一 方案簡介 科技部海外人才橋接方案 (LIFT, Leaders in Future Trends)(LIFT2.0) 109 年度徵件辦法 在目前全球人才競逐趨勢下, 為回應臺灣產學研各界對前瞻科研領 域人才需求及海外人才歸國期待, 並配合政府推動 前瞻基礎建設 及 產業創新領域, 科技部自 1

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(4) 申請人 109 年尚於國外就讀博士學位, 但可在 109 年底畢業, 並可提供國外大學出具口試及論文審查通過之臨時學歷證明文件, 並於取得博士學位證書後, 提供相關文件供本部查核 3. 符合前開學經歷資格 (4) 雖可申請 LIFT2.0 返 / 來臺交流 ; 惟如通過審查, 將不補助返 / 來臺來回機票, 僅補助參加 10 天 海外學人國內交流會 之食宿交通 4. 交流期間已接受科技部其他補助者不得申請本方案 三 申請方式 1. 申請人請至本方案人才交流網站線上申請並完成使用帳號註冊, 網址 :https://lifttaiwan.stpi.narl.org.tw 2. 本方案第 1 梯次收件截止日期為 109 年 7 月 31 日 ( 五 ) 中午 12:00( 臺北時間 GMT+08:00), 請於截止日前詳實完整填寫線上申請資料 ( 包含學經歷 自傳等 ), 並上傳下列文件 : (1) 國內外學歷證明 (2) 就業媒合申請書, 內容須包含相關有利於審查之項目, 如 : 最近 2 年內參與研究或工作之經驗及成果 所具備專長對臺灣科技發展之必要性及可能貢獻 求職規劃 ( 含求職方向及希望任職產業 / 機構之範疇及領域 ) (3) 於申請截止日前, 最近 2 年內在國外就學 / 就業證明, 或者近 3 年出入境證明 3. 申請文件不全 不符合規定者或逾期申請者, 不予受理 四 甄選方式 : 109 年度本方案甄選審查流程共分為初審與複審, 將邀請相關領域產學界專家實質審查, 並視需要透過電話或視訊訪談 2

五 名單公告 : 第 1 梯次入選名單於 109 年 8 月 14 日 ( 五 ) 在本方案網站公告 第 2 梯次預定於 109 年 10 月上旬前在本方案網站公告入選名單 六 海外學人國內交流會 : 109 年度本方案預計辦理兩梯次 海外學人國內交流會, 第 1 梯次預定於 109 年 10 月 19 日 ( 一 ) 至 109 年 10 月 28 日 ( 三 ) 舉辦, 第 2 梯次預定於 109 年 12 月 14 日 ( 一 ) 至 109 年 12 月 23 日 ( 三 ) 舉辦 主辦單位將保留實際辦理時程調動之權利並於計畫網站公告 七 補助方式及配套措施 : 1. 獲選返 / 來臺參加 海外學人國內交流會 者, 本方案將提供返 / 來臺交流之機票補助金, 以參加者本人單次來回經濟艙機票補助為限, 僅提供自居住地或工作地來回臺灣最直接航程之機票費用 ; 且須提供電子機票 登機證及購票證明共計 3 項領據資料辦理後續撥付 但如自第三地來臺灣者, 則以第三地來回臺灣機票核銷, 且其補助金額不得高於自居住地或工作地來回臺灣最直接航程之機票費用, 相關補助辦法另於計畫網站公告 2. 獲選返 / 來臺參加 海外學人國內交流會 者, 本方案將安排專業交流活動 國家建設及國內產學研機構參觀, 以及舉辦人才交流媒合會等 ( 共計為期 10 天 ), 活動期間將提供免費住宿 飲食及交通服務安排, 不另支付其他費用 八 權利義務 : 1. 申請人接獲入選參加 第 1 梯次 海外學人國內交流會 者, 若因臨時有事須改參加 第 2 梯次, 最晚須於公告入選日後 15 天內通知 LIFT 計畫辦公室, 逾期需重新提出返 / 來臺申請 2. 補助經費僅限參加該年度活動 海外學人於參加該梯次之 海外學人國內交流會 報到當日前與本計畫辦公室簽定計畫約定書, 因故無法出席交流會或無法完成簽約者, 視同放棄本方案所有權利 3

