Contents Financial Summary and Forecast 1 Sales Breakdown by Product Category 3 Sales Breakdown by Region 5 Breakdown of Key Expenses 7 Nonop

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15 16 31 Contents Financial Summary and Forecast 1 Sales Breakdown by Product Category 3 Sales Breakdown by Region 5 Breakdown of Key Expenses 7 Nonoperating Income and Expenses 7 Employees at the Term 9 Other Statistics 9 Capital Investment 11 Capital Investment & Store Openings and Closures 11 by Region 11 Percentage Change in Sales,Customers and Spending per Customer 13 10 Principal Shareholders 14 11Breakdown of Shares by Type of Shareholder 14

Mil. Yen Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Change 301,751 100.0 88.3 180,751 100.0 111.6 155,142 100.0 111.0 335,893 100.0 111.3 205,000 100.0 113.4 175,000 100.0 112.8 380,000 100.0 113.1 Net sales 134,770 44.7 90.1 85,814 47.5 122.6 75,933 48.9 117.2 161,748 48.1 120.0 95,000 46.3 110.7 83,000 47.4 109.3 178,000 46.8 110.1 Gross profit 88,276 29.3 92.4 46,144 25.5 105.2 50,729 32.7 114.2 96,873 28.8 109.7 53,700 26.2 116.4 52,700 30.1 103.9 106,400 28.0 109.8 SG&A expenses 46,493 15.4 86.1 39,670 22.0 151.9 25,203 16.2 123.7 64,874 19.3 139.5 41,300 20.1 104.1 30,300 17.3 120.2 71,600 18.8 110.4 Operating income 46,968 15.6 85.8 39,662 22.0 150.5 25,378 16.4 123.2 65,040 19.4 138.5 41,500 20.2 104.6 30,500 17.4 120.2 72,000 18.9 110.7 Ordinary income 18,672 6.2 59.2 21,301 11.8 188.6 14,103 9.1 191.2 35,404 10.5 189.6 23,000 11.2 108.0 17,000 9.7 120.5 40,000 10.5 113.0 Net income 180.82 - - 209.42 - - 135.21 344.63 - - 226.12 - - 167.13 - - 393.25 - - Earnings per share (yen) 101,716 - - 101,716 - - 101,715 101,715 - - 101,715 - - 101,715 - - 101,715 - - shares issued (thousands) 2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 Second half 2004/3/1-2004/8/31 FY 2005 First half (est.) 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 FY 2005 Second half (est.) 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/8/31

1.0 Second half FY 2005 First half (est.) FY 2005 Second half (est.) 2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 2004/3/1-2004/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/8/31 Mil. Yen Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Change 309,789 100.0 90.0 182,920 100.0 110.6 157,078 100.0 108.8 339,999 100.0 109.8 207,450 100.0 113.4 177,380 100.0 112.9 384,830 100.0 113.2 Net sales 137,065 44.2 91.1 86,640 47.4 122.0 76,554 48.7 115.9 163,194 48.0 119.1 96,200 46.4 111.0 84,150 47.4 109.9 180,350 46.9 110.5 Gross profit 95,757 30.9 95.8 47,403 25.9 99.1 51,836 33.0 108.1 99,240 29.2 103.6 54,830 26.4 115.7 53,870 30.3 103.9 108,700 28.3 109.5 SG&A expenses 41,308 13.3 81.9 39,236 21.5 169.2 24,717 15.7 136.4 63,954 18.8 154.8 41,370 20.0 105.4 30,280 17.1 122.5 71,650 18.6 112.0 Operating income 41,569 13.4 81.3 39,187 21.5 167.7 24,995 15.9 137.3 64,183 18.9 154.4 41,925 20.2 107.0 30,885 17.4 123.6 72,810 18.9 113.4 Ordinary income 20,933 6.8 75.2 17,843 9.8 150.1 13,522 8.6 149.5 31,365 9.2 149.8 23,425 11.3 131.3 17,385 9.8 128.6 40,810 10.6 130.1 Net income 203.05 - - 175.42 - - 129.50 - - 304.92 - - 230.30 - - 170.92 - - 401.22 - - Earnings per share (yen) ( ) 101,716 - - 101,716 - - 101,715 - - 101,715 - - 101,715 - - 101,715 - - 101,715 - - shares issued (thousands)

