27 Justice and Development Party 2011 11 28 Al-Nour Party 47.2% 24.7% 2012 1 29 59% 23.9%2012 7 17 National Forces Alliance Justice and Construction P

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Don t Fear All Islamists, Fear Salafis Salafi Crescent Robin Wright, Don't Fear All Islamists, Fear Salafis, The New York Times, August 19, 2012, http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/20/opinion/dont-fear-all-islamists-fear-salafis.html 116

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New Developments of Salafism in the Middle East Upheaval BAO Chengzhang (Ph.D, Assistant Researcher, the Middle East Studies Institute, Shanghai International Studies University; Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoctoral Research Station, Shanghai International Studies University) Abstract Since the outbreak of the Middle East upheaval, Salafi forces, widely distributed in Arab world, has risen rapidly and revealed internal divisions. In addition to traditional Salafism, political Salafism, represented by Al-Nour Party, continues to increase its political influence in the regional countries, with an evident tendency of Party politics. The religious extremism, represented by Jihadi Salafism has seen an upward trend, and shown apparent internal differentiation, the faction engaged in violence and the faction advocating nonviolence coexist simultaneously inside Jihadi Salafis. The rise of Salafism is increasingly aggravating the sectarian conflicts inside the Islamic world of the Middle East, further expanding the opposition between the Islamic world and the West, and also intensifying the competition of the Gulf Arab states, led by Saudi Arabia, for political discourse and control of regional affairs in the Middle East. Key Words Middle East Upheaval; Salafism; Jihadi Salafism; Political Salafism 118