禁區駕駛筆試模擬試卷Mock paper for Airside driving examination

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1. 如取得機場管理局 D 字批註, 該 D 字批註會展示在機場禁區通行證上 這表示該人員 : (Obtaining Airport Authority D endorsement to be displayed on the holder s Airport Restricted Area Permit. It means :) (a) 該人員可以在機場禁區駕駛 (Such holder can drive in Airport Restricted Area.) (b) D 字批註有效期至持證人的機場禁區通行證屆滿日期, 最長為兩年 (The D endorsement is valid for a maximum of two years, matching with the expiry date of holder s Airport Restricted Area Permit.) (c) 在機場禁區駕駛時, 須時刻帶備香港駕駛執照 (Hong Kong Driving Licence at all times is required whilst driving in airside.) (d) 該人員可在客運大樓禁區行李處理大堂內駕駛 (Such holder can drive in the airside restricted Baggage Hall.) (e) 以上所有都是正確 (All of the above.) (a), (b) 及 (c) (b), (c) 及 (d) (a), (b) 及 (d) (D) (e) (a), (b) and (c) (b), (c) and (d) (a), (b) and (d) ANS: 2. 車輛獲准進入的機場禁區區域, 是以什麼顯示在該車輛的禁區牌照上? (What would be indicated in the Airside Vehicle Licence to show the permitted vehicle access zone in airport restricted area?) (a) 該區域的顏色代號 (Color code of the permitted access zone) (b) 該區域的域名及路段 (Apron name and traffic route of the permitted access zone) (a) (b) (a) 及 (b) (a) and (b) ANS:

3. 圖中所示的車速限制標記, 那一個不會在機場禁區區域出現? (Which one of the followings is not the current speed limits indicated by road signs and road markings in Airport Restricted Area?) (D) (E) ANS: (D) 4. 如沒有飛機在停機位 ( 如下方左圖所示 ), 停機位是可以用作行走捷徑或臨時車輛停放之用 (If no aircraft operation in the parking stand as shown in the left hand side photo, vehicle can enter as a short cut or use for vehicle parking in temporary.) 是 / Yes 否 / No ANS:

5. 車輛不准駛入飛機滑行支道 ( 如圖所示 ), 以下那一個是正確的地面分隔標記顏色? (As shown in the picture, vehicles shall keep clear of the aircraft taxi lane Which of the followings is the correct designated color road marking?) ANS: 6. 如下圖所示, 請問紅圈內的三角形路標有什麼意思? (Referring to the picture below, what is the meaning of the triangle as shown inside the red circle?) (D) 車輛不准駛入 (Vehicle entry is not allowed) 車輛高度限制 (Height restriction for vehicle entry) 車輛不准掉頭 (Vehicle U-turn is not allowed) 車輛限制時段駛入 (Limited time for vehicle entry) ANS:

7. D 字批註申請人須通過機場管理局安排的考試, 考試會以電腦進行, 及格分數為 : (Applicants for D endorsement are required to pass an examination conducted by the Airport Authority, The examination is computer-based and the passing mark is :) 75% 80% 85% (D) 90% ANS: 8. 在機尾路行駛而有須要橫過飛機後方, 發現飛機的防撞燈亮起時, 這表示 (When vehicle must pass behind an aircraft with its anti-collision beacon is on, which means) (D) 飛機停定並亮起剎停燈 可安全橫過 (The brake is on. It is safe for vehicle crossing.) 飛機引擎運作中, 提供機艙冷氣 可安全橫過 (The engine is running for air condition in the cabin. It is safe for vehicle crossing.) 飛機引擎運作中, 不可橫過機尾 (The engine is running. Vehicle crossing is prohibited.) 飛機可能會推後, 車輛應盡快橫過 (It is a signal for aircraft pushing back. Vehicle should go across faster.) ANS:

9. 如圖所示, 這是 註明個別停機位編號的停機位邊界標記 在 N64 位, 以下那個表述是錯誤的? (As shown in the picture is the road marking of Stand Clearance Marking with Stand Number for Particular Stand in Bay N64, which one of the followings is incorrect?) 這是停機位前方道路和停機位後方道路都有的路面標記 (This is a road marking we can see in Head-of-Stand Road and also Back-of-Stand Road.) 這是停機位後方道路才有的路面標記 (This is a road marking we can see in Back-of-Stand Road only.) 前方便進入停機位 N64 的範圍 (It is the parking stand number N64 for aircraft beyond the line.) ANS: