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782 3379 23.14% 1 (Richard L. Davis) 1.5% 492 48 10% 2 1 1983 10 85-90 2 Richard L. Davis, Court and Family in Sung China, 960-1279: Bureaucratic Success and Kinship Fortunes for the Shih of Ming-Chou (Durham: Duke Uinversity Press, 1986), pp.28-29, 261. -628-

3 Linda Walton Kinship, Marriage and Status in Song China: A Study of the Lou Lineage of NINGBO 4 5 6 7 3 1998 6 237-261 4 Walton, Linda, Kinship, Marriage, and Status in Song China: A Study of the Lou Lineage of NINGBO, 1050-1250, Journal of Asian History 18.1(1984): 35-77. 5 1991 6 6 94.5(1997.5) 31-39 7 1998 213-237 -629-

8 880 9 (998-1003) (1053) 10 8 223 9 780 10 1987 2 154-630-

(1066) (1100) 11 (1102) (1076) (1100) 12 (1085) (1117) 13 14 (1120) 11 12 490 13 11163 7 14 11163 (1266) 7-631-

15 16 17 18 19 20 (1133) 22 23 24 25 26 21 15 781 16 11164 17 18 547-548 19 1034 20 662 21 708 22 708 3 23 708 24 749 677 25 7 26 18-632-

(1129) 27 (1160) (1137) (1163) 28 27 1982 490 672-674 28 49-52 -633-

(1213) 29 30 31 1196 1121 1226 32 33 34 (1202) 29 1-34 7-8 35-121 30 31 31 781 32 27 8 1984 4 431 33 1033 34 658-659 678-681 -634-

35 36 (1259) (1129) 1287 1306 37 (991) 35 226 36 47 37 20-21 -635-

38 39 40 41 42 43 44 38 12-13 39 15 40 9 41 1974 10 61 42 12-13 43 11 44 1977 3 865-866 -636-

45 46 (1066) 47 (984) (1048) 48 49 50 51 52 45 681 46 7 31-32 47 5 48 9 49 9 50 1 51 2 1 10 9 52 854-637-

53 (1160) 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 53 499-500 54 985 55 4 56 33-34 57 775 58 713-714 59 151 60 149 61 10-11 -638-

62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 62 11 63 1987 9 74 64 841 870 65 284 31 66 607-614 67 771 68 17-19 69 2459-2540 70 602 705 255 277 766 515-639-

71 72 73 74 (1118) 75 71 963 72 8 73 11 74 967 75 12-640-

76 77 78 (1203) 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 76 964 77 697 78 965 79 967-968 80 969-970 81 507 82 963-966 967-970 83 11 84 12 85 485 86 485 87 969-970 -641-

88 89 90 (1112) (1157) 91 92 93 (1145) (1200) 94 95 (1198) 96 97 98 88 34 89 548 90 16 91 16-25 32 34-35 92 22 93 23 94 33 1-10 95 8 96 1013 97 549 98 34-642-

99 (1129) 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 99 10 100 782, 785 101 832 102 834 103 16 104 1060 105 23 106 1058-643-

107 108 (1140) (1148) (1195) 109 110 111 112 113 (1232) 114 115 107 1059 108 1047 109 858 110 64 111 785 112 1034 113 623 772 42 114 8 10-14 17 115 4-6 9-644-

116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 116 14-15 117 12 118 1038 119 18 120 5-6 121 7 122 24 123 15 124 5-8 125 16-17 126 3 127 20-22 128 16 129 723-645-

130 131 132 133 130 1 131 1996 9 153 132 29-42 133 463-466 -646-

134 135 (1097) (1106) 136 (1109) 137 (1118) 138 139 (1131) 140 141 134 695 135 1032 136 19 3 137 12 8 138 44 139 8 140 43 141 4 41-42 -647-

142 (1132) 143 144 1172 (1177) 145 146 142 4 143 835-839 144 695 145 2-3 1-2 3-6 15 236 146 955-648-

(1154) (1179) 147 148 (1053) 149 (1169) 150 151 (1145) (1175) 152 153 154 (1195) 147 148 763 149 1068-1069 150 12-18 151 775 152 1-10 810-822 153 820 154 820-821 -649-

155 156 157 158 159 160 155 176 156 821 157 78 158 135 159 136 160 141-650-

161 162 (730) 163 164 165 (1129) (1137) 166 167 168 (1141) (1143) 169 170 171 161 1965 280-309 162 1988 353 1483 163 2007-2008 3340-3341 164 10097-10098 165 9 166 1987 2265-2266 167 12127 10 9 168 39 14 169 1957 46 1-4 11-15 19 170 7-10 171 14-651-

