絮!柑 戶2016 年 3 月 11 日祠中小企國際聯盟安老及殘疾聯會主席總社會工作主任 ( 康復及醫務社會服務 )1 總社會工作主任 ( 康復及醫務社會服務 )2 鈴

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1 社會福利署 Social Welfare Department SWD 178/980/ 香港灣仔皇后大道東 248 號陽光中心 15 樓 1508 室 殘疾人士院合牌照事務處 各殘疾人士院舍 / 康復服務單位主管 : 政府敔動寨卡病毒威染準備及應變計劃之戒備應變級別 通告 衛生署衛生防護中心現特函通知各院舍 / 單位有關政府於今日公布 寨卡病毒鳳染準備及應變計劃 ( 應變計劃 ), 闡述一旦寨卡病毒對公共衛生造成重大影響時的準備和應變 應變計劃按寨卡病毒影響香港和對市民健康影響的風險評估, 劃分戒備 嚴重及緊急三個應變級別, 以及相應的指揮架構和公共衛生應變措施, 方便向公眾清楚傳達風險水平 衛生署會密切留意全球和地區情況及專家意見, 並會因應最新的科研實證和發展, 不時評估風險, 敔動或解除應變級別, 並採取相應的防控措施 寨卡病毒感染是一種由寨卡病毒引起的蚊媒傳染病, 由於患者感染後沒有出現病徵的情況十分常見, 而本港亦存在可能的病媒白紋伊蚊, 故此一旦寨卡病毒傳人本港, 亦有本地傳播的風險 院舍屬人口密集的地方, 該中心呼籲各院舍 / 單位採取相應措施, 避免被蚊子叮咬及防止蚊蟲滋長, 詳情請參閱隨函夾附由該中心發出的通告 社會福利署署長 ( 馮淑文田代行, 副本送 : 各津助康復機構主管香港社會服務聯會總主任 ( 復康服務 ) 香港私營復康院舍協會主席

2 絮!柑 戶2016 年 3 月 11 日祠中小企國際聯盟安老及殘疾聯會主席總社會工作主任 ( 康復及醫務社會服務 )1 總社會工作主任 ( 康復及醫務社會服務 )2 鈴

3 監潤及流行病學處 領生防護中心 Cen 擁勿 rhu 隨 h 閱細中曲 保庫市民健廣 Protecting Hong Kong's health Surveillance And Epidemiology Branch 本署檔號 Our Ref.:(78) in DH SEB CD/8/97/1 Pt.4 致院劊宿舍主嘗鳳染控制主任 : 衛生署衛生防護中心現特函通知閣下政府今日公布 寨卡病毒感染準備及應變計劃 J( 應變計劃 ), 闡述一旦寨卡病毒對公共衛生造成重大影響時的準備和應變 應變計劃旨在制訂應變系統框架, 讓不同政府部門和相關機構得以協調, 按議定的機制採取行動, 減低寨卡病毒對本港公共衛生的影響 應變計劃按寨卡病毒影響香港和對市民健康影響的風險評估, 劃分戒備 嚴重及緊急三個應變級別, 以及相應的指揮架構和公共衛生應變措施, 方便向公眾清楚傳達風險水平 根據寨卡病毒威染的最新情況進行風險評估後, 政府同時敔動戒備應變級別 目前與本港可能有頻繁旅遊和貿易往來的國家或地區, 出現人類鳳染個案, 而世界衛生組織 ( 世衛 ) 已宣布把寨卡病毒威染列為國際關注的突發公共衛生事件, 並維持警示 衛生署會密切留意全球和地區情況及專家意見, 並會因應最新的科研實證和發展, 不時評估風險, 敔動或解除應變級別, 並採取相應的防控措施 開綴勁陝妒內 V 州陸翁蒼不負個眸結網膚及勰口喲鑲馮網啊露細 O 開 jj 顯目臘 h 口網嚇陴臼. 戶州勵細 j 螂由屆馴 馴購衫州州臘戶斤豳馴. 戶悶馴口訕閑 j 唱啊南 j 寨卡病毒感染是一種由寨卡病毒引起的蚊媒傳染病 此病主要透過受到威染的伊蚊叮咬而傳染給人類 病徵一般於被鳳染的蚊子叮咬後 2 至 7 天出現, 病徵包括發燒 皮疹 結膜炎 肌肉或關節疼痛和疲累而一般輕微及持續數天 大部分寨卡病毒鳳染並沒有病徵 目前並沒有治療寨卡病毒感染的藥物, 主要是透過症狀療法以妤緩不適 另外, 目前最受關注的是此病與懷孕的不良影響 ( 初生嬰兒出現小頭畸形 ) 和其他神經系統及自身免疫性的併發症如吉巴氏綜合症的潛在關係 就寨卡病毒威染的發展, 截至三月十日, 共有五十二個國家和地區自二零零七年錄得寨卡病毒在當地持續傳播或有間接證據顯示病毒流行以及三個國家出現可能經性接觸傳播的本地威染, 而沒有任何已知蚊媒 另外, 香洶九總亞贊老觀 147C 號 3 樓驕 J 仰 C 觔祖細馴啊喊輪開細, 細唱膩細唱

