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滙豐退休策劃指標 2017年12月 December 2017 HSBC Retirement Monitor 今天起步 成就退休之路 Step up your retirement planning today 很 多人會告訴 您 他們正 為 退休生 活努力儲 蓄 但當中又有多少人真正明白知道 要有多少儲蓄 方可支持他們預期的退休生活 理想退休生活 全賴今日及早籌謀 及早開始 自然 及早達標 現在讓我們先細心分析退休生活所 涉及的各項 潛 在開支 Many people say they are trying their very best to save for their retirement, but not everyone has a good idea of exactly how much savings they need to support their expected retirement lifestyle. Retirement life depends greatly on the plan you make today. The sooner you start your planning, the more secure your retirement life will be. Let's start by considering your potential expenses when you retire. 每月預算開支金額 The HSBC Retirement Monitor provides an objective answer to the basic question How much will I need to support my retirement life in Hong Kong? This will give you a good idea of the monthly budget you will likely need to fund three different retirement lifestyles basic, comfortable or affluent. 現在 就讓滙豐與您一起籌劃您的理想退休生活 Start planning for your desired retirement life today with HSBC. 滙豐退休策劃指標能為您提供如 退休後在港生活的 實際所需資金是多少 等問題的客觀答案和分析 讓 您了解基本 舒適或豐盛三種退休生活方式所涉及的

1 What kind of retirement lifestyle do you expect? Basic lifestyle 2 How much will your expected lifestyle cost? Budget for basic lifestyle for retired singles or couples Assumption: Living in public housing Water, electricity and gas 43.1% 24.8% 8.4% Water, electricity and gas 6.0% 4.0% Leisure and entertainment Communications 3.6% 3.5% Household goods and services 2.5% Clothing Above chart and percentage are based on the budget for retired singles. Extra budgets should be allowed for if living in private rental flat. Referring to the Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics (November 2017) published by the Census and Statistics Department of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as at September 2017, the average rents of fresh lettings of private domestic premises is HKD 253-470 per square metre per month. 2.4% 1.7% Fitness, beauty and hairdressing Health care

舒適生活 Comfortable lifestyle 舒適生活方式下 單身人士或二人的退休預算開支 Budget for comfortable lifestyle for retired singles or couples 假設 Assumption: 居於私人物業 按揭已還清 Living in a private flat with no mortgage 單身人士Single (港幣HKD) 二人Couple (港幣HKD) 房屋 外傭 Domestic helper 每月預算 Monthly budget 單身人士Single: 二人Couple: 港幣HKD23,890元 港幣HKD30,160元 交通 上圖及百分率以單身人士退休後的預算開支計算 Above chart and percentage are based on the budget for retired singles. 如租住私人物業 需額外預留每月開支 參考香港特別行政區政府統計處出版的 香港統計月刊 2017年 11月 截至2017年9月的數據 最新私人住宅樓宇新訂租約平均租金為每月每平方米港幣253元至470元 Extra budgets should be allowed for if living in private rental flat. Referring to the Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics (November 2017) published by the Census and Statistics Department of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as at September 2017, the average rents of fresh lettings of private domestic premises is HKD 253-470 per square metre per month. 22.8% 房屋 5,455 5,455 22.3% 外傭 Domestic helper 5,330 5,330 18.7% 交通 4,455 4,760 16.5% 食物 3,950 7,355 5.4% 消閒娛樂 Leisure and entertainment 1,300 2,045 3.4% 水電煤 Water, electricity and gas 815 1,005 3.2% 健康與美容 Fitness, beauty and hairdressing 765 1,255 2.1% 服飾 Clothing 500 990 2.1% 家居用品及服務 505 Household goods 550 and services 1.8% 通訊 Communications 420 640 1.7% 醫療 Health care 395 775

豐盛生活 Affluent lifestyle 豐盛生活方式下 單身人士或二人的退休預算開支 Budget for affluent lifestyle for retired singles or couples 假設 Assumption: 居於私人物業 按揭已還清 Living in a private flat with no mortgage 單身人士Single (港幣HKD) 二人Couple (港幣HKD) 房屋 外傭 Domestic helper 每月預算 Monthly budget 單身人士Single: 二人Couple: 港幣HKD37,095元 港幣HKD48,800元 食物 上圖及百分率以單身人士退休後的預算開支計算 Above chart and percentage are based on the budget for retired singles. 如租住私人物業 需額外預留每月開支 參考香港特別行政區政府統計處出版的 香港統計月刊 2017年 11月 截至2017年9月的數據 最新私人住宅樓宇新訂租約平均租金為每月每平方米港幣253元至470元 Extra budgets should be allowed for if living in private rental flat. Referring to the Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics (November 2017) published by the Census and Statistics Department of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as at September 2017, the average rents of fresh lettings of private domestic premises is HKD 253-470 per square metre per month. 21.9% 房屋 8,140 8,140 20.8% 食物 7,725 14,365 16.3% 外傭 Domestic helper 6,055 6,055 15.4% 交通 5,715 6,155 11.1% 消閒娛樂 Leisure and entertainment 4,120 5,695 3.2% 健康與美容 Fitness, beauty and hairdressing 1,185 2,115 3.1% 水電煤 Water, electricity and gas 1,130 1,260 2.9% 服飾 Clothing 1,075 1,885 1.9% 醫療 Health care 720 1,450 1.9% 家居用品及服務 685 Household goods 780 and services 1.5% 通訊 Communications 545 900

3 Plan for your desired retirement lifestyle. These budgets and assumptions reflect typical spending patterns. Specific individuals and couples will have different spending habits and needs, and may trade off spending in one area against another. Below you can plan your budget for your desired retirement lifestyle. HKD Budget Water, electricity and gas Domestic helper Household goods and services Clothing Health care Communications Leisure and entertainment Fitness, beauty and hairdressing Other expenditure Total Single Couple

4 How were the budgets and required totals put together? The HSBC Retirement Monitor was commissioned by HSBC with The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) conducting the research and analysis. The budgets were put together through extensive research on the price of specific goods and services in Hong Kong and on the spending patterns of Hong Kong retirees, together with the statistics from the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on household expenditure for various income and age groups. The figures take into account recent price changes, as reflected in the Consumer Price Index published by the Census and Statistics Department. The figures in the report are based on data as at September 2017. The HSBC Retirement Monitor will be updated quarterly to reflect changes in the price of the various goods and services and the subsequent changes in spending required by retirees. While the budgets reflect typical costs and quantities purchased, specific individuals or couples will have different spending patterns. However, the overall figures and their breakdown will be a reference and may potentially assist you to formulate your own budget, because individual can and do trade off spending in one area against another, and some retirees may have additional expenses, such as dependants. The lifestyles chosen are not indications of relative wealth, but of spending patterns and habits. However, as a general guide, basic may be relevant to those in the lowest 25% of income distribution in retirement, while affluent may relate to the top 5%. These budgets relate to ordinary expenditure; allowances should be made for any unforeseeable spending.

5 Are you saving enough for your preferred retirement lifestyle? Early planning paves the way to your desired retirement. Retirement planning involves more than crunching numbers. It is equally important to analyse in detail the retirement lifestyle you want. Let s look at the numbers together to get a clear picture about what you need for your desired retirement. Want to know how much you need to save for the retirement lifestyle you want and whether you are on track to achieve it? Contact us now, and together we can assess your retirement goals and create a plan to meet them.

This report does not constitute an invitation, inducement or advice to you on any products or services. Please seek professional advice where necessary. Issued by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited L-MPF035 v09/1217 (1217)