Reading Corner Momo Momo Happy to cross the bridge In His / Her Words Mrs Henrietta Lam Director and General Manager, Team Deco International Limited

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1 Reading Corner Momo Momo Happy to cross the bridge In His / Her Words Mrs Henrietta Lam Director and General Manager, Team Deco International Limited Point of Interest Xiamen New World Xiangyu Terminals Co., Ltd Issue 28 July 2007 Excellent Service the Key to Success NWS Holdings Limited Infrastructure Service & Rental

2 02 MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR Contents Never-ending quest for service excellence 02 Message from the Editor 03 Cover Story 06 Reading Corner 07 In His/Her Words 08 Back to School 09 The Apprentice Sharing 10 Point of Interest 11 Achievements 12 NWSH Scope In building a strong service team to achieve service excellence, NWS Holdings ultimate aim is to create a world-class service brand. How can the Group ensure the highest level of service is maintained? What are the business opportunities that come with a distinguished corporate brand? In this issue Cover Story reviews how service excellence is pursued across the Group. Another highlight in the Cover Story is the NWSH Awards Presentation Ceremony 2007, an annual corporate event to encourage service excellence among staff members. Apart from focusing on service excellence, the Group also promotes open communication among senior managers to ensure the alignment of corporate strategy. The NWSH Management Conference 2007 was held successfully with the theme of Aligning Corporate Strategy, Sustaining Business Success. At the conference, group discussions were held about corporate strategies for the Group s future development. But that s not all. In the In His/Her Words column, Mrs Henrietta Lam, Director & General Manager of Team Deco, was invited to share with us her experience in making a career out of her personal interests. Back to School gives smart tips on business etiquette when meeting clients. In the Apprentice Sharing, two Management Officers and their mentors come up with behind-the-scene stories of event management. Point of Interest takes you on a cultural journey to Xiamen. With all the above colourful contents, this issue of New Voice is not to be missed! 14 Volunteering Bulletin 15 Sports & Recreation 16 Coming Soon 16 Quiz Editorial Board Maria Cheung ( Editor) C F Kwan Chris N Lam Elina Lam Joseph Chan Shelley Lo Frank Lam C K Kwong Bevis Leung 28/F New World Tower, 18 Queen s Road Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) Fax: (852) Website: Reporters Carol Ho Emily Chan Sophia Wong Kary Luk Shirlina Lee New Voice is published by NWS Holdings. Reproduction of any contents of this corporate newsletter requires proper acknowledgement. Company names Abbreviations Company names Abbreviations Company names Abbreviations Company names Abbreviations New World Development Company Limited New World China Land Limited NWS Holdings Limited NWS Holdings Charities Foundation Limited INFRASTRUCTURE WATER Sino French Water Development Company Limited The Macao Water Supply Co. Ltd. NWD NWCL NWS Holdings or the Group NWS Holdings Charities Foundation SFWD Macao Water PORTS NWS Ports Management Limited Xiamen New World Xiangyu Terminals Co., Ltd. SERVICE & RENTAL FACILITIES RENTAL Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre CONTRACTING Hip Hing Construction Company Limited NWSP Xiamen New World Xiangyu Terminals HML HKCEC Hip Hing CONTRACTING Team Deco International Limited NWS Engineering Group Limited TRANSPORT NWS Transport Services Limited New World First Bus Services Limited Citybus Limited Guangzhou New World Bus Services Limited New World First Ferry Services Limited OTHERS Urban Property Management Limited Team Deco NWSE Group NWS Transport NWFB Citybus GZNWB NWFF UPML OTHERS KLPS Group Limited Kiu Lok Property Services China Ltd. Beijing Kiu Lok Property Management Services Co. Ltd. Guangzhou Kiu Lok Property Services Co., Ltd. Uniformity Security Company Limited Wai Hong Cleaning & Pest Control Company Limited CiF Solutions Limited Hong Kong Island Landscape Company Limited KLPS KLPS China Beijing KLPS Guangzhou KLPS Uniformity Wai Hong CiF HKIL 28

3 封面故事 Cover Story 03 卓越服務企業支柱 Excellent Service the Key to Success 品牌是企業成功的一大要素, 各成員公司要切實提升服務質素和商譽, 將之融合在管理信念中 A reputable brand is essential to a company s success. The desire to strive for excellent performance should be reinforced in the management philosophy of all member companies. 球經濟發展蓬勃, 消費能力上升, 全顧客對服務的要求亦越來越高, 服務質素已成為企業致勝之道 新創建集團 深明卓越服務乃持續業務發展的重要基 礎, 致力建立卓越服務的品牌, 通過優秀 員工提供最佳服務 卓越服務承諾新創建集團時刻信守追求卓越的承諾, 致 力發揮各成員公司所長及協調資源, 贏取 顧客滿意, 建立卓越品牌, 此信念早已植 根於集團的使命和核心價值中 正如集團 行政總裁陳錦靈先生於新創建集團管理會 議 2007 上表示.. 品牌是企業成功的一大 要素, 各成員公司要切實提升服務質素和 商譽, 將之融合在管理信念中 員工增值優質服務的保證卓越服務由優秀的員工開始 集團 42,000 名員工各有專長, 要確保服務時刻維持於 最高水平, 培訓自不可少 集團的培訓及 發展部設計多元化培訓課程, 涵蓋管理技 巧 品質管理 顧客服務等, 確保管理階 層以至前線員工, 均能透過培訓持續增 值, 提供超越顧客期望的服務 突出品牌擴展優勢卓越服務除可贏取顧客滿意, 亦能進一步 提升品牌聲譽並帶來商機, 使盈利增長得 以持續 近年, 面對鄰近地區同業的競 爭, 由會展管理公司營運的會展中心, 憑 藉完善設施與豐富經驗, 得以保持世界級 會展場館的地位, 其中舉辦的展覽包括 2007 年 5 月的 第 12 屆亞洲國際食品及飲 料 酒店 餐廳及餐飲設備 供應及服務 展覽會 (HOFEX2007);2007 年 4 月在其 舉辦的 香港禮品及贈品展 2007, 更為全 球第二大的同類型展覽 優質服務信譽亦有助於集團在中國內地開 拓市場 會展管理公司於 2006 年 5 月在鄭 州成立合資公司管理鄭州國際會展中心 ( 鄭州會展中心 ), 以香港會展中心的國 際標準為藍本, 為鄭州會展中心培訓人 才, 使其服務和管理等軟件達至國際水 平 協興建築亦憑藉其優秀的建築技術和 管理經驗, 於澳門奪得數個大型賭場 酒 店和住宅項目 而新巴亦於 2006 年年底進 軍廣州市場, 與合資公司成立廣州新巴, 把優質管理和服務系統引進中國內地 要於競爭激烈的市場上立足, 集團持續提 升服務水平, 精益求精, 贏取顧客對其服 務和品牌的信心 新創建集團的優質服務 和企業成就廣受各界認同, 各成員公司因 而屢獲嘉許 ( 見表 ) Economic improvements in recent years have boosted consumption, resulting in a higher demand for service. Hence, service quality becomes crucial for a corporation to maintain its competitive edge. Relying on service excellence as the cornerstone of its business development, NWS Holdings strives to build a service provider brand, and provide superior service through our quality workforce. Commitment to service excellence NWS Holdings endeavours to pursue service excellence. A corporate culture of attaining total customer satisfaction and building a world-class service provider brand through synergies among member companies is embedded in the Group s mission and core values. As pointed out by Mr Chan Kam Ling, Chief Executive Officer of the Group, at the NWS Holdings Management Conference 2007, A reputable brand is essential to a company s success. The desire to strive for excellent performance should be reinforced in the management philosophy of all member companies. Quality workforce The Group s 42,000-strong workforce is committed to service of the highest quality. To this end, the Group values staff training to ensure the best service. The Group s Training and Development Department provides courses in management skills, quality management to customer service, etc. Training enables all our staff to elevate service standards to exceed customers expectations. Outstanding brand Customer satisfaction aside, service excellence can enhance brand reputation, which in turn brings business opportunities. The local convention and exhibition industry has faced keen competition from nearby areas in recent years. Managed by HML, HKCEC capitalizes on its outstanding facilities and solid experience to remain a preferred venue for such prestigious 公司 Company 獎項 Achievements 頒授機構 Awarded by 新創建集團 最佳創建品牌企業獎及優秀企業策略 香港生產力促進局 NWS Holdings Best Brand Enterprise Award and Outstanding Corporate Strategy Hong Kong Productivity Council 香港人力資源獎 2007 最佳人力資源團隊 及 最佳變化管理實務 獎 Best HR Team and Best Change Management Practices awards in Hong Kong HR Awards 2007 events as the HOFEX 2007 held in May 2007 and the Hong Kong Gifts and Premium Fair held in April 2007, which is the second largest of its kind worldwide. The Group s quality service and reputable brand have enabled it to capture business opportunities in the booming Mainland China market. HML set up a joint venture Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Centre in Zhengzhou in May 2006 to train the local staff and bring its service level up to international standards. With its outstanding building technics and management experience, Hip Hing secured various large-scale development projects in Macau, which include casinos, hotels and residential buildings. NWFB entered the Guangzhou market at the end of 2006 by setting up joint venture Guangzhou New World Bus Services Limited, bringing its quality management and system to the Mainland China market. To excel amongst fierce competition relies on continuous service improvement, so as to win customer satisfaction and confidence of the brand. NWS Holdings and its member companies have obtained numerous quality and corporate awards (refer to table) from various organizations, which testify to the wide recognition for our service quality and corporate achievements. Key Media International Limited 會展中心 最佳會議及展覽中心 第 17 屆 TTG 旅遊業大獎 HKCEC Best Convention & Exhibition Centre 17 th TTG Travel Awards 協興建築 優質建築大獎 優異獎 優質建築大獎 QBA 2006 Hip Hing Certificate of Merit in Non-residential Category Quality Building Award 2006 富城物業管理 企業品質管理證書 香港品質保證局 UPML Corporate Certificate Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency 僑樂 ( 中國 ) 2006 香港工商業獎..生產力及品質優異證書 香港生產力促進局 KLPS China Productivity and Quality Certificate of Merit Hong Kong Productivity Council NEW VOICE Issue 28

