門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook 賀明恩牧師者 Matthew W. Hanna 中英對照 ( 繁體 ) English/Chinese (Traditional) 第二版本 \2 nd Edition 為道文字佈道社 \WeiDao Evangelistic Literat

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1 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook 賀明恩牧師者 Matthew W. Hanna 中英對照 ( 繁體 ) English/Chinese (Traditional) 第二版本 \2 nd Edition 為道文字佈道社 \WeiDao Evangelistic Literature House

2 要為從前一次交付聖徒的真道竭力地爭辯 ( 猶大書第三節 ) Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. (Jude 3) 門徒訓練原點 \Disciple's Sourcebook 第二版本 \2 nd Edition 版權所有 Copyright 2010 Baptist Mid-Missions 為教會或個人使用可影印 \May be reproduced for church or personal use. 為道文字佈道社 \WeiDao Evangelistic Literature House 高雄事 郵政信箱 88 之 64 號 P.O. Box Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung City 作者網站 \Author's website: 聯絡 \Contact: matt@hannas.org Baptist Mid-Missions P.O. Box Cleveland, OH U.S. 網站 \Website: 聯絡 \Contact: info@bmm.org 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

3 目錄 \Table of Contents 新基督徒的基要訓練 : BASIC TRAINING FOR NEW CHRISTIANS 救恩和確據 :Salvation & Assurance 聖經 :The Bible 浸禮和加入教會 :Baptism & Church Membership 禱告 :Prayer 作見證 :The Believer's Witness...22 新基督徒基要的道理 : BASIC DOCTRINE FOR NEW CHRISTIANS 創造的真神 :God the Creator 耶穌基督我們的主 : Jesus Christ our Lord 聖靈 : The Holy Spirit 天使, 撒但, 和邪靈 :Angels, Satan, & Demons 教會和浸信會的獨特點 :The Church & Baptist Distinctives...40 新基督徒生命的技巧 : LIFE SKILLS FOR NEW CHRISTIANS 勝過試探和得到罪的赦免 :Overcoming Temptation, Receiving Forgiveness 基督徒的成長與成聖 : Christian Growth & Sanctification 家庭與個人的關係 : Family & Personal Relationships 認識並遵行神的旨意 :Knowing & Doing the Will of God 基督徒的管理責任 :Christian Stewardship...59 附錄 :APPENDIX...62

4 新基督徒的基要訓練 : BASIC TRAINING FOR NEW CHRISTIANS 門徒訓練原點 Discipler's Sourcebook

5 1. 救恩和確據 :Salvation & Assurance 聖經經文 : 約翰一書 5:13 Scripture Reference: 我將這些話寫給你們信奉神兒子之 These things have I written unto you that 名的人, 要叫你們知道自己有永生 believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know thay ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. 前言 : 一個人最重要的事情是確定自己有永生 有的人感覺有永生 有的人希望有永生 但根據約翰一書 5:13: 我們可以確定地知道有永生 我們是藉著與耶穌基督建立的關係得到永生! Introduction: The most important thing that any person can ever know is to know that he has etermal life. Some people think that they have eternal life; other people hope that they have eternal life. But according to 1John 5:13 we can know that we have eternal life. It comes through a relationship with a person: Jesus Christ! 救恩 1. 根據傳道書 7:20, 世上每一個人都處在什麼情況? Salvation According to Ecclesiastes 7:20, what is the condition of every person on earth? 2 根據羅馬書 5:12, 罪的結果是什麼? According to Romans 5:12, what is the result of sin? 3. 根據羅馬書 6:23, 人應受處罰, 但神卻要給他們什麼禮物? According to Romans 6:23, what gift does God offer to men in place of the punishment they deserve? 4. 根據彼得前書 3:18, 耶穌為罪人做什麼事? According to 1Peter 3:18, what did Christ do for sinners? 1. 救恩和確據 :Salvation & Assurance

6 5. 根據路加福音 19:10, 耶穌為什麼來到這個世界? According to Luke 19:10, why did Jesus come to earth? 6. 根據使徒行傳 20:21, 人接受永生需做哪兩件事情? According to Acts 20:21, what two things must a person do to receive eternal life? 7. 悔改的意思是 : 在一件事情上 改變你的意思 並離棄它 根據路加福音 24:47-48, 人應該悔改什麼才可以得救? Repentance means to change your mind about something and turn away from it. According to Luke 24:47-48, of what should a person repent in order to be saved? 8. 根據哥林多前書 15:1-4, 人必需相信哪三件事情才能得救? C. According to 1Corinthians 15:1-4, what three things must a person believe in order to be saved? 9. 根據以弗所書 2:8-9, 人必須做什麼善事才可以得到永生? According to Ephesians 2:8-9, what good works must we perform in order to receive eternal life? 10. 根據羅馬書 10:9-10, 人必須做什麼才能得救 ( 得永生 )? According to Romans 10:9-10, what must a person do in order to be saved(receive eternal life)? 11. 根據以下經文, 一個人得救的時候有什麼事情發生? 以弗所書 Ephesians 1:7 約翰福音 John 1:12 According to the following verses, what happens to a person when he gets saved? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

7 使徒行傳 Acts 26: 根據啟示錄 20:15, 沒得救的人的結局是什麼? According to Revelation 20:15, what is the destiny of those who are not saved? 得救的確據 13. 約翰一書 5:13 記錄的目的是什麼? Assurance Why was 1John 5:13 written? 14. 根據提多書 1:2, 神能說謊嗎? According to Titus 1:2, can God lie? 15. 根據約翰一書 5:9-12, 當一個人相信耶穌基督並接受祂, 就能得到什麼? According to 1John 5:9-12, a person who has believed in Jesus Christ and received him possesses what else beside? 16. 根據約翰福音 10:27-29, 當一個 According to John 10:27-29, once a person 人得到永生, 日後會再丟失嗎? has eternal life, can he ever lose it? 17. 根據以下的經文, 有什麼人 ( 或事情 ) 為我們有永生做見證? 羅馬書 Romans 8:16 約翰一書 1John 5:9 約翰一書 1John 5:10 提摩太後書 2Timothy 3:15 約翰一書 1John 3:14 約翰一書 1John 2:3 According to the following references, what witnesses do we have that testify that we have eternal life? 1. 救恩和確據 :Salvation & Assurance

8 結論 : 一個人必須先完全確定自己是神的兒女有永生, 才能開始在他的基督生命上成長 這就是生命的基石! Conclusion: Before a person can ever begin to grow in his Christian life, he must first come to the full assurance that he is a child of God and possesses eternal life. This is the foundation stone. 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

9 2. 聖經 :The Bible 聖經經文 : 彼得前書 2:2 Scripture Reference: 1Peter 2:2 就要愛慕那純淨的靈奶, 像才生的 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of 嬰孩愛慕奶一樣, 叫你們因此漸長, the word, that ye may grow thereby: 以致得救 前言 : 一個新基督徒需要以神的話為常常吃的食物 ; 就像一個剛出生的嬰孩需要常常吃奶才能健康地成長 即使基督徒成熟後, 仍然需要神的話 每一位基督徒都需了解聖經對他信仰的重要性, 並培養讀經查經的習慣 Introduction: Just as a new born baby needs to feed regularly in order to be healthy and grow so the new Christian also needs to feed regularly on the Word of God. In fact, it is something he must never outgrow. Every Christian needs to understand the importance of the Word of God to his new faith and develop the lifelong habit of regularly reading and studying it for himself. 聖經是什麼? 1. 根據提摩太後書 3:16, 是誰默示聖經? What is the Bible? According to 2Timothy 3:16, who inspired the Bible? 2. 根據彼得後書 1:21, 是誰感動人寫下聖經? According to 2Peter 1:21, who moved the human instruments to write the Bible? 3. 根據以賽亞書 40:8, 聖經能留存多久? According to Isaiah 40:8, how long will the Bible endure? 聖經的目的 4. 根據約翰福音 5:39, 聖經啟示誰給我們? 請參考路加 24:44-48 The Bible's Purpose According to John 5:39, what person does the Bible reveal to us? Cp. Luke 24: 聖經 :The Bible

10 5. 根據約翰福音 1:1,14, 耶穌基督另外一個名字是什麼? 請參考啟示錄 19:11-13 這個名字的意義是什麼? According to John 1:1,14, what is another name for Jesus Christ? Cp. Revelation 19:11-13 What is the significance of this name? 6. 根據以下的經文, 聖經對我們有哪些幫助? 彼得前書 1 Peter 1:23 彼得前書 1 Peter 2:2 詩篇 Psalm 119:9 詩篇 Psalm 119:11 提摩太後書 2 Timothy 3:16 羅馬書 Romans 10:17 According to the following verses, what does the Bible do for us? C. D. 7. 根據約書亞記 1:8, 神給遵行聖經的人什麼應許? According to Joshua 1:8, what does God promise to the man who makes the Word of God his guide? 使用您的聖經 8. 請看您 聖經 前面的目錄, 聖經主要的兩個部分是什麼? Using your Bible Look in the Table of Contents at the front of your Bible. What are the two major divisions of the Bible? 9. 新約和舊約各有幾卷書? How many books are there in the New Testament? In the Old Testament? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

