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17Days 13Nights Sensational SOUTH AMERICA - A Premium Experience Brazil / Argentina / Peru AMERICA HIGHLIGHTS ENG

ENTRANCE / FEES INCLUDED EXTRAS MEALS PLAN DINING SPECIAL (- / - / Local Dinner) Arrival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in mid-afternoon. Ipanema & Copacabana Orientation Check out the world famous beaches of Ipanema & Copacabana. Be awed by the vastness of the beaches with local Cariocas sunbathing, playing beach football or jogging on the wide mosaic pavements. (Hotel Breakfast / Local Lunch / Chinese Dinner) Rio de Janeiro City Tour (Part I) Start the day with a rack railway ride to the 710 metres high summit of Corcovado Mountain, where the 38 metre Statue of Christ the Redeemer (one of the New Seven Wonders of the World) stands majestically with its outstretched arms. The view of the whole city and Guanabara Bay below is simply breathtaking. Next, photostop at the iconic Maracana Stadium, venue of the 2014 World Cup Final, drive past the Sambadrome, where the yearly Carnival takes place and admire the unique Metropolitan Cathedral of St Sebastian. There will be free shopping time around the vicinity of your hotel. Samba Folklore Show Tonight, live it up at Plataforma I, showcasing a fantastic repertoire of gyrating Samba and Mulata dancing, Capoeira martial arts and thrilling folklore stunts. Feel the pulsating beats of the Samba and immerse yourself with the colorful carnival fiesta. (Hotel Breakfast / Churrascharia Lunch / Hotel Dinner) Rio de Janeiro City Tour (Part II) This morning, we scale the Sugarloaf Mountain in cable cars.first, stop at the 220metre elevator, Morro da Urca, with a fantastic panaromic vista of the city skyline, favelas (local ghettoes) and the Guanabara Bay. The second car reaches the top of Sugarloaf at 395metres above sea level. From here, the views extend to the famous beaches, the Niteroi and outlying islands of Riofor fabulous panoramic views of Bergen and its surroundings. (Hotel Breakfast / Local Lunch / Western Dinner) Iguazu Falls Adventure (Argentinian Side) Take the ecological jungle train to Devil s Throat and walk on the boardwalk to the stunning viewing platform at the top of Devil s Throat; a combination of 14 falls plunging down 100 metres at the same spot. Next, embark on the Upper Circuit walk where we will be walking on footbridges right over the top of the waterfalls and enjoy a scenic extravaganza from higher points. Along the Lower Circuit, we will be upclose with the thundering splashes of the base of the waterfalls. We will experience the Great Adventure Tour, which involves a 4x4 drive through the woods to board a boat for a ride to the base of the falls as close as we can reach. Great Adventure Tour, Iguazu Falls (Hotel Breakfast / Buffet Lunch / - ) Iguazu Falls Adventure (Brazilian side) This morning, at the Brazilian side, you will have a wider view of the combined total of 275 waterfalls spanning over 6kms. Photo opportunities are aplenty as we stroll along the 1.2 km Path of the Falls that will lead us to the most spectacular Devil s Throat viewing platform to witness the force of pounding water forming a huge rainbow - spanned cloud of spray. (Hotel Breakfast / Local Lunch / Hotel Dinner) After breakfast, transfer to the airport for a short flight to the high altitude Incas capital of Cusco. Cusco City Tour Upon arrival, embark on a tour of the intriguing Koricancha Temple, the worship center of the Sun God. Next at Plaza Armas, see the Cathedral and the Compania de Jesus

