2 时事新闻 News Indy Asian American Times Friday, April 11, 2014 小贝 一路走好 带着你的吉他 带着你的足球 唱着你钟爱的摇滚 2014年3月27日下午 小贝不幸在车祸 中丧生 永远的离开了我们 年仅26岁 这个笑起来有些羞涩的大男孩将他的朝

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Indy Asian American Times The first Chinese-English newspaper in Indiana Serving our community since 2004 热烈祝贺: 集全亚洲各地风味菜肴于一身的豪华自助餐厅 IRON SHEET ROYAL GRILL落户印城! 地址: 4873W.38thSt,Indianapolis,IN 46254 订餐热线:317-299-3888更多详情请看本报4版 Published Bi-Weekly by China Journal Indiana, Inc Web Site: www.indyaat.org Email: editor@indyaat.org 2014年4月11日星期五 第139期 Friday, April 11, 2014 Vol. 139 本期共 12 版, Page 6 and 7 in English,Total 12 Pages First Lady Kicks Off Sculpture Exchange A Chinese Girl s Normandy Visit 印第安纳大学 将举办欧洲名作画展 申办2018超级碗 印城开始最后冲刺 在路上的那些年 Community (in English) P6 Perspective (in English) P7 伯明顿生活 P8 体育 P9 新视角 P10 世 界 屋 脊 上 的 步 行 者 Walker on the Roof A Journal of Himalayan Trekking and Self-Discovery Page 6 Dr. Benny Ko是一个 退休的放射科医生 20世 纪60年代从香港来到美 国 长期以来一直生活在 印第安纳波利斯 Dr. Ko 喜欢旅行热爱登山 是 IACA登山俱乐部的主要 组织人 Bird Flu war Hangzhou announced on Feb. 15 it would permanently stop live poultry trade in the city proper. The measure had already been in place as a temporary ban since Jan. 24, a week before the Spring Festival, China s lunar New Year. Hangzhou is one of Chinese cities stepping up control of the live poultry trade as the number of human H7N9 bird flu infections continues to rise. 禽流感之战 杭州于2月15日宣布永久性暂停市区范围 内的活禽交易 在正式宣布此决定之前 杭 州与春节前的一周已经开始尝试试点操作 随着禽流感感染人数的上升 这是又一中国 内地城市作出的升级举措 (More China in the News on Page 7) 从这一期开始 Dr. Ko将用精彩的照片和文 字分期与我们的读者分享 今年三月他和一群来自世 界各地的登山爱好者们攀 登喜马拉雅山的经历 普渡学生将隆重上演 大型文化交流真人秀 DREAM MAKER Purdue Students Talent Show 让Dr. Ko带我们一起 到世界屋脊去探险吧 IUPUI小贝同学的追思会 最新消息 澳方确定 将于本周六下午2点在印城华人教会举行 MH370黑匣子所在数公里范围 IUPUI Student Yanpeng Wang's Memorial Service at Chinese Community Church of Indianapolis Australian PM Confident Signals Are From Black Box, MH370 Search Narrows Chinese Community Church of Indianapolis 3405 E 116th St, Carmel, IN 46033 2014年3月27日下午 IUPUI 法学院应届毕业生小贝不幸在车 祸中丧生 永远的离开了我们 年仅26岁 悼念小贝同学的追思会将于 4月12日周六下午2点 在印城华 人教会举行 地址是 为帮助小贝父母及家人在美 国停留期间住行 小贝的后事 请律师等等的费用 印城华人教 会帮助成立了一个捐赠账户 捐 款支票收款人请写 CCCI 一 定注意在支票的左下方注明 In Mr.Yanpeng Wang s Memory 支 票可以在追思会上交给负责捐款 事项的Ms. Yibing Wang 或者按 下面的地址寄 Yibing Wang 6414-F Ferrari Place Indianapolis, IN 46224 如有疑问请与 Ms. Yibing Wang 联系 E-mail: yibwang@ iupui.edu 短信 317-363-0312 美联社 CNN 澳大利亚广播公司和 澳大利亚人 报 4月11日均报道 澳大利亚总理托尼 阿伯特说 他 们确信此前接收到的信号来自失联马航客机MH370的黑匣 子 报道还称 搜寻队伍发现了 一些东西 但还未证实 它们到底是什么 阿伯特说 他们确信此前接收到的信号是从失联客机黑 匣子发出来的 但信号正逐渐减弱 时间愈发紧迫 阿伯 特还称 我们已经极大缩小了搜寻区域 路透社报道 阿伯特11日中午在上海的午宴上说 我们 知道马航失联飞机黑匣子在数公里范围内 然而 知道这 点并不等同于能找到残骸 澳方将和中国等国家一起 尽 一切努力继续搜寻 阿伯特说 他们对黑匣子的大致位置胸有成竹 但这和 复原水下4500米的飞机残骸以及最终判定飞机出了什么事 不是一回事 不过 澳大利亚广播公司援引澳大利亚空军上尉休斯顿 Angus Houston 的话称 基于他所得到的信息 搜寻工 作并没有取得重大突破 若有进一步消息 他将会公之于 众 来源 网易环球 普渡本科中国学生会以及八个亚洲学生会成 立了亚洲联盟组织 将于4月20日下午二时 在 普渡大学 FLOWER HALL 进行别开生面的大 型文化交流真人秀 Dream Maker 详情见第二版 Dream Maker 印地今春第一个艺术沙龙 Enjoy Art at Spring Gathering party 见第四版和第十二版

2 时事新闻 News Indy Asian American Times Friday, April 11, 2014 小贝 一路走好 带着你的吉他 带着你的足球 唱着你钟爱的摇滚 2014年3月27日下午 小贝不幸在车祸 中丧生 永远的离开了我们 年仅26岁 这个笑起来有些羞涩的大男孩将他的朝 气和美好永远的留在了每一个爱他的人 心里 小贝是今年的法学院毕业生 平时在 法学院 他总是积极参加各种活动 在国 际学生会议上演讲 参与法学院宣传册 拍摄等等 英俊潇洒的他总是活跃在各色 活动中 老师和同学都非常的喜欢他 所 以 优秀的他早已经顺利拿到外州一所法 学院的博士 JD 录取通知 如果没有这 场飞来横祸 此刻的他 应该在春暖花开 的四月 兴致勃勃的准备着从印地这个有 着漫长冬天的北方城市搬去那个温暖的 南部城市吧 他爱运动 是学校华人足球队的中坚 力量 小贝不仅足球踢的好 守门也相当 的厉害 他随着足球队在过去的一年中去 附近很多城市踢过球 很多男生爱运动 可既爱运动又爱音乐的男生可就非常少见 了 爱音乐又把音乐玩的那么好的男生那 就更是少见了 小贝就是这样一位少见的 男生 他爱足球 却还弹得一首好吉他 热爱摇滚的他 自己在家里弄了一套架子 鼓 键盘 组了个小小的乐队 亲爱的上 帝 你何以如此地残酷 让这样一个热爱 生活 这么的热爱生命 这么的阳光的好 孩子 遭到如此横祸 很多的中国学生 学者都熟悉小贝 在他去世后 许许多多的朋友通过各种方 式进行悼念 他的好人缘不单单是因为 他优秀和活跃 更多的是他那乐于助人的 好性格 印地 布鲁明屯的很多学生刚来 美国的时候都没有车 小贝就帮助他们 接送他们去机场或带他们去买菜 有的时 候 热心肠的他甚至自己去超市买上一堆 好东西 自己动手给好友们做上一桌丰盛 的饭菜 给大家温暖 帮助大家更快的适 应美国的生活 这样年轻优秀的年轻大男孩 自然也 是父母 家人的骄傲 他特别的孝顺 由 于远在大洋彼岸 怕家人担心 经常和他 们通电话 和他们分享生活 怕父母劳累 压力大 他在这边也非常的节省 都是尽 量自己做饭 从不乱挥霍 他和妈妈的感 情特别的好 除了母子间弄弄的亲情 还 有那种朋友一样交流美好友情 这样贴心 又孝顺的儿子 真是比女儿还暖心 可是 天妒英才 这样好的小贝 就这 样的离开了我们 印地的雨反常的淅淅沥 沥落了好几天 我们总在想 这是上帝为 你落的眼泪吧 没有人知道另一个世界是什么样子 的 但我们知道 你那么善良 去的地方一 定就是比天堂还美好的天堂 2014年4月11日 星期五 Community Bulletin 社区之窗 Carmel Mayor s Youth Council is Accepting Applications Deadline Postmarked no later than April 18 Mail to Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032, ATTN: Nancy Heck. More info: www.cmycouncil.com The children s museum GALA Celebration China Time: May 9, 6:30-11 p.m. Place: The children s museum of Indianapolis Questions? Contact Kelli Alred at 317-334-3211 or kellia@childrensmuseum.org. IUPUI 中文学校 Story Contest 时间 April 19 地点 Indiana State Chiese Language fair Eastwood Middle School 小贝 一路走好 带着你的吉他 带着 你的足球 唱着你钟爱的摇滚 愿你去天 堂的路不孤单 爸爸妈妈和朋友都来送你 了 我们爱你 我们想你 一方有 难 八 方支 援 作者 龚玉铭 在得知了IUPUI法学院的学生小贝因车祸去世的消息后 indy华人的各方团体 组 织和个人纷纷行动起来 向小贝的父母亲友伸出援助之手 帮助他们来美处理小贝的 后事 在116街华人教会的协调组织下 专门为小贝的家属设立了捐款账号 上周五 4 月4日 在IUPUI校园团契的协助下 从下午4点到6点 来自各方的朋友们慷慨解囊 为小贝的家人捐款献爱心 在小贝的父母抵达indy之后 校园团契又组织大家轮流为小贝的父母和家人提供 每天的饭食 交通接送 翻译 咨询服务及各样的帮助 其中很多人甚至与小贝未曾谋 面 也不认识他 但是弟兄姐妹朋友们都尽了自己最大的能力去帮助小贝的家人 有 的朋友在期末将至的紧张学习期间 牺牲了学习的时间陪伴和安慰小贝的家人直至深 夜 有的朋友放弃了周末的休息时间为小贝的家人提供交通和翻译服务 陪同他们去 处理各项事宜 还有的朋友不顾自己繁重的工作压力和劳累的身体 每日三餐做好了 送到小贝家人手里 一幕幕感人至深的画面 让小贝的家人十分感动和感激 虽然小贝遭遇车祸不幸丧生让我们感到悲痛和惋惜 同时感慨生命的脆弱 但是 我们也看到人间处处有真情 看到大家患难时刻献爱心的义举 孔子学院 Confucius Institute at IUPUI 中国文化学习活动 Chinese Culture Hour 时间 March 5, 12, 26, April 2, 9 12PM-1PM 地点 孔子学院Confucius Institute at IUPUI Lingnan Chinese Opera League SYSU Performance 时间 March 7, 6 00PM -7 30 PM 地点 IUPUI IT Auditorium HSK Chinese Test 时间 April 12 地点 孔子学院Confucius Institute at IUPUI Indiana Chinese Language and Culture Fair 