Introduction 简介 2017 上海国际酒交会旨在打造全世界最著名 最有影响力的顶级国际酒展, 汇聚全球名酒精品 云集顶级名酒企业, 对国内外知名酒类企业 全球顶尖酒类生产 酿造 包装等全产业链进行展示 中国不论从白酒 啤酒 葡萄酒等各个酒种都是全球第一大消费国, 尤其以白酒为代表, 同时

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Introduction 简介 2017 上海国际酒交会旨在打造全世界最著名 最有影响力的顶级国际酒展, 汇聚全球名酒精品 云集顶级名酒企业, 对国内外知名酒类企业 全球顶尖酒类生产 酿造 包装等全产业链进行展示 中国不论从白酒 啤酒 葡萄酒等各个酒种都是全球第一大消费国, 尤其以白酒为代表, 同时上海是中国一线的国际化都市, 也是中国的经济发展中心, 国际名酒企业总部全部汇聚上海, 再由中国酒业协会倾力打造, 本次酒交会将成为全世界以白酒为核心的最大的 最高规格酒展, 也是档次最高, 门槛最高的精品酒展, 国内参展单位均为省级以上企业, 国际参展商为目前全球最知名品牌 汇聚中外名酒品牌大咖 云集中外行业顶级专家, 相约上海, 共襄盛会 酒交会主题 : 世界名酒共享荣耀 Fair Theme:World Famous Alcoholic Drinks Share The Glory 由中国酒业协会权威打造, 为世界最顶级国际酒展 汇聚世界各国名酒, 探讨酒业未来, 和谐共赢, 共谋发展 It is hosted by China Alcoholic Drinks Association and is the world's top international alcoholic beverages fair. It is a grand exhibition with most well-known alcoholic beverages all over the world and will also offer opportunities to discuss industry future and win-win development. 主办单位 : 中国酒业协会 Host: China Alcoholic Drinks Association 举办时间 :2017 年 11 月 16 日 -21 日 Time: November 16 to November 21, 2017 开幕式 :2017 年 11 月 19 日 Opening Ceremony: November 19,2017 举办地点 : 上海虹桥国家会展中心 Location: National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) NECC(SH) 2017 Shanghai International Alcoholic Drinks Fair aims to make the world's most famous and influential international alcoholic beverage exhibition, which will bring together best alcohol products and well-known alcohol companies from all over the world, and will display the whole industry chain (including production, brewing/distillation, packaging and etc.) of top alcohol beverage enterprises at home and abroad. China is the world's largest alcohol consumption country in all kinds of alcoholic beverage, including Chinese Baijiu, beer and wine, especially in Chinese Baijiu. At the same time, as China's first-tier international city and economic development center, Shanghai is the headquarter of most well-known global alcohol enterprises in Asia. Therefore, with the dedication and effort of China Alcoholic Drinks Association, the fair will become the largest and most premium alcohol beverage exhibition majoring Chinese Baijiu, and will also be one of the highest level of quality and threshold, domestic exhibitors all above the provincial level and international exhibitors all owning world's most famous brands. It will be a grand event in Shanghai that converge the most well-known alcohol beverage brands and excellent industry experts of China as well as the globe. 2 3

The exhibition content 一 展览展示 本次展会展览地点为上海虹桥国家会展中心 1 号馆 2 号馆及登录大厅 ( 设置签到区 发布区等 ), 总面积近 60000 平米 The exhibition will be held in Hall 1, Hall 2 and sign-in lobby (sign-in area, releasing area, etc.) in National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), with a total area of 60,000 square meters. It will converge the most well-known alcohol beverage brands and excellent industry experts of China as well as the globe. 