11 10. 使徒行傳 在新約或舊約? 此書卷有幾章? Is the book of Acts in the Old or New Testament? How many chapters does it have? 11. 在您的 聖經 裡, 詩篇 是從第幾頁開始? On what page in your Bible does the book of Psalms begin? 12. 根據羅馬書 10:17, 有一個幫 According to Romans 10:17, what is one 助我們知曉聖經的方法是什麼? way in which we can know and learn the Bible? Give an example. C. How does this 請舉例 C. 這個方法對我們的 method benefit us? 益處是什麼? C. 13. 根據提摩太前書 4:13, 另一個知曉神的話的方法是什麼? According to 1Timothy 4:13, what is another method of receiving God's Word? 14. 根據約伯記 23:12, 這個方法對我們的益處是什麼? According to Job 23:12, how does this benefit us? 15. 根據提摩太後書 2:15, 知曉聖經的第三個方法是什麼? According to 2Timothy 2:15, what is a third way to know God's Word? 16. 請再紀錄兩個知曉神的話的方法 詩篇 Psalm 119:11 詩篇 Psalm 119:15-16 Please list two more methods for receiving God's Word? 2. 聖經 :The Bible

12 17. 根據路加福音 6:46-49, 只是聽神的話是不夠的, 我們還需要做什麼? According to Luke 6:46-49, hearing God's Word is not enough. What else must we do? 結論 : 神在祂的話語裡, 賜給我們在這世上生活所需要的一切 ( 彼得後書 1:4) 但我們必需用功才能得到我們所需要的 ( 箴言 2:1-5) 我們要 聽 讀 查 背 默想 祂的話 Conclusion: God gives us in his Word everything that we need to live in this world (2Peter1:4). But it requires an effort on our part to draw what we need out of his Word (Proverbs 2:1-5). We must hear, read, study, memorize, and meditate upon it. 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

13 3. 浸禮和加入教會 :Baptism & Church Membership 聖經經文 : 使徒行傳 2:41-42 Scripture Reference: Acts 2:41-42 於是領受他話的人就受了洗 那一天, 門徒約添了三千人, 都恆心遵守使徒的教訓, 彼此交接 擘餅 祈禱 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. 前言 : 當一個人接受耶穌成為基督徒後, 應立即去做以下兩件事情 : 第一是受浸禮 ; 第二是加入一間 相信聖經 教導聖經 的好教會, 幫助他成長並服事主 Introduction: There are certain things which a new believer should do immediately after accepting Christ. The first thing he should do is get baptized. The second is to join a good, Bible believing, Bible teaching church where he can grow and serve. 為什麼您應受浸禮? Why should you get baptized? 1. 在使徒行傳 2:41 裡, 人們相信 In Acts 2:41, what was the very first thing that 接受彼得所傳講的信息後, 第 people did after believing the message preached by Peter? 一件做的事情是什麼? 2. 根據馬太福音 28:18-20, 是誰吩咐信徒必需受浸禮? According to Matthew 28:18-20, who commanded that believers should be baptized? 3. 在馬太福音 3:13-17 裡,(A) 耶穌給我們的榜樣是什麼?(B) 神如何表示祂喜悅耶穌所作的事? In Matthew 3:13-17, (A) What example did Jesus give to us? (B) How did God show that he was pleased with Jesus' action? 3. 浸禮和加入教會 :Baptism & Church Membership

14 浸禮的意義 4. 浸禮 ( 或稱 洗禮 ) 一詞是從希臘文 βαπτιζω 翻譯過來的, 意義是 : 浸水 沉沒 使徒行傳 8:38-39 告訴我們關於浸禮的方式是什麼? 如何告訴我們? The Meaning of Baptism The word baptize is a translation of the Greek word βαπτιζω, meaning to immerse or sink. What does Acts 8:38-39, tell us about the mode of Baptism? How does it tell us this? 5. 根據使徒行傳 8:35-38, 人必須具備什麼條件才能受浸? According to Acts 8:35-38, what is the one requirement before a person can be baptized? 6. 根據羅馬書 6:4, 浸禮儀式生動描述歷史上的哪件事情? According to Romans 6:4, what historical event is pictured in the ceremony of baptism? 7. 這個儀式告訴我們浸禮的方法是什麼? 如何告訴我們? What does this picture tell us about the method of baptism? How does it tell us this? 8. 根據羅馬書 6:4-6, 當信徒受浸時, 他向眾人作的生命見證是什麼? According to Romans 6:4-6, what testimony about his own life is the believer giving when he is baptized? 9. 根據路加福音 23:39-43 所記載的故事 : 您認為人必需受浸才能得救麼? 為什麼? According to the story in Luke 23:39-43, do you think it is necessary to be baptized in order to be saved? Why? 10. 請思考您給第九題的答案 : 您認為一個人未得救以前所受的浸禮有任何意義或價值麼? 為什麼? Think about your answers to question #9. Do you think that if a person were baptized before he were saved it would have any meaning or value? Why? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

15 加入本地教會 11. 教會 一詞是從希臘文翻譯過來的, 意思是 : 叫出來 因此, 教會就是指那些從世界各地被呼召出來 聚集在某處的信徒 請按先後次序列出在使徒行傳 2:41 裡 : 人們聽彼得講神的話後的三個反應 ( 請參考 47 節 ) C. Joining the Local Church The word church comes from a Greek word meaning to call out. The Church, then, is the local assembly of called out believers. List in order the three ways in which people in Acts 2:41, responded to the Word of God preached by Peter? (Cp. V.47) 12. 根據馬太福音 16:18, 是誰建造教會? According to Matthew 16:18, who founded the church? 13. 根據以弗所書 5:25-27, 基督如何對待教會? 您認為我們對教會的態度應如何? According to Ephesians 5:25-27, what is Christ's attitude toward the church? What should our attitude be? (Cp. V.27) 教會的重要性 14. 請列出在使徒行傳 2:42 裡所記載的早期教會的四個活動 C. D. The Importance of the Church List the four activities of the early church found in Acts 2: 根據希伯來書 10:24-25, 為什麼 According to Hebrews 10:24-25, why is it 參加教會的每一次聚會很重要? important to meet regularly with other believers at church? 3. 浸禮和加入教會 :Baptism & Church Membership

16 16. 請閱讀哥林多前書 5 章 : 教會應如何處理那些公開犯罪又不肯悔改的會員? Read through 1Corinthians 5. How should the church deal with a member who lives in open sin and refuses to repent? 結論 : 成為新基督徒後, 第一件要做的事情就是受浸禮 您已經在這件事上跟隨耶穌的腳步了麼? 這是順從的第一步 新基督徒也應加入並參與一間教會, 如此, 將能幫助他在信心和知識上成長, 並且訓練他服事主 Conclusion: The first step a new Christian ought to take is the step of baptism. Have you followed the Lord in this way? This is the first step of obedience. A new believer should also join and get involved in a local church. This will help him to grow in faith and knowledge and help to train him in service for the Lord. 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

17 4. 禱告 :Prayer 聖經經文 : 約翰一書 5:14-15 Scripture Reference: 1 John 5:14-15 我們若照祂的旨意求甚麼, 祂就聽我們, 這是我們向祂所存坦然無懼的心 既然知道祂聽我們一切所求的, 就知道我們所求於祂的, 無不得著 前言 : And this is the confidence that we have in him, that if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. Introduction: 禱告對於基督徒來說, 就像屬靈生 Prayer is like breathing to the Christian-- he 命的呼吸 神藉著聖經對我們講話 ; can't live without it! When we read the Bible God talks to us. When we pray we talk to 禱告則是我們向神講話 新基督徒 God. It is essential to the new believer that he 應學習如何禱告 learn to pray. 如何禱告? 1. 根據路加福音 11:1-4, 教我們禱告的老師是誰? How to Pray According to Luke 11:1-4, who is our teacher to teach us to pray? 2. 根據以下的經文, 我們應在何處禱告? 馬太福音 Matthew 6:5-8 使徒行傳 Acts 20:36 提摩太前書 1Timothy 2:8 According to the following verses, where should we pray? 3. 根據以下的經文, 我們應在何時禱告? 希伯來書 Hebrews 4:16 詩篇 Psalm 86:3 詩篇 Psalm 55:17 馬太福音 Matthew 14:19-21 帖撒羅尼迦前書 1Thessalonians 5:17 According to the following verses, when should we pray? 4. 禱告 :Prayer