2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 Second half 2004/3/1-2004/8/31 FY 2005 First half (est.) 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 FY 2005 Second half (est.) 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/8/31 Mil. Yen Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Change 19,589 6.5 99.8 11,643 6.4 111.9 9,903 6.4 107.8 21,547 6.4 110.1 12,490 6.1 107.3 10,320 5.9 104.2 22,810 6.0 105.9 Children's Clothing 74,965 24.8 99.7 51,636 28.6 140.6 46,706 30.1 122.1 98,342 29.3 131.2 59,850 29.2 115.9 52,980 30.3 113.4 112,830 29.7 114.7 Women's Clothing 17,922 5.9 69.3 12,588 7.0 81.5 1,818 1.2 73.3 14,407 4.3 80.4 14,910 7.3 118.4 2,920 1.7 160.6 17,830 4.7 123.8 Outerwear 12,555 4.2 81.4 13,562 7.5 128.1 1,237 0.8 63.0 14,800 4.4 117.9 14,910 7.3 109.9 1,210 0.7 97.8 16,120 4.2 108.9 Sweaters 67,909 22.5 78.8 36,591 20.3 101.9 33,702 21.7 105.4 70,293 20.9 103.5 39,290 19.2 107.4 36,640 20.9 108.7 75,930 20.0 108.0 Cut & Sewn 18,306 6.1 80.4 8,343 4.6 105.3 11,970 7.7 115.3 20,313 6.1 111.0 9,070 4.4 108.7 13,070 7.5 109.2 22,140 5.8 109.0 Shirts 28,967 9.6 88.8 13,228 7.3 99.8 17,022 10.9 108.3 30,250 9.0 104.4 14,310 7.0 108.2 18,060 10.3 106.1 32,370 8.6 107.0 Slacks (Pants) 55,728 18.5 94.6 30,269 16.7 106.1 30,535 19.7 112.3 60,805 18.1 109.1 36,670 17.9 121.1 36,810 21.0 120.6 73,480 19.3 120.8 Accessories 295,946 98.1 87.9 177,863 98.4 112.0 152,897 98.5 111.5 330,760 98.5 111.8 201,500 98.4 113.3 172,010 98.3 112.5 373,510 98.3 112.9 Subtotal 3,906 1.3 106.3 1,953 1.1 89.3 1,504 1.0 87.6 3,458 1.0 88.5 2,120 1.0 108.6 1,760 1.0 117.0 3,880 1.0 112.2 Products supplied to franchise stores 1,374 0.4 126.5 619 0.3 83.0 417 0.3 66.4 1,036 0.3 75.4 690 0.3 111.5 570 0.3 136.7 1,260 0.3 121.6 Administrative charges 524 0.2 197.8 314 0.2 126.3 323 0.2 117.9 637 0.2 121.7 690 0.3 219.7 660 0.4 204.3 1,350 0.4 211.9 Fees from in-store alterations 301,751 100.0 88.3 180,751 100.0 111.6 155,142 100.0 111.0 335,893 100.0 111.3 205,000 100.0 113.4 175,000 100.0 112.8 380,000 100.0 113.1

Second half FY 2005 First half (est.) FY 2005 Second half (est.) 2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 2004/3/1-2004/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/8/31 Mil. Yen Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Change 20,193 6.5 101.9 11,693 6.4 109.4 9,953 6.3 104.8 21,647 6.4 107.2 12,540 6.0 107.2 10,370 5.8 104.2 22,910 6.0 105.8 Children's Clothing 77,587 25.0 102.0 52,220 28.6 137.2 47,167 30.0 119.3 99,388 29.2 128.1 60,760 29.3 116.4 53,850 30.4 114.2 114,610 29.8 115.3 Women's Clothing 18,312 5.9 70.4 12,699 6.9 81.4 1,856 1.2 68.3 14,556 4.3 79.5 15,030 7.3 