-5 2 P<0.05 78.44% 15.09% 7.50% 59.06% 3-6 P<0.05 28.75%30.00% 11.51%13.40% 22

4.91% 26.56% 37.19% 3-7 20.31% 10.75% 70.63%46.56% 60.75% 18.11% 28.44%25.94% 12.26%12.08% 3-8 P<0.05 77.45%81.32% 66.25%74.38% 82.64% 79.69% 3-9 1-3-10 23

3-10 5.36 10.7626.38 2.61 4.89 2.33 2.17 3-10 2-3-11 3-11 1.66 / 1.871.98 3.421.98 4.87 4.04 24

0.45 3.53 1.74 0.56 0.26 3-11 25

/ Lee, 1993 2002 3-3 / 3-3 26

1.12 3-3 2.17 1.06 3-2 27

65 3-5 2000 9.24% 4.51% 14.36% 9.84% / 3-10 28

3-7 - 3-10 3-7 29

3-7 3-9 30.00% 13.40% 3-7 30

89 12 53.38% 18 69.99% 90 2003 2000 85% WHO, 2003-31

1 2 32.24% 12% 3 32

4 1 2 3 33

1 2 1 18 90 1~12 92 7 2 3 4 34

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3-2 χ 2 n=850 % n=739 % n=111 % P-value 0.08 244 28.71 220 29.77 24 21.62 606 71.29 519 70.23 87 78.38 0.70 20 28 3.29 24 3.25 4 3.60 20~34 109 12.82 93 12.58 16 14.41 35~49 129 15.18 113 15.29 16 14.41 50~64 208 24.47 176 23.82 32 28.83 65 376 44.24 333 45.06 43 38.74 <0.01 622 73.18 550 74.42 72 64.86 116 13.65 99 13.40 17 15.32 / 13 1.53 7 0.95 6 5.41 99 11.65 83 11.23 16 14.41 0.20 / 496 58.35 428 57.92 68 61.26 / 115 13.53 100 13.53 15 13.51 / 135 15.88 114 15.43 21 18.92 104 12.24 97 13.13 7 6.31 0.28 89 10.47 72 9.74 17 15.32 50 5.88 48 6.50 2 1.80 // 22 2.59 20 2.71 2 1.80 /// 40 4.71 34 4.60 6 5.41 / 87 10.24 74 10.01 13 11.71 39 4.59 35 4.74 4 3.60 a 523 61.53 456 61.71 67 60.36 / 0.12 776 91.29 679 91.88 97 87.39 74 8.71 60 8.12 14 12.61 39

3-2 b χ 2 n=850 % n=739 % n=111 % P-value ( ) 406 50.19 343 49.00 63 57.80 ( ) 311 38.44 272 38.86 39 35.78 92 11.37 85 12.14 7 6.42 0.12 825 97.06 720 97.43 105 94.59 25 2.94 19 2.57 6 5.41 0.71 16 1.88 15 2.03 1 0.90 834 98.12 724 97.97 110 99.10 0.57 792 93.18 690 93.37 102 91.89 58 6.82 49 6.63 9 8.11 0.39 15 1.76 14 1.89 1 0.90 43 5.06 35 4.74 8 7.21 788 92.71 687 92.96 101 90.99 c 4 0.47 3 0.41 1 0.90 0.82 301 35.41 264 35.72 37 33.33 250 29.41 217 29.36 33 29.73 163 19.18 143 19.35 20 18.02 136 16.00 115 15.56 21 18.92 0.03 336 39.53 291 39.38 45 40.54 241 28.35 202 27.33 39 35.14 241 28.35 221 29.91 20 18.02 32 3.76 25 3.38 7 6.31.Fisher's exact a. b. n=489; n=109c. 0.11 40

