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05 全人教育 教育特色 全人教育是 UIC 創新博雅教育的核心 旨在培養博雅通達 健全發展的人 全人教育不僅注 重知識傳授和技能習得 而且要使學生在身體 智力 道德 批判性思維 創造性 精神和價 值操守等方面都得到發展 UIC 全人教育為學生提供七個體驗學習課程 在四年八個學期內 學 生必須修讀其中四個課程 06 體驗拓展 (Experiential Development) 情緒智能 (Emotional Intelligence) 藝術體驗 (Experiential Arts) 體育文化 (Sports Culture) 四維教育 教育特色 每年舉辦香港家長聚會 增進學校與家長的溝通 四維 即師 學校 生 學 生 家 家庭 國 社會 它以學生為核心 集合學校 家庭 和社會的力量 透過四方的良性互 動 通過對學生在學習 生活 家 庭 心理 職業發展等各方面的全 方位關愛與服務 結合學生的自我 教育 完善以學生為本的教育模 式 達到培育全人的目標並成功實 現學生向社會的順利過渡 義工服務 (Voluntary Service) 環境意識 (Environmental Awareness) 逆境求存 (Adversity Management) 體育文化 藝術體驗 四維家長論壇上家長向校方提問 龍舟體驗賽 四維家長論壇及高桌晚宴 國情 與 國學 環境 意 識 體驗傳統皮影藝術 義工服務 體驗拓展 通過課堂教學課程 高桌晚宴 午餐演講和其他活動等 幫助學生瞭解民族傳統 關注國 情發展 培養他們的民族情懷和時代使命感 以博學通識 陶冶情操為基本原則 內容豐富多 樣 包括國情國學的各個方面 例如 中國政治體制的變遷 中國經濟的發展 中國法律制度 的改革 中國金融財會制度的演變 中國文化和藝術的發展等等 組織學生參加不同類型的義 工服務活動 到國內企事業單位 政府機關 工廠學校 慈善機構和農村山區參觀訪問 海南島生態騎行 逆境 求 存 三天兩夜的逆境管理訓練營 UIC 師生赴四川雅安災區開展義工服務 向全校學生宣揚中華文化的國情國學教學研討會

07 校園設施 教育特色 教學 設施 校區設有教室 演講廳 實驗室 多媒體室 電腦中心 影視廣播中心 學習資源中心 戶外體 驗拓展基地 展覽館 學生活動廣場等 教室均配 有投影儀 音響系統 電腦 電動幕布 實物展檯 等先進的多媒體設備 提高了教育資訊化水準 為 教學和科研創造了良好的硬件基礎 無線網路覆蓋 大部分教學區及圖書館 圖書館 教 學 樓A 區塗鴉牆 校園設施 教育特色 08 生活設施及服務 學生生活區如同一個小鎮 主題餐廳 食 街 咖啡廳 西餐廳 超市 銀行 郵局 醫 院 穿梭校園車 健身房 乾洗店 理髮店 體育用品店 自行車行 電腦店 書店等商業 網點 為學生提供便利的生活條件 學生宿舍 文化藝術小鎮 按照國際化標準配備活動 室 會客室 電視室 洗衣房 廚房等 大一 新生居於校外宿舍 創雅苑 學校提供穿梭 巴士服務 學生宿舍 文化藝術小鎮 教 學 樓 F 區廣場 所有宿舍採用拍卡門禁制度 馮燊均演講廳 馮 燊均演講廳 創雅苑房間內觀 創雅苑房間內觀 學生宿舍 創雅苑 學生食堂西餐廳-CHEERS 學生食堂外觀 多功能廳 課室 理學部實驗室 師生活動中心 休息區 應用心理學系實驗室 師生活動中 師生活動中心 演講廳 心 演講廳 體育館 籃球場 書店 露天田徑場 美術工作室 攀石場

General College Admission Requirements for Degree Programmes 本 科課 程 基 本 申 請 資 格 General College Admission Requirements for Degree Programmes 本科課程基本申請資格 (For Hong Kong/Macau Applicants Only) (僅 供 香 港/澳 門 申 請 者 使 用) (For Hong Kong/Macau Applicants Only) (僅 供 香 港/澳 門 申 請者 使 用) Applicants from Hong Kong are allowed to select one category below only which can best reflect the Highest Qualifications/ Status: A. For Hong Kong applicants with HKDSE results, the General Entrance Requirements are: 1. Chinese Language: Level 3 Mathematics 3. Compulsory Part: Level 2 2. English Language: Level 3 4. Liberal Studies: 5. Elective: Level 2 (Any 1 subject) B. For Hong Kong applicants with Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) results, the General Entrance Requirements are: (1, 2) in HKCEE including Chinese Language (3) or an 1. Have obtained Level 2/Grade E or above in at least 6 subjects alternative language (other than Chinese and English) and English Language (3) with at least 5 subjects in a single sitting; and satisfactory completion of Form 6 or an acceptable equivalent schooling in Hong Kong. OR 2. An acceptable equivalent qualification. Level 2 Calculation of scores for applicants with more than 1 sitting in HKDSE We accept repeat results and will count the best results for meeting our entrance requirements and for the calculation of admission scores. Note: The above entrance requirements are subject to revision. Alternative English Language Qualifications The following public examination results are recognised by the College as equivalent to Level 3 of HKDSE English: i. A score of 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) or 79 (internet-based) or above in TOFEL; or ii. A score of 6.5 or above in International English Language Testing System (IELTS), Academic level; or iii. Grade C or above in GCE O-level/GCSE/IGCSE English; or iv. Grade E or above in GCE AS Level or AL Level English; or v. Grade E or above in HKALE Use of English (AS Use of English); or vi. Grade 4 or above in IB English A1 or A2 (Higher Level); or vii. Grade 5 or above in IB English A1 or A2 (Standard Level); or viii. For applications on the basis of qualifications other than HKDSE, other HKDSE equivalent English Language qualifications deemed acceptable by the College. Footnotes: 1. 5 subjects are acceptable if the total of these 5 grades is not less than 8 points ("Level 5* to 2" or "Grade A to E" are awarded points 5 to 1 respectively). 2. Among the 6 subjects, one subject must be Grade C (or Level 4 for English and Chinese subjects) or above. 3. For English Language attempted before 2007, Grade C in English Language (Syllabus A) is considered equivalent to Grade E in English Language (Syllabus B). Calculation of scores for applicants with more than one sitting in HKCEE 1. The best two sittings of HKCEE results are combined from all sittings of HKCEE results. 