118.4 2,990 1.7 161.1 18,020 4.7 123.8 Outerwear 12,929 4.2 82.5 13,681 7.5 125.3 1,267 0.8 62.9 14,948 4.4 115.6 15,070 7.3 110.2 1,250 0.7 98.7 16,320 4.2 109.2 Sweaters 69,150 22.3 79.8 36,839 20.1 101.2 33,907 21.6 103.5 70,746 20.8 102.3 39,600 19.1 107.5 36,970 20.8 109.0 76,570 19.9 108.2 Cut & Sewn 18,770 6.1 81.8 8,421 4.6 103.7 12,082 7.7 113.5 20,504 6.0 109.2 9,180 4.4 109.0 13,240 7.5 109.6 22,420 5.8 109.3 Shirts 29,531 9.5 90.1 13,335 7.3 98.8 17,153 10.9 107.0 30,488 9.0 103.2 14,470 7.0 108.5 18,270 10.3 106.5 32,740 8.5 107.4 Slacks (Pants) 56,849 18.4 96.1 30,510 16.7 105.9 30,694 19.5 109.5 61,205 18.0 107.7 36,900 17.8 120.9 36,990 20.9 120.5 73,890 19.2 120.7 Accessories 303,325 97.9 89.4 179,401 98.1 110.7 154,083 98.0 109.1 333,485 98.1 109.9 203,550 98.2 113.5 173,930 98.1 112.9 377,480 98.1 113.2 Subtotal 3,906 1.3 106.3 1,953 1.1 89.3 1,504 1.0 87.6 3,458 1.0 88.5 2,120 1.0 108.6 1,760 1.0 117.0 3,880 1.0 112.2 Products supplied to franchise stores 1,374 0.4 126.5 619 0.3 83.0 417 0.3 66.4 1,036 0.3 75.4 690 0.3 111.5 570 0.3 136.7 1,260 0.3 121.6 Administrative charges 528 0.2 198.8 314 0.2 126.1 323 0.2 115.8 637 0.2 120.6 690 0.3 219.7 660 0.3 204.3 1,350 0.4 211.9 Fees from in-store alterations 309,135 99.8 89.8 182,289 99.7 110.3 156,328 99.5 108.7 338,618 99.6 109.5 207,050 99.8 113.6 176,920 99.7 113.2 383,970 99.8 113.4 UNIQLO 654 0.2-631 0.3 583.0 750 0.5 137.6 1,381 0.4 211.1 400 0.2 63.4 460 0.3 61.3 860 0.2 62.3 Other Business 309,789 100.0 90.0 182,920 100.0 110.6 157,078 100.0 108.8 339,999 100.0 109.8 207,450 100.0 113.4 177,380 100.0 112.9 384,830 100.0 113.2

Second half 2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 2004/3/1-2004/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 Mil. Yen Sales Mil. Yen Sales Mil. Yen Sales Mil. Yen Sales 11,223 3.7 19 6,672 3.7 23 6,332 4.1 25 13,004 3.9 25 3,089 1.0 8 1,817 1.0 8 1,503 1.0 8 3,320 1.0 8 2,142 0.7 3 1,309 0.7 4 1,236 0.8 5 2,546 0.8 5 5,651 1.9 10 3,491 1.9 12 2,889 1.9 12 6,380 1.9 12 1,820 0.6 4 1,280 0.7 5 1,042 0.7 5 2,323 0.7 5 2,581 0.9 7 1,690 0.9 8 1,454 0.9 8 3,145 0.9 8 3,656 1.2 7 2,127 1.2 7 1,768 1.1 7 3,896 1.2 7 6,559 2.2 11 4,023 2.2 12 3,185 2.1 12 7,208 2.1 12 5,013 1.7 12 2,966 1.6 12 2,411 1.6 12 5,377 1.6 12 4,919 1.6 9 2,956 1.6 10 2,647 1.7 12 5,603 1.7 12 14,430 4.8 31 8,805 4.9 32 7,317 4.7 33 16,089 4.8 33 15,222 5.0 32 8,772 4.9 32 7,593 4.9 33 16,399 4.9 33 42,268 14.0 80 24,646 13.6 80 21,765 14.0 80 46,411 13.8 80 26,203 8.7 51 15,312 8.5 52 13,414 8.6 51 28,726 8.6 51 4,599 1.5 9 3,285 1.8 10 2,780 1.8 11 6,065 1.8 11 2,330 0.8 4 1,521 0.8 5 1,280 0.8 6 2,801 0.8 6 2,507 0.8 6 1,530 0.8 6 1,232 0.8 6 2,762 0.8 6 1,961 0.7 4 1,183 0.7 4 971 0.6 4 2,155 0.6 4 1,458 0.5 2 1,101 0.6 3 940 0.6 3 2,041 0.6 3 3,641 1.2 7 2,538 1.4 8 2,206 1.4 9 4,745 1.4 9 7,272 2.4 14 4,529 2.5 14 3,915 2.5 14 8,445 2.5 14 4,836 1.6 11 2,862 1.6 11 2,314 1.5 11 5,177 1.5 11