3-3 χ 2 n=850 % n=739 % n=111 % P-value 0.07 40 4.71 31 4.19 9 8.11 810 95.29 708 95.81 102 91.89 <0.01 697 82.00 619 83.76 78 70.27 153 18.00 120 16.24 33 29.73 <0.01 683 80.35 606 82.00 77 69.37 167 19.65 133 18.00 34 30.63 <0.01 320 37.65 235 31.80 85 76.58 530 62.35 504 68.20 26 23.42 0.57 171 20.12 143 19.35 28 25.23 1-2 120 14.12 108 14.61 12 10.81 3-4 117 13.76 102 13.80 15 13.51 5-6 107 12.59 92 12.45 15 13.51 7 335 39.41 294 39.78 41 36.94 0.09 295 34.71 250 33.83 45 40.54 449 52.82 401 54.26 48 43.24 106 12.47 88 11.91 18 16.22 <0.01 783 92.12 716 96.89 67 60.36 43 5.06 17 2.30 26 23.42 24 2.82 6 0.81 18 16.22 <0.01 576 67.76 513 69.42 63 56.76 274 32.24 226 30.58 48 43.24 ( ) - 42 27.45 39 32.50 3 9.09 12 7.84 8 6.67 4 12.12 19 12.42 17 14.17 2 6.06 9 5.88 7 5.83 2 6.06 7 4.58 6 5.00 1 3.03 17 11.11 13 10.83 4 12.12 14 9.15 6 5.00 8 24.24 11 7.19 7 5.83 4 12.12 26 16.99 19 15.83 7 21.21 41

3-3 n=850 % n=739 % n=111 % c 94 34.31 78 34.51 16 33.33 72 26.28 59 26.11 13 27.08 50 18.25 37 16.37 13 27.08 41 14.96 35 15.47 6 18.18 37 13.50 32 14.16 5 10.42 176 64.23 146 64.60 30 62.50 ( ) 31 9.69 20 8.51 11 12.94 53 16.56 46 19.57 7 8.24 98 30.63 61 25.96 37 43.53 63 19.69 45 19.15 18 21.18 24 7.50 13 5.53 11 12.94 3 0.94 2 0.85 1 1.18 4 1.25 1 0.43 3 3.53 5 1.56 3 1.28 2 2.35 49 15.31 45 19.15 4 4.71 7 2.19 6 2.55 1 1.18 10 3.13 5 2.13 5 5.88 6 1.88 4 1.70 2 2.35 7 2.19 5 2.13 2 2.35 21 6.56 14 5.96 7 8.24 245 28.82 239 32.34 6 5.41 152 17.88 141 19.08 11 9.91 6 0.71 6 0.81 0 0.00 2 0.24 2 0.27 0 0.00 118 13.88 110 14.88 8 7.21 7 0.82 6 0.81 1 0.90 ( ) 62 7.29 52 7.04 10 9.01 170 20.00 138 18.67 32 28.83 66 7.76 54 7.31 12 10.81 102 12.00 91 12.31 11 9.91 11 1.29 10 1.35 1 0.90 38 4.47 32 4.33 6 5.41 28 3.29 17 2.30 11 9.91 28 3.29 24 3.25 4 3.60 14 1.65 13 1.76 1 0.90 40 4.71 32 4.33 8 7.21 a. b. c. d. e. f. 42

3-4 χ 2 n=850 % n=739 % n=111 % P-value 0.02 19 2.24 13 1.76 6 5.41 67 7.88 53 7.17 14 12.61 282 33.18 242 32.75 40 36.04 364 42.82 326 44.11 38 34.23 118 13.88 105 14.21 13 11.71 0.64 497 58.47 431 58.32 66 59.46 267 31.41 234 31.66 33 29.73 74 8.71 65 8.80 9 8.11 12 1.41 9 1.22 3 2.70 <0.01 422 49.65 389 52.64 33 29.73 337 39.65 285 38.57 52 46.85 91 10.71 65 8.80 26 23.42 <0.01 122 14.35 92 12.45 30 27.03 728 85.65 647 87.55 81 72.97 0.36 527 62.00 458 61.98 69 62.16 264 31.06 233 31.53 31 27.93 59 6.94 48 6.50 11 9.91 <0.01 78 9.18 57 7.71 21 18.92 240 28.24 196 26.52 44 39.64 532 62.59 486 65.76 46 41.44 0.47 382 44.94 334 45.20 48 43.24 312 36.71 266 35.99 46 41.44 156 18.35 139 18.81 17 15.32 0.94 442 52.00 383 51.83 59 53.15 261 30.71 227 30.72 34 30.63 147 17.29 129 17.46 18 16.22 0.49 548 64.47 471 63.73 77 69.37 12 1.41 11 1.49 1 0.90 290 34.12 257 34.78 33 29.73 <0.01 245 28.82 190 25.71 55 49.55 34 4.00 32 4.33 2 1.80 571 67.18 517 69.96 54 48.65 43

