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第16卷 第2期 邯郸学院学报 年6月


This document is downloaded from DR-NTU, Nanyang Technological University Library, Singapore. Title Xie Zhiqing s a history of modern C acceptance limit for Zhang Ailing i China s Mainland = 张爱玲的魂兮归来? 夏志清的 中国现代小说史 与中国大陆文学史对张爱玲的接受限度 Author(s) Xu, Wei-xian Citation Xu, W.-x. (2007). Xie Zhiqing s a h fiction and the acceptance limit fo history of China s Mainland. Journa university (social sciences), 20(2) Date 2007 URL http://hdl.handle.net/10220/25518 Rights 2007 Editorial Department of Jour University. This paper was publishe Normal University (Social Sciences) electronic reprint (preprint) with Department of Journal of Hainan Nor can be found at the following offic [http://www.cqvip.com/qk/82858a/200 ne print or electronic copy may be Systematic or multiple reproduction locations via electronic or other m material in this paper for a fee or modification of the content of the subject to penalties under law.

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