时间 April 19 10am 2pm 地点 Eastwood Middle School 详情见: http://www.iupui.edu/~china 印城第一華人循理會 地址: 9035 E. 21st street, Indianapolis, IN 46229 E-mail: fcfmc.indy@gmail.com 電話 phone: 317-894-3023 教會網頁:www.fcfmcindy.org 印第安纳波利斯教会 地址 3980 W.71st Street, Indianapolis, IN 46268 Phone: 317-328-1168, Website: www.thechurchinindianapolis.net 普渡将隆重上演大型文化交流真人秀 本報記者 王睿亨 宋梦田 理想是灯 照亮了夜行的路 理想是船 载你驶向成功的彼 岸 理想是雨 滋润了一方心田 在美国这片充满激情和梦想的热土之上 从来不会缺乏努力 付出的年轻人 在美国印第安纳州一座小城--西拉法叶 就有一 群为了梦想 为了更美好的未来辛勤耕耘的普渡大学中国留学生 们 他们用自己的智慧 学识去帮助更多同样在这座小城的中国 人 为了丰富中国留学生们的课余文化生活 进一步拉近中国留学 生与其他各个国家的沟通交流 传承与宣传中国 乃至整个亚洲 文化 普渡本科中国学生会以及八个亚洲学生会成立了亚洲联盟 组织 并将于4月20日下午二时 在普渡大学 FLOWER HALL 进 马军方和民航互相指责错过搜寻机会 政府开始调查 据CNN报道 马来西亚空军在3月8日 客机失踪后不久即派战机升空搜寻 但此 事并未公开报道 言下之意是说 马军方 并未及时通报民航部门 路透社今天的报 道则称 军方认为马民航部门没有及时告 知军方客机失踪的消息 路透社援引匿名军方高官称 军方在 发现有一架飞机返航后 立刻检查雷达 但军方并没有立即派飞机升空拦截 是因 为当时不认为这架飞机 怀有敌意 而且 认为很可能是飞机出现机械故障临时返 航 马来西亚政府已经开始调查民航部门 和军方 以便确定在MH370航班失踪后的 几个小时里 为什么搜寻的机会被错过 报道称 调查是为了搞清楚飞机失踪后各 部门最初是如何做出反应的 印社会党领袖称强奸案 女性受害人也应绞死引争议 印度第16届人民院选举目前正在该国 各地举行 各党领袖纷纷就热门话题发表 见解 争取支持 而印度社会党领导人近日 抛出 废除反强奸法 强奸受害者也须 绞死 等观点 却引发舆论争议 印度社会党马哈拉施特拉邦支部主席 阿布 阿兹米11日向媒体称 妇女只要发生 婚外性关系 包括被强奸的受害者 都要 被处以绞刑 阿兹米提出这一观点的受访 视频在印度各大网站广为流传 引起网民 热议 印度社会党领袖辛格 亚达夫也曾就 强奸话题表态 他称如果竞选成功 将考 虑废除针对强奸犯罪的死刑判决 他说 男孩们不应该因为犯这个错误就被绞死 这是不公平的 行别开生面的大型文化交流真人秀 Dream Maker 届时将有11 组不同国籍 不同风格的表演者 带着他们不为人知的寻梦故事 为大家上演一出精彩绝伦的Talent show演出 此次演出的制作团队实力雄厚 以整个亚洲学生会为依托 参赛者们均经过亚洲学生会联盟海选 复赛 由各个组织领导 者从众多参赛者中选出实力最强的11组参赛者 他们代表着来自 不同国家的文化背景 将是普渡历史上最丰富的亚洲文化汇总 演出 不同的亚洲文化将会在Dream Maker的舞台上交相辉映 谱成一曲惟妙惟肖的亚洲文化交响曲 与此同时 Dream Maker 诚邀多个学院的院长 原印第安纳州州长 现任普渡大学校长的 Mr. Daniels出任评委和嘉宾 有幸能到现场观看的观众们将看到 普渡大学校长对于每个参赛者的精彩点评 也可以一睹校长的风 社会党两位高层的表态广受争议 印 度斯坦时报网站一项调查显示 超过九成 的网民反对 废除反强奸法 绞死受害 者 观点 不过有约5%的网民对上述观点 表示认同 65岁瑞士飞行员误闯印尼领空 遭拦截并拘捕 Indy Asian American Times 当 地 时 间 2 0 14 年 4月1 0日 印尼 棉 兰 65岁的瑞士飞行员Heinz Peier从斯里 兰卡飞往新加坡的途中驾机非法闯入了印 尼领空 被战斗机拦截迫降并遭到拘捕 图片来源 Binsar Bakkara/东方IC 翻译公证服务 Translation & Public Notarization Services 笔译 口译 英译中 中译英 移民 教育 就业 法律 证件文件翻译兼公证 Low cost, high quality, fast turn-over Translation between Chinese-English For documents in immigration, education, employment and law 317-625-0623 Email: china.journal.indiana@gmail.com 印州华报 Indiana first Bi-lingual Bi-weekly community publication All Rights Reserved 免费赠阅 Free of charge 美高中生校园砍人事件引发深思 被疑沟通缺失 在美国宾夕法尼亚州发生的高中生校 园砍人案发生一天后 警方发现最新案件 疑点 16岁的嫌犯希布拉尔被告上法庭 其律师表示他有可能是受同伴威胁才做出 此行为 报道称 莫里斯维尔市警长泽费尔 德在接受CNN采访时表示 经过调查后 发现 这次攻击案中 袭击者没有明确的 目标 是大范围的任意攻击 警察怀疑在 案发前一天 疑犯希布拉尔曾遭到威胁电 话 但并没有证据证明这一猜测 位于彼兹堡东部的莫里斯维尔城是一 座仅有2万人口的小城 案件发生后 当地 居民纷纷对案件表示出不解与迷惑 很多 家长表示来这里居住的很大的原因就是教 学区相对比较安全 一位事件中被刺伤的 学生母亲说 我们应该问自己 是什么让 16岁的男孩将刀子挥向他人 我们应该思 考现在孩子们的社会沟通和与人相处的技 巧如何 采 这也是普渡历史上第一次由亚洲学生会承办的以英文为主的 talent show表演 面向的是美国社会不同种族 不同国籍 不同文 化信仰的每一个人 为了鼓励那些为梦想辛勤付出的参赛者们 Dream Maker的 制作团队决定将梦想基金设为2000美金 希望可以真正帮助到 那些有梦想 有勇气的追梦者们 最出色的参赛者将有机会获 得1000美金的冠军奖励 UCA以及整个亚洲学生会将把Dream Maker作为每年的保留项目 为了更多在美留学的亚洲学生们提供 更多的帮助 也为了宣传中国文化以及整个亚洲文化作出更多努 力 每一位印州华人的支持与关注 将是所有Dream Maker工作 者的不竭动力 普渡大学亚洲联盟组织 热情并期待朋友们4月20 日前来观看捧场 中国推迟向马来西亚移交两只大熊猫 中国政府官员周五 11日 表示 出于 对失踪航班MH370乘客家属的尊重 中国 已经推迟向马来西亚移交两只大熊猫 马航MH370航班3月8日从吉隆坡起 飞后在飞往北京的途中失踪 客机和机上 239人至今下落不明 飞机上共有238名乘 客 其中153名中国人 原本两只熊猫应于下周三抵达马来西 亚 马来西亚自然与环境部长帕拉尼维尔 表示 大熊猫移交是为了纪念两国建交40 周年 目前没有敲定确切的移交日期 整理 陈立英 本报发放地点 Drop-off Places 老年公寓 W 86th/Ditch RD ICCCI中文学校 (Carmel High) IUPUI 中文学校 华人教会(E. 116th)中文学校 Eli Lilly IUPUI Campus Univ of Indianapolis 印城华人教会校园福音中心 Walnut St. 21st/Post Rd 教会 Telamon 中华超市(Asia Mart 6103 E. 86St) 亚洲超市(21st/Lafayette Rd) 天福京川餐馆(86th/Michigan Rd) 东亚超市(96th/Keystone) 越华超市(6334 E 82 Street) Saraga (38th/Lafayette Rd) 幸运楼(38th/Lafayette Rd) 四川餐馆 116th/Range Lane) 京园 Mandarin House, 116th/ Range Lane) Formosa (82nd/Center Run Dr.) 胡医生诊所 Dr. Hu's Clinic Cummins, Columbus, IN Bloomington, IN Terre Haute, IN Indy Asian American Times is a bi-weekly, bi-lingual (Chinese/English) publication which operates under China Journal Indiana, Inc.(CJI), a non-profit organization (501C3). It was established in 2004 by three local families through private funding for the purpose of sharing community news and cultural heritage. Through the years, with the support of the community, circulation increased along with name changes to meet business needs and to reflect the style of the publication. In 2008, China Journal Indiana, Inc. obtained its 501c3 status from the State of Indiana and continues to serve the community with the free of charge bi-weekly, bi-lingual periodicals supported by sponsors and volunteers. Address: P.O. Box 852, Carmel, IN 46082-0852 Email: editor@indyaat.org or china.journal.indiana@gmail.com Website: www.indyaat.org or www.indychinesenews.com Phone: (317)-625-0623 MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to serve as a communication conduit between our readers and our community. To bring quality news, information, educational and cultural articles free of charge to our readers in the Greater Indianapolis area, its surrounding communities and beyond. To substantiate Asian American community s presence in our society through a collective voice, as well as to promote constructive citizenship. 印州华报宗旨 为印州社区提供一个时事新闻 经济及文化教育等信息的 免费信息交流平台 同时 我们与社区的各社会团体合作 增加美籍华人在印州社会的影响力 促进印地安那的国际形 象和发展 Team members are all volunteers Managing Director: Peggy Hu Editor-in-Chief: Liying Chen Staff members: Agnes Yam Wolverton Da Wei Chang Henry Fu Hong Li Pingping Xie Lily Jia Yuming Gong Hong Yin Xiao Chen Cheuk Gin Jason Zhang Biru Zhang Yuxia Wang Yu Huang Lu Wang Joanna Zhou Xu Wang The views of the columnists in IAAT are their own and do not necessary reflect the position of this publication.

