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姓 名 : 蘇 海 彬 班 別 :1B 書 名 : 咆 哮 山 莊 作 者 : 今 次 我 想 介 紹 的 書 是 一 本 文 學 巨 著, 名 叫 咆 哮 山 莊 像 我 這 些 學 生 未 來 要 面 對 競 爭 很 強 勁 的 社 會, 然 而 可 從 一 些 文 學 名 著 來 從 少 學



H O P E 向著標杆直跑 L O O K I N G F O R W A R D 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月 免費贈閱

目錄 Editor's Note........................... 1-2 篇者 的話................................. 3 Pastor Woo s Letter...................... 4-7 退修會之 回應 篇.......................... 8-13 退修會之 萬事互相效力, 叫愛神的人得益處......... 14-15 Hope s Technology Ministry Team........... 16-17 Dining In............................... 18 Jacqueline's Reflections.................. 19 神的恩手................................. 20 Hello! 我叫做 Evan........................ 21 Kidz Corner............................ 22-23 讀者回應................................. 24 Hope newsletter team.................... 25 出版 : 路德會恩望堂和小學地址 :55 San Fernando Way, Daly City, CA 94015 電話 :(650)991-4673 傳真 :(650)991-9723 電郵 網址 主任牧師 : 胡健德牧師

Editor's Note Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Praise the Lord for His Goodness! It is with sincere gratefulness and humility that we present to you this gift you hold in your hands. As you know, it has been quite a few months since the last issue of the Hope newsletter has been published, the only reason being that we just did not have the manpower to do all the necessary work required to keep the publication going. With God s grace, during our August retreat, a group of sisters were given an opportunity to gather and discuss the possibility of reviving this very important ministry and communication resource. We now have a committed team of editors, reporters and columnists, typists, and a graphic designer. We also have a place in the newsletter for the young voices of our church, the Kids Corner, led by none other than our Lisa Woo. We even have two faithful and diligent article collectors. Our theme for this issue of our newsletter is Looking Forward, a theme that we feel is most appropriate not only because each of us was inspired by the messages and sharings at the retreat, but also because many of us made new commitments to various ministries and maybe participated in the creation of new ministries. In fact, Bill Chan introduces us to Hope s new and exciting Technology ministry in a brief sharing in this issue. For those of you who appreciate fine dining, don t miss Stella s piece on Hope s Food ministry. The next step is looking forward, holding our commitments, and running with them. 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月 p.1

Editor's Note As you peruse through this issue, take a moment to pray about Pastor Woo s message and vision, which he shares with us in his letter. How will you respond to Pastor Woo s challenge? The pieces in this issue, and not only the recipes featured in the Dining In column, are meant to whet your appetite and leave you wanting more, but more importantly, this issue will hopefully motivate you to participate actively in our various church ministries. Perhaps you ll be inspired by Jacqueline s and Mona s personal sharings and feel encouraged to get involved. Who knows. Maybe the next article we read in our Hope newsletter will be yours. Besides touching on our quarterly themes, each issue of the Hope newsletter will also bring stories about the latest news in and around our church, some relating to our various ministries and some relating more to the personal lives of our church brothers and sisters. I encourage you to keep up with the latest by following our reporter, Carrie, as she takes us behind the scenes of what is happening in the work and continuing growth of our family at Hope. We invite your responses, feedback and suggestions for future issues. In the meantime, happy reading. Serving Together in Him, Esther Editor-In-Chief p.2 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月

篇者 的話 突然間好像被聖靈充滿似的, 身體充滿力量 腦筋靈活 急不及待想回教會事奉 姑勿論辛苦的練歌也好 簡單的打掃也好 總希望可以出一點綿力 為這個家盡一些責任 登!登!登!新改革的 << 恩望 >> 季刊終於面世了!感謝神!經過個多月的時間由籌備 選搞 找搞 編輯 排版和印刷, 過程既順利 又快捷 二人三足的力量真不可小看!新一期中 有大量新增專欄 包括每個團契最新消息 家常小菜專欄 小朋友天地 當然也少不了牧師的信 教會活動重溫和最新動態 包羅萬有 保證內容豐富充實 在此 我也作出呼籲 << 恩望 >> 歡迎所有讀者投稿 由 100 字到 1000 字不等 願神的靈在我們心裡工作 大家彼此勉勵 扶持和關懷 同心為主的名而努力! Vanessa 編輯字 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月 p.3