4 04 封面故事 Cover Story 集團致力確保卓越優質服務及非常重視員工的貢獻 員工維持高質素的服務, 努力不懈為集團及市民服務 集團於 2003 年推出 傑出員工選舉, 嘉獎員工持續優秀的工作表現, 標榜卓越服務作為集團核心價值, 並推動成員公司互相學習 新創建 卓越大賞 頒獎典禮 2007 已於 4 月 18 日隆重舉行, 以下是當日的盛況 傑出員工選舉 分香港 / 澳門及中國內地兩個組別, 甄選過程嚴謹, 候選人需經過成員公司的內部甄選, 再參加兩次由集團管理層組成的評審小組面試, 評審標準包括使公司獲益的傑出成就 管理技巧 工作熱誠 主動 進取程度 顧客服務技巧以及工作質素等 The Group is committed to upholding high standards of excellent service and staff performance. To enhance the performance management and commendation systems, the NWSH Outstanding Employee Grand Awards was introduced in Through the awards, the Group gives recognition to selected staff members for their consistently outstanding performance. Following are highlights of the fourth NWSH Awards Presentation Ceremony held on 18 April There are two categories: Hong Kong/Macau and Mainland China. Candidates have to go through an internal selection by their respective companies and two panel interviews conducted by the Group management. Selection for the awards is subject to the stringent criteria including contributions to the company, managerial skills, enthusiasm and motivation, customer service skills and job quality. 傑出員工大獎 香港 / 澳門 鑽石獎得主 Diamond Awardees of Outstanding Employee Grand Awards Hong Kong/Macau 經理級員工組別 Managerial staff 協興建築 經理 simon henry hojka 先生 Mr simon henry hojka, Manager of Hip Hing Simon 從事工程策劃多年, 設計既創新又合符環保的施工方法, 不斷改良工作流程, 使公司投得多個大型發展項目, 包括會展中心擴建工程及澳門壹號廣場 With years of experience in project planning, Simon excels in innovating environmentalfriendly construction methods and effecting improvements on work flow. Thanks to his excellent performance, Hip Hing secured large-scale development projects such as the Atrium Link Extension of HKCEC and One Central, Macau. 寫字樓員工組別 office staff 新渡輪 策劃及市場拓展主任伍曉中先生 Mr Ng hiu Chung, Planning and Marketing Officer of NWFF 伍曉中在活動策劃及廣告設計上表現卓越, 他負責的公司刊物 吃喝玩樂 GUIDE 廣受歡迎, 流通量達四萬份 Awarded for his outstanding performance in event planning and company advertising, Mr Ng is in charge of the company magazine Leisure Guide, which boasts a circulation of 40,000 and a wide distribution coverage. 前線員工組別 frontline staff 會展管理公司 金紫荊總廚雷佑榮先生 Mr Lui yau Wing, Head Chef of Golden Bauhinia of HML 雷佑榮師傅憑著高超的廚藝, 在香港旅遊發展局舉辦的美食之最大賞 2006 酸甜 及 蒸 比賽組別均獲得至高榮譽金獎, 為會展中心及其金紫荊粵菜廳帶來美譽 With Mr Lui s innovative ideas, HKCEC garnered Gold with Distinction Awards in two categories of the Best of the Best Culinary Awards 2006 organized by the Hong Kong Tourism Board. The awards generate goodwill for HKCEC and its Golden Bauhinia Restaurant. 傑出員工大獎 中國內地 鑽石獎得主 Diamond Awardees of Outstanding Employee Grand Awards Mainland China 經理級員工組別 Managerial staff 武漢機場路發展有限公司 總經理助理南振暉先生 Mr Nan Zhenhui, General Manager Assistant of Wuhan Airport Road Development Ltd. 南振暉在人事改革工作中表現卓越, 透過員工職務的整合和賞罰制度, 提升公司的營運效率, 並建立高質素的監控部門, 有效提高收費工作的準確性和廉潔性 Operational efficiency of the company is enhanced through integration of staff s work and implementation of the incentive/penalty system initiated by Mr Nan, who also set up a highly efficient Supervision Department that improves the accuracy and probity of the toll-collection process. 寫字樓員工組別 office staff 廣州北環高速公路有限公司 收費站站長管峻先生 Mr guan Jun, Toll Station Master of Guangzhou Northring Freeway Company Limited 管峻於車流量非常大又不穩定的管理站工作 ; 他推行了一系列車流疏導的改善計劃, 又借鏡防洪指標, 制定了三級的車流疏導應急方案, 使車流在黃金周期間得以保持暢順 Facing the heavy and unstable traffic flow, Mr Guan implemented a series of vehicle regulating plans, including one to cope with the enormous traffic flow during the Golden Week. 前線員工組別 frontline staff 廣州北環高速公路有限公司 主管工程師劉潤陽先生 Mr Liu runyang, Engineer-in-charge of Guangzhou Northring Freeway Company Limited 劉潤陽積極投入橋樑和路面的監管及維修工作, 他研究出改善計劃, 令維修成本大幅降低 Experienced in the supervision and maintenance work of the bridges and roadways, Mr Liu devised an improvement plan which substantially reduced maintenance costs. 得獎名單 Winners 新語世說第 28 期 香港 / 澳門 hong Kong / Macau 鑽石獎 Simon Henry Hojka 協興建築 Diamond Award Hip Hing 經理級員工組別 金獎 杜妙儀 會展管理公司 Managerial Staff Gold Award To Miu Yee HML 銀獎 馮家輝 新創建交通 Silver Award Fung Ka Fai NWS Transport 鑽石獎伍曉中新渡輪 Diamond Award Ng Hiu Chung NWFF 寫字樓員工組別 金獎 陳麗兒 新創建集團 Office Staff Gold Award Chan Lai Yi NWS Holdings 銀獎 李敬喬 城巴 Silver Award Lee King Kiu Citybus 鑽石獎雷佑榮會展管理公司 Diamond Award Lui Yau Wing HML 前線員工組別 金獎 郭劍鳴 新巴 Frontline Staff Gold Award Kwok Kim Ming NWFB 金獎 葉紹光 協興建築 Gold Award Yip Siu Kwong Hip Hing 中國內地 Mainland China 鑽石獎南振暉武漢機場路發展有限公司 Diamond Award Nan Zhenhui Wuhan Airport Road Development Ltd. 經理級員工組別 金獎 陳曄 僑樂房產服務集團有限公司 ( 北京項目 ) Managerial Staff Gold Award Chen Ye Beijing Kiu Lok Real Estate Management Services Co. Ltd. 銀獎 馬一軍 廣州市威俊停車場管理有限公司 Silver Award Ma Yijun Regent Parking (Guangzhou) Limited 鑽石獎管峻廣州北環高速公路有限公司 Diamond Award Guan Jun Guangzhou Northring Freeway Company Limited 寫字樓員工組別 金獎 吳辛怡 新創機電工程有限公司 ( 上海分公司 ) Office Staff Gold Award Wu Xinyi NWS Engineering Limited (Shanghai Office) 銀獎顧杰京珠高速公路廣珠段有限公司 Silver Award Gu Jiejuan Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway Guangzhou-Zhuhai Section Co. Ltd 鑽石獎劉潤陽廣州北環高速公路有限公司 Diamond Award Liu Runyang Guangzhou Northring Freeway Company Limited 前線員工組別 金獎 楊金鐲 肇慶粵肇公路有限公司 Frontline Staff Gold Award Yang Jinzhuo Zhaoqing Yuezhao Expressway Co., Ltd. 銀獎 余健玲 京珠高速公路廣珠段有限公司 Silver Award Yu Jianling Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway Guangzhou-Zhuhai Section Co. Ltd

