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* 100029 the balance sheet approach the income statement approach Dichev 2008 20 70 FASB FASB IASB 2006 = + = + 1 1 1 2004 2006 2 Scott 2000 2006 2007 * 19

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Abstracts of Main Papers Research on the Evolution and Docking of Chinese Primitive Measurement - Record Era and Xia Dynasty Accounting Guo Daoyang The goal of this paper is carried out as part of the framework of the Research into the Origin of Chinese Civilization project which started from the study of the origin and evolution of prehistoric Chinese accounting rules methods and culture to textual research on the inheritable docking of prehistoric Chinese accounting and Xia Dynasty accounting which has stepped into the civilized society. Based on the archaeological achievements of Yangshao Culture Longshan Culture Qijia Culture and Erlitou Culture this paper takes the stage - by - stage evolution of accounting measurement - record rules and methods as the main line and eventually boils the evolution and heritage down to the docking with Xia Culture. Because of the scientific research path selection and strong support of archaeological evidences this paper is argued that its research results can be used as the historical evidences of the Research into the Origin of Chinese Civilization in the area of accounting. The Balance Sheet From Accounting Elements to Business Strategies Zhang Xinmin Based on the Balance Sheet's basic equation and internal relationships among elements this paper develops a new framework of strategic structure o- riented Balance Sheet strategic relationship oriented Balance Sheet and strategic direction oriented Balance Sheet from accounting elements of the Balance Sheet. This paper provides a new perspective to the analysis of the Balance Sheet and enhances the usefulness of the Balance Sheet to business managers shareholders and debt holders. Accounting Competency Deconstruction and Professional Accountancy Training Analysis based on International Education Standard Liu Yue et al. Based on the logic of interaction between economy and accounting this study analyzes the accountant professional challenges from the perspective of Internationalization trend in the global economy. This study introduces the framework of the International Federation of Accountant International Accounting Education Standard in professional accountant knowledge skill ethic and other competencies and proposes the strategy for Chinese accountants to enhance International competitiveness. The Evolution of Expected Loss Model on Financial Instruments Impairment and the Development of Accounting Standards Comments on IASB Exposure Draft Financial Instruments Expected Credit Losses Wang Jingjing & Liu Guangzhong Exposure Draft Financial Instruments Expected Credit Losses was published by the International Accounting Standards Board IASB for comments on March 2013. This paper introduces the three stage impairment model and further comments on it. By going through the evolution of expected loss model this paper takes a holistic look at standards setting history of financial instruments in particular and the whole accounting standards in general to deliver an in - depth analysis of some related theoretical issues. As this paper pays close attention to IASB's standards reconstruction efforts since global financial crisis in 2008 the trend of international accounting standards reorientation and convergence is revealed in it. Since formidable challenges lay ahead with the introduction of expected loss model to China some suggestions are included in this paper on how to modify financial reporting conceptual framework resolve conflictions between accounting and financial governance and tackle practical difficulties. Strategic Deviance and the Value Relevance of Financial Information Ye Kangtao et al. This study examines the impacts of firms deviant strategy on the value relevance of financial information. We find that for firms with extreme strategies stock prices are more likely to be associated with book value of equity and less likely with net income. Our findings are robust after controlling other firm characteristics that may affect the value relevance of financial information. Our study suggests that both financial information and strategy information play important roles in stock pricing and investors use strategy information to interpret financial information. Our study has important implications for both firms information disclosure and the value relevance of financial information. 94