Pastor Woo s Letter Dear Friends of Hope Lutheran Church and School, He lived in a world very much like ours. Only a small number of people worshiped the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And like believers today, Jonah was called by God to proclaim His message to the people of Nineveh. But Jonah didn t want to go to Nineveh. After all, the people there were part of the barbaric and evil Assyrian empire. They were a threat to the national security of Israel, God s chosen people. They were idolaters and morally repugnant to Jews who cared about obeying God. The Ninevites weren t the kind of people Jonah, or any other God-fearing person, would want for friends. Even if he hadn t hated the Ninevites so much, the job itself must have seemed overwhelming. God was sending him to a city of perhaps 600,000 people, and Jonah was only one man, a foreigner at that, with an unwelcome message. Besides, Jonah didn t want to give the Ninevites an opportunity to believe. When he finally did arrive in Nineveh, after three days and nights inside a big fish, Jonah preached a message of judgment. He didn t want God to show mercy. Jonah reacted with shock, and he was saddened instead of thrilled, when they believed his message and escaped from God s judgment. He moped and sulked because he had done something he really didn t want to do, and he got results he really didn t want to get. Jonah is not so different from believers today. In fact, the similarities are alarming. That may be one of the key reasons God preserved Jonah s story so that we all may learn from Jonah s mistakes. We have our own enemies to whom we aren t interested in telling about Jesus. Fear of embarrassment, rejection, skepticism, or mocking can cripple us. We are often more concerned about our own comfort and our own kind of people than we are in taking a risk by faith and proclaiming Jesus to a needy world, beginning within our own family. And we can become so wrapped up in God s hatred of sin that we forget His great love for the sinner. We were once lost in sin, but now we are found in Christ. Jesus came down from heaven to give p.4 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月

by Pastor Woo us life through His death and resurrection. God does not want one to be lost, but all to come to repentance, to a living relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ. Those who believe in Him will be saved. Recently, as a congregation, we were challenged to understand the purpose and calling of our existence as a body of believers in Daly City. From God s Word, recorded in Ephesians 1:4; 4:1-3 and 1 Peter 2:9, we are told that the church exists to glorify God, to be His light in this world of darkness, to tell others what God has done in our lives, and to point others to God through faith in Jesus Christ. Hope Lutheran Church and School exists to do just that: Helping Other People Enter the Kingdom of God through faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord. With that as our motto and mission, Hope is compelled to proclaim the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ to the lost world, beginning within our community, here in Daly City, through words and deeds of love and truth. Thank God that He has given many of you a heart and passion for the lost, a thirst and hunger for His Word, and an obedience and relationship to walk together as a family in Christ for mutual consolation and support. As your pastor, I am excited that God is at work in our midst, that God has raised up faithful servants, that God will use us to affect changes in the lives of others as well as ours. Your labor of love will not be in vain, but rather it will plant seeds of hope and truth, that in time will bring forth birth and new life. I am excited about the greater effort in our missional responses with the Gospel to our neighbors, friends and family members who are yet to be in the Lord. Therefore, I look forward to a spiritual revival in our midst, beginning with us who are in the Lord. You will witness a greater intensity of bringing the Gospel to the lost through Gospel Rallies, home visitations, the Lighthouse Café, seminars, educational programs, and small groups. You will also witness a greater harmony of partnership between brothers and sisters functioning as a family, as a body in Christ. Furthermore, you will witness a greater fervency of members seeking the Lord in prayer and in His Word. And you will definitely witness the joy and power of the Gospel through the lives of the members of Hope. And before our very eyes, God will pack our parking lot to such an extent that more parking will be needed. To that end, by His grace, I will remain faithful in service to God and to you, Pastor Woo 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月 p.5