3. 返 / 來臺參加 海外學人國內交流會 期間, 海外學人應全程參加所有交流活動, 未全程參與者將停止撥補返 / 來臺交流機票補助金 惟於返 / 來臺交流會期間, 獲產學研界延聘, 檢附相關就職証明後, 雖未全程參與仍可申請機票全額補助 4. 海外學人若於在臺交流期間獲產學研界延聘, 應通報 LIFT 專案計畫辦公室 並提出相關獲聘證明後, 經專案辦公室同意即可提出停止參加後續交流會活動 5. 海外學人在臺交流期間, 若有違反我國法令 返 / 來臺前已在臺灣有專任職務或其他不配合之情事, 將保留解約權利 6. 海外學人於交流期滿或提前終止時, 應依合約書規定繳交 國內交流成果報告書, 並於獲得補助之後 2 年內應配合本方案之電話或書面調查, 以追蹤本方案成效 九 其他注意事項 : 1. 本公告如有未盡事宜, 得隨時修訂公布之, 或依合約書及其他有關規定辦理 2. LIFT 計畫辦公室聯絡方式專線 :+886-2-2737-7956 林先生 ;+886-2-2737-7746 林小姐 Email:lift@stpi.narl.org.tw 4

Ministry of Science and Technology Leaders in Future Trends (LIFT 2.0) Program 2020 Selection Process I. Program Overview To strengthen Taiwan's position in the current global competition for talent, meet the need for scientific research manpower in Taiwan, attract talent back to Taiwan from overseas, and support the government's forward-looking infrastructure development and industrial innovation policies, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) initiated the Leaders in Future Trends (LIFT 1.0) Program in 2017. With the goals of stimulating industrial innovation and fostering technological leaps, this program has sought to recruit talent individuals from Taiwan studying and working aboard to contribute their expertise in Taiwan. Building on the foundation of LIFT 1.0, the 2020 LIFT Program 2.0 ("this Program") seeks to provide a platform for the establishment of connections between overseas talent and Taiwan s industries, universities, and research institutes through both online and offline activities. Under this Program, qualified overseas talent will receive round-trip airfare and full subsidies for meals and accommodation in Taiwan. Arrangements will be made for participants to attend the "Leaders in Future Trends O2O Conference," and they will have opportunities to meet face-to-face with domestic firms, universities, and research organizations with the goal of finding employment opportunities in Taiwan. II. Eligibility 1. Applicants must be under 45 years of age (born after January 1, 1975). 2. Academic and work qualifications (must be in one of the following four categories): (1) Possesses a doctoral degree from a foreign university listed on the Ministry of Education s "Reference List of Foreign Universities" and has at least 2 years of paying work experience at the applicant's last job outside Taiwan. Higher precedence will be given to applicants with degrees/expertise in fields connected with the Ten Major Innovative Industries: green energy technology, biomedicine, smart machinery, national defense and aerospace, new agriculture, circular economy, DIGI+, cultural technology, IC design, and semiconductor industry. (2) Possesses a master's degree from a foreign university listed on the Ministry of Education s "Reference List of Foreign Universities" and has at least 3 years of relevant overseas work experience in the field of artificial intelligence. (3) Possesses a doctoral degree from a domestic university, has at least 3 years of overseas work experience, and is still overseas at the time of application. 5

(4) Applicants who are currently enrolled in an overseas Ph.D. program and plan to graduate before the end of 2020 may submit proof issued by the overseas university that they have passed their oral defense and dissertation review. Once they have received a doctoral degree certificate, applicants must submit a copy to MOST for review. 3. Although applicants who possess the qualification listed in (4) above may apply to return/come to Taiwan for academic exchanges under LIFT 2.0, if they pass review, they will receive subsidies only for meals, accommodations, and transportation while participating in the 10-day 2020 "Leaders in Future Trends O2O Conference," and will not receive a subsidy for their airfare to and from Taiwan. 4. Individuals who have receive other subsidies from MOST during the exchange period are not eligible to apply for this Program. III. Application Process 1. Please apply via the LIFT Program website, where you will be asked to register an account and password: https://lifttaiwan.stpi.narl.org.tw 2. Application deadline for the first session: 12:00 noon, July 31, 2020 (Friday) (Taipei time GMT+08:00). Please fill out the online application form (including educational background and autobiographical sketch), and upload the following documents: (1) Official diploma and/or related academic credentials issued by an institution in Taiwan or overseas. (2) The content of the employment matchmaking application form must include sufficient relevant information to facilitate review, such as: Research and/or work experience and results during the past two years. The need of Taiwan's technological development for the applicant's skills and expertise, and the applicant's possible contributions. Career plan in Taiwan (please specify desired career scope or field and industries and/or institutions at which the applicant hopes to find a position). (3) Before the application deadline, applicants must provide proof of study/work overseas during the most recent two years, or R.O.C. (Taiwan) entry and exit records for the most recent three years. 3. Applications that are late, incomplete, or fail to comply with requirements will not be accepted. IV. Selection Process The Program's selection process will consist of a preliminary and secondary review in 2020. Industry and academic experts in relevant fields on the review committee will conduct a substantive review, and interviews will be conducted via telephone or videoconferencing when deemed necessary. 6

