Preface This guide is intended to standardize the use of the WeChat brand and ensure the brand's integrity and consistency. The guide applies to all d

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WeChat Search Visual Identity Guidelines WEDESIGN 2018. 04

Preface This guide is intended to standardize the use of the WeChat brand and ensure the brand's integrity and consistency. The guide applies to all departments of the Weixin Business Group ( or "WXG", the group responsible for WeChat ), other Tencent business groups, and third-party companies and partners. Preface 01

Contents 1. 1. 1.1 04 1.1 Standard 04 1.2 05 1.2 Full Emblem 05 1.3 06 1.3 Emblem Versions 06 1.4 07 1.4 Standard Symbol Proportions 07 1.5 08 1.5 Spacing and Minimum Size 08 1.6 09 1.6 Examples of Inappropriate Use 09 1.7 10 1.7 Emblem Standard Colors 10 1.8 12 1.8 Standard Background Colors 12 1.9 13 1.9 Co-Branding Specifications 13 2. 2. Search Bar 2.1 16 2.1 Standard Search Bar 16 2.2 17 2.2 Search Bar Versions 17 2.3 18 2.3 Usage Examples 18 Contents 02


1.1 Standard 04

1.2 Full Emblem Symbol Logotype The WeChat Search full emblem consists of a symbol combined with the logotype, which, when put together represent the official branding for WeChat Search. Full Emblem Don't use the logotype portion of the full emblem without also using the symbol. 05

1.3 Emblem Versions There are four versions of the horizontal emblem design that may be used: full color, light gray, dark gray and white. If conditions permit, it is recommended to use the full color version of the emblem. Full color emblem Light gray emblem Dark gray emblem White emblem 06

1.4 Standard Symbol Proportions The graphic shows specifications, proportions, angles, and spatial structure for the symbol. 07

1.5 Spacing and Minimum Size 12 60 In order to ensure that the emblem for WeChat Search is coherent and visually distinguishable, additional text or graphics should not interfere with the Cards & Offers emblem. When displaying the horizontal emblem in print, the emblem should be at least 12 mm in width. When displaying the horizontal emblem on screen, the emblem should be at least 60 pixels in width. X 1/2 X Spacing Print 12 mm Screen 60 px 08

1.6 Examples of Inappropriate Use Don't alter the emblem design. Don't place any additional text with them emblem. Several examples of inappropriate use of the emblem are shown here. Don't change the proportions of emblem parts. Don't stretch the emblem's aspect ratio. Don't produce 3D version of the emblem or add drop shadows. Dont perform any blurring, feathering, or add other visual filters to the emblem. 09

1.7 Emblem Standard Colors A Standard WeChat Search emblem color specifications are provided. Don't make any adjustments to the standard colors. B A B WeChat Red #F95151 C0 M81 Y59 K0 R26 G173 B25 PANTONE 187 Standard Gray 1 #4D4D4D C0 M0 Y0 K83 R77 G77 B77 PANTONE Cool Gray 11 Standard colors for use within the app, on web pages, or when printing in color. 10

1.7 Emblem Standard Colors A special color specification is provided for the monochromatic emblem. The monochromatic versions should be used in the following scenarios: when using the full color emblem is not possible, when used in conjunction A B C with a partner brand emblem, or when the page background color or brightness necessitates using a Standard Gray 1 Standard Gray 2 Standard White monochromatic design instead of the full color emblem. #4D4D4D C0 M0 Y0 K83 R77 G77 B77 PANTONE Cool Gray 11 #AAAAAA C0 M0 Y0 K50 R170 G170 B170 PANTONE Cool Gray 5 #FFFFFF C0 M0 Y0 K0 R255 G255 B255 White A B C Recommended A or B when using a white background. Recommended C when using a dark or color background 11

1.8 Standard Background Colors Full color emblem with a white background Don't use the full color emblem with a color background Several examples of correct and incorrect use of the emblem against different backgrounds are shown here. Refer to the specifications to select an appropriate background color according to the scenario. Light gray emblem against a white background Don't use light gray emblem with a gray background Dark gray emblem against a white background Don't use the full color emblem with a color background White emblem against a single color background Don't use the emblem with a complex background 12

1.9 Co-Branding Specifications In order make the full emblem and co-brand emblem coherent and distinguishable, it is recommended use the specified amount of minimum spacing at the four corners as well as between the two emblems (using the Starbucks emblem as an example of a co-brand). 1/2X X 2X 13

1.9 Co-Branding Specifications When using the WeChat Search emblem in combination with a co-brand emblem, it's important to maintain the same sizes and consistent color versions in order to ensure a clear co-brand relationship (using the Starbucks emblem as a co-brand in the following three examples). Co-brand emblem should be the same size as the Cards & Offers emblem Don't make the co-brand emblem larger than the Cards & Offers emblem Use a full color Cards & Offers emblem when displaying a full color co-brand emblem Don't use a full color emblem paired with a black & white co-brand emblem A B&W or gray co-brand emblem must be combined with the dark gray Cards & Offers emblem Don't use a monochromatic emblem paired with a full color co-brand emblem 14

Search Bar 15

2.1 Standard Search Bar Search Bar 16

2.2 Search Bar Versions Full color search bar There are three versions of the search bar design that may be used: full color, green and white. If conditions permit, it is recommended to use the full color version of the search bar. Green search bar White search bar Search Bar 17

2.3 Usage Examples There are three versions of the search bar design that may be used: full color, green and white. If conditions permit, it is recommended to use the full color version of the search bar. Full color search bar usage example Search Bar 18

2.3 Usage Examples There are three versions of the search bar design that may be used: full color, green and white. If conditions permit, it is recommended to use the full color version of the search bar. Green search bar usage example Search Bar 19

2.3 Usage Examples There are four versions of the horizontal emblem design that may be used: full color, light gray, dark gray and white. If conditions permit, it is recommended to use the full color version of the emblem. White search bar usage example Search Bar 20