牧師的信 親愛的路德會恩望堂暨小學的弟兄姊妹和朋友 : 從前有一個人, 他與我們所住的世界很相似, 那裡只有很少數人敬拜亞伯拉罕 以撒和雅各的上帝, 同樣, 他亦被上帝差遣出去宣告衪偉大的消息, 此人名叫約拿, 去的是尼尼微城 他就像今天的信徒背負著傳播福音這大使命 可惜, 約拿不想去尼尼微這地方, 因為那裡是屬於野蠻和邪惡的亞述人帝國 對於上帝的選民以色列人來說, 那些人絕對是國家安全的一個威脅 對於很注重服從上帝的猶太人來說, 他們是偶像崇拜者和反道德的惡人 約拿或其他敬畏上帝的人豈要與這些尼尼微人結交成朋友? 即使他不憎恨尼尼微人, 此工作似乎也太過艱巨了! 此地或許有六十萬人, 但約拿只是一個人! 是一個負著不受歡迎信息的外國人 更何況約拿根本不想讓尼尼微人有一個相信的機會 經過了三日三夜, 他好容易 離開魚腹到達了尼尼微城 ( 參考 約拿書 1 : 1 7 ), 最後當他到達時, 他說了一個關於 審判 的訊息, 他不想把上帝的慈悲顯示給人民 怎料, 當地的人相信他和藉此逃過了上帝的審判 約拿很驚訝! 他不是興奮, 而是難過! 他很憂鬱和不悅, 因為做了一些他確實不想做的事, 亦得到了一些他不想取得的結果 約拿其實與今天的基督徒沒有甚麼 不同, 實際上那種相似情度是令人驚心的 也許上帝保存約拿的故事是希望我們能從他的錯誤中學習 我們每個人都有自己的弱點, 其一就是提不起興趣去講述關於耶穌的事 當中很多的恐懼很容易令人不敢踏出第一步, 例如 : 被拒絕 懢介 懷疑 或嘲笑 我們往往只顧及到自己的舒適和所謂 自己人 而不去為這個有需要的世界作出冒險和接受挑戰! 莫說這個世界, 就連自己的家人也未能盡傳福音的責任 而且, 我們往往又因為太注重上帝對罪的恨惡, 引至我們忘記上帝對罪人的大愛 我們曾經在罪中迷失方向, 但如今我們在基督裡找到光明 耶穌從天上下來, 經過死亡和復活, 賜給我們永恆的生命 上帝不要一人沉淪, 但願萬人得救 透過衪的獨生子耶穌, 我們可以與衪有一個直接的關係, 只要相信衪的, 必被拯救 最近, 我有機會坐在臺下作為會眾, 當中我們被問到作為一個在 Daly City 的基督教團體, 如何真正了解上帝對我們的呼招和義務? 從以弗所書一 :4, 四 :1 3, p.6 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月