5 COVER STORY 05 To coincide with the fifth anniversary of NWS Volunteer Alliance, various Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ) awards for volunteers and member companies were also presented by Dr Cheng Kar Shun, Henry, Chairman of the Group and Mr Doo Wai Hoi, William, Deputy Chairman. To encourage work-life balance, the NWSH Sports Yearly Grand Award 2006 was presented at the ceremony. And the team members who had achieved first runner-up in the Half Marathon category of Corporate Challenge at the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2007 were recognized. NWSH Caring Day 2007 Most Outstanding Project Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award Best Use of Business Expertise Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award Most Participative Award KLPS Snapshots Awardees of NWS Volunteer Alliance 4 5 Mr Doo Wai Hoi, William, Deputy Chairman of the Group (centre) pictured with the six Highest Accumulative Service Hours volunteers. As core members of our corporate volunteer team, the six awardees have each accumulated over 250 service hours over the past five years. Highest Accumulative Service Hours Ho Yin Wah, Bernadette Ip Wai Ching, Cesario Lau Tak Wa Yu Pui Chi, Fanly Cheung Suet Fan, Joey Lai Chun Tung UPML Hip Hing NWFB Hip Hing Wai Hong NWFB Six core members of the Hair-styling volunteer team who have provided haircut service for the elderly residents of Care & Services, H.K.S.K.H Tsz Wan Shan Day Care Centre for the Elderly and Po Leung Kuk District Elderly Community Centre since 2003, with accumulated haircut service hours exceeding 650 hours. Core Members of Hair-styling volunteer team Lam Wing Lok Ng Kai Shing Chan Tak Wah, Eddy Ko Siu Ying, Amy Fung You Yee Shiu Yuk Ying, Amy NWFB NWFB NWFB NWFB Hip Hing Citybus 1. Audiences enjoying the wonderful performance by staff of the Corporate Office and SBUs. 2. Mr Li Chan Wing (right), the master of ceremonies, sharing his management tips with one of our executive directors The Group achieved satisfactory results for the very first year it participated in the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2007, with the NWSH Team granted the Most Supportive Group Award and another participating team awarded first runner-up in the Half Marathon category of Corporate Challenge. 4. UPML staff performance. See how energetic they are! 5. NWS Volunteer Alliance volunteers performing on stage. 6. The mentors and the mentees of the School Business Mentorship Programme pictured with Mr Tsang Yam Pui, Executive Director of the Group (centre) The NWSH Sports Yearly Grand Award 2006 was presented to UPML, which had actively participated in various sports and recreational activities organized by the Group. 6 7 NEW VOICE Issue 28

6 06 READING CORNER Joy of reading for parent and child Guest of Reading Corner: Mr Patrick Lam, Executive Director of NWS Holdings Recommended book: Momo Happy to Cross the Bridge Book : Momo Momo Momo Happy to Cross the Bridge Publisher : MOMO Family HK Publishing Co., Ltd. Synopsis: This series of four picture books is suitable for readers aged 3 to 12. The book contains 28 short stories about Momo, the main character, and his friends. Each story consists of four to six illustrations. Reading tips are provided at the end of the book. R : Reporter R : L : R : L : L : Mr Patrick Lam Why would you recommend this book to our readers? This is a good read for kids, not only because the stories are interesting. Parents can also use this book to enhance their children s creativity. This picture book consists of mainly illustrations. With pictures, kids can use their imagination to finish the stories. Parents can also encourage their children to tell a story by describing the pictures. This can train their speech, communication and organization skills. Is it difficult to read a book with only illustrations but no words? There are few stories in this book readers may find difficult to understand simply by reading the illustrations. Though there are R : L : R : L : reading tips provided at the end of the book, I seldom use them. I believe there is no right or wrong in story telling. Without words as guidance, there is more room for imagination. Children can create a story by themselves. You can teach your children common sense by asking questions related to the stories. Moreover, the moral lessons in the stories, such as it is not right to damage public property, should not be difficult for kids to comprehend. Do you read books with your daughter regularly? How is parent-child reading good for you and your child? I read a story book with my daughter before going to work every morning. We have had this habit for five years already. Take Momo Happy to Cross the Bridge for example, we read two stories every day and each of us will tell a story. With parent-child reading my daughter and I have become closer. It also helps her get into the habit of reading. How can parents encourage their children to make a habit of reading out of so many different kinds of activities to choose from? Allowing kids to choose their favourite books can encourage them to read more. When my daughter and I read books, we would follow the story and add in facial expressions and gestures, which help us to be involved in the story. I would also suggest using a question-answer approach to reading a book so that children can get more engaged in the process. Intimacy between parents and us What would spring to mind when it comes to Mother s Day or Father s Day? On 28 May 2007, NWSH Reading Club invited four guests to share with us their love for their parents. Betty Wong, Centre-In-Charge of Heep Hong Society (Wan Chai Centre) Heep Hong Society published its first book that compiled stories written by parents with disabled children. While the parents may not be professional authors, their sincerity is enough to move every reader. Irene, one of the authors of When writing the story about how I nurtured my son, tears welled up in my eyes. Though I suffered again, I learnt to be brave and share my experience with others. published by Heep Hong Society, Heep Hong Parent Association, January Sandy So, mastermind of People nowadays overlook the importance of expressing love, like these 13 authors who have lots to share with their parents but have kept to themselves. Therefore, I published this collection of love stories between our parents and us so as to help the authors and readers learn to love. Maria Cheung, Senior Manager Corporate Communication of NWS Holdings (one of the authors of ) The book lets me reveal some of my innermost thoughts on my father. Looking back on my childhood, I found the opportunities I had missed to express my love for him. Hope these stories can touch readers and remind them to treasure the time with their parents. published by Intelligence Publication Limited, May All proceeds will go to Senior Citizen Home Safety Association. 28

