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A. 1. 6036 XI 2. 50,0002,500,0000.01 A2,500,0000.01B 2,500,0000.01A 2,500,0000.01B 0.0150,0005,000,000 50,0005,000,0000.01 15 1,500,000,0000.01 15 1,500,000,000 0.01 25 2,500,000,0000.01 25 2,500,000,000 0.01 73 7,300,000,0000.01 Elisa Gatti AElisa Gatti A V-1

Melco LeisureA 0.01Melco Leisure 990.01A 1.63Crown Asia Investment 1000.01 B 1.6Melco Leisure 100 0.01A160 1.6Crown Asia Investments 1000.01B 160 Melco Leisure 200 ACrown Asia Investments 200 B 10 999,999,600Melco Leisure 499,999,800 Crown Asia Investments499,999,800 60,250,000180,750,000 60,382 181,146 1,180,931,146 19 9,037,500 27,112,500 37,500,000 112,500,000 395,256 1,320,938,902 226,317 V-2

385,180 385,180 1,321,550,399 67,500,00022,500,000 135,000,000174.4 42,718,445 128,155,335209.1 8,297,110 2,614,706 2,528,319 471,567 1,595,617,550 1,254,920 8,785,641 43,737 804,2858,409,186 1,605,658,111 310,575 1,453,984 V-3

252,111 3,585,846 6,025,213 1,612,889,072 3. (a) 4,800,000,000 25,000,000 2,500,000,00073,000,0007,300,000,000 (b) (c) (d) (e) 20% (f) (f) 10% (g) (e)(f) V-4

(e) (f) (iii) 4. A A 5. (a) (iii) 10% 30 V-5

5% (iv) (v) (a) (b) (vi) V-6

(vii) (b) (c) (d) 160,742,267 26 Crown V-7

B. 1. Double Margin Limited Leong On Kei aka Angela Leong MPEL (Macau Peninsula) Limited Sociedade De Fomento Predial Omar, Limitada (iii) MCE Finance The Bank of New York Mellon MCE FinanceMPEL International MPEL Nominee One MPEL Investments HR (CT)GH MPEL (Delaware) LLCThe Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (iv) MCE Finance The Bank of New York Mellon (v) MCE FinanceMPEL Nominee One MPEL International MPEL Investments HR (CT)GH MPEL (Delaware) LLC The Bank of New York Mellon (vi) MCE FinanceMPEL International The Bank of New York Mellon (vii) Citicorp International LimitedThe Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (viii) (ix) (x) MCE FinanceMPEL International MPEL Nominee One MPEL Investments HR V-8

(CT)GH MPEL (Delaware) LLCThe Royal Bank of Scotland Plc ANZ Securities Inc. Citigroup Global Markets Inc Commerz Markets LLC Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank nabsecurities, LLC (xi) Melco Leisure Crown Asia Investments (xii) Melco Leisure Crown Asia Investments (xiii) Melco Leisure Crown Asia Investments (xiv) Melco Leisure Crown Asia Investments (xv) Melco Leisure Crown Asia Investments (xvi) Melco Leisure Crown Asia Investments (xvii) (xviii) 2. (1) (2) (3) (4) 1,000 (1) CITYOFDREAMSMACAU.COM (2) MELCO-CROWN.COM (3) ALTIRAMACAU.COM (4) MOCHACLUBS.COM 70 V-9

C. 1. XV XV 7 8 352 10 (1)(6)................. Melco Leisure (2)(6) James Douglas Packer (3)(6)..... Crown Crown Entertainment Group Holdings (4) 1,087,050,927 67.40% (6) 6,020,940 0.37% 1,078,246,156 66.85% Crown Asia 6,020,940 0.37% Investments (5)(6) (6) William Todd Nisbet (7)........ 45,000 0.0028% (1) 10,499,612 0.85% Lasting Legend Ltd. Better Joy Overseas Ltd. Mighty Dragon Developments Limited The L3G Capital Trust 115,509,024 288,532,606 18,587,447 7,294,000 9.38% 23.43% 1.51% 0.59% Great Respect Limited Great Respect Limited Great Respect Limited 298,982,188 24.28%19.54% Melco Leisure V-10

Melco Leisure 1,078,246,156 8,804,771 (2) Melco Leisure 1,078,246,156 (3) James Douglas Packer Crown 46.00% Crown Crown Entertainment Group Holdings Crown Entertainment Group Holdings Crown Asia Investments James Douglas Packer Crown Asia Investments 1,078,246,156 (4) Crown Entertainment Group Holdings Crown 1,078,246,156 (5) Crown Asia Investments Crown Entertainment Group Holdings 1,078,246,156 (6) SPV Melco Leisure Crown Asia Investments 50%SPV2,004,360 SPV 1,612,889,072 100% 2,006,9806,020,940 0.37% (7) 15,00045,000 (1) (2).............. 8,804,771 0.546%.............. 303,055 0.019%.............. 303,055 0.019% James Andrew Charles MacKenzie.......... 261,410 0.016%.............. 347,102 0.022%.............. 347,102 0.022% Robert Wason Mactier... 347,102 0.022% Rowen Bruce Craigie.... 15,800 0.001% (1) (2) 1,612,889,072 2...................... 1,000,000 10% (1) (1) 1,000,000 A10% XV 2 3 V-11

