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74 75 4 8 Bolin 5 8 TS Henry S. Rubin 6 trans studies Paris is Burning 1991 1999 1999: 173 7 8 9 visibility 2002 Anne Bolin 1982 1992 Bolin 10 gender-transposed 1994: 461 radical

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120 121 29. 5 22 15 2002 46: 1-44 1-4 8 14 2000 12 28 3 199 7 6 13 35 199 5 8 22 7 30.2000 Hilary Swank 200 0 8 22 7 200 0 10 23 8 19 98 9 1 5 2000 3 8 27 31. 2000 3 8 27 199 6 9 29 24 199 8 4 6 16 2001 10 20 8 32. 20 00 2 5 8 1999 7 29 15 2001 10 20 8 19 99 1 1 5 5 19 99 3 7 8 2 2 200 0 2 2 8 3 2000 2 28 3 2002 19 99 8 1 9 35 19 99 5 30 8 199 9 1 31 19 20 00 8 22 7 19 98 4 9 7 Bolin, Anne (1994). Transcending and Transgendering: Male-to-Female Transsexuals, Dichotomy and Diversity. In G. Herdt (ed.), Third Sex, Third 2002 7 13 15 Gender: Beyond Sexual Dimorphism in Culture and History. New York: Zone Books. 447-486. 2 00 2 8 Bornstein, Kate (1994). Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us. New 27 15 York: Vintage.

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