3-5 χ 2 n=850 % n=739 % n=111 % P-value <0.01 759 89.29 666 90.12 93 83.78 73 8.59 62 8.39 11 9.91 18 2.12 11 1.49 7 6.31 <0.01 5 0.59 3 0.41 2 1.80 15 1.76 8 1.08 7 6.31 207 24.35 171 23.14 36 32.43 485 57.06 427 57.78 58 52.25 138 16.24 130 17.59 8 7.21 0.03 5 0.59 3 0.41 2 1.80 36 4.24 28 3.79 8 7.21 206 24.24 174 23.55 32 28.83 471 55.41 412 55.75 59 53.15 132 15.53 122 16.51 10 9.01 <0.01 4 0.47 3 0.41 1 0.90 11 1.29 5 0.68 6 5.41 166 19.53 136 18.40 30 27.03 501 58.94 439 59.40 62 55.86 168 19.76 156 21.11 12 10.81 0.03 2 0.24 2 0.27 0 0.00 22 2.59 15 2.03 7 6.31 210 24.71 175 23.68 35 31.53 504 59.29 446 60.35 58 52.25 112 13.18 101 13.67 11 9.91 0.23 2 0.24 2 0.27 0 0.00 21 2.47 16 2.17 5 4.50 214 25.18 181 24.49 33 29.73 500 58.82 437 59.13 63 56.76 113 13.29 103 13.94 10 9.01 0.14 2 0.24 2 0.27 0 0.00 35 4.12 27 3.65 8 7.21 211 24.82 178 24.09 33 29.73 493 58.00 432 58.46 61 54.95 109 12.82 100 13.53 9 8.11 44

3-5 χ 2 n=850 % n=739 % n=111 % P-value <0.01 2 0.24 1 0.14 1 0.90 10 1.18 5 0.68 5 4.50 202 23.76 169 22.87 33 29.73 515 60.59 452 61.16 63 56.76 121 14.24 112 15.16 9 8.11 0.17 4 0.47 3 0.41 1 0.90 30 3.53 23 3.11 7 6.31 199 23.41 169 22.87 30 27.03 499 58.71 437 59.13 62 55.86 118 13.88 107 14.48 11 9.91 0.23 2 0.24 1 0.14 1 0.90 12 1.41 9 1.22 3 2.70 193 22.71 166 22.46 27 24.32 528 62.12 460 62.25 68 61.26 115 13.53 103 13.94 12 10.81 0.46 6 0.71 6 0.81 0 0.00 63 7.41 52 7.04 11 9.91 213 25.06 183 24.76 30 27.03 468 55.06 407 55.07 61 54.95 100 11.76 91 12.31 9 8.11 0.28 5 0.59 4 0.54 1 0.90 10 1.18 4 0.54 6 5.41 142 16.71 108 14.61 34 30.63 413 48.59 370 50.07 43 38.74 280 32.94 253 34.24 27 24.32 <0.01 218 25.65 178 24.09 40 36.04 632 74.35 561 75.91 71 63.96 ( ) - 468 74.05 417 74.33 51 71.38 165 26.11 146 26.02 19 26.76 34 5.38 30 5.35 4 5.63 296 46.84 270 48.13 26 36.62 22 3.48 17 3.03 5 7.04 12 2.56 11 19.61 1 1.41.Fisher's exact 45

