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ST. PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH 95 MARKET STREET MOUNT CLEMENS, MICHIGAN 48043 December 12, 2021 (586)468-4578 stpetermtclemens.com My Dear Parishioners, As we move deeper into the Advent Season and continue to prepare for the great commemoration of the coming of our Savior the Christ Child, I am drawn to two recent events that compel comment. In the first instance, all of us were appalled and stunned by the truly tragic killing of four wonderful high school students at Oxford High School and the serious, even life threatening injuries suffered by several other young people and a teaching professional. This scurrilous attack by an obviously troubled young person has left not only a high school, a charming city, but also our entire state nothing short of desolate. This horrific tragedy, inflicted upon the young people of a city I formerly ministered to when I was assigned as Associate Pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Lake Orion, has left permanent scars upon a legion of young people during a most impressionable period of their lives. Of course, such a terrible incident draws us to a logical and very human question; why would a good and loving God ever permit such a tragedy to take place? Why wouldn t God make the gun jam or the perpetrator miss his targets? Our children are suddenly terrified to go to school fearing that such an incident might repeat itself at their place of study a safe harbor we previously never really thought as in jeopardy. Those kinds of shootings where children attack children happened in other states, not here, not at home. That comfortable myth has now been utterly destroyed. The nightmare scenario has visited our state and we need to support and protect our most precious children in every way possible. So, back to the question, why would God allow such a thing to happen? First, we all need to recall that there is a dramatic difference between God permitting something horrible to happen and the Almighty actually causing such a dreadful instance. Above all other factors, one thing to be certain of is that God is NEVER the author of evil. God is absolute love and he was as devastated as each of us when a young and troubled man brought a weapon to school, when wonderful and talented young people were killed and seriously wounded and when our uniformed defenders, our police officers were compelled to place themselves in harms way to save so many other students and teachers. Next, we need to recognized that this is not heaven on Earth. It s just Earth. This life of ours is fragile and finite. We are here for a relatively short time and what we do with that time and how we live our lives is incredibly important. We are frail and subject to disease and dreadful violence because that is the price that must be paid in exchange for our unlimited exercise of our most valuable gift from God, our free will. That exercise of free will can be advanced for moral good or for terrible evil and every bad act, every sin carries with it sometimes dramatic ramifications, just like a big rock causing waves to rush to the shore in all directions when we toss it into a pond. What is certain though is that when our time here is completed, we go back from where we came, to our God and He greets us with open arms. I have no doubt that Christ was at Oxford High School and each of the mortally wounded victims walked from this world into the consuming embrace of His Love. We can t keep our children from all harm. We can only do our best. Please know that we have great security in place at our school. Moreover, we have solid security in place at our beautiful church so that each of you can bring your family to pray any weekday afternoon during Advent. I want to assure each of you that we will remain vigilant in protecting your children at St. Mary School and St. Peter Parish. Speaking of our treasured little ones, just a reminder to the fantastic and loving parents of our second graders who are going to receive two wonderful Sacraments this year; First Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. Your student must participate in preparatory classes in order to receive the Sacraments. Continued on pg 2 Rite of Eucharistic Adoration and opportunity for individual confession: Friday, December 10, & 17 6:00-7:00pm Confessions in Church: Saturday, December 11, & 18 2:00-3:30pm Reconciliation Service: Thursday, December 16 7:00-8:30pm

