~ Capability Maturity Model Integration, CMMI CMMI

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2008 11 331~350 1 2 3 1 2 3 Capability Maturity Model Integration, CMMI CMMI 360 037 381274 e-mail bcdefg@nuu.edu.tw 331

Interpreting the software-development framework stemming from the gradual hexagram symbol of the I-Ching Wei-ning Pi, 1 Wen-kui Chang 2 & Chia-hau Chang 3 1 Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Language, National United University 2 Professor, Department of Information Management, Chang Jung Christian University 3 Graduate, Department of Computer Sciences & Information Engineering, Tunghai University Abstract The essential purpose of this research is, by utilizing the contents of the gradual divinatory symbol among the 64 divinatory symbols in the I-Ching, to analyze and interpret the implications behind the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), which was developed as the development guidelines in the domains of software engineering and system engineering by the Software Engineering Institute. With the divinatory symbol Yao as the baseline, this research globally explores the CMMI model from the aspects of intelligence of great thinkers of the Chinese past with the intent to substantiate CMMI meaning with the philosophic theory of the I-Ching and make its structure more perfect. There are two goals embedded in this research. Firstly, it tries to construct a new mode of thinking of civilization by merging the flexible, global characteristics in the eastern thinking logic, in order to meet modern management development's needs. Secondly, it is expected to launch the classical general generation value in ancient times in China, in order to be undergoing forever. Keywords: I-Ching, Yao, divinatory symbols, CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) 332

(C.G.Jung) 1 2 3 4 CMMI 1 21 1992 14 2 C 1995 3~9 3 2002 143 4 C 3~9 333

-- -- 5 51975 6~7 334

6 7 8 62002 38~39 7 1976 32 8 1995 328 335

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 2004 370 11 328 10 371 11 117 12 117 13 443~444 14 372 329 15 117 336

19 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 16 444 17 330 18 117 19 445 20 330~331 21 117 22 445 23 331 337

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 24 117 25 447 26 332 27 118 28 447 29 118 30 448 338

31 32 33 34 35 36 31 371 32 2000 47~49 33 2000 898 34 334 35 2000 898~899 36 370~372 339

37 CMMI CMMI(Capability Maturity Model Integration (Software Engineering Institute, SEI) (Capability Level) (Maturity Level) CMMI (Initial) (Managed) (Defined) (Quantitatively Managed) (Optimizing) 38 -- (Initial) -- (Managed) 39 37 2002 278 38 Chrissis, M.B., M. Konrad, S. Shrum. CMMI: Guidelines for Process Integration and Product Improvement, Boston:Addison Wesley, 2003. 39 2005 11 http://esd.ice.ntnu. edu.tw/ 340

-- (Defined) 40 -- (Quantitatively Managed) 41 -- (Optimizing) 40 39 41 39 341

CMMI CMMI ML1 Initial ML2 Managed ML3 Defined ML4 Quantitatively Managed ML5 Optimizing SCAMPI 42 42 39 342


( 344

43 44 45 CMMI ML CMMI ML 1 2 3 4 CMMI 46 CMMI ML CMMI ML CMMI ML 431996 10 12 44 1998 20 45 1998 117 46 2002 76~77 345


CMMI ML 30% 40% 30% 47 47 347

48 49 CMMI ML CMMI ML CMMI ML CMMI ML CMMI ML CMMI ML CMMI ML CMMI ML 2003 19 48 18 49 1988 24 124 33 348

CMMI CMMI CMMI CMMI CMMI CMMI 2002 1998 2003 C 1995 1995 2002 349

1988 2004 : 2000 2002 21 1992 2003 1976 1975 1998 2002 1996 Chrissis, M.B., Konrad, M., & Shrum, S. (2003), CMMI: Guidelines for process integration and product improvement. Boston : Addison-Wesley. 2005 11 http://esd.ice.ntnu. edu.tw/ 350