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Disclaimer This presentation and the materials provided herewith do not constitute an offer to sell or issue or the solicitation of an offer to buy or acquire securities of the Company in any jurisdiction or an inducement to enter into investment activity, nor may it or any part of it form the basis of or be relied on in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever. Any decision to purchase securities in a proposed offering should be made solely on the basis of the information contained in the offering circular published in relation to such proposed offering, The information contained in this presentation has not been independently verified. No representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is made as to, and no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information or the opinions contained herein. The information contained in this document should be considered in the context of the circumstances prevailing at the time and has not been, and will not be, updated to reflect material developments which may occur after the date of the presentation. None of the Company nor any of its affiliates, advisors or representatives will be liable (in negligence or otherwise) for any loss howsoever arising from any use of this presentation or its contents or otherwise arising in connection with the presentation. This presentation contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements. These statements include descriptions regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company or its officers with respect to the consolidated results of operations and financial condition of the Company. These statements can be recognized by the use of words such as expects, plans, will, estimates, projects, intends, or words of similar meaning. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ from those in the forwardlooking statements as a result of various factors and assumptions. The Company has no obligation and does not undertake to revise forward-looking statements to reflect future events or circumstances. By attending this presentation, you agree not to remove this document, or any materials provided in connection herewith, from the conference room where such documents are provided. You agree further not to photograph, copy or otherwise reproduce any part of these materials in any form or pass on any part of these materials to any other person for any purpose. You must return this presentation and all others materials provided in connection herewith to the Company at the completion of the presentation.

Company Operation 公司營運

Company Profile 公司簡介 Company Description 公司簡介 GET is the largest multicrystalline solar wafer manufacturer in Taiwan, and the leading wafer company globally 台灣最大太陽能多晶矽晶片企業, 全球領導太陽能晶片企業 Headquartered in Taoyuan, Taiwan Production sites located in Taiwan and mainland China A member of the Tatung Group founded in June 2004 Capital: NTD 4.34 billion Operation Center 營運中心 Products Ingot 晶碇 Wafer 晶片 Key Features Proprietary know-how blending reclaimable poly-silicon DW wafer averaged efficiency of 19.1% DW Highest efficiency of 19.98% (With PERC) Capacity 產能 In House + Outsourcing Capacity 1.4 GW

GET Position in Supply Chain 綠能居供應鏈關鍵位置 Supply chain GET position Reclaimable polysilicon recycling technology 進階多晶矽配方技術 Polysilicon 多晶矽 Ingot 晶碇 Mixing of feedstock Virgin Polysilicon Granular Chunk Pot Scrap Tops/Tails Mono Ingot Sides Recyclable Polysilicon Material science expertise from > 30 years of semiconductor experience Access to scrap polysilicon supply Ingot / Wafer 晶碇 / 晶片 Cell / Module 電池 / 模組 System 系統 Melting & Growing Wafer 晶片 Squaring Cropping Slicing Cleaning Packing Powder Silicon Broken Wafers(Semi) Wafers Advanced crystal growing process 精進長晶技術 Optimal recipe blending scrap and virgin polysilicon High yield rate of 99%+ In-house designed Hot-Zone and crystal growing recipe provide optimal solidification Maximized production capacity with minimal capex Effective selection process ensuring high performance products High precision and cost-efficient slicing technology 高效率低成本切片技術 100% wire saw slurry recycling rate => 70% mixed back for wafer slicing, 30% heated to be low-end Sic material for sales. Minimal polysilicon loss: lower than 5% Increased cost efficiency: SiC consumption less than 40% Continuously-improving wafer thickness and cost reduction Advancing new coolant recycle technology

Shipment and Utilization 出貨量與產能利用率 900 800 MW 680 770 786 775 700 600 500 560 560 620 640 670 580 500 400 340 339 300 200 100 0