焦点 论坛 HOT TOPICS 2014 年4月11日星期五 台北学运周四撤退 政治斗争暗潮汹涌 马英九撑得住吗? 作者 傅竹生 据报道 美国废弃物回收协会 (Institute ofscrap Recycling Industries)在曼德雷湾酒店及赌场 (Mandalay Bay)举行会议 希拉里(Hillary Clinton)登台演说时 遭到这名女子投掷物 体攻击 希拉里闪身躲避 没有被丢到 她 稍后还拿这件事开玩笑 当王金平院长 到立法院探视占领 立法院多日的学生 时 学生领袖一改 对马英九的敌意 学生将学运资料打包运出 立法院 (图片来源 观察者 甚至与整个政府体 制为敌的态度 对 希望乱局早日结束 鸿海集团 也就是 王院长毕恭毕敬 这其中显示学生的政 读者所熟知的富士康集团的总裁郭台铭 治立场既复杂 又简单 马英九对局势 和其他工商大老 也都大力居中协调 无能为力 王金平显然是解除这场危机 的大功臣 也是最大的赢家 奇怪的是 美国涉台单位的各色人 物 在上周连续发表 谅解学生意愿 学生的主要诉求 是反对台湾和大 但是反对非法占领政府单位 的讲话 陆的服贸定 背后当然还是台湾的政治 这其中的原因 台北媒体说是因为触 斗争 动了两岸关系 所以老美急着要开止痛 药 先立法 再协商 指的是先通 过 两岸协议监督条例 以对两岸间 其实另一重要原因 倒是因为乌克 任何协议加以监督 兰闹事闹大了 老美不愿再看到几个月 前 在乌克兰基辅发生的胡闹革命 闹 据报导 监督条例草案就有七个版 到现在美俄冷战都要从新开始 这是更 本 如果照成熟民主国家的操作 会 重要的因素 有所折衷 达成协议 然后再和大陆继 续商谈 但是如果这监督条例永远通不 学生撤了 但是国民党立即宣布对 过 以后台湾和大陆也就不再可能答任 之前王金平的党籍官司再上诉 马英九 何协议了 再和王金平开打 这暗潮汹涌的政治斗 争 马英九撑得住吗? 值得观察 除了王金平院长之外 工商界当然 2015财年H-1B申请名额已满 张哲瑞律师事务所 供稿 美国移民局在4月7日发布消息称 移民 局已经收到多于65,000个H-1B常规名额和 20,000以上留给在美国获得硕士或以上学位 的外籍申请人提交的H-1B申请 这与我们 之前预测的完全一致 即在4月的前五个工作 日 截止到在4月7日 就会收到足够多的受 名额限制的申请 移民局会先抽那些留给在美国获得硕士 或以上学位的外籍申请人的20,000个名额 然后那些没有被抽中的在美国获得硕士或以 上学位的外籍申请人的申请将会被放到常规 申请中 继续参与抽签 因此在美国获得硕 士或以上学位的外籍申请人被抽中的概率要 大于申请常规名额的外籍申请人 由于收到的申请数量很多 移民局还尚 未宣布何时开始抽签程序 按照抽签程序 移民局将用电脑随机选取65,000个常规申 请 和20,000个留给在美国获得硕士或以上 学位的外籍申请人名额 移民局将拒绝那些 没有被抽中的申请 并退回申请费 最后请注意 如果您在美国大学等高等 教育机构 非营利研究组织或政府部门的研 究机构找到了工作 或者您已有H-1B想做 延期或转换雇主或者申请第二个H-1B 您 的申请将不受名额限制 财经知识 美国税务概谈(四十六) 作者简介 Lucy Yang 17岁来美 取得会计和 市场学学士以及企业管 理硕士学位 大学期间 开始在一家会计师事务 所工作 曾连续4年为 美国税务局做义工 98 年取得美国注册会计师 执照 竭诚期待为印城 华人提供更多专业服 务 7. 小型企业为设立员工养老金所 支付的启动费用 (Small Employer Pension Plan Startup Costs) 8. 企业为员工提供的儿童看顾费 用 (Employer-provided Child Care Facilities and Services) 如果在往年支付过替代性最低税 (Alternative Minimum Tax, AMT)的纳税 人 有可能可以得到抵免额 能否得 到这个抵免额需要通过计算 而计算 的方法相对繁琐就不在这里介绍了 如果州或地方政府给了纳税人一个抵 押信贷证书 (Mortgage Credit Certificate), 就可以申报抵免额 为某些低收入的老人或残疾人员提供 的抵免额 纳税人如果支付了领养费或领养了有 特殊需要的孩子 可以申报抵免额 花费在购买合格的电力启动汽车 (Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle) 的费用能够用来申报抵免额 如果购买了燃料电池车辆 (Fuel Cell Motor Vehicle), 也能享受抵免额 持有税务局指定的某些债券 (Bond) 的纳税人可以享受抵免额 (上接前期) 1040表格的第53行是用来申报其他的抵 免额 Other Credit 一般商业抵免额 General Business Credit - 这一类型的抵免额有二十 多种 主要是给那些公司合伙人或股 东以及出租屋户主提供的税务优惠 以下列举几个相对常用的抵免额 1. 在某些指定的行业或项目上的 投资 2. 支付在合格项目上的科研经费 (Increasing Research Activities) 3. 为低收入家庭提供住处的房主 (Low Income Housing) 4. 为残疾人员提供便利所支付的费 用 (Disabled Access) 5. 雇用印第安人为职员所享受的优 惠 (Indian Employment) 6. 在合格的社区发展企业里的产权 投资 (New Markets) 未完待续 撰稿人 Lucy Yang 联络方式 lucyyang@yahoo.com (317)771-0091 3 希拉里演讲遭金发女子扔鞋 事后开玩笑逗乐观众 中新网4月11日电 据 中央社 报道 美国 前国务卿希拉里 克林顿10日在赌城拉斯维加 斯发表演说时 一名女子对她丢鞋遭到警方 逮捕 希拉里成功闪避 沉着应对 还拿这 次事件开玩笑 占领台湾立法 院的学生 在立法 院长王金平的喊 话 和答应 先立 法 再协商 的原 则下 在台北时间 星期四晚上六点 也就是印城时间星 期四的早上 撤离 立法院 暂时解除 了危机 Friday, April 11, 2014 Indy Asian American Times 安全人员随即把这名女子带出场 这名 女子表示 她丢的是鞋子 但没有向记者说 明身分 或解释为什么要这么做 当局表 示 她将遭到逮捕 希拉里是美国前总统克林顿的夫人 曾 国际政要被砸屡见不鲜 布什被扔鞋 2008年 美国前总统布什突然访问伊拉 克 并与伊拉克总理马利基签署了美国驻军 协议和两国间战略框架协议 布什在与马利 基共同举行的新闻发布会上分别发言 就在布什讲完话时 参与新闻发布会的 当地记者蒙塔兹 扎伊迪向他连扔两只鞋 布 什两次躲闪没被砸中 事件发生后 该场景 被当地各电视台不断播放 老贝脸被砸 2009年12月13日 意大利前总理贝卢斯 科尼在米兰发表演讲时突遭意外 演讲集会后 贝卢斯科尼和支持者还在 当选纽约州民主党参议员 她经常到全国各 地对企业组织发表演说 并走访民主党重要 选区 外界认为 66岁的希拉里应该是2016年 民主党总统候选人的热门人选 为希拉里 准备 (Ready For Hillary)等政治行动委员 会已成立 希望她能竞选总统 但希拉里一 直拒绝透露是否参选 希拉里将于6月10日发行最新回忆录 描 述她担任国务卿时期的心得与体验 美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报导 这本新 书对可望逐鹿白宫的希拉里来说非常重要 批评人士曾表示 她任职国务卿期间 并没 有显赫功绩 但是希拉里的知己期待将这些 年塑造为相当成功的一段时期 而这本书就 是最有力的方式 来源 搜弧新闻 不断地寒喧问候 给他们签名 突然之间有 人抓起一座米兰大教堂的模型塑像扔向他的 脸部 可以听到非常清脆的 啪 的一声 只见贝卢斯科尼 啊 的叫了一下 随即用 双手掩住口鼻 表情非常痛苦 他当时也愣住了 随后保镖簇拥着他挤 向汽车 其余的保镖也扒开人群 一拥而上 抓住袭击的男子把他制服 萨科齐遭瓶袭 2010年5月25日 法国前总统萨科齐前往 巴黎北部视察一所中学 当时萨科齐被学生们层层包围 其中一 些学生争相与总统握手 突然一个学生向萨 科齐投掷水瓶 幸好有保镖挡在他们俩的中 间 未让学生 击中目标

4 Indy Asian American Times 顶天立地 活在當下 Friday, April 11, 2014 男子汉当如是 Benny Ko 登喜玛拉雅 喜玛拉雅 我来了 RECOVERY AUTO SALES. INC 专业经销, 维修各种车辆 车型 www.recoveryautos.com Toyota. Honda. Nissan. BMW. Mercedes-Benz, Lexus. Ford. Chevrolet. Buick. Dodge. Infiniti. Mazda. Mitsubishi. Subaru.Volkswagen. Volvo. 修理项目 各种故障修理: 刹车 换机油 发动机 变速箱 减震器 水箱 长年提供拖车服务及高价收购废旧车辆 电话 317-817-9300 317-844-9452 317-427-3508 317-727-5208 地址 730 E 106th St. Indianapoli IN 46280. 106th and College Ave. Carmel Area. Life and More 2014年4月11日 星期五 子目老师艺术沙龙在印地成功举办 文: Lulu 燕草如碧丝 秦桑低绿枝 风暖鸟 声碎 日高花影重 漫漫冬日终将过 去 春日的阳光迫不及待的洒进每个 印地人的心里 2014年4月5日 印 州华报 迎着春日灿烂的阳光 为当 地的著名艺术家子目老师老师举办了 一个小型艺术沙龙 此次艺术沙龙非 常成功 当地的艺术家 科学家 商 人等各界好友 以及哥伦布市 辛辛 那提 布鲁明屯 Terre Houte 的朋友 都不远驱车来相聚 周六的下午 可 谓热闹又开心 子目老师的任何一副作品 不仅仅是 他的工艺精美 创造力独特 每一 份作品的背后的故事都非常有意义 冷铸铜的一副美女像也非常受欢迎 因为那位美女本身在现实生活中找不 到原型 他是子目老师用他对美独到 的眼光从比例 角度等方面制作出的 最完美的脸 电烙铁的作品中也有一 副这个美女全身图 用迷人都不足以 形容 电烙铁的作品是很难把握的 子目老师说 用力一些 颜色就深一 些 轻一些 就浅些 实话说 用画 子目老师是一位对于美的追求非常 子目老師解答問題 独到和精辟艺术家 他将生活中对于 美的发现和他天生的创造力完美的结 笔作画我都画不好 用电烙铁一笔喝 合在一起 创作出了各种各样的精美 成这么精美的作品 实在是令人惊 作品 他不仅画工极好 素描 水彩 叹 样样拿手 在雕塑上也是非常出色 冷铸铜 牛骨在他的手上自然也是形 一位参观的朋友说道 能认识子目 象生动 他用电烙铁都能绘出活灵活 老师并看到他的作品真是非常幸运的 现的老虎 美轮美奂的少女和生动到 一件事情 如果他不是个艺术家 就 都想亲一口的小仓鼠 当然 他还可 应该是 四川变脸 的大师啊 一位 以在CD底座的盒子上 女士在看到 思想 雕出芭蕾小妞和拉提 者 这个作品后 琴的美女等绝对上乘 非要拉起子目老师 的艺术品 的手看一看究竟和 我并不责备春天 我们普通人的手有 来参观的人们对于 它已再次出现 什么区别 为什么 他的作品赞不绝口 能雕刻出这么小却 大家驻足在每个小小 如此精制的东西 的精制的艺术品前 辛波斯卡 这是旁边一位先生 不停的感慨这是一双 也把自己的手伸了 怎样灵巧的双手和一 出来 开玩笑道 告别风景 个怎样智慧的大脑 他的手和我的都一 子目老师用牛骨雕刻 样吧 可是我们的 出了世界上最小的 脑子不一样啊 上 思想者 这个小小 帝把他造的聪明了 把我造笨了 从 的雕塑装在一个他自己制作的展览架 辛辛那提远道而来的卢刚先生也谈 里 有灯光 可以360度旋转 这个 到 此次来到印地很开心 不仅仅有 思想者 虽小 但却如麻雀一样五脏 幸欣赏了子目老师的超现实的艺术作 俱全 更为神奇的是 他在羽毛上画 品 和许多新朋友的见面也是非常愉 染出了一幅幅美美的极为生动的图和 快的 一套美国著名男女电影明星的头像 那些画在柔柔的羽毛上 看的人整个 屋外有春色 屋内有艺术 久别相 心都暖起来 逢的老朋友 有缘结识的新朋友 大 家相约相聚 一起迎来了这个迟到的 其中让大家颇为感兴趣的是一个名 春姑娘 在此也再次谢谢子目老师 为 书虫 的作品 这个作品是用一 谢谢对 印州华报 支持的新老朋 本由子目老师著作的美国教学课本作 友 让我们一起期待下一个一起相聚 为材料 先把书页用胶水精制的粘在 的日子 一起 然后用精工刀一点点雕刻出被 蛀虫啃过的样子 并在蛀虫啃过的镂 更多图片 见十二版 空处制作了一个青色的小书虫 非常 的活灵活现且有意义 小虫子如同千 千万万的学生一样 徜徉在整形教材 里 一边吸取知识 一边享受知识 Iron Sheet Royal Grill www.indianapolisjapanesesushi.com 菜肴品种 晚餐 外卖 多样自助 火锅 承办各类PARTY 热情的服务,优质的食品质量, 地道的中国味儿,合理的价格 让您成为我们最忠实的回头客! 大小鸳鸯火锅 蒙古烤肉 精美寿司 亚洲鲜味 烹 煮 蒸 炸 炖 煨 样样呈现 联系方式 营业时间 地址 : 4873 W 38th St, Indianapolis, IN 46254 Sunday Thursday 11:00 AM 09:30 PM 电话 : (317) 299-3888 Friday Saturday 11:00 AM 10:30 PM 付款方式

5 教育 攝影 Education Photography Indy Asian American Times Friday, April 11, 2014 2014 年 4月11日 星期五 常春藤, M I T 今去年录取率的比较 常春藤各校放榜了 與往年不同 受普通申 請表常春藤協定的約束 今年是常春藤難得一 見的同一天發榜日 幾家歡笑幾家愁 也只有 經歷過的家庭才能體會放榜之夜的味道 耶魯錄取率為6.26% 連續二年創新低 去 年是6.72% 哈佛的錄取率比去年微升到5.9% 但這是哈佛八年來錄取率首次沒有創新低 普林斯頓基本上是與去年的錄取率沒有區別的 7.28% 今年最大的新聞恐怕非UPenn莫屬 它 的錄取率歷史上首次低於10% 得益於其申請 人數激增了14.7% 常春藤錄取率漲幅最大的 應該是達特茅斯 從10%增到11.5% 這所擁有 向華爾街輸運人材傳統的大學似乎也受到了華 爾街寒冷冬天的影響 今年哈佛有點心虛地展開了保護她的接受率 Yield 的戰爭 這點在早期行動 EA 錄 取時表現得特別明顯 哈佛在耶魯和麻省理工 發榜之前 率先公佈早期錄取的結果 從而展 現出對學生的心理親和力 大家熟知的研究 結果表明 早期行動錄取學生的接受率遠高 於常規錄取的學生 哈佛在今年EA申請人數 下降3.4%的情況下 今年4692人 去年4856 哈佛EA錄取的人數反而增加了近11% 今年 992 去年895 這樣致使哈佛去年和今年EA 的錄取率分別為18%和21% 漲幅之明顯完全 是有策略 的 反觀 耶魯 雖 然今年早 期申請的 人數增加 了5.5% 耶魯早期 錄取率僅 比去年增 加了1.1% 為遠比 哈佛的21% 低的15.5% 看來所謂的龍頭老大也有害怕別人不來的時 候 圖四 哈佛每年的發榜 都像過節似的 冗長的評 審過程確實應該結束了 下面是今年常春藤時髦的通過Twitter歡迎新 生的圖片 左起: 作者聯繫電郵 圖一 耶魯通過Twitter歡迎2018屆新生 圖二 普林斯頓歡迎的小老虎還有截眼鏡 的 吳曉波 wu_xiaobo@hotmail. com 圖三 富蘭克林的賓夕法尼亞大學 第二届摄影比赛优秀奖作品 作者 严聪 Nikon D7000, 38mm (57mm in 35mm), f/4.4 作者 朱绪红 Canon G10, 30.5mm, f/4.5 Mono Trail 作者 田宇 Nikon D5100, 55mm (82mm in 35mm), f/4.4 作者 王海燕 作者 黎筑军 Nikon D600, 50mm, F/4.0 绚丽金秋 作者 曾微 苍劲古树, 秋意浓浓 - 秋拍小品练习 Sony DSC-F828, 1/400 sec., f/2.8, ISO:64 秋收 作者 许造齐 Canon EOS 350D, 24mm 作者: 苏媛 Nikon D80, 21mm (31mm in 35mm), f/3.7 读者可以在这个网站看到所有作品: http://www.indychinesenews.com/details/current/photo_m.html 点击 第二届摄影比赛得奖作品