18 4. 根據約翰福音 14:13-14, 我們應奉誰的名禱告? 您認為這件事為甚麼重要? According to John 14:13-14, in whose name should we pray? Why do you think this is important? 5. 根據約翰一書 5:14-15, 神垂聽我們禱告的條件是甚麼? According to 1 John 5:14-15, what requirement must we meet in order to have our prayers answered? 神對禱告的應許 6. 根據路加福音 11:9-10, 神應許禱告的人哪三件事? C. God's Promises for Prayer According to Luke 11:9-10, what three things does God promise to the person who prays? 7. 根據以下的經文, 神應許賜給禱告的人甚麼? 腓立比書 Philippians 4:6-7 約翰福音 John 16:24 In the following verses, what does God promise to the person who prays? 禱告的阻礙 Hindrances to Prayer 8. 請列出在雅各書 4:1-3 裡所記載, List two things found in James 4:1-3, that 阻止基督徒得到他所需要的兩 will keep a Christian from receiving the things that he needs. 件事情 9. 根據以下的經文, 還有甚麼事情會阻礙基督徒的禱告? 詩篇 Psalm 66:18 彼得前書 1Peter 3:7 According to the following references, what else will hinder the Christian's prayers? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

19 10. 根據以下的經文, 哪種態度會阻礙基督徒的禱告? 雅各書 James 1:5-8 馬可福音 Mark 11:25-26 According to the following verses, what attitude will keep a person from receiving, what he prays for? 禱告的主題 11. 耶穌在主禱文裡告訴我們 : 要為哪些事情禱告?( 馬太福音 6:9-13) v.9 節 v.10 節 v.11 節 v.12 節 v.13 節 The Subjects of Prayer What did Jesus tell us to pray for in the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13)? 12. 根據以下的經文吩咐我們應為誰禱告? Who are we commanded to pray for in the following verses? 提摩太前書 1Timothy 2:1-2 馬太福音 Matthew 5:44 以弗所書 Ephesians 6: 根據以弗所書 5:20, 我們應以甚麼事情作為禱告的主題? According to Ephesians 5:20, what should be a major topic of our prayers? 結論 : 我們需要學習不斷地 ( 腓 4:6) 為每件事情 ( 帖 5:17) 禱告 神應許我們 : 若是我們先求祂的國和遵行祂的旨意, 祂必垂聽我們的禱告 Conclusion: We need to learn to pray about everything (Php 4:6) and at all times (1Thes 5:17). God has promised to hear and answer our prayers when we seek first his kingdom and do his will (Matt 6:33) 4. 禱告 :Prayer

20 5. 作見證 :The Believer's Witness 聖經經文 : 彼得前書 3:15 Scripture Reference: 1 Peter 3:15 只要心裏尊主基督為聖 有人問你 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and 們心中盼望的緣由, 就要常作準備, be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that 以溫柔 敬畏的心回答各人 is in with meekness and fear: 前言 : Introduction: 基督徒的生活需同時堅固在 : 查經 If a believer is to maintain balance in his 禱告 交通, 和作見證這四方面, Christian life, he must be equally strong in each of four areas: Scripture, Prayer, 才能維持平衡 若是將基督徒的生 Fellowship, and Witness. If we illustrated the 活比喻成一個輪子 : 查經與禱告代 Christian life like a wheel, the first two 表基督徒與神的關係, 形成輪子的 responsibilities would form the vertical spokes 直軸 ; 交通與作見證代表基督徒與 and represent the believer's relationship with God. The last two responsibilities would form 人的關係, 形成輪子的橫軸 耶穌 the horizontal spokes and represent his 是基督徒生命的中心 作見證是基 relationship with other men. At the center of 督徒的責任, 基督徒有責任要向失 his life is Jesus Christ. Witnessing is the 喪的人傳講耶穌基督和祂的救恩 believer's responsibility to tell the lost about Jesus Christ and his salvation. 神要你為祂作見證 1. 根據馬可福音 16:15, 耶穌要祂的門徒做什麼事情? God wants you to be a witness According to Mark 16:15, what does Jesus want his disciples to do? 2. 為耶穌見證有兩方面, 這兩方面的內容是甚麼? 馬可福音 Mark 5:1-20 使徒行傳 Acts 8:1-8 There are two ways of witnessing for Jesus. What are these two ways? 3. 根據馬可福音 1:17, 耶穌呼召祂的門徒做甚麼事情? According to Mark 1:17, what did Jesus call his disciples to do? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

21 4. 根據彼得前書 3:15, 我們應隨時準備做甚麼? According to 1Peter 3:15, what are we to be ready to do at any time? 聖經裡的見證例子 5. 根據路加福音 19:10, 耶穌說祂自己降世的原因是甚麼? Bible Examples of Witnesses In Luke 19:10, what reason did Jesus give for his coming to earth? 6. 在約翰福音 4:4 裡, 您認為是甚麼原因促使耶穌必需路經撒馬利亞? ( 請閱讀 1-39 節完整的故事 ) In John 4:4, what necessity do you think Jesus was under which compelled him to go through Samaria? (See the whole story in verses 1-39.) 7. 根據約翰福音 4:35-36, 我們需要為耶穌作見證麼? 為甚麼? According to John 4:35-36, should we feel a sense of necessity to witness for Christ? Why? 8. 在約翰福音 1:35-42 裡, 當安得列信耶穌後, 他做了哪件事? In John 1:35-42, what did Andrew do after he believed in Jesus? 9. 在使徒行傳 8:26-40 裡, 是誰帶領腓利向衣索匹亞的太監作見證? In Acts 8:26-40, who led Philip to witness to the Ethiopian eunuch? 10. 在使徒行傳 9:17-20 裡, 當掃羅 ( 保羅 ) 信主後, 他立刻去做甚麼? According to Acts 9:17-20, what did Saul (Paul) do immediately after his conversion? 5. 作見證 :The Believer's Witness

22 如何當一個好見證人 11. 根據馬可福音 5:19, 當一個人得救後, 他應先告訴誰? How to be a witness According to Mark 5:19, after a person is saved, who should he tell first? 12. 見證人應該告訴別人甚麼事情?What should a witness tell others? 馬可福音 Mark 5:20 馬可福音 Mark 16:15 馬太福音 Matthew 28: 根據哥林多前書 15:1-4, 福音 According to 1Corinthians 15:1-4, what is 是甚麼? the gospel? C. 14. 根據詩篇 126:6, 一個成功的屬靈見證人需具備哪三項條件? C. According to Psalm 126:6, what are the three requirements for being a successful soul winner? 15. 根據使徒行傳 1:8, 信徒作見證的能力來自哪裡? According to Acts 1:8, where does the believer's power for witness come from? 16. 根據使徒行傳 4:29, 早期的基督徒在禱告中祈求甚麼? According to Acts 4:29, what did the early believers pray for? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

23 結論 : 神已經對我們每位基督徒說 : 你們是我的見證 ( 以賽亞書 43:10) 我們需自己決定要當個好見證人, 或是壞見證人? Conclusion: God has said to each one of us, ye are my witnesses (Isaiah 43:10). But it is up to us to determine what kind of witness we are, good or bad. 5. 作見證 :The Believer's Witness

24 新基督徒基要的道理 : BASIC DOCTRINE FOR NEW CHRISTIANS 門徒訓練原點 Discipler's Sourcebook

25 6. 創造的真神 :God the Creator 聖經經文 : 約翰福音 4:24 Scripture Reference: John 4:24 神是個靈, 所以拜祂的必需用心靈和誠實拜祂 前言 : 聖經告訴我們只有一位真神 ( 提摩太前書 2:5 ), 又吩咐我們要認識並愛祂 但只有三種方法可以讓我們認識神 : 一是藉著祂的作為 ( 如創造... 等 ), 二是藉著祂的言語 ( 聖經 ), 三是藉著祂的獨生子 ( 耶穌 ) 認識祂 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Introduction: The Bible tells us that there is only one God (1Timothy 2:5). As believers, we are commanded to know Him and to love Him. But we can only know God by three methods: He is revealed to us by His works (i.e. creation, etc.); He is revealed to us by His Word (the Bible); He is revealed to us by His Son. 創造 1. 根據出埃及記 20:11, 神用幾天創造了天地宇宙? The Creation According to Exodus 20:11, how many days did it take God to create the physical universe? 2. 根據希伯來書 11:3, 我們如何知道神創造了這個世界? According to Hebrews 11:3, How do we know that God created the world? 3. 根據創世記 1:26-27, 是誰創造了人類? 祂是按誰的形象創造人? According to Genesis 1:26-27, Who created man? In whose image did he create him? 神的本質 4. 馬太福音 3:16-17 描述三位一體的神具備哪三種位格?( 請參考馬太福音 28:19; 哥林多後書 13:14) The Nature of God Who are the three persons of the Trinity described in Matthew 3:16-17? (Cp. Matthew 28:19; 2Corinthians 13:14)? 6. 創造的真神 :God the Creator

