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公 司 更 新 盈 利 预 警 符 合 预 期 华 润 水 泥 ( 华 润 或 公 司 ) 于 1 月 公 布 了 盈 利 预 警, 预 计 2015 财 年 股 东 净 利 将 大 幅 下 跌, 原 因 为 水 泥 均 价 走 低 以 及 人 民 币 对 美 元 贬 值 导 致 了 大 笔 由 非

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Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 证 券 研 究 报 告 调 整 目


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目 录 1 高 送 转 概 念 持 续 火 热 高 送 转 是 否 影 响 公 司 价 值? 高 送 转 的 实 施 流 程 及 关 键 时 点 高 送 转 数 量 与 送 转 比 例 逐 年 上 升 TMT 行 业 与 中 小

目 录 前 言 戴 维 斯 双 击 理 论 (Davis double-killing effect) 转 型 促 发 展, 前 景 广 阔 发 展 迅 速, 初 具 规 模 转 型 促 发 展, 前 景 广 阔 资 本 市 场 将

1 十 二 五 高 端 输 电 铁 塔 投 资 复 合 增 速 30% 电 力 输 送 能 力, 即 网 架 建 设, 是 十 二 五 电 网 投 资 的 核 心 主 题, 是 电 网 建 设 中, 与 能 源 优 化 配 置 能 源 结 构 调 整 的 大 主 题 结 合 最 紧 密 的 环 节,

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Contents Financial Summary 1 Sales Breakdown by Product Category 3 Sales Breakdown by Region 5 Breakdown of Key Expenses 7 Nonoperating Income and Expenses 7 Employees at the Term 9 Other Statistics 9 Capital Investment 11 Capital Investment & Store Openings and Closures 11 by Region 11 Percentage Change in Sales,Customers and Spending per Customer 13 10 Principal Shareholders 14 11Breakdown of Shares by Type of Shareholder 14

(Millions of Yen/) Second half 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change 335,893 100.0 111.3 199,847 100.0 110.6 165,457 100.0 106.6 365,305 100.0 108.8 Net sales 161,748 48.1 120.0 88,916 44.5 103.6 73,637 44.5 97.0 162,554 44.5 100.5 Gross profit 96,873 28.8 109.7 53,477 26.8 115.9 51,922 31.4 102.4 105,400 28.9 108.8 SG&A expenses 64,874 19.3 139.5 35,438 17.7 89.3 21,714 13.1 86.2 57,153 15.6 88.1 Operating income 65,040 19.4 138.5 35,844 17.9 90.4 22,356 13.5 88.1 58,200 15.9 89.5 Ordinary income 35,404 10.5 20,980 10.5 98.5 13,129 7.9 93.1 34,110 9.3 96.3 Net income 344.63 - - 206.27 - - 127.94 - - 334.21 - - Earnings per share (yen) 101,715 - - 101,715 - - 101,715 - - 101,715 - - shares issued (thousands)

(Millions of Yen/) Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change 339,999 100.0 109.8 201,853 100.0 110.4 182,120 100.0 115.9 383,973 100.0 112.9 Net sales 163,194 48.0 119.1 89,888 44.5 103.7 80,401 44.2 105.0 170,290 44.3 104.3 Gross profit 99,240 29.2 103.6 54,520 27.0 115.0 59,078 32.4 114.0 113,598 29.6 114.5 SG&A expenses 63,954 18.8 154.8 35,368 17.5 90.1 21,323 11.7 86.3 56,692 14.7 88.6 Operating income 64,183 18.9 154.4 36,230 18.0 92.5 22,377 12.3 90.5 58,607 15.2 91.3 Ordinary income 31,365 9.2 149.8 21,345 10.6 119.6 12,538 6.9 92.7 33,884 8.8 108.0 Net income 304.92 - - 209.86 - - 122.13 - - 331.99 - - Earnings per share (yen) Second half 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 ( ) 101,715 - - 101,715 - - 101,715 - - 101,715 - - shares issued (thousands)