6 Friday, April 11, 2014 Indy Asian American Times Community 社 区 2014 年 04 月 11 日 星 期 五 First Lady Karen Pence kicked off an art sculpture replica exchange today between the Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA) and the Museum Ludwig, located in Cologne, Germany, Indianapolis sister city. Art creates a unique cultural bond that holds no boundaries, said Pence. Indiana has carved out its place in the world of art through creations such as Robert Indiana s LOVE sculpture on display at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. We, as Hoosiers, are proud of the message the LOVE sculpture represents and recognize it has placed Indiana into the pages of pop art history. We know German viewers will look through their own cultural lens and see a story all their own. With this sculpture exchange, we are excited to share a piece of Indiana with Germany. We also look forward to sharing a piece of Germany with Hoosiers by bringing back a piece of art for display at the IMA. Art has a way of connecting us, and I m looking forward to witnessing the full potential of what this exchange may generate. In anticipation of the Governor and First Lady s departure on their trade mission next month to Germany, Dr. Charles Venable, the Melvin & Bren Simon director and chief executive officer of the First Lady Kicks Off Art Museum Sculpture Exchange Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA), presented Mrs. Pence with a replica of the iconic LOVE sculpture, an internationally-recognized work of Robert Indiana located on the grounds of the museum. She will bring the LOVE replica with her to Germany to present to the Museum Ludwig in Cologne. In exchange, the Museum Ludwig will give her a sculpture to bring back to the IMA. Both museums will showcase the sculptures as part of the exchange. It is my distinct honor to gift an authorized replica of Robert Indiana s iconic LOVE sculpture to our colleagues at the Museum Ludwig, said Venable. The original LOVE sculpture is one of the Museum s most prized possessions and a pop art icon known around the world. What better piece to express the sisterhood between Indianapolis and Cologne, Germany and the IMA and Museum Ludwig an institution known for its outstanding European and American art collections than with the gift of LOVE. I would also like to express my sincerest thanks to Mrs. Pence for arranging this exchange between our respective museums and for encouraging other cultural exchanges in the future. Source and photo: Indiana Governor s Office Style, Elegance and Wit Opens in April at The Indiana State Museum The Indiana State Museum will host a major retrospective exhibition of 60+ paintings, drawings and mixed media wall constructions by Hoosier artist James Spencer Russell (1915-2000), from April 4 to October 12, 2014. The exhibition Style, Elegance and Wit: The Art of James Spencer Russell is drawn from the Indiana State Museum permanent fine art collection and several private Indiana collectors including Steve Conant, a noted Indiana art collector. Conant will also write the forward for the exhibit catalog. James Spencer Russell was virtually unknown in his native state of Indiana, yet earned a national reputation with his work regularly featured in gallery and museum exhibitions in New York City and across the United States for more than 30 years, said Curator of Fine Art Mark Ruschman. We present an extensive assortment of both personal artifacts and artwork; chronicling Russell s entire career. Through this exhibition, we ll reintroduce the public to this uniquely talented and inventive Hoosier artist. The exhibition will feature several works that will excite the imagination, including significant works inspired by Russell s fascination with James Joyce s modern literary masterpiece, Finnegan s Wake. Programming for this exhibit will include a lecture on James Joyce s Finnegan s Wake and the historic relationship between the literary world and the visual arts. Dates for programming are still being determined. James Spencer Russell, born in Monticello, Ind., spent his early years in Kewanna, Ind. He spent most of his professional life as an artist in New York City. He studied with Raymond Johnson (Americanborn Modernist painter known for his paintings of the American Southwest) at the University of New Mexico, where he received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, and with Donald Oenlenger at Yale University in theatre set design where he received his Master of Fine Arts degree. Russell exhibited his work in New York City and all across the U.S. from 1961 to the 1990s, and was considered a pioneer of set design for conversion to color television, working at NBC Television. His oneman shows of mixed media wall constructions resulted in the inclusion of pieces in the movies Midnight Cowboy and John and Mary. An avid jazz fan, his artwork served as the design for the cover of Chico Freeman s album titled Chico. He was represented by the 57th Street gallery, Ruth White Gallery in New York City for many years and exhibited at the American Federation of the Arts, the Rhode Island School of Design and the Cleveland Museum of Art before returning to his hometown of Kewanna, Ind. THE YEARS WE CANNOT GO BACK TO - 回 不 去 的 歲 月 Carmel Arts Grants to Benefit 14 Local Arts Organizations Carmel, IN Mayor Jim Brainard has recommended awarding 14 local arts organizations with $681,400 from the City of Carmel Arts Grant Program. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the City of Carmel s financial support for local arts, which amounts to roughly 1 percent of the city budget each year. Since 2004, more than $6.8 million has allocated to support local community arts programs. These organizations are worthy of public support, which we view as an economic development tool for the city, said Mayor Brainard. Studies by the Americans for the Arts show typical visitors to an event spend close to $30 per person, per event, in addition to the cost of admission. Based on tickets sold at the Center for the Performing Arts last season, that additional spending is close to $3.5 million at local merchants and service providers. That s real money spent at our local restaurants, art galleries and other businesses. The Indiana Office of Tourism Development reported last year that tourism is the third largest industry in Hamilton County, supporting more than 10,000 jobs. For every travel dollar spent, 92 cents stays in the county. Day and overnight visitors spend $375 million annually, resulting in a total economic impact of $611 million. The study, released in December 2013, indicates that without tourism in Hamilton County, each household would pay an additional $888 a year in taxes to maintain the same government services. Following is the list of this year s recipients: Actors Theatre of Indiana - $110,000 Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre - $200,000 Carmel Arts Council - $14,900 Carmel Community Players - $15,000 Carmel Symphony Orchestra - $205,000 Central Indiana Dance Ensemble - $12,000 Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre - $45,000 Indiana Ballet Conservatory - $20,000 Indiana Wind Symphony - $12,000 Indianapolis Children s Choir - $4,000 Indianapolis Symphonic Choir - $12,000 International Talent Academy - $15,000 Museum of Miniature Houses - $13,500 Young Voices Inspire - $3,000 Total - $681,400 The list of 2014 arts grants will be formally presented to the Carmel City Council on April 21. The City Council must approve funding. Source and photo: Carmel Mayor s Office Sister Cities International 2014 Youth Leadership Summit A man s age is something impressive, it sums up his life: maturity reached slowly and against many obstacles, illnesses cured, grieves and despairs overcome, and unconscious risks taken; maturity formed through so many desires, hopes, regrets, forgotten things, loves. A man s age represents a fine cargo of experiences and memories. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 花 開 有 落 時, 人 生 容 易 老. When we reach old age, all the ordeals and struggling during our youth and middle age have finally come to the conclusion; we are able to retire and rest quietly and peacefully. Sigmund Freud wrote, One day in retrospect the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful. The warmth of the winter sun is, bit by bit, melting our lives. The mountains remain unchanged forevermore; but we cannot relive the time of the past. 青 山 依 舊 在, 幾 度 夕 陽 紅. Once we have passed the glorious years, we are in the sunset of our lives. The setting sun is spectacular, but the twilight is approaching. 