46 戲劇學刊 A Study of Shangdang Buddhist Temple Theatre Lu-wei Wang* Abstract Drama performance in Buddhist temples and at specialized performance venues

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45 * ** 45-86 TAIPEI THEATRE JOURNAL 24 (2016) : 45-86 School of Theatre, Taipei National University of the Arts 2015.11.20 2016.6.22 * 14BZS079 13BZS017 1980 15CZW044 **

46 戲劇學刊 A Study of Shangdang Buddhist Temple Theatre Lu-wei Wang* Abstract Drama performance in Buddhist temples and at specialized performance venues in the temples is an important topic in the study of Chinese opera culture. Based on research in Buddhist scripture translated into Chinese and in Chinese literature from the Eastern Han to Sui and Tang Dynasties, this paper investigates the term xichang (theatre) and argues that its meaning changed from the Sui and Tang Dynasties to the Northern Song Dynasty. This paper analyzes the specialized performance venues built in Buddhist temples and traces their development from beginning through the Ming and Qing Dynasties. A small number of temples theatres were built, dedicated to the worship of gods. This shows that Chinese folk culture had an impact on the Buddhist temples, and that some Buddhist sects made adjustments and reforms in the Canon and the doctrine. This paper further surveys the Buddhist temples in the Shangdang region of the Shanxi Province. There remain over a thousand Buddhist temple ruins in Shangdang, but few include a specialized theatre. The earliest records of temple theatres are from the late Ming Dynasty, and the number increases in the Kangxi and Qianlong periods in the Qing Dynasty. Even so, Buddhist temple theatres were not a common thing. Most Buddhist temples still maintained their independent character, and stayed distanced from secular drama activities. Keywords: theatre, temple theatre, Shangdang region, Buddhism, drama * PhD, Department of Opera Artefacts, Shanxi Normal University

47 19 1 1988 45-46 2005 200 2009 67 1984 980 1997 3 2010 25-41 1 2002 603 387

48 戲劇學刊 2 3 2002 45-54 1983 384 4 32 11 15 30 2002 45-54 5 6 A.A. MacDonell A. Wijesekera nata 2 1990 3 465 3 1990 4 505 4 1987 862 473 5 1990 17 24 6 1990 3 717

49 7 8 9 2011 31 7 1990 49 106 8 1956 6549 9 1997 7 102

50 戲劇學刊 1983 2684-2685 10 11 12 112 2011 40 10 1985 2837 11 1987 1035 551 12 1987 1036 210

51 2014 399 13 14 1122 15 2014 399-406 2011 145-161 13 1990 24 1024 14 1990 25 159 15 1122 122 67 16

52 戲劇學刊 1758 16 2014 404 17 2011 157 2011 155-156 2003 117-128 16 1758 50 70 2013 7 16 17 2008 7 28

53 18 2003 117-128 19 20 18 1996 88 19 20 1990 47 220

54 戲劇學刊 2014 541 1478 1622 2014 541 1616 1802 2011 159 1651 1651 1736 1750 1761 1821 1824 1825 1852 1855 1896 14 2 1632

55 1606 21 2002 313 1661 22 1795 23 1822 24 1813 25 21 1606 193 82 10 22 1661 145 72 23 23 1795 150 54 21 24 1822 192 84 18 25 1813 50 120

56 戲劇學刊 1696 26 1734 27 1781 28 1840 1797 29 1803 30 1842 31 1 26 1696 68 37 27 1734 147 50 12 28 1781 214 60 23 29 1797 185 71 30 1803 170 70 11 31 1842 157 53

57 1. 1737 32 5 1162 2006 522 1 20 977 985 1162 930-933 1148 33 1477 1911 2 1737 2 2013 8 32 2013 7 4 33 1162 173 75 21

58 戲劇學刊 7.1 2.65 1.15 5.45 1.5 3 1737 34 2002 92-94 34 1737 43 52

59 1162 35 1592 36 25 1618 1682 1682 1683 1698 1735 1736 1750 2002 392-395 2006 524 2. 37 5 400 1000 3 8.3 4.6 6.8 4.5 12.45 4.4 23 15 35 1162 116 65 22 36 1592 156 70 20 37 2014 8 2