牧師的信 和彼得前書二 :9 可見, 我們知道教會存在的目的是讚美上帝, 是把他的榮光彰顯在這個黑暗的世界裡, 是去告訴其他人上帝在我們的生命中做了甚 麼偉大的事, 並且透過屬天而來的信心去帶領其他人歸主 這正是路德會恩望堂存在的目的和真正意義 透過從耶穌基督而來的信心, 扶助他人進入上帝的國 (Helping Other People Enter the Kingdom of God through faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord) 既然有了使命和定了座右銘, 恩望堂就要在社區範圍內灌徹執行這個任務 藉著耶穌基督的愛, 聖經上的真理, 和聖靈的帶領, 將基督耶穌從罪中把我們拯救出來的好消息傳揚出去 感謝神, 衪給了你們眾人都有夥灼熱和熱誠的心去為迷失的人伸出援手, 有渴慕衪話語的心, 和順服與弟兄姐妹的關係, 以至大家能在上帝的殿中一起同行, 互相關心及扶持 作為你們的牧師, 我的確很開心和興奮, 因為知道聖靈在我們中間運行, 看見上帝興起了你們這班忠心的僕人, 又感受到上帝正用我們每一個的生命去影響生命 你們所付出的愛不會是徒然的, 反而是散播著真理和希望的種子, 假以時日, 將會看見新生命的發芽和成長 我十分期待一天將看到我們所散的種子有收成, 看見福音的信息充滿 Daly City, 更渴望看見我們的親人, 身邊的朋友和鄰居每一個都逐漸逐漸的歸向上帝 所以, 就由我們這裡開始, 我盼望每一位會友都有聖靈的更新 你將親自感受到一種更大更強的感染力, 通過福音集會 家庭探訪 燭光小聚 研討會 社區及教育活動等節目, 把福音傳給未信主的人 其次, 作為基督內的一個肢體, 你亦將感受到主內弟兄姐妹合作中的和諧和溶洽 此外, 你將感受到教會內有更加多的人熱切的從聖經和祈禱中尋求上帝 而且你更加會目睹福音所帶來的力量和喜樂, 這全都是憑每一位恩望堂會友的生命所散發出來的 在我們未能相信眼前所見之前, 上帝必把我們的停車場擠得滿滿, 在某程度上將要尋找更多的停車位 直到那一天的來臨, 在上帝的恩典下, 我必繼續盡心盡性盡意盡力為天父和你們服務 胡牧師敬上 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月 p.7

How is the teacher? 10 4 退修會之 回應 篇 Very simple but important Very good, match what we facing in our church right now More time is better Is the time of message suitable? 50 Yes, 1 No Having group discussions about speaker s message would be helpful. Excellent Funny Hope to invite Pastor Fong to have talk once again. Simple and to the point Very clear, simple, need more I like it, simple and to the point Do you like the message of this retreat? 46 11 Do you like the style of speaker? 51 8 Good games but too long Suggest better interaction w/ the entire group by having chairs set up in a big circle rather than people sitting behind the people The location is not feasible for group games. Very limited More team-building related activities Game of 3-legged is little bit too long. Also, other groups not involved while the other are playing. Game of 3-legged is little bit too long Involve more group at the same time Better to play together How is group devotional time? 17 25 10 12 Really help the parents, thank you! Do you enjoy the games? 14 21 12 How is the helper? 12 3 How is the children s program? 8 6 p.8 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月

退修會之 回應 篇 Is it helpful for you to know more about the needs of Church? 50 Yes, 1 No Will this retreat help you to get involve more in service for the church? 46 Yes, 2 No Knowing more on different needs in Hope Lutheran Should serve if I have gifts Very touching. Although I don t have children. I would know that all the helpers have worked hard. Do you fi nd getting to know more church members in this retreat? 16 30 7 1 1 May be not get to the point yet New leader is very well prepared. More is better Can be longer Not enough Member don t speak much Need more time to get to know one another How is relationship between group members? 46 11 5 1 Do you like praise night program? 45 Yes Is the praise team helping you to focus before each section? 50 Yes Praise team member need more smile. Praise team, very prepared. Excellent job! Awesome, Encore It s the best of all retreat programs!!! Wonderful, awesome 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月 p.9

退修會之 回應 篇 Mom, 下次記得帶我去 同心合意興旺福 有智慧的意思就是將很複雜的事情簡單化... 不要只顧自己的事, 也要顧別人的事, 團結需要有一樣 clear 目標, put down self & 看別人比自己強 Children s program really help the parents. Thank you! 齊齊尋找事奉岡位 p.10 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月

Each member is very united as a whole church body in serving God. 退修會之 回應 篇 The drawing game is good by Cynthia. Conference room is too small for this big group of people. 我覺得 ok 啦, 仍需長進, 再準時多一些更好. Very good. It s like a family 放下個人主意, 專心事主, 緊守岡位 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月 p.11