(Millions of Yen/) Second half 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change 21,547 6.4 110.1 12,616 6.3 108.3 9,634 5.8 97.3 22,250 6.1 103.3 Children's Clothing 98,342 29.3 131.2 61,165 30.6 118.4 51,319 31.0 109.9 112,484 30.8 114.4 Women's Clothing 14,407 4.3 80.4 13,227 6.6 105.0 2,864 1.7 157.5 16,092 4.4 111.7 Outerwear 14,800 4.4 117.9 13,445 6.7 99.1 1,279 0.8 103.4 14,725 4.0 99.5 Sweaters 70,293 20.9 103.5 36,194 18.1 98.9 32,944 19.9 97.7 69,138 18.9 98.4 Cut & Sewn 20,313 6.1 111.0 8,948 4.5 107.2 11,713 7.1 97.9 20,661 5.7 101.7 Shirts 30,250 9.0 104.4 13,316 6.7 100.7 17,238 10.4 101.3 30,554 8.4 101.0 Slacks (Pants) 60,805 18.1 109.1 37,812 18.9 124.9 35,515 21.5 116.3 73,327 20.1 120.6 Accessories 330,760 98.5 111.8 196,727 98.4 110.6 162,508 98.2 106.3 359,236 98.4 108.6 Subtotal 3,458 1.0 88.5 2,200 1.0 112.6 1,924 1.2 127.9 4,125 1.1 119.3 Products supplied to franchise stores 1,036 0.3 75.4 556 0.3 89.8 490 0.3 117.5 1,046 0.3 101.0 Administrative charges 637 0.2 121.7 363 0.2 115.6 534 0.3 165.4 897 0.2 140.7 Fees from in-store alterations 335,893 100.0 111.3 199,847 100.0 110.6 165,457 100.0 106.6 365,305 100.0 108.8

(Millions of Yen/) Second half 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change 21,647 6.4 107.2 12,667 6.3 108.3 9,679 5.3 97.2 22,347 5.8 103.2 Children's Clothing 99,388 29.2 128.1 61,816 30.6 118.3 51,836 28.5 109.9 113,652 29.6 114.4 Women's Clothing 14,556 4.3 79.5 13,315 6.6 104.8 2,925 1.6 157.6 16,241 4.2 111.6 Outerwear 14,948 4.4 115.6 13,586 6.7 99.3 1,313 0.7 103.7 14,900 3.9 99.7 Sweaters 70,746 20.8 102.3 36,426 18.0 98.8 33,197 18.2 97.9 69,624 18.1 98.4 Cut & Sewn 20,504 6.0 109.2 9,045 4.5 107.4 11,842 6.5 98.0 20,887 5.4 101.9 Shirts 30,488 9.0 103.2 13,440 6.7 100.7 17,381 9.6 101.3 30,822 8.0 101.1 Slacks (Pants) 61,205 18.0 107.7 38,102 18.9 124.8 35,736 19.6 116.4 73,838 19.3 120.6 Accessories 333,485 98.1 109.9 198,402 98.3 110.5 163,912 90.0 106.4 362,314 94.3 108.6 Subtotal 3,458 1.0 88.5 2,200 1.0 112.6 1,924 1.0 127.9 4,125 1.1 119.3 Products supplied to franchise stores 1,036 0.3 75.4 556 0.3 89.8 490 0.3 117.5 1,046 0.3 101.0 Administrative charges 637 0.2 120.6 363 0.2 115.6 534 0.3 165.4 897 0.2 140.7 Fees from in-store alterations 338,618 99.6 109.5 201,522 99.8 110.5 166,861 91.6 106.7 368,384 95.9 108.8 UNIQLO 1,381 0.4 211.1 330 0.2 52.2 15,258 8.4 2,034.2 15,589 4.1 1,128.5 Other Business 339,999 100.0 109.8 201,853 100.0 110.3 182,120 100.0 115.9 383,973 100.0 112.9

