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CAAPAM 明州華人學術聯誼會 P.O. Box 25767, Woodbury, MN 55125 2008 年學術研討會 2008 Annual Conference Sunday, September 28, 2008 12:00 8:30 p.m. Holiday Inn 2201 Burns Ave., St. Paul, MN 55119 (Southwest corner of I-94 East & S. McKnight Road) (651) 731-2220 Theme: Chinese Humor, Wisdom and Drive 主題 : " 華人的幽默, 機智與奮鬥 " Sponsor: Chinese American Academic and Professional Association in MN 明州華人學術聯誼會 Co-sponsors: Minnesota Chinese Cultural Services Center Minnesota Chinese Veterans Association Wells Fargo Bank University of Minnesota, China Center Science & Technology Division/TECO in Houston 明州中華文化服務中心明州榮光聯誼會富國銀行明大中國中心駐休士頓台北經濟文化辦事處科技組

2008 CAAPAM Annual Conference Program 2008 年 CAAPAM 學術研討會議程 主題 :" 華人的幽默, 機智與奮鬥 " Chinese Humor, Wisdom and Drive 12:00-1:00 p.m. Registration 1:00-1:10 Opening Remark, Ms. Lih-in Rezania, P.E. 王莉茵會長 1:10-1:50 Title ( 講題 ): 五味雜陳話社運, Spice and slice of Asian Culture: Social Activism 講員: Ms. Ange Hwang, 亞洲媒體中心總裁 (Presents in Chinese) Moderator ( 主持人 )..王莉茵會長黃安琪是現任亞洲媒體中心創辦人及總裁, 有近 20 年經營非營利機構及組織社會活動的經驗 近年來她致力於改善流浪亞裔青少年現況, 由於她的堅持, 亞洲媒體中心社服部, 獲得聯邦政府 5 年, 百萬經費的補助, 用於建設流浪青少年中心 她亦是 2007 州長最佳社會服務獎得主及台灣海外傑出人士獎 Abstract: 五味雜陳話社運, 將針對不同的文化背景, 所產生不同型態的社運, 加以介紹 並提供各類 貼士 讓你了解 ; 如何利用有限的個人時間 資源去幫助更多的人 整個議題也會配合主講人自身的經驗, 觀眾參與, 以及各類有趣的故事, 以豐富講演的內容 1:55-3:25 Title ( 講題 ): 幽默人生 笑裡藏道 (Presents in Chinese) Keynote Speaker :吳玲瑤女士 Moderator ( 主持人 )..黃肇鑣博士 吳玲瑤女士, 西洋文學碩士, 著有 [ 美國孩子中國娘 ] [ 女人的幽默 ] [ 比佛利傳奇 ] [ 幽默酷小子 ] 不幽默也難 [ 非常幽默男女 ] 生活麻辣燙 等四十九本書 吳女士的文筆以機智幽默見長, 為海外最受歡迎的暢銷女作家, 死忠讀者深入各階層, 近年來她在美洲各城市的演講, 頻頻打破當地演講會出席人數的最高 笑聲最多的紀錄 她捕捉的體裁都以海外 2

中國人的生活感觸為主題, 研究這一代海外留學生的歷史, 她的作品是不可或缺的資料 吳女士將演講她最拿手的幽默人生和幽默裡也藏有道理 吳為北美作家協會創會者 以 [ 化外集 ] 一書獲海外華文著述首獎,[ 美國孩子中國娘 ] 上美國中文書暢銷排行榜第一名, 獲得中國文藝協會文藝獎章, 為北加州北一女校友會創會理事長, 曾主持美國電視台 KTSF 節目,[ 文化麻辣燙 ] 極受歡迎 吳玲瑤女士畢業於高雄師院並獲 UCLA 碩士, 現定居於北加矽谷 Abstract: Ms LinYao Wu is a noted Chinese American writer and orator. She published 49 books and is one of the most thought after speakers in North American. She will share her writing about Chinese humor and wisdom. Ms Wu graduated from Kaosiung Teacher University and obtained MA in English Literature from University of California at Los Angeles. 3:25-3:45 Break, Refreshment & Social Exchange 3:45-4:25 Title ( 講題 ): 華人創業經驗談, Entrepreneurship 講員:胡暉博士, President of VPDiagnostics, Inc. Moderator( 主持人 )..蘇秉輝理事 (Presents in Chinese) 胡暉博士是從科学家轉型的企業家. 21 年間胡暉在醫療科技领域經歷了大型跨國公司, 中型公司及創新小企業, 績累了豐富的經驗. 從 1989 到 1998 年, 他在美國通用電器公司醫療部出任资深科学家. 是 GE 多層断層 CT 掃描的主要設計者, 多次獲得 GE 頒發的發明創新獎和管理獎. 2000 年胡博士創建了美國 HInnovation 公司, 于 2004 年成功地被位于明尼阿波利斯的纳斯達克上市公司 Vital Images 收購. 在經營海纳维盛公司其間, 為公司融资, 参與產品開發, 推廣, FDA 認証, 在美國中國组建技術及管理團隊, 並且成功地進行了多次商業及併購談判 在 Vital Images 從事了一年的公司交接後,2005 年起胡博士又創建三家公司 目前任 President of VPDiagnostics, Inc. 並往來于美國和中國两地 並任北京大學工學院理事 投资项目已獲得美國和中國的 VC 及政府投资. 胡暉 1984 年畢業于北京大學物理系, 1989 年獲猶他大學物理學博士 Abstract: Dr Hu Hui is a successful Chinese American entrepreneur. He will share his experience from a scientist turned to entrepreneurs. Dr. Hu is a graduate of Beijing University and obtained Ph.D. in Physics from University of Utah. 3

