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经典特别红利 : 全程 4 酒店 尊享 3 晚特色日本传统式温泉酒店住宿, 感受日式传统泡汤 SPA 日式传统美食 : 北海道著名大螃蟹之一长脚蟹 日式百汇海鲜自助餐 石狩锅 + 刺身 北海道黑毛猪涮涮锅 北海道正宗烤肉自助 富良野牛肉铁板烧 拉面 寿司等 梦幻冰雪之旅 : 四季彩の丘, 春夏秋有著各色美丽的花朵, 但在冬季大雪覆盖后, 这里就是滑雪爱好者的圣地 旭川动物园 : 零距离亲密接触珍奇的北海道白狐 北极熊 可爱的企鹅巡游表演 小樽运河 : 游览古老石仓库 参观小樽音乐盒博物馆 欣赏一个个精雕细琢的音乐盒及美妙音乐 采摘水果乐趣 :9 ~ 10 月葡萄 桃子...( 采果季节视天气变化而定 ) 浪漫观赏夜景 : 乘缆车观赏堪称世界三大夜景之一の函馆山秀美夜景, 留下浪漫永恒的回忆 欢乐畅游购物 : 北海道最大最新最豪华の MITSUI OUTLET PARK 狸小路商街 博野拉面横町 札幌 : Sapporo - 札幌大通公园 Odori Park - 三井购物中心 Mitusi Outlet - 时计台 Tokeidai Clock Tower - 札幌电视塔 Sapporo TV Tower - 白纸恋人巧克力博物馆 Ishiya Chocolate Factory - 狸小路商街 Tankikoji Shopping 小樽 : Otaru - 小樽运河 Otaru Canal - 北一哨子馆 Kitaichi Glass - 八音盒博物馆 Music Box Museum 函馆 : Hakodate - 函馆滨海湾 Bay Area Walking Tour - 函馆朝市 Morning Market - 五陵郭公园 Goryokaku Tower - 大沼公园 Onuma Park 洞爷湖 : Lake Toya - 洞爷湖 Lake Toya - 昭和新山 / 有珠山 Mt.Showa / Uzu 登别 : Noboribetsu - 熊牧场 Bear Ranch - 登别伊达时代村 Dare Jidaimura - 登别地狱谷 Jigokudani 层云峡 : Sounkyo - 银河 & 流星瀑布 Ginga & Ryusei Falls 富良野 Furano - 美瑛四季彩之丘 Shikkisai No Oka Garden 旭川动物园 Asahiyama Zoo - 旭川男山造酒厂 Otokoyama Sake Brewery & Museum

8D6N 北海道东 北海道西全览走透透 ( SEP- MAR ) TOUR CODE: JA-JPCTS8TZ/MU 第一天 : 新加坡 - 札幌 - 北国优骏公园 - 洞爷湖 ( 晚 ) 宿 : 洞爷湖太阳宫酒店或同级 ( 温泉 ) 新加坡樟宜机场起飞, 转机上海, 然后飞往北海道札幌千岁机场 导游接机, 开始游览 [ 北国优骏公园 ] 地理位置靠近千岁机场, 吸引了很多观光 客到此来访并享受骑乘马儿的乐趣 [ 洞爷湖 ] 隶属于洞爷国立公园, 有着名的洞爷湖温泉, 是北海道为数不多的温泉圣地 如若搭乘晚班机抵 达, 北国优俊公园则换在最后一天游览 第二天 : 昭和新山 - 有珠山 - 熊牧场 - 大沼公园 - 函馆海滨湾 - 函馆山 ( 含缆车观光 ) ( 早 / 午 ) 宿 : 函馆 PACO 函馆别亭或同级 早餐之后, 我们离开洞爷湖, 驱车前往著名的昭和新山熊牧场 [ 昭和新山 ] 是 1957 年火山喷发的火山岩堆积形成的, 位于洞爷湖畔, 海拔 398 米, 日本国视其为特别的天然纪念物 [ 有珠山 ] 位于洞爷湖南部, 是一座海波 737 米的活火山, 在山顶可以看到熔岩产生的气体非常壮观 [ 熊 牧场 ] 里面约有 100 头混种北海道棕熊, 客人们可以观看熊表演和体验喂熊的乐趣, 或是可近距离安全地感受大熊的魅力 [ 大沼公园 ] 是日本新 三景之一, 有着神话一般的美景 [ 函馆海滨湾 ] 是一个浪漫的地方, 来这里散散步, 吹吹海风, 体验那种舒服已让这里成为旅游必来景点 更 有旧函馆站的迹地和 JR 函馆本线的起点遗迹 夜晚的 [ 函馆山 ] 更是有世界三大夜景之一的美誉, 所以我们有让您体验往返缆车 第三天 : 函馆朝市 - 五稜郭公园 - 登别伊达时代村 - 地狱谷 ( 早 / 晚 ) 宿 : 登别万世阁酒店或同级 ( 温泉 ) 早起来去看看 [ 函馆朝市 ], 这里是函馆最大的海产品批发市场, 有着 函馆厨房 的美誉, 在这里, 在这里您可以品尝到最美味最正宗最实惠 的函馆海鲜 [ 五稜郭公园 ] 是日本国特级历史遗迹 在这里您可以看到日本传统的建筑技艺和门口广场在卖的美味而又有特色的北海道的冰激 凌 [ 登别伊达时代村 ] 是一个可以尽情体验充满活力的江户时代的武艺以及当代庶民文化的主题乐园 拥有广大面积的园区内, 林立着东北以 北规模最大的伊达潘伊达世家的建筑物, 重现当时的热闹街景 [ 地狱谷 ] 是火山爆发后, 由熔岩形成的一个奇形诡异的谷地 这里不仅是一处 奇特的自然景观, 也是登别许多著名温泉的水源提供地, 在温泉水中一泡, 可以让人疲倦全消还有各种治疗的功效 (9~10 月包含采摘水果 Season Bonus Sep ~ Otc Sobetsu Fruits Picking) 第四天 : 登别 - 层云峡 * 根据季节性分为 A / B 行程 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 宿 : 层云峡观光酒店或同级 ( 温泉 ) A. SEP ~ 10DEC: 登别 - 旭川男山清酒厂 - 旭川动物园 ( 闭关维修期换去 HOKKAIDO ICE PAVILION)- 银河 * 流星瀑布 [ 登别 ] 位于北海道西北部, 拥有著名的登别硫磺温泉 [ 旭川男山清酒厂 ] 有着优美的西方式庭院造景, 也有传统的日式庭院, 还有着清酒资料 馆与好喝的清酒 谈到日本清酒, 没有别的, 一定是 [ 男山 ] 特别是北海道的男山 由于有着大雪山的天然万年雪水, 而且都是经过重重山脉, 在岩石与硫磺物质打转了几年后才流到地表的雪水, 因此北海道的男山清酒十分知名 [ 旭川动物园 ] 是当今日本人气最旺的动物园 由于其特 殊的地理位置, 园内圈养着各种极具特色的北极动物, 