1 Domestic Famous Alcoholic Beverage Exhibition Area: exhibitors include production companies of Chinese Baijiu, Chinese rice wine, wine, health wine, Chateau wine, and etc. Most well-known companies include Kweichow Moutai, Wuliangye, Yanghe, Fenjiu, Luzhou Laojiao, Gujinggong, Tapai, Kuaijishan, Jinfeng, Changyu, Great Wall, Jinpai, and etc. 2 International Famous Alcoholic Beverage Exhibition Area: include wine, brandy, whisky, vodka, rum, gin, Sake, tequila, etc. 3 Fashion Alcoholic Beverage Exhibition Area: include beer, cocktail, fruit wine, etc. 2 全产业链展示 Whole Industry Chain Display 1 全球名酒展示 Global Famous Alcoholic Drinks Show 汇聚全球名酒精品 云集顶级名酒企业 1 国内名酒展区, 包括白酒 黄酒 葡萄酒 保健酒 酒庄酒等, 如茅台 五粮液 洋河 汾酒 泸州老窖 古井贡 古越龙山 塔牌 会稽山 金枫 张家港酿酒 女儿红 张裕 长城 劲牌等国内知名酒企 ; 2 国际名酒展区, 包括葡萄酒 白兰地 威士忌 伏特加 朗姆酒 杜松子酒 清酒 龙舌兰等, 力邀国际顶级酒业集团 ( 如帝亚吉欧 保乐力加等 ) 携其多品类多品牌参加 ; 3 时尚酒饮展区, 包括啤酒 鸡尾酒 果露酒等 国内外知名酒类装备展示, 汇聚全球顶尖酒类生产 酿造 包装等全产业链展示 1 全套酒类技术装备展区, 包括原料处理 加工设备 灌装 过滤设备 酒类检测设备 酒类仓储设备 包装设备 环保 水处理装备等 ; 2 酒类原辅材料展区 ; 3 酒类配件及器具展区 ; 4 酒类配套及服务展区, 包括酒类教育及培训 酒类投资机构 电商平台服务商 酒类批发零售及渠道服务商等 Display of domestic and international well-known alcoholic beverage equipment, covering whole industry chain of production, brewing/distillation, packaging, etc. 1 Full sets of alcoholic beverage technology equipment exhibition area: including equipments of raw material handling & processing, filing, filtering, testing, storage, packaging, environmental protection, water treatment and etc. 2 Alcoholic beverage raw and auxiliary materials exhibition area 3 Alcoholic beverage accessory & appliance exhibition area 4 Alcoholic beverage supporting services exhibition area: including alcohol education & training, alcoholic beverage investors, e-commerce companies, wholesalers & retailers, channel services, etc. 所有参展企业必须为世界知名品牌, 由酒交会组委会设定严格的参展标准, 严格把关, 保证上海国际酒交会的高规格 高标准, 打造名副其实的世界顶级酒展 All the exhibitors shall be world well-known brands. The fair organizing committee sets strict exhibition standard in order to guarantee the high quality and standard of the fair and to make it worthy of its name. 4 5

3 招展计划 Plan of Exhibitor Invite 布展时间 :2017 年 11 月 16 日 -18 日展出时间 :2017 年 11 月 19 日 -21 日撤展时间 :2017 年 11 月 22 日展出地点 : 上海虹桥国家会展中心展出面积 :1 号馆 2 号馆, 合计 60000 平米 展位价格国内标准展位 :11000 元 / 个 (3*3 平米 ) 国内光地特装 :1100 元 / 平米 (36 平米起 ) 国际标准展位 :18000 元 / 个 (3*3 平米 ) 国际光地特装 :1800 元 / 平米 (36 平米起 ) 凡是在 2017 年 9 月 30 日前预定展位并支付款项的再享 9 折优惠 会刊广告 : 封面 :28000 元人民币 (140*210mm) 封底 :20000 元人民币 (140*210mm) 封二 :12000 元人民币 (140*210mm) 封三 :12000 元人民币 (140*210mm) 扉页 :13000 元人民币 (140*210mm) 彩色内页 :6000 元人民币 (140*210mm) 其他广告 : 手提袋单页广告 :15000 元人民币 /2,000pcs (285mm*400mm) 参观券 :10000 元人民币 /10,000pcs (210mm*100mm) 胸卡 吊带 :15000 人民币 /10,000pcs (100mm*97mm) Booth buildup period: Nov. 16- Nov. 18, 2017 Exhibition period: Nov. 19 - Nov. 21, 2017 Dismantling period: Nov. 22, 2017 Exhibition venue: National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) Exhibition area: Hall 1 &Hall 2, total of 60,000 square meters. Booth Price: Domestic standard booth: RMB11,000 (each booth) (3*3 m2 ) Domestic bare space: RMB 1,100/ m2 (minimum space: 36 m2 ) International standard booth: RMB18,000(each booth) (3*3 m2 ) Domestic bare space: RMB 1,800/ m2 (minimum space: 36 m2 ) Those that reserve booth and make the