7 員工新語 IN HIS/HER WORDS 07 當興趣遇上專業 Designing with a passion 崇藝設計顧問有限公司董事及總經理林李穎嫻女士 Mrs Henrietta Lam Team Deco International Limited Director and General Manager 興趣很重要 無論你天份有多高, 工作中難免會遇到挫折 我對設計的興趣和熱誠讓我積極面對困難, 克服難題 Interest is important. No matter how talented you are, there are always difficulties at work which may frustrate you. My passion for design motivates me to tackle problems with a positive attitude. 內設計是一門專業, 從業員要有創室意, 有品味, 時尚觸覺亦不可少 但崇藝設計董事及總經理林李穎嫻女士跟我們分享, 只要有興趣, 事事留意, 人人也可以當室內設計師 工作動力 對於設計, 我沒有天份, 但甚有興趣 中學時要設計壁報 義賣攤位, 我總是第一個報名參加 創意 興趣和技巧都是從中培養出來的 林太對設計的熱誠是工作最大的推動力 興趣很重要 無論你天份有多高, 工作中難免會遇到挫折 我對設計的興趣和熱誠讓我積極面對困難, 克服難題 最難得是寓工作於興趣 林太笑說 記得有一個示範單位項目, 只得一天時間籌備記者會, 但佈置材料遲遲未送到 最後公司總動員通宵趕工, 甚至家人也自動請纓幫上忙, 終於趕在限期前完成 林太深受同事的團隊精神鼓舞 另外, 新創建集團也給予支持和很大的自由度, 讓我們可以盡情發揮 靈感來源每天絞盡腦汁為客戶設計獨一無二的裝潢, 林太何來創作靈感? 可會怕有一天靈感會消失? 身邊的一事一物都是最佳的靈感 簡單如街市菜檔的擺設, 也要經過設計和安排 只要我們以不同的角度欣賞身邊的人和事, 便會發現靈感無處不在 林太分享道 現在的資訊發達, 我只怕是靈感太多, 來不及消化 現在喜歡按個人品味設計自己安樂窩的人越來越多, 林太認為這更能切合個人需要 一些傑出的設計, 不一定是專業設計師的手筆 外行人沒有框框的限制, 富創意的構思更教人驚喜 當然, 你也需要有一定的觸覺和品味 ; 光有天馬行空的點 子, 也未必能成事 林太建議讀者先提出自己的設計概念和要求 採用物料和支出預算等, 讓設計師給予專業意見和落實執行, 這樣便能事半工倍 設計使命室內設計既要時髦美觀, 又要舒適 但林太認為不少人忽略了歷久常新的重要 室內設計和時裝不同, 穿了不合適的衣服可以換下來, 但設計不好則不能隨便拆下來 設計和物料經得起時間考驗, 才算是好設計 近年中國內地大小基建紛紛落成, 室內設計需求甚殷, 市場競爭大了, 亦提供了兩地設計行業的交流機會 林太會不時到世界各地參觀博覽會, 吸收行業新資訊, 以確立市場優勢 Are creativity and good taste the only prerequisite for success in the design profession? Not so for Mrs Henrietta Lam, Director and General Manager of Team Deco, who owes her success to a passion for design and a keen awareness of the surroundings around her. Passion for design I am not talented in design yet I am interested in it. I used to design the school 林太從設計書中獲得不少靈感 Mrs Lam reads up on interior design reference books for inspiration. notice boards and bazaar game booths, which was how I cultivated my creativity and design skills. A passion for design motivated Mrs Lam at work. Interest is important. No matter how talented you are, there are always difficulties at work which may frustrate you. My passion for design motivates me to tackle problems with a positive attitude. Nothing beats turning your interest into your career! enthused Mrs Lam. We once worked on a show flat project to a tight schedule. Preparing for the press conference to be held the next day, the whole team and even their family members took their initiatives to work overnight to decorate the show flat, and finished everything in time. Mrs Lam was highly motivated by such a team spirit. I am also glad that Team Deco is fully supported and given a free hand by NWS Holdings. Sources of inspiration To a designer, there is inspiration everywhere. Even a display of vegetables in a wet market involves design. Try to appreciate things from a fresh angle and you will find inspiration, said Mrs Lam. The problem is there is too much inspiration in this age of information. I doubt if we can digest all of it. Nowadays, people tend to design their own homes according to their own taste and needs. Many outstanding designs are not necessarily the works of designers. Even a novice can come up with creative ideas. But creativity alone won t do the trick, said Mrs Lam. To save yourself the hassle, always tell your designer your ideas, requirements, materials and budget in advance, suggested Mrs Lam. The design mission While comfort and style are most clients basic requirements, Mrs Lam reminded us of the value of long-lasting design. You simply can t change interior design the way you do fashion. A good design is a long-lasting one. There is a rising demand for interior design service in Mainland China. To maintain the competitive edge of Team Deco, and to keep abreast with the market trends, Mrs Lam frequently attends design expos. 林太 ( 後排右四 ) 和同事於 創建社區關懷日 2007 到幼稚園進行義工服務 Mrs Lam (fourth from right, back row) and her volunteer team-mates enjoyed their visit to a kindergarten on the NWSH Caring Day NEW VOICE Issue 28

8 08 BACK TO SCHOOL It pays to know your business etiquette professional and reliable image to your clients and business partners. Statistics show that contents only account for 7% while body language accounts for 55% among different communication elements! 55% 7% 38% Proper business etiquette helps cultivate personal relationships and project a Mr Chan will now go through with you the points to note when meeting with your clients. Handshake Exchanging business cards A handshake is the most common etiquette when people first meet. It is a simple gesture but is indeed not as easy as you may think. Useful tips Smile and maintain good eye contact when shaking hands. Always shake hands with your right hand, even if you are a left-hander. Keep the other person literally at arm s length. What should we pay attention to when exchanging business cards? Apply a moderate grip. Do not grip too long. Around three seconds will do. Your palm should not be too cold or sweaty. Wipe your hands with a tissue paper beforehand if your palms sweat profusely. If you know the other person well, you may step up closer, hold his/her hand longer and shake it several times. Let the hosts, senior people or ladies hold their hand out first for the guests, junior people and gentlemen to shake. Business cards should be offered and accepted with both hands, with the writing facing the other person. If both of you hand out business cards at the same time, you can accept the other person s card with your left hand while offering yours with your right hand. If you do not know how to pronounce the other person s name on the business card, clarify with him/her politely. Body language Taking hints from body language can help you convey a professional image and read your clients mind, hence facilitating your communication. The finer points of etiquette Frowning Playing with pen Glancing at the clock or watch frequently Gazing around Crossing arms or putting hands in pockets Tapping fingers or pen on desk Leaning backward Tapping foot Leaning forward Maintaining eye contact Smiling Nodding Taking the elevator: When taking the elevator with your client, hold the door and let him/her enter and/or exit the elevator first. On the phone: Remember to smile when you talk on the phone so that your tone will sound more friendly. Not interested in the topic; impatient Disrespectful; unattentive Interested in the topic; respectful Introducing people: When introducing two parties, always first introduce the guest to the host, the junior person to the senior, and the gentleman to the lady. 28