您还可以最近距离和可爱的企鹅接触互动 [ 银河 * 流星瀑布 ] 合称为夫妻瀑布 瀑布从 90 公尺的断崖上俯冲倾泻而下, 轰隆的水声中夹带着无数的水花, 像拉着银丝般的水流姿态, 显得柔和而美丽 B. 11DEC ~ MAR: 登别 - 富良野 - CHEESE 工厂 - 四季彩の丘 ( 冬季滑雪场 : 自费 )- 银河 * 流星瀑布 早餐后前往美丽的 [ 富良野市 ] 是北海道内知名的观光城市, 周围有大雪群峰, 树海和河流 经过百年的开发, 当地人起名 富良, 誉为丰饶 的大地, 气候四季分明 富良野市的 [CHEESE 工厂 ] 让海外的游客可以游览到富良野当地产的新鲜牛奶所制作而成的奶酪 您可以在这里体验 DIY 做芝士, 奶酪, 或是美味的冰激凌 富良野的薰衣草冰淇淋也是世界游客来此一定要品尝的美味, 口感是非不一样 [ 四季彩の丘 ( 冬季滑雪项 目 : 自费 )] 春夏秋有着各色美丽独特的花朵, 但是在冬季大雪覆盖后, 这里就是滑雪爱好者的圣地 这里占地七公顷, 被大雪覆盖后就变成了 天然的滑雪场, 您可以在这里根据自己的兴趣自费体验雪上摩托, 滑雪板等等的各色雪上运动 [ 银河 * 流星瀑布 ] 合称为夫妻瀑布 瀑布从 90 公尺的断崖上俯冲倾泻而下, 轰隆的水声中夹带着无数的水花, 像拉着银丝般的水流姿态, 显得柔和而美丽 第五天 : 层云峡 - 大雪山 - 三井购物中心 - 札幌大通公园 - 时计台 - 札幌电视塔 - 札幌 ( 早 / 晚 ) 宿 : 札幌 Premiere 中岛公园或同级 早餐之后抓紧时间在酒店外再次感受大雪山独有的气息, 然后我们就会离开层云峡 [ 层云峡 ] 位于北海道屋脊大雪山山麓, 这座大峡谷中布高 达 100 米左右的悬崖峭壁, 这是凝灰岩受侵蚀后形成的神奇的地形 [ 大雪山 ] 是北海道中央部的一个火山群 在大雪山国立公园有雄伟的火山 地形, 大片的高山植物, 美丽的鱼鳞松, 和冷杉的原生林 在这个日本特别的保护区内你可以看到不一样的壮观自然美景 [ 三井购物中心 ] 是 北海道东北地区最大规模的 本地农场乐园, 也是汇集了丰富名产和当地农产品的购物城 [ 札幌大通公园 ] 位于札幌市中心, 两旁有需要多 著名的雕塑 [ 时计台 ] 是札幌著名的观光景点, 始建于 1878 年, 时记台为北海道大学的前身札幌农学校的演武场 [ 札幌电视塔 ] 是日本北海道 札幌市区内的著名地标之一, 位于札幌市中央区的大通公园中 尤其是在冬季会有各种特色的活动比如札幌的冰雪节, 白色霓虹灯节等

第六天 : 札幌 - 白之恋人巧克力博物馆 - 小樽运河 - 北一硝子馆 - 小樽八音盒博物馆 - 狸小路购物街 - 薄野拉面街 ( 早 ) 宿 : 札幌 Premiere 中岛公园或同级 [ 白之恋人巧克力博物馆 ] 是北海道著名的巧克力, 有石屋制果公司生产 白色恋人名字的由来也是有一段浪漫的故事, 去到那里一定要品尝一 下那入口即化的白巧克力 [ 小樽运河 ] 是北海道唯一的也是最古老的一条运河 它与北海道的开拓历史同龄, 约一百二十多年历史, 也是北海 道拓荒历史的象征和拓荒者智慧和文化的结晶 [ 北一硝子馆 ] 历史最早可以追溯到 1901 年, 那里您可以在周边的店铺里面体验制作玻璃的乐趣 [ 小樽八音盒博物馆 ] 摆放着玲琅满目的各种各样的来自世界各地的精美绝伦的八音盒 您甚至可以在这里选着招财猫,Hell Kitty, 寿司等造型 的八音盒自己动手 DIY 一个做为纪念 [ 薄野横丁拉面街 ] 位于札幌市中心一条超级窄的小巷子里面, 只有五六十米左右, 宽度只能并排走 2 个 人, 这个就是传说中的 拉面横丁 街两边并列着 16 家拉面馆, 每一家都有着各自的汤骨配方秘诀 [ 狸小路 ] 是一条著名的商业街, 约有 200 多间商铺, 可以让来自世界各地的游客在可以淘到他们中心的物美价廉的精致的商品 [ 薄野红灯区 ] 是日本北海道著名的红灯区, 与东京新宿 的歌舞伎町和九州的福冈中洲被列为 日本国 3 大红灯区 ***** 搭乘酷航 SCOOT 直飞札幌, 赠送 1 晚札幌酒店, 客人自由行 ***** 第 7 天 : 札幌 - 自由活动 ( 早 ) 宿 : 札幌 Premiere 中岛公园或同级 早餐后, 客人自由活动一天, 尽情享受北海道的美食 美景 购物 ( 不含 : 车 导游 餐 ) 第 8 天 : 札幌 / 新加坡 早餐后, 自由活动至送机时间, 前往千岁机场搭乘豪华客机飞往新加坡, 返回温暖的家 ***** 搭乘东方航空上海转机, 回程特别赠送 3 天 2 夜上海市区游 ***** 第 7 天 : 札幌 / 上海 ( 早餐 ) 住宿 : 上海碧月城市酒店或同级酒店 早餐后, 自由活动至送机时间, 前往千岁机场搭乘豪华客机飞往中国最大的金融城市 上海, 抵达后导游接机入住酒店 第 8 天 : 上海市区游 ( 早 : 酒店内, 午 : 小笼包风味, 晚 : 泰家村歌舞宴 ) 住宿 : 上海碧月城市酒店或同级酒店 早餐后乘上海 敞篷观光巴士 游览上海美丽的风景, 乘车红色的双层敞篷巴士, 穿梭在上海繁华的街道, 欣赏街道两旁的各色风景, 观光巴 士车配有八国语言景点介绍, 免费地图 赠送个人耳机 接着前往 城隍庙商业区, 这里以前是上海的风水宝地, 现在在这个胜地上旧时的 繁华非但没有减少更加以崭新却又不失传统的风貌重新展示出来 在这里你可以吃到地道的小吃, 逛一逛特色的店铺 之后前往 南京路自由 购物 位于上海市中心, 步行街两侧商店林立, 一眼望去, 现代建筑夹杂着欧式老楼, 竖挂的店铺灯箱连绵不绝, 尤其夜幕之下霓虹灯光闪烁, 景色极美 晚餐后您可以自费欣赏 ERA 时空之旅杂技表演 外滩 黄浦江两岸的美丽夜景 第 9 天 : 上海 / 新加坡 ( 早 : 酒店内, 午 : 本帮菜风味 ) 早餐后车游 浦东新区, 世纪大道, 金桥开发区, 了解浦东的日新月异, 午餐后专车前往浦东国际机场搭乘国际航班返回温馨的家 晚班机 的客人, 额外赠送 七浦路 自由活动, 之后专车前往浦东国际机场搭乘国际航班返回温馨的家 团费不含 : 小费 ( 日本 :700Yen/ 人 / 天, 上海 :25RMB / 人 / 天 ); 非新加坡籍客人签证费 备注 :1 全程酒店为日本当地 4 花酒店, 在不减少景点的情况下, 我社有权调整行程和所住的同级酒店 2 如遇人力不可抗拒因素, 