Second half 2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 2004/3/1-2004/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 Mil. Yen Sales Mil. Yen Sales Mil. Yen Sales Mil. Yen Sales 14,975 5.0 34 9,308 5.1 34 7,954 5.1 35 17,262 5.2 35 3,760 1.2 8 2,232 1.2 8 1,873 1.2 8 4,105 1.2 8 3,527 1.2 7 2,155 1.2 7 1,672 1.1 7 3,827 1.1 7 2,695 0.9 5 1,447 0.8 5 1,247 0.8 5 2,695 0.8 5 6,677 2.2 14 4,220 2.3 15 3,650 2.3 15 7,870 2.3 15 22,187 7.4 42 13,020 7.2 43 11,153 7.2 45 24,173 7.2 45 13,418 4.4 26 8,139 4.5 27 6,777 4.4 28 14,916 4.5 28 1,527 0.5 3 907 0.5 3 736 0.5 3 1,644 0.5 3 1,990 0.7 5 1,429 0.8 6 1,177 0.8 6 2,607 0.8 6 6,334 2.1 12 3,706 2.1 13 3,470 2.2 15 7,176 2.1 15 1,296 0.4 3 1,078 0.6 6 1,172 0.8 5 2,251 0.7 5 1,841 0.6 4 1,058 0.6 3 917 0.6 4 1,975 0.6 4 2,036 0.7 4 1,205 0.7 4 999 0.6 4 2,205 0.7 4 3,038 1.0 7 1,778 1.0 7 1,478 1.0 7 3,256 1.0 7 1,704 0.6 3 983 0.5 3 839 0.5 3 1,823 0.5 3 10,528 3.5 22 5,821 3.2 22 5,032 3.2 23 10,853 3.2 23 2,474 0.8 6 1,433 0.8 6 1,232 0.8 6 2,665 0.8 6 1,341 0.4 3 1,114 0.6 5 927 0.6 5 2,041 0.6 5 2,912 1.0 7 1,562 0.9 7 1,453 0.9 8 3,015 0.9 8 2,453 0.8 6 1,400 0.8 6 1,253 0.8 6 2,654 0.8 6 3,923 1.3 9 2,400 1.3 9 1,941 1.3 9 4,341 1.3 9 2,966 1.0 6 1,615 0.9 6 1,691 1.1 7 3,307 1.0 7 1,958 0.6 4 989 0.5 4 1,098 0.7 5 2,087 0.6 5 288,964 95.8 581 173,437 96.0 607 149,954 96.6 626 323,392 96.3 626 6,982 2.3-4,425 2.4-2,942 1.9-7,368 2.2-3,906 1.3 14 1,953 1.1 11 1,504 1.0 11 3,458 1.0 11 1,374 0.4-619 0.3-417 0.3-1,036 0.3-524 0.2-314 0.2-323 0.2-637 0.2-301,751 100.0 595 180,751 100.0 618 155,142 100.0 637 335,893 100.0 637

Second half FY 2005 First half (est.) FY 2005 Second half (est.) 2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 2004/3/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/8/31 Mil. Yen Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Change 31,655 10.5 90.5 16,353 9.0 107.1 19,025 12.3 116.2 35,378 10.5 111.8 19,700 9.6 120.5 20,000 11.4 105.1 39,700 10.4 112.2 Personnel 18,265 6.1 98.1 9,288 5.1 100.4 8,859 5.7 98.2 18,147 5.4 99.4 10,800 5.3 116.3 9,200 5.3 103.9 20,000 5.3 110.2 Advertising and promotion costs 22,437 7.4 104.5 11,970 6.6 106.7 12,944 8.3 115.4 24,915 7.4 111.0 12,500 6.1 104.4 13,000 7.4 100.4 25,500 6.7 102.4 Rents 1,794 0.6 100.1 839 0.5 96.3 917 0.6 99.5 1,757 0.5 97.9 900 0.4 107.2 900 0.5 98.1 1,800 0.5 102.4 Depreciation and amortization 14,122 4.7 75.8 7,691 4.3 106.1 8,982 5.8 130.7 16,674 5.0 118.1 9,800 4.8 127.4 9,600 5.5 106.9 19,400 5.1 116.3 Others 88,276 29.3 92.4 46,144 25.5 105.2 50,729 32.7 114.2 96,873 28.8 109.7 53,700 26.2 116.4 52,700 30.1 103.9 106,400 28.0 109.8 Second half FY 2005 First half (est.) FY 2005 Second half (est.) 2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 2004/3/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/8/31 Mil. Yen Change 378-289 56.7 217 1 100.5 338 176 208.5 556 177 146.8 300 82 137.9 300-38 88.5 600 43 107.8 Interest & dividend income 411-327 55.7 91-156 36.9 131-32 80.4 223-188 54.3 100 8 109.4 100-31 75.8 200-23 89.5 Other nonoperating income 