Page 2 St. Peter Parish, Mount Clemens I am counting on each of you to fulfill the promise you made personally to God during your child s Baptism to raise them properly within the Roman Catholic faith. If you have missed sessions please contact Ms. Walker to arrange for a makeup session. I want to encourage everyone to visit Christ in the confessional this Advent. Heavens knows your parish staff is giving you every opportunity to take your soul to the dry cleaners through this fabulous gracefilled sacrament that can literally change your life. On the 16th of December we will have a communal reconciliation service from 7:008:30 p.m. and of course, confession is available every Friday evening in Advent from 6:007:00 along with Eucharistic Adoration and a holy hour. And if you thought you didn t have a enough confessional time available, Fr. Christopher, Fr. Dale and I hear confessions every Saturday from 2:30 3:45. Don t miss a chance to make peace with God prior to Christmas! As you can see your parish staff has eliminated any excuse not to do so. Finally, I hope each of you will be present for our First Annual Christmas Light Extravaganza on 22 December from 5:30 to 7:00. This is going to be an incredibly special way to get ready for Christmas with thousands of lights, hot chocolate, ginger bread boys, a 50/50 raffle, bike raffle, a visit from a certain jolly old elf and Christmas Carols. Moreover, our heroes at St. Vincent de Paul will be making sure that any needy family receives a bag from Santa to put under the tree. This is a great chance for us to join our neighbors for a truly festive and joyous time. So, keep on decking the hall and get ready for the Christ Child in our last bit of Advent HE IS COMING! God bless each of you. Your Pastor, Fr. John Hello and happy Gaudete Sunday! Some of you may be confused by my greeting. We have come to the third Sunday of Advent; also known as Gaudete Sunday, meaning to rejoice. As we close in on the great solemnity of Christmas, we take a moment on this third Sunday of Advent to rejoice in a particular way at the coming of the Christ Child. Advent as we know is a season of anticipation, repentance, and preparation. We mark the season with the advent wreath. This week we do not light a purple candle, but rather a rose colored candle. The priest also may wear a rose colored vestment to mark Gaudete Sunday. The rose candle, vestments and readings this weekend all encourage us to rejoice. As we reflect on these beautiful readings and symbols, we might find it hard in our lives to rejoice. The pandemic has led to many feeling isolated and for some, angry with the disruption of life. For some, this Christmas might be the first one without a spouse, parent, friend or family member. It may seem like there is nothing to rejoice about. It is good for us to be aware of those moments when we find it difficult to rejoice, when we have been frustrated and angry. I encourage us to present these moments to the Lord this week in our prayer in order that we might not hold onto these feelings, experiences and irritations, but rather turn them over to the Lord. We present them to Him as a gift. It is most important for us to remember that God has not abandoned us in the struggles of life even though we do not always experience His closeness. He is still with us on the journey. Our reading from St. Paul to the Philippians this week reminds us to rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again, rejoice have no anxieties at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. St. Paul urges us in all things to rejoice in the Lord. When we are sad, angry, confused or lost, let us rejoice in the Lord. we rejoice knowing that God is with us, that He has made us to love and be loved by Him. When we rejoice in the ups and downs of life, it allows us to remember that God is with us in it all. The Lord is the joy of our souls and will provide His joy to us in the midst of the struggles of life. Sometimes these joys are on the surface and easy to see and at other times they can be a little more difficult to see, but they are still there. St. Paul encourages us to rejoice always and pray without ceasing. I think this is the key. We must be a people who pray without ceasing. To pray through the joy, through the frustration, through the anger, through the uncertainty. If we are having a hard time seeing the joy and blessings, ask God that you might be able to see the blessings and grace. As the readings from the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary reminds us of Her yes to God, let us also strive to allow our souls to proclaim the greatness of the Lord, to have our spirits rejoice in God our Savior. I pray that all of us this week might experience the joy of the Lord as we continue to prepare ourselves for His coming. May we entrust to him the joys and struggles of our lives in order that our souls may proclaim the greatness of the Lord. Fr. Christopher

