Instructions for taking medicine 1. Firstly, check to see if it is for internal use or external use: (1) Oral drugs: confirm the correct usage and dos

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英文 How to take medicine When receiving medicine pack, you should check its quantity, ensure the dosage and time period of taking, and notices of the following: 1. Internal drugs should be taken with warm drinking water. 2. Drugs must be taken under the scheduled time. 3. Taking drugs within the regular time frame before or after the meals. 4. Do not take drugs along with tea, juice, milk or coffee, etc. stimulating beverages. 5. Taking drugs according to instructed dose of doctor s prescription. Do not change or stop taking drugs without doctor s instruction. 6. Whenever recalling a missing dose, take it immediately. Do not take the missing dose if next instructed dosing time is approaching. 7. After taking medicine, if no effectiveness to the symptoms or any unusual condition or side-effect occurred, advise doctor immediately. 8. Notice the drug s name, warnings and expiration period on the label. 9. After recovery, stop taking drugs and should not share the unused drugs to others. 10. Consulting with your physician or pharmacist for any questions regarding to the medication. 11. Two or more different kinds eye-drops should be applied with 5-10 minutes intervals. 12. Topical creams for external use should be not swallowed or applied to eyes. 中文對照說明 藥怎麼吃 領到藥品時應核對藥品數量, 問明白用藥方法 時間 : 1. 口服藥品應以溫開水服用 2. 服藥應依每日規定時間 3. 飯前與飯後服藥時間標準化 4. 不要以茶 果汁 牛奶 咖啡等刺激性飲料配服藥品 5. 須按醫師 藥師指示的用法及劑量服用藥物 ; 未經醫師指示, 不可擅自改變藥品劑量或停藥 6. 如果忘記服藥, 想起時應立即服用, 若已接下次服藥時間, 就不必再服 7. 若覺得藥品沒有作用或發生任何異常狀況或作用時, 要立刻告知醫師或藥師 8. 注意藥品名稱 警語及有效期限的標示 9. 痊癒後之剩藥, 不可任意服用或提供他人服用 10. 有用藥問題一定要詢問醫師或藥師等專業人員 11. 兩種以上眼藥水, 應間隔 5-10 分鐘 12. 外用藥膏不可吞服或塗抹眼睛

Instructions for taking medicine 1. Firstly, check to see if it is for internal use or external use: (1) Oral drugs: confirm the correct usage and dosage, if it is taken by swallow, chewable, prior melted in mouth, or prior diluted with water, etc. and check if it s deteriorated or expired. (2) For external use: confirm the portion to be applied, e.g. skin, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, rectum, vagina or via inhalation. (3) To avoid contaminating drugs or wounds, wash hands carefully prior taking medicine. (4) Shake well when using liquid suspension. (5) Suppository is required to keep in refrigerator to maintainits shape. Drugs stored in refrigerator should be restored back to room temperature prior to usage. (6) Be sure to cover the drugs tightly after usage. (7) Do not use deteriorated or expired medicinal liquid. Eye drops must be discarded one month after opening. (8) To avoid interactive transmission of virus or misusing drugs, do not use others medicine. 2. Medication time: (1) Drugs should be taken according to prescribed dosing time: Four times daily:take the medicines at breakfast, lunch, dinner and before bedtime. Three times daily: Take the medicines at breakfast, lunch and dinner Twice daily: Take the medicines at breakfast and dinner Once a day: a fixed time per day 用藥指示 1. 用藥時, 首先要看清楚是內服藥還是外用藥 (1) 口服藥 : 要先確認服用方法, 是整粒或半顆吞服 咬碎 口含 或加水稀釋 等 確認有否變質或過期 (2) 外用藥 : 確認使用部位是皮膚 眼 耳 口 鼻 直腸 陰道或是吸入用 (3) 在使用藥品前要先洗淨雙手, 避免污染藥品或傷口 (4) 懸浮液劑在使用前應先充分振搖 (5) 栓劑需冷藏才可維持其形狀, 冷藏藥品要回復室溫才能使用 (6) 有蓋子的藥品, 使用後須蓋緊 (7) 不可使用變質或過期的藥水 如眼藥水在開瓶後一個月, 必須丟棄 (8) 不使用別人的藥品, 以免交互傳染病菌或誤用藥物 2. 服藥時間 (1) 服藥應依每日規定時間每日四次 : 早餐 午餐 晚餐 睡前服用每日三次 : 早餐 午餐 晚餐服用每日二次 : 早餐 晚餐服用 每日一次 : 每天固定一個時間服用