夕 陽 無 限 好, 只 是 近 黄 昏. We can hold on to the beautiful memories of spring, the warm summer experience, and the rich autumn harvest. And in the leisurely winter of our lives, we feel the pride of age. We do not have the impetuousness of youth, and the haste of middle age. We have the serenity, calmness and happiness of old age. Moreover, we are no longer perturbed by academic pressures and working hard to make a living, as well as the temptation of fame and fortune. We enjoy the quietude, peace and beauty of the life of the golden age. Life is like a painting, the older the more connotation. Life is like a bottle of wine, the older the tastier. Nevertheless, if we let our spirit be free, we can remain youthful in our heart and soul. Albert Camus, a French philosopher and Nobel laureate in literature, wrote, In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. The following is my translation of a beautiful and eloquent Chinese article I read on the Internet: THE TIME WE CANNOT GO BACK TO When we are old, we cannot go back to that swiftly passing time of our youth; and we cannot go back to those wasted years. When we are old, the sun is still warmly shining on the trees. Can we sit serenely under a shady tree, listening to the quiet sound of the blooming flowers? When we are old, the world will be prettier. We will stroll along the old path on which we had been rushing hurriedly in the past, reminiscing all the happenings and endeavors over those years. In our mind, is it gratifying or melancholy? When we are old, our children have grown up. Bathed in the warm winter sunshine, we cannot make out that passing familiar figure in our mind. We cannot recall those unforgettable memories. Time can change everything, including our faces and bodies. We no longer possess a child s smiling face or the beauty of youth. We understand that solitude, loneliness and agony of failure are indispensable life spices. Treat them nicely is to treat the truth of life nicely. ` Dr. Patrick Lau was born in Hong Kong and immigrated to the U.S. after high school. He retired from the VA Northern Indiana Heath Care System where he served as Chief Radiologist and moved to Florida with his wife in 2011. He was an active member & contributor of IACA and ICMA while in Indiana. Dr. Lau is also a scholar of art and literature and a prolific writer, he has been a dedicated columnist for Indy Asian American Times since 2010. When we are old, we are hobbling, and our eyes are dry and our vision deteriorating. Then, we ardently hope that someone will accompany us walking down the road; standing by us, never tired of listening to our endless stories. When we are old, we will face loneliness and seclusion. We will no longer have juvenile intemperateness and youth s romance; nonetheless we will have better understanding of the meaning of life. We will say kind words, and we will act truthfully. Then, we will savor a cup of good tea, and enjoy listening to a golden oldie. And we look forward to a beautiful encounter in our next life. When we are old, we instinctively yearn for returning to the nature s embrace. Then all of our love and all of our feelings will be assimilated into the infinite of the great nature. And only then, we will be in the mood, and we will have the time. Quietly, we will appreciate the beauty and harmony of nature. When we are old, our mind will be like a calm lake without waves. We will tranquilly look up at the blue sky. We acknowledge that we have led an ordinary life. Nonetheless, during the past in life, as long as we have struggled and pursued our dreams and ideals, it would not hurt even if we encountered failures. When we are old, we will cherish love; we will cherish family relationships and friendships. At dusk, we will treasure every dawn. When we are old, looking back, we will recall the bitter sweet in our life; we will just smile at it. With our smile, the many beautiful moments and the many hardships will be gone with the wind. The life cycle encompasses the time when flowers bloom and when they fade. When flowers bloom, they bloom vibrantly; when they fade and fall, the ground is covered with multicolor petals, though. Thus there is no regret of our youth. Having experienced so many vicissitudes of life, even if we fall down, we have walked through this road of the youth. Regardless of our success, failure, poverty, richness, pain or happiness, we will give forth our inspiration to the people who follow our path. Victor Hugo wrote, When grace is joined with wrinkles, it is adorable. There is an unspeakable dawn in happy old age. 但 得 夕 陽 無 限 好, 何 须 惆 悵 近 黄 昏. While we are enjoying the fabulous sunset, we should not be disconsolate about the approaching twilight. Nikolai Ostrovsky: Man s dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past. 奧 斯 特 洛 夫 斯 基 : 人 最 寶 貴 的 東 西 是 生 命. 生 命 對 於 我 們 只 有 一 次, 一 個 人 的 生 命 應 當 這 樣 度 過, 當 他 回 首 往 事 的 時 候, 他 不 因 虛 度 年 華 而 悔 恨, 也 不 因 碌 碌 無 為 而 羞 愧. Sister Cities International welcomes all students (ages 14-18) to participate in the 2014 Youth Leadership Summit from July 31 to August 2 in San Jose, California. The summit is designed to engage youth by exposing them to important global challenges and the ways in which different national issues drive international cooperation on critical issues. Participants will conduct a simulation of the G20 Summit, the premier forum for international economic development that promotes open and constructive discussion between industrial and emerging-market countries on key issues related to global economic stability. Indianapolis Sister Cities provides two full scholarships (registration and airfare) for students attending Marion County Schools. Visit indy.gov/globalindy (Sister Cities/ K-12 Education) for further Information. Walker on the Roof: A Journal of Himalayan Trekking and Self-Discovery (1) Dr. Benny Ko is a native of Hong Kong. He is a retired radiologist and a long time residence of Indianapolis since the 1960 s. Dr. Ko is a frequent traveler and a very passionate hiker. He also serves as the lead organizer of the IACA hiking club. Dr. Ko enjoys sharing his adventures to others! The team rendezvoused in Kathmandu uneventfully. We are now eager and ready for the one hour flight the next morning that would take us into the lower reach of the Khumpu Valley where trekking to the Everest Base Camp will begin. Team members have been coming in from all corners of the world in the preceding days. Marek, the owner of the adventure-touring company, CrewTrek, inc., started from Seattle, Washington and came by way of Turkey, then India, before finally touching down in Nepal. Raul is from Chicago where he works and lives and he came through the Pacific. This is his second trip to the Himalayas in as many years. He loves his previous journey so much that unhesitatingly, has signed up for an encore. Winston is an eminent attorney and a childhood friend since our kindergarten days; he came from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A while back, I had mentioned to him about the trip and surprise of surprises, found that he also harbors the same wish of seeing the Everest on his bucket list. At 67, we both realize it is pretty much a nowor-never proposition, and he came on board without much need for persuasion. I am from Indianapolis, Indiana, a retired physician and a gypsy at heart. I was the first to arrive in Nepal and have spent the previous week hiking around the lake district of Pokhara before coming back to Kathmandu. On our respective arrival, each was greeted warmly by Domi, our chief Sherpa guide and a most gracious local host. Marek, born in Gadansk, Poland, escaped from the then communist nation and landed eventually on our shore when he was18. Mountaineering being the passion of his life, he promptly settled in the state of Washington where magnificent mountains are abound, waiting to be scaled. I met him on a flight about a dozen or so years earlier when he asked whether I am a mountaineer after spotting what was a pair of crampons in my carry-on bag. A conversation