St. Peter Parish, Mount Clemens Page 3 Mass Intentions for December 13-19, 2021 Monday, December 13 8:00a.m. Tehra Verellen (dec) req: a parishioner Donald Simon (dec) req: Bernie & Linda Rosseel Tuesday, December 14 8:00a.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Edward Kelley Family req: Family Stella Senkow (dec) req: Larry & Donna Decook Wednesday, December 15 8:00a.m. All Souls in Purgatory req: Mary Flores Adriana Pleban (dec) req: Family Dorothy Valvano (dec) req: the Sobocinski Family Thursday, December 16 8:00a.m. Elizabeth Straka (dec) req: Mary Flores Nina Marchionda (dec) req: the Amicangelo Family Friday, December 17 8:00a.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Edward Kelley Family req: Family Thomas Dauberger (dec) req: his wife, Suzette Saturday, December 18 4:00p.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Marecki Family req: Family K. George & Eileen Convery (dec) req: Family Carole Miller (dec) req: her daughter, Vicky Harry Nakoneczny (dec) req: Family Special Intention for the Convery Family req: Family Katherine Ahrens (dec) req: Family Sunday, December 19 7:30a.m. Ronald & Rose Oliver (dec) req: Ron & Joann Oliver Henry & Josephine DeBusschere (dec) req: Ron & Joann Oliver Michael Piazza (dec) req: Mom Ed Drapeau (dec) req: his wife, Jane 10:00a.m. (Pro Populum) For the People, Living & Deceased, of St. Peter Parish Theodora Camacho (dec) req: Antonio Mary Spear (dec) req: Jon & Renee Steinacker 12:00 Noon Living & Deceased Members of the Donahue & Dewan Families req: Sylvia Donahue John DiGiuseppe (dec) req: Family Bernie Wellhausen (dec) req: Marie Malburg & Karen Goodhue Julia Dick (dec) req: Family Coffee & Donuts......Page 4 CSA & Offertory...Page 4 Christmas Tree Lighting....Page 5 Hiring......Page 6 Book Club...Page 6 Giving Trees.....Page 6 Euchre....Page 6 Christmas Volunteers.Page 7 Cooney s Cronies.Page 7 St. Peter Prayer Chain......Page 7 Fr. Welch Parish Hall....Page 8 Military Prayer List..Page 8 St. Mary Hearts & Stones.....Page 8 Prayers for the Ill.....Page 8 Parish Directory...Page 9 Mass Schedule...Page 10 Pray for the Souls of the Faithful Departed Frank D.Korson, age 79, passed away on November 4, 2021. Beloved father of Heidi. A Liturgy was held on November 22 with Rev. John A. Maksym officiating. Mario Lavinio, age 84, passed away on November 18, 2021. Beloved husband of Sandy. A Liturgy was held on November 22 with Rev. Christopher D. Muer officiating. Christmas Mass Times Christmas Eve: 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM & Midnight Christmas Day: 10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon Note: There is no 4:00 Mass on Saturday, December 25th. But please join us again on Sunday (to fulfil your Sunday obligation), December 26th at 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM or 12:00 Noon

Page 4 St. Peter Parish, Mount Clemens The Third Sunday of Advent December 12, 2021 The Lord is near. Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. (Phil 4:6) Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass 2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. Readings for the Week of December 12, 2021 Sunday: Zep 3:1418a/Is12:23, 4, 56 [6]/Phil 4:47/ Lk 3:1018 Monday: Nm 24:27, 1517a/Ps 25:45ab, 6 and 7bc, 89 [4]/Mt 21:2327 Tuesday: Zep 3:12, 913/Ps 34:23, 67, 1718, 19 and 23 [7a]/Mt 21:2832 Wednesday: Is 45:6b8, 18, 21c25/Ps 85:9ab and 10, 1112, 1314 [Is 45:8]/Lk 7:18b23 Thursday: Is 54:110/Ps 30:2 and 4, 56, 1112a, and 13b [2a]/Lk 7:2430 Friday: Gn 49:2, 810/Ps 72:12, 34ab, 78, 17 [cf. 7]/ Mt 1:117 Saturday: Jer 23:58/Ps 72:12, 1213, 1819 [cf. 7]/ Mt 1:1825 Next Sunday: Mi 5:14a/Ps 80:23, 1516, 1819 [4]/ Heb 10:510/Lk 1:3945 Join us for coffee & donuts in the Fr. Welch Hall after the 7:30 & 10:00 Masses Coffee & Donuts Volunteer Schedule December 19, 2021 7:30am Suzanne Payne, Lawrence & Deborah Beauregard 10:00am Andrea & Paul Spankie, Julie Frusciano Vacuum Kate & Tim Kniga, Joscelyn Ryan CSA Update Number of Families...3,326 Pledges.331 Archdiocese Parish Goal $253,414 Total Paid.