9 THE APPRENTICE SHARING 09 A backstage view of event management In this issue of the Apprentice Sharing, our guests will share with us their behind-the-scene stories about event management. Mentors and Management Officers interviewed: / Mentors / Management Officers (Raymond) Raymond To (Elina) Elina Lam (Annie) Annie Lam (Dennis) Dennis Ng Position (Annie ) Director & Acting Group General Manger, KLPS (Mentor of Annie) (Dennis ) General Manager of Human Resources, NWS Holdings (Mentor of Dennis) Management Officer, NWS Holdings Management Officer, NWS Holdings From left to right : Annie, Raymond, Elina and Dennis Training progress presentations and various corporate events give the mentors and mentees ample opportunities for sharing. In an amicable relationship, exchanges between Elina and Dennis are not limited to work, but include daily life as well. Reporter: Would you tell us something about your involvement in organizing corporate events? Dennis: Take NWSH Fun Day 2007 as an example, I coordinated with inhouse departments as well as worked closely with outside parties. When the Group organized the first NWSH Awards Presentation Ceremony in 2006, the programme rundown and other arrangements were all challenges to me. All this has given me invaluable experiences in event management. Annie: I was in charge of marshalling the awardees at the NWSH Awards Presentation Ceremony. This year, I was given an opportunity to interview them for a video show at the ceremony. Besides, as a member of the Senior Management Outing organizing committee in 2006, I learnt a lot throughout the preparations for the Macau visit. Reporter: Among various roles you have played in the corporate events, which have been the most challenging? How have you coped? Dennis: As an organizer, I think effective allocation of human resources is the key. No matter how smart a leader is, one cannot complete a task successfully alone. Corporate events are teamwork, it takes effective communication to deliver the best results. Annie: The deadline is always the challenge. A clear schedule and progress meetings keep you on top of things, while 100% devotion enables you to face the challenges with ease. As the organizer of practising sessions for the Group s basketball competitions, I found colleagues took pride in their devotion and sportsmanship despite losing the games. Reporter: Would you share with us your views and experiences as an organizer of corporate events? Elina: A variety of corporate events help build up a dynamic image of the Group, which is a perfect match for our diversified businesses. And senior management s support plus the SBUs active participation increase the cohesion within the Group. Event management usually takes over two to three months, which can be stressful. However, seeing the happy faces of the participants gives me the greatest satisfaction. Raymond encourages management officers to talk to him any time, while Annie agrees this facilitates a mutual flow of ideas. Raymond: The VIP list is the greatest headache, for whatever event. Designing the seating plan and the programme takes great tact while a contingency plan is a must. Similarly, at the Group s investment seminar held in March 2007 at New World Centre Plaza, where over 700 audiences showed up, it took great flexibility on our part to arrange for the additional chairs. With an aim to further promote and publicize NWS Holdings and SBUs to university graduates, the Management Officer Training Programme ( MOTP ) Brochure was launched in April 2007 to attract high-calibre graduates to join the Group as the next generation of business leaders. The brochure, currently available on company intranet, will be posted on the MOTP website and career websites of local and overseas universities. Hard copies will also be distributed to career centres of local universities. NEW VOICE Issue 28

10 10 熱 點 速 遞 POINT OF INTEREST 廈門文化之旅 A Cultural Journey to Xiamen 提文化發源地之一 文化遺產豐厚 今期 熱點速遞 就由廈門象 起廈門這個地方 你會想到什麼? 不說不知 原來廈門是閩南 同安區 Tong an District 嶼新創建碼頭的同事帶領我們展開廈門文化之旅! X iamen is the place where Minnan culture originates from. In this issue of Point of Interest, we are thrilled to have colleagues from Xiamen New World Xiangyu Terminals to take us on a cultural journey to Xiamen. 集美區 Jimei District 翔安區 Xiang an District 集美學村 Jimei School Village 湖裡區 Huli District 海滄區 Haicang District 思明區 Siming District 鼓浪嶼 Gulangyu 廈門象嶼新創建碼頭 Xiamen New World Xiangyu Terminals. 南普陀寺 Nanputuo Temple 廈門市地圖 Map of Xiamen 遊歷觀光 體驗信仰 鼓浪嶼 廈兩個地方尤其體現當地的宗教文化 南普陀寺 B 南普陀寺位於五老峰山下 主祀 觀音 名聞全國 寺院規模宏 Sightseeing around the city Xiamen s religious relics 門居民大多信奉佛教和基督教 以下 Gulangyu 特色 值得一遊 鼓出發 只需五分鐘船程即可到達 鼓浪嶼曾為公共租界 島 浪嶼是廈門的旅遊熱點 國內外旅客絡繹不絕 由渡輪碼頭 上建築物風格中西合璧 有 萬國建築博覽 的美譽 小島更是音 樂的沃土 島上鋼琴擁有密度為全國之冠 此外 島上鄭成功 紀念館所在為鄭成功當年屯兵駐紮之地 為環保起見 島上禁 用汽油車 空氣格外清新 uddhism and Christianity are the two most popular religions in Xiamen. The following religious relics are particularly worth a visit. 大 佔地25.8萬平方米 寺內天王 殿 大雄寶殿 大悲殿及藏經閣依 山興建 雄偉壯觀 T 1 he Nanputuo Temple of national fame is situated at the foot of Wulao Peak. Occupying an area of 258,000 sq m, the imposing structure comprises main buildings located on the side of the surrounding hills. G ulangyu is a famous scenic spot in Xiamen, which can be reached by taking a five-minute boat trip from the pier. On the island there are all kinds of architectural styles, mixing East with West. The island also boasts a chart-topping piano possession rate in the country. The well-endowed Zheng Chenggong Memorial Hall is well worth a visit too. The air is pristine, thanks to the ban of gasoline vehicles on the island. Nanputuo Temple 南普陀寺的主要建築物 天王殿(左) 及萬壽塔(右) Two main buildings of Nanputuo Temple. 2 1 島上矗立鄭成功塑像 民間流傳自安放塑像後 廈門從 未受過颱風侵襲 The statue of Zheng Chenggong, which is said to have been effective in warding off the threat of typhoon to Xiamen ever since its erection. 新街堂 Xinjie Church 採羅馬式建築 於1982年列為廈門市文物保護單位 L ocated at Taiguang Street of Xiamen City, Siming District, Xinjie Church (also known as China s First Church ) is China s first Protestant church. Designed in Roman style, the church was listed as a historical relic in 島上風光明媚 An enchanting view of Gulangyu. 3 小島擁有全亞洲最大的鋼琴博物館 The piano museum on the island is the largest of its kind in Asia. 3 新街堂位於廈門市中心思明區台光街 是中國首座供華 人做禮拜的基督教堂 有 中華第一聖堂 之稱 教堂 新街堂外貌 Xinjie Church. 民間美食 集美學村 A taste of the local snack Jimei School Village 土筍凍 集建築物中西風格共冶一爐 別樹一 美學村是學府和文化機構匯聚之地 Sea Worm Jelly 幟 村內龍舟池每逢端午節都舉行龍舟競 賽活動 好不熱鬧 土泥中的沙蟲 加入各種醬油 蒜蓉 辣椒絲等配 筍凍是廈門的風味小吃 土筍是一種生長在海灘 J imei School Village is where you can find all kinds of schools and cultural institutions. The architectural style of the village is characterized by East meets West. When it comes the Dragon Boat Festival, the dragon boat race at Longzhou Pond in Jimei draws in the crowds. 新語世說第 28期 料 再經泡 壓 煮後冷卻凝成凍狀即成土筍凍 旅客 實不容錯過如此饒具當地特色的風味小吃 集美學村一景 A view of Jimei School Village. S ea worm jelly is a typical local snack in Xiamen. Sea worms caught from beaches are braised, then mixed with different sauces, garlic and chili, and finally cooled into a jellylike substance. There you have the sea worm jelly! A delicious local snack not to be missed the next time you travel to Xiamen!