如天气缘故 ( 花期推迟或提前 ) 塌方 路阻 车辆故障, 等造成行程延误 或不能完成上述景点, 责任不在旅行社, 旅行社不承担赔偿责任, 由此产生超支费用由游客自理 3 如若行程和封面有出入之处, 请以当地地接最终确认为准 中英文行程如有出入, 请以中文行程为准 4 日本无购物店仅特产店, 上海购物店 : 同仁养生 + 茶叶 + 丝绸 + 珠宝, 请自行检查物品质量, 本公司不对此承担责任 5 日本 中国各地部分酒店的三人间, 其中加床仅提供的是折叠加床 6 10 人以上成团, 如不足 10 人我社尽量安排 6 人 -9 人仅司机兼导游小车, 行程景点不变照常出发 最总解释权归我社 航班时间表 (Flight time): TZ 酷航 Scoot Airline MU 东航 China Eastern Airline TZ 216 SIN/CTS 0615/1655 MU 544 SIN/PVG 0025/0600 TZ 215 CTS/SIN 1930/0450 MU 279 PVG/CTS 0800/1230 MU 280 CTSPVG 1330/1630 MU 545 PVGSIN 1620/2200

7D6N Winter Hokkaido East & West Tour TOUR CODE: JA-JPCTS8TZ/MU Classic special dividend Enjoy 3 nights featured Japanese famous spa hotel accommodation, feel the traditional Japanese bathing Dream of snow and ice trip Four Seasons color spring and summer with colorful flowers, but after the winter snow cover, here is the ski resort of the Holy Land Japanese traditional cuisine one of the famous big crabs in Hokkaido, seafood shabu shabu, barbecue, ramen, sushi, etc. picking fruit fun 9 ~ October grapes, peaches... (Fruit season depends on the weather changes) Romantic watch the night view take the cable car to watch the world's three major night view of the Hakodate beautiful night, leaving the romantic eternal memories Happy tour shopping Hokkaido largest newest and most luxurious MITSUI OUTLET PARK, civet road shopping street, Bo Ye Ramen Hengchachi Day1: Singapore - Sapporo (D) Lake Toya Sun palace Hotel or similar (Hotspring) Assemble at Changi airport for the flight to Hokkaido. Upon arrival,our guide will pick you up. Then, move to Northern Hourse Park which locates near New Chitose. The park has attracted many tourists. Riding a horse is very popular among the tourists. When it is fine, beautiful scenery in Lake Toya is right before you. Lake Toya belongs Toya National Park. And Toya hot spring is rare hot spring resort in Hokkaido. Day2: Mt. Showa - Mt. Uzu - Bear Ranch - Onuma Park - Hokadate Bay Area Walking Tour - Mt. Hokadate Night View (2-way Cable Car included) (B/L) Hokadate PACO Annex Hotel or similar Mt.Showa nearby Lake Toya, 398m high,was formed by volcanic rock in 1957.It is taken as special natural memorial by Japan.Mt.Uzu,737m high volcano,is in the south of Lake Toya. We can see the magnificent phenomenon on the top of Mt. Uzu.There are about 100hybrid Hokkaido brown bears in the Bear Ranch.Watch bear show and feed the bear.or very close to interact with bears. Onuma Park is one of three new attractions. Hokadate Bay Area is a very romantic place for walking. Enjoying that comfortable atmosphere is a must for tourists.and JR starting point relics and old Hokadate station relics are here.mt.hokadate in the evening is one of three world spectacular