3-6 χ n=850 % n=530 % n=320 % <0.01 244 28.71 175 33.02 69 21.56 606 71.29 355 66.98 251 0.85 20 28 3.29 19 3.58 9 20~34 109 12.82 68 12.83 41 35~49 129 15.18 78 14.72 51 15.94 50~64 208 24.47 125 23.58 83 25.94 65 376 44.24 240 45.28 136 42.50 0.11 622 73.18 394 74.34 228 71.25 116 13.65 73 13.77 43 13.44 / 13 1.53 4 0.75 9 2.81 99 11.65 59 11.13 40 12.50 <0.01 / 496 58.35 314 59.25 182 56.88 / 115 13.53 60 11.32 55 17.19 / 135 15.88 76 14.34 59 18.44 104 12.24 80 15.09 24 7.50 0.05 89 10.47 52 9.81 37 11.56 50 5.88 39 78.44 2.81 12.81 7.36 11 3.44 // 22 2.59 15 2.83 7 2.19 /// 40 4.71 21 3.96 19 5.94 / 87 10.24 47 8.87 40 12.50 39 4.59 29 5.47 10 3.13 a 523 61.53 327 61.70 196 61.25 2 P-value / 0.33 776 91.29 480 90.57 296 92.50 74 8.71 50 9.43 24 7.50 46

3-6 χ 2 n=850 % n=530 % n=320 % P-value b <0.01 ( ) 406 50.19 217 44.38 189 59.06 ( ) 311 38.44 205 41.92 106 33.13 92 11.37 67 13.70 25 7.81 0.06 825 97.06 519 97.92 306 95.63 25 2.94 11 2.08 14 4.38 0.30 16 1.88 8 1.51 8 2.50 834 98.12 522 98.49 312 97.50 0.82 792 93.18 493 93.02 299 93.44 58 6.82 37 6.98 21 6.56 0.11 15 1.76 13 2.45 2 0.63 43 5.06 23 4.34 20 6.25 788 92.71 492 92.83 296 92.50 c 4 0.47 2 0.38 2 0.63 0.43 301 35.41 188 35.47 113 35.31 250 29.41 160 30.19 90 28.13 163 19.18 93 17.55 70 21.88 136 16.00 89 16.79 47 14.69 0.65 336 39.53 201 37.92 135 42.19 241 28.35 153 28.87 88 27.50 241 28.35 156 29.43 85 26.56 32 3.76 20 3.77 12 3.75.Fisher's exact a. b. n=489c. 47

3-7 χ 2 n=850 % n=530 % n=320 % P-value 0.72 40 4.71 26 4.91 14 4.38 810 95.29 504 95.09 306 95.63 <0.01 697 82.00 469 88.49 228 71.25 153 18.00 61 11.51 92 28.75 <0.01 683 80.35 459 86.60 224 70.00 167 19.65 71 13.40 96 30.00 <0.01 739 86.94 504 95.09 235 73.44 111 13.06 26 4.91 85 26.56 0.15 171 20.12 96 18.11 75 23.44 1-2 120 14.12 83 15.66 37 11.56 3-4 117 13.76 71 13.40 46 14.38 5-6 107 12.59 63 11.89 44 13.75 7 335 39.41 217 40.94 118 36.88 <0.01 295 34.71 171 32.26 124 38.75 449 52.82 305 57.55 144 45.00 106 12.47 54 10.19 52 16.25 <0.01 783 92.12 518 97.74 265 82.81 43 5.06 7 1.32 36 11.25 24 2.82 5 0.94 19 5.94 0.02 576 67.76 375 70.75 201 62.81 274 32.24 155 29.25 119 37.19 ( ) - 42 27.45 21 34.43 21 22.83 12 7.84 5 8.20 7 7.61 19 12.42 10 1.67 9 9.78 9 5.88 2 32.79 7 7.61 7 4.58 4 6.56 3 3.26 17 11.11 6 9.84 11 11.96 14 9.15 0 0.00 14 15.22 11 7.19 3 4.92 8 8.70 26 16.99 12 19.67 14 15.22 48