2. The higher grade of a subject will be considered if the subject is found in the combined two sittings. C. International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma IB diploma holders or students who will take the IB examinations are eligible to apply. For IB Diploma applicants, a score of 4 or above out of 7 in IB English A1 or A2 (Higher Level) and a score of 5 or above out of 7 in IB English A1 or A2 (Standard Level) are regarded as equivalent to Level 3 of HKDSE English Language. D. GCE Qualifications Eligible applicants should obtain passes in: a. i. At least six subjects (including English and Chinese/ an alternative language other than Chinese or English) in the General Certificate of Education at Ordinary Level/ General Certificate of Secondary Education/ International General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCEOL/ GCSE/ IGCSE) Examination in two consecutive years; AND Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students For Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students fulfilling the specified circumstances in Note 1, UIC will accept the following alternative Chinese language qualifications as recognised by the College as equivalent to Level 3 of HKDSE Chinese Language: i. Grade E or above in GCE A/AS Level Chinese; or ii. Grade E or above in AS Chinese Language and Culture; or iii. Grade C or above in GCSE/IGCSE/GCE O-Level Chinese; or iv. For applications on the basis of qualifications other than HKDSE, other HKDSE equivalent Chinese Language qualifications deemed acceptable by the College. Other Languages" normally cannot be used for meeting the entrance requirement on Chinese Language. While waivers may be granted at the discretion of individual programmes, such consideration is only made under special circumstances, on a case-by-case basis. Students are therefore strongly advised to obtain the requisite Chinese qualifications. Note 1: The specified circumstances are: aa. The student has learned Chinese Language for less than six years while receiving primary and secondary education. This caters specifically to students who have a late start in the learning of Chinese Language (e.g. due to their settlement in Hong Kong well past the entry level) or who have been educated in Hong Kong sporadically; OR b. The student has learned Chinese Language for six years or more in schools, but has been taught an adapted and simpler Chinese Language curriculum not normally applicable to the majority of students in Hong Kong schools. ii. At least two GCE Advanced Level (AL) subjects or one GCE AL plus two GCE Advanced Supplementary (AS) subjects, excluding Chinese and English language subjects; OR b. At least three GCE Advanced Level (AL) subjects or two GCE AL plus two GCE Advanced Supplementary (AS) subjects, excluding Chinese and English language subjects Remarks: 1. GCSE Short Courses are not recognised by the College for undergraduate admission. Double Award GCSEs are counted as two subjects. 2. Requirements for Edexcel International Advanced Level (IAL) students/ holders would be the same as that of GCE qualifications (subject to approval by the College). E. Associate Degree / Higher Diploma Student / Holder Holders of or final year students studying for an Associate Degree or a Higher Diploma at a higher education institution recognised by the College may apply for Year 2 or Year 1 entry, depending on the depth and relevancy of the subjects and the programme in which they are enrolled. Non-final year students studying an Associate Degree or a Higher Diploma programme who wish to apply for admission must satisfy the General Admission Requirements as listed in the General College Admission Requirements, and are eligible to apply for Year 1 entry only. Individual applicants will be considered by the College regarding their academic qualifications and non-academic achievements on a case-by-case basis. For Macau applicants, the General Entrance Requirements are: Students from High Schools: Fulfilment of the College Admission Requirements for GCE applicants. Recognised English Language Qualification: An English language qualification equivalent to Level 3 of HKDSE English Language, as deemed acceptable by the College.