night views. We will enjoy it by cable car. Day 3: Hakodate Morning Market - Goryokaku Tower - Noboribetsu Dare Jidaimura - Jigokudani (B/D) Noboribetsu Manseikaku or similar (Hotspring) In the morning,go to Hakodate Morning Market called Hakodate Kitchen which is the largest seafood wholesale market in Hakodate.Here we can eat the most delicious,affordable,cheapest seafood.goryokaku Park is Japanese historical heritage. There are traditional architectures, delicious and special ice cream. What s more,there are all varieties of kelp products such as kelp ice cream,kelp sugar and other souvenirs which can be brought to friends. NOBORIBETSU DATE JIDAIMURA is a theme park based on Edo period and reshows that old times prosperity. In the quite large park, there are IDA family s buildings.jigokudani is a strange valley after volcano eruption.it is not only a peculiar natural landscape but also the resources of many famous hot springs in Noboribetsu. Comfortable SPA eliminates the fatigue. Day 4: Noboribetsu - Sounkyo *A / B itineraries based on departure dates (B/L/D) Sounkyo Kanko hotel or similar (Hotspring) A. SEP~10DEC: Noboribetsu - Otokoyama Sake Brewery - Asahiyama Zoo (Closed for maintenance, change to Hokkaido Ice Pavilion) - Sounkyo - Ginga and Ryusei Falls Noboribetsu is one of the most famous place to enjoy the hotspring and we are going to have one night hotspring hotel to experience. Before we check in hotel, we are going to find out the Otokoyama Sake Brewery and understand the history of Japan Sake and your will be given the chance to DIY the sake and have free flow are you pleased. Later we will be visiting the top famous zoo in Japan named Asahiyama Zoo. Because of its unique location,there are distinctive Arctic animals and the like. But it will be closed for maintenance during 03NOV~11NOV and we are replacing another interesting place called Hokkaido Ice Pavilion for you. Later of the day, we will be visiting Sounkyo. Sounkyo is 100m high cliff which consists of so many different kinds of plants and flowers. Ginga and Ryusei Falls are called Couple waterfalls. From the 90m high cliff, water falls with numerous water blooms. It looks very beautiful and soft. B. 11DEC~MAR: Noboribetsu - Furano -Cheese Factory - Panoramic Shikkisai No Oka Garden (Ski Park, snow activities at own cost) - Sounkyo - - Ginga and Ryusei Falls Noboribetsu is one of the most famous place to enjoy the hotspring and we are going to have one night hotspring hotel to experience. Before we check in hotel, we are going to visit a beautiful city located in the central part of Hokkaido named Furano. It is famous of

