2000 3,,,??,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 93,,,,, David Faure, The S t ructure of Chinese R ural Society L ineage and V illage in the Eastern New Territories, 4

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CONTENTS A bst racts Clans and State Representation in Local Society The Ideological Foundation of the Development of Clans in South China During the Ming and Qing Periods (U K) David Fayre Liu Zhiwei ( 3 ) This paper outlines t he diff usion of t he concept of clans and t he promotion of sanctioned sacrificial rituals in South China during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The author argues that the development of clans was a consequence of t he establishment of Neo2Conf ucian ort hodoxy, t he popularization of literati ideals through the spread of writings, and the implementation of state rituals meant to civilize and transform local society. Studies of clans are thus more than a mere examination of genealogical groups or kinship organization, since t hey help us to better understand how local societies might have been integrated into t he Chinese state. Key Words Ming Dynasty Qing Dynasty / South China / tribe / local society Social and Clan Culture in the Lingnan Region During the mid and Late Periods of the Ming Dynasty Ye Hanming (15) During the mid to later Ming period, the practice of the state and among the literati of labeling the culture south of the Yangzi Riverbarbarian and alienbegan to change. This was marked by the increasing Hanization and Confucianization of the hundreds of tribal groups in South China, a process that resulted from the interaction between the elite and commoners, the elegant and the vulgar, and between the locals and the Han people, as well as by the penetration and popularization of clan culture in the region south of the Yangzi River. On the one hand, a whole set of clan ethics and system of rites gradually came into existence, wit h prominent Conf ucian scholars, officials and t he gent ry ac2 tively promoting family precepts and the formulation of local rites ; on the other hand, it became the fashion among the population to construct clan temples, edit clan pedigrees, create clan properties and set up clan schools. All t hese activities helped to increase t he integration of local communities and gave added ort hodoxy and legitimacy to t he local cult ure. Consanguinity t hus became integrated wit h geo2 culture which had an important influence on the formation of local traditions in the Lingnan region in t he later mid2ming period. Key Words Ming Dynasty / Lingnan ( region) / clan cult ure A Prel iminary Exploration of the Development of Neo2Conf ucianism in the Jin Dynasty Wei Chongwu (31) Although Neo2Confucianism was weak when it was adopted by the Jin from the Northern Song in the northern provinces of China, did not die out. For a period of time Neo2Confucianism declined, but later. it revived as t he Neo2Conf ucianism of t he Sout hern Song was disseminated nort hwards. In spite of t he resistance it encountered, t he influence of Neo2Conf ucianism gradually expanded as a result of the active propagation of a number of eminent scholars, and the Neo2Confucian tradition of certain clan families was inherited and prospered. By the time of the downfall of the Jin, Neo2Confucian research and learning had become a major phenomenon in the intellectual history of the region. Key Words Jin Dynasty / Neo2Conf ucianism Who Was Yang Xingsheng, Whose Name Is Found in the Collected Writings of the Scholar in the 189