賀辭 Congratulatory Messages 目錄 Contents 秩序表 Programme 3 庚寅年顧問局 Advisory Board 庚寅年董事會 Board of Directors 民政事務局局長監誓講辭 Speech of the S

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3 賀辭 Congratulatory Messages 目錄 Contents 秩序表 Programme 3 庚寅年顧問局 Advisory Board 庚寅年董事會 Board of Directors 民政事務局局長監誓講辭 Speech of the Secretary for Home Affairs 6 己丑年董事會主席何志豪先生交代講辭 Speech of Mr David C H HO, Chairman of the Board of Directors 庚寅年董事會主席呂鈞堯先生就職講辭 Inaugural Address of Mr Quincy K Y LUI, Chairman of the Board of Directors 庚寅年主席及副主席合照 Group Photo of Chairman and Vice-chairmen of the Board of Directors 庚寅年董事會成員簡介 Introduction of Members of the Board of Directors 庚寅年主席與管理層合照 Group Photo of Chairman of the Board of Directors with Senior Management 51 鳴謝 Acknowledgement 保良局庚寅年董事會就職特輯

4 秩序表 Programme 2010 年 4 月 9 日 ( 星期五 ) 9th April 2010 上午十一時三十分 11:30am 保良局莊啟程大廈梁王培芳堂 Sally WONG LEUNG Hall, Po Leung Kuk Headquarters 嘉賓於梁王培芳堂就座 Seating of Guests at Sally WONG LEUNG Hall 己丑年主席何志豪先生致辭 Speech by Mr David C H HO, Chairman of Board of Directors 勞工及福利局局長張建宗先生, GBS, JP 頒發己丑年全年籌款成績獎項及 己丑年董事會成員獎狀 Presentation of Fund-raising Awards and Testimonial Certificates by the Hon Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung, GBS, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare 己丑年何志豪主席介紹庚寅年董事會成員 Introduction of the Board of Directors by Chairman for the Year 民政事務局局長 曾德成先生, JP 主持監誓 Administration of the Oath by the Hon TSANG Tak-sing, JP, Secretary for Home Affairs 庚寅年董事會成員宣誓就職 Sworn-in of the Board of Directors 主禮人曾德成局長致訓辭 Speech by the Hon TSANG Tak-sing, JP 庚寅年主席呂鈞堯先生致就職演辭 Inaugural Address by Mr Quincy K Y LUI, Chairman of the Board of Directors 合照 Group Photo 茶會 Tea Reception Inauguration of Po Leung Kuk Board of Directors

5 庚寅年顧問局 Advisory Board 主席 Chairman 民政事務局局長曾德成先生 The Hon TSANG Tak-sing, JP Secretary for Home Affairs 成員 Members 勞工及福利局局長張建宗先生 The Hon Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung, GBS, JP Secretary for Labour and Welfare 社會福利署署長聶德權先生 Mr Patrick NIP Tak-kuen, JP Director of Social Welfare 鄭耀棠議員黃定光議員梁王培芳女士趙振邦博士胡永輝先生朱梁小玲女士郭李宛群女士莊啟程博士李葉慧璣女士李澤培先生何志豪先生許潘玉儀女士 The Hon CHENG Yiu-tong, GBS, JP The Hon WONG Ting-kwong, BBS Mrs Sally WONG LEUNG, GBS, OBE, JP Dr C B CHIU, DBA (Hon), MBE, JP Mr Vincent W F WOO, MBE Mrs Lisa S L CHEE, JP Mrs Maxine KWOK, MBE, JP Sultan Vicwood K T CHONG, MBE, JP Mrs Cecilia W K LEE, BBS, MBE Mr LEE Jark-pui, SBS, OBE, JP Mr David C H HO Mrs Irene Y Y HUI 04 保良局庚寅年董事會就職特輯

6 庚寅年董事會 Board of Directors 主席 呂鈞堯先生 Chairman Mr Quincy K Y LUI 副主席 龐盧淑燕女士梁寶珠女士鄭錦鐘博士陳永錕博士顏金煒先生 Vice-Chairmen Mrs Dorothy S Y PONG Ms Jacqueline P C LEUNG Dr Eric K C CHENG, MH, OStJ, JP Dr Patrick W K CHAN Mr Albert K W NGAN 總理 梁安琪女士朱李月華博士郭羅桂珍博士李德剛先生陳細潔小姐蔡李惠莉博士林潞先生馬清楠律師羅梁芷珊女士何何超鳳女士黃英鵬先生薛嘉麟先生杜振源先生陳正欣先生 Directors Ms Angela O K LEONG Dr Pollyanna Y W CHU Dr Eleanor K C KWOK, BBS Mr Alfred T K LEE Miss Abbie S K CHAN Dr Margaret W L CHOI Mr Calvin L LAM Mr Ching Nam MA, SBStJ, JP Mrs Canny C S LO Mrs Daisy C F HO Mr Simy W P WONG Mr Ernie K L SUEK Mr Simon C Y TO Mr Daniel C Y CHAN Inauguration of Po Leung Kuk Board of Directors

7 民政事務局局長演辭 Speech by Secretary for Home Affairs 民政事務局局長曾德成先生 The Hon TSANG Tak-sing, JP Secretary for Home Affairs 何志豪主席 呂鈞堯主席 各位顧問 各位董事會成員 各位嘉賓.. 今天是保良局己丑 庚寅兩屆董事會交代就職典禮 首先, 我感謝己丑年董事會的寶貴貢獻, 並向新一屆董事會致賀 保良局百多年來服務香港, 深受稱許 隨着社會不斷進步, 保良局亦與時並進 推陳出新, 力求服務切實惠及社群 過去一年青少年吸毒問題廣受關注, 保良局亦積極回應, 投入抗毒工作, 短時間內推出多個計劃 在屬校方面, 保良局制訂了 無毒校園 政策, 加強各項抗毒措施 ; 又舉辦 豐盛人生 短片創作比賽, 宣揚積極 正面的信息 在屬校以外, 動感青年天地快將啟用, 為青少年提供活動場地舒展身心, 至於構思中的戒毒住宿服務, 則幫助吸毒的青少年重返正途 良好的家庭關係是促進社會和諧的動力, 保良局過去一年致力宣傳家庭核心價值 不久前, 我出席了保良局 家足馬力 親子二人三足慈善籌款活動, 很高興見到參賽家庭成員間的親密和睦之情, 齊心協力跨出每一步 我亦很高興得悉保良局去年以 長幼一家 為主題開辦的田家炳長幼天地, 深受沙田地區市民歡迎 ; 今年又籌備自資在上水開設清河綜合服務中心, 為區內家庭提供多元化服務 我期望保良局繼續努力, 宣揚跨代共融與家庭和諧, 造福社會 保良局一直熱心推展教育工作, 除正規課程, 也十分重視課外活動, 其中的領袖紀律訓練營計劃自推出以來, 成效顯著, 上年度更推廣至屬校以外, 與學界分享這教育概念 此外, 保良局又在屬下中學推行 一學生一義工 計劃, 讓學生通過義務工作, 學習服務社會, 成為有承擔的良好公民 06 保良局庚寅年董事會就職特輯

8 特區政府剛宣布原則上接納顧問研究的主要建議, 推動香港足球運動, 這方面保良局亦與我們的理念一致 我知道保良局正籌劃在位於北潭涌的渡假營, 興建大型足球場及相關配套設施, 這將有助促進香港的足球運動 同時, 保良局亦獲賽馬會慈善信託基金的行政長官社區計劃撥款超過三千萬元, 於賽馬會大棠渡假村進行第三期擴建工程, 興建更多營舍和康體設施, 作為領袖紀律訓練營的培訓基地 保良局關顧弱勢社羣 去年, 香港經濟受到環球金融海嘯影響, 保良局在屬下六個長者地區中心設立社區飯堂, 為長者和經濟有困難的人士提供膳食, 並開辦社會企業, 為弱勢社羣創造就業機會, 讓他們可以自力更生 保良局在社會服務方面的貢獻, 廣受認同, 去年籌得善款超過二億元, 足證社會各界對保良局的支持 新的一年, 我深信呂主席和董事會定會齊心協力, 領導保良局繼續發揚服務人羣的精神, 造福社會 我在此衷心祝願庚寅年董事會工作順利, 保良善業繼往開來 多謝各位 Inauguration of Po Leung Kuk Board of Directors