退修會之 回應 篇 本人今次退修會無限歡心與感恩, 多謝所有參與工作的弟兄姐妹. 二人三足, 緊守岡位, you honor me, I honor you. We like the message which is clear and simple. Church is our family! 留一手! 愛自己的教會, 參與事奉. PRAISE NIGHT I enjoyed the time very much! p.12 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月

退修會之 回應 篇 Group devotional time could be longer. 大家合作得很好, 今次我們很開心和滿有屬靈的同在. Awesome! Encore! Wonderful! Praise to Our Lord! 關心和親切, 家的感覺 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月 Praise team, very prepared. Excellent job! p.13

退修會之 萬事互相效力, 叫愛神的人得益處 個大的挑戰和考驗. 經過一段長時間在尋找適合教會退修會的營地, 終於在二零零六年五月初有了決定, 雖然 未算是最理想的退修會地點, 但從 資金預算, 環境地點, 塲地使用等 等, 都能配合每位教友的需要 隨後 就要在短短的兩個半月內安排各項 工作, 可算是對我們各籌委會成員一 首先籌委會首先要定下一個合適的主題. 為要迎接教會未來在報道, 宣教, 牧養等各樣的事工和托展中作準備 目的是藉著是次的主題更能鞏固教友的同心, 加強大家的合作性, 了解教會的需要和發掘各人的恩賜, 以致更能合一的事奉. 最後一致決定 二人三足, 十架路 為今次的主題. 感謝神的帶領和弟兄姊妹的努力, 在五月尾 Pastor Alan Fong 接納我們 的邀請作主講員, 我們將主題告訴他, Pastor Fong 用心思良後, 給我們一 p.14 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月

by Mona 些美好的建議, 助我們把退修的程序和內容預備得更有方向和完整. 有了地點, 主題和講員後, 籌委會為精簡會議, 將所需工作分給不同小組進行同步細節安排, 開會時各小組只報告進展情況, 一些關健性決定及商議就在大會中商討, 就所需的議務通過禱告和討論, 務交求取得共識, 希望大家實踐同心, 分工和盡責地把眾多所需的雜務在僅有的時間內完成. 感謝神的帶領和不少弟兄姊妹忠心的事奉和回應, 退修會能如期順利進行. 我是做聯絡和 Planning Workshop 工作, 在這次的事奉裏喜見弟兄姊妹有很大的成長, 記得有位弟兄說 : Mona, 將這事交給我, 你可放心了.. 這弟兄和其他小組負責人把事情辦如對主作一般, 盡忠他們的岡位. 省了很多聯絡時間. 各小組又邀請更多不同弟兄姊妹參與, 盡量避免一人身負多職, 大家在合作過程中有很好的溝通和加深了認識 在這整個籌備過程中, 我沒有吃力的感覺, 反之常常聽見弟兄姊妹說 : 已在進行中 已安排好了 看見彼此願意的心和各人謹守自己的岡位 或見各小組為退修會練習時的歡笑聲, 我就有莫大的喜悅. 雖然我在退修會時因病咳了好幾天, 不能參與詩班帶領 敬拜之夜, 但在臺下作為會眾的我更加投入, 盡情地向主完備的供應頌讚. 無論是在臺上或臺下, 只要我們參與及投入, 神都給我們美好的經歷. 盼望神給我們再有機會同心以 二人三足, 十架路 作口號, 為主作工 讓我再能體驗 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月 p.15