11 ACHIEVEMENTS 11 NWS Holdings annual report won international awards The NWS Holdings Annual Report 2006 won the Gold Award in the category of Cover Design Annual Report of the 17 th International Astrid Awards held in April 2007 and also garnered the Bronze Award in Annual Reports: Conglomerate in the 18 th Galaxy Awards in June With the theme of Sustaining Solid Growth, the annual report has six transparent frames on the cover represent the Group s diversified businesses and the transparency of corporate governance. Both awards are organized by MerComm, Inc., which attract over 1,000 entries. The worldrenowned Astrid Awards has been established to promote creativity in the various fields of design. Award winners are selected through adjudication by a judging panel comprising of designers from all over the world, which ensures the competition s long-standing impartiality and integrity. The Galaxy Awards recognizes marketing excellence. NWS Holdings and UPML garnered branding awards NWS Holdings garnered Hong Kong HR Awards 2007 With its outstanding performance in human resources management, the Group garnered Best HR Team and Best Change Management Practices awards at the Hong Kong HR Awards 2007 held on 22 June To enhance the overall performance of the Group, the human resources team of the Corporate Office has continued to strive for better performance, implementing various human resources policies which are in line with the Group s expanding business and keeping abreast of the changing business environment. Organized by Key Media International Limited, a leading multi-media publisher worldwide, the Hong Kong HR Awards 2007 are meant for companies with remarkable performance in different human resources aspects. Around 50 major corporations entered this year. Judging criteria include effectiveness of human resources initiatives, innovative capability in management, and team contributions towards productivity enhancement. At the Best Brand Enterprise Award 2007 (Greater China) organized by the Hong Kong Productivity Council on 8 June 2007, NWS Holdings was presented with the Best Brand Enterprise Award and Outstanding Corporate Strategy while UPML received The Best Brand Enterprise award. The annual event is held to honour enterprises with outstanding achievements in brand building and management. The event attracted over 100 participating enterprises from Hong Kong and Mainland China. The judging criteria include organizational growth and self development, corporate strategy and management decision making system, leadership and corporate culture, corporate innovation management as well as corporate brand building and management. NWS Holdings reaped Eco-Office Award NWS Holdings garnered Eco-Office Award in the Prime Awards for Eco-Business 2007 organized by Prime Magazine on 26 April 2007 in recognition of the environmental protection measures implemented by the Group and its member companies. Date Awards Granted by NWCL 1 3/ Top 10 China Property Top 10 Research NWCL was elected as one of the top 10 potential Group property developers in the Potential Property Developers of Mainland China 2007 UPML 5/ Environmental Protection New World Tower in Central managed by UPML Department was awarded the Good Class Indoor Air Quality Certificate KLPS 4/2007 The Mei Hua Village subdistrict King Tai Center managed by Guangzhou KLPS office in Yuexiu district of received the award of Mei Hua Village Guangzhou Comprehensive Treatment Task Center Workstation in Yuexiu District of Guangzhou NEW VOICE Issue 28

12 12 集團內望 NWSH SCOPE 新世界 / 哈佛肯尼迪政府學院培訓計劃 New World/Harvard Kennedy School of Government Fellows Programme 世界集團與國家外國專家局 ( 外專局 ) 於新 2007 年 4 月 19 日再次簽訂 新世界 / 哈佛肯尼迪政府學院培訓計劃, 以表示對國家人才培訓工作的支持 從 2007 年起至 2009 年為止的三年培訓計劃由外專局季允石局長與新世界集團董事總經理鄭家純博士簽訂 在中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室 中國國際人才交流協會 京港人才交流中心 新世界集團的代表見證下, 簽約儀式順利完成 新世界集團對支持國家人才培訓的工作一向不遺餘力,1998 年與外專局及美國哈佛大學肯尼迪學院簽定協議, 建立 新世界 / 哈佛肯尼迪政府學院培訓計劃, 從此每年保送 12 至 15 名表現卓越的中國領導幹部, 到哈佛大學參加為期四個月的院士研究課程及為期三至六星期的行政人員進修課程 九年來, 已有約 120 位優秀領導官員透過此計劃體驗了國際水平的專業培訓, 他們都對課程作出高度評價 In support of training talent in Mainland China, New World Group and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs ( SAFEA ), PRC signed a new agreement for New World/Harvard Kennedy School of Government Fellows Programme. At the signing ceremony held on 19 April 2007, Mr Ji Yunshi, General Director of SAFEA and Dr Cheng Kar Shun, Henry, Managing Director of New World Group co-signed a new three-year agreement for the programme from 2007 to New World Group has long been dedicated to the grooming of talent in Mainland China. New World Group signed an agreement with SAFEA and John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University ( Kennedy School ) in 1998, which kick-started the programme. Each year, 12 to 15 outstanding senior government officials from Mainland China are sent to Kennedy School to attend a four-month fellows programme and a three- to six-week executive programme. Since its inception, this professional training programme has consistently been highly rated by the 120 Mainland China officials who have benefited from it. 新世界青年領袖工程 培育中港未來領導人才 New World Young Leaders in support of nurturing future leaders in HKSAR and Mainland China 新創建集團管理會議 2007 NWS Holdings Management Conference 2007 年一度的新創建集團一管理會議已於 2007 年 6 月 6 日假會展中心舉行 是次會議共有來自集團總辦事處及成員公司約 180 名管理人員出席 本年度, 集團更特地邀請了中法水務及澳門自來水的管理層代表一同前來參加 會議以集團行政總裁陳錦靈先生的演說揭開序幕, 並總結集團過去的業務表現, 同時藉此帶出未來的發展方向及會議主題 策略同心, 績效創新 為了提高管理人員在制定企業策略時的參與, 並透過集思廣益來進一步完善集團的發展藍圖, 是次會議的焦點在於小組討論與分享 參加者就 集團業務重心及增長策略 中國營商 風險管理 財務管理 企業社會責任及品牌策略 員工發展及內部溝通 六個企業策略重點進行討論, 氣氛尤見熱烈 在緊隨其後的匯報環節上, 各組別精闢的見解與深入的分析, 更使與會者獲益良多 至於 與董事真情對話 環節, 六位執行董事除了即場回答管理人員的提問外, 還就各小組所提出的重點作出回應, 同時亦披露了集團未來投資與發展的重點 集團特別邀請了香港經濟日報集團有限公司主席馮紹波先生, 向與會者分享其創業和辦報的經驗, 深入淺出地介紹其營商哲學, 內容精彩, 演繹活潑, 獲參加者一致好評 集團如常於會場內設置圖書角, 以推廣閱讀風氣 With Aligning Corporate Strategy, Sustaining Business Success as its theme, NWS Holdings Management Conference was held at HKCEC on 6 June Around 180 members of senior management from Corporate Office and member companies, including SFWD and Macao Water, joined the conference this year. The one-day conference was kicked off with an opening speech by NWS Holdings Chief Executive Officer Mr Chan Kam Ling on the Group s performance and Corporate Strategic Plan for the coming years. This was followed by group discussions of the six key success factors, namely Business Focus and Growth Strategy, Conducting Business in China, Risk Management, Financial Management, Corporate Social Responsibility & Branding, and People Development & Internal Communications. Ideas and recommendations were delivered during the presentations. The Feedback on Presentations and Directors Forum held in the afternoon provided the Executive Directors with an opportunity to comment on the suggestions made by senior management. It also facilitated open communication between directors and the participants. 慶祝香港回歸十周年, 新世界發展在 2007 為年 4 月 3 日正式啟動 新世界青年領袖工程, 透過支持不同項目, 促進中港兩地青年人的交流和融合, 並培育未來的領導人才 獲 新世界青年領袖工程 支持的項目包括.. 中華民族文化周 無止橋慈善基金 我這一代中國人 中港學生文化交流活動 回歸十年兩地青年的優勢及合作前景問卷調查暨研討會 新世界集團董事總經理鄭家純博士於 2007 年 4 月 12 日舉行的 無止橋慈善基金 成立典禮上, 將港幣 500 萬元的支票贈予基金榮譽主席鍾逸傑爵士, 作為無止橋項目的啟動基金 新世界集團期望基金能發揮扶貧助弱的建橋精神, 惠及內地偏遠貧困的地區 我這一代中國人 中港學生文化交流活動, 旨在透過交流活動, 讓不同背景的青年一起討論中國內地及香港的社會 創意文化 城市發展等議題, 並回顧香港在回歸後的轉變和成就 To celebrate the 10 th anniversary of the establishment of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ( HKSAR ), NWD launched the New World Young Leaders project on 3 April By supporting various programmes, the project aims at promoting the exchange between and the integration of the young people as well as nurturing future leaders in Hong Kong and Mainland China. The programmes supported by the New World Young Leaders project include: Chinese Culture Week Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Charitable Foundation My Generation of Chinese - Guangdong- Hong Kong Student Exchange Programme Youth in Excellence - Leading Edge and Prospects of Cooperation between Hong Kong and Mainland Youth 10 Years after the establishment of the HKSAR questionnaire survey and seminar Dr Cheng Kar Shun, Henry, Managing Director of New World Group, presented a cheque of HK$5 million to Sir David Akers Jones, the Honorary Chairman of Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Charitable Foundation ( WZQCF ), at the inauguration ceremony of the foundation on 12 April The donation serves as WZQCF s seed money, to benefit the poor and underdeveloped areas of Mainland China. My Generation of Chinese - Guangdong- Hong Kong Student Exchange Programme aims at providing a platform for young people from different backgrounds to discuss various issues, including social topics, creative culture and urban planning in Mainland China and Hong Kong. 中鐵聯合國際集裝箱有限公司正式成立 China United International Rail Containers Co., Limited launching ceremony 創建集團與中國鐵道部屬下企業中鐵集裝新箱運輸有限責任公司及其他合資公司, 為建設並經營 18 個位於中國內地 18 個大城市的樞紐性鐵路集裝箱中心站, 而合辦為期 50 年的合資公司 中鐵聯合國際集裝箱有限公司, 於 2007 年 5 月 31 日在北京正式成立 集團行政總裁陳錦靈先生 執行董事曾蔭培先生與杜家駒先生, 以及各合資公司的管理層均有出席是次儀式 China United International Rail Containers Co., Limited, a joint venture of NWS Holdings with, among others, China Railway The Group also invited Mr Lawrence Fung, Chairman of Hong Kong Economic Times Holdings Limited, to share with participants his wealth of professional experience which gave them fresh insights into corporate growth strategies. As in the past, a Book Corner was set up at the conference venue to promote reading culture. Container Transport Corp. Ltd., a subsidiary of the Ministry of Railways, was officially launched in Beijing on 31 May It is a 50-year joint venture to develop and manage 18 largescale pivotal rail container terminals in 18 major cities in Mainland China. Mr Chan Kam Ling, Chief Executive Officer; Mr Tsang Yam Pui and Mr William Doo Jr, Executive Directors of the Group as well as the senior management of the joint venture partners attended the launching ceremony. 新語世說第 28 期