payment before September 30, 2017, can have discount of 10% off.. Advertisements in Journal of China Alcoholic Drinks Association: Front cover: RMB28,000 (140*210mm) Back cover: RMB20,000 (140*210mm) Inside front cover: RMB12,000 (140*210mm) Inside back cover: RMB12,000 (140*210mm) Title page: RMB13,000 (140*210mm) Color inside page: RMB6,000 (140*210mm) Other advertisements: Handbag single-page ad: RMB 15,000/2,000pcs (285mm*400mm) Visiting tickets:rmb 10,000/10,000pcs (210mm*100mm) Badges & straps:rmb 15,000/10,000pcs(100mm*97mm) 4 场馆介绍 About Venue 国家会展中心 ( 上海 ), 由国家商务部和上海市政府合作共建, 总建筑面积 147 万平方米, 地上建筑面积 127 万平方米, 拥有 40 万平方米的室内展厅和 10 万平方米的室外展场, 配套 15 万平方米商业中心 18 万平方米办公设施和 6 万平方米五星级酒店 为世界上最具规模 最具水平 最具竞争力的会展综合体 是目前世界上面积第二大的建筑单体和会展综合体 中心位于上海市虹桥商务区核心区西部, 与虹桥交通枢纽的直线距离仅 1.5 公里, 通过地铁与虹桥高铁站 虹桥机场紧密相连 周边高速公路网络四通八达,2 小时内可到达长三角各重要城市, 交通便利 National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) (short for NECC) is a national exhibition center co-built by the Ministry of Commerce of China and the Shanghai Municipal Government and is projected to edge itself as the world s largest and most competitive MICE venue of our age. NECC is the second largest single block building and exhibition complex in the world with a total construction area of 1.47 million square meters, among which 1.27 million square meters are above ground. This large complex offers 500,000 square meters of exhibition space, including 400,000 sq m of indoor exhibition space and 100,000 sq m of outdoor display areas. It also boasts 150,000 sq m of commercial center, 180,000 sq m of office buildings and 60,000 sq m of 5 star luxury hotel. It is only 1.5 km (straight-line distance) away from the Hongqiao Transportation Hub, and is connected with Hongqiao Airport and Hongqiao Railway Station via the city s Metro Line 2. Furthermore, it is only one or two hours drive from the major cities in the Yangtze River Delta thanks to the convenient highway networks around. 6 7

Concurrent Events 二 同期活动 ( 一 )2017 上海国际酒交会开幕式 The Opening Ceremony of 2017 Shanghai International Alcoholic Drinks Fair 1119 世界名酒 共享荣耀 启动之夜, 名酒企业领袖, 国际行业大咖与一线影视明星共秀红毯, 共揭酒交会序幕, 共享美酒盛宴 On the 1119 "World Famous Alcoholic Beverages Share the Glory" launch night, celebrities including leaders of famous alcoholic beverage companies, international industry experts and top movie stars will grace the red carpet, open the preface of the fair and enjoy the grand banquet. ( 二 ) 世界名酒价值论坛 World Famous Alcoholic Drinks Value Forum 此论坛是本次 酒交会 的主论坛, 论坛主题为 世界名酒 共享荣耀, 齐聚世界顶级名酒品牌, 企业领袖 专家领衔, 学者论道, 对名酒价值 文化品质 行业发展等进行深入的探讨 打造世界最顶级的酒业论坛 It is the main forum of the fair with the theme of "World Famous Alcoholic Beverages Share the Glory ". Representatives from prestigious international alcohol brands, leaders of producers and professionals will meet at the forum to discuss the values of famous alcoholic beverages, culture qualities as well as industry development. It is aimed to edge itself as the most premium alcoholic industry forum in the world. ( 三 ) 问酒 高端对话 "Asking Alcohol" Premium Dialogue 目前消费者对酒的知识都比较陌生, 尤其是对中国的白酒知识更为陌生, 通过 问酒 