Introducing...Hope s Technology Ministry Team The possibility of setting up a technology ministry must be credited to Pastor Woo who introduced it while we were preparing a workshop for the August retreat. I was invited to lead the workshop, and I gratefully accepted even though I had no clue at that moment what this ministry would involve or how it might evolve. With God s guidance, during the workshop at the retreat, five people, including myself, showed interest in the technology ministry. After a brief introduction, what started as five individuals interested in technology formed into Hope s Technology Ministry Team. I am privileged to introduce our team members here: James An IT specialist Sum Currently a Biotechnology student at UC Berkeley Wonda A database specialist Dennis An architect Bill A biotech engineer As we put our heads together, the possibilities of how we might use our skills and knowledge in this ministry began to take shape. Allow me to share some of the exciting ideas that developed in our group sharing. Database Management Utilizing technology to manage our database would allow the church to organize church attendees information and not only provide us a better picture of who makes up our church family but allow us to support the various church ministries with invaluable information. We would be able to: p.16 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月

by Bill Chan invite people to join a ministry encourage those who have particular spiritual gifts so that they may use their gifts for the Lord send invitations to those who do not belong to a fellowship group extend caring to those who may have been absent for a while A possible website for the Chinese Congregation Such a website would enhance communication among fellow Christians and friends. We would be able to put current church news and events on the website, Pastor Woo s sermons for those who missed the service, our Hope newsletter for those who may have visited our church and want to stay informed of our current events. The possibilities are endless. Hi-Tech Audio and Video Options This is yet another suggestion that came up in our brainstorming session. Think of what the Praise Team would be able to do with all the neat things that the technology team would be able to provide. Looking Forward Wonda and I will be working on the database structure and design. Dennis, Sum, James and I will begin looking into ideas for creating a possible website and submitting a proposal to the church leadership for comments and approval. Technology is no longer a thing of the future and we look forward to harnessing its benefits. We invite anyone who is interested in this technology ministry to come and join us. Experience is not required but a servant s heart is a must. 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月 p.17

Dining In 焗椰汁糯米糕 椰汁糕, 外皮堅靸, 糕心軟軟, 口感非常好, 切這糕有一秘訣, 就是必要待糕凉透才切, 並且切的時候放一些椰絲碎在糕上面, 否則糕會黏在一起, 很難分開一件件 焗椰汁糯米糕 材料 :3 隻蛋 3 杯椰汁 3 杯糖 3 茶匙牛油 1 磅糯米粉 製法 : 將蛋, 牛油, 和糖攪至槳狀, 再加入椰汁和糯米粉攪均 焗爐預焗 325F, 焗 75 分鐘 Sticky Rice Cake Ingredients: 3 eggs 3 cups of coconut juice in sticky form 3 cups of sugar 3 teaspoon of butter 1lb of sticky rice flour Cooking method: beat eggs, butter, and sugar until liquefied, then add coconut juice and sticky rice flour and mix well. Pre-heat the oven at 325F, bake for 75 minutes. p.18 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月

Jacqueline's Reflections by Jacqueline Mao-Chan 退 修 會 後 感 Highlights & Reflection All ye, bros and sis s! The 2006 retreat we went Here come the highlights of events Game section had we all crack Team work, patience, bonding and trust we learn to hold Praise night God s name we all exalt His magnificent glory shall forever glow For our highest praise to God will never halt Small groups our relationships together grow Getting to know each other we joyfully sought Bond together, collaboration lessons we must plow Last but not least Messages by guest speaker Pastor Alan Fong Humorous and put us at ease Enlightening, inspiring, awakes the weaknesses we held long Taught us the commands of God To unconditionally help each other with peace Honesty, vital to a good testimony that we belong God is calling us upon To follow Him and carry His cross Now we all must stand up and respond We were told to expose His gospel through biblical source 歲月難得寧靜 We love, we care, and we bond 人生厭倦漂泊 That s how we unite to become the body of Christ! 昔日神的勸勉 再回首 自有一番滋味在心頭 壯志凌雲莫等閑 知己難逢幾人留?笑嘆浮華 古痴今狂終成空 歲月自當隨風去 唯主榮美百世留 相扶相愛十架路 二人三足協力同心 齊作器皿 十架路上同作光! 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月 p.19