9 民政事務局局長演辭 Speech by Secretary for Home Affairs Mr. David HO, Mr. Quincy LUI, Advisory Board Members, Directors, ladies and gentlemen, It is my great pleasure to join you all for the handover and inauguration ceremony for the Board of Directors of Po Leung Kuk. First of all, I would like to thank the Board for your dedication and to congratulate the incoming Board on your appointment. For over a century, Po Leung Kuk s commitment to our society has won high praise from the general public. Throughout its long history, Po Leung Kuk has kept abreast of the latest developments and catered to the aspirations of the community to better serve Hong Kong. The problem of youth drug abuse is a good recent example. Po Leung Kuk has taken prompt action and launched wide-ranging programmes within a short time to help address the issue. Po Leung Kuk schools have adopted the Anti-drug Campus policy and enhanced various anti-drug measures. An inter-school video competition, Fruitful Life, has also been launched to instill positive values in our young people. For the community at large, the Energetic Youth Club will soon be up and running to provide venues for healthy youth activities. Also, Po Leung Kuk is planning new treatment and rehabilitation services that will assist young drug users in rebuilding their lives. Good family relationship is a main driver for social harmony. Over the year, Po Leung Kuk strived to promote family values to forge closer and harmonious relationship amongst family members. I have attended the Kuk s Charity Three-Legged-Race not long ago and was deeply impressed to see family members forging ahead shoulders to shoulders with harmonious strides. I am also pleased to note that Po Leung Kuk Tin Ka Ping Family Joy Centre has been well received by residents of the Shatin District. The Kuk has further extended the service this year to Sheung Shui. Its self-financed Ching Ho Integrated Service Centre at Ching Ho Estate, to be opened soon, will provide a range of support services to families of the district. I hope that the Kuk will keep on providing services to help promote family and inter-generation harmony within the community. Po Leung Kuk is widely acclaimed for its education services. It offers its students a diverse range of activities that promote healthy development and positive values. Among them, the Po Leung Kuk Leadership and Discipline Training Camp programme has achieved encouraging results. Last year, the programme was extended to include students outside the Po Leung Kuk and share the idea with the wider education sector. 08 保良局庚寅年董事會就職特輯

10 The Kuk has also introduced a One Student, One Volunteer Service scheme in its secondary schools. This gives students opportunities to serve the community and develop a greater sense of responsibility to society through voluntary work. The SAR Government has just announced the acceptance in principle of the key recommendations of a consultancy study to promote the development of football in Hong Kong. I am glad to note that Po Leung Kuk shares the same vision. Its plan to set up a football training centre at a holiday camp in Pak Tam Chung with a football pitch and ancillary facilities will certainly help promote football among our youngsters. Besides, the Kuk has also received a grant of over $30 million from the Chief Executive s Community Project for the Po Leung Kuk Jockey Club Tai Tong Holiday Camp. With the grant, more dormitory units and training and recreational facilities will be built to provide a base for the Leadership Training Camp. The local economy has been adversely affected by the global financial tsunami. Responding to the needs of the community, the Kuk set up canteens at its six district elderly community centres, providing free meals to the elderly and those in need. It also established a social enterprise which creates job opportunities for the disadvantaged to enable them to be self-reliant and contribute to society. The Board s success in raising a record of over $200 million last year is testimony to your hard work and to the Kuk s good reputation in the city. I have every confidence that Chairman LUI and the new Board will keep the good work going and lead Po Leung Kuk in the pursuit of excellence in serving the society. I wish you all a very successful year ahead. Thank you. Inauguration of Po Leung Kuk Board of Directors

11 己丑年董事會主席何志豪先生交代講辭 Speech of Mr David C H HO, Chairman of the Board of Directors 何志豪先生 Mr David C H HO 曾局長 張局長 各位長官 各位嘉賓 : 歡迎各位蒞臨保良局己丑及庚寅年董事會交代就職典禮 今天很高興邀請到民政事務局局長曾德成太平紳士, 以及勞 工及福利局局長張建宗 GBS 太平紳士蒞臨主禮 謹此衷心致謝 經過了一年的保良局主席生涯, 讓我深深感受到要對市民的不同需要照顧周全, 做到事事關心 無遠弗屆, 真的很不容易 我很榮幸過去一年與我身邊這十九位董事會成員一起並肩作戰 ; 因為有你們, 才有今天的好成績 過去一年, 這班對社會充滿熱誠的搭檔, 與我一起構思 一起研究 一起策劃, 並親力親為推動各項計劃, 讓這些原本只是在建議書上的構思, 能夠逐一實現 每個計劃都是我們心血的結晶 我本人雖然說不上 三過家門而不入, 但我在保良局的時間, 的確比在自己的公司還要多 而推動我繼續努力向前的, 就是我們的服務對象 每次我回到保良局, 看見小朋友上學 放學 在操場做運動 在遊樂場玩耍, 就如給我一支強心針, 給我打氣 ; 每次看見警車駛進來, 把一些缺乏父母照顧的孩子交托給我們, 就提醒我不可鬆懈, 因為這些孩子, 以及社會上很多人都需要我們的照顧 藉著今天這個高朋滿座的日子, 我除了和大家分享感受, 也想介紹一些去年推出的新項目, 相信這些項目會在來年進 一步發展, 也好趁這個機會向各位推廣一下 培育堅毅不屈的明日領袖 今年一月開始, 保良局與一間業內表現出色的歷奇訓練機構合作成立新的 保良局領袖紀律訓練營 保良局的領袖紀律訓練營始於二零零六年, 開始時只在部份屬下中學試驗推行, 透過數天的集訓來鍛鍊年青人的意 志 培養他們的領導能力和團隊精神 有見成效理想, 本局其後數年陸續把訓練營擴展至其他屬下中學及小學, 至今 累積參加人數已超過一萬一千人 10 保良局庚寅年董事會就職特輯

12 在擔任主席的一年裡, 我不斷收到來自學生 家長和老師的感謝信 : 學生分享他們怎樣在訓練營中感受到伙伴之間彼此扶持 互勵互勉的真摯情誼 ; 家長說道他們的子女如何由驕縱的孩子一夜成長, 懂得感念親恩 ; 老師欣慰往日欠缺明確目標的同學變得勇往直前, 變得有擔當 有志向 而我, 也在訓練營畢業禮中親眼看到了同學們眾志成城的合作精神, 看到了學生 家長 老師流出了感動的眼淚, 一幅幅動人的畫面, 至今仍然歷歷在目 保良局每年撥款接近四百萬元資助訓練營的推行, 而去年本局更成功獲得香港賽馬會慈善信託基金撥款三千多萬元在轄下賽馬會大棠渡假村興建領袖訓練基地 這些投資都是值得的, 因為我知道這些年青人將來會在社會不同崗位上作出貢獻 新的 保良局領袖紀律訓練營, 不但活動內容有所提升, 更重要的是, 服務對象由保良局屬校擴展至局外的學校和 機構, 希望讓更多人體驗這個富有意義的活動 人生以服務為目的, 助人為快樂之根本 保良局以 服務社會 為終生事業, 並希望我們的下一代也有同樣的心志 保良局屬校的校訓是 愛 敬 勤 誠, 而以 愛 為先 我們希望學生除了有廣博的學識, 也有扶老恤貧的愛心, 並且把愛心實踐 去年度本局推行 一學生一義工 計劃, 鼓勵每個學生都參與義務工作, 藉著服務來培養對社會的使命感和責任感 我很高興這個計劃獲得屬下所有中學的積極響應, 至今已有一萬五千七百名學生登記成為義工 我期望這班充滿活力與熱誠的年青人會成為推動關愛 和諧社會的力量 向陽光邁進 青少年是社會未來的棟樑, 我們對他們寄予無限的期望 對於近年涉及青少年的社會歪風, 我們實在感到痛心疾首 而保良局也採取了積極的行動去對抗這些不良風氣 針對日益嚴重的青少年濫藥問題, 本局與屬校制訂了 無毒校園 的政策, 包括把藥物教育融入常規課程和課外活 動 加強校內巡查 加強教職員培訓, 以及加強與家長的聯繫等 我們又積極研究開辦一所戒毒中心, 提供短期住宿 戒毒服務, 以及身 心 社交和教育等各方面的支援和輔導, 計劃書已交給政府當局考慮 另一方面, 為了使青少年有健康的途徑舒展身心, 我們又籌備在元朗設立 動感青年天地, 概念是把貨櫃改裝成青 少年活動場地, 提供一系列時下流行玩意, 如設舞蹈室, 讓青少年自組街頭舞蹈團, 又提供場地予青少年上網 閱讀 漫畫 健身 寄賣潮流物品等, 而貨櫃本身也可作為塗鴉之用, 預計中心在今年八月就會投入服務 此外, 我們又籌劃在羅傑承北潭涌渡假營興建足球訓練基地 基地除了有標準足球訓練場外, 也有游泳池 緩跑徑和 宿舍等配套設施 同時, 我們又成立了 足球發展基金, 以支援足球訓練基地的運作和推動足球運動 期望這些措 施有助帶動市民參與有益身心的活動 Inauguration of Po Leung Kuk Board of Directors