3-7 n=850 % n=530 % n=320 % 94 34.31 53 34.19 41 34.45 72 26.28 38 24.51 34 28.57 50 18.25 21 13.55 29 24.37 41 14.96 21 13.55 20 16.81 37 13.50 16 10.32 21 17.65 e 176 64.23 101 65.16 75 63.03 ( ) - - - - 31 9.69 - - - - 53 16.56 - - - - 98 30.63 - - - - 63 19.69 - - - - 24 7.50 - - - - 3 0.94 - - - - 4 1.25 - - - - 5 1.56 - - - - 49 15.31 - - - - 7 2.19 - - - - 10 3.13 - - - - 6 1.88 - - - - 7 2.19 f - - - - 21 6.56 - - 245 46.23 - - - - 152 28.68 - - - - 6 1.13 - - - - 2 0.38 - - - - 118 22.26 - - - - 7 1.32 - - ( ) 62 7.29 39 7.36 23 7.19 170 20.00 83 15.66 87 27.19 66 7.76 46 8.68 20 6.25 102 12.00 49 9.25 53 16.56 11 1.29 9 1.70 2 0.63 38 4.47 20 3.77 18 5.63 28 3.29 12 2.26 16 5.00 28 3.29 17 3.21 11 3.44 14 1.65 8 1.51 6 1.88 40 4.71 19 3.58 21 6.56 a. b. c... f. g. 49

3-8 χ 2 n=850 % n=530 % n=320 % P-value 0.34 19 2.24 10 1.89 9 2.81 67 7.88 40 7.55 27 8.44 282 33.18 170 32.08 112 35.00 364 42.82 241 45.47 123 38.44 118 13.88 69 13.02 49 15.31 0.34 497 58.47 320 60.38 177 55.31 267 31.41 157 29.62 110 34.38 74 8.71 44 8.30 30 9.38 12 1.41 9 1.70 3 0.94 <0.01 422 49.65 296 55.85 126 39.38 337 39.65 195 36.79 142 44.38 91 10.71 39 7.36 52 16.25 <0.01 122 14.35 57 10.75 65 20.31 728 85.65 473 89.25 255 79.69 0.06 527 62.00 314 59.25 213 66.56 264 31.06 180 33.96 84 26.25 59 6.94 36 6.79 23 7.19 0.03 78 9.18 38 7.17 40 12.50 240 28.24 156 29.43 84 26.25 532 62.59 336 63.40 196 61.25 <0.01 382 44.94 273 51.51 109 34.06 312 36.71 192 36.23 120 37.50 156 18.35 65 12.26 91 28.44 <0.01 442 52.00 310 58.49 132 41.25 261 30.71 156 29.43 105 32.81 147 17.29 64 12.08 83 25.94 0.01 548 64.47 322 60.75 226 70.63 12 1.41 8 1.51 4 1.25 290 34.12 200 37.74 90 28.13 <0.01 245 28.82 96 18.11 149 46.56 34 4.00 30 5.66 4 1.25 571 67.18 404 76.23 167 52.19 50

3-9 χ 2 n=850 % n=530 % n=320 % P-value 0.03 759 89.29 476 89.81 283 88.44 73 8.59 48 9.06 25 7.81 18 2.12 6 1.13 12 3.75 <0.01 5 0.59 2 0.38 3 0.94 15 1.76 4 0.75 11 3.44 207 24.35 113 21.32 94 29.38 485 57.06 322 60.75 163 50.94 138 16.24 89 16.79 49 15.31 0.79 5 0.59 2 0.38 3 0.94 36 4.24 24 4.53 12 3.75 206 24.24 125 23.58 81 25.31 471 55.41 297 56.04 174 54.38 132 15.53 82 15.47 50 15.63 <0.01 4 0.47 2 0.38 2 0.63 11 1.29 2 0.38 9 2.81 166 19.53 95 17.92 71 22.19 501 58.94 327 61.70 174 54.38 168 19.76 104 19.62 64 20.00 0.38 2 0.24 2 0.38 0 0.00 22 2.59 10 1.89 12 3.75 210 24.71 131 24.72 79 24.69 504 59.29 319 60.19 185 57.81 112 13.18 68 12.83 44 13.75 0.68 2 0.24 2 0.38 0 0.00 21 2.47 12 2.26 9 2.81 214 25.18 128 24.15 86 26.88 500 58.82 316 59.62 184 57.50 113 13.29 72 13.58 41 12.81 0.69 2 0.24 2 0.38 0 0.00 35 4.12 22 4.15 13 4.06 211 24.82 126 23.77 85 26.56 493 58.00 308 58.11 185 57.81 109 12.82 72 13.58 37 11.56 51