Second half 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 Mil. Yen Sales Mil. Yen Sales Mil. Yen Sales Mil. Yen Sales 13,004 3.9 25 7,351 3.7 29 6,609 4.0 30 13,961 3.8 30 3,320 1.0 8 1,782 0.9 8 1,511 0.9 8 3,294 0.9 8 2,546 0.8 5 1,562 0.8 6 1,289 0.8 6 2,851 0.8 6 6,380 1.9 12 3,676 1.8 13 2,948 1.8 13 6,624 1.8 13 2,323 0.7 5 1,359 0.7 6 1,156 0.7 6 2,516 0.7 6 3,145 0.9 8 1,731 0.9 8 1,453 0.9 8 3,185 0.9 8 3,896 1.2 7 2,446 1.2 8 2,061 1.2 9 4,508 1.2 9 7,208 2.1 12 4,208 2.1 12 3,332 2.0 13 7,541 2.1 13 5,377 1.6 12 3,382 1.7 13 2,624 1.6 13 6,007 1.6 13 5,603 1.7 12 3,590 1.8 12 2,864 1.7 14 6,454 1.8 14 16,089 4.8 33 9,856 4.9 36 7,853 4.7 36 17,709 4.8 36 16,399 4.9 33 9,824 4.9 34 8,124 4.9 35 17,948 4.9 35 46,411 13.8 80 27,187 13.6 81 23,453 14.2 79 50,640 13.9 79 28,726 8.6 51 16,367 8.2 49 13,330 8.0 49 29,697 8.1 49 6,065 1.8 11 3,672 1.8 11 2,870 1.7 11 6,543 1.8 11 2,801 0.8 6 1,769 0.9 6 1,322 0.8 6 3,091 0.8 6 2,762 0.8 6 1,526 0.8 6 1,240 0.7 6 2,767 0.8 6 2,155 0.6 4 1,235 0.6 4 1,067 0.6 5 2,302 0.6 5 2,041 0.6 3 1,431 0.7 4 1,109 0.7 4 2,541 0.7 4 4,745 1.4 9 3,183 1.6 10 2,484 1.5 10 5,667 1.6 10 8,445 2.5 14 5,058 2.5 15 4,395 2.6 16 9,453 2.6 16 5,177 1.5 11 2,949 1.5 11 2,308 1.4 10 5,258 1.4 10

Second half 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 Mil. Yen Sales Mil. Yen Sales Mil. Yen Sales Mil. Yen Sales 17,262 5.2 35 10,273 5.1 34 8,441 5.1 35 18,714 5.1 35 4,105 1.2 8 2,319 1.2 8 1,835 1.1 8 4,154 1.1 8 3,827 1.1 7 2,322 1.2 8 1,777 1.1 8 4,100 1.1 8 410 0.2 2 410 0.1 2 2,695 0.8 5 1,582 0.8 5 1,254 0.8 5 2,837 0.8 5 7,870 2.3 15 4,843 2.4 15 3,741 2.3 15 8,585 2.4 15 24,173 7.2 45 14,949 7.5 47 12,437 7.5 49 27,387 7.5 49 14,916 4.5 28 9,325 4.7 32 7,423 4.5 32 16,748 4.6 32 1,644 0.5 3 901 0.5 3 723 0.4 3 1,625 0.4 3 168 0.1 1 160 0.1 1 329 0.1 1 2,607 0.8 6 1,527 0.8 6 1,215 0.7 6 2,743 0.8 6 7,176 2.1 15 4,280 2.1 15 3,433 2.1 15 7,713 2.1 15 2,251 0.7 5 1,293 0.6 5 1,101 0.7 6 2,394 0.7 6 1,975 0.6 4 1,216 0.6 4 942 0.6 4 2,159 0.6 4 2,205 0.7 4 1,271 0.6 4 972 0.6 4 2,244 0.6 4 3,256 1.0 7 2,081 1.0 8 1,592 1.0 7 3,673 1.0 7 1,823 0.5 3 999 0.5 3 960 0.6 4 1,960 0.5 4 10,853 3.2 23 6,316 3.2 24 5,295 3.2 23 11,612 3.2 23 2,665 0.8 6 1,644 0.8 7 1,381 0.8 7 3,026 0.8 7 2,041 0.6 5 1,132 0.6 5 927 0.6 5 2,059 0.6 5 3,015 0.9 8 1,698 0.8 8 1,461 0.9 8 3,159 0.9 8 2,654 0.8 6 1,279 0.6 6 1,131 0.7 7 2,410 0.7 7 4,341 1.3 9 2,330 1.2 9 1,935 1.2 9 4,265 1.2 9 3,307 1.0 7 1,995 1.0 9 1,754 1.1 9 3,749 1.0 9 2,087 0.6 5 1,053 0.5 5 1,150 0.7 5 2,203 0.6 5 323,392 96.3 626 191,963 96.0 653 158,874 96.0 664 350,838 96.1 664 7,368 2.2 4,763 2.4 3,634 2.2 8,397 2.3 3,458 1.0 11 2,200 1.1 13 1,924 1.2 15 4,125 1.1 15 1,036 0.3 556 0.3 490 0.3 1,046 0.3 637 0.2 363 0.2 534 0.3 897 0.2 335,893 100.0 637 199,847 100.0 666 165,457 100.0 679 365,305 100.0 679