26 C. 5. 根據申命記 6:4-5, 我們所敬拜的是一個神或是三個神? According to Deuteronomy 6:4-5, do we worship one God or three? 6. 三位一體的每一位格在神偉大的救贖工作上都有份 根據以弗所書 1:3-14, 每一位格的工作是甚麼? 聖父 The Father (3-6 節 ) 聖子 The Son (6b-12 節 ) 聖靈 The Holy Spirit (13-14 節 ) All three persons of the Trinity have a part in God's great work of salvation.according to Ephesians 1:3-14, what part does each person of the Trinity perform? 7. 根據約翰福音 4:24, 神的本質是甚麼? According to John 4:24, what is God's basic nature? 8. 既然神是個靈, 我們如何認識祂?( 約翰福音 1:18) If God is a Spirit, how can we know him? (John 1:18) 神的本性 9. 根據約翰一書, 神的本性是甚麼? 1:5 代表的意義是甚麼? what does this mean? 2:29 C. 4:16 The Character of God According to the book of 1John, what is God like? 10. 聖經還告訴我們哪些關於神的事情? 詩篇 Psalms 90:2 約伯記 Job 42:2 What are some other facts about God revealed in the Bible? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

27 詩篇 Psalms 139:7-12 詩篇 Psalms 147:5 雅各書 James 5: 我們如何了解神的本性? How do we discover what God is like? 詩篇 Psalms 111:4 撒母耳記上 1Samuel 3:7,21 約翰福音 John 1:14,18 我們向神的責任 12. 神吩咐我們對祂應持甚麼態度? 約翰一書 J1ohn 4:19 歷代志上 1Chronicles 28:9 約翰福音 John 4:24 申命記 Deuteronomy 11:27 哥林多前書 1Corinthians 10:31 Our Responsibility Toward God What kind of attitude are we commanded to have toward God? 結論 : Conclusion: 神為了祂自己的榮耀創造人 God created man for his own glory. As believers 身為信徒, 我們必需活出能 we must live our lives to please him. 讓神喜悅的生活 6. 創造的真神 :God the Creator

28 7. 耶穌基督我們的主 : Jesus Christ our Lord 聖經經文 : 歌羅西書 1:15 Scripture Reference: Colossians 1:15 愛子是那不能看見之神的像, 是首生的, 在一切被造的以先 前言 : 耶穌基督是基督教的中心點 我們的救贖 生命 成長, 和永恆的目的, 都依靠耶穌基督和祂為人類所成就的事工 我們把生命建造在穩固可靠的耶穌基督根基上, 是絕對必要的 因為那已經立好的根基就是耶穌基督 ; 此外沒有人能立別的根基 ( 哥林多前書 3:11) Who is the image of the invisble God, the firstborn of every creature: Introduction: Jesus Christ is the very heart of Christianity. Our salvation, life, growth, and eternal destiny, all depend upon Jesus Christ and the work which he accomplished for mankind. It is essential that we build our lives solidly upon Jesus Christ. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. (1Cor 3:11) 基督的神性 The Deity of Christ 1. 耶穌降世前七百年, 彌迦書 In Micah 5:2, the prophet prophesied 700 years 5:2 就記載先知預言基督會降 before the birth of Christ, that he would be born in Bethlehem. According to this verse, when did 生在伯利恆 根據此節經文, Christ come into being? 基督起源於何時? 2. 根據歌羅西書 1:16-17, 是誰創造了萬物?( 請參閱希伯來書 1:2) According to Colossians 1:16-17, who created all things? (Cp. Heb 1:2) 3. 根據約翰福音 1:1,14, 耶穌基督和神之間的關係是甚麼? According to John 1:1,14, what is the relation between God and Jesus Christ? 4. 根據提多書 2:13, 誰是至大的神和我們的救主? According to Titus 2:13, who is our great God and Saviour? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

29 基督的人性 5. 耶穌基督是百分之百的神 根據提摩太前書 2:5, 祂也是甚麼? Humanity of Christ Jesus Christ is 100% God. According to 1Timothy 2:5, what else is he? 6. 約翰福音 1:14 如何說明耶穌所具備的雙重本質? How does John 1:14 explain this dual nature? 7. 根據彼得前書 3:18, 為甚麼耶穌基督同時是神和人很重要?( 請參閱希伯來書 2:14 ) According to 1Peter 3:18, why is it important that Jesus Christ is both man and God? (Cp.Heb 2:14 ) 基督的工作 8. 在約翰福音 1:29 裡, 施浸約翰如何稱呼耶穌? 這個名稱代表的意義是甚麼? The Work of Christ In John 1:29 what title did John the Baptist give to Jesus? What does this title mean? 9. 根據路加福音 19:10, 耶穌來世的原因是甚麼? According to Luke 19:10 why did Jesus come? 10. 根據彼得前書 2:24, 基督如何成就救贖的工作? According to 1Peter 2:24 how did Christ accomplish the work of salvation? 11. 根據路加福音 24:46, 基督死後第三天作了甚麼事情? According to Luke 24:46 what did Christ do three days after his death? 7. 耶穌基督我們的主 : Jesus Christ our Lord

30 12. 根據哥林多前書 15:14-19, 若是基督沒有復活, 對我們有甚麼影響? According to 1Corinthians 15:14-19 if Christ had not risen from the dead, what would that mean? 13. 根據使徒行傳 1:3, 基督復活後, 祂向門徒顯現幾天? According to Acts 1:3, for how many days after his resurrection did Jesus appear to his disciples? 14. 根據使徒行傳 1:9-11, 基督顯現後便往何處去? 祂還會再回來麼? According to Acts 1:9-11, Where did he go afterward? Will he ever come back again? 15. 根據希伯來書 4:14-16, 耶穌現在在天上作甚麼工作?( 請參閱約翰一書 2:1 ) According to Hebrews 4:14-16, what is Jesus doing now in heaven?(cp. 1Jn 2:1) 基督的權炳 16. 根據腓利比書 2:9-11, 基督現在擁有甚麼樣的地位? The Authority of Christ According to Philippians 2:9-11, what position does Christ now possess? 17. 根據羅馬書 10:9, 當我們信基督得救時, 我們承認祂具有甚麼樣的地位? According to Romans 10:9, when we trusted Christ for salvation, what position did we acknowledge him to possess? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

31 18. 根據路加福音 6:46-49, 因為耶穌基督是主, 所以我們應如何回應祂? 不順從基督的話的人就好像甚麼? According to Luke 6:46-49, Since Jesus Christ is Lord, what is required of us? What is the person like who does not obey the Word of Christ? 結論 : 耶穌基督具有神性和人性 祂是我們的救主 ; 我們必需聽從 順服祂的話 Conclusion: Jesus Christ is both God and man. He is our Savior and Lord. We must both hear and obey his Word. 7. 耶穌基督我們的主 : Jesus Christ our Lord

32 8. 聖靈 : The Holy Spirit 聖經經文 : 加拉太書 4:6 Scripture Reference: Galatians 4:6 你們既為兒子, 神就差祂兒子的 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the 靈進入你們的心, 呼叫 : 阿爸! Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. 父! 前言 : Introduction: 聖靈是三位一體神的第三位格, The Holy Spirit, as the third person of the 在信徒生命裡扮演重要的角色 Trinity, plays an important role in the life of the believer. We need to know Him, understand his 我們需要認識祂 了解祂的工作, work, and submit to his authority. 並順服祂的權炳 聖靈的個性和神性 His personality and Deity 1. 在約翰福音 14:26 節裡, 如 What name of the Holy Spirit is used in John 何稱呼聖靈? 您認為這名稱 14:26? What do you think this means? What pronoun is used to refer to the Holy Spirit in this 的意義是甚麼? 聖經用甚 verse? Is the Holy Spirit a person or an 麼代名詞稱呼聖靈? 由此代 influence? 名詞來看 : 聖靈具有獨立的位格麼? 或只是一種影響力? 2. 根據使徒行傳 5:3-5, 聖靈是神麼? According to Acts 5:3-5, is the Holy Spirit God? 3. 根據馬太福音 28:19, 三位一體神的第三位格是誰? In Matthew 28:19, who is listed as the third person of the Trinity? 4. 根據彼得後書 1:19-21, 是誰感動人寫下聖經? According to 2Peter 1:19-21, who moved the holy men of old to write the Bible? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