$244,859.77 Percentage to Goal..96.6% Total Pledged: $222,475.98 We are so close to our goal!!! We ask you to prayerfully consider donating to the CSA. We encourage you to make your donation online to avoid mail delays. You may make your 2021 CSA contribution online at www.stpetermtclemens.com/csa Donation forms are also available at the Information Desk at church or at the Parish Administration Building. As always, thank you so much for your unfailing generosity. Each year, the CSA raises critical funds that support more than 170 ministries, services, and programs so we can respond to the material and spiritual needs of individuals and families throughout Southeast Michigan. This is how we act from the heart, putting Christ and His mission above all else. Whatever you do, do from the heart (Colossians 3:23). We are so grateful to those of you who support St. Peter Parish & St. Mary School with your me, talent and treasure. If you would like to setup Online Giving, scan the QR code or visit our parish website stpetermtclemens.com and click the Give buon on the top right. You can opt for monthly or weekly giving. Thank you!!!!

St. Peter Parish, Mount Clemens Page 5

Page 6 St. Peter Parish, Mount Clemens What s New on New Street Wild and Wonderful Times at St. Peter Church The months of October and November were absolutely unbelievable for our food pantry. The rst big event was Mercy in Action Day. You may have read the article Deb GoffLiegghio wrote about the activities in the parking lot, church basement, cemetery and at the vegetable garden on that Saturday morning. Well, the pantry beneted in a big way 13,000 pounds of food donated to help prepare for the big turkey drive we hold every November. Our monthly assistance in October resulted in 291 families driving down the alley. All received food, some also got hygiene and household items, and others received clothing, furniture, and rent and utility assistance. Expenses in October totaled $5,400, which did not include expenditures for food. In midoctober, we started signingup neighbors in need for our annual Thanksgiving dinner distribution of a turkey and a bag of xins. The parishioners, parents of our St. Mary school children, families of the Religious Education students and our parish staff helped make this a recordbreaking year with over 500 turkeys donated to St. Vincent de Paul. We believe Fr. John set the tone for the event by wearing a turkey hat at Mass to help communicate the turkey giveaway day of November 18th. On the 18th, cars snaked through the Church parking lot as our neighbors and St. Vincent de Paul members from other Catholic Churches in Macomb County came to pick up turkeys. We were also able to branch out again this year, sending turkeys to the Capuchin Soup Kitchen, Most Holy Trinity Church, the retired priests home and to St. Moses the Black s St. Vincent de Paul conference in Detroit. We also shared your generosity with the Vietnam Veterans Association. St. Peter Church has been thanked profusely by all the organizations we reached out to assist. And, while all that turkey stuff was going on, 313 families passed through the pantry for food and the usual assistance we provide because of your thoughtfulness and generosity. Without including food purchases, we spent $4,800 in November. We also had a surprise visit from a Girl Scout Troop from L Anse Creuse School District. The girls assembled and donated birthday bags which contain the ingredients for baking a birthday cake, for icing the cake, and for topping the cake with candles too! Our practice has been to give the bags to children who pass through the pantry with their family and ask them to bake a cake to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus. Thank you, scouts. The Vincentians at St. Peter Church try to establish relationships with our neighbors in need based on trust and familiarity and to relate to their hardships which have been intensied by the Covid pandemic. In many cases, we are the face of the Catholic Church in Mount Clemens. We could not perform our ministry without you, our faithful friends. Please keep us in your prayers. Thank you and God Bless. MEDIUM SIZE GIFT BAGS NEEDED!!! We also need small and large bags! Please drop off gift bags at the Parish Office or bring to Mass and leave by the doors. Thank you ahead of time for your generosity.