13 己丑年董事會主席何志豪先生交代講辭 Speech of Mr David C H HO, Chairman of the Board of Directors 保赤安良, 為婦孺謀福祉 保良局 的名字源自 保赤安良, 所指的是本局的婦女和兒童服務 去年本局再獲社會福利署委託承辦婦女庇護中心 這是本局第三間婦女庇護中心, 也是全港第五間婦女庇護中心 現時本局是全港最大的社署資助婦女庇護中心營辦機構 我們除了為不幸遭遇家庭暴力的婦女及其子女提供即時 安全的住宿外, 又會為他們舉辦各類興趣和技能培訓活動, 幫助他們融入社會 ; 屆內又新推出 家具及設備援助計劃, 為曾住在轄下庇護中心的婦女提供由外界捐贈的一手或二手家具設備, 解決他們日常生活所需 兒童方面, 本局繼前年開展海外領養服務後, 在今年一月再獲社會福利署審批成為認可本地領養服務機構, 為符合被 領養條件的兒童尋找永久 穩定 有愛心的本地家庭, 讓他們可以在家庭的溫暖中健康成長 此外, 今年本局又再獲 社會福利署批出開辦多一間特殊幼兒中心暨早期教育及訓練中心, 以滿足弱能幼兒要盡早接受教育的需求 飽而知人之飢, 溫而知人之寒 濟弱扶危 也是本局很重要的工作 去年香港經歷了經濟的跌宕, 低下階層雪上加霜, 董事會於是構思在現有的長者服務中心開闢地方設置社區飯堂, 提供便宜, 甚至免費的熱餐予長者和貧困人士 社區飯堂的設立得到社會很大回響, 並且獲得熱心善長的捐款支持 社區飯堂最初只在藍田區推行, 現在已擴展至樂華 旺角 青衣 將軍澳和秀茂坪, 飯堂每天共提供約二百份膳餐 對於身體有殘障的人士, 本局今年度成功獲得社會福利署葵涌綜合康復服務中心的營運權, 為輕度至嚴重智障 嚴重傷殘, 以及需要長期護理的精神病康復者提供護理 專業治療, 和多元化的技能訓練 這是本局所營辦最大型的綜合康復服務中心, 提供住宿名額三百二十個 日間名額二百一十五個, 每年營運費超過四千二百萬元, 是本局獲社署資助最多的單位 獎券基金將撥款五千六百萬元予中心進行裝修和購買傢俬設備, 預計中心可於今年年底投入服務 授人以魚 不如 授人以漁 有句古老的說話 : 授人以魚, 三餐之需 ; 授人以漁, 終生之用, 意思是說送別人一條魚, 只能讓他果腹三餐, 不 如教他捕魚的方法, 使他能夠終生受用 為了使弱勢社群可以自力更生, 本局除了為他們提供職業輔導和訓練外, 並為他們提供就業機會, 去屆我們落實成立 兩個社會企業 : 力恒清潔服務和宏圖食品 力恒清潔服務, 顧名思義, 是提供清潔服務 這間社企已經在去年十月開 辦, 業務發展理想 至於宏圖食品, 則主要從事凍肉銷售, 估計未來數月就會開展業務 現時本局康復服務的學員會為社區提供各種服務, 屆內我們積極探討把部份具發展潛力的服務發展成社會企業, 如汽 車美容 有機園圃等, 期望為弱勢社群提供更多工作機會 12 保良局庚寅年董事會就職特輯

14 為孩子留下藍天 除了服務以外, 去屆董事會其中一個工作重點是 推動環保 很多謝前賢的推動, 現時本局大部份單位已設有回收箱, 而屬下姚連生中學 何蔭棠中學 羅氏基金中學和馬錦明中學更獲環境及自然保育基金撥款進行各項環保校園計劃 去屆我們定立了保良局的環保政策, 並成立環保工作委員會, 除了繼續透過活動宣揚環保意識外, 更有系統地把環保元素滲入每項工作中, 大至建築工程, 小至刊物所用的紙張, 我們都會考慮到環保的因素 現在, 保良局的會議已經不再列印文件, 而改於電腦上閱讀文件, 而今天大家手上的己丑年年刊和庚寅年就職特刊, 除了已經改用環保紙印製, 也是限量發行, 盡量以光碟代替書刊 本局並獲得環境及自然保育基金原則性支持撥款約三千萬元推行七十一項涵蓋轄下二百多個單位的環保計劃 今年三月我們與環保署合辦 保良局環保新力量啟動禮, 宣佈這個歷時三年的環保工程正式開展 當中比較大型的項目是兩所渡假營的環保工程, 如逐步改用有能源效益標籤的電器 增設太陽能熱水器和太陽能 / 風力發電路燈 擴大綠化範圍 加設育苗溫室 增設潔淨污水設施 改用電油車 ( 甚至環保車 ) 等, 又會為營友提供環保活動, 藉以推廣綠色生活, 希望透過渡假營廣泛的接觸層面, 達到公眾教育的目的 多姿多采的籌款活動 以上服務所以能夠落實推行, 惠及大眾, 除了因為有政府當局的撥款支持, 也有賴善長的慷慨解囊 一如往年, 保良局在屆內舉辦了不少籌款活動, 去屆我們構思了一些新的籌款活動, 可以和大家分享一下 : 去年十二月的 保良局莎莎慈善夜, 是本局首次在唐英年政務司司長府邸舉行的活動, 並為本局籌得超過六百萬元的善款 同月的 星光大道慈善夜, 是首次由本局董事會成員的子女義務統籌的活動, 節目邀請嘉賓以中外名人的經典造型出席, 又引入了許多新一代的思維 今年二月舉行的 家足馬力 親子二人三足慈善籌款活動, 除了為本局籌募善款外, 更以推動家庭和諧和健康生活為主題, 鼓勵幾代同堂的家庭組隊參加, 最終共有七百五十二隊參加, 更成功打破最多人同時進行二人三足的健力士世界紀錄 剛於今年三月舉行的 周年慈善餐舞會, 特別為新成立的 足球發展基金 籌募善款, 成功獲得熱心推動本地運動的善長支持, 籌得超過七百萬元的善款, 不但破了周年慈善餐舞會歷年的籌款紀錄, 更是歷年所有籌款活動的籌款成績之冠 我很高興告訴大家, 去屆的總善款收入有高達破紀錄的二億一千萬港元 在此, 我代表所有受惠的人士向各界善長致 以最衷心的感謝 結語 在過去一年, 我和其他董事會成員, 都盡心竭力為保良局 為香港服務 我很多謝顧問局 眾多位政府官員 社會賢 達 公眾人士, 以及所有員工的鼎力支持, 令保良局有今天的美滿成績 最後, 我祝來屆董事會事事順利, 在呂鈞堯 主席的帶領下繼續秉承保良局的宗旨造福社群, 更創佳績 Inauguration of Po Leung Kuk Board of Directors

15 己丑年董事會主席何志豪先生交代講辭 Speech of Mr David C H HO, Chairman of the Board of Directors Welcome to the Inauguration Ceremony of the Board of Directors. We are delighted to have the Hon TSANG Tak-shing, JP, Secretary for Home Affairs and the Hon Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung, GBS, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, to officiate at the ceremony. Having served as Chairman of Po Leung Kuk for a year, I can really appreciate that to cater well to the diverse needs of the society is definitely no easy task. I was very fortunate to have the full support of my fellow Directors of the Board throughout the term. With our concerted efforts, we made significant achievements in pushing through quite a number of new services and initiatives. On my part, what motivated and drove me to exert my best during my busy days in the Kuk were our service recipients. Every time when I saw our residential children going to and from schools, or exercising and playing happily in the playground, I felt energized. Every time when I saw police cars coming and bringing to the Kuk children who lacked parental care, I always reminded myself that I had to work even harder since there were many people in the community who needed our care and attention. Today, in the presence of our distinguished guests, I would like to share with you what we had accomplished during the year. I firmly believe that with your unfailing support, our work can go a long way in helping the needy. Nurturing Leaders of Tomorrow From this January onwards, we have put in operation a new Po Leung Kuk Leadership Camp working in collaboration with a leading service provider in this field. The Po Leung Kuk Leadership Camp Programme was first launched in 2006, initially for students of our affiliated secondary schools. Through several days of training and follow up work, we managed to develop students perseverance and leadership skills. In light of the success, we extended the programme to students of our primary schools. As at to-date, the total number of participants in the programme has exceeded 11,000. As Chairman of the Kuk, I received numerous personal letters from students, parents and teachers thanking the Kuk for giving the students such an opportunity. The students told me how they had overcome difficulties and gained friendship at the training camp. Teachers were gratified to see how the programme had turned their students into responsible and forward looking youngsters. Parents told me how they were pleasantly surprised with the outcome that the programme had turned their children from spoilt kids to polite and thankful young men/women. And for me, I personally witnessed how the students demonstrated strength and team spirit during training, how their parents, teachers and the student themselves moved to tears on camp graduation days. In implementing these programmes among our affiliated schools, the Kuk has to sponsor some $4 million a year. Last year, we were pleased to have received a grant of over $30 million from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to build a leadership training base in our Jockey Club Tai Tong Holiday Camp. I am sure these investments will pay off since those who have participated in the programme will in the future contribute back to the society in their different capacities. 14 保良局庚寅年董事會就職特輯

16 The new Po Leung Kuk Leadership Camp will no doubt continue to grow and prosper. The extension of the camp to students beyond the Kuk and employees of other organisations will enable more young people to reap the benefits of such an invaluable experience. Serving Others is the Goal of Life; Helping Others is the Root of Happiness Po Leung Kuk is committed to serving the community and we expect that our next generation will share this same value in life. The motto of the Po Leung Kuk schools is Love, Respect, Diligence and Integrity among which love comes first. We hope that all our students would have a loving heart that leads them to care for the underprivileged. Last year, we introduced the One student, One Volunteer Service scheme to encourage our students to take part in volunteer work and to cultivate their sense of mission and responsibility through service. The scheme has now been successfully implemented in all our secondary schools. So far, a total of 15,700 students have registered as volunteers. I hope our energetic and zealous youngsters will form a collective force in spreading the message of a caring and harmonious society. Striding Towards a Bright Future As youngsters are the future pillars of society, we have great expectations of them. We were troubled by the recent trends in the society which made our young people vulnerable to undesirable influences. The Kuk took various positive steps to address this issue. To counter the growing problem of adolescent drug abuse, the Kuk implemented a policy of drug free campus among our affiliated schools. This entailed the incorporation of drug education into our regular curriculum and extracurricular activities, the stepping up of our efforts in school inspection, teachers training and liaison between the school and parents. We put up a proposal for the consideration of the Government to set up a drug treatment and rehabilitation centre to assist young female drug abusers through a range of programmes including intensive counselling, social and education support. On the other hand, to encourage our young people to spend their leisure time constructively and to engage in worthwhile activities and pursuits, we have plans to set up in Yuen Long a Dynamic World for the Young. The plan is to convert containers into a centre where young people can organise their own groups to perform, do street dancing, read comic books, do exercising or sell small trendy items. The containers can also lend themselves to graffiti. We expect this centre to be operational in August Moreover, we are planning to build a football training centre at our Steven Lo Kit Sing Pak Tam Chung Holiday Camp. The centre will include a standard 11-a-side football pitch, hostels and various ancillary facilities. At the same time, we have also set up a Football Development Fund to support the operation of the Centre and to sponsor those young people with talents but cannot afford the fees to undergo quality football training. We hope that these efforts will help promote football and also encourage the public to take part in this healthy sport. Inauguration of Po Leung Kuk Board of Directors

17 己丑年董事會主席何志豪先生交代講辭 Speech of Mr David C H HO, Chairman of the Board of Directors Services for Women and Children The name Po Leung Kuk literally means an organisation for the protection of the women and the young. Last year, we obtained a government contract to operate a refuge centre for women the third one operated by the Kuk, and the fifth one in Hong Kong. The Kuk is the largest operator of refuge centre for women in Hong Kong. Apart from providing immediate and safe accommodation for women and their children faced with family violence, we also offer them skills training so as to help them re-integrate into the society. For those women in our centres we provided them, through our Furniture and Equipment Support Scheme, with brand new or second-hand furniture and household appliances donated by the public when they moved into their new dwelling allocated by the Government. Further to our launching of overseas adoption service a year ago, the Kuk was accredited by the Social Welfare Department this January to operate local adoption services. Now we can help identify permanent, stable and loving local families for children who are eligible for adoption, so that they can grow up in the warmth of a family. Separately, we obtained another service contract to operate the second early learning centre for young children. Services for the Disadvantaged Helping the disadvantaged is always our first priority. Last year, the local economy was adversely affected by the global financial downturn, and as a result, many citizens suddenly faced with financial hardship. In response to needs, we set up community canteens in our existing district elderly community centres, providing cheap and free hot meals to the elderly and the financial vulnerable. As for the handicapped persons, the Kuk succeeded in obtaining a government contract to operate the Kwai Chung Integrated Rehabilitation Service Centre. By far the largest rehabilitation centre operated by the Kuk, it provides 320 residential places and 215 day care places with an annual operating cost of over $42 million. We also received Lotteries Fund amounting to $54 million for its renovation and purchase of furniture and equipment. The centre is expected to be operational by the end of Better to Teach a Person How to Fish Than to Give him a Fish As this old saying suggests, it would be more effective to help the disadvantaged to be self-reliant. To achieve this, the Kuk provided them with vocational training and job opportunities. Last year, the Lick Heng Cleaning Service (a social enterprise) started operation. Another social enterprise, the Grandway Food, which will mainly be engaged in the sale of frozen food, will be in operation later in 保良局庚寅年董事會就職特輯

