Contents Editorial 01 G-Express MWC 10 06 G-Life Contents 10 G-Sharing 13 G-Geography 16 G-Dialogue 21 G-Participation 22 MYSR MYSR Updates

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Contents Editorial 01 G-Express MWC 10 06 G-Life Contents 10 G-Sharing 13 G-Geography 16 G-Dialogue 21 G-Participation 22 MYSR MYSR Updates

G-Editorial Editorial Circular Economy Recycling Economy Green s chief editor About us BVF-FESCO

G-Express G-Express During these two months, PUMA sets its new product on cellphone with the environmental friendly design. Besides recently, Japanese scientists now invent the special machine to reuse the waste paper in office and transform them into toilet paper. Here in China, Microsoft just opened up their new technology research center in Shanghai, which is also considered as the first "Green" region of China. 01 MWC PUMA MWC2010 10 2.8 QVGA 320 LED VGA HSDPA GPS WAP FM 2 5 0.1 5 LED 20

G-Express MP3 30 A4 30 6 0.30 94 42.6 30 40 A4 Oriental 60 Kimihiro Nozawa 2009 Eco- products International Fair 2009 4 33 396 244 30 02

G-Express 90 100 37 4 1 3 3 200 G.S.A. 1975 18 03

G-Express 12 : 2 1 124 18% 5 2.3 10 Lisa Jackson 2.5 04

G-Express 2007 3017 242 2009 12400 2.7 4600 1600 2500 6100 05

G-Life G-Life The Year of Tiger: The Year of "Green Spring Festival" As one of the most important days in China, Spring Festival has its fame of wasting food and non-stop firecrackers all night along. However, this year as the first spring festival after the Copenhagen meeting, the concept of a "Green New Year" started to spread all over China and brought us a new scene of different ways to spend our days with low emission of carbon dioxide through our daily life. 06

G-Life 07

08 G-Life G-Life 10 1.24 1 36.4 3

G-Life 09

G-Sharing G-sharing Book Review : From the Big Bomb to the Bicycle To explore the threaten of our civilization with the fast development of high technology and carbon dioxide emission, Roston here presented his idea all in this book to warn us the possible ooze we are drawning into. The Carbon Age Eric Roston 2009 10

G-Sharing Be Creative: Enjoy the Life; Enjoy the Fun With the quick step of our progress in life, most of us have been so used to the normality and forgotten to discover something new. Luckily we have those talented designer to help us keep the fun of life. Sun Jar Sun Jar Sun Jar Sun Jar Sun Jar Sun Jar Suck UK Sun jar, LED,, 11

G-Sharing 12

G-Geography G-Geography Ethiopia As one out of many contries in East Africa suffering the poverty, Ethiopia now has this raising star to rebuild a whole industry over the traditional handicraft work to recycle the old tipes and then make them into the cheap and comfortable sandals. Here she has been exploring this business and willing to make it go big in the new century, which will bring the Ethiopic into the new age of recycling to not only save the waste, but also help the local economy. 13

G-Geography SoleRebels 30 SoleRebels 5 45 500 35 65 2010 475,000 14 SoleRebels 600 1991

G-Geography SoleRebels Class Act Gruuv Thong Whole Foods Urban Outfitters SoleRebels SoleRebels 1.9 11 SoleRebels SoleRebels 15

G-Dialogue G-Dialogue SONY "To develop the green product, to bring a perfect healthy life"is what SONY believes in their way of focusing on Green products. Within the promotion of their latest W series green VAIO laptop, SONY is telling us the story of making a better world via paying attention on their social responsibility towards our world. 16 2002 SS-00259 Green s 16

G-Dialogue Green s 4 1. 2. 4. Green s 17

G-Dialogue 18 Green s Green s (SS00259) 2006 50 1000 ( ) VAIO 2010 1 19 WWF

G-Dialogue W Green s W Green s 2006 7 2000 2,183,765 2010 7% 19

G-Dialogue SSCS 6 20

G-Volunteer G-Volunteer For the past 2009, a series of charity events have been granted for their wonderful contribution to our environment, such as the wetland volunteer projects and the best environment prize. During the New Year of 2010, not only did TRAFFIC encourage us to have a low emission of carbon dioxide New Year, but also Meng Niu has just run its project called Milky Love Foundation and focused on giving free milk to children from indigent area. 2009 2010 2 2 2009 fresh 4 2009 WWF RAMSAR 64 43 TRAFFIC (TRAFFIC) 2010 TRAFFIC 21

G-Volunteer 80 2010 22

MYSR Updates MYSR MYSR Updates MYSR/Green MYSR 2010 3 100+ 3 13 EEMP 23

Copyright page Panorama PR & Resources Co.,Ltd. EMAG@ BVA Foreign Enterprise Branch BVF-FESCO Co-producer: Kevin xia / Zhang yong / Chief editor: Wang Ran Copyright page Executive editor: Sheng Tianyi Editor: Choicy Yao Artistic design: Stanley Lee Marketing manager: Alina Wang Tel: 010-51727852 Fax:010-51727869 Email: website: FESCO