13 NWSH SCOPE 13 One-day Leadership Programme for NWS Holdings leaders NWS Holdings and Richard Ivey School of Business jointly organized a one-day Transformational Leadership Programme for over 30 members of the senior management of Corporate Office and member companies on 26 May The programme aims at providing senior management with an opportunity to enhance their leadership qualities to rise to the challenges of the business world. Citybus operates two Shenzhen West Express routes New World Group continues to support MSF Day To facilitate the launch of the Hong Kong- Shenzhen Western Corridor, Citybus will operate Shenzhen West Express Routes B3 and B3X between Tuen Mun and Shenzhen Bay Control Point from 1 July NWS Holdings organized various seminars with different themes Organized by the IT Department of the Group on 27 April 2007, NWSH Information Technology ( IT ) Conference 2007 emphasized the importance of efficient IT management in compliance with the Group s commitment to corporate governance of high transparency. Speakers included colleagues from the Corporate Office and member companies, as well as Mr Manning Yong, Deputy Head of Internal Audit of Swire Pacific Group, who was a guest speaker sharing his views on the topic of Internal Audit. Over 80 attendees from senior management and IT colleagues from member companies joined the event. Also, over 130 staff members from the Corporate Office and member companies attended the seminar organized by the Group s Training & Development Department on Corporate Income Tax Reform Update on 15 May Ms Cathy Jiang, Partner, Tax & China Business Advisory Services of PricewaterhouseCoopers was invited to present the topic of Corporate Income Tax Reform Update, covering China Corporate Income Tax update, effects on corporations, tax planning, etc. Group Audit and Management Services Department of NWS Holdings organized a seminar on Leading Practice in Internal Audit on 31 May Ms Cimi Leung, Director of System and Process Assurance from PricewaterhouseCoopers, shared her expertise in internal audit leading practices with about 40 staff members from New World Group. The annual MSF Day of MSF Hong Kong will be held on 30 July New World MGM Grand Macau Topping Out Ceremony NWS Holdings Charities Foundation website goes live Further to the inauguration of NWS Holdings Charities Foundation earlier, its website was launched in May 2007 to facilitate the public to learn about the foundation. Group has given full support to MSF this year again. The kick-off ceremony for the event was held on 27 May 2007 at Discovery Park in Tsuen Wan. Guests from different sectors called upon the public to donate one day s income to MSF as a volunteer for MSF on that day to help alleviate sufferings of those in need of medical assistance. The Topping Out Ceremony for MGM Grand Macau, a project of Hip Hing, was held on 30 May Mr T C Chu, Director of Hip Hing Engineering (Macau) Co Ltd, and other officiating guests attended the ceremony NWD supports environmental education through Hyper Project To promote environmental protection and arouse the next generation s awareness to the issue, NWD supported the production of an education set published by the Hyper Workshop in April The set contains four books and Teddy Bear Charity Sale launched on the Mainland NWCL launched the Teddy Bear charity sale in Create a New World for Children Campaign, scheduled to run from February 2007 to end of June 2007 in over 10 Mainland Chinese cities. All the sale proceeds will be donated to UNICEF for girls education. two CDs, which will be distributed to all the 1,700 local primary schools and kindergartens. The books aim at educating children ways to protect the earth in different aspects, including schools, families, society and personal life. Meanwhile, the CDs contain cartoons of Hyper and its event highlights, etc. The education set will also be available for charity sale at schools, with parts of the proceeds being donated to UNICEF. Mr Eddy Tsang appointed as Associate Director of UIDCD Mr Eddy Tsang, General Manager of Beijing KLPS, was appointed as Associate Director of Union Internationale Des Concierges D hotel (China) ( UIDCD ) on 11 June Mr Tsang will strive to promote the concept of premium service, and take the property management service of KLPS to a higher level. NEW VOICE Issue 28

14 14 VOLUNTEERING BULLETIN Life Rejuvenation Scheme 2007 Art for More 糭 The Life Rejuvenation Scheme 2007, co-organized by NWS Volunteer Alliance and TWGHs Fong Shu Chuen Day Activity Centre cum Hostel, has continued to enjoy a huge following. Over 100 volunteers participated in the three art workshops held from April to June Two volunteers served as tutors and led participants to design a logo for Art for More and made rice-dumplings with silk ribbons on 21 April 2007 and 2 June 2007 respectively. On 12 May 2007, a plastic flower workshop was held to celebrate Mother s Day. Over 10 children who had participated in Life Rejuvenation Scheme 2006 Fairy Kiddo became Fairy Volunteers and took part in Art for More. A Fairy Volunteer Workshop was organized by NWS Volunteer Alliance on 26 May 2007 to introduce our young volunteers the spirit of volunteering and communication skills vis-a-vis the mentally disabled. The Fairy Volunteers joined the workshop in June 2007 to have their very first taste of volunteering. Rice Sale for Oxfam N 28 NWS Volunteer Alliance awarded again by Social Welfare Department I NWS Volunteer Alliance accorded recognitions Haircutting volunteers from NWS Volunteer Alliance received recognition from Po Leung Kuk District Elderly Community Centre on 31 March 2007 in recognition of their service for the elderly at the centre during the year At the YWCA s 19 th Volunteer Recognition Ceremony held on 31 May 2007, NWS Volunteer Alliance received a certificate of merit for their volunteer service over the past year. NWS Volunteer Alliance also received certificate from Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital on 30 June It recognized NWS Volunteer Alliance which organized volunteer service for psychiatric patients in 2006.