St. Peter Parish, Mount Clemens Page 7 Community Christmas Gathering Volunteers NEEDED As you saw on page 5, and read in Fr. John s article, St. Peter Catholic Church is hosting a Christmas social event for our local community. There will be a fabulous light display, a visit from Santa, Christmas caroling, and refreshments. It will take all of us to make this evening a funlled memory for the young and notsoyoung. The event will take place on Wednesday, December 22nd, at 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Volunteers are encouraged to be present at 4:30 p.m. for registration and job placement. Please sign up by scanning the below QR code or going to https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050b4aaca82fabfa7community There is a place for everyone to help. If you do not see something for you, give me a call at 5864684579 and we will nd something for you to do. Thank you ahead of time for whatever you can do. If you are unable to volunteer please consider donating to this event. Please make checks payable to St. Peter Parish with a notation "Christmas Social Event". Thank you ahead of time for all that you can do to make this Christmas season bright for all, God bless! Deb GoffLiegghio Cooney s Cronies Senior Group will be meeting again on Tuesday, December 14th Noon 3:30 p.m. In the Parish Hall Christmas Detroit Area Historic Churches Pilgrimage On Tuesday, January 4, you are welcome to joinprayer Pilgrimagesas weare planning to visit and tour, with informative talks, the following seven churches specially decorated during the Christmas Season: Sweetest Heart of Mary Church,St. Joseph Shrine, Holy Cross Hungarian Church, St. Florian Church,Our Lady of Czestochowa Church, National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica, & Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit with Noon HealingHoly Mass. Scheduled deluxe motorcoach local pickup departures & returns from Ss. Cyril & MethodiusParishCenter in Sterling Heights (8 AM departure, 6:30 PM return) & Our Lady of the Woods Church in Woodhaven (7 AM departure, 7:30 PM return). Totalcostper person is $40 (with lunch on your own in Mexicantown). Toreserve and/or more information: Michael Semaan at(248) 2506005orhttps://prayerpilgrimages.com/. The Sacrament of Baptism was administered by Fr. John A. Maksym on November 21, 2021 to the following: Elliott David Bartz

Page 8 St. Peter Parish, Mount Clemens Fr. Welch Parish Hall Available now to book memorial luncheons and showers, the Fr. Welch Parish Hall also specializes in anniversaries, baptisms, communions, birthdays and holiday parties. The Fr. Welch Parish Hall's elegant chandeliers, marble floors, detailed oak trim and garden courtyard will offer an inviting atmosphere for your special occasion! We strive to make your event as effortless for you as possible, from our basic banquet package to our special event package with full bar. For more information, visit our website at frwelchhall.weebly.com or contact Tina Garland at 5864685120 or tgarland@spmconline.com Welcome to St. Peter Catholic Church. If you are new to the Parish or you have updated information, please fill out this form and hand it to an usher or put it in the collection basket. Name: Address: New Parishioner New Address New Phone Visitor I am interested in Parish Ministries I would like offertory envelopes Need help with a drinking problem? Call Roger at 5867908205 Memorial