ensued and obviously he was the real McCoy while I, just a novice. We kept up a correspondence for a while that eventually became quiescent until I received recently A familiar sighting in Nepal an internet advertisement of the trekking company that he has founded three years ago. As a trek leader, Marek is not unlike a seasoned army sergeant ready to lead a bunch of green troopers into battle. On treks that he leads, may it be Mt. Kilimanjaro of Africa, the Inca Trail in Peru or in this case, the Everest Base Camp, he takes it much upon himself to see that everyone could accomplish his/her goal and return in one piece. Before we went out for lunch and to do last-minute shopping, we have to lay out all our gears on the bed for his inspection, followed by his recommendation as to what additional items might need to be acquired. He would also inform us what emergency medications he would carry and provide. Very little was left to guessing or to chance. That evening, having made sure everyone s gear is packed and ready for an early departure, Marek suggests a lavish last supper that turns out to be a presciently poor choice of term. He says that we shall find food along with everything else in the high country, to be spartan and repetitive. Most meals will be the national dish of dahl-baht. Dahl is bean and baht is rice in the Nepali language. On odd days, it will be beans on rice and on even days, rice on beans. Chili sauce may occasionally be available at a small additional charge and it should be grabbed up fast as it is always in long demand and short supply. Fine then, so for the evening we settled for a second floor Chinese Sichuan restaurant. Why the particular pick? The fearless leader, Marek, says that place seems to be a favorite eatery among the local Chinese merchants, so how wrong could that be? Indulge we did, six dishes in all for five people, including a fish in a hotpot. It turns out to be a fateful choice that nearly ended my trip, as well as Marek s, before it even has a chance to start. To be continued. Indy Asian American Times Web Site: www.indyaat.org Email: editor@indyaat.org China.journal.indiana@gmail.com P.O. Box 852, Carmel, IN 46082-0852

2014 年 04 月 11 日 星 期 五 Business and Perspective 经 济 / 論 談 Friday, April 11, 2014 Indy Asian American Times 7 Pilots Turn Down Republic Contract Proposal A group of more than 2,200 pilots working for Indianapolis-based Republic Airways Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: RJET) has rejected a proposed labor agreement. Union leadership previously agreed to a tentative, four-year deal in February. Lilly Presenting Data on Key Therapies Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co. (NYSE: LLY) is at a major medical conference presenting earlystage data on a number of potential treatments in its cancer pipeline. The company is detailing research on therapies to treat lung, breast, colorectal, gastric and liver diseases during the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting in California. Universities on Best Business Schools List A national publication has included four universities in the state on its annual Best Undergraduate Business Schools list. The University of Notre Dame was once again ranked at the top by Bloomberg Businessweek. Can Bicycles Help Attract Talent? Another step has been taken to help make downtown Indianapolis more attractive for professionals. The Pacers Bikeshare initiative will include more than two dozen stations along the city s cultural trail, which organizers say could be a key asset in helping area businesses draws top talent. The program is receiving support through contributions from the Herbert Simon Family Foundation. The bikes will feature the Indiana Pacers team colors. Pence Details Major Moves 2020 Projects Governor Mike Pence has instructed the Indiana State Budget Agency to release $200 million in Major Moves 2020 highway construction funding. The money will be used to expand heavily-traveled sections of Interstate 65 that are nearly 50 years old. The General Assembly approved access to $400 million for the transportation infrastructure program. The additional $200 million can be released after December s revenue forecast and Budget Committee review. State to Study Urban Potential An upcoming study by the Indiana Economic Development Corp. will examine how to make Indiana s cities more attractive to potential investors. Governor Mike Pence s Senior Policy Director Ryan Streeter says the report will focus on issues such as quality of life and industrial site improvements as well as the potential for public-private partnerships. The study is required by a law passed by the General Assembly this year and is scheduled to be complete by October. Beck s Announces $60 Million Expansion Atlanta-based Beck s Hybrids is planning a $60 million expansion at its Hamilton County headquarters. The seed company says it will also grow production, research and distribution operations and add up to 100 jobs by 2017. Beck s currently has around 290 full-time workers in Indiana. The expansion should be complete in three to four years. Mr. Kim is the Chief Operation Officer and Chief Compliance Officer for Kirr Marbach & Co. LLC, an investment adviser based in Columbus IN. Please visit www. kirrmar.com. If you re an Amazon shopper, you ve undoubtedly noticed it has started collecting Indiana s 7% sales tax. This momentous change occurred quietly and without fanfare, just after the New Year s ball dropped in Times Square. Amazon s fans know it as the customer-friendly, highly-efficient Everything Store, able to have goods miraculously appear on your doorstep with its patented 1-Click shopping. Founder and CEO Jeff Bezos public persona is that of a congenial nerd, happy to share Amazon s latest R&D project, like the delivery drone he showed off on 60 Minutes. Don t let stylized smile on Amazon s logo fool you. In a 2013 cover story, Fortune magazine described Amazon as a brass-knuckled battler for every penny of competitive advantage. As state treasurers can attest, that portrayal is both welldeserved and important to understanding the rise of Amazon. As an aside, go to www.relentless.com and see where it takes you. Every retailer with a physical presence (the legal term is nexus ) in one of the 45 states with a sales tax collects that tax. When you make a purchase from a traditional brick-and-mortar store, the merchant collects sales tax. Similarly, if you make an online purchase from a retailer having a traditional store in your state, the merchant also collects sales tax. Naturally, online merchants unburdened by collecting sales tax have a huge competitive advantage. Support Grows For Football Safety Initiative Indianapolis-based USA Football has landed a fiveyear, $45 million grant from the National Football League Foundation. The organizations say the funds will bring the Heads Up Football safety program to about 10,000 youth leagues around the country. The move comes as the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association, which represents over 25,000 middle and high school athletic officials, has announced its endorsement of the program. Museum to Open CityWay Gallery The Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art says it will open gallery space at The Alexander hotel in the CityWay neighborhood. The free exhibition is scheduled to open in September. Ruling Favors Lilly Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co. (NYSE: LLY) has cleared a key legal hurdle. A U.S. District Court has ruled in favor of Lilly s vitamin dosage regimen patent for its cancer treatment Alimta. Lilly now has intellectual property protection for the drug until 2022. State Settles With Stage Company The Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Administration has announced details of a settlement with Greenfield-based Mid America Sound Corp. The company has agreed to pay $50,000 in penalties and has implemented additional employee training. The deal is a result of an IOSHA investigation into the 2011 State Fair stage collapse. International Shipping Season Begins The international shipping season is now underway along the St. Lawrence Seaway, opening the flow of ships to locations along the Great Lakes including the Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor. State officials reported a year-over-year cargo increase at the three Indiana ports during 2013. Indiana Reports Population Growth Indiana s population growth rate has increased for the first time in six years. U.S. Census Bureau estimates, analyzed by Indiana University s Kelley School of Business, show Hamilton and Boone counties had the highest growth rates in 2013. Former Treasury Secretary Donates to IU The Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs has announced the largest private donation in its history. Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Paul O Neil has given $3 million to the school. He earned a master s degree from the forerunner of SPEA in 1966. Potential For Cummins in Indy Off The Charts Plans by Columbus-based Cummins Inc. (NYSE: CMI) to locate a division headquarters in Indianapolis could be the final piece of the Market Square Arena site puzzle. The building, expected to open in 2016, will leave the former high-profile site fully developed. Indianapolis Deputy Mayor Deron Kintner says the potential long-term benefits of the project are off the charts. Cummins plans to house 400 workers in the new development. Amazon: How Goliath bullied its way to retail dominance China Business Proficiency Series: Successful Investment Strategies with China Customers are supposed to remit sales tax on purchases, even if the merchant doesn t collect the tax. Most don t. States lost about $23 billion in uncollected sales taxes in 2012, about half from online sales. The stakes are enormous for traditional retailers and state coffers. As Fortune reported, states pushed hard to prove online retailers had nexus, while Amazon fought tooth-and-nail to deny it. In fact, Amazon was obsessed with avoiding nexus long before Bezos opened the doors to his virtual store in 1995. Bezos chose Seattle for Amazon s headquarters, partly because Washington had a relatively small population that would be subject to collection of sales tax. As Amazon grew, it needed to expand its network of distribution centers. No avoid nexus, these were owned by separate legal entities. Amazon even went so far as to restrict employees travel and activities, which it feared could create nexus. With budgets squeezed, some states asserted distribution centers and/or retailers affiliated with Amazon located within the state constituted nexus. Amazon threatened to close distribution centers (costing thousands of jobs) and terminate affiliates (cutting off income for thousands). Many states cowered and agreed to put efforts to compel Amazon to collect sales tax on hold for several years. In 2007, Indiana made a deal with Amazon, trading the building of distribution centers for the promise not to push for online sales tax collection. Former Governor Mitch Daniels unveiled an agreement in January 2012 that Amazon would voluntarily begin collecting sales tax on online purchases on January 1, 2014. For traditional retailers, it s a case of too little, too late. Amazon used its sales tax advantage for more than a decade to crush competition. Now that it has become the default choice for many consumers, its bludgeon is product selection and distribution. Ironically, Amazon now supports the collection of sales tax. If you re an online retailer, Amazon will help you collect it, for a fee. The America China Society of Indiana (ACSI) cordially invites you to the latest installment of the China Business Proficiency Series on April 18th in Indianapolis! This April s topic, Successful Investment Strategies with China, examines the challenges and opportunities of foreign direct investment citing two major Indiana-based case studies from a first-hand perspective. Speakers: Harrison Ding, President & Chairman of Global Caravan Technologies C. H. Douglas, Managing Director of Red Wing Capital Date: Friday, April 18, 2014 Time: 8:30 am Registration 9:30 am Program Begins 11:00 am Networking Session Location: Ivy Tech Community College 2535 North Capitol Ave. Indianapolis, Ind. To RSVP: please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/acsis-china-business-proficiency-series-indianapolistickets-10575538721 www.americachinasociety.com Joanna Zhou ( 周 娜 ),recently moved to Indianapolis with her husband from Beijing, where she worked in human resources for a U.S. fortune 500 company. She is absolutely loving her new life and all her new friends in Indianapolis. IAAT welcomes Joanna as our newest columnist. Australian vessel detects signals consistent to aircraft black box An Australian vessel searching the missing Malaysian flight 370 has detected electronic pulse signals probably related to the black box in the Indian Ocean during the past 24 hours. However, the current unsuccessful effort to reacquire the signal later suggests the battery may finish in a very short time, the search official and U.S. Navy technician said on Monday. 马 来 西 亚 飞 机 失 踪 最 新 消 息 : 澳 方 发 现 两 次 脉 冲 信 号 与 黑 匣 子 信 号 相 符 澳 大 利 亚 联 合 协 调 中 心 负 责 任 休 斯 敦 7 日 说, 澳 方 的 海 盾 号 船 昨 天 侦 测 到 两 次 水 下 脉 冲 信 号, 发 现 信 号 的 水 域 水 深 约 4500 米, 初 步 认 为 与 黑 匣 子 信 号 相 符, 但 仍 需 进 一 步 确 认 他 说, 确 认 此 前 探 测 到 的 脉 冲 信 号 是 否 属 于 失 踪 客 机 可 能 仍 需 几 天 的 时 间 SW China quake injures 26, rescue continues The number of people confirmed as injured in Saturday morning s earthquake in southwest China s Yunnan Province has risen to 26, as the rescue operation goes on. Five severely injured people are in stable conditions, as relief efforts following the 5.3-magnitude quake continue on Sunday in Yongshan County, the quake epicenter, an official with the county government s information office said. The quake hit the county, with an epicenter 13 km deep, at 6:40 a.m. on Saturday, affecting 68,600 residents, of whom 21,000 had to be relocated. 云 南 昭 通 地 震 : 已 致 26 人 受 伤 救 援 工 作 继 续 云 南 省 昭 通 市 永 善 县 ( 北 纬 28.1 度, 东 经 103.6 度 )5 号 发 生 5.3 级 地 震, 震 源 深 度 约 13 公 里 据 前 方 工 作 组 初 步 核 实, 截 至 5 日 17 时, 地 震 已 造 成 25 人 受 伤, 已 全 部 送 往 医 院 救 治, 民 房 受 损 844 户 2731 间, 倒 塌 43 户 75 间,6 个 乡 镇 48 所 学 校 不 同 程 度 受 损 目 前, 被 损 毁 电 力 交 通 通 讯 设 施 已 全 部 抢 通 修 复, 已 往 灾 区 调 拨 帐 篷 650 顶, 紧 急 转 移 安 置 2.1 万 人 据 当 地 媒 体 报 道, 住 在 永 善 县 城 的 一 些 居 民 称, 地 震 发 生 时 晃 动 非 常 明 显, 持 续 时 间 不 长, 目 前 街 道 上 秩 序 正 常 Bird Flu war Hangzhou announced on Feb. 15 it would permanently stop live poultry trade in the city proper. The measure had already been in place as a temporary Indianapolis On April 3 2014, Governor Mike Pence directed the State Budget Agency to release funding for the Major Moves 2020 highway construction program. Pence joined House Speaker Brian Bosma to announce initial plans for investing up to $400 million in the next generation of highway expansion. Last week, Governor Pence signed HEA 1002 into law. The legislation invest $200 million in projects immediately and allows Indiana to expand heavilytraveled sections of four-lane interstates two lanes in each direction that are now approaching 50 years of age. Initial design-build contracts will be bid later this year for: I-65 between State Road 44 near Franklin and Southport Road in Indianapolis I-65 in the Lafayette area from State Road 38 to State Road 26 Following December s revenue forecast and Budget Committee review, the new law allows the state to release $200 million for additional interstate ban since Jan. 24, a week before the Spring Festival, China s lunar New Year. Hangzhou is one of Chinese cities stepping up control of the live poultry trade as the number of human H7N9 bird flu infections continues to rise. 