1. principal Hoyt and Schwer1998 Sturdivant and Cocanougher1973 Allmon and Grant1990 voice Hunt and stress analysis Vitell1986 HV Sayre, Jo

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01 18 Journal of Building and Planning National Taiwan University NUMBER 12, Dec. 2004, RESEARCH. pp. 01~18 * A Study of the Relationship Between Ethical Evaluation, Ethical Judgment and Behavior Intention: An Example of Real Estate Market by Chun-Chang Lee* Reidenbach and Robin1988 Multidimensional Ethics Scale MES ABSTRACT This study explores the ethical issues in the real estate Market. This applies the multidimensional ethics scale (MES) to measure the ethical evaluation. We do design the three ethical stories that can test the ethical policy to the responder. We do have to apply the path model evaluating the relationship between ethical evaluation, ethical judgment and behavior intention. We can attain that ethical evaluation could have different effects to ethical judgment and behavior intention. Keywords: real estate market, ethical evaluation, ethical judgment, behavior intention, Multidimensional Ethics Scale (MES). 92925 921110 93120 93425 93520 * 1

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Mayo and Marks1990 Hunt and Vasquez-Parraga 1993 Hunt and Vitell1986 HV 1999 HV 1999 HV 1999 1 1. 2. Hunt and Vitell1986 Mayo and MarksHunt and Kohoberg moral Vasquez-Parraga1993 1999 judgement maturity score MMS 1 3

Rest1979 Defining Issues Test DIT DIT Rest Kohlberg 8 Kohlberg 8 DIT 1. 2. 3. 4. P 5. Reidenbach, Robin and Dawson1991 Tansey, Brown 1994 DIT and Hymabn1992 Reidenbach and Robin1990 1997 Reidenbach and Robin1900 29 3 32 3 Multidimensional Ethics Scale MES Reidenbach and Robin1900 Rest1979 Reidenbach and Robin1900 Reidenbach and Robin1988 Hunt and Vasquez-Parraga1993 Mayo and Marks1990 Kohlberg1984 Reidenbach and Robin1988 1994 1995LaTour and Henthorne1994 3 Likert 7 Reidenbach and Robin 1988 4 3 3 Reidenbach and Robin1988 96 8 4 3 4 2 19 1 Reidenbach and Robin1988 29 Reidenbach and Robin1990 4

1. 20031 2. 600 143 23.8% 2 7 3. 1. 1 7 structural equation causal model exogenous variables 1 28 19.7 62 43.7 50 35.2 2 1.4 14 9.9 11 7.7 31 21.8 50 35.2 31 21.8 3~4 21 14.7 5~6 20 14.0 7~8 17 11.9 9~10 13 9.1 11~12 7 4.9 13 7 4.9 2 N143 % 92 64.3 51 35.7 5 3.5 2 58 40.6 5

6 endogenous variables SPSS path coefficient 2. principle component analysis varimax rotation eigenvalue 1 20002-21 0. 60 17 0.8710.9130.928 Bartlett 8191233 1424 5% Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin 0.8080.886 0.888 78.11%72.55%75.22% 3 0.6550.928 0.50 0.50 0.5 0.50 3 1 0 1 0 1 0 4 5 8 9 1 0 1 0 4 ~6 2~4 0.437F 11.319 43.7% 0.750 56.3% 0.3740.0210.416-0.107 5%

3 α0.87 4.91 1. 0.879 0.823 % 44.62 2. 0.841 % 44.62 3. 0.646 4.0.453 1.47 1.0.892 0.826 13.35 2.0.830 57.97 3.0.670 1.21 1. 0.870 0.740 11.03 2. 0.844 69.00 1.002 1.0.900 0.698 9.11 2. 0.725 78.11 0.913 6.70 1.0.875 0.920 51.52 2.0.854 51.52 3. 0.821 4.0.814 5. 0.749 1.48 1. 0.813 0.864 11.42 2. 0.804 62.94 3. 0.762 4.0.743 5. 0.683 6. 0.544 1.25 1. 0.887 0.655 9.61 2. 0.796 72.55 0.928 7.58 1. 0.865 0.763 50.53 2. 0.806 50.53 3. 0.750 4. 0.621 1.43 1.0.783 0.827 9.55 2.0.752 60.09 3.0.671 4. 1.22 1. 0.839 0.756 8.16 2. 0.652 68.24 3.0.554 1.05 1. 0.888 0.880 6.98 2. 0.858 75.22 3. 0.659 4. 0.469 7

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2 3 9

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