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P.2 P.3 P.5 P.7 P.8 P.9 P.10 P.11 P.13 P.15 P.17 P.18 P.20 P.22 P.24

English Language I. Aims of the English Language curriculum at senior level to broaden and deepen the language competencies learners have developed through basic education (Primary 1 Secondary 3 so that they are able to use English with increasing proficiency for personal and intellectual development, effective social interaction, further study, vocational training, work and pleasure; to further develop learners interest and confidence in using English; to further broaden learners knowledge, understanding and experience of various cultures in which English is used; to develop and prepare learners for further study, vocational training or work; and to further develop learning how to learn skills, and positive values and attitudes conducive to meeting the needs of our rapidly changing knowledge-based society. II. Subject Content The senior secondary English Language curriculum consists of a Compulsory Part and an Elective Part as shown in the table below: Parts Contents Compulsory Part Task-based approach to the learning of the four language skills, grammar, communicative functions, vocabulary and text-types Elective Part Select three of the modules with at least one module from each group. Language Arts 1. Learning Language through Drama 2. Learning Language through Short Stories 3. Learning Language through Poems and Songs 4. Learning Language through Popular Culture Non-language Arts 1. Learning Language through Sports Communication 2. Learning Language through Debating 3. Learning Language through Social Issues 4. Learning Language through Workplace Communication The suggested time allocation for the Compulsory and Elective Parts is as follows: Percentage of lesson time (Approx. number of hours Compulsory Part 75% (305 hours Elective Part 25% (100 hours III. Assessment Component Weighting Duration Public Examination Paper 1 Reading Paper 2 Writing Paper 3 Listening & Integrated Skills Paper 4 Speaking 20% 25% 30% 10% 1½hours 2 hours 2 hours 20 minutes School-based Assessment 15%

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Organization Website Phone Education Bureau http://www.edb.gov.hk/index.aspx?nodeid=4702&langno=2 2891 0088 Hong Kong Examination And Assessment Authority Education Bureau http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/ http://www.edb.gov.hk/index.aspx?nodeid=235&langno=2 2891 0088 Hong Kong Careers Master & Guidance Master Association Hok You Club Youth Employment Start Hong Kong Education City http://www.hkacmgm.org/ 26711722 http://student.hk/study/index.php 2728 7999 http://www.e-start.hk/ 3585 8000 2111 8533( 3188 8070( http://www.hkedcity.net/student/future/ 2624 1000