18 During the year, we explored the feasibility of setting up further social enterprises, developing businesses making best use of available skill sets. These included car beauty services and organic farming, which if materialised would create more job opportunities for the disadvantaged. A Blue Sky for Our Next Generation Apart from providing a wide range of quality services to meet the needs of the community, the Board of Directors also focused on environmental protection. Thanks to the efforts of our predecessors, most of our service units are already equipped with recycle bins. In addition, our Yao Lin Sun College, Celine Ho Yam Tong College, Law s Foundation College, Tong Nai Kan College and Ma Kam Ming College have received funding support from the Environment and Conservation Fund to take forward various eco-campus projects. At the headquarters level, we promulgated the Kuk s environmental policy and set up the Kuk s Going Green Committee. Other than promoting environmental awareness through various activities, we also systematically brought elements of environmental protection into different aspects of our work. Ranging from building works to the choice of paper for our publications, we took into consideration the green factor. Po Leung Kuk meetings are already paperless, with attending members reading documents from the computers. Meanwhile, the Annual Report and the Inauguration Booklet which you are reading now were printed on environmental friendly (FSC) paper and in limited quantity, replaced by discs as far as possible. To assist us in our pursuit, the Environment and Conservation Fund has in principle approved a funding allocation of over $30 million in support of 71 green projects to be implemented over a period of 3 years. In this March, with the support of Environmental Protection Department, we held the Po Leung Kuk Evolving into a Green Organisation Kick-off Ceremony to announce our determination to go green. Of the 71 projects, some would be for the two holiday camps of the Kuk which included the installation of energy efficient electrical appliances, renewable energy installations and greening projects. Our two environmental friendly holiday camps will in future provide a platform to promote green living among the public. Colourful Fund Raising Activities Other than subventions from the Government, we have to rely heavily on donations to fund our services and new initiatives. As in the past, the Kuk organised a series of fund raising activities in , with some innovative ones including: The Po Leung Kuk Sa Sa Charity Night held last December was our first fund raising activity held in the official residence of our Chief Secretary for Administration. The night raised over $6 million in donation proceeds. Inauguration of Po Leung Kuk Board of Directors

19 己丑年董事會主席何志豪先生交代講辭 Speech of Mr David C H HO, Chairman of the Board of Directors Masquerade Charity Ball, held in the same month, was the first activity planned and organised by the second generation of our Board Members entirely on a voluntary basis. Guests attending were required to masquerade celebrities in town. In February this year, we held the Three-Legged-Race charity event. Apart from raising funds, the event also promoted family harmony and healthy living by inviting the participation of family members, particularly from cross-generation. As many as 752 teams were formed, breaking the world s Guinness record with the greatest number of people playing Three-Legged- Race at the same time. The Annual Charity Ball held in March this year raised funds for the newly established Football Development Fund. With the enthusiastic support of donors, we raised over $7 million. This set a record for the greatest amount of donations raised for our annual balls, and in fact a record for the greatest amount of donations raised in any single fund raising activity. I am indeed delighted to report that the total charitable proceeds this year reached a record high of over $210 million. Here, on behalf of our beneficiaries, I would like to express our sincerest gratitude to all our donors for their ardent support. Conclusion In the past year, my fellow board members and I did our very best to serve the Kuk and the Hong Kong community. I wish to thank our Advisory Board, all related Government Officials, members of the public and all our staff for their selfless support without which Po Leung Kuk would not have been able to record the achievements today. Finally I would like to wish the new Board of Directors every success under Chairman Quincy LUI. I am sure that it will continue to serve the community and excel in furthering the Kuk s mission. 18 保良局庚寅年董事會就職特輯

20 Inauguration of Po Leung Kuk Board of Directors

21 庚寅年董事會主席呂鈞堯先生就職講辭 Inaugural Address of Mr Quincy K Y LUI, Chairman of the Board of Directors 曾局長 張局長 各位長官 各位嘉賓 : 今天是己丑 庚寅兩屆董事會舉行交代就職典禮的日子 荷蒙民政事務局局長曾德成太平紳士 勞工及福利局局長張 建宗 GBS 太平紳士蒞臨主禮, 各位嘉賓光臨指導, 各界友好惠賜花藍花牌致賀, 實在非常榮幸 我謹代表庚寅年董事 會同人向各位衷心致謝 在擔任主席以前, 我在保良局已經服務了八年, 深知作為保良局總理肩負何等重大的使命 ; 今天我忝任主席一職, 責任更大 有賴前賢的努力經營, 現在的保良局已經是香港其中一間最大的慈善機構, 它的社福 教育 康樂和文化四大服務每年所接觸的服務對象超過四十萬人次之多 前人累積的成就提醒我們必須做得更多更好, 因為社會上有很多人會受惠我們的服務 去年有賴何主席和己丑年董事會的帶領, 保良局開展了很多新的計劃, 如開辦 領袖紀律訓練營 推行 一學生一義工 計劃 推動屬校閱讀計劃 設立社區飯堂 開辦社會企業 為兩個渡假營進行改善計劃, 籌備在渡假營興建足球訓練基地, 啟動保良局邁向環保機構的計劃等等 ; 這些計劃將會在本年度全面推行 此外, 我們也構思了一些新的計劃, 在此向各位簡單介紹, 希望大家給予支持 社會服務 我們希望社會上每一個人都有機會享受豐盛的生活, 有機會發揮所長, 不會因為經濟原因或身體的殘障而令他們缺少 機會 啟發幼兒潛能譜寫精采人生 在幼兒方面, 本局現時在港 九 新界各區辦有二十五間幼稚園暨幼兒園, 服務來自不同階層 不同種族的幼兒 我們除了為他們提供教育和托管外, 也舉辦各類活動, 讓他們在成長的初階接觸多方面的事物, 以助日後有均衡的發展, 這對於那些家長在經濟上或時間上無法為子女安排這些活動的幼兒尤其重要 這年度本局計劃為幼稚園暨幼兒園成立 幼兒藝術中心, 定期舉辦適合幼兒的藝術活動和展覽, 一方面啟發幼兒的藝術潛能, 一方面也有助他們陶冶性情 此外, 玩樂 在孩子的成長中也佔著重要的位置, 適當的玩耍有助他們的智力和情緒發展 可惜很多家庭連一般簡單的玩具都未必能夠負擔 因此, 本局計劃設立 流動玩具借用服務, 駕駛載滿玩具的車輛定期去到港 九 新界不同的地方, 包括公共屋邨 醫院 兒童院, 讓有需要的兒童借用玩具, 享受玩玩具的樂趣, 並藉此啟發想像力和創作力, 達致多元化發展 培養積極態度創建美好將來 除了多元智能的發展, 我們也期望兒童有正確 積極的人生態度, 為自己創建美好的將來, 也為社會作出貢獻 本 20 保良局庚寅年董事會就職特輯