172 (1169) 173 174 (1227) 175 (1246) 176 177 178 179 180 181 172 46 4 173 9 174 820 175 9-10 176 17 177 45(1981) 50-68 178 12655 179 12663 180 12966 181 4-5 -652-

182 183 (1129) 184 182 547-548 183 (1120) (1124) 184 18 708-653-

185 186 187 188 189 (1129) 190 191 192 185 833 186 43 187 783 188 790 189 820 190 1-3 191 21 217-219 192 24-654-

193 194 195 (1190) 196 197 (1106) (1194) (1168) 193 838 194 43 195 43 196 42 197 43-655-

198 199 (1178) 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 (1190) 208 209 198 18-19 199 5-8 13.3(1991.6) 54-57 200 23 201 43 202 4 203 43 204 820 205 25 206 43 820 207 21 43 208 6 209 22-656-

210 211 212 (738) (1018) 213 (1129) 214 (1137) 215 (1186) 210 43 211 43 212 43-44 213 3-4 214 4 31 26 215 5-657-

216 217 218 (814) (1129) (1220) (1226) 219 (1129) (1139) (1196) 220 221 222 223 (1214) 216 4 217 820 218 5 219 8 220 509 5-8 221 6 222 7 223 509-658-

224 (984) (1048) (1129) (1142) (1177) 225 (985) (1129) (1138) (1204) 226 (1145) (1138) (1170) 227 (961) (1190) 228 229 (1186) 230 (1165) 224 6 225 9 226 9 227 36 228 7 229 21-22 230 540-541 21-659-

231 231 23-660-


1974 10 1977 3 1988 1957 1987 9-665-

1987 1982 1997 94.5 31-39 1981 45 50-68 1991 1984 1991 13.3 54-57 1987 1998 213-237 1983 1998 237-261 1965 280-309 1996 1995 463-466 -666-

Davis, Richard L. 1986 Court and Family in Sung China, 960-1279: Bureaucratic Success and Kinship Fortunes for the Shih of Ming-Chou, Durham: Duke University Press. Walton, Linda 1984 Kinship, Marriage, and Status in Song China: A Study of the Lou Lineage of NINGBO, 1050-1250, Journal of Asian History 18.1: 35-77. -667-

Literati Networks and Socio-cultural Activities in Siming during the Song Dynasty The Example of the Lou Lineage Kuan-chung Huang Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica This essay examines the personal networks and social activities of literati lineages in the Siming area during the Song Dynasty (960-1279) through the Lou family lineage. It explores the Lou lineage s internal process of development and decline, as well as the broader issue of the development of literati networks in the Siming area during the Song, and how their local culture of learning influenced the sense of local identity. The rise and development of the Siming Lou lineage was the result of many internal and external factors. The Lou s first became a wealthy family through manufacturing, before becoming famous locally through education and passing the civil-service exams. At the same time, they established a widespread and deep personal network with other Siming area literati lineages through their classmates, business associates, circles of friends and marriages. Individuals and lineages contributed to the development of the network of friends and literati lineages in Siming, which in turn raised the level of culture and community in the area. Each lineage s pursuit of education and diligent study made Siming into a particularly good place in the county for exams. This also made for a favorable academic atmosphere, particularly for Lu studies. Eventually it became a meeting point for interchanges between Zhu, Lu, and Lü studies. Friendly relations between village officials and local literati were promoted by regular meetings of poets, Frank and Honest meetings, a society for the aged and respected, and implementation of village wine-drinking rites. These not only fostered feelings of local identity among the literati lineages, they also spurred ambitions to mold village culture, and became the motive force for the continuous efforts made for local welfare. This was expressed in setting up charitable estates in remote rural areas for the needy lineage members, starting schools, and repairing bridges and dikes. Apart from increasing village ties, these activities clearly reoriented Siming literati lineages to local concerns. They built a specific village consciousness through cooperative methods of focussing one local group s strength. The establishment and changes of this particular kind -668-

of local social culture not only influenced the study style of one place, it also influenced the development of lineages, and their rise and fall. There was an inseparable relationship between lineages and village society in the social development of the Siming area during the Song Dynasty Siming. This essay is divided into five parts, exclusive of the introduction and conclusion. The second part discusses the process of the Lou lineage s rise and development during the Song Dynasty. The third part elaborates on the Lou family s education and study style. The fourth part discusses how the Lou family established a strong local network through marriages. The fifth part discusses the Lou family, together with other Siming literati lineages, influence and intention in carrying out socio-cultural movements. The sixth part is an explanation of how Siming literati gathered power, and their common concerns in social welfare movements. Keywords: Siming Lou, marriage, poetry club, village wine-drinking rites, charitable estates -669-