which is considered to be the most beautiful church in the continent. Visit the ruins of Sacsayhuaman Fortress before stopping by the archeological sites of Kenko, Puka Pukara & Tambomachay. (Hotel Breakfast / Local Buffet Lunch / Hotel Dinner) Today we come face to face with the Lost City of the Incas - Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu Tour Board a train from Ollantaytambo to Aguas Calientes, hop on a bus that zig zag up the slopes to the entrance of this legendary citadel. The guided tour of the Citadel ruins covers the Main Plaza, the Circular Tower, the Sacred Sun Dial, the Royal Quarters, the Temple of Three Windows and various burial grounds. Enjoy a buffet lunch at the sanctuary lodge located right next to the Citadel and continue to soak in the fabulous views of the pristine mountainous surroundings and be inspired by the complex and meticulous architecture of this archaeological masterpiece. (Hotel Breakfast / Local Lunch / La Rosa Naufica Dinner) In the morning, transfer to Cusco Airport for your flight to Lima, Peru. Lima City Tour Spend time at the historical centre of Lima, Plaza Mayor. Flanking this beautiful main square are the Government Palace where the President of Peru resides, the baroque styled Cathedral of Lima, the City Hall & The Archbishop s Palace. Next, visit the Convent of San Francisco, the greatest complex of colonial arts and cultural arts of humanity in the Americas. In the afternoon, visit the elegant San Isidro district before heading to the spectacular Miraflores. This upscale district boast of El Malecon, a 6km strip of parks and gardens resting on top of cliffs that plunge over 80metres below. Shop at the unique Larcomar Mall while enjoying sweeping views of the Pacific Ocean. (Hotel Breakfast / - / Hotel Dinner) Today, you will fly from Lima, Peru to Buenos Aires, Argantina. (approximately 4.5 hours) Note: Argentina is 2 hours ahead of Peru. (Hotel Breakfast / Local Lunch / Chinese Dinner) Buenos Aires City Tour Start tour at Plaza Mayo, flanked by city landmarks such as Casa Rosada, The Cabildo & the Metropolitan Cathedral. Next up is the fashionable Recoleta whose Alvear Avenue houses global brands for your shopping pleasure. We will visit the beautiful Cemetario Recoleta, resting place for the most influential personalities in Argentinian history including Evita Eva Peron. Afterwards, head on to the swanky waterfront Puerto Madero. After lunch, drop by San Telmo, the oldest neighborhood in Buenos Aires, famous for its antique wares. On Sundays, its main square Plaza Dorrego is transformed into a street market and a venue for spontaneous Tango dancers. Lastly, stopover at Caminito, La Boca to marvel at the brightly colored houses and stroll the busy cobbled stone streets. (Hotel Breakfast / - / Hotel Dinner) This morning, we will head towards El Calafate, gateway to the marvelous Perito Moreno Glacier. El Calafate Upon arrival, visit the Glaciarium, the first museum in South America showcasing interactive exhibitions and great audio visuals and lighting effects on everything about glaciers. Enjoy a drink at the Glacio-Bar, the first ice bar in Argentina. (Hotel Breakfast / Lunch Box / Hotel Dinner) PERITO MORENO GLACIER EXCURSION Today, come face to face with yet another highlight of this intriguing voyage... the renowned Perito Moreno Glacier. From the intertwining boardwalks, you will have splendid views of this monstrous ice phenomenon from various angles. Board boat for a ride to Argentino Lake with more magnificent close up views of the ice walls up to 60m in height. (Optional Mini Trekking on the Glacier) For the more physically fit tour members, we strongly recommend this superb trekking on ice experience where you will board a boat to the starting point and trek 30 minutes to reach the glacier surface. From there, the magical moments will begin to unfold with spectacular sights all the way. ( Subject to physical condition and weather permits) (Hotel Breakfast / - / Tango Dinner Show) Today, we will board a flight back to Buenos Aires for more captivating experiences. Tango Porteno Dinner Show Tonight, enjoy a stylish menu before settling down to a fantastic revue of sensual dance moves and choreography that makes Tango a national pride of Argentina and a visual fiesta for the rest of us. (Hotel Breakfast / Local Lunch / - ) Tigre Excursion A timely break from the busy cosmopolitan as we head to Tigre at the Parana River s Delta. Board our chartered motorboat for a fantastic slalom through the rivers and canals that separate the islands and admire the richness of the fauna, quality of life and posh dwellings on this serene enclave. Stop for lunch at the chic Gato Blanco Restaurant before heading back to the pier. Transfer to airport for flight home. Arrival home with sweet memories.