10% 3. 4. 5.6 200,000 120,000 5.7 5. XV XV 7 8 V-12

352 XV 2 3 10% (iii) (iv) (v) (a) (b) (vi) 5% D. 100,000,000 50,000,000 V-13

100,000,00056,120,502 Crown Crown 10% 110% V-14

........... 12.04 14.08 88,157............... 3.04 4,136,229....... 4.28 1,860,327........... 3.04 3.26 2,258,238........... 3.75 3.98 1,465,188........... 7.57 5,073,600 14,881,739........... 3.99 12.95 154,424............... 3.04 689,511........... 3.26 310,596........... 3.75 4.66 797,003........... 7.57 2,822,151 4,773,685 (1) 689,511 4,756,275 Melco Leisure Crown Asia Investments 899.7115.6 Melco Leisure Crown Asia Investments 8.41 41,164,022 17.02(1)(b) V-15

(iii) (iv) (v) 231 50 17.02(1)(b)1A 27 (iii) (iv) (v) 17.02(1)(b) I 10(d) V-16

(vi)........................... (1) (2) 1.0867 1,449,390 1.4267 566,295 2.52333 1,446,498 3,462,183 0.215%........................... 4.01333 14,157 1.0867 69,018 83,175 0.005%........................... 4.01333 14,157 1.0867 69,018 83,175 0.005% James Andrew Charles MacKenzie....................... 4.69333 8,336 1.0867 69,018 77,354 0.005%........................... 4.01333 14,157 1.0867 69,018 83,175 0.005%........................... 4.01333 14,157 1.0867 69,018 83,175 0.005% Robert Wason Mactier................ 4.01333 14,157 1.0867 69,018 83,175 0.005% 3,955,412 0.245% V-17

(1) (2) Geoffrey Stuart Davis.............. 1.01333 190,437 1.4267 37,404 1.4267 35,394 2.52333 285,336 548,571 0.034%......................... 1.01333 374,586 1.4267 89,772 1.4267 90,753 2.52333 200,055 755,166 0.047% Nigel Alan Dean.................. 1.01333 299,673 1.4267 89,772 1.4267 72,603 2.52333 178,335 640,383 0.040% Akiko Takahashi................. 1.01333 386,577 1.4267 89,772 1.4267 93,657 2.52333 206,457 776,463 0.048%........................ 1.01333 442,371 2.52333 653,898 1,096,269 0.068% Nicholas C Naples................ 1.2767 689,298 689,298 0.043%........................ 1.01333 207,084 1.4267 29,925 1.4267 45,216 2.52333 130,779 413,004 0.026% 4,919,154 0.305% 217 (3)................ 1.01333 5.06333 6,007,173 0.372%........................... 14,881,739 0.923% (1) V-18

(2) 1,612,889,072 (3) (4) 689,511 4,756,275 Melco Leisure Crown Asia Investments 899.7115.6Melco Leisure Crown Asia Investments 8.41 41,164,022 0.923% 0.926% 0.0004 17 17 (A) V-19

(B) (C) (D) (J) (D) 100,000,000 6.2% 17.03(3) 17.06 10% 17.0330% (E) V-20

(F) 10% 110% 5 10 (iii) (G) 10 V-21

(H) (I) V-22

(J) 12 12 (a)17.03(4) 17.06 (b) (K) (V) (W) (iii) V-23

(L) 0.1% 5 (iii) 17.02(2)(c) (d) 17.02(4) (iv) 2.17 V-24

(M) (iii) (T) (U) (V) (V) (iv) (v) (vi) (P) (N) 17 (N) (P) (D) (J) V-25

(O) (a)(b) 60 30 (P) (Q) V-26

(R) (S) (T) (U) (iii) V-27

(V) (W) (iii) 17.03(13) (X) V-28

(Y) (Z) (iii) (iv) (AA) (AB) 100,000,000 V-29

E. 1. Entertainment Gaming Asia Inc.Elixir Gaming Technologies, Inc. EGT Entertainment Holding Limited EGT Entertainment EGT Entertainment EGT Entertainment EGT Entertainment EGT Entertainment EGT Entertainment Kakavas Harry Kakavas Crown Limited Crown Melbourne Crown Melbourne 51AA 52 Kakavas Crown Melbourne VIP Kakavas Crown Melbourne Crown Melbourne Kakavas Rowen Bruce Craigie Craigie Craigie Crown Melbourne Craigie V-30

Kakavas Crown Melbourne 1,483,000 Crown Melbourne Crown Melbourne Kakavas Kakavas Kakavas One.Tel One.Tel Limited One.Tel 18 11 James Douglas Packer 11 11 One.Tel One.Tel 132 Packer One.Tel Packer Packer One.Tel Fontainebleau Fontainebleau Crown Limited 19.6% Fontainebleau Crown Crown Services (US) LLC Crown Services James Douglas Packer Crown Crown Services Packer Fontainebleau Las Vegas Fontainebleau Fontainebleau Fontainebleau Las Vegas Crown Crown Services Packer V-31

Crown Crown Services Packer Crown Crown Services Packer 3.08 3.09 James Douglas Packer Rowen Bruce Craigie Crown 34.14.4 Crown 2. 3. 650,000 4. (1) (2) V-32

16.5% 15% (3) 0.1% 0.2% 5.00 (4) (5) V-33

5. 12 45 6 7 Manuela António-Lawyers and Notaries 14 6 9 155 Studio City Walkers 6. 7. 44A 44B V-34

8. 32L4 9. A (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (a) (b) 12 (iii) Walkers Corporate Services Limited (iv) (v) (vi) V-35