33 聖靈的工作 5. 根據約翰福音 16:7-11, 聖靈關於世界的工作是甚麼? C. The ministry of the Holy Spirit According to John 16:7-11, what is the ministry of the Holy Spirit towards the world? 6. 當信徒得救時, 聖靈為信徒作甚麼? 提多書 Titus 3:5-6 哥林多前書 1Corinthians 3:16 哥林多前書 1Corinthians 12:13 以弗所書 Ephesians 1:13-14 What does the Spirit do for the believer at the monent of salvation? 7. 聖靈持續在信徒生命裡做甚麼工作? 哥林多前書 1Corinthians 2:9-12 使徒行傳 Acts 1:8 羅馬書 Romans 8:26-27 彼得前書 1Peter 1:2 What are the continuing ministries of the Spirit in the believer's life? 8. 根據加拉太書 5:22-23, 聖靈在信徒生命中所結的果子是甚麼? According to Galatians 5:22-23 what is the fruit ofthe Spirit in the believer's life? 我們與聖靈的關係 9. 根據以弗所書 5:18, 我們應與聖靈保持何種關係? Our relationship with the Spirit According to Ephesians 5:18, what should be our relationship with the Holy Spirit? 8. 聖靈 : The Holy Spirit

34 10. 信徒應謹慎不要對聖靈作甚麼? 使徒行傳 Acts 5:3 以弗所書 Ephesians 4:30 帖撒羅尼迦前書 1Thessalonians 5:19 What must the believer be careful not to do to the Holy Spirit? 11. 根據哥林多前書 12:4-11, 聖靈給了每一位基督徒甚麼禮物? According to 1Corinthians 12:4-11, what has been given to every believer by the Spirit? 12. 請列出在羅馬書 12:3-8 所提到的屬靈恩賜 您認為您的屬靈恩賜是甚麼? List some of the spiritual gifts mentioned in Romans 12:3-8. What do you think is your spiritual gift? 13. 根據約翰福音 16:13-14, 聖靈工作最主要的目地是甚麼? According to John 16:13-14, what is the great object of the Holy Spirit's ministry? 結論 : 聖靈是基督徒的同伴與領導者 祂是信徒服事力量的來源 我們必需敏銳地去感受祂的帶領 我們被聖靈充滿的憑據, 就在於我們的生命是否結出聖靈的果子來榮耀基督 Conclusion: The Holy Spirit is the constant companion and guide of the Christian. He is the source of power for service. We must constantly be sensitive to his leading. The proof that we are filled with the Spirit will be the fruit of the Spirit in our life as we glorify Christ. 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

35 9. 天使, 撒但, 和邪靈 :Angels, Satan, & Demons 聖經經文 : 彼得前書 5:8 Scripture Reference: 1Peter 5:8 務要謹守, 儆醒 因為你們的仇敵魔鬼, 如同吼叫的獅子, 遍地遊行, 尋找可吞吃的人 前言 : 聖經告訴我們 : 天使和邪靈是靈物, 雖然我們看不見他們, 但他們能直接影響我們的生命 信徒必需儆醒, 才能有效地抵擋魔鬼和牠的試探 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Introduction: The Bible tells us that angels and devils are spirit beings which have a direct influence upon our life, even though they are unseen. It is necessary for the believer to be especially aware of the Devil and his temptations so that he may resist him effectively. 天使 1. 根據詩篇 104:4, 天使以何種型態存在? ( 參看希伯來書 1:7) Angels According to Psalms 104:4, What type of beings are angels? (cp. Heb. 1:7) 2. 根據啟示錄 4:11, 是誰創造了天使? According to Revelation 4:11, who created angels? 3. 根據啟示錄 22;8-9, 信徒應敬拜天使麼? ( 參看歌羅西書 2:18) According to Revelation 22;8-9, should we worship angels? (Cp. Col 2:18) 4. 根據希伯來書 1:14, 天使如何服事神? According to Hebrews 1:14, how do angels serve God? 9. 天使, 撒但, 和邪靈 :Angels, Satan, & Demons

36 撒但 5. 根據以西結書 28:14-15, 撒但是哪一類型的被造物? 牠未墮落前的樣子如何?C. 神為什麼把牠扔出天堂? C. Satan According to Ezekiel 28:14-15, what kind of created being is Satan? what was he like before he fell? C. Why did God cast him out of heaven? 6. 根據以賽亞書 14:12-14, 撒但 ( 路西弗 ) 犯了什麼罪導致牠從極高的地位摔落? According to Isaiah 14:12-14, what sin did Satan ( Lucifer ) commit that caused him to fall from his lofty position? 7. 撒但又被稱作什麼? What are some of the names by which Satan is called? 啟示錄 Revelation 9:11 啟示錄 Revelation 12:9-10 馬太福音 Matthew 12:24 哥林多後書 2Corinthians 4:4 8. 根據约翰福音 8:44 撒旦的兩個根本品性是什麼? a. b. According to John 8:44 what are the two basic characteristics of Satan? 8. 根據創世記 3:1, 撒但用什麼方法試探夏娃, 使她違背了神的戒命? According to Genesis 3:1 what method did Satan use to tempt Eve to disobey God's command? 9. 根據馬太福音 4:1-11, 耶穌用什麼方法抵擋住撒但每一次的試探? According to Matthew 4:1-11, how did Jesus resist each of Satan's temptations? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

37 10. 根據約翰一書 2:15-16, 撒但試探信徒哪三方面? C. According to 1John 2:15-16, in what three areas will Satan try to tempt the believer? 11. 根據彼得前書 5:8, 信徒為什麼應當提防撒但? According to 1Peter 5:8, why should believers beware of Satan? 邪靈 12. 根據啟示錄 12:3-4,9, 邪靈是什麼? Demons According to Revelation 12:3-4,9, what are the demons? 13. 根據以弗所書 6:12, 信徒與誰在屬靈上爭戰? 邪靈有組織麼? According to Ephesians 6:12, with whom does the believer engage in spiritual battle? Are demonic forces organized? 14. 根據馬太福音 25:41, 魔鬼與邪靈最後的結局是什麼? According to Matthew 25:41, what is the final destination of the devil and his angels? 結論 : 我們應當提防撒但和從牠而來的試探 靠著順服神的話和信賴基督的寶血, 我們就能贏得勝利 Conclusion: We should beware of Satan and his temptations. We can always claim victory by obedience to the Word of God and the blood of Christ. 9. 天使, 撒但, 和邪靈 :Angels, Satan, & Demons

38 10. 教會和浸信會的獨特點 :The Church & Baptist Distinctives 聖經經文 : 提摩太前書 3:15 Scripture Reference: 1Timothy 3:15 倘若我耽延日久, 你也可以知道在神的家中當怎樣行 這家就是永生神的教會, 真理的柱石和根基 前言 : 浸信會與其他派別的教會有何不同? 信條真的很重要麼? 儘管所有的真基督徒都同意救恩只在耶穌基督裡 ; 但在不同派別的教會裡 甚至是同派別的教會裡, 仍存有許多重大的差異 然而重要的是 : 我們必需從神的話語裡發現祂所啟示的真理, 並照著祂給我們的榜樣生活 我們必須立志在生活中順服神 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. Introduction: What makes the Baptist Church different from other Christian denominations? Is doctrine really important? While all true Christians agree that Salvation is in Christ alone, there are also important differences between different denominations, and even between different churches of the same denomination. It is essential that we discover what God has revealed in his word and live according to the pattern he has given us in his word. We must be determine to live in obedience to God. 教會的權炳 1. 根據以弗所書 1:20-22, 誰是教會的頭? 誰有權決定教會的組織 管理, 與運作? The Authority to the Church According to Ephesians 1:20-22, Who is the head of the church? Who determines how the church should be organized, governed, and run? 2. 根據歌羅西書 2:8, 若跟隨人的傳統 離開基督的話, 會有什麼危險? According to Colossians 2:8, what is the danger of following men's traditions instead of Christ's word? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

39 3. 根據哥林多前書 2:9-13, 誰有權炳了解並解釋聖經? 是牧師? 基督徒? 教皇? 或是什麼人? 理由是什麼? According to 1Corinthians 2:9-13, who has authority to understand and interpret the Bible? The pastor? The individual believer? The Pope? Someone else?why? 教會的行政制度 在現今世界, 我們看到治理教會共有四種不同的方法 : 1. 教皇制度 由一個人 ( 教皇 ) 治理眾教會 2. 主教制度 由教會之外的一群人 ( 主教 ) 治理眾教會 3. 長老制度 由教會選出的牧師治理眾教會 4. 公理制度 由當地教會自己治理教會 The Government of the Church We can observe 4 different methods of governing the church in use today: 1. Papal-governed by one man (Pope). 2. Episcopalian-governed by a group of men (Bishops) outside the churches. 3. Presbyterian-governed by representatives from all the churches. 4. Congregational-governed by its own people. 4. 根據使徒行傳 6:1-3, 是誰選出教會的職員? According to Acts 6:1-3, who selected the officers of the church? 5. 根據使徒行傳 13:1-3, 是誰差派宣教士去傳福音? 他們如何確定這是神的旨意? According to Acts 13:1-3, who sent out missionaries to spread the gospel? How did they determine God's will in the matter? 信徒的祭司身分 The Priesthood of the Believer 6. 根據提摩太前書 2:5, 信徒禱 According to 1Timothy 2:5, through whom must 告求神赦免罪需要透過什麼 the believer approach God in order to pray or to receive forgiveness of sins? Can a saint, or a 人嗎? 聖人 人類的祭司, human priest or a pastor help you approach God? 或牧師, 能幫助你接近神麼? 10. 教會和浸信會的獨特點 :The Church & Baptist Distinctives