22 局將會向政府申請成為 兒童發展基金 計劃的營辦機構, 以即將在今年六月開辦的上水清河綜合服務中心為基地, 在大埔和北區推行計劃 參與計劃的兒童及青少年會在我們的協助下為自己規劃未來, 包括訂立一些短期和長期的目標, 並提供相關的培訓 ; 我們又會為他們安排友師, 引領他們逐步實踐所訂下的目標, 期望他們從中培養多方面的能力, 並建立正面的態度, 以應付未來各項挑戰 本局又打算成立 正向人生基金 幫助青年實現夢想, 為青少年提供資助, 鼓勵他們發揮潛能, 把創意具體實現, 如出版短篇小說, 漫畫集 唱片 手工藝品 網上遊戲設計, 以及演出舞蹈 戲劇等 本局又擬推行 少女生命導向計劃, 由社工 心理學家和醫護人員組成多元專業團隊, 為少女提供一系列服務, 包括健康檢查, 成長小組活動 個別輔導等 這兩項計劃的目的, 是向青年人宣揚自愛 正面的訊息, 對抗敗壞的社會風氣, 幫助青年人遠離各種偏差行為, 如濫藥, 欺凌 援交 賭博 沉溺上網等, 建立正面 健康的人生 關懷婦女福祉貫徹保良精神 本局以 保赤安良 為宗旨, 婦女服務是本局最早的工作之一 現時本局辦有三間社會福利署資助的婦女庇護中心, 是全港最大的社署資助婦女庇護中心營辦機構, 而除了庇護服務外, 本局也透過轄下單位推行各類計劃, 為婦女提供支援 今年度本局將開展 婦女及兒童充權計劃, 為曾遭遇家庭暴力的婦女及她們的孩子提供社區資訊和培訓, 協助他們培養興趣 發展潛能 擴闊生活空間, 以便早日融入社會 提供社區護理老弱安心居家 長者服務方面, 本局現時辦有多間安老院舍, 為有需要的長者提供住宿和護理服務, 又設長者中心舉辦多類活動, 讓長者享受多姿多采的晚年生活 在我們接觸的長者中, 很多都希望留在家中安老, 以獲家人和鄰里的關懷和支持 ; 但他們的家人未必懂得如何照顧他們, 因此, 我們將於年內推出 家居醫護好幫手 服務計劃, 安排中 西醫生 護士 物理治療師 職業治療師 言語治療師 營養師 臨床心理學家 家居照顧員等上門為體弱長者及長期痛病患者提供醫療護理, 包括護理評估 身體及精神健康檢查 治療 針炙 家居運動設計等 ; 又會教授家人基本的照顧技巧, 讓長者可以安心在家中生活 而對於需要醫療護理的殘障人士, 本局計劃把現時位於沙田顯徑邨的田家炳康復支援中心轉型為 社區康復日間護理 中心, 為肢體殘弱 智力殘障 自閉症患者等提供日間照顧 護理 復康訓練和社交活動, 使他們既可以在自己家 中生活, 亦能夠得到適當的照顧和護理 教育服務 除社會服務外, 本局也辦有百多間學校和教育單位 現時本局屬下學生超過四萬人 這些小孩子 年青人, 將會成為 社會未來發展的動力, 因此, 我們必須對他們悉心栽培, 除了教導他們各方面的知識, 也要培育他們的創意思維, 並 且讓他們培養良好的品格以及堅強的意志 Inauguration of Po Leung Kuk Board of Directors

23 庚寅年董事會主席呂鈞堯先生就職講辭 Inaugural Address of Mr Quincy K Y LUI, Chairman of the Board of Directors 推行品德教育造就社會棟樑 今年度本局將繼續在屬下中 小學舉辦 領袖紀律訓練營, 讓學生從團體訓練中磨練出堅毅的意志, 培養責任感和 團隊精神 此外, 去年剛開始的 一學生一義工 計劃, 本年度將繼續在屬下中學推行 我們會進一步加強學校與本局社會服務單位和外間社福機構的聯繫, 讓學生有機會服務不同對象, 有更多元化的體驗 我們會特別鼓勵學生以學到的知識和技能進行義工服務, 如到安老院舍演奏樂器 話劇, 或參與慈善活動的聯絡 物流工作 計劃除了使服務對象直接受惠, 也讓學生體會到平日所學的東西如何為人們帶來福祉 ; 而透過接觸不同的服務對象, 也讓學生親身了解各階層的生活狀況, 使他們學會體諒 包容, 更明白自己要對社會有所承擔 這既是保良局作為慈善機構對屬下學生的付托, 也是我們作為辦學者對下一代的期望 舉辦多元活動拓展學子才能 保良局一向投放很多資源給屬校舉辦活動, 藉以開拓學生的多方面才能 今年本局會在屬下中 小學全面推行英語話 劇活動 活動結合了藝術和語文學習的原素, 既有助增加學生對英語學習的興趣 提升他們的英語能力, 也可發掘學 生的戲劇才華 本局又會舉辦聯校交流匯演或比賽, 互相觀摩切磋, 爭取共同進步 本局又擬成立保良局中學聯校管弦樂團, 遴選各屬校學生加入, 邀請知名指揮家為樂團定期進行訓練, 並會安排樂團 參與演出 今年本局又籌備與教育局合辦 世界學生視覺藝術創作比賽及展覽 2010, 邀請世界各地及全港中學和小學的學生 參與 本局屬下學生有不少富有藝術天份, 這次比賽正好讓他們的創意與才華展示給公眾, 並通過與海外學生交流來 擴闊眼界 創意 並不局限於藝術方面, 而是可體現於生活每一個細節 本局今年度計劃成立 創意 / 科研發展基金, 目的 就是發掘學生的創意 屬下中 小學學生可以就關於科技 藝術, 甚至商業方面的創意計劃向基金申請資助, 把計劃 付諸實踐 加強屬校支援 提升教學質素 在教學支援方面, 本局將向教育局申請為中 小學增聘教育心理學家, 以及推行電子學習計劃, 以提升學與教的效益 中學方面, 本局會加強對通識科的支援, 籌辦聯校通識考察活動和專題研習比賽 小學方面, 本局已獲教育局優質教育基金資助, 將於屬下小學推行 促進多元評估的科學學習網上平台 計劃 至於學前教育方面, 本局將聘請局外課程顧問製定優化屬下幼稚園學與教的計劃, 又會運用教育局優質教育基金的資助推行 透過粵音故事教材套促進幼兒的語言發展 計劃 除上述計劃外, 本局會繼續與屬校保持緊密聯繫, 了解屬校的教學需要, 以便能夠提供適切的支援 22 保良局庚寅年董事會就職特輯

24 教師的質素是辦學的關鍵, 因此本局十分重視教師的專業發展 今年我們會繼續為屬下中 小學和幼稚園教職員舉辦 培訓計劃, 首個項目是 校園法律常識 講座系列, 稍後並會陸續舉辦 校本課程規劃 財務管理 等的講座 企業管理重視人才發展關注員工需要 本局除了為市民提供服務, 也關注本身員工的發展和身心健康 本局現時聘有員工超過六千人, 大部份是在單位服務的前線工作者, 包括學校的老師, 社會服務單位的護士和護理員等 他們除了日常的工作外, 也經常要處理學生 / 服務對象的突發事情, 面對相當大的壓力 為了讓前線人員有健康的身心來迎接工作的挑戰, 這年度本局會為他們度身訂造合適的訓練活動, 除了教他們如何紓緩壓力外, 也希望藉活動提升他們對工作的熱誠, 以及促進同事之間的關係, 使他們在工作上能夠互相扶持 啟動環保計劃實踐綠色承諾 本局去屆訂立了局本的環保政策, 又獲環境及自然保育基金原則性支持撥款約三千萬元推行七十一項環保計劃, 各個項目將分三年進行, 而今年就是計劃推行的第一年 這年本局將會施行有關屬下中學的工程, 包括綠化天台 節能計劃 設置再生能源設備 添置環保午膳設施等, 又會在屬下小學 幼稚園和社會服務單位開始節能計劃 ; 而兩個渡假營斥資一千三百多萬元的環保計劃, 也會在今年度啟動 本局將會密切監察各部門是否有效執行環保政策, 又會聘請顧問為本局及各單位訂定減碳目標, 評估各項環保工作的成效, 為日後的環保工作訂立方向 結語 保良局的工作, 可以說是任重道遠的 我很榮幸得到大家的信賴和支持, 被推選為本年度的董事會的主席, 與十九位董事會成員一起服務市民 我想藉著今日的機會, 衷心多謝己丑年何志豪主席和董事會同人一年來盡心竭力地推動局務, 使保良局在各方面都取得美滿的成績 此外, 我希望各位顧問 長官 本局歷屆前賢和廣大市民, 繼續支持保良局, 使本局的善業不斷向前邁進 而我和各董事會成員, 也會悉力以赴, 繼續發揚保良精神, 造福社群 多謝各位 Inauguration of Po Leung Kuk Board of Directors