禽 流 感 之 战 杭 州 于 2 月 15 日 宣 布 永 久 性 暂 停 市 区 范 围 内 的 活 禽 交 易 在 正 式 宣 布 此 决 定 之 前, 杭 州 与 春 节 前 的 一 周 已 经 开 始 尝 试 试 点 操 作 随 着 禽 流 感 感 染 人 数 的 上 升, 这 是 又 一 中 国 内 地 城 市 作 出 的 升 级 举 措 Boao Forum 2014 to be held in April The Boao Forum for the Asia Annual Conference 2014 will be held from April 8 to 11, with a theme of Asia s New Future: Identifying New Growth Drivers, the forum s secretary-general Zhou Wenzhong said on Wednesday. The opening ceremony is scheduled for April 10, and the secretariat has extended an invitation to Chinese leaders, and will also invite a number of foreign leaders, Zhou said at a news conference in Beijing. 博 鳌 论 坛 开 幕 博 鳌 论 坛 将 于 8 日 在 海 南 开 幕 论 坛 秘 书 长 周 文 重 此 前 在 接 受 新 华 社 记 者 书 面 采 访 时 说, 亚 洲 奇 迹 和 新 兴 经 济 体 多 年 来 的 快 速 发 展, 很 大 程 度 上 受 益 于 全 球 化 和 产 业 转 移 如 今 全 球 经 济 复 苏 仍 不 确 定, 新 兴 市 场 和 亚 洲 多 数 经 济 体 增 长 放 缓, 亟 需 通 过 结 构 性 改 革, 发 现 和 释 放 新 的 增 长 动 力 作 为 亚 洲 重 要 高 端 对 话 平 台 之 一, 本 届 博 鳌 亚 洲 论 坛 将 主 题 确 定 为 亚 洲 的 新 未 来 : 寻 找 和 释 放 新 的 发 展 动 力 China s external financial assets near 6 trillion U.S. dollars China s external financial assets amounted to 5.94 trillion U.S. dollars at the end of 2013, data from the country s forex regulator showed on Friday. The figure was up from 5.21 trillion U.S. dollars in 2012, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange said, while stressing that China will strive to make the balance of international payments at an equilibrium level and prevent the risk of across-border capital flows. The country s external liability rose to 3.97 trillion U.S. dollars, while the net external financial assets 1.97 trillion U.S. dollars. 中 国 最 新 外 债 余 额 超 8600 亿 美 元 短 期 风 险 可 控 中 国 国 家 外 汇 管 理 局 3 月 31 日 公 布 的 数 据 显 示, 截 至 2013 年 12 月 末, 中 国 外 债 余 额 为 52625 亿 元 人 民 币, 相 当 于 8631.67 亿 美 元, 这 一 数 字 不 包 括 香 港 澳 门 特 区 和 台 湾 地 区 对 外 负 债 其 中,2013 年 中 国 新 借 入 中 长 期 外 债 ( 签 约 期 限 )3119 亿 元 人 民 币, 偿 还 中 长 期 外 债 本 金 ( 签 约 期 限 )2067 亿 元 人 民 币, 支 付 利 息 209 亿 元 人 民 币 整 体 上 看, 最 主 要 的 债 务 人 为 中 资 金 融 机 构, 其 债 务 占 总 额 的 一 半 其 余 债 务 人 按 其 债 务 占 比 高 低 依 次 为 : 外 商 投 资 企 业 外 资 金 融 机 构 国 务 院 部 委 中 资 企 业 Governor Pence Launches Major Moves 2020 Construction Plan Pence, Speaker Bosma Announce Plans to Invest up to $400 Million A Chinese Girl s Feeling in Normandy Ada Yu 俞 姝 含 is a graduate student at IU Bloomington, School of Journalism. Her current curriculum focus is on Visual Communication, International Communication, Mass Media Research and Media and International Affairs. She received her BA from Zhejiang University of Media and Communication in 2013. In the past Spring break, I traced a famous Indiana war correspondent Ernie Pyle s footstep from London to Paris. The tour in Normandy was definitely the highlight of this trip. You may expect a beach with wide sea, blue sky and flying seagulls. These characteristics of beach exactly appear on these beaches in Normandy, Utah beach and Omaha beach, which you may agree are beautiful and ordinary if there was no war in 1944. The weather at March 19th, 2014 in Normandy was too good to trace D Day the day of the Normandy landings, when the Western Allied initiated the effort to liberate mainland Europe from Nazi occupation during World War II. Although the wind was strong and it almost blew off my hat, it was still not even close to the weather of D Day with heavy rain and strong wind. The rusty barbed wire fences, deep and big holes in the ground and suffocating dark, wet German bunkers are still there, telling me the horrible stories happened 70 years ago. However, the sign of D Day is not obvious in Omaha beach, where almost 11,000 American soldiers died in June 6, 1944. The big monument and sculpture fail to evoke much impression of the war in this beautiful beach. Omaha beach is too broad to keep the history. The tide comes and goes, taking people back to the tragic day. It is hard to imagine how this beach was reddened with blood. My heart hurt from even thinking of soldiers shooting and being shot on the beach at that day. Many young American soldiers didn t make it to the mountain and slept on this cold beach forever. Sarcastically, it seems impossible to tell those children who were building sandy castles on the beach about what happened here 70 years ago. They may not even be able to count from 1 to 70. While in Utah beach, our tour guide Helen said that one reason of German army s defeat in D Day was because they ran out of ammunitions. It is not hard to guess where did the ammunitions go. The American I-65 in the Lafayette area from State Road 26 to State Road 25 I-69 from State Road 37 in Fishers to State Road 13 in Madison County I-65 from Sellersburg (Exit 9) to Memphis (Exit 16) in Clark County Total funding of $400 million invested within one year is expected to support more than 9,800 jobs for Hoosiers. Last year Governor Pence also dedicated hundreds of millions in additional dollars for Indiana s roads and bridges. Since 2013, under the governor s leadership, the state has made a total of $800 million in new money available for roads and bridges, including $200 million for local governments. Governor Pence also marked the ceremonial start to highway construction season by proclaiming April 7-11 as Work Zone Awareness Week in Indiana. Drivers are urged to join the Indiana Department of Transportation and its contractors in improving highway work zone safety. and English cemeteries can give you the answer. Do you remember what did you do when you were 18 or 20 years old? Or, do you have a plan in your 30s? I bet the soldiers who were buried in Normandy did have some plans for the future just as you and me. But their plans will never come true. Being one of the very few Asians in Normandy today, I saw the pain of war for the Allies and the sorrow of Germany as well. Many American young men went to the army because it was the easiest way to earn money at that time. They would have enough food, be dressed and send money back home to support their families. They could even earn the money for their marriages. However, many of them ended their short lives in Normandy and never came back. And why did the German boys attend the war? They came to fulfill their belief of Hitler and followed the order to kill people. Plenty of German soldiers were buried in Normandy too. Mostly two or three soldiers share one small tombstone. There are even four or five names in one single tombstone. Many tombstones don t have those soldiers names. You can only see Ein Deutcher Soldat or Zwei Deutcher Soldat. I met a group of German middle school students following their tour guide in German cemetery. I couldn t understand what the tour guide said to them. Neither could I assert what the students were thinking according to their regretful face. I didn t know whether they were feeling regretful for their ancestors crime in the war or being sad about their death. But I supposed they might feel sorry for the death of Ally soldiers as the way as my American classmates felt sorry for the death of German soldiers. The large amount of gravestones in an American cemetery reminds me of more than 3.6 million Chinese soldiers, who died in Anti-Japanese War from 1937 to 1945. I haven t visited any cemetery in China, which is a great shame. I didn t see any other Asian faces in Normandy. Although I m not sure if I was the only Asian there on that day, it is obvious that Normandy is not a popular place for Asian tourists. It may be because we concentrate on the war happened in our own country at the same time. Doubtlessly, Normandy has fewer tourists than any other cities we ve been to during this trip. But the effect of World War II has been fading out. North Atlantic Ocean barrages Americans footstep in memory of the painful but proud war. The pain of war for the people around the world is the same. I plugged a flower on the ground and put it under an 18 years old Indiana boy s tombstone, hoping that I could have the chance to go to a Chinese cemetery someday and send my respect to those martyrs. Indy Asian American Times Web Site: www.indyaat.org Email: editor@indyaat.org China.journal.indiana@gmail.com P.O. Box 852, Carmel, IN 46082-0852