高端对话活动, 打造消费者与专家互动的平台, 把消费者对酒的误读集中展现出来, 由行业内最顶级的专家进行解读, 明星消费者提问, 行业专家解答, 使消费者走出对酒的误区, 正确理解中国的酒文化 Currently consumers have very limited knowledge on alcohol, especially the knowledge on Chinese Baijiu. "Asking Alcohol" Premium Dialogue is made to offer a platform for consumers to interact with professionals, on which popular consumers can ask questions for professionals to answer. In this way, consumers' misunderstandings on alcohol can be interpreted by professionals and get a correct understanding of Chinese alcohol culture. 8 9

( 四 ) 全国大学生品酒大赛决赛 National College tasting contest final 白酒文化普及要从大学生开始, 白酒品评技能培训要从大学生开始, 白酒未来精英消费群体的培育要从大学生开始, 协会经研究决定在 2017 年组织开展全国大学生品酒大赛活动, 在北京 江苏 四川 贵州 安徽 山西等地举办大学生白酒品评技能初赛 ; 在上海国际酒交会期间举办全国大学生白酒品评技能决赛 The liquor culture need to be popularization from the students, liquor tasting skills training to students from the beginning, cultivate liquor future elite consumer groups to start from the students. It was decided to carry out the National College tasting contest 2017 organized liquor tasting contest, liquor tasting skills held in college students in Beijing, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Guizhou, Anhui, Shanxi and other places; the National College tasting contest final will be held during the 2017 CIADF at Shanghai. ( 六 ) 中国生态白酒产品推介会 China eco baijiu products promotion conference 白酒的生态酿制是对绿色发展理念的良好践行, 与国家倡导的 创新 协调 绿色 开放 共享 五大发展理念相吻合, 对中国白酒走向世界提供了重要文化支撑 企业如何因地制宜, 如何结合工艺特点和产品风格走上生态酿酒之路, 如何酿出中国最佳的生态白酒, 答案将在本场推介会中得到全面呈现 Eco brewed baijiu is a good practice of green development, and national advocacy of "innovation, harmony, green, open and sharing" five development ideas coincide. The Chinese baijiu world provides an important cultural support. How enterprises adjust to measure local conditions, how to combine the characteristics of the process and product style, embark on the road of ecological liquor, and how to brew the best eco baijiu in China, the answer will be presented at this fair. ( 五 ) 国际鸡尾酒大赛决赛 International cocktail competition final 鸡尾酒对中国白酒来说, 是一个非常新鲜的课题 中国白酒独特的酿造工艺 香型体系 酒体风格 饮用方式等等, 都成为了中国白酒在世界酒业中特立独行的显著标志 中国酒业协会通过鸡尾酒大赛, 创新白酒消费新理念, 搭建中国白酒与年轻消费者 国外消费者沟通的桥梁 Cocktail is a very fresh topic for Chinese liquor industry. Chinese liquor has unique brewing process, flavor system, liquor style, drinking methods, etc., Chinese liquor has become the maverick symbol in the world's liquor industry. China Alcoholic Drinks Association will innovative liquor consumption new concept, build Chinese liquor and young consumers and foreign consumers bridge through the cocktail competition. 10 11

( 八 )2017 中国酒业协会白酒酒庄联盟年会 2017 Chinese Baijiu Chateau Union annual meeting of China Alcoholic Drinks Association ( 七 ) 世界名酒产区发布 The world famous wine producing area released 中国白酒的酿造与各地方的风土 地域都有很大的关系, 不同产区的地理环境与风土人情所酿之酒都有自己独特的风格 中国酒业协会多年来也力求培养中国白酒酒都等酒类特色区域, 通过 名酒产区发布 与世界名酒产区共同打造中国名酒产区概念 China liquor brewing and local customs, regional wine has a great relationship, geographical environment, local customs and practices in different producing areas creating a unique style. China Alcoholic Drinks Association over the years to cultivate Chinese liquor wine and other liquor characteristics of the region, through the "wine producing areas" and the world together to create the concept of Chinese wine producing areas. 