40 教會的禮儀 7. 根據馬太福音 28:19, 基督吩咐教會施行的第一個禮儀是什麼? Ordinances of the Church According to Matthew 28:19, what is one of the ordinances which Christ commanded His Church to practice? 8. 根據馬太福音 26:26-30, 基督吩咐教會施行的第二個禮儀是什麼? According to Matthew 26:26-30, what is the other ordinance which Christ commanded his Church practice? 9. 根據哥林多前書 11:23-26, 主餐所代表的意義是什麼? According to 1Corinthians 11:23-26, what is the purpose of this ordinance? 靈魂的自由 ( 個人信仰的自由 ) Soul Liberty 10. 根據羅馬書 14:12, 誰需對我的行為負責任? According to Romans 14:12, who is responsible for my actions? 11. 若是這樣, 那麼是誰有權決 If this is true, who has the right to determine what 定我的信仰和敬拜神的樣式? I believe and how I worship God? 得救的會友 12. 根據使徒行傳 2:41, 是誰加入教會? 如何加入? Saved Church Membership According to Acts 2:41, who was added to the church and how were they added? 教會的職員 13. 在腓立比書 1:1 裡, 除了教會的會員 ( 聖徒 ) 之外, 還提到哪兩項教會的職務? The Officers of the Church In Philippians 1:1, besides the members of the church ( saints ), what two offices of the church are mentioned? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

41 14. 根據以下的經文, 牧師另外的名稱是什麼? 提多書 Titus 1:5-7 使徒行傳 Acts 20:28 According to the following references, what are other titles for the office of pastor? 15. 根據彼得前書 5:1-4, 牧師有哪三種責任? C. According to 1Peter 5:1-4, what three functions does the pastor have? 16. 根據提摩太前書 3:8-13, 任何人只要有意願都可擔任執事麼? According to 1Timothy 3:8-13, can anyone be a deacon if they want to? 教會與政府的分界 17. 根據羅馬書 13:1-7, 教會對國家政府的責任是什麼? C. the Separation of Church and State According to Romans 13:1-7, what is the Church's responsibility to the government? 18. 根據使徒行傳 5:27-29, 政府對教會的責任是什麼? According to Acts 5:27-29, what is the government's responsibility to the Church? 10. 教會和浸信會的獨特點 :The Church & Baptist Distinctives

42 結論 : 使浸信會與其他派別教會不同的八個信條 : 1. 以聖經為權炳 2. 當地教會擁有獨立自主權 3. 信徒皆祭司 4. 施行兩種禮儀 : 浸禮與主餐 5. 承認個人靈魂信仰的自由 6. 教會由得救重生的會友組成 7. 教會的兩項職務 : 牧師和執事 8. 教會與政府的分界 Conclusion: There are eight beliefs which set apart Baptists from other denominations and churches. 1. Biblical Authority 2. Autonomy of the Local Church 3. Priesthood of the Believer 4. Two Ordinances: Baptism by immersion and the Lord's Supper 5. Individual Soul Liberty 6. Saved Church Membership 7. Two Offices: Pastor and Deacon 8. Separation of Church and State Acrostic taken from Biblical Basis for Baptists by L. Duane Brown. Copyright 1969, self published. 此八信條取自 L. Duane Brown 所著的 Biblical Basis for Baptists 一書,1969 年出版 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

43 新基督徒生命的技巧 : LIFE SKILLS FOR NEW CHRISTIANS 門徒訓練原點 Discipler's Sourcebook

44 11. 勝過試探和得到罪的赦免 :Overcoming Temptation, Receiving Forgiveness 聖經經文 : 哥林多前書 10:13 你們所遇見的試探, 無非是人所能受的 神是信實的, 必不叫你們受試探過於所能受的 ; 在受試探的時候, 總要給你們開一條出路, 較你們能忍受得住 前言 : 每位基督徒在每天的生活中都會面臨試探, 這是我們無法避免的事情 ; 但是我們能夠靠著神的力量勝過試探 我們需了解試探的危險 試探的來源和結果 ; 也需了解並使用神所賜給我們能贏得勝利的資源 有時基督徒會犯罪, 因此我們需學習神的方法以獲得罪的赦免 對於試探, 我們應採取兩面策略 : 預防和修復 Scripture Reference: 1Corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you t be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. Introduction: Every believer faces temptations every day of his life. He cannot avoid them. But he can overcome them by God's power. In order to do so we must clearly understand the danger, source, and result of temptation in our life. We must also know and use the resources which God has given us to obtain victory. Every believer will sin at times and we must learn God's provision for obtaining forgiveness when we do. The strategy which we must take, then, is two-fold: prevention and recovery. 試探的來源 The Source of Temptation 1. 定義 : 試探是一種內心的驅動, Definition: Temptation is an inner impulse to 促使人想越過神所立的界限 exceed the boundaries established by God.What are the three primary causes of temptation? 試探的三個主要成因是什麼? 約翰一書 1John 2:15 雅各書 James 1:14 C. 馬太福音 Matthew 4:1 2. 根據雅各書 1:13, 神會試探人麼? According to James 1:13, does God ever tempt a person to sin? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

45 3. 說明 : 試探和試煉是兩件不同 Explanation: Temptation and tesing are two 的事情 試探來自撒但, 為 different things. Temptation comes from Satan with the purpose of destroying us. Testing comes 的是要毀滅我們 ; 試煉則是 from God and is designed to strengthen and 來自神, 為的是剛強我們並 prove us. 驗證我們 According to Ephesians 4:22-24, What is our 根據以弗所書 4:22-24, 我 old nature like? Can or will our old nature ever be changed? C. What other nature does the 們老舊的本性如何? 我們 believer possess? 老舊的本性是否能或將會改變麼?C. 除了老舊的自我外, 基督徒內心還有別的東西麼? C. 如何勝過試探 4. 根據羅馬書 8:1-13, 我們如何戰勝來自肉體情慾的試探? How to Overcome Temptation According to Romans 8:1-13, how do we defeat the temptation that comes because of our fleshly lusts? 5. 根據雅各書 4:7, 我們需先做什麼才能抵擋來自魔鬼的試探? According to James 4:7, what must we do first in order to resist the devil? 6. 根據路加福音 4:1-13, 撒但用哪三種試探誘惑耶穌? 耶穌用什麼方法戰勝撒但每次的試探? In Luke 4:1-13, What three types of temptation did Satan use against Jesus?(Cp. 1 Jn 2:15-16) What method did Jesus use in each case to defeat Satan and overcome temptation? 7. 根據以弗所書 6:11, 我們與魔鬼爭戰所佩帶的 聖靈寶劍 是指什麼? 信徒還應穿上什麼軍裝? According to Ephesians 6:11-18, What is the Sword of the Spirit with which we fight against the devil in temptation? What other armour should the believer wear? 11. 勝過試探和得到罪的赦免 :Overcoming Temptation, Receiving Forgiveness

46 8. 根據哥林多前書 10:13, 有沒有什麼試探是我們無法戰勝的? According to 1Corinthians 10:13, is there ever any temptation that is impossible to overcome? 9. 根據馬太福音 26:41, 預防試探的方法是什麼? According to Matthew 26:41, what is the antidote to temptation? 獲得罪的赦免 10. 根據箴言 24:16, 當義人 ( 因信稱義的人 ) 因試探跌倒後, 應做什麼? Receiving Forgiveness for sin According to Proverbs 24:16, what should the righteous (justified) person do after he falls in temptation? 11. 根據約翰一書 2:1-2, 當信徒犯罪時, 是誰在神面前幫信徒辯護? According to 1John 2:1-2, when the believer sins, who is his advocate with God? 12. 根據約翰一書 1:9, 信徒如何獲得罪的赦免? According to 1John 1:9, how does the believer receive forgiveness of sins? 結論 : 務要謹守 儆醒 因為你們的仇敵魔鬼, 如同吼叫的獅子, 遍地遊行, 尋找可吞吃的人 Conclusion: Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. (1Pe 5:8) 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