Contributions When planning your estate, remember St. Mary s Hearts and Stones Fund. Help support the future of Catholic education. Call (586)4684570 Please pray for the safety of the following and all members of our armed forces proudly serving our country. Scott Brandt, PO1, USN Jacob Zarzycki, Sgt, USMC Jennifer Harris, ENS, CEC, USN Joseph Zarzycki, Capt, USMC Sam Hillman, IS2, USCG Aaron Hillman, AET3, USCG Michael Kujawa, PO2, USN Michael Murray, LtCol, USMC Kris Purcell, SSG, USA Nicholas Sitter, LT, USN Morgan Speshock, AET3, USCG Caleb Williams, SP4, USA Alexander Yeiser, ENS, USN Adam Nancy Agrusa Eli Alashmaly Karen Alashmaly Samir John Alashmaly JB Mike B. Lauren Beaubien Walter Breiling John Bronkema Frank Bruneel, Sr. Geralyn Bruneel Liz Bryer Carmen Calabrese Philomena Campbell Stephanie Capps Lawrence Card Ryan Carrier Susan Caruso Mark Cassel Joseph Cataldi Norene Chatman Tammy Collins Pilar Cox Anthony Crachiola Judy Cronander Grace Cusmano Dale Noah Datema Lyndsey Desmarais Dave Ducharme Yvonne Dunn David Eckenrode Prayers for the Ill If you or a loved one is ill & in need of prayers, please contact the parish office at 586-468-4578. Please first be sure it is OK with the individual to have their information published in the bulletin (some prefer to remain private). Adam Edwards Elizabeth Sandra Emerick Joanne Engel Dawn Evennou Elaine Farmer Mike Farah David Farrah Diane Farrah Charlotte Fitzgerald Gail Forrest Katie Formanek George Garza Ruth Ann Gauthier Diane Giclniak Tom Greff Ken Guerra Diana Hamilton Bill Hanuschock Bev Henzel Mattie Hill Caryl Hirt Dale Hunt Jerry Hunt Paulette Ireland Jane Jarzombek Joyce Jarzombek Jeanine Tammy Johnson The King Family Jeffrey Kish Annie Kruska Lynne Kwiatkowski Amy Labadie Karen LaCroix Sharon Lafnear Frankie Lambrecht Gemma LaVoy Lisa & Daughter Dennis Loftus Maddie Lorentz Lori Jan Lozon Lynne Jane MacIntosh Nancy Madigan Gus Malmberg Mary Malmberg Ginger McInerney Sue Mikolaizyk Phil Minnella Judy Moore Steve Moore Landon Morrison Nick N. Amanda Novak Sean Osborne Raj P. Mark Peltier Karen Pranger Jim Reed Rosalie Reha Patty Repp Cathy Roberts Rosalie Sandy Saumeel Alex Scapini Joyce Schwarz Jill Sloan Matthew Smith Susan Smith Anthony Sobocinski Sofia Sock Cecilia Spratt Rita Stevens Paul Szymanski Doug Taperek Frederick Thiel, Sr Frederick Thiel, II Ann Marie Tober Carol V. Vanessa Irene Viviano William Vorhoff Elaine Wade David Wagner Tina (Myny) Witulski Mike Wittkop Renee Wittkop Ann Wood Wayne Wrobel Ryan Z. Mike Zagaski

St. Peter Parish, Mount Clemens Page 9 St. Peter Parish & St. Mary School are online! www.stpetermtclemens.com www.stmarymtclemens.com www.facebook.com/ stpetercatholicchurch www.facebook.com/stmarymtclemens Instagram: @stpetermtclemens @stmarymtclemens www.youtube.com/c/ StPeterParishMtClemens The Fr. Vincent Welch Memorial Hall Market Street entrance consists of a paved brick walkway, enhanced by beautiful landscaping, with lighting and a fountain in the courtyard. St. Peter Parish extends the opportunity to purchase a personalized, 4 x8 paver brick engraved with your name, or a name in memory of a loved one. The donation is $100 per brick. For information, contact the Administration Building at 4684578. Reporting Sexual Abuse The Archdiocese of Detroit encourages individuals to report clergy sexual abuse of minors and others no matter when the abuse occurred. Individuals may contact local law enforcement authorities and/or they may report to the Archdiocese of Detroit by calling the Victim Assistance Coordinator at (866) 3438055 or by emailing vac@aod.org. In addition, the Michigan Attorney General s Office can be contacted at its tollfree reporting hotline at (844) 3243374 (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or by email at aginvestigations@michigan.gov. More information about the Archdiocese s efforts to address abuse may be found atprotect.aod.org