15 義 工 特 區 VOLUNTEERING BULLETIN 其他慈善活動 附屬公司 SBUs Other services 新創機電集團 NWSE Group 29/4/2007 新創建愛心聯盟 NWS Volunteer Alliance 長者理髮服務 Haircut service for the elderly 14/4/ /5/ /6/2007 為北角嘉頤護理中心 保良局長者地區中心及香港聖公會慈雲山長者 日間護理中心約180名長者理髮 Volunteers provided haircut service to a total of 180 elderly residents of Care & Services (North Point), Po Leung Kuk District Elderly Community Centre and H.K.S.K.H Tsz Wan Shan Day Care Centre for the Elderly 派隊參加地球之友主辦的 2007 綠野先鋒 勇奪公開組季軍及最 醒目植樹大獎 Honoured as the second runnerup, Open Team, and as the Smartest Tree Planting Team in the Tree-planting Challenge 2007 organized by Friends of the Earth. 富城物業管理 UPML 東區尤德夫人那打素醫院精神科義工服務 Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital psychiatric ward service 16/6/ /5/2007 絲帶金魚製作班 Silk ribbon goldfish workshop 賣旗日 Flag Day 14/4/2007 自閉症人士福利促進會 愛心賣旗日 Society for the Welfare of the Autistic Persons Flag Day 28/4/2007 香港保護兒童會童心滿載 4 28 售旗日 Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Flag Day 旗下沙田第一城 恒順園 海濱花園 博康邨 綠悠軒 滙秀企業 有限公司及蝶翠峰獲社會福利署頒發 愛心屋苑 標誌 此外 會計部 同事趙美雲小姐參加社會福利署舉辦的 串串吉祥結 祝福滿人間 活 動 榮獲 創意無限繩結設計優異奬 City One Shatin, Handsome Court, Riviera Gardens, Pok Hong Estate, Belair Monte, Broadway-Nassau Investments Limited and Sereno Verde managed by UPML received the Caring Estate logo from the Social Welfare Department. In addition, Ms Gellian Teoh from the Accounting Department participated in the Lucky Knot Campaign launched by the Social Welfare Department, and garnered a Merit Award for the Chinese Knot Design Competition. 康 樂 快 訊 SPORTS & RECREATION 新創建集團 中國象棋 錦標賽2007 組別 Group 獎項 Position 個人賽 Individual Race NWSH Chinese Chess Competition 2007 隊制賽 Team Race 勝出者 Winner 冠軍 Champion 富城物業管理 UPML 楊俊華 Yeung Chun Wah 亞軍 First Runner-up 協興建築 Hip Hing 許志善 Hui Chi Sin 季軍 Second Runner-up 統一警衞 Uniformity 林志輝 Lam Chi Fai 冠軍 Champion 富城物業管理 UPML 梁支宇 Leung Chi Yu 關培坤 Kwan Pui Kwan 新 新巴/城巴 NWFB / Citybus 創建集團中國象棋錦標賽已於2007年4月21日及28日順利舉行 是次二人 符敦志 Fu Tun Chi 對奕比賽一共吸引了約40位集團總辦事處及成員公司的同事參加 各參賽 者於攻守進退之間 盡顯棋藝 過程十分精彩刺激 錦標賽得獎名單如下 N 亞軍 First Runner-up 新巴/城巴 NWFB / Citybus Corporate Office and member companies, who flexed their muscles over a board 季軍 Second Runner-up 協興建築 Hip Hing NWSH Basketball Competition 2007 新 創建康樂委員會舉辦的 新創建籃 球挑戰賽2007 總決賽已於2007年 N 李志球 Li Chi Kau 王群星 Wong Kwan Sing game of offence and defence tactics. The winning list is as follows: g 新創建集團籃球挑戰賽2007 劉元濤 Lau Yuen To 麥國柱 Mak Kwok Chu WSH Chinese Chess Competition was successfully held on 21 and 28 April The competition attracted around 40 staff members from the 曾昭殿 Tsang Chiu Tin WSH Basketball Competition 2007, organized by NWSH Sports & Recreation Committee, 5月31日舉行 超過200位來自集團總辦 was successfully held on 31 May Over 200 事處及11家成員公司派出的代表參與是 representatives from the Corporate Office and 11 次緊張刺激的賽事 優勝者名單如下 member companies participated in this exciting and enjoyable event. The list of winners is as follows: 2 亞軍 First Runner-up 新渡輪 NWFF 1 冠軍 Champion 新巴/城巴 NWFB / Citybus 3 季軍 Second Runner-up 新創機電集團 NWSE Group NEW VOICE Issue 28

16 16 活 動 前 瞻 COMING SOON 8 月 August 新創建集團休閒課程 陶藝課程 10 月 October NWS Holdings Leisure Course Pottery Class 新創建集團 全年業績公佈 9 月 September NWS Holdings Annual Results Announcement 員工郊遊日 Staff Outing 有關活動日期以最終公佈為準 The relevant schedules are subject to final announcement 互 動 問 答 QUIZ 請 用的信封背面 郵寄或投遞到新創建集團總辦事處 把填妥的答案及個人資料 影印本亦可 貼於循環再 指定收集箱 傳真恕不接受 答中者將有機會獲贈由香島 園藝送出的蝴蝶蘭乙盆 零售價為港幣400元 名額共五 個 截止日期為2007年8月31日 結果將於下期公佈 our completed answers and personal details (photocopies are also acceptable) should be pasted on a reused envelope and sent to NWS Holdings Corporate Office or dropped at the designated collection box (fax not accepted) by 31 August You will have a chance to win one of the five pots of phalaenopsis (retail price HK$400) sponsored by HKIL. Y The VIP list is the greatest headache, for whatever event. 嘉賓 Guest 公司 Company 職位 Position 問題 Questions 右邊說話是摘錄自哪一位嘉賓的呢 請在空格內填上該位嘉賓 所屬的姓名 公司名稱及職位 填寫中文或英文皆可 On the right are some quotes from the guests of New Voice. Please fill in the blanks with the guests name, company name and position respectively. (You may answer in Chinese or English) 個人資料 Personal details 電話 Telephone 職位 Position A reputable brand is essential to a company s success. 電郵 上期答案 Answers for last Quiz 4. 最難得是寓工作於興趣 Nothing beats turning your interest into your career! 嘉賓 Guest 公司 Company 職位 Position 部門 Department I believe there is no right or wrong in story telling. 公司 Company 公司 Company 公司 Company 2. 我認為說故事並沒有對錯之分 嘉賓 Guest 3. 品牌是企業成功的一大要素 嘉賓 Guest 中英文姓名 Name 無論任何活動 最傷腦筋的是貴賓名單 職位 Position 得獎名單 Winners 1. Stephen Lee 新創建港口管理/NWSP 視線水平 1 屏幕最頂一行字應略低於 First line on screen should be just below eye level. 2. Avice Lee 會展管理公司/HML 3. Lam Chiu Fai 協興建築/Hip Hing 手肘的高度. Keyboard should be positioned at about the elbow level 平直 3 使用滑鼠時 手腕應保持 When maneuvering the mouse, user should be able to keep the wrist in neutral position. 4. Yu Po Ping 新渡輪/NWFF 恭喜以上得獎者! Congratulations! 每人均可獲贈由新創建集團送出的Wedgwood Archive系列 水杯乙隻 各得獎者將由專人個別通知 垂直 4 坐下時大腿應大致平放 小腿 雙腳穩踏在地上 User should sit with thighs approximately horizontal, lower legs vertical and both feet firmly on floor. 新語世說第 28期 Each winner will receive a Wedgwood Mug (Archive Collection) sponsored by NWS Holdings. Winners will be notified individually. Printed on environmental friendly paper 2 鍵盤應放置在


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