4:30-5:10 Title ( 講題 ): Making sense of Stem Cells (Presents in English) 講員:倪孝慈博士, Dr. Jessie Ni Assistant Director of Antibody Application and Stem Cell Departments, R&D Systems Moderator( 主持人 )..陳立君理事 Dr. Ni was graduated from Taiwan University and got Ph.D. from University of Minnesota. Abstract: Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that go on to develop into any of the more than 200 types of cell the adult human body holds. The identification and isolation of stem cells have establish great potential for stem cells to be used to replace or repair damaged cells, and to drastically change the treatment of conditions like cancer, diabetes and Parkinson's disease and even paralysis. The presentation will focus on introducing the basics of stem cells, reviewing the history and current progress of stem cell research, and discussing the potentials and challenges of developing stem cell-mediated therapy. 倪孝慈博士將解說近年來斡細胞的研究進展史 斡細胞是人類最基本的細胞 它可以成長演化為成人器官中任何二百種細胞之一 斡細胞很可能作為未來疾病治療的工具, 譬如 cancer, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, paralysis 等 她也將探討斡細胞研發的困難和挑戰 倪孝慈畢業台灣大學並獲明大博士 5:15-5:55 Title ( 講題 ): Weather-Related Natural Disasters: Are we Prepared to Respond? (Presents in English) Speaker ( 講員 ): Dr. Mark Seeley Professor and Extension Meteorologist and Climatologist in the Department of Soil, Water, and Climate at the Univ. of Minnesota. Moderator ( 主持人 )..程惠賢博士 Mark Seeley joined the faculty of the University of Minnesota Department of Soil, Water, and Climate in 1978, after spending time as a principal scientist at the NASA/Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX. Since that time he has served as extension climatologist/meteorologist, coordinating weather and climate educational programs with the National Weather Service, the Minnesota State Climatology Office, and various state agencies. Dr. Seeley holds degrees from the University of California-Berkeley (B.A.1969), Northern Illinois University (M.S. 1975) and University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Ph.D. 1977). He has been a weekly commentator on the Minnesota Public Radio s Morning Edition news program since 1992, and is the author of "Minnesota Weather Almanac", published in 2006 by the Minnesota Historical Society Press. Abstract: In recent months, we seemed to have witnessed an increasing number of weather-related natural disasters both in the U.S. and around the world, including hurricanes (also known as cyclones and typhoons in other parts of the world), torrential rains and floods, droughts and wild fires, as well as other types of disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis, with consequences from such disasters often similar to the weather-related disasters. Some have argued that climate change would bring changes in the frequency and amplitude of weather extremes, and that these would 4

bring dire consequences for human society. However, regardless of climate change implications, we are suffering from greater exposure and loss when it comes to natural disasters resulting from weather extremes primarily as a result of changing demographic patterns, population growth, and investment in exposed infrastructure. How our lives are affected and how we as individuals and as a society prepare to respond to these disasters need public attention and discussion in order for us to take meaningful actions that preserve the environment and protect human lives. Dr. Mark Seeley 明大教授並主持公共無線電台每週一次的氣象專題報導 美國及全球多處發生許多異常的自然災害, 從地震 水災 雪災 颶風 龍捲風到海潚等, 它們是起因於氣侯變遷 人口成長或人為因素造成? Dr. Seeley 將有深入分析 他並將探討我們人類應如何從事些有意義的工作來保護自然 並為後代子孫保留這塊福地 6:00-7:00 Dinner, impromptu show ( 晚餐, 即席演出 ) Moderator( 主持人 )..蔡文正理事 7:00-8:30 (Presents in Chinese) Panel discussion: Chinese Humor, Wisdom and Drive 主題研討 : 華人的幽默, 機智與奮鬥 All speakers Moderator: 蔡文正理事 8:30 p.m. 散會 (Adjourn) 5

Appreciation! 感謝! 明州華人學術聯誼會誠摯地感激在 2008 年下列樂善好施, 熱心公司與朋友們的慷慨解囊 Ameriprise Financial Inc. 3M Company Kuang-Yu Chien ( 賀廣玉 ) John C P and Helen Huang ( 黃肇鑣, 許東淑 ) Andy S & Grace Juang ( 莊受安 ) Tzu-Chen Lee ( 李子成 ) Rushu Luo Lin-In W. Reznaia ( 王莉茵 ) Biing-Huei Su ( 蘇秉輝 ) 2008 CAAPAM Board Directory 陳立君 Li-Chun Chen (651)493-9388 李子成 Tzu-Chen Lee (651)736-5925 程惠賢 H.H. Cheng (612)625-9734 林志誠 Joseph Lin (612)625-9820 賀廣玉 Kuang-Yu Chien (612)207-3900 王莉茵 Lih-In W. Rezania (651)201-4661 朱煥彰 Peter Chu (651)220-1207 蘇秉輝 Biing-Huei Su (651)733-9827 黃肇鑣 John Huang (651)483-0625 蔡文正 Jack Tsai (612)819-5558 高百之 Pai C. Kao (507)288-5946 6

2008 CAAPAM Annual Conference Registration Form Name: (English) (Chinese) City State Zip Code Address: E-Mail Address Area Code Area Code Phone: (Home) ( ) (Work) ( ) Registration Fee: $35 (Regular member), $20 (Student member) Registration fee includes dinner and one year of membership fee. Please make your payment payable to CAAPAM and send it with this registration form before 9/20 to: CAAPAM P.O. Box 25767 Woodbury, MN 55125 Holiday Inn I-94 East & S. McKnight Road St. Paul, MN 55119 * (651) 731-2220 * Free Parking Directions: From all nearby freeways (35W, 694, 494, etc.), please head for St. Paul direction and switch to I-94. Exit at the South Exit of McKnight Road. The Holiday Inn is on your right hand side (south west corner of McKnight Road and I-94). 7