V. Announcement of Selected applicants Applicants selected for the first session will be announced on the LIFT Program website or by email on August 14, 2020 (Friday). Applicants selected for the second session will be announced on the website in early-october of 2020. VI. Leaders in Future Trends O2O Conference The Program will hold two sessions of the Leaders in Future Trends O2O Conference in 2020. The first session will be from Monday, October 19 to Wednesday, October 28, 2020, and the second session will be from Monday, December 14 to Wednesday, December 23, 2020. The organizer retains the right for make adjustments in the conference schedule, and any such adjustments will be announced on the Program website. VII. Subsidy Method and Accommodation Arrangements 1. The Program will provide subsidies covering single round-trip economy class airfare to and from Taiwan for the selected applicant's attendance at the Leaders in Future Trends O2O Conference, and such airfare will be for the most direct route from the selected applicant s place of residence or work. Selected applicants must submit their electronic ticket, boarding pass, and proof of purchase to obtain reimbursement. If a participant travels from another country to Taiwan, his/her reimbursement shall consist of the actual round-trip airfare from and to the other country, but such reimbursement shall not exceed the airfare of the most direct route from the participant's place of residence or work to Taiwan. Relevant subsidy regulations will be announced on the Program website. 2. The Program will arrange professional exchange activities, visits to national development projects and domestic industries, universities, and research organizations, and also hold a talent matchmaking event (total of 10 days) for those individuals selected to participate in the Leaders in Future Trends O2O Conference in Taiwan. Subsidies will be provided for accommodations, meals, and transportation during the activity period; other expenses will not be covered. VIII. Rights and Obligations 1. If an applicant who has been selected to attend the first session of the "Leaders in Future Trends O2O Conference" wishes to instead attend the second session due to urgent matters, the applicant must notify the LIFT Program Office within 15 days after the announcement of selected applicants is made. If an applicant fails to provide notification before the deadline, he/she must submit a new application. 7

2. The subsidy is only available to those attend the activity during 2020. Selected applicants shall sign an agreement with the Program Office before the start date of the Leaders in Future Trends O2O Conference. Selected applicants who cannot attend the conference or fails to sign the agreement for any reason will not have any right under this program. 3. While returning/coming to Taiwan to attend the "Leaders in Future Trends O2O Conference," selected applicants must participate in all exchange activities; those who fail to participate in all activities shall not be subsidized for their airfare to Taiwan. However, if a selected applicant accepts an offer of employment at an enterprise/university/research organization while in Taiwan to participate in the Program, even if he/she does not participate in all activities, he/she may still be subsidized for airfare subsidy with an official proof of employment. 4. If a selected applicant accepts an offer of employment at an enterprise/university/research organization during the exchange activity period in Taiwan, he/she shall notify the LIFT Program Office and provide proof of employment, and he/she may cease participating in exchange activities after obtaining the Program Office's consent. 5. The Program Office shall retain the right to terminate the agreement of any selected applicants who: violate the laws of the ROC (Taiwan); have already found a professional position in Taiwan prior to returning/coming to Taiwan; or fail to cooperate with the Program Office during the exchange period in Taiwan. 6. The selected applicants shall submit a report at the end of the exchange period (or when their agreements are terminated ahead of time) in accordance with their agreement. They shall also be required to complete follow-up telephone or written surveys by this Program concerning the effectiveness of the Program within the 2-year period after obtaining subsidies. IX. Additional Matters 7. Any unspecified matters connected with the Program may be announced at any time, and may be handled in accordance with the agreement and other relevant regulations. 8. LIFT Program Office contact information: Telephone: +886-2-2737-7956 Mr. Lin; +886-2-2737-7746 Ms. Lin Email:lift@stpi.narl.org.tw 8