AI-AUTO-011 Saflex® Advanced PVB - Color Interlayer (Chinese)

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Saflex Saflex (PVB) / Saflex B Saflex PVB 96% Saflex PVB Saflex PVB Saflex

Saflex PVB * RB47 367700 x x x x x RB47 377800 / x x x x x RB47 547800 x x x x x RB47 147800 x x x x x RB47 156100 x x x x RB47 273600 x x x RB47 303500 x x x RB47 343600 x x x RB47 352700 x x x RB47 401800 x x x RB47 521300 x x x RB47 626900 x x x RB17 082800 x x x RB17 085500 x x x RB17 127300 x x x x *

(mm) Tv (%) Ill A EN410 (III D 65-Obs 10) ASHRAE (III A-Obs 10) Ts (%) Sf (%) L* a* b* Ts (%) SR (%) L* a* b* RB47 367700 2.2 78 66 73 90.6 21.1 3.1 72 23 90.7 20.3 2.9 RB47 377800 2.2 79 68 75 91.9 25.7 0.0 74 21 91.2 25.5 21.6 RB47 547800 2.2 78 69 75 91.3 23.3 24.5 74 21 90.6 23.8 25.8 RB47 147800 2.2 75 66 73 90.3 25.6 23.6 73 22 89.4 26.7 25.3 RB47 156100 2.2 58 54 64 81.7 29.7 21.3 59 32 80.5 210.6 24.0 RB47 156100 2.2/2.1 / 54 44 57 79.8 211.3 20.8 43 43 78.4 212.1 23.8 RB47 273600 2.2 41 42 56 70.1 23.5 1.4 43 43 69.9 23.2 0.5 RB47 303500 2.2 33 38 52 65.8 216.6 20.5 41 44 63.9 217.9 24.7 RB47 343600 2.2 33 37 52 66.1 214.3 20.5 39 47 64.4 213.7 24.3 RB47 343600 2.1/2.1 / 30 24 42 63.4 216.7 0.5 41 44 61.5 216.0 23.9 RB47 352700 2.2 28 34 50 59.9 22.5 1.8 46 41 59.8 20.9 0.9 RB47 401800 2.2 21 26 44 52.8 22.7 4.0 27 55 52.8 23.0 3.4 RB47 521300 2.2 13 21 40 42.9 21.3 1.3 23 58 42.9 21.4 0.9 RB47 626900 2.2 66 61 69 86.7 211.6 27.4 63 29 84.8 213.4 210.8 RB47 082800 2.2 28 36 51 60.8 23.2 24.4 38 47 60.2 24.8 25.5 RB47 085500 2.2 52 53 63 77.7 22.7 22.1 53 36 77.2 23.5 23.0 RB47 127300 2.2 72 63 71 88.4 23.3 20.7 71 24 88.0 23.5 21.7 Eastman Saflex Eastman Eastman PVB Eastman Chemical Company Corporate Headquarters P.O. Box 431 Kingsport, TN 37662-5280 U.S.A. 800-EASTMAN U.S.A. and Canada, (800-327-8626) +(1) Other Locations, 423-229-2000 +(1) 423-229-2000 Although the information and recommendations set forth herein are Eastman presented Chemical in good Company faith, Eastman Chemical Company and its subsidiaries make no representations or warranties as to the completeness or accuracy thereof. You must make your own determination of its suitability and completeness for your own use, for the protection of the environment, and for the health and safety of your employees and purchasers of your products. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a recommendation to use any product, process, equipment, or formulation in conflict with any patent, and we make no representations or warranties, express or implied, that the use thereof will not infringe any patent. NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OF ANY OTHER NATURE ARE MADE HEREUNDER WITH RESPECT TO INFORMATION OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH INFORMATION REFERS AND NOTHING HEREIN WAIVES ANY OF THE SELLER S CONDITIONS OF SALE. Safety Data Sheets providing safety precautions that should be observed when handling and storing our products are available online or by request. You should obtain and review available material safety information before handling 2015 Eastman our products. Chemical If any Company Eastman Saflex materials mentioned are not our The products, results appropriate of insight industrial Eastman hygiene Chemical and Company other safety precautions recommended by their manufacturers should be observed. 2015 Eastman Chemical Company. Eastman brands referenced herein are trademarks of Eastman Chemical Company or one of its subsidiaries. The used on Eastman brands denotes registered trademark status in the U.S.; marks may also be registered internationally. Non-Eastman brands referenced herein are trademarks of their respective owners. AI-AUTO-011 9/15