its lovely flower during Spring, Summer, and Autumn. But, even more, during the winter time when the big snow comes, here will be fully covered by the white snow. And what s more, we are going to spend half day at ashikkisai No Oka Garden to in-personal experience the snow activities at your own cost. You can try out the snowmobiles or other exciting activities and make your Hokkaido trip more joyful. Later part of the day, we will bring you to visit the Cheese Factory whereby you can try out the local cheese fresh made cheese cake and DIY yourself. Later of the day, we will be visiting Sounkyo. Sounkyo is 100m high cliff which consists of so many different kinds of plants and flowers. Ginga and Ryusei Falls are called Couple waterfalls. From the 90m high cliff, water falls with numerous water blooms. It looks very beautiful and soft. Day 5: Sounkyo - Mt. Daisetsu - Mitsui Outlet Park Kitahiroshima- Sapporo Odori Park - Tokeidai Clock - TV Tower (B/D) Sapporo Premier Nakajima Park Hotel or similar Depart from Sounkyo, we are on the way back to Sapporo city to spend the rest of 2 days. Drop by Mt. Daisetsu which is a volcano group of middle Hokkaido.In the Mt.Daisetsu National Park, there are large tracts of alpine plants, beautiful pine scale and fir. When we reach Sapporo city, the 1 st stop will be Mitusi Outlet Park Kitahiroshima whereby you can freely enjoy your half day shopping over here. Sapporo Odori Park stands in the center of Sapporo. On the both sides of the park there are many famous sculptures. Tokeidai was built in 1878, used as a performance place of Sapporo agriculture school. Sapporo TV Tower is a landmark in Hokkaido, located in Sapporo Odori Park. Especially in winter, there are all kinds of interesting activities such as Snowing Festival and White Neon Festival. DAY 6: Sapporo - Ishiya White Chocolate Factory - Otaru Canal - Kitaichi Glass - Otaru Musica Box Museum - Susukino Ramen Lane - Tankikoji Shopping (B) Sapporo Premier Nakajima Park Hotel or similar Depart from Sapporo city, we are heading over to Ishiya Chocolate Factory is quite famed in Hokkaido. TSUMUGI ISHIYA is running this chocolate factory. There we can taste delicious chocolate and listen to that romantic love story. Otaru Canal is the only and the ancient canal in Hokkaido. It is more than 120 years as old as Hokkaido. The canal represents Hokkaido s culture. Kitaichi Glass can date back to 1901 where you can make glasses. Lots of exquisite music boxes display in the Music Box Museum. Even you can make a lucky cat, Hello Kitty or sushi by yourself. Ramen Lane stands in a supper narrow lane, about 50m wide. On the both sides, there are 16 ramen shops which have their own formular. Tankikoji Shopping is a commercial street. More than 200 stores in which