790-616 56.2 309-155 66.6 470 144 144.1 779-10 98.6 400 90 129.4 400-70 85.0 800 20 102.6 nonoperating income 175-141 55.3 98-7 93.0 69 0 100.0 168-7 95.8 100 1 101.6 100 30 143.6 200 31 119.0 Interest expenses 140-186 42.9 218 109 200.3 226 195 729.3 445 305 317.5 100-118 45.7 100-126 44.1 200-245 44.9 Other nonoperating expenses 315-328 49.0 317 102 147.5 296 195 294.3 613 297 194.3 200-117 63.0 200-96 67.5 400-213 65.2 nonoperating expenses 474-288 62.2-8 -257-3.3 174-51 77.1 166-309 35.0 200 208-200 25 114.8 400 233 241.0 Net nonoperating income

Second half FY 2005 First half (est.) FY 2005 Second half (est.) 2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 2004/3/1-2004/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/8/31 Mil. Yen Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Change 34,103 11.0 93.6 16,703 9.1 100.7 19,433 12.4 111.0 36,137 10.6 106.0 20,075 9.7 120.2 20,400 11.5 105.0 40,475 10.5 112.0 Personnel 19,276 6.2 98.0 9,358 5.1 93.8 8,928 5.7 96.0 18,286 5.4 94.9 10,920 5.3 116.7 9,280 5.2 103.9 20,200 5.2 110.5 Advertising and promotion costs 23,943 7.8 110.1 12,354 6.8 105.4 13,267 8.4 108.6 25,622 7.5 107.0 12,990 6.3 105.1 13,550 7.6 102.1 26,540 6.9 103.6 Rents 2,272 0.7 117.7 890 0.5 81.1 950 0.6 80.9 1,840 0.6 81.0 940 0.5 105.6 940 0.5 98.9 1,880 0.5 102.2 Depreciation and amortization 16,160 5.2 80.1 8,096 4.4 96.1 9,256 5.9 119.7 17,353 5.1 107.4 9,905 4.8 122.3 9,700 5.5 104.8 19,605 5.1 113.0 Others 95,757 30.9 95.8 47,403 25.9 99.1 51,836 33.0 108.1 99,240 29.2 103.6 54,830 26.4 115.7 53,870 30.4 103.9 108,700 28.2 109.5 Second half FY 2005 First half (est.) FY 2005 Second half (est.) 2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 2004/3/1-2004/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/8/31 Mil. Yen Change 374-302 55.3 210-12 94.5 296 144 194.9 506 132 135.3 500 290 238.1 500 204 168.9 1,000 494 197.6 Interest & dividend income 446-302 59.6 97-147 39.6 309 108 153.7 406-39 91.1 260 163 268.0 310 1 100.3 570 164 140.4 Other nonoperating income 821-604 57.6 307-160 65.8 606 252 171.4 913 92 111.3 760 453 247.6 810 204 133.7 1,570 657 172.0 nonoperating income 332-74 81.7 98-66 59.6 71-96 42.4 169-163 50.9 105 7 107.1 105 34 147.9 210 41 124.3 Interest expenses 227-99 69.6 258 129 200.3 256 158 260.6 515 287 226.4 100-158 38.8 100-156 39.1 200-315 38.8 Other nonoperating expenses 560-173 76.3 356 62 121.3 328 61 123.2 684 124 122.2 205-151 57.6 205-123 62.5 410-274 59.9 nonoperating expenses 260-430 37.7-49 -222-28.3 278 190 318.4 229-31 87.8 555 604-605 327 217.6 1,160 931 506.6 Net nonoperating income

