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Abstracts Abstracts Transformation of the International Structure and China s Diplomatic Strategy Su Ge Tremendous and multiple changes have been taking place to the international structure since the beginning of the new century. As an old country of long history undergoing great reform and development, China embarks on the process of peaceful rise. China stands unprecedentedly close to the center of the world stage, and closer than ever to reaching its goal of great renewal. Guided by the strategic thought of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, China actively maps out diplomacy of a great nation with top-level design and overall planning, demonstrating a profound global vision. China sets up phased targets both for the near future and for the mid and long term, showing great strategic concentration. China is ready to lead and handle international issues regarding major, neighboring and developing countries as well as in the multilateral arena, focusing on cultivation of global network of partnerships. With pragmatic policies, China implements the idea of win-win cooperation in all aspects of its external relations, including political, economic, security and cultural fields. China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation: Challenges and Solutions Cai Penghong China and ASEAN countries are making efforts to develop good maritime cooperative partnership. Starting from the 1990s, China-ASEAN maritime cooperation has entered the new stage of upgrading and innovation. Three trends have appeared in the development of China-ASEAN maritime cooperation: level rising from secondary to strategic, fields expanding from disperse to concentrated, approaches advancing in both multilateral and bilateral arenas. Despite remarkable achievements in maritime cooperation in the recent two decades, China and ASEAN still need to pay special attention to difficulties and challenges, such as confidence deficit, limited cooperation level, and one-way action where one side is active and the other passive. Promoting maritime cooperation is also the common requirement of China and ASEAN to enhance mutual trust and resolve differences. Both sides should try to make maritime cooperation a new pillar for their strategic partnership in the spirit of win-win cooperation. 131