在传承中与时俱进的中国白酒, 打破了 酒庄酒是葡萄酒专享 的固有陈规, 为社会与时代的新消费开启了另外一个窗口 中国白酒酒庄酒是保护中国白酒这一宝贵的中华历史文化遗产, 保证中国白酒的名酒品质和产品诚信 从酿酒原料到酿造工艺, 再到贮存 调配保持其独立性 传统性, 小批量 高品质的特点, 使白酒酒庄酒更加符合现代市场需求和消费者观念变化的发展潮流, 引导国内高品质白酒消费的发展方向, 夯实中国白酒融入世界烈酒大家庭的基础, 拓展国际市场 努力把中国白酒市场做大, 提升中国白酒的国际影响力 Times in the tradition of Chinese liquor, broke the "vineyard wines are exclusive" stereotypes, for the new consumer society and times open in another window. Chinese baijiu Chateaus are protected of Chinese liquor-making this valuable historical and cultural heritage of China, ensuring quality and product integrity of Baijiu. From the materials to the brewing process, and then to the storage, provisioning, maintaining their independence, traditional, small-volume, highquality features, making baijiu more in line with market demand and consumers changing trends and guide the orientation of development of the domestic high-quality liquor consumption, baijiu into the world family of spirits as a solid foundation to expand international market. Efforts to expand the liquor market in China, promote the international influence of the baijiu. 12 13

( 九 )2017 中国酒业协会国家级白酒评委年会 2017 China National Baijiu Judges annual meeting of China Alcoholic Drinks Association 参会人员全部为中国酒业协会国家级的白酒评委及国家级特邀评委, 年会中将组织与会评委们随机对市场上的产品进行感官点评, 并在上海酒交会期间进行发布, 是国内首次具有最高水平的 最具权威的对目前白酒上市产品的一次检验与测评 All participants China Alcoholic Drinks Association national baijiu judges and national guest judges, will organize the judges in random sensory comment on the products on the market, and will be released during the Shanghai Fair, is the first highest level domestic, the most authoritative on a test and evaluation of the current liquor the products listed. ( 十 )2017 年中国技能大赛 第三届全国啤酒品酒职业技能竞赛 2017 Chinese skills competition - the third national beer tasting professional skills competition 为深入贯彻落实党中央 国务院关于加强高技能人才工作的指示精神, 进一步激发广大职工 学知识 练技术 比技能 创一流 的工作热情, 促进我国啤酒行业的技术交流和技术创新, 加快培养高技能人才, 全面提高职工队伍的技术技能水平和整体素质, 中国酒业协会 中国财贸轻纺烟草工会 中国就业培训技术指导中心 中国轻工业职业技能鉴定指导中心决定, 共同举办 2017 年中国技能大赛 第三届全国啤酒品酒职业技能竞赛 活动 In order to further implement the instructions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on strengthening the work of high skilled talents of the spirit, to further stimulate the workers' knowledge and practice techniques and skills, firstclass work enthusiasm, to promote the exchange of technology and technological innovation of Chinese beer industry, speeding up the training of highly skilled personnel, improve the staff's technology the skill level and overall quality. Decided by China Alcoholic Drinks Association, National Committee of The Trade Union of Financial and Commercial Workers, Light Industry and Texitile Workers, Tobacco Industry Workers, China Employment Training Technical Instruction Center and China light industry occupation skill identification center to jointly organized the 2017 Chinese skills competition - the third national beer tasting professional skills competition. ( 十一 ) 中国啤酒原料产业发展论坛 Chinese raw material beer industry development forum 2016 年我国啤酒原料的供应形势较 2015 年有了许多新的特征, 其中, 国际方面呈现出了来源多 数量大 价格低的特点, 而国内啤酒原料供应形势则承受了来自国际供应的较大压力, 整体供应形势较为严峻 此次论坛的举办, 为更好地了解和掌握当前我国啤酒原料行业的运营状况 产情及市场动向, 及我国啤酒原料企业生产运行提供了有益参考 In 2016 Chinese beer raw materials supply situation in 2015 has many new features, including international show of source and large number of low prices, while domestic beer raw materials supply situation is under great pressure from the international supply, the overall supply situation is more severe. The forum has provided a useful reference for better understanding and mastering the current operation situation, production situation and market trend of Chinese beer raw material industry and the production operation of Chinese beer raw material enterprises. ( 十二 )2017 IAI 全球酒类产品创新设计大赛大师跨界作品颁奖盛典 2017 IAI global wine products innovation design contest masters cross works awards ceremony IAI 设计奖 (IAI Design Award), 是亚太地区乃至全球最具影响力和美誉度的设计大奖之一, 被中外媒体赞誉为 设计奥斯卡 上海酒交会期间举办 IAI 全球酒类产品创新设计大赛暨大师跨界作品 颁奖盛典, 由 IAI 评审团对全球酒类设计作品评定出获奖名次和奖项荣誉, 尤其对诚邀的跨界大师设计作品予以颁奖和展示, 提升中国乃至全球酒类产品的设计品位 IAI design award (IAI Design Award), is the Asia-Pacific region and even the world's most influential and one of the reputation of the design awards, praised by Chinese and foreign media as the "design Oscar". During the CIADF held in Shanghai "IAI global wine master of product innovation design competition and cross-border work" awards ceremony, IAI jury assessed on global wine designs award-winning rank honors and awards, especially for transboundary master design awards invites and display, upgrade the design tastes of Chinese and global products. 14 15

( 十三 )2017 上海国际酒交会特许产品活动 2017 CIADF activities licensed products 由组委会严格把关选出相关名酒企业开发国际酒交会特许产品 1-2 吨, 产品要求创意新颖 品质优良 价格适中, 由中国酒业协会组织经销商及高端消费者现场对产品进行采购, 组委会提供销售场地等必备条件, 各企业派专人负责销售, 销售收入由产品所在企业现场收取, 不收取任何形式的管理费用 在展会结束后, 剩余产品由中国酒业协会负责组织经销商进行统一采购 销售企业对所售产品制定完善的产品质量可追溯系统, 对所售产品负责 By the organizing committee strictly selected relevant international wine wine business development cross licensed products 1-2 tons, the product requires innovative ideas, excellent quality, moderate price, China Alcoholic Drinks Association will organize alcoholic dealers and high-end consumer site to purchase, the organizing committee will provide necessary conditions for the sales field, the enterprise staff responsible for sales, sales revenue by product for the enterprise. It won t receive any form of management fees. At the end of the exhibition, the remaining products will be organized by the China Alcoholic Drinks Association and will be organized for unified purchasing. The selling enterprise develops the perfect product quality traceable system to the product which sells, is responsible for the product which sells. ( 十四 )2017 上海国际酒交会 1119 全球名酒节 2017 CIADE- 1119 global liquor festival 授权名酒企业将酒交会特许产品在 1119 爱酒购 ( 酒水节 ) 线上发布并售卖, 联合天猫 京东 苏宁易购 1919 酒仙网等共同打造世界网上酒水日活动 树立 1119 酒业单品购物狂欢夜线上品牌打造 1119 酒节边看边买的互动娱乐盛宴传播 1119 酒节多元文化和醇香共享价值观 China Alcoholic