1 Matei Calinescu Five faces of modernity 2004 2 Berman, Marshal All that is solid melts into airthe experience of modernity 2003 3 1995 1895-1927 199

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3 14 Q Q 15 14 1998 417 15 Q 526 161

19 20 16 163 17 465 18 1998 455 19 23 6 1994 11 20 30 162

3 21 22 23 24 21 27 22 107 23 102 24 1878-1927 1998 163

25 26 27 28 29 30 25 1992 124 26 129 27 1998 28 29 30 164

3 31 32 33 31 214-215 32 20 33 165

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3 徳 39 Q 39 184 167

鷄 烟 42 43 40 109 41 1991 8 244 42 43 311 168

3 44 44 6 169

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3 171

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The Modernity and Nihility in Lu Hsun and Eileen Chang s Literatures Hou, Tzuoh-Jen Associate Professor, Department of Literature Nan-hua University Abstract Modernity, originated in the West, has become a worldwide trend, and influenced the modern literature in China. The various aspects of modernity could be observed from literatures. The expression of modernity in China is often a fumbled attempt to establish the images of the new culture in the collapse of old cultural order. The gap between the new and old cultures often result in the loss of values, thus, nihility, which is similar to the Modern Literature in the West. Lu Hsun and Eileen Chang are important writers in the New Literature in China, and two paradigms of modernity. Their literatures touched the collision of the new and old cultures, and expressed pessimistic nihility, which showed the attitudes of farmers to townspeople toward modernity in China in 1920s to 1940s. This paper intended to analyze the modernity and corresponding nihility in Lu and Chang s literatures, the origins and expressions, and the connotations, thus, further understand the modernity reflected in the New Literature in China. keywordslu HsunEileen ChangModernityNihility 174