以下入场费用全包 餐饮安排 额外焦点 科尔科瓦多齿轨铁路之旅 糖面包山缆车 Plataforma I桑巴和民族表演 伊瓜苏国家公园 伊瓜苏大冒险 马丘比丘 瑞科莱塔公墓 冰河游船 阿根廷湖 冰川博物馆 & 冰吧 埃尔卡拉法特 探戈晚餐秀 蒂格雷私人游船 - 少量的国内航班 - 全程5星级酒店住宿 - 佩里托莫雷诺冰川 (包括冰川博物馆) - 蒂格雷私人游览 - 探戈秀与晚餐 第1天 从吉隆坡国际机场出发 第2天 抵达巴西 - 里约热内卢 (- / - /道地佳肴晚餐 ) 午后抵达巴西 - 里约热内卢 餐饮数量: 午餐 - 10, 晚餐 - 12 特别餐饮 - Churrascaria烤肉 - 马丘比丘Sanctuary Lodge自助餐 - 探戈秀与晚餐 - La Rosa Nautica餐厅用餐(太平洋海景) 注释 如以上特定餐馆因私人活动关闭将以 其他餐馆替代 发出的轰鸣声加上深渊内震耳欲聋的回声令人惊心动魄 故得此 名 接下来通过上游路线 经过天桥步行横跨瀑布的顶部 从顶 点尽情享受风景秀丽 雄伟的景色 再沿着下游路线 我们将与雷 鸣般的瀑布溅起基地来一趟近距离的接触 最后 将体验一趟精彩 伊瓜苏大冒险 结合一架4 4驱动车穿越树林再登上游船 滑行 在伊瓜苏河上近距离的感受壮丽的瀑布 伊帕内玛和科帕卡巴纳之旅 亲身莅临世界闻名的伊帕内玛和科帕卡巴纳海滩 感受浩瀚无尽 的海滩美景 融入里约热内卢道地人民享受日光浴 打沙滩足 球或慢跑于宽阔的行人道上 第3天 里约热内卢 (酒店早餐/道地佳肴午餐/ 中式晚餐 ) 里约热内卢城市之旅 第1节 新一天的开始 乘坐一趟长达3.8公里的齿轨火车 来到位于 710米高的科尔科瓦山 这也是 世界新七大奇迹之一 的基督 像,张开双臂 雄伟耸立的地点 从山峰上俯瞰美丽的城市和瓜 纳巴拉湾 简直是令人叹为观止 继续 来到2014年世界杯决赛场地 -- 马拉卡纳体育场参观 再 途经每年狂欢节举行的地方-- 桑巴舞大道 随后欣赏独特的圣 塞巴斯蒂安教堂 下午 您将会有机会在酒店附近享受自由自在 的购物时光 桑巴和民族风俗表演 今晚 在Plataforma I舞台让您尽情观赏精彩梦幻的表演 包括 迷人的桑巴舞 MULATA舞蹈 卡波耶拉武术表演以及惊险刺 激的传统民俗表演 感受桑巴舞脉动能量的激情节拍 让您沉 浸在丰富多彩的狂欢节文化之中 第6天 伊瓜苏大瀑布 巴西 利马 秘鲁 (酒店早餐/自助午餐/ - ) 伊瓜苏大瀑布探险之旅 巴西国界 今天 我们将跨国界来到巴西境内 从这里 您将有一个更广 泛的观点 观赏跨越两国共275个瀑布总和奇观 当我们沿着 1.2公里的瀑布步道 将来到最壮观的 魔鬼咽喉 观看平台 亲眼见证瀑布充分爆发的冲击 形成一个巨大彩虹横跨瀑布的 美妙观景 一路沿途的美景正是您捕捉倩影的最佳机会 第7天 利马 库斯科城 - 圣谷 (酒店早餐/道地佳肴午餐/ 酒店晚餐) 早餐后前往机场 来一趟短途的飞行来到高海拔的印加首都 - 库斯科城 库斯科城之旅 抵达后 参观奥妙的太阳神殿 崇拜太阳神的中心 寺院上方是由 西班牙建立的圣多明各修道院 接下来 我们将来到阿玛斯广场 参观大教堂以及被誉为这片大陆上最美丽教堂的耶稣圣会堂 随后 我们将带您参观萨克塞华曼 然后再到肯可 普卡普卡拉和坦普马 赛考古遗址 第8天 圣谷 - 马丘比丘 - 圣谷 (酒店早餐/道地佳肴午餐/ 酒店晚餐) 第4天 里约热内卢 伊瓜苏大瀑布 (酒店早餐/Churrascharia午餐/ 酒店晚餐) 里约热内卢城市之旅 第2节 今天 我们将带您参观糖面包山 由山脚至山顶分两个阶段 第一 站是220米高的乌卡山能让您将里约全景尽收眼底 也可观望到当 地贫民区 贫民窟 和梦幻的瓜纳巴拉湾 第二站缆车将把我们带 到海拔395米的面包山顶部 从这里 您的视野将会延伸到里约热 内卢著名的尼泰罗伊海滩及离岛 今天奇妙的旅程 必定永留在您心中 因为我们将与印加文明失落 之城 -- 马丘比丘 来一个面对面的亲身接触 马丘比丘之旅 从奥兰叠淡伯乘搭火车来到阿瓜斯卡连特斯 再登上巴士 通过 曲折的斜坡 来到这个充满传奇的城堡入口处 城堡遗址包括主 广场 圆塔 圣阳转盘 皇家宿院 三窗寺和各所墓地 在 Sanctuary Lodge享用自助午餐后 继续沉醉在质朴的山区美 景 并感受这个考古杰作即复杂又细致的架构所带给您的心灵启 第5天 伊瓜苏大瀑布 阿根廷 发 (酒店早餐/道地佳肴午餐/ 西式晚餐) 伊瓜苏大瀑布探险之旅 阿根廷国界 早上 来到 南美第一奇观 乘搭丛林列车来到 魔鬼之喉 的 列车站 通过栈道来到最高 最壮观的 魔鬼之喉 观景台前 感受结合了14个大小瀑布从100米直泻谷底 该瀑布在泻人深渊时 第9天 圣谷 - 库斯科 利马 秘鲁 (酒店早餐/道地午餐/La Rosa Nautica晚餐) 今早 接送往库斯科机场乘搭航班飞往利马 秘鲁

参观利马历史中心 -- 市政广场开始 这美丽广场两侧是秘鲁政府宫楼皆总统府 巴洛克风格的利马大教堂 大会堂和主教宫 接下来, 参观圣方济各圣殿与修院, 这里被誉为充满拉丁美洲早期重要的殖民城镇建筑艺术和人道文化的交集中心 下午时分, 我们将参观优雅的圣伊西德罗区, 然后再前往壮观的米拉弗洛雷斯 这高尚城埃尔马雷贡, 横跨超过 6 公里长的公园和花园区, 优雅的搁在高 80 米的悬崖顶部 随后, 再来到独特的孔玛购物中心, 享受一趟购物乐趣, 同时欣赏太平洋海域 第 10 天利马, 秘魯 今天, 您将从利马, 秘鲁飞往布宜诺斯艾利, 阿根廷 ( 飞行时间 约 4-5 小时 ) 注释 : 阿根廷快秘鲁 2 个小时 第 11 天布宜诺斯艾利, 阿根廷 旅程将由参观五月广场开始, 广场两侧为各著名城市地标, 如卡萨 罗萨达, 卡维尔大都会大教堂等 接下来到时尚的瑞科莱塔区, 它 的主要干道阿尔韦亚尔大街, 国际品牌商店林立, 充分满足您的名 牌购物渴望 我们也会带您参观美观的瑞科莱塔名人公墓 这里是 阿根廷历史上最有影响力人物的长眠之地, 包括 贝隆夫人 伊娃 庇隆 继续, 我们将来到新潮时尚的波多黎各马德罗海滨区 午饭后, 我们将来到圣太摩, 布宜诺斯艾利斯城内最古老的街区 这里最著名的就是各类古董品 每逢周日, 其主要广场 - 德利哥广 场就会化身成一个街头市场和自由探戈舞者展现舞姿的场地 最后, 来到卡米尼托, 拉博卡欣赏其粉刷得色彩鲜艳的房子, 并在繁忙的 鹅卵石街道漫步 布宜诺斯艾利, 阿根廷 第 13 天埃尔卡拉法特 - 佩里托莫雷诺 - 埃尔卡拉法特 佩里托莫雷诺冰河游览 今天的另一亮点 -- 著名的佩里托莫雷诺冰河 绕过木板道, 再从不同的角度观赏这个雄伟的的冰河现象与险峻壮丽的景色 乘坐冰河游船, 游览阿根廷湖与近距离欣赏高达 60 米壮丽的冰壁 ( 可自费选项 : 迷你徒步上冰川 ) 对于更体魄强健的团友, 我们强烈推荐这 冰上徒步之旅 的精彩经验 在这里您可以登上船的出发点和徒步 30 分钟即可到达冰川表面 ( 將需要在身体状态符合下与天气允许才可参与 ) 第 14 天埃尔卡拉法特 布宜诺斯艾利 今天, 我们将乘搭航班返回布宜诺斯艾利斯, 更诱人的体验等着您 今晚, 享受一顿精致的美味佳肴, 同时欣赏梦幻及感性的探戈舞蹈 探戈舞是阿根廷的国家荣誉, 大家也饱受眼福 第 15 天布宜诺斯艾利 / 返回家园 从繁忙的大都会, 我们将带您前往位于巴拉那河三角洲的蒂格雷, 在大自然的怀抱中歇息 乘搭私人摩托游艇, 体验奔流于分隔各岛屿的无数河流和运河之间的激流回旋, 并乘机欣赏丰富的生物百态, 以及在这豪华住宅众多的内飞地里那宁静和崇高的生活质量 在别致的加托布兰科餐厅享用午饭后再回到码头 第 16 天国际换日线 第 12 天布宜诺斯艾利 埃尔卡拉法特 今早, 我们将前往埃尔卡拉法特, 通往佩里托莫雷诺大冰川的奇妙之旅 第 17 天抵达家园 带着甜蜜回忆抵达家园 在傍晚抵达后, 参观在南美洲的第一个博物馆展示的互动展览 -- 冰川博物馆, 观看所关于冰川的出色的音频和照明效果 接下来, 来到阿根廷首家冰吧享用一杯饮品 佩里托莫雷诺冰川