(Employees/) Second half FY 2005 First half (est.) FY 2005 Second half (est.) 2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 2004/3/1-2004/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/8/31 Number Change 1,134-77 93.6 1,119-28 97.6 1,208 74 106.5 1,208 74 106.5 1,160 41 103.7 1,300 92 107.6 1,300 92 107.6 Male full-time employees 332-88 79.0 303-73 80.6 372 40 112.1 372 40 112.1 360 57 118.8 400 28 107.5 400 28 107.5 Female full-time employees 1,466-165 89.9 1,422-101 93.4 1,580 114 107.8 1,580 114 107.8 1,520 98 106.9 1,700 120 107.6 1,700 120 107.6 full-time employees 7,758-1,301 85.6 8,162 1,603 124.4 8,824 1,066 113.7 8,824 1,066 113.7 9,030 868 110.6 9,401 577 106.5 9,401 577 106.5 Part-time employees 9,224-1,466 86.3 9,584 1,502 118.6 10,404 1,180 112.8 10,404 1,180 112.8 10,550 966 110.1 11,101 697 106.7 11,101 697 106.7 2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 Net sales of merchandise at direct-run stores Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen -19.7 +2.3 +2.5 (Increase at existing stores) 10,057 11,050 11,186 Average number of employees 28,732 15,695 28,910 Net sales per employee Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 316,493 338,582 347,847 Average retail floor space 913 512 929 Net sales per square meter of retail floor space Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 581.3 603.1 614.5 Average number of stores in operation 497,117 287,568 526,235 Net sales per store Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 60 59 77 Inventory per square meter at end of period Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 33,597 33,619 44,392 Inventory per store at end of period Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Note: Figures above for net sales of merchandise at direct-run stores do not include catalog and online sales.

(Employees/) Second half FY 2005 First half (est.) FY 2005 Second half (est.) 2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 2004/3/1-2004/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/8/31 Number Change 1,844-9 99.5 1,646-239 87.3 1,822-22 98.8 1,822-22 98.8 1,725 79 104.8 1,908 86 104.7 1,908 86 104.7 full-time employees 8,014-1,229 86.7 8,273 1,356 119.6 8,889 875 110.9 8,889 875 110.9 9,108 835 110.1 9,484 595 106.7 9,484 595 106.7 Part-time employees 9,858-1,238 88.8 9,919 1,117 112.7 10,711 853 108.7 10,711 853 108.7 10,833 914 109.2 11,392 681 106.4 11,392 681 106.4 2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 Net sales of merchandise at direct-run stores Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 10,720 11,359 11,550 Average number of employees 27,643 15,459 28,356 Net sales per employee Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 329,021 345,673 355,189 Average retail floor space 900 508 922 Net sales per square meter of retail floor space Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 603.7 619.3 641.4 Average number of stores in operation 490,880 283,576 510,640 Net sales per store Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 61 59 77 Inventory per square meter at end of period Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen 33,735 33,562 43,969 Inventory per store at end of period Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Thousands of Yen Note: Figures above for net sales of merchandise at direct-run stores do not include catalog and online sales.