47 12. 基督徒的成長與成聖 : Christian Growth & Sanctification 聖經經文 : 彼得後書 3:18 Scripture Reference: 2Peter 3:18 你們卻要在我們主救主耶穌基督的恩典和知識上有長進 願榮耀歸給祂, 從今直到永遠 阿們! 前言 : 在我們獲得上述經文 ( 彼得後書 3:18) 的益處前, 需先了解兩件關於基督徒成長的事實 : 第一, 基督徒被吩咐必需在主裡成長 第二, 若基督徒能保持合適的狀態, 成長就會自然地發生 基督徒成長的目地就是要 成聖 成聖是指終其一生在我們的生活與品德上都要越來越像耶穌基督 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen. Introduction: Before we can benefit from this passage (2Peter 3:18) we must recognize two facts about Christian growth: First, a Christian is commanded to grow in his Christian life. Second, this growth will naturally occur if the proper conditions are maintained. The goal of Christian growth is Sanctification. This is the lifelong process of becoming like Christ in our lives and character. 1. 根據彼得後書 3:18, 基督徒被 According to 2Peter 3:18, in what two areas is 吩咐需在哪兩方面有所成長? the believer commanded to grow?what do you think this means? 您認為這代表的意義是什麼? 2. 根據彼得後書 1:2-4, 恩典 According to 2Peter 1:2-4, what is the result of 和 知識 在信徒生命上產 this grace and knowledge in the believer's life? 生的效果是什麼? 3. 根據羅馬書 8:28-29, 神對每位基督徒的旨意是什麼? According to Romans 8:28-29, what is God's purpose for every believer? 12. 基督徒的成長與成聖 : Christian Growth & Sanctification

48 4. 根據帖撒羅尼迦前書 4:3, 神期待每位基督徒的生活應如何? According to 1Thessalonians 4:3, what is the will of God for the believer's life? 成聖的原則 The Principle of Sanctification 5. 在哥林多後書 3:18 裡, 描述 2Corinthians 3:18 describes the process of 了信徒在生活中成聖的過程 sanctification in the believer's life. What does the believer look into order to see the 信徒對著什麼東西能看見主 glory of the Lord? What is the glass or mirror 的榮光? 雅各書 1:22-25 所提 which is mentioned? (Cp. James 1:22-25) Why 到的 鏡子 是指什麼? 您 do you think it is called a mirror? 認為稱它為鏡子代表的意義是什麼? 6. 當信徒對著鏡子看時, 在他的生命中會發生什麼事情? 由於上述的事實, 所以在我們的生活中應常常查看什麼? What happens in the believer's life when he does this? Since this is true, what should the believer regularly see occurring in his life? 7. 是什麼力量使信徒的生活受到改變? What power effects this change in the believer's life? 8. 根據希伯來書 4:16, 我們擁有什麼資源可使生活得到改變與恩典? According to Hebrews 4:16, what resource do we have to obtain the grace we need to change? 成聖的道路 9. 根據希伯來書 4:16, 我們必需抱持什麼態度才能改變成像耶穌基督? The Path of Sanctification According to Matthew 5:6, what attitude is necessary in order to become like Christ? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

49 10. 根據彼得後書 1:2-10, 是哪個字說明了我們需要怎麼做, 才能在基督的知識上有所長進?( 請注意第 5 和第 15 節 ) According to 2Peter 1:2-10, what word describes the one thing necessary in order to grow in the knowledge of Christ? (especially v.5 and v.15) 11. 根據提摩太前書 4:22-24, 如何成為一位敬虔的基督徒? According to 1Timothy 4:7, how does a person become a Godly Christian. 12. 根據以弗所書 4:22-24, 基督徒需要做哪三件事情, 才能成長像耶穌基督的模樣? C. According to Ephesians 4:22-24, what three things must a Christian do in order to grow in the likeness of Christ? 13. 您認為 心志改換一新 的意義是什麼? What do you think it means to be renewed in the spirit of your mind? 結論 : 14. 請記錄在您個人生活上不敬虔的方面或習慣 請用上述的三個步驟寫下您的改變計畫 Conclusion: Write one area of your life or one habit which is not godly. Use the three steps above to write your plan for change. 12. 基督徒的成長與成聖 : Christian Growth & Sanctification

50 13. 家庭與個人的關係 : Family & Personal Relationships 聖經經文 : 以弗所書 4:32 Scripture Reference: Ephesians 4:32 並要以恩慈相待, 存憐憫的心, 彼此饒恕, 正如神在基督裏饒恕了你們一樣 前言 : 家庭與個人的關係, 是基督徒展現 實踐信仰生活的一個重要部份 這部分最難反應出基督的形象 我們必需確定的是 : 在信徒生命的變化過程中, 有包含這部分的改變 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. Introduction: One of the very important areas in which the believer must demonstrate practical Christian living is the area of family and personal relationships. It is here that it is often most difficult to reflect the image of Christ. We must be sure that the process of change in the believers life also takes place in this area. 一般性的原則 1. 根據羅馬書 13:10, 人類的關係應建立在哪一條根本原則上? The General Principles According to Romans 13:10, what is the foundational principal upon which all human relationships should be built? 2. 根據馬太福音 22:37-40, 哪兩條誡命是律法的總綱? According to Matthew 22:37-40, on what two commandments is the whole law hung? 3. 根據以弗所書 4:32, 我們應常常持有什麼態度對待他人? According to Ephesians 4:32, what attitude should characterize all of our behaviour toward others? 4. 根據歌羅西書 3:18-4:6, 聖經如何具體地教導基督徒與家庭 教會, 和社會的互動? According to Colossians 3:18-4:6, does the Bible give specific instructions about how Christians are to relate to one another in the family, in the church, and in society? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

51 變換後的關係 5. 根據以弗所書 4:22-32, 我們與他人的關係應受到一些原則和誡命的管理 在 25 節裡提到了哪條規範? Transformed Relationships According to Ephesians 4:22-32, there are principles and commands that should govern our relationships to others. What is the rule found in verse 25? 6. 根據馬太福音 5:23-24, 若我們發覺與某人的關係有了裂痕, 是誰有責任應主動設法去修復關係? According to Matthew 5:23-24, if we are aware of a breach in our relationship with another person, whose responsibility is it to try to mend that relationship? 7. 以弗所書 4:26-27 裡的準則是什麼? What rule is found in Ephesians 4:26-27? 8. 根據約翰福音 2:13-17, 人是 According to these verses, is it possible to be 否能生氣而不犯罪? 若是能, angry without sinning? (Cp. John 2:13-17) If so what is the difference between sinful anger and 無罪的發怒和有罪的發怒有 anger that is not sinful? 何不同之處? 9. 以弗所書 4:29 裡的準則是什麼? What rule is stated in Ephesians 4:29? 10. 以弗所書 4:31-32 裡的準則是什麼? What rule is stated in Ephesians 4:31-32? 11. 根據羅馬書 12:20-21, 此準則教導我們應如何解決人際關係上的問題? According to Romans 12:20-21, how does this rule help us to solve problems in our personal relationships? 13. 家庭與個人的關係 : Family & Personal Relationships

52 家庭 12. 根據創世記 2:20-25, 是誰設立家庭? The Family According to Genesis 2:20-25, who established the family? 13. 根據哥林多前書 11:3, 家庭權柄的順序為何? According to 1Corinthians 11:3, what is the order of authority in the home? 14. 根據創世記 2:24, 子女與父母的關係會不會經歷改變? According to Genesis 2:24, does a person's relationship with his parents ever go through a change? 15. 根據創世記 2:24, 一個人與配偶之間的關係在結婚後會不會改變? According to Genesis 2:24, does a person's relationship with his spouse ever change after marriage? 16. 根據彼得前書 3:1-6, 妻子對丈夫主要的責任是什麼? According to 1Peter 3:1-6, what is the wife's primary responsibility toward her husband? 17. 根據以弗所書 5:25, 丈夫對妻子主要的責任是什麼? According to Ephesians 5:25, what is the husband's primary responsibility toward his wife? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

53 結論 : 基督徒的人際關係是反應信仰生活很重要的一部分 我們若是倚靠神的力量, 就能克服困難問題 改善人際關係 ; 並確認我們是 在光明中行, 如同神在光明中, 就彼此相交, 祂兒子耶穌的血也洗淨我們一切的罪 ( 約翰一書 1:7) Conclusion: Our personal relationships are an important reflection of our Christian life. If we are transforming our relationships and overcoming problems in these areas by God's power, then we have a strong affirmation that we are walking in the light... and we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. (1John 1:7) 13. 家庭與個人的關係 : Family & Personal Relationships