(2) Before and after meals Before mail (empty stomach): Take the medicines within an hour before meal or take them along with Medicines taken before meal: Can be easily affected by food and absorbed with less gastrointestinal irritation. After meal: Take the medicines within an hour after meal or take them immediately after meal. Medicines taken after meal: Can be absorbed with the help of food to reduce gastrointestinal irritation. Before bed time: half an hour before bed time. (3) 4 times a day and 6 hours a day: By different purposes: 4 times a day is for symptoms treatment, e.g. PANADOL. 6 hours a day is to maintain and stabilize blood concentration, e.g. antibiotic. 3. Medicine should be taken along with drinking water: (1) The effectiveness of drug may be affected and resulted in interactions with juice (such as grapefruit juice), tea, coffee, or milk. (2) To avoid drugs stay in esophagus too long and cause esophagus burns, do not lay down while taking medicine. 4. What to do if forgot to take medicine? (1) Drugs for symptoms relief: it is Ok if forgot to take it, e.g. analgesics. (2) Drugs for treatment or prevention: e.g. hypertension, diabetes. If you recall it within a short time after passing the prescribed dosing time, take it immediately. If it s close to next dosing time, do not take it. (3) Drugs for taking before bed, no need to make it up in the day time. (2) 飯前與飯後說明飯前 ( 或空腹 ): 飯前一小時內或飯後二小時與食物一起服用飯前服用的藥物 : 易被食物影響吸收 腸胃刺激性小飯後 : 飯後一小時內或飯後立即服用飯後服用的藥物 : 可藉食物協助吸收 減少腸胃刺激睡前 : 睡覺前半小時服用 (3) 一天四次與每六小時一次不同目的 : 一天四次 -- 症狀治療, 例如 : 普拿疼每六小時一次 -- 維持固定血中濃度, 例如 : 抗生素 3. 必須以白開水服藥 (1) 有些藥物與果汁 ( 如葡萄柚汁 ) 或茶 咖啡 牛奶會發生交互作用, 而影響藥效 (2) 服藥時不要躺著, 避免藥物停留在食道時間延長而造成食道灼傷 4. 如果忘記服藥要怎麼辦? (1) 症狀緩解的藥品 : 忘了服藥沒有關係 ( 例如 : 止痛劑 ) (2) 治療或預防用的藥品 : 如高血壓 糖尿病用藥, 若是短時間內想起可立即服用 ; 若已經接近下次服藥時間不要服用

(3) 睡前服用的藥物, 若是白天才記起, 就無需補服 Warnings All of hospital, clinics or pharmacy will provide their medication pack with detailed information including usage, dosage, side-effects, indications, etc. Before taking medicine, you must carefully read contents and warnings on medication pack or package inserts. 1. Side-effects: (1) When quoted with this drug may cause drowsiness or dizziness, or after medication, you should pay more attention on driving or operating machinery warning, means it will prevent you from doing concentration required task. (2) When quoted with during the medication period, do not take any alcohol related beverage! warning, means it may prolong the medication effectiveness or drowsiness. (3) Warning of during medication, avoid sun exposure! is usually indicated on sulfa drugs and whitening products. 2. Special usage: (1) Warning of take it by swallowing, no grinding or chewing, indicates it s not tasty. For example, drugs in sustained releasing dosage form and enteric coating dosage form are not suitable for chewing. (2) Warnings of keep in low temperature, means after receiving medication pack, it should be kept in the refrigerator. (3) Warnings of shake well before use which is often indicated on liquid suspension, liquid antibiotic, or eye drops. 3. Pregnant woman and breast-feeding: Warning of pregnancy, pregnancy potentials or breast-feed ing women are prohibited, means pregnant woman or breast-feeding 服藥警語目前醫療院所及藥局的藥袋上都會註記包括用法 用量 副作用 適應症等警示 服藥前一定要詳讀藥袋或藥品說明書 1. 副作用警示 (1) 服用本藥可能會導致嗜睡或頭暈 服藥後需開車或操作機械的人請小心, 表示使用這類藥物期間盡量避免從事需要精神專注的工作 (2) 服用本藥期間請勿飲用含酒精性飲料 表示可能藥效延長或嗜睡副作用 (3) 服藥期間應避免曬太陽 常見在磺胺類藥品及美白產品 2. 特殊使用方法 (1) 藥品請整顆吞服勿磨粉或嚼碎 表示藥物可能味道不好 持續性藥效劑型或腸衣劑型等, 所以不適合咬碎服用 (2) 需冷藏 表示藥物領回後, 需放在冰箱下層冷藏 (3) 使用前請搖勻 常見於懸浮液藥品 胃乳 抗生素口服藥水或眼藥水 3. 孕婦與哺乳 懷孕 計畫懷孕或授乳的婦女請勿服用本藥, 表示此藥不適合懷孕或授乳之婦女服用

mothers are not suitable to take the drugs. 4. Drugs interaction: (1) Warning of at least 2 hours or more of interval is required for each dosing time while taking with irons, or antacids is often indicated on antibiotic drugs like Quinolone antibiotics, because iron, milk or antacids will interfere with their absorptions and effects. (2) Warning of do not take together with grape fruit juice, means the mixture of calcium channel blockers, macrolide immunosuppressants and ergot derivatives, etc. with grape fruit juice will affect absorption and metabolism of medicine. 4. 藥物交互作用 (1) 若要服用鐵劑 制酸劑時, 應該至少要相隔 2 小時 常見在 Quinolones 類抗生素藥物, 因鐵劑 牛奶及制酸劑會影響藥物的吸收及藥效 (2) 勿併服葡萄柚汁 如鈣離子阻斷劑 巨環類免疫抑制劑及麥角鹼衍生物等與葡萄柚汁併服會影響藥物吸收與代謝