(Millions of Yen/) Second half 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change 35,378 10.5 111.8 18,900 9.5 115.6 20,692 12.5 108.8 39,592 10.9 111.9 Personnel 18,147 5.4 99.4 11,197 5.6 120.6 8,185 5.0 92.4 19,382 5.3 106.8 Advertising and promotion costs 24,915 7.4 111.0 12,705 6.4 106.1 12,544 7.6 96.9 25,249 6.9 101.3 Rents and lease payments 1,757 0.5 97.9 895 0.4 106.6 1,003 0.6 109.3 1,898 0.5 108.0 Depreciation and amortization 16,674 5.0 118.1 9,779 4.9 127.2 9,498 5.7 105.7 19,277 5.3 115.6 Others 96,873 28.8 109.7 53,477 26.8 115.9 51,922 31.4 102.4 105,400 28.9 108.8 Second half 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 Mil. Yen Change Mil. Yen Change Mil. Yen Change Mil. Yen Change 556 177 146.8 348 130 160.1 582 243 171.9 930 374 167.3 Interest & dividend income 223-188 54.3 470 379 514.9 364 232 276.2 835 611 373.9 Other nonoperating income 779-10 98.6 819 510 265.0 947 476 201.2 1,766 986 226.5 nonoperating income 168-7 95.8 153 55 156.4 141 72 203.7 295 127 176.0 Interest expenses 445 305 317.5 259 41 118.7 163-63 72.0 423-22 95.0 Other nonoperating expenses 613 297 194.3 413 96 130.4 305 8 102.9 719 105 117.1 nonoperating expenses 166-309 35.0 405 413-4,914.0 641 467 368.2 1,047 881 630.6 Net nonoperating profit / loss

(Millions of Yen/) Second half 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change Mil. Yen Sales Change 36,137 10.6 106.0 19,251 9.5 115.3 22,369 12.3 115.1 41,620 10.9 115.2 Personnel 18,286 5.4 94.9 11,295 5.6 120.7 8,951 4.9 100.3 20,246 5.3 110.7 Advertising and promotion costs 25,622 7.5 107.0 13,100 6.5 106.0 14,672 8.0 110.6 27,773 7.2 108.4 Rents and lease payments 1,840 0.6 81.0 936 0.5 105.2 1,496 0.8 157.4 2,433 0.6 132.2 Depreciation and amortization 17,353 5.1 107.4 9,937 4.9 122.7 11,587 6.4 125.2 21,524 5.6 124.0 Others 99,240 29.2 103.6 54,520 27.0 115.0 59,078 32.4 114.0 113,598 29.6 114.5 (Millions of Yen/) Mil. Yen Change Mil. Yen Change Mil. Yen Change Mil. Yen Change 506 132 135.3 316 106 150.8 473 177 159.7 790 283 156.0 Interest & dividend income 258-188 57.8 482 385 497.0 369 208 229.5 852 594 330.1 Other nonoperating income 148 148-494 494-591 443 398.4 1,086 937 731.7 Investment profit on equity method 913 92 111.3 1,294 987 421.2 1,435 828 236.7 2,729 1,815 298.8 nonoperating income 169-163 50.9 153 55 156.7 190 119 267.3 344 174 203.2 Interest expenses 515 287 226.4 278 20 107.8 191-65 74.6 470-45 91.2 Other nonoperating expenses 684 124 122.2 432 75 121.3 381 53 116.5 814 129 119.0 nonoperating expenses 229-31 87.8 862 911-1,752.9 1,053 774 378.5 1,915 1,686 836.0 Net nonoperating profit / loss

(Employees/) Second half 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 Number Change Number Change Number Change Number Change 1,208 74 106.5 1,225 106 109.5 1,373 165 113.7 1,373 165 113.7 Male full-time employees 372 40 112.1 357 54 117.8 456 84 122.6 456 84 122.6 Female full-time employees 1,580 114 107.8 1,582 160 111.3 1,829 249 115.8 1,829 249 115.8 full-time employees 8,824 1,066 113.7 8,870 708 108.7 9,418 594 106.7 9,418 594 106.7 Part-time employees 10,404 1,180 112.8 10,452 868 109.1 11,247 843 108.1 11,247 843 108.1 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 Net sales of merchandise at direct-run stores Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen +2.5 +1.9 +0.6 (Increase at existing stores) 11,186 12,493 12,494 Average number of employees 28,910 15,356 28,080 Net sales per employee Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 347,847 376,407 384,269 Average retail floor space 929 509 913 Net sales per square meter of retail floor space Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 614.5 650.0 659.2 Average number of stores in operation 526,235 295,333 532,234 Net sales per store Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 77 90 72 Inventory per square meter at end of period Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 44,392 52,816 42,654 Inventory per store at end of period Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Note: Figures above for net sales of merchandise at direct-run stores do not include catalog and online sales.

(Employees/) Second half 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 Number Change Number Change Number Change Number Change 1,822-22 98.8 1,784 138 108.4 2,668 846 146.4 2,668 846 146.4 full-time employees 8,889 875 110.9 8,988 715 108.6 9,959 1,070 112.0 9,959 1,070 112.0 Part-time employees 10,711 853 108.7 10,772 853 108.6 12,627 1,916 117.9 12,627 1,916 117.9 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 Net sales of merchandise at direct-run stores Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 11,550 12,819 13,202 Average number of employees 28,356 15,131 28,884 Net sales per employee Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 355,189 382,508 485,769 Average retail floor space 922 507 785 Net sales per square meter of retail floor space Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 641.4 673.5 1,013.0 Average number of stores in operation 510,640 288,010 376,436 Net sales per store Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 77 90 63 Inventory per square meter at end of period Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 43,969 52,053 30,608 Inventory per store at end of period Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Note.1: Figures above for net sales of merchandise at direct-run stores do not include catalog and online sales. Note.2: The above figures include records of 5 consolidated companies; FAST RETAILING CO., LTD., UNIQLO(U.K.)LTD., FAST RETAILING (JIANGSU) APPAREL CO., LTD., National Standard Inc., and ONEZONE CORPORATION.

Second half 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 10,765 5,597 5,546 11,143 capital investment Millions of Yen Millions of Yen Millions of Yen Millions of Yen 81 41 28 69 opened 36 14 17 31 closed 45 27 11 38 Note:The above figures are for direct-run stores only. Second half 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 Area 14 2 70 10 2 78 2-80 12 2 80 Hokkaido-Tohoku 13 6 233 9 5 237 9 7 239 18 12 239 Kanto 17 9 99 7 5 101 5 3 103 12 8 103 Chubu 15 9 108 9 2 115 7 3 119 16 5 119 Kansai 8 2 29 1-30 1-31 2-31 Chugoku 1 1 18 1-19 1 1 19 2 1 19 Shikoku 13 7 69 4-73 3 3 73 7 3 73 Kyushu-Okinawa 81 36 626 41 14 653 28 17 664 69 31 664 direct-run stores - 3 11 2-13 3 1 15 5 1 15 Franchise stores 81 39 637 43 14 666 31 18 679 74 32 679 358,181 379,644 392,020 392,020 floor space ()