4 內地至今通報十二宗外地傳人寨卡病毒戚染個案 國際旅遊頻繁, 寨卡病毒傳人香港的風險一直存在 由於患者戚染後沒有出現病徵的情況十分常見, 而本港亦存在可能的病媒白紋伊蚊, 故此一旦寨卡病毒傳人本港, 亦有本地傳播的風險 學校和院舍等屬人口密集的地方, 中心呼籲貴機構採取以下措施, 避免被蚊子叮咬及防止蚊蟲滋長 : 穿著寬鬆 淺色的長袖上衣及長褲, 並於外露的皮膚及衣服上塗上含避蚊肢 (D EET) 成分的昆蟲驅避劑 採取其他關於戶外的預防措施 : 避免使用有香味的化妝品或護膚品 ; 依照指示重複使用昆蟲驅避劑 出外旅遊須知 外遊人士尤其是有免疫系統疾病或長期病患者, 於出發前往寨卡病毒持續傳播的地區 ( 受影響地區 )( gov hk/tc/ view content/43209.html( 只備英文版 )), 最少 6 個星期前, 諮詢你的醫生, 並應該採取額外的預防措施, 避免受到叮咬 如到受影響地區的郊外, 應帶備便攜式蚊帳, 並在蚊帳上使用氯菊酷 ( 一種殺蟲劑 ) 切勿將氯菊酷塗在皮膚上 如戚到不適, 應盡早求醫 外遊人士從受影響地區回來後 14 天內須繼續使用昆蟲軀避劑, 若感到身體不適, 如發燒, 應盡快求醫, 並將行程細節告知醫生 給懷孕婦女和計劃懷孕的女士的建議 懷孕婦女和計劃懷孕的女士應考慮延後到訪受影響地區 如必須前往這些地區, 出發前應徵詢醫生的意見 旅途中, 應採取適當避孕措施和時刻採取防蚊措施 旅程後, 如出現病徵, 則應求診並告知醫生外遊紀錄 計劃懷孕的女士從受影響地區返港後的 28 天內亦應繼續採取避孕措施 預防因性接觸傳染而出現不良懷孕後果的特別建議 * 孕婦應避免與曾到訪受影響地區的男伴發生性行為, 否則應使用安全套 從受影響地區回港的男性外遊人士, 應注意 :

5 不應與懷孕女伴發生性行為, 否則應在整段懷孕期間使用安全 套 ; 如女伴有機會懷孕, 應在回港後至少 6 個月內使用安全套 個島居肩訪瘡蘿士嚇態蒼家更多新 主教疲月 五 防止積水及避免蚊蟲滋生 每星期為花瓶換水一次 ; 每星期清理花盆底下的積水 : 緊蓋貯水器皿 ; 確保冷氣機底盤沒有積水 ; 把用完的罐子及瓶子放進有蓋的垃圾桶內 ; 應妥善存放食物及處理垃圾 請留意孕婦及 6 個月或以上的兒童可以使用含避蚊肢成分的昆蟲驅避劑, 關於使用昆蟲驅避劑的詳情和須注意的要點, 請參閱 使用昆蟲驅避劑的注意事項, 該文件可在以下網址瀏覽 : content/38927.html 更多有關寨卡病毒威染的疾病資訊和健康建議, 請瀏覽衛生防護中心專題網頁 : 加.gov.hk/tc/view contentl43o86.html 衛生防護中心總監 馴卞萬戶辭 伶 ( 二 州!, 生代行 ) 二零一六年三月十一日

6 監潤及流行病學處 衛生防護中心 Centre for Heal 也 Pmtection 保庫市民經廣 Protecting Hong Kongs health Surveillance And Ep 誠恤訕細群 B 日館 Ch 本署指號 Our Ref. :(76) in DH SEB CD/8/97/1 Pt.4 11 March 2016 Dear Managers/Infection Control Officers The Government Activates the Alert ResDonse Level of the PreDaredness and Resnonse Plan for Zika Virus Infection I write to inform you that today the Government has launched the Preparedness and Response Plan 戶 r Zika flrus Infection (the Plan). The Plan aims to provide a framework of response system for agreed and coordinated efforts among relevant government departments and organisations with a view to reducing the public health impact on Hong 勸叱 population due to Zika virus infection (ZVI). It adopts a three-tier response level system, including Al 州,Serious and Eme 屯 ency, with each level representing a graded risk of Zika virus affecting Hong Kong 面 dits health impact on the community. It defmes corresponding command structures and public health response measures, and serves as a tool for clear communication of the level of risk to the public. According to the risk assessment of the latest situation of ZVI, 也 e "Alert" response level has been activated today. Currently there are human cases occurring in countries/areas with possibilities of significant travel and trade with Hong Kong, while the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that Zika constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and is maintaining a global alert. We will closely monitor the global and regional situation as well as experts' views, and will assess the risk from time to time in view of the latest scientific evidence and situation, activate or deactivate the response level and implement corresponding measures. 州戶翻甲 衫織州臘 j 分山州鯽戶, 劉開曲閑.d 劇閑.d ZVI is a mosquito-borne disease caused by Zika virus. It is primarily transmitted to humans throu 少 bites from Aedes mosquitos. Symptoms typically begin 2-7 days after the bite of an infected mosquito. Most ZVI is asymptomatic. The most common symptoms of ZVI are fever and skin rash,, 洶九個亞惜老街奮磚寬號 ). 1 織 147C 觔口細馴開 d, 膩 綢以,h 閑擊閱