神的恩手 by Carrie 在我們當中 有一位年紀已九十多歲的長者 她已經三個多月未能出席我們的崇拜 你知道她是誰嗎?她就是袁太 為何她沒有出席和大家見面呢?原因是某日 她在家中不小心失足 向多級樓梯滾下 當時 家中沒有其他人 她說: 我頭和臉都是鮮血 都遮蓋了雙眼 又不能伸展 但很感謝神當時沒有任何痛苦 她只能用拳頭向旁邊的牆不停的敲 用力的敲 還一邊嚷 Hello! Hello! 她用盡她剩餘的精力去呼求 她說: 感謝神 不足幾分鐘 有人敲門回應!因此救護車及警車都很快來到, 立刻送我到醫院 當我去探望她的時候 我看見了神蹟 --- 神的恩典在她身上表露無遺 她沒有一般人的埋怨 沒有氣憤 也沒有自憐 她永遠都滿有氣息地歡迎我和眾弟兄姐妹來 她一定滿帶笑容 因為平安在她的心 她還用鼓勵的說話反倒支持我 我看見袁太心裡真的充滿感謝和讚嘆神的奇妙 袁太對我說: 是上帝的平安及愛無條件托住我的生命 我的頭雖然要縫上幾十針 但在醫院期間 我感受到神的愛及看顧 胡牧師及各弟兄姐妹不停的來探望我 還帶我去剪頭髮和飲茶 更教我禱告 背金句 唱詩歌 這些片段令我衷心感謝這一位 --- 愛我的上帝 p.20 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月

Hello! 我叫做 Evan by Carrie Hello! 我叫做 Evan 可能大家唔係好認識我 因為我只係得七個月 常坐在 BB 車內 但你們一定認識我的好爸爸 Andy Yu 和照顧週到的媽媽 Vicky 若你見過我 都會嘩唁 好大隻 好肥 和 好 Cute! 感謝主給我這種吸引力 我都知我好 Cute 但肥就唔接納啦! 因為醫生告訴媽媽 我不夠磅 可以更大隻 哈哈! 所以 不要被我的雪白肌肩及高大威猛的外表所欺騙 我現在已有 17 磅 長度是???呀!Mommy & Daddy 唔記得左 所以下次才講你聽 我最喜歡飲 Mommy 煮的雞湯 又甜 又好味 對皮膚又好 還有吃薯仔 Yummy Yummy! ^_^ 媽咪話我最鍾意跟人一起玩 所以你親近我 我都會親近你的 有空過來找我們吧! 我們一家人都好歡迎你們的 有空來我家玩玩吧! 好啦! 爸爸叫我睡覺啦! 下次見! ByeBye! Evan 上 請為我的成長及爸爸和媽媽的身體代禱 還有我婆婆十月來探我! 請為她禱告! 謝謝! 我不夠磅 可以更大隻 哈哈! p.21

Greetings from the Kidz Corner! With great excitement, I introduce the addition of this section in our quarterly newsletter. This will give the kids at Hope a forum to express themselves and us a chance to get to know them better. Kids, if you think this is cool and would like to share your thoughts with us in the next newsletter, please let me know. Lisa Woo, Kidz Corner Coordinator I was rather surprised when I first saw the counselors. They were around my age, fun and nice. I found this surprising because at the previous church retreat, the counselors were older, condescending towards me and bossy. (I was 16 at the time.) It was very refreshing to be treated equally, something I appreciated. Most of the time, I feel like I m not taken seriously because of my height (4 11 ) and age. It was really inspiring seeing everyone worshipping and praising God. I hope to grow stronger in Him with my faith and my trust. God bless. ~ Rebecca Lee, 18 At the Hope Lutheran Summer Retreat, I learned that God loves everyone. It doesn t matter how old you are, how big you are, or how tall you are. God loves everyone all the same. ~ Geoffrey Wan, 13 I like being an accolyte because it gives me a chance to serve God. ~ Kimberley Wan, 11 p.22