25 庚寅年董事會主席呂鈞堯先生就職講辭 Inaugural Address of Mr Quincy K Y LUI, Chairman of the Board of Directors On this occasion of the Inauguration of the Board of Directors for , we are delighted to have the Hon TSANG Tak-sing, JP, Secretary for Home Affairs, and the Hon Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung, GBS, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare as our officiating guests. On behalf of the Board, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to all our guests and friends for coming here today and for their flowers. Having served Po Leung Kuk for eight years, I am fully aware that every Po Leung Kuk Director is vested with an important mission. As the elected Chairman, I understand that I have to take on even greater responsibilities. Thanks to the wisdom and hard work of our predecessors, the Kuk has now evolved to become one of the largest charities in Hong Kong, serving over 400,000 citizens in the areas of welfare, education, recreation and culture. These achievements constantly remind us of the need for continuous improvement of our services for there are many people in the community who need our attention and care. Under the leadership of Chairman HO, the Board of successfully launched a series of initiatives in the past year including the new Leadership Camp, the One Student, One Volunteer Service scheme, reading plans, the community canteens, a social enterprise, improvement plans for the camps, proposal to set up a football training centre and various environmental projects, etc. The Board is committed to take these worthwhile projects further, but here, we wish to briefly introduce to you our work plan for the year and would like to appeal for your continuous support. Social Services We hope every citizen could enjoy a fruitful life and be given the opportunity to do his best without being adversely affected by his financial or physical conditions. Bringing out the Children s Potentials; Making Life more Interesting At present the Kuk operates a total of 25 kindergartens cum nurseries, serving young children from different walks of life and ethnic background. To complement the provision of care and education services, our institutions also organise various activities to enrich the children s experience which is very important for their all-round development. To strengthen our efforts, we have plans to set up an art centre for the young children of our kindergartens cum nurseries. The centre would hold regular activities and exhibitions to give these children greater exposure to the learning of art so as to bring out their potential and to cultivate among them a good personality. Also for the development of young children, we recognise that toys and games are essential for their intellectual and emotional growth. It is unfortunate that many families cannot afford toys for their children. To address the issue, we intend to launch a mobile toys service 24 保良局庚寅年董事會就職特輯

26 by converting a big van into a toy library which will visit different locations in the territory, including public housing estates, hospitals and children s homes. Needy children can go to the van and pick the toys they like making use of the free toy-on-loan service. It is hoped that these children can have a chance to enjoy playing with toys which in turn would help develop their imagination and creativity. Cultivating a Positive Attitude; Building a Promising Future Apart from intellectual development, we hope to cultivate in our children a positive attitude towards life so that they can help themselves to become responsible and contributing members of society. We have applied to the Government to operate the Child Development Fund. Using our Ching Ho Integrated Services Centre in Sheung Shui as the base for this project, we would work with children from a disadvantaged background in Tai Po and North Districts, helping them to plan for their future. We will identify for each of the participating children their respective mentors who would assist them in drawing up their personal development plan and setting targets relating to education or vocational needs, followed up by provision of the necessary training programmes. Through these efforts, it is expected that these disadvantaged children would be able to have more personal development opportunities. On the same note, we also have plans to launch a Positive Youth Fund which will provide sponsorships to young people in realising their dreams, which may include publishing short stories, producing records or comic books, making handicrafts and web game design as well as performing. In parallel, we will launch the Capacity Building Programme for adolescent girls. This programme will involve the joint efforts of social workers, psychologists, medical professionals working as a team to design the most suitable services for our teenage girls and these could well include health check, group activities and individual counselling. These two projects aim to promote positive messages to our youngsters so that they are more ready to resist the bad influence in the society and be able to keep themselves away from deviant behaviours such as drug abuse, bullying, compensated dating, gambling and indulgence in net surfing. Concern for Women s Welfare; In line with the Po Leung Spirit The Kuk s objective is for the protection of the young and the innocent. Service for women has been one of the Kuk s earliest areas of work. At present the Kuk operates three of the five women s refuge centres funded by the Government. We will implement the Empowerment Programme for Women and Children to provide further support for the women and children in our centres. With the provision of more information and skills training, it is hoped that these women and children could find their own interests, develop their potential and broaden their outlook in life, which in turn would help them re-integrate into the society. Inauguration of Po Leung Kuk Board of Directors

27 庚寅年董事會主席呂鈞堯先生就職講辭 Inaugural Address of Mr Quincy K Y LUI, Chairman of the Board of Directors Home Care to Facilitate Ageing in the community The Kuk operates a number of elderly homes which provide residential and nursing care services. We also organise a variety of activities at our elderly centres to facilitate our elders to live an active and interesting life. Among the elders whom we contacted, many expressed their desire to stay at home and enjoy the care and support of family members and neighbours. However their carers may not always know the best ways to take care of the elders. To address the problem, we are going to launch a scheme which involves the provision of home care and medical services to the frail elders in the community by a group of visiting medical and para-medical professionals. The elders family members would also be trained on caretaking skills thus providing strong support to the elders who age at home. We also have plans to turn our Tin Ka Ping Rehabilitation Support Centre into a community rehabilitation day care centre which will provide day time caretaking, nursing, rehabilitation training and social activities for the physically and mentally challenged. Educational Services We operate over 100 educational services units with a student population of over 40,000. These children and youngsters are the future driving force of our social development. Hence in nurturing our young, we not only have to impart them with knowledge and skills, but also to cultivate their creative thinking and positive attitudes and develop their perserverance. All-round Education: Pillars of the Future For the year ahead, we will continue to provide leadership training to the students of our affiliated schools so as to build up their confidence, team spirit and sense of responsibility. Moreover, in taking forward our One Student, One Volunteer Service scheme, we will forge closer links between our schools and the various social services units (including ours) so that the students could have the opportunity to work in a wider spectrum of services and hence be able to gain a greater variety of experiences. We will in particular, encourage our students to apply what they have learnt whilst doing their volunteer work. These may include performing for the elders or taking up the liaison and logistical work in organising charitable events. Apart from bringing immediate benefits to the service recipients, the volunteer work would also enable the students to see it for themselves how their knowledge and skills could help others. Also, through their contact with people from different walks of life, they can have a better understanding and appreciation of the daily life of the disadvantaged. Through this experience, the students 26 保良局庚寅年董事會就職特輯

28 can learn to be more empathetic and tolerant. That is exactly what we expect of from our next generation. Multifarious Activities to Develop Students Talents We have put in a lot of resources in organising activities for our students. This year, we will organise a series of activities to promote English drama among our schools. These activities will integrate the elements of art and learning of a language which on one hand will stimulate students interest in learning English, on the other hand, will help uncover students talent in drama. It is planned that later in the year, we would organise inter-school drama shows or contests so that the students will learn from each other and improve together. There is also a plan to set up a Po Leung Kuk Orchestra with members from the best students of our affiliated schools. The Orchestra to be led by a good conductor, will undergo regular training and be given various performing opportunities. The Kuk will co-organise with the Education Bureau an international visual art competition cum exhibition in the year. The event will offer students an opportunity to showcase their talents and the local students a chance to meet and exchange with students overseas. Creativity can be applied to different aspects of our daily lives. This year, we plan to set up a Development Fund to promote innovation and technological development. We will encourage our students to put up proposals on technology, arts or any other subjects to bid for sponsorship under the Fund. Support to School to Enhance the Quality of Teaching In terms of teaching support, the Kuk will apply for funding from the government to engage additional educational psychologists for our affiliated schools, and to implement on-line learning plans to enhance teaching and learning. For our secondary schools, the Kuk will strengthen support for the teaching of liberal studies through organising joint-school study tours and visits, topical studies, forums and competitions. For our primary schools, we have just obtained a grant from the Quality Education (QE) Fund to implement an online platform to promote diversified assessment for the learning of science. For pre-school education, the Kuk will engage an external Inauguration of Po Leung Kuk Board of Directors