Saflex Saflex (PVB) / Saflex B Saflex PVB 96% Saflex PVB Saflex PVB Saflex

Saflex PVB * RB47 367700 x x x x x RB47 377800 / x x x x x RB47 547800 x x x x x RB47 147800 x x x x x RB47 156100 x x x x RB47 273600 x x x RB47 303500 x x x RB47 343600 x x x RB47 352700 x x x RB47 401800 x x x RB47 521300 x x x RB47 626900 x x x RB17 082800 x x x RB17 085500 x x x RB17 127300 x x x x

(mm) Tv (%) Ill A EN410 (III D 65-Obs 10) ASHRAE (III A-Obs 10) Ts (%) Sf (%) L* a* b* Ts (%) SR (%) L* a* b* RB47 367700 2.2 78 66 73 90.6 21.1 3.1 72 23 90.7 20.3 2.9 RB47 377800 2.2 79 68 75 91.9 25.7 0.0 74 21 91.2 25.5 21.6 RB47 547800 2.2 78 69 75 91.3 23.3 24.5 74 21 90.6 23.8 25.8 RB47 147800 2.2 75 66 73 90.3 25.6 23.6 73 22 89.4 26.7 25.3 RB47 156100 2.2 58 54 64 81.7 29.7 21.3 59 32 80.5 210.6 24.0 RB47 156100 2.2/2.1 / 54 44 57 79.8 211.3 20.8 43 43 78.4 212.1 23.8 RB47 273600 2.2 41 42 56 70.1 23.5 1.4 43 43 69.9 23.2 0.5 RB47 303500 2.2 33 38 52 65.8 216.6 20.5 41 44 63.9 217.9 24.7 RB47 343600 2.2 33 37 52 66.1 214.3 20.5 39 47 64.4 213.7 24.3 RB47 343600 2.1/2.1 / 30 24 42 63.4 216.7 0.5 41 44 61.5 216.0 23.9 RB47 352700 2.2 28 34 50 59.9 22.5 1.8 46 41 59.8 20.9 0.9 RB47 401800 2.2 21 26 44 52.8 22.7 4.0 27 55 52.8 23.0 3.4 RB47 521300 2.2 13 21 40 42.9 21.3 1.3 23 58 42.9 21.4 0.9 RB47 626900 2.2 66 61 69 86.7 211.6 27.4 63 29 84.8 213.4 210.8 RB47 082800 2.2 28 36 51 60.8 23.2 24.4 38 47 60.2 24.8 25.5 RB47 085500 2.2 52 53 63 77.7 22.7 22.1 53 36 77.2 23.5 23.0 RB47 127300 2.2 72 63 71 88.4 23.3 20.7 71 24 88.0 23.5 21.7 Eastman Saflex Eastman Eastman PVB Eastman Chemical Company Corporate Headquarters P.O. Box 431 Kingsport, TN 37662-5280 U.S.A. U.S.A. 800-EASTMAN and Canada, (800-327-8626) Other +(1) Locations, 423-229-2000 +(1) 423-229-2000 Although the information and recommendations set forth herein are Eastman presented Chemical in good Company faith, Eastman Chemical Company and its subsidiaries make no representations or warranties as to the completeness or accuracy thereof. You must make your own determination of its suitability and completeness for your own use, for the protection of the environment, and for the health and safety of your employees and purchasers of your products. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a recommendation to use any product, process, equipment, or formulation in conflict with any patent, and we make no representations or warranties, express or implied, that the use thereof will not infringe any patent. NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OF ANY OTHER NATURE ARE MADE HEREUNDER WITH RESPECT TO INFORMATION OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH INFORMATION REFERS AND NOTHING HEREIN WAIVES ANY OF THE SELLER S CONDITIONS OF SALE. Safety Data Sheets providing safety precautions that should be observed when handling and storing our products are available online or by request. You should obtain and review available material safety information before handling 2015 Eastman our products. Chemical If any Company Eastman Saflex materials mentioned are not our The products, results appropriate of insight industrial Eastman hygiene Chemical and Company other safety precautions recommended by their manufacturers should be observed. 2015 Eastman Chemical Company. Eastman brands referenced herein are trademarks of Eastman Chemical Company or one of its subsidiaries. The used on Eastman brands denotes registered trademark status in the U.S.; marks may also be registered internationally. Non-Eastman brands referenced herein are trademarks of their respective owners. AI-AUTO-011 9/15