Second half 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 11,220 5,914 5,735 11,649 capital investment Millions of Yen Millions of Yen Millions of Yen Millions of Yen 90 45 32 77 opened 47 14 19 33 closed 43 31 13 44 Note:The above figures are for direct-run stores only. Second half 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 Area 14 2 71 10 2 79 2-104 12 2 104 Hokkaido-Tohoku 18 12 237 9 5 241 9 7 252 18 12 252 Kanto 18 10 100 7 5 102 5 3 131 12 8 131 Chubu 15 9 110 9 2 117 9 4 135 18 6 135 Kansai 8 2 30 1-31 1-33 2-33 Chugoku 1 1 18 1-19 1 1 20 2 1 20 Shikoku 13 7 69 4-73 3 3 100 7 3 100 Kyushu-Okinawa - 2 3 3-6 - - 6 3-6 United Kingdom 3 2 6 1-7 2 1 8 3 1 8 People's Republic of China - - - - - - - - 143 - - 143 European Union 90 47 644 45 14 675 32 19 932 77 33 932 direct-run stores - 3 11 2-13 3 1 300 5 1 300 Franchise stores 90 50 655 47 14 688 35 20 1,232 82 34 1,232 363,901 386,333 437,196 437,196 floor space ()

() Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb First Half Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Second Half 89.2 115.0 100.3 93.2 120.3 87.7 101.9 84.8 98.6 94.6 113.7 105.2 98.4 99.2 100.6 Sales Existing stores 94.8 113.1 101.6 93.5 121.6 94.6 103.4 86.6 96.0 95.6 109.8 103.7 100.8 99.0 101.2 Customers (507 stores) 94.1 101.7 98.7 99.7 98.9 92.7 98.5 97.9 102.7 99.0 103.5 101.5 97.6 100.2 99.4 Spending 97.0 125.4 108.7 101.0 129.8 94.6 110.4 91.5 105.5 100.6 120.8 111.7 104.5 105.9 108.3 Sales Direct-run stores 102.8 123.1 110.4 101.7 131.6 102.4 112.3 93.7 103.1 102.3 117.3 110.8 107.5 106.1 109.2 Customers (664 stores) 94.3 101.8 98.5 99.3 98.6 92.4 98.4 97.7 102.3 98.4 102.9 100.8 97.2 99.7 99.2 Spending 96.3 125.1 109.1 100.9 129.5 95.0 110.4 92.8 105.2 100.7 121.1 112.0 105.2 106.2 108.5 Sales Direct-run stores & 102.4 122.8 110.5 101.5 131.4 102.4 112.1 94.2 103.0 102.3 117.5 110.9 107.6 106.2 109.2 catalog & online sales Customers 94.0 101.8 98.8 99.4 98.5 92.8 98.4 98.5 102.1 98.4 103.0 101.0 97.8 100.0 99.3 Spending () Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb First Half Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Second Half 88.6 109.1 84.9 112.4 110.8 118.4 102.3 93.4 103.3 116.6 98.2 112.0 89.4 102.7 102.5 Sales Existing stores 90.9 103.1 89.0 112.1 113.6 116.0 102.9 93.0 105.3 116.7 101.3 113.3 92.6 104.2 103.5 Customers (462 stores) 97.5 105.8 95.4 100.3 97.5 102.1 99.4 100.4 98.2 99.9 96.9 98.9 96.6 98.6 99.0 Spending 94.8 115.9 90.4 118.7 117.8 126.2 108.8 100.2 110.1 124.6 105.3 120.4 96.5 110.1 109.4 Sales Direct-run stores 97.1 109.4 94.6 118.2 120.6 123.7 109.3 99.9 112.4 124.6 108.6 121.8 100.0 111.7 110.5 Customers (626 stores) 97.7 105.9 95.5 100.4 97.7 102.0 99.5 100.4 98.0 100.0 96.9 98.8 96.5 98.5 99.0 Spending 94.7 116.2 90.4 119.5 117.7 124.5 108.9 99.8 110.0 124.4 104.9 120.5 95.7 109.8 109.3 Sales Direct-run stores & 97.0 109.4 94.4 118.5 120.6 123.1 109.3 99.5 112.2 124.5 108.2 121.8 99.8 111.5 110.4 catalog & online sales Customers 97.7 106.2 95.7 100.9 97.6 101.1 99.6 100.3 98.0 99.9 96.9 99.0 95.9 98.5 99.0 Spending