Drinks Association authorizs liquor enterprises licensed products in 1119 Liquor Festival online release and sale. The event will associate with Tmall, JD,, 1919, Jiuxian network, jointly build the world online wine day activities. Single build 1119 liquor industry night shopping spree online brand Create section 1119 liquor while watching the feast of interactive entertainment Spread of multicultural section of 1119 liquor and mellow shared values Guest invitation 三 嘉宾邀请 20000 嘉宾 参展客商 participants and visitors 15000 专业观众 professional audiences 拟邀请一位国家领导人 ( 人大或政协 ) 和商务部领导, 中国轻工业联合会领导, 上海市政府领导, 国家食药总局领导以及国际政要, 世界知名专家 学者等出席国际酒交会开幕式 拟邀请参会嘉宾 专业观众及参展客商 20000 人, 专业观众不低于 15000 人, 其中境外参展企业占比不低于 15%, 境外专业观众人数占比不低于 5% 左右 专业观众来源包括 : 境外参展企业 Exhibitors abroad 境内专业观众 Domestic professional audience 境内参展企业 Domestic exhibitors ( 一 ) 有实力信誉 有终端销售网络的酒行业经销商 代理商 分销商 配送公司等 ( 二 ) 大型连锁商超 宾馆 酒店 餐饮企业 咖啡店 夜店 高档会所 机关团购单位等 ( 三 ) 免税经营者 船具商 免税店 具有采购部门的航空公司 具有采购部门的邮轮和渡轮公司等 ( 四 ) 网络电商 食品农产品批发市场 食品连锁店 产品专卖店 经营专柜 便利店等 ( 五 ) 国外驻华采购商 进出口贸易商 行业协会 行业技术服务商 专业媒体等 ( 六 ) 银行 基金 风险投资机构等 ( 七 ) 全球品牌与设计界知名公司与大师 85% 85% 境外专业观众 Professional audience abroad 16 17

NPC or CPPCC National Committee and the Ministry of commerce leaders, China light industry association leader, leader of Shanghai Municipal Government, the State food and drug administration leaders and international dignitaries, world experts and scholars will be invited to attended the opening ceremony of the CIADF. The participants and visitors will be invited around 20000 people, professional audiences will be invited no less than 15000 people, foreign exhibitors accounted for no less than 15%, outside the professional audience accounts for no less than 5%.Visitors include: (I) Strong reputation and sales network of the wine industry dealers, agents, distributors, and distribution companies. (II) Large chain supermarkets, hotels, hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, nightclubs, upscale clubs, buy units. (III) Duty-free operators, ship chandlers, duty-free shop, with purchasing departments of the airlines, cruise and ferry companies have procurement departments. (IV) Network power business, food wholesale markets for agricultural products, food chain, products, stores, operating counters, convenience stores, and so on. (V) Foreign buyers in China, import and export traders, industry associations, industry service providers, professional media, and so on. (VI) Banking, funds, venture capital firms, and so on. (VII) Global branding and design industry's best known companies with the masters. Supporting Services 四 配套服务 Procedures 五 参展流程 参展单位需填写 参展申请表, 发邮件 传真或寄至酒交会组委会, 组委会将根据展位预订情况及报名的先后顺序, 与参展单位签署预订协议 ; Exhibitors must fill in the application form, email, or mail to CIADF organizing committee, organizing committee is based on the booth reservation and registration order, signed agreements with exhibitors; 展位先定先得, 额满为止 ; Enjoy preferential booth rights, registration is limited; 1 2 3 4 参展企业必须是中国酒业协会会员 ; Exhibitors must be members of China Alcoholic Drinks Association; 参展单位预订展位后十个工作日之内, 组委会确认展位, 并向参展单位发放 参展确认书 和 参展手册 Within ten working days of the exhibitors to book a booth, the organizing committee will confirm the booth with exhibitor and provide exhibition confirmation and exhibition handbook. 