60 戲劇學刊 3 6.8 4.7 2.8 3.2 2.7 4 7.5 2.9 3.3 1.5

61 4 21.8 20 11.5 8.5 38 3. 1748 39 30 1959 2139 508 1031 500 500 38 170 60 39 2014 4 4

62 戲劇學刊 514 520 528 554 560 570 576 2012 1-2 5 1169 1271 1921 5 5

63 6 7.5 3.2 5.9 4.9 0.5 6 1748 40 1921 41 40 41 1921

64 戲劇學刊 4. 42 30 200 800 90 120 7 11.5 6.2 6.6 3.7 1 4.1 7 42 2014 7 21

65 5. 43 20 3000 1037 44 20 8 7.26 2.31 5.28 3.59 2.79 0.30 2.60 2.78 43 2013 7 15 44 1037 68 81 40 118 64 22

66 戲劇學刊 8 45 46 1583 47 48 1710 49 1774 50 1675 45 1037 68 81 40 118 64 22 46 1580 70 45 47 1583 132 58 32 48 1525 75 48 49 1710 191 66 24 50 1774 101 48

67 51 1774 1853 52 6. 53 25 800 45 9 7.98 3.03 4.40 2.65 2.40 6.7 4.4 13.64 5.37 2.18 13.68 15 51 1675 97 60 52 1853 196 67 19 53 2013 7 3

68 戲劇學刊 9 7. 54 25 1035 286 2011 10 20 7.9 3.3 5 2.9 3 4.25 3.7 54 2013 8 27

69 1 9.8 3.6 2.65 2.4 9 12.5 10 2011

70 戲劇學刊 11 1. 1829 55 20 162 430 3000 11 4 12 20 55 2014 7 21

71 6.18 3.18 4.78 1.53 2.46 12.5 11 12 56 57 58 56 56 76 57 120 55 58 136 59

72 戲劇學刊 2. 1752 59 300 1300 8.5 5.4 0.8 8.15 4.6 0.1 13 8.11 2.94 4.9 2.42 2.9 7.13 4.23 19.2 12 59 2013 8 6

73 13 1752 3. 1799 60 20 400 1500 14 2005 1799 61 1925 62 60 2013 7 3 61 1799 203 64 28 62 1925 105 54 18

74 戲劇學刊 14 15 8.9 3.2 5.5 1.4 2.7 8.1 2.8 2.7 2.12 16.7 18.5 15 1799

75 1778 63 64 1935 65 66 1758 67 1837 68 1852 69 63 1778 115 56 28 64 1799 203 64 28 65 1935 170 44 16 66 147 67 67 1758 50 70 68 1837 150 60 12 69 1852 200 75 20

76 戲劇學刊 1857 70 1. 1781 71 20 30 100 16 16 17 70 1857 99 48 71 2013 8 20

77 6.7 2.7 4.4 1.7 2.16 0.3 5.45 3.45 11.5 2.5 1.9 2.85 14 10.5 1781 72 1860 1860 73 17 1781 2. 1913 74 20 300 18 72 1781 182 60 20 73 1860 182 60 20 74 2013 8 17

78 戲劇學刊 18 19 30 19 1913

79 8.9 4.8 1775 75 76 3. 1849 77 20 400 1300 20 20 75 1775 145 48 21 76 192 50 20 77 2013 8 3

80 戲劇學刊 Mɑhsɑāttvɑ 6.9 3.4 4.49 1.63 3.26 21 7.84 3.89 5.55 2.34 2.79

81 21 1849 1849 78 78 1849 167 53 21

82 戲劇學刊 4. 79 22 25 38 192 22 23 20 79 2013 8 6 1998 1999 38 1998

83 2006 7.2 3.3 3.3 1.85 2.6 1.93 1.1 3.25 3.15 23 1. 2. 3.

84 戲劇學刊

85 1990 1990 1990 1990 1997 1985 1987 1956 1987 1990 2002 1988 2011 2005 2009 2010 42 25-41 2012 2002 2002 5 45-54 2011 2002 2006

86 戲劇學刊 2014 1983 1997 2003 2003 2 117-128 2013 7 3 2013 7 3 2013 7 4 2013 7 15 2013 8 3 2013 8 6 2013 8 6 2013 8 17 2013 8 20 2013 8 27 2014 4 4 2014 7 21 2014 7 21 2014 8 2 *