21.0% 20.0% 19.0% 18.0% Superior technology and high-quality products 高階技術品牌優勢 Efficiency Averaged efficiency 平均轉換效率 Power output (W/PC) 發電量 (W/ 每片 ) W/PC 5.05 17.80% 17.90% 4.33 4.35 18.50% 4.5 18.60% 4.52 18.90% 4.6 19.10% 4.64 19.98% 4.86 4.85 4.65 4.45 17.0% 4.25 16.0% 4.05 15.0% GET Superior technology to ensure high quality 2014 2015 2016 2017 (Slurry) 2017 (DW) DW Average Wafer Averaged Efficiency GET DW Averaged 19.1% With PERC Technology 2018 Q3 DW Highest (DW w PERC) GET DW + PERC Reached 19.98% 3.85

Global Customers 全球客戶分布

Strong synergies with the Tatung Group 大同集團支持與策略整合 Energy Systems & Solutions Business Unit (Power Plant & EPC) Downstream integration with access to end market demand San Chih Semiconductors Chunghwa Picture Tubes Leading Technology Institute Technology know-how transferred from San Chih Semiconductors and Chunghwa Picture Tube (Manufacturing ingots /wafers) (Thin Film) (R&D and Talents) Tatung Group (Diversified sector coverage) Leverage on the wellestablished global platform, group resources and brand recognition to facilitate GET s operation and growth

Consolidated Income Statement 合併損益表摘要 綠能科技 (3519TT) 民國 107 年第三季合併損益表 GET (3519TT) Consolidated Income Statement For the 9-month period ended Sep. 30, 2018 單位 : 新台幣百萬元 ( 除每股盈餘 ) (Unit: NT$ million ) 3Q 2018 2Q 2018 QoQ 1Q~3Q 2018 銷貨收入淨額 Net sales 1,172 1,725-32% 5,517 毛利率 Gross margin rate -66% -41% -61% -28% 銷貨毛利 / 損 Gross profit/loss -774-703 -10% -1,546 營業利益 / 損失 Operating income/loss -899-842 -7% -1,243 淨損益歸屬於母公司業主 淨損益歸屬於非控制權益 Net (loss) attribute to shareholders of the parent Net (loss) attribute to non-controlling interests -2,033-1,156-76% -3,372-107 -63-70% -188 本期淨利 / 損 Net income/loss -2,139-1,219-75% -3,560 每股盈餘 / 損 ( 元 ) EPS (NT$) -4.68* -2.66* -76% -7.77* 稅後綜合損益 Total consolidated comprehensive income -2,216-1,248-78% -3,636 * 依加權平均流通在外股數 433,985 仟股計算 Based on 433,985 thousand weighted average outstanding shares 3Q 2018 提列美元負債部位匯兌損失, 金額約新台幣 0.23 億 Exchange losses mainly for loans in US dollar recorded in 3Q18 was around NT$ 23 million. 3Q 2018 存貨跌價損失提列約新台幣 0.62 億 The inventory impairment losses in 3Q18 was around NT$ 62 million. 3Q 2018 預提呆帳損失準備之金額約新台幣 0.36 億 Prepared for bad debts in 3Q18 was around NT$ 36 million. 3Q 2018 認列其他損失約新台幣 7.59 億 Other losses in 3Q18 was around NT$ 759 million.

Consolidated Balance Sheet 合併資產負債表摘要 綠能科技 (3519TT) 民國 107 第三季合併資產負債表 GET (3519TT) Consolidated Balance Sheet For the 9-month period ended Sep. 30, 2018 單位 : 新台幣百萬元 (Unit: NT$ million ) 2018 2018 % Sep. 30 Jun. 30 % 流動資產 Current Assets 3,603 27% 4,205 30% - 現金與約當現金 -Cash & equivalents 301 3% 206 2% 金融資產 Financial assets 252 1% 265 2% 不動產 廠房及設備 Property, plant & equipment 6,086 46% 7,187 51% 其他資產 ( 含無形資產 ) Other assets & Intangible assets 3,272 26% 2,445 17% 資產總額 Total Assets 13,213 100% 14,102 100% 流動負債 Current liabilities 8,643 65% 8,589 61% 非流動負債 Other liabilities 2,791 21% 1,518 11% 負債總額 Total Liabilities 11,434 86% 10,107 72% 股東權益 Shareholders' Equity 1,779 14% 3,995 28%

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