This year s church retreat has renewed my faith in our Christ Jesus. It was really inspiring for me because the group of counselors from Holy Spirit Lutheran Church were full of energy and excitement towards God and around my age! We sang very catchy, current Christian songs and played very fun games like four square and musical chairs. I am very excited about writing for this newsletter, in a section just for youth. For the past ten years that I have been at Hope Lutheran Church, most of the programs were aimed at the adults and the college-aged group. I have seen kids come and go and some who have never came back because of the lack of youth-oriented activities in our church. The few programs that have been youth-related during my time here at this church are Sunday School, Youths for Jesus (disbanded in 2002), PJ s (Pastor Jeff ), which never happened for the youth group, and Living Water Fellowship. I m really excited that this September, there will be a youth group just for teens and preteens. I hope that this will be a start for the youth to show their love and passion for God. The youth are the future and the foundation of our church for the years to come. ~ Daniel Lee, 16 I liked the retreat because it was fun. Playing with the little kids was great, and this year s youth group leaders were more fun. My experience brought me closer to God in a way. ~ Diane Chan, 12 I really enjoyed the retreat. The youth leaders sat down and prayed with and for me. I liked the fact that we could just sit together and have fellowship time together. I look forward to future retreats and to strengthen my relationship with God. ~ Trevor Chan, 12 It was my first time going on a church retreat. I had a lot of fun playing games, singing songs, and swimming. I look forward to learning more about God and spending more time with the young brothers and sisters at Hope Lutheran Church. ~ Kristen Chan, 9 I learned in the conference that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. I also learned in the conference that we should trust God. ~ Renee Lau, 10 p.23

讀者回應 姓名 : 地址 : 電話 : 電郵地址 : 讀後感或心聲分享 : 盼能進一步認識耶穌, 請寄有關信仰材料 請為我以下的事代禱 : 歡迎弟兄姊妹們投稿 請傳真或郵寄到本堂, 季刊編緝部收 路德會恩望堂和小學地址 :55 San Fernando Way, Daly City, CA 94015 傳真 :(650)991-9723 p.24 恩望 第 3 期 2006 年 10 月

Hope Newsletter Team Editor-in-Chief Esther Chan Chinese Editor/Translator Vanessa Fan Activities Columnist Jacqueline Chan News Reporter Carrie Kwong Kidz Corner Coordinator Lisa Woo Newsletter typists (Chinese) Kelly Chan Jesslyn Woo Article/Resource Collectors Margaret Wong Susie Ng Photographers Bill Chan Vicky Yu Graphic Designer Mona Chiu Mark Your Calendars! Exciting Upcoming Events: Event Date/Time Place Harvest Carnival Saturday, October 28 Hope Lutheran Church 10 a.m. 4 p.m. Playground area... Lighthouse Café Saturday, October TBA Hope Lutheran Church 7:30 p.m. - 9:45pm Parish Hall... Next issue due out in December More updates and introductions More inspiring stories and articles from Carrie, Miranda, Shirley, Cynthia, and Stella, just to name a few. More recipes from our church chefs More insights from Hope s young voices More words from our wise Pastor Woo And much, much more

路德會恩望堂和小學 是一個提供住在本社區的人, 一起去分享主基督耶穌的福音 福音 這二字的意思是 好消息, 簡單來說, 就是讓我們知道上帝愛我們, 甚至派祂的獨生子基督耶穌來到世上去告訴我們 -- 基督耶穌道成肉身來到世上, 為我們死在十字架上, 擔當我們世人所有的罪, 並得勝了, 目的只為赦免我們的罪, 洗凈我們一切的不義 我們主要是傳基督耶穌的救恩 -- 只有藉著祂, 我們才得饒恕 拯救和生命 無論你以前是怎樣的人, 怎樣貪戀這個世界, 或者怎樣遠離神, 祂都不會離棄你, 只要你願意悔改, 神必定會不計前提接納和憐憫你, 因為我們的神是滿有憐憫和慈愛的 歡迎參加我們的聚會, 一起敬拜和讚美我們全能全知的上帝 地址 :55 San Fernando Way, Daly City, CA 94015 電話 :(650)991-4673 傳真 :(650)991-9723 電郵 網址