Page 10 St. Peter Parish, Mount Clemens LITURGICAL SCHEDULESDecember 18 & 19 Confessions: Saturdays at 2:30 PM MASS TIMES: 4:00pm 7:30am 10:00am 12 Noon Celebrant: Fr. Dale Redwanski Fr. Christopher Muer Fr. John A. Maksym Fr. John A. Maksym Lectors: Dominic Palazzolo Mary Lusch John Walus Paul Aggeler Michael Krotche Danielle Gilbert Kathy Helferty Ray Helferty Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Colleen Bone George Convery Alyce McGuire Claudia Schulte Threasa Lis Martha VanBelleCowdin Denise Goodman Scott Hodges Valerie Miller Renee Steinacker Kathy Gooley Denise Greenway Glenn Heath Nancy Heath Caterina O Brien Kassandra Warner USHERS Brian Cloutier Andrew Kapusta, Jr. Allen Bojakowski Fred Kook Bob Killewald Peter Nollette Bryan Newcome Joe Peplinski Russ Winkel Anna Dove Joe Dubay Tom Duke Carlo Franz Anne Gajewski Mark Gajewski John Konechne Bob Petitpren Sabine Jim Accardo Frank Bruneel John Cline Barry Crawford John Deason Mary Deason Jerry Scully Joe Spallone Victoria Spallone Jon Steinecker Jim Polak Richard Bollini Keith Graustein Joseph Hughes Charles Kavanagh Randy Lentini Fran Sampson Jeff Ashman Gary Thieman SACRISTANS Denise Bommarito Suzanne Mikolaizyk Cindy Klemm Joe Rouleau Amy Perna Steve Perna Andrea Graustein Keith Graustein Gary Mitter Master Plumber (586) 949-3938 ELECTRICAL SEWER CLEANING REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL Two Girls And A Bucket, Inc. Unique Cleaning Services New Construction, Commercial, Residential Bonded & Insured 586-726-9944 586-255-3264 We re in YOUR neighborhood... 13650 E. Fifteen Mile Rd. Sterling Heights, MI 48312 (586) 977-7300 Matthew Manzella Director & Parishioner www.bcfh.com Plumbing? Sewer? Drain Problems?... We Can Help SENIOR DISCOUNTS St. Peter Catholic Cemetery 43755 Elizabeth, Clinton Twp 586.493.0086 Faithfully Serving and Caring Since 1869 $20 OFF ANY SERVICE 586-501-8479 WaterWorkPlumbing.com TOTAL SPORTS FREE PARTY ROOMS FUNDRAISING NEEDS CORNHOLE PINS & SKINS (586) 463-2000 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Licensed & Insured Master Plumber BOWLING AXES Your Pandora Jewelry Source Charms, Beads, Bracelets, Earrings, Necklaces & More! 586-774-2100 28525 HARPER, ST. CLAIR SHORES 50th Anniversary Harold W. Vick Funeral Home 463-0098 140 South Main, Mt. Clemens To Serve You Is A Christian Privilege Manager Mary E. Vick Spaulding www.vickfuneralhome.com THIS SPACE IS 4-G-5-3 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 www.4lpi.com 15-0143