Second half FY 2005 First half (est.) FY 2005 Second half (est.) 2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 2004/3/1-2004/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/8/31 10,885 5,927 4,838 10,765 5,500 5,000 10,500 capital investment Millions of Yen Millions of Yen Millions of Yen Millions of Yen Millions of Yen Millions of Yen Millions of Yen 76 43 38 81 41 32 73 opened 53 17 19 36 11 9 20 closed 23 26 19 45 30 23 53 Note:The above figures are for direct-run stores only. () Second half FY 2005 First half (est.) FY 2005 Second half (est.) 2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 2004/3/1-2004/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/8/31 Area 11 2 58 9-67 5 2 70 14 2 70 10 2 78 3-81 13 2 81 Hokkaido-Tohoku 19 18 226 5 1 230 8 5 233 13 6 233 9 3 239 6 2 243 15 5 243 Kanto 16 8 91 11 7 95 6 2 99 17 9 99 7 4 102 6-108 13 4 108 Chubu 14 12 102 6 3 105 9 6 108 15 9 108 9 2 115 12 4 123 21 6 123 Kansai 2 3 23 5-28 3 2 29 8 2 29 1-30 - - 30 1-30 Chugoku 3 2 18-1 17 1-18 1 1 18 1-19 2 1 20 3 1 20 Shikoku 11 8 63 7 5 65 6 2 69 13 7 69 4-73 3 2 74 7 2 74 Kyushu-Okinawa 76 53 581 43 17 607 38 19 626 81 36 626 41 11 656 32 9 679 73 20 679 direct-run stores 2-14 - 3 11 - - 11-3 11 2-13 - - 13 2-13 Franchise stores 78 53 595 43 20 618 38 19 637 81 39 637 43 11 669 32 9 692 75 20 692 321,397 342,411 358,181 358,181 381,484 401,152 401,152 floor space ()

Second half FY 2005 First half (est.) FY 2005 Second half (est.) 2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 2004/3/1-2004/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/8/31 11,633 6,189 5,031 11,220 5,656 5,050 10,706 capital investment Millions of Yen Millions of Yen Millions of Yen Millions of Yen Millions of Yen Millions of Yen Millions of Yen 88 51 39 90 45 32 77 opened 53 17 29 46 11 9 20 closed 35 34 10 44 34 23 57 Note:The above figures are for direct-run stores only. () Second half FY 2005 First half (est.) FY 2005 Second half (est.) 2002/9/1-2003/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/2/29 2004/3/1-2004/8/31 2003/9/1-2004/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/2/28 2005/3/1-2005/8/31 2004/9/1-2005/8/31 Area 11 2 58 9 0 67 5 2 71 14 2 71 10 2 79 3 0 82 13 2 82 Hokkaido-Tohoku 20 18 227 10 1 236 8 11 237 18 12 237 9 3 243 6 2 247 15 5 247 Kanto 16 8 91 11 7 95 7 2 101 18 9 101 7 4 104 6 0 110 13 4 110 Chubu 14 12 102 6 3 105 9 6 110 15 9 110 9 2 117 12 4 125 21 6 125 Kansai 2 3 23 5 0 28 3 2 30 8 2 30 1 0 31 0 0 31 1 0 31 Chugoku 3 2 18 0 1 17 1 0 18 1 1 18 1 0 19 2 1 20 3 1 20 Shikoku 11 8 63 7 5 65 6 2 69 13 7 69 