3-9 2 χ n=850 % n=530 % n=320 % P-value 0.15 2 0.24 0 0.00 2 0.63 10 1.18 4 0.75 6 1.88 202 23.76 123 23.21 79 24.69 515 60.59 331 62.45 184 57.50 121 14.24 72 13.58 49 15.31 0.07 4 0.47 3 0.57 1 0.31 30 3.53 25 4.72 5 1.56 199 23.41 120 22.64 79 24.69 499 58.71 316 59.62 183 57.19 118 13.88 66 12.45 52 16.25 0.34 2 0.24 0 0.00 2 0.63 12 1.41 8 1.51 4 1.25 193 22.71 122 23.02 71 22.19 528 62.12 334 63.02 194 60.63 115 13.53 66 12.45 49 15.31 0.23 6 0.71 4 0.75 2 0.63 63 7.41 47 8.87 16 5.00 213 25.06 129 24.34 84 26.25 468 55.06 293 55.28 175 54.69 100 11.76 57 10.75 43 13.44 0.28 5 0.59 1 0.19 4 1.25 10 1.18 7 1.32 3 0.94 142 16.71 84 15.85 58 18.13 413 48.59 265 50.00 148 46.25 280 32.94 173 32.64 107 33.44 0.99 218 25.65 136 25.66 82 25.63 632 74.35 394 74.34 238 74.38 ( ) - 468 74.05 300 76.14 168 70.59 165 26.11 109 27.66 56 23.53 34 5.38 26 6.60 8 3.36 296 46.84 181 45.94 115 48.32 22 3.48 9 2.28 13 5.46 12 2.56 6 1.52 6 2.52.Fisher's exact 52

3-10 OR P -1.44 0.86 -- 0.09 0.13 0.36 1.14 0.72 / 1.68 0.66 5.36 0.01-0.29 0.38 0.75 0.46 0.15 0.60 1.67 0.39-0.12 0.60 0.89 0.84 2.38 0.38 10.76 <0.01 3.27 0.54 26.38 <0.01 0.26 0.26 1.30 0.33 0.31 0.28 1.36 0.27 0.96 0.37 2.61 <0.01 53

3-10 OR P -0.13 0.33 0.88 0.69 0.11 0.40 1.12 0.78-0.73 0.40 0.48 0.07-0.63 0.80 0.53 0.43-0.54 0.27 0.58 0.05-0.34 0.33 0.71 0.30-0.05 0.32 0.95 0.88-0.22 0.38 0.81 0.57 0.85 0.35 2.33 0.01-0.37 0.33 0.69 0.26-0.03 0.46 0.97 0.95 1.59 0.57 4.89 <0.01-0.11 0.28 0.90 0.70 (n=111) (n=739) 54

3-11 OR P -0.93 0.73 -- 0.20 0.50 0.21 1.66 0.01 / / / 0.62 0.68 0.28 0.28 1.87 1.98 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.34 1.03 0.94-0.29 0.32 0.75 0.37-0.68 0.43 0.50 0.11 // -0.56 0.63 0.57 0.38 /// 0.27 0.41 1.31 0.51 / -0.13 0.32 0.88 0.70-0.09 0.54 0.92 0.87 ( ) 1.23 0.30 3.42 <0.01 ( ) 0.68 0.30 1.98 0.02 0.54 0.42 1.71 0.20 0.37 0.41 1.45 0.37 1.58 0.50 4.87 <0.01 0.46 0.59 1.59 0.43 0.04 0.20 1.04 0.85 1.40 0.31 4.04 <0.01 55

3-11 OR P -0.39 0.20 0.68 0.06 0.39 0.29 1.47 0.18 0.38 0.20 1.46 0.06 0.33 0.31 1.39 0.28 0.03 0.28 1.03 0.93-1.08 0.37 0.34 <0.01-0.81 0.34 0.45 0.02 0.66 0.27 1.93 0.02 1.26 0.40 3.53 <0.01 0.55 0.26 1.74 0.03 0.71 0.40 2.03 0.08-0.66 0.84 0.52 0.43-0.58 0.21 0.56 <0.01-2.45 0.61 0.09 <0.01-1.34 0.21 0.26 <0.01-0.07 0.13 0.93 0.60-0.31 0.34 0.73 0.36 0.74 0.60 2.09 0.22 (n=530) (n=320) 56