CHESTERFIELD, MI OPENINGS ALL SHIFTS Manufacturing/Skilled Trades Competitive Wage/Benefits IMMEDIATE INTERVIEWS Apply: Schaller - Plant 1 49495 Gratiot Ave On-line: schallergroup.com/careers THIS SPACE IS Clinton-Aire Healthcare Center 17001 Seventeen Mile Rd Clinton Twp, MI 48038 (586) 286-7100 Dave Duffy, Administrator (248) 542-7850 $20.00 OFF any plumbing work WASHER/DRYER REPAIR G.E., Whirlpool, Kenmore Specialist (586) 791-4466 Call David Dressler Landscape & Design shrub & tree trimming property maintenance 586-876-5504 groundscape-inc.com Will & Schwarzkoff Funeral Home, Inc. 586-468-4509 233 Northbound Gratiot Mt. Clemens Steven F. Rastigue, D.D.S. 60 Dickinson, Mount Clemens, MI 48043 (586) 469-1133 Parish Member TONY PALAZZOLO 586-948-2549 tonypalazzolo@russemilneford.com www.russmilneford.com RUSS 24777 Hall Rd. Macomb MILNE 4-G-5-3 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 www.4lpi.com 15-0143

MJC CARPENTRY Call Mike at 586-615-9046 Doors Windows Crowns Wrought Iron Handrails Deck Repairs Parish Member Licensed & Insured 30 Years Experience White s Home Improvements, Inc. ROOFING GUTTERS Licensed Insured $100 OFF Every Tear-Off $50 OFF Every Re-Roof Quality Workmanship References FINANCING AVAILABLE FREE ESTIMATES 12 Months Same As Cash & other payment options available 586-791-0740 www.whites-roofing.com ROOFS DONE PAIN MANAGEMENT CLINIC RIGHT BY WHITE FJF DOOR SALES Serving Southeast Michigan Since 1965 SAME DAY SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES 586-468-9787 fjfdoor.com 39651 Garfield Road, Clinton Township, MI 48038 586-846-2850 www.gileadpaincare.com st. john pediatric associates Board Certified Pediatricians Providing Care for Patients from Birth to 21 Years. 46591 Romeo Plank, Ste. 205, Macomb 586-226-6250 Accepting New Patients Call me at 586-604-7632 for HELP with all your insurance needs Expires 01/01/22 Chapel of the West Home of the Famous 1/3 lb Hut Burger Present this ad for one 1 Free Personal Pizza Dine in Only Bar & Kitchen Open til 2am 11 Big Screen TV s Keno Pool Darts ATM 49 N. Rose 586-468-5105 N.E. of Cass and Groesbeck Party Room Available for All Occasions THIS SPACE IS Henry Frank Jr. HANK S AUTO SERVICE AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRICAL FUEL INJECTION LIGHT & HEAVY REPAIR (586) 783-2274 (586) 783-2380 44020 Groesbeck Hwy. Clinton Twp., MI 48036 Medicare Annual Enrollment Oct 15th - Dec 7th Call Me For Information & Enrollment Contact Sherri Fischhaber to place an ad today! sfischhaber@4lpi.com or (800) 477-4574 x6553 Developing Relationships That Last a Lifetime Tamara A. Wilfinger Licensed Insurance Agent Health Medicare Life Dental Vision Accidents Hospital Recovery Care & more Personalized Service Finding the Coverage You Need Guiding You through All Phases of Life Trustworthy Friendly Knowledgeable 79 Macomb Place, Mt. Clemens 586.604.7632 www.wilfingerhealthandlife.com tammy@whl-mi.com medical group Isabella Scofield, MD Cornerstone Romeo Plank Family Medicine Suite 200 Macomb 586-226-6100 Comprehensive healthcare for the entire family. Same day sick and Preventative Visits. Your Home, Your Trees, We Meet Your Needs 586-419-1783 Serving the Metropolitan Detroit Area Elder Law Estate Planning Personal Injury Disability Family Law 10 th Medicaid & VA Benefit Planning 44444 Mound Rd. Ste. 100 Sterling Heights, MI 48314 866-LAW-ELDR 586-264-3756 Fax: 586-264-3783 www.smdalaw.com FRANK DEVOS National Heating - Cooling & HIGH TECH DUCT CLEANING Humidifiers Hot Water Heaters Oil Sale Service Installation (586) 949-1818 Martha T. Berry Medical Care Facility 43533 Elizabeth Rd., Mount Clemens, MI 48043 586-469-5265 www.marthatberry.org Serving Macomb County residents with compassion for over 65 years Please visit our web site for our comprehensive services 4-G-5-3 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 www.4lpi.com 15-0143