4 0 73 3 2 74 7 2 74 Kyushu-Okinawa 6-21 0 0 5 0 2 3 0 2 3 3 0 6 0 0 6 3 0 6 United Kingdom 5-5 3 0 8 0 2 6 3 2 6 1 0 7 0 0 7 1 0 7 People's Republic of China 88 53 608 51 17 626 39 29 645 90 46 645 45 11 679 32 9 702 77 20 702 direct-run stores - - 14 0 3 11 0 0 11 0 3 11 2 0 13 0 0 13 2 0 13 Franchise stores 88 53 622 51 20 637 39 29 656 90 49 656 47 11 692 32 9 715 79 20 715 335,849 350,249 363,901 363,901 388,846 408,515 408,515 floor space ()

43( 159 168) FY2004 (2003/9/1-2004/8/31) () Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb First Half Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Second Half 88.6 109.1 84.9 112.4 110.8 118.4 102.3 93.4 103.3 116.6 98.2 112.0 89.4 102.7 102.5 Sales Existing stores 90.9 103.1 89.0 112.1 113.6 116.0 102.9 93.0 105.3 116.7 101.3 113.3 92.6 104.2 103.5 Customers (462 stores) 97.5 105.8 95.4 100.3 97.5 102.1 99.4 100.4 98.2 99.9 96.9 98.9 96.6 98.6 99.0 Spending 94.8 115.9 90.4 118.7 117.8 126.2 108.8 100.2 110.1 124.6 105.3 120.4 96.5 110.1 109.4 Sales Direct-run stores 97.1 109.4 94.6 118.2 120.6 123.7 109.3 99.9 112.4 124.6 108.6 121.8 100.0 111.7 110.5 Customers (626 stores) 97.7 105.9 95.5 100.4 97.7 102.0 99.5 100.4 98.0 100.0 96.9 98.8 96.5 98.5 99.0 Spending 94.7 116.2 90.4 119.5 117.7 124.5 108.9 99.8 110.0 124.4 104.9 120.5 95.7 109.8 109.3 Sales Direct-run stores & 97.0 109.4 94.4 118.5 120.6 123.1 109.3 99.5 112.2 124.5 108.2 121.8 99.8 111.5 110.4 catalog & online sales Customers 97.7 106.2 95.7 100.9 97.6 101.1 99.6 100.3 98.0 99.9 96.9 99.0 95.9 98.5 99.0 Spending 42( 149 158) FY2003 (2002/9/1-2003/8/31) () Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb First Half Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Second Half 75.7 69.3 79.8 70.0 71.5 74.2 73.2 80.7 92.4 91.3 93.7 91.3 106.7 91.3 80.3 Sales Existing stores 84.3 79.2 90.9 82.2 82.7 82.6 83.8 90.7 101.6 101.0 101.8 96.9 109.6 99.8 90.7 Customers (420 stores) 89.9 87.5 87.8 85.1 86.5 89.7 87.4 89.0 90.9 90.4 92.0 94.2 97.3 91.5 88.5 Spending 84.6 76.4 86.8 77.3 78.7 81.8 80.7 87.7 99.6 99.0 102.0 98.0 114.4 98.9 88.2 Sales Direct-run stores 94.4 87.4 99.1 91.0 91.3 91.5 92.5 98.7 109.7 109.6 111.1 104.1 117.6 108.1 99.6 Customers (581 stores) 89.6 87.4 87.6 85.0 86.2 89.4 87.2 88.9 90.8 90.4 91.8 94.1 97.3 91.5 88.5 Spending 83.5 75.6 84.9 76.5 77.6 81.5 79.6 87.3 99.3 98.5 101.4 97.9 114.6 98.6 87.3 Sales Direct-run stores & 93.7 86.9 97.8 90.4 90.5 91.1 91.8 98.3 109.3 109.2 110.7 104.1 117.6 107.8 99.1 catalog & online sales Customers 89.1 87.0 86.8 84.5 85.8 89.5 86.7 88.7 90.9 90.3 91.6 94.1 97.5 91.5 88.1 Spending