开通酒交会专业网站等, 提供在线参展 专业观众在线登记 商业配对 品牌营销等服务, 并在现场设立企业及观众服务专区, 提供现场咨询 物流等服务, 以互联网及移动互联网的方式打造永不落幕的全球酒业信息化供应链平台 ; 围绕酒类相关的包装 酒体 设备 原料 知识产权等, 提供供需对接机会 Open the wine professional website to provide online trade fair, exhibitors and professional visitors online registration, business matching, brand marketing and other services, and the establishment of the enterprise and the audience service area at the site, provide on-site consulting, logistics and other services, to create a global wine supply chain information never ending platform based on Internet and mobile Internet the way around alcohol related; the packaging, wine, equipment, raw materials, such as intellectual property, supply and demand docking opportunities. 网上报名 : 拟参展的单位也可通过 中国酒业协会官网 (www.cada. cc) 报名, 报名办法详见网站说明 Online registration method: the exhibition units are also available through the "China Alcoholic Drinks Association official website" ( ). The enrolment procedures as described in the Web site. 5 6 参展报名截止日期 : 2017 年 10 月 20 日 ; Registration deadline: October 20, 2017; 18 19

Media Publicity 六 媒体宣传 1 从 2017 年 8 月开始在酒类专业媒体和公共媒体对酒交会及相关活动进行报道宣传 (I) Since August 2017, it will be published in media, wine fair and related activities were reported and promoted. 2 宣传推广及信息发布媒体 : (II) Publicity and information dissemination media: 20 21

Exhibition Regulations 七 参展规定 Contact 八 联系方式 : 1 参展单位的展品及宣传品必须尊重知识产权, 不得展出仿冒产品和非允许使用的产品名称, 禁止展出无证产品 (I) Exhibits and publicity materials of exhibitors must respect intellectual property rights, and may not display counterfeit products or products that are not permitted to use, and prohibit the display of unlicensed products. 2 展位内出现的单位名称必须与参展单位回执的参展名称一致 (II) The name of the unit appearing in the booth must be consistent with the name of the exhibitor's receipt. 3 为确保展览会水平和现场良好秩序, 展位不得转租 转借 转让 (III) In order to ensure a fair level and in good order, booth shall not be leased, lent or transferred. 2017 上海国际酒交会组委会 2017 CIADF organizing committee 海振明 13910925024 赵婷 13810195691 闫一楠 13811759797 刘海坡 18811726675 毛勇 18513933956 程呈 18611361577 程 浩 13901278600 李琪 18311075615 火兴三 15822175113 尤贺 18513291015 传 真 FAX:010-57811309 57811848 4 标准展位的楣板不得自行更改 变动 (IV) Standard booth s fascia may not be changed. 5 参展单位如违反上述规定, 主办单位可取消参展单位的参展资格, 展位费不予退还, 展出的产品 宣传品等均撤离展会现场 (V) If the exhibitor violates the above regulations, the organizer may cancel the exhibitor's qualification, the booth fee will not be refunded, and the products on display and the publicity materials will be withdrawn from the exhibition site. 6 组委会根据展位参展情况, 有修改 调整展览方案的权利 (VI) The organizing committee has the right to modify and adjust the exhibition program in accordance with the conditions of the exhibition. 上海市青浦区崧泽大道 333 号 No. 333 Songze Avenue, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China 22 23

To create the world's most famous most influential top international boutique alcoholic exhibition