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在 应 用 实 践 上 指 导 性 建 议 ( 黄 白,2008) 近 几 年 来, 国 家 政 府 在 教 育 方 面 高 度 重 视 教 育 信 息 化 工 作, 相 继 出 台 一 系 列 政 策 文 件 和 规 范 来 促 进 和 推 动 信 息 技 术 在 教 育 教 学 领 域 的 广

第三章 国内外小组合作学习的应用情况

蔡 建 伟 北 京 市 顺 义 区 光 明 在 英 语 教 中, 培 养 生 习 主 动 性 邓 茜 上 海 市 七 宝 明 强 课 堂 教 活 动 的 组 织 与 实 施 卫 红 上 海 市 浦 东 新 区 建 平 实 验 浅 谈 英 语 课 堂 阅 读 教 策 略 钱 惠 娟 上 海 市 浦 东

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起 初, 距 離 出 版 日 期 還 有 大 半 年, 大 家 雀 躍 萬 分 之 餘 還 滿 盤 大 計, 他 答 應 做 這 樣 她 應 承 安 排 那 樣 你 負 責 做 三 件 事 我 就 辦 兩 件 大 家 都 是 成 年 而 又 自 律 的 人, 一 切 猶 如 入 了 自 動 波, 不


All the English teachers visited TWGHs Leo Tunhai Lee Primary School in Tin Shui Wai on 29th February, 2008. It was hoped that through lessons' observation, teachers gained a lot of insights from other experienced teachers and exchanged our ideas with the subject teachers there. Our teachers witnessed the use of mind-mapping and its translation to group and independent writing and also how the primary school prepares their students for the TSA. After the lesson observations, we had a meeting to debrief about the lessons and to collaborate our ideas on effective teaching strategies. It was a great chance to see how other schools develop an integrated approach to language education and professionally beneficial for all teachers involved. A professional development workshop was conducted in the first semester. Miss Monique invited Mr Geoffrey Brown and Mrs Lorraine Tweety, both Advisory Teachers from NET Section of the EDB, to conduct a workshop focusing on the integrating Performing Arts teaching strategies in our classrooms. All English teachers were present to participate in a range of whole group drama activities, aimed at encouraging high participant involvement, interaction and enjoyment. The two hours spent under Lorraine's tutelage were both enjoyable and professionally beneficial for our teachers in the development as resourceful, innovative and creative educators of English.

The Olympic English Week commenced with in-class activities including crossword puzzles and word find games. The students were introduced to Olympic Games vocabulary, the meaning of the Olympic rings and what the Beijing Olympic mascots represent. Moreover, students learnt what sports some famous athletes are good at through power-point presentation and video watching. For higher levels, students learnt the origin of the Olympic Games through reading storybooks. The highlight of the week was the English Games Day. Games stalls were set in the covered playground where students enjoyed playing games and utilizing what they had learnt in class. The objective of the week was to arouse students' interest in both English and the up-coming Beijing Olympic Games. Students enjoyed playing games, utilizing the Olympic Games vocabulary learnt in class. Students enjoyed playing jigsaw puzzles of the Beijing Olympic mascots. Students enjoyed the picture-hunt game to get more stamps in their English passports. More stamps, bigger prizes!

2008 2 23 8,555.20

2008 1 31 10,525.50

2007121 2007 12 15 20071219 200814

The Kowloon Park excursion for Primary 2 classes occurred on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of April, 2008. It provided students with many opportunities to use their developing English skills. They read information signs in English, used English to describe the features of the park, followed an English map to navigate their route and then ordered their lunch in English. Students cheerfully greeted foreign tourists and some more confident students enquired, "How are you?" The weather was perfect for all three trips and there were many smiles and happy faces to be seen. It was a very enjoyable experience for both teachers and students!

新 理 念 齊 交 流 教 學 資 源 共 分 享

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