54 14. 認識並遵行神的旨意 :Knowing & Doing the Will of God 聖經經文 : 羅馬書 12:1-2 Scripture Reference: Romans 12:1-2 所以弟兄們, 我以神的慈悲勸你們, 將身體獻上, 當作活祭, 是聖潔的, 是神所喜悅的 ; 你們如此事奉, 乃是理所當然的 不要效法這個世界, 只要心意更新而 變化, 叫你們查驗何為神的善良 純全 可喜悅的旨意 前言 : 基督徒生命的關鍵轉戾點, 就是決志要認識並遵行神的旨意 這是所有門徒訓練的根基 我們需要在 了解神的旨意 上持續地成長, 也需持續做決志順服神的旨意 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Introduction: One of the critical turning points in a believer's life is making a commitment to discover and obey God's will for his or her life. This is really the whole foundation of discipleship. There must be a continual growth in our understanding of God's will, and a continuing commitment to obey it. 神的旨意是什麼 1. 根據以弗所書 5:17, 每位基督徒都應明白什麼? What is God's will? According to Ephesians 5:17, what should every believer know? 2. 根據帖撒羅尼迦前書 4:3, 神 According to 1Thessalonians 4:3, what is God's 對每位基督徒的旨意是什麼? will for every believer? If this is so, what is God's greatest concern for the individual? 既是如此, 那麼神最關心每個人什麼事情? 3. 請列出在聖經裡還有哪些事情明顯也是神的旨意? 帖撒羅尼迦前書 1Thessalonians 5:18 彼得後書 2Peter 3:9 List some other things in scripture that are clearly God's will. 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

55 您還有想到別的麼? Can you think of some others? 4. 根據雅各書 4:13-17, 神是否 According to James 4:13-17, is God concerned 關心我們所做的決定 行為, with the decisions we make, the things we do, and the places we go? 和我們所去的地方? 5. 我們如何了解神對每件事情的旨意? 詩篇 Psalm 119:105 雅各書 James 1:5 C. 羅馬書 Romans 8:14 How can we know God's will for these things? 6. 根據箴言 3:5-6, 我們需持什麼態度才能在生活中受到神的帶領? C. According to Proverbs 3:5-6, what three attitudes are required in order to receive the Lord's guidance in our life? 完全奉獻自己遵行神的旨意 7. 在羅馬書 12:1-2 裡, 神的慈悲 是指什麼?( 請參考哥林多後書 5:14-15) Full Surrender to the Will of God In Romans 12:1-2, what are the mercies of God? (Cp. 2Corinthians 5:14-15) 8. 根據上述經文, 神的恩典對 According to the verses above, what effect should 我們的生命會產生什麼影響? God's grace have upon our life?how you ever made this decision? 您有沒有因此影響做出決志? 14. 認識並遵行神的旨意 :Knowing & Doing the Will of God

56 9. 在遵行神的旨意上, 耶穌基督給了我們什麼榜樣? 約翰福音 John 9:4 約翰福音 John 4:34 C. 路加福音 Luke 22:41-42 What example did Jesus Christ give for doing the will of God? 10. 根據以弗所書 6:6, 當我們遵行神的旨意時, 應持什麼態度? According to Ephesians 6:6, what other attitude should we have in doing God's will? 11. 根據哥林多後書 1:1, 保羅為什麼要當使徒服事神? According to 2Corinthians 1:1, why did Paul serve God as an apostle? 12. 您曾考慮過神對您生命的旨意麼? 若是神呼召您全職服事祂, 您會願意麼? Have you ever considered God's will for your life? If God called you to full-time service, would you be willing? 結論 : 每位基督徒都應面對並回應神的旨意 Conclusion: Every believer must face the fact of God's will and how he will respond to it. 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

57 15. 基督徒的管理責任 :Christian Stewardship 聖經經文 : 哥林多前書 4:2 Scripture Reference: 1Corinthians 4:2 所求於管家的, 是要他有忠心 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 前言 : Introduction: 基督徒的管理責任是聖經的原則, Christian stewardship is the principle that God 表明我們自己和我們所有的一切 owns us and all that we have. He has called us to manage that which he has entrusted to us for his 都屬於神 祂呼召我們管理 祂 own glory. We must be faithful in using our time, 為了自己的榮耀所交托給我們的 talents, and money for his glory. 東西 因此, 我們必需忠誠地使用我們的時間 才能, 和金錢來榮耀神 管理責任的依據 The basis of stewardship 1. 請列出兩個表明 我們自己 Name two reasons that everything we are and 和我們所有的一切都屬於神 have belongs to God. 的原因 以賽亞書 Isaiah 45:12 哥林多前書 1Corinthians 6:20 2. 根據詩篇 24:1, 神擁有什麼? According to Psalm 24:1, what does God own? 3. 根據哈該書 2:8, 還有什麼也屬於神? According to Haggai 2:8, what else belongs to God? 信徒的管理工作 The believer's stewardship 4. 神把什麼交託給信徒管理? What has God entrusted to the believer to manage? 以弗所書 Ephesians 5:16 彼得前書 1Peter 4:10 瑪拉基書 Malachi 3:8 15. 基督徒的管理責任 :Christian Stewardship

58 5. 根據哥林多前書 4:2, 神對我們作為管家的唯一要求是什麼? According to 1Corinthians 4:2, what is God's one requirement for us as stewards? 財務的管理工作 6. 根據希伯來書 7:1-10, 是誰最先將所得的十分之一奉獻給神? 這件事發生在摩西頒布律法以前或以後? Financial stewardship According to Hebrews 7:1-10, what individual gave us an example of tithing in the Bible? Was this before or after the law of Moses was given? 7. 根據瑪拉基書 3:8, 若基督徒拒絕將所得的十分之一納給神, 他就等於是在做什麼事情? According to Malachi 3:8, what is a Christian doing when he refuses to tithe? 8. 根據馬太福音 23:23, 耶穌對於 納十分之一給神 有什麼看法? According to Matthew 23:23, what did Jesus think about tithing? 9. 根據瑪拉基書 3:10, 舊約信徒將所得的十分之一帶往何處納給神? 您認為在新約時代, 基督徒應將所得的十分之一帶往何處納給神? According to Malachi 3:10, where did the O.T. saints bring their tithes? Where do yoy think Christians should bring their tithe in the N.T. age? 10. 根據哥林多後書 8:1-7, 信徒除了應將所得的十分之一納給神外, 還應將什麼也奉獻給主? According to 2Corinthians 8:1-7, what else besides the tithe should the believer give to the Lord? 門徒訓練原點 Disciple's Sourcebook

Microsoft Word - oneyearbiblereadingplan_chinese.docx

Microsoft Word - oneyearbiblereadingplan_chinese.docx 一月 01 創世記 1:1-2:25 02 創世記 3:1-4:26 17 創世記 35:1-36:43 18 創世記 37:1-38:30 馬太福音 1:1-2:12 馬太福音 2:13-3:6 馬太福音 12:1-21 馬太福音 12:22-45 詩篇 1:1-6 詩篇 2:1-12 詩篇 15:1-5 詩篇 16:1-11 箴言 1:1-6 箴言 1:7-9 箴言 3:21-26 箴言 3:27-32

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A Study of Su Hsuei-Lin s Painting Based on the Literati Painting Prototype Wu Rong-Fu Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National 2007 4 131-170 prototype theory 131 A Study of Su Hsuei-Lin s Painting Based on the Literati Painting Prototype Wu Rong-Fu Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University

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我覺得,如果宇宙的神是這樣的,我願意跟隨他,常伴左右 但是,我並沒有失去或放棄我的思辯能力 我仍是嚴嚴的思辯,牢牢的把關 如果有神,則人的思辯 能力是神賦予人的重大禮物,為了尊敬神,你都必須好好展用它,不然就枉費了神的美意 而如果沒有神,則人的思辯能力更是我們辨別是非的重大依據 人類從來就不應該拋棄

我覺得,如果宇宙的神是這樣的,我願意跟隨他,常伴左右 但是,我並沒有失去或放棄我的思辯能力 我仍是嚴嚴的思辯,牢牢的把關 如果有神,則人的思辯 能力是神賦予人的重大禮物,為了尊敬神,你都必須好好展用它,不然就枉費了神的美意 而如果沒有神,則人的思辯能力更是我們辨別是非的重大依據 人類從來就不應該拋棄 與神對話(一) 作者簡介 尼爾 唐那 沃許(Neale Donald Walsh) 一九九五年 在他的人生最低潮期 一天因寫了一封憤 怒信給神 沒想到這信竟得到了回答 也因此產生了一本驚世之作 與神對話 之後 他整 個的人生觀與生活都改變了 而創立了一個叫做 再創造 (ReCreation)的組織 專門致力在傳 播自己所領悟出的喜悅 真理 與愛的信念 目前與妻子南茜住在美國的奧勒岡 譯者簡介 王季慶

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