7 usually accompanied 勿 conjunctivitis, muscle or joint pain and general malaise. These are usually mild and last for a few days. There is no specific medication for the disease and symptomatic treatment is given to relief disc. major concern is the possible association with adverse outcome (microcephaly) and neurological and autoimmune complications such as Guillain-Barr syndrome. According to WHO, an increasing number of countries and territories have reported cases of ZVI. As of 10 March 2016, a total of 52 countries and territories have reported autochthonous (local) transmission or indication of transmission of Zika virus since 2007 and three with locally acquired infections probably through sexual contact in the absence of any known mosquito vectors. Moreover, 12 imported cases of ZVI have been confirmed in Mainland China so far. Due to extensive international travel, Hong Kong has a high risk of importation of cases of ZVI. As asymptomatic infection is very common and the potential vector, Aedes albopictus, is present locally, there is' also risk of local spread if Zika is introduced to Hong Kong. Schools and institutions are crowded places where we have much concern with the risk of ZVI. To prevent the disease, please be reminded to take the following preventive measures to protect from mosquito bites and help prevent mosquito proliferation. 1.To prevent mosquito-borne diseases, wear loose, light-coloured, long-sleeved tops and trousers, and use DEET-containing insect repellent on exposed parts of the bo 勿 and clothing. Take additional preventive measures when engaging in outdoor activities: Avoid using fragrant cosmetics or skin care products; Re-apply insect repellents according to instructions. 2. Special notes when travelling abroad: If going to areas with ongoing Zika virus transmission (affected areas) ( contentl43209.html), travellers, especially persons with immune disorders or severe chronic illnesses, should arrange a consultation with doctor at least 6 weeks before the trip, and have extra preventive measures to avoid mosquito bites;

8 During the trip, if travelling in rural affected areas, carry a portable bed net and apply permethrin (an insecticide) on it. Permethrin should NOT be applied to skin. Seek medical attention promptly if feeling unwell; Travellers who return' from affected areas should apply insect repellent for 14 days after arrival to Hong Kong. If feeling unwell e.g. having fever, should seek medical advice promptly, and provide travel details to doctor. 3. Special notes for pregnant women and women preparing for pregnancy: Pregnant women and women preparing for pregnancy should consider deferring their trip to affected areas. Those who must travel to any of 也 ese areas should seek medical advice from their doctor before the trip, adopt contraception if appropriate, strictly follow steps to avoid mosquito bites during the trip, and consult and reveal their travel history to their doctor if symptoms develop after the trip. Women preparing for pregnancy are advised to continue to adopt contraception for 28 days after returning from these areas. 4. Special notes for prevention of sexual transmission regarding potential adverse pregnancy outcome*: Pregnant lady should not have sex with her male partner who had travelled to affected areas, or else condom should be used. Any male traveller returning from affected areas should: abstain from sex with his pregnant partner, or else use condoms 如 oughout the pregnancy; use condoms for at least six months if his female partner may get 排 egnal 此 * This is a precaution and may be revised as more information becomes available. Individuals with 戶 rther concerns regarding potential sexual transmission of Zika virus should contact their doctor for advice. 5. Help prevent mosquito proliferation 勿 preventing accumulation of stagnant water and control! 魄 vectors and reservoir of the diseases: Change the water in vases once a week; Clear the water in the saucers under potted plants every week; Cover water containers tightly; Ensure air-conditioner drip trays are free of stagnant water; Put all used cans and bottles into covered dustbins;

9 Store food and dispose of garbage properly. You may wish to note that pregnant women and children of 6 months or older can use DEET-containing insect repellent. For details about the use of insect repellents and the key points to be observed, please refer to 'Tips for using insect repellents' at view_contentl38927.html. For latest information and health advice, please refer to the Centre for Health Protection's dedicated mini web contentl43o86.html. Yours faithfully, (Dr. SK CHUANG) for Controller, Centre for Health Protection Department of Health

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