29 庚寅年董事會主席呂鈞堯先生就職講辭 Inaugural Address of Mr Quincy K Y LUI, Chairman of the Board of Directors consultant to carry out a review of the exisiting curriculum. We would also make best use of funding from QE Fund to implement a project to promote the language development of our young children through the use of Cantonese story teaching kits. Other than these projects, we will work closely with our schools so that we can provide timely assistance and support to meet their teaching needs. The quality of teachers is the key to our delivery of education services and we have always attached great importance to the professional development of our teaching staff. We will step up our support in this area by organising a series of seminars/talks on various subjects, with Legal knowledge on Campus as our first attempt to be followed by other topics including Designing School-based Curriculum and Financial Management, etc. Corporate Management Human Resources Development and Concern Apart from serving the community, the Kuk has great concern for the well-being of our own staff. The Kuk has a current workforce of over 6,000, mostly front-line workers including teaching staff in schools, nurses and care workers in our social services units. Other than daily routine work, many of them have to face with unexpected incidents in their dealings with students/service recipients. To ensure that they have a healthy body and a healthy mind to meet with the work challenges, the Kuk will tailor-make training activities for them to help relieve their work pressure, boost their enthusiasm in work and to enhance the working relationships among colleagues in the work place. Initiating Our Green Initiatives- Moving Towards a Green Organisation The Kuk promulgated its environmental policy last year and received funding support from the Environment and Conservation Fund in the amount of about $30 million to implement 71 environmental projects over a period of 3 years. For this year, we aim to concentrate on projects which mainly include green roofs, energy saving electrical appliances and renewable energy and food waste decomposer installations. In addition, the environmental projects at our two holiday camps which amount to over $13 million will also commence in the year. We will monitor closely the implementation of these projects. A consultant will also be engaged to advise us on how best to conduct carbon audits and to assess the overall effectiveness of our efforts. Such information would be useful for setting the future direction of our environmental protection work. 28 保良局庚寅年董事會就職特輯

30 Conclusion I am honoured to have the trust and support of my fellow colleagues to be elected as the Chairman for I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Board of and Chairman David HO for what they have achieved. I look forward to the continued support of the Government officials, our advisors, our predecessors and the public at large. I, together with my fellow board members, pledge to do our very best in serving the community in line with the fine traditions of Po Leung Kuk. Thank you very much. Inauguration of Po Leung Kuk Board of Directors

31 庚寅年董事會成員簡介 Introduction of Members of the Board of Directors 由左至右 : 顏金煒副主席, 鄭錦鐘副主席, 龐盧淑燕副主席, 呂鈞堯主席, 梁寶珠副主席, 陳永錕副主席 From left to right: MR K W NGAN (Vice-chairman), Dr Eric K C CHENG, MH, OStJ, JP (Vice-chairman), Mrs Dorothy S Y PONG ( Vice-chairman), Mr Quincy K Y LUI (Chairman), Ms Jacqueline P C LEUNG, Dr Patrick W K CHAN 主席 呂鈞堯先生 Chairman Mr Quincy K Y LUI 第一副主席 龐盧淑燕女士 First Vice-chairman Mrs Dorothy S Y PONG 第二副主席 梁寶珠女士 Second Vice-chairman Ms Jacqueline P C LEUNG 第三副主席 鄭錦鐘博士 Third Vice-chairman Dr Eric K C CHENG, MH, OStJ, JP 第四副主席 陳永錕博士 Fourth Vice-chairman Dr Patrick W K CHAN 第五副主席 顏金煒先生 Fifth Vice-chairman Mr Albert K W NGAN 30 保良局庚寅年董事會就職特輯

32 庚寅年董事會成員簡介 Introduction of Members of the Board of Directors 主席呂鈞堯先生 Mr Quincy K Y LUI Chairman Graduate of Simon Fraser University, Canada 加拿大西門菲沙大學畢業 Director of Hing Tai Hong Paper Ltd 興泰行洋紙有限公司董事 Director of Hing Tai (China) Paper Products Ltd 興泰 ( 中國 ) 紙品有限公司董事 Divisional Senior Vice President of Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Shamshuipo Kaifong Ambulance Division 香港聖約翰救傷隊深水埗街坊救護支隊高級副會長 Member of Young Entrepreneurs Organisation 香港青年企業家協會會員 Director of The World Organisation of Shenzhen and Dongguan Associations Ltd 世界深東社團聯會會董 Co-chairman of the Tang Shiu Kin and Ho Tim Charitable Fund Management Committee 鄧肇堅何添慈善基金管理委員會共同主席 Donor of Po Leung Kuk Grandmont Primary School Students Activity Centre 保良局錦泰小學學生綜藝活動中心捐款人 Honorary Patron of Po Leung Kuk Leadership Camp 保良局領袖紀律訓練營永遠榮譽贊助人 Director of Po Leung Kuk for the years , , & and Vice-chairman for the years , , & 保良局壬午 癸未 甲申及乙酉年總理, 丙戌 丁亥 戊子及己丑年副主席 Inauguration of Po Leung Kuk Board of Directors

33 庚寅年董事會成員簡介 Introduction of Members of the Board of Directors 副主席龐盧淑燕女士 Mrs Dorothy S Y PONG Vice-chairman 榮資有限公司董事 Director of Prosper Capital Ltd 香港仔敬老聯會首席榮譽會長 Principal Honorary Chairman of Association for the Elders of Aberdeen 香港仔婦女愛心協會榮譽會長 Honorary Chairman of Aberdeen Women Compassion Association 豐裕興業控股有限公司顧問 Consultant of L.P. Lammas Holdings Ltd 中山海外婦女聯誼會名譽顧問 Honorable Consultant of Chung Shan Overseas Friendship Association 仁愛堂龐盧淑燕幼稚園校監 Supervisor of Yan Oi Tong Pong Lo Shuk Yin Kidergarten 彩虹文娛義工服務團有限公司名譽會長 Honorary President of Rainbow Cultural & Recreational Volunteer Services Ltd 鄧肇堅何添慈善基金委員 Committee Member of Tang Shiu Kin and Ho Tim Charitable Fund 保良局壬午 癸未 甲申 乙酉 丙戌年總理, 丁亥 戊子及己丑年副主席 Director of Po Leung Kuk for the years , , , , and Vice-chairman for the years , & 保良局庚寅年董事會就職特輯

34 副主席梁寶珠女士 Ms Jacqueline P C LEUNG Vice-chairman Chairman of Poscelin Group Permanent President of Women s Welfare Club (Eastern District) Hong Kong Director of the 24 th Term Board of Directors of Yan Oi Tong Director, Head of Women Affairs Department, Shun Tak Fraternal Association 寶時年集團主席香港東區婦女福利會永遠會長仁愛堂第二十四屆董事局總理順德聯誼總會會董, 婦女部長 順德聯誼總會屬下三間幼稚園註冊校董 Honorary Vice President of Hong Kong Federation of Women Registered Director of The World Organisation of Shenzhen & Dongguan Association Vice President of Federation of Hong Kong Shenzhen Associates Ltd Board Member of Hong Kong Women Federation Representative of 10 th Guangdong Women s Federation Meeting Board Member of Guangdong Women s Federation Vice President of Chamber of Commerce of Guangzhou Foreign Investment Enterprises Consultant of the Overseas Friendship Association of Shenzhen Futian District Director of Foshan Overseas Friendship Association Honorary President of Jiangmen Women Overseas Friendship Association Honorary Vice President of Jiangmen Branch Red Cross Society of China Honorary President of Xinhui Children Welfare Association Director of Chung Shan Overseas Friendship Association Donor of HKU SPACE PO LEUNG KUK Community College Jacqueline Leung Po Chu Academic Floor Director of Po Leung Kuk for the years , , , , , & and Vice-chairman for the years & 香港各界婦女聯合協進會名譽副會長 世界深東社團聯會註冊會董 香港深圳社團總會副會長 港區婦聯代表聯誼會執委 廣東省婦女第十次代表大會港區特邀代表 廣東省婦女聯合會執委 廣東外商會副會長 深圳市福田區海外聯誼會顧問 佛山海外聯誼會理事 江門巿五邑婦女海內外聯誼會名譽會長 江門巿紅十字會名譽副會長 新會巿兒童福利會名譽會長 中山海外婦女聯誼會常務理事 港大保良社區書院梁寶珠教學樓層捐款人 保良局庚辰 辛巳 癸未 甲申 乙酉 丙戌及丁亥年總理, 戊子及己丑年副主席 Inauguration of Po Leung Kuk Board of Directors


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