KEY ITINERARY FEATURES 评述均以英语为主, 如需亦可以华语或粤语进行简单翻译 包罗万象的丰富综合旅程, 并让您有足够的空闲时间进行您所喜欢的活动 精心策划及节奏适中的旅程编排 丰富特别的料理组合, 包括道地美食 西餐 中餐和您自选的餐饮, 让您尽情享受餐饮的乐趣 Iguazu Falls VENEZUELA COLOMBIA ECUADOR Lima PERU Cusco BOLIVIA BRAZIL Rio de Janeiro Caminito, La Boca CHILE PARAGUAY Iguazu Falls SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN ARGENTINA Buenos Aires SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN El Calafate Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro Terms & Conditions / 备注 : Tour Code / 团号 : MEKGIG17 Printed Date January 2018 1. Flight schedule, itinerary, hotel and meals which are stated on the itinerary are 1. 上述所列载的航班资料 行程 酒店住宿及膳食安排, 将因不同出发日期有所调整 subject to change according to departure dates without prior notice. Any 若所报行程有所更改, 本公司将另作通知 changes after booking, will be informed accordingly. 2. 行程 餐食及酒店住宿的先后次序, 最终以当地接待社 ( 地接 ) 安排为准 2. The sequence of itinerary, meals and hotel arrangement are subject to the final adjustment of the local ground operator. 3. 三人房均以添加折叠式床为准 3. Triple room sharing is based on extra roll in bed basis. 4. 我们建议您在出发前购买旅游保险 4. We strongly recommend you to purchase travel insurance before departure. 5. 为确保消费者权益, 详情请参阅单据背页之基本条规细节 5. To ensure the benefit of customers, please refer to the standard Terms & Conditions at the back page of your invoice. For Agent use: 此旅游行程及游览内容仅供报名时参考之用, 具体安排以最终出发通知书中为准 以上住宿, 餐食及观光入门票的数量将保持不变 ; 中文行程以英文版本为准 The above itinerary is subject to change, and any changes will be informed before departure date. However, the numbers of night stay, meals and sightseeing entrances will remain unchanged.