you can purchase what you want at the best price. And the the night life ends at Susukino Red Light District. *** By SCOOT direct flights to Sapporo, Free 1 nights Sapporo Hotel, Free and Easy 1 day *** Day7: Sapporo (Free & Easy) (B) Sapporo Premier Nakajima Park Hotel or similar Day8: Sapporo - Singapore After breakfast, transfer to airport for your flight to Singapore. (B) *** By Eastern Airlines flight to shanghai transit, Free 3D2N Shanghai City Tour *** Day7: Sapporo - Shanghai (B) Shanghai Benjoy Hotel 5* or Similar After breakfast, transfer to airport for your flight to Shanghai. Upon arrival, our guide will pick you up. Then, move to hotel. Day8: Shanghai City Tour (B/L/D) Shanghai Benjoy Hotel 5* or Similar After breakfast, take [city tour bus] to visit the beautiful scenery of Shanghai, shuttle in Shanghai's bustling streets, enjoy the streets on both sides of the scenery, sightseeing bus with eight language attractions, free map, Presented personal headphones. Then went to the Temple Industrial Park, where the former feng shui treasure in Shanghai, and now in this resort the old bustling without losing the traditional style to re-show,where you can eat authentic snacks, around the characteristics of the shop. Nanjing Road, located in the center of Shanghai street where modern buildings mixed with European-style old building, vertical hanging shop light boxes endless, especially under the night neon lights flashing. After dinner you can enjoy own expense : ERA time and travel acrobatics show+ Huangpu River on both sides of the beautiful night. Day9: Shanghai - Singapore (B) After breakfast, take city bus to [Pudong New Area], Century Avenue, Jinqiao Development Zone, to understand the changing of Pudong, After lunch to the Pudong International Airport then take the international flight back to the warm home.if it's night flight, additional gift [Seven Pu Road] free activities, after then to the Pudong International Airport take the international flight back to the warm home. REMARK: Tips: Japan - 700YEN /PAX/DAY Shanghai - 25RMB/PAY/DAY If there is any discrepancy between English and Chinese itinerary, please refer to the Chinese itinerary one strictly Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sequence of itinerary may subject to changes without prior notice Taxes and fees quoted are subject to currency fluctuation and are not guaranteed until air ticket issuance 3D2N free tour, we reserve the right to change or cancel the itinerary. Minimum group size: 10 passengers: Less than 10 people, we will endeavor to offer customer an alternative tour or continue with the tour arrange one tour guide also as car driver, travel attractions unchanged as usual.