主要内容 Contents 应对气候变化推动能源转型 Climate change push energy transition in the world 中国能源转型战略 China s Strategy of Energy Transition 全球能源互联网助推能源转型 Global ener

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1 中国能源转型与可再生能源发展 Energy Transition and Renewable Energy Development in China 耿丹, 气候议会 / 中国循环经济协会可再生能源专业委员会 Geng Dan,Climate Parliament/Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association May 25, 2016

2 主要内容 Contents 应对气候变化推动能源转型 Climate change push energy transition in the world 中国能源转型战略 China s Strategy of Energy Transition 全球能源互联网助推能源转型 Global energy interconnection and energy transition 中国与全球能源转型的合作 China s Role to Promote Global Energy Transition

3 全球应对气候变化推动了能源转型, Climate change push energy transition in the world

4 巴黎协定确定的全球长期目标对全球及中国的能源转型提出了要求 Energy transition in the world and China is crucial for the achievements of the global longterm goals set in the Paris Agreement 巴黎协定 进一步明确了应对气候变化全球目标 Global long-term goals set in the Paris Agreement 到世纪末实现 2/1.5 温控目标 (Article 2) 2/1.5 Temperature limits by the end of the century 尽早达峰目标 (Article 4.1) To reach global peaking of GHG as soon as possible 本世纪下半叶人为温室气体源汇平衡 (Article 4.1) A balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of GHG in the second half of this century 全球达峰 Global Peak

5 巴黎协定确定的全球长期目标和国家自主贡献对中国能源转型提出了要求 China s energy transition is crucial for the achievements of the global long-term goals set in the Paris Agreement and mitigation targets in its INDC 年, 中国的温室气体排放量约占全球 30%, 其温室气体排放趋势对于全球排放路径至关重要 China s GHG emission accounts for around 30% of the world s total, therefore its emission trends is key for the global trajectory. 中国排放达峰是全球排放达峰的基础, 而中国实现能源转型是达峰的前提 China reaching its GHG emission peak will build solid base for achieving that of the world s, and to achieve an energy transition would be a pre-condition for China s peak. 中国国家自主贡献目标 INDC targets 到 2030 年左右达到 CO2 排放峰值 To peak the CO 2 emission around 2030 非化石能源 20% To increase the share of non-fossil fuel in primary energy use to about 20%

6 全球能源转型从国家开始起航,Global energy transition has started by countries 美国从能源革命到清洁电力计划 德国和英国逐步减少煤炭发电 日本逐步降低煤炭发电比例 印度 中国大力发展可再生能源 中东产油大国也在行动, 阿联酋的酋长笑谈什么时候卖出最后一桶油 USA started energy revolution in 2009 and Put CPP in 2016 Phase our coal-fired power both in Germany and UK Even in Japan, coal fired power will be only 25% by 2030 Renewable energy has developed in India and China OPEC has also thought about the energy transation

7 能源转型 国家 Energy transition in countries 欧盟能源转型 - 德国能源转型 Europe-Energiewende in Germany 美国 - 清洁电力计划 ( 环保署 ) US-Clean Power Plan (EPA) 非洲清洁能源走廊 Africa-Clean Energy Corridor 中国能源革命 China- Energy Revolution 印度发起太阳能联盟 India- International Solar Alliance (Premier Narendra Modi)

8 能源转型 城市 Energy transition in cities C40 100% 可再生能源城市, 纽约市长布隆伯格先生发起了 100% 的可再生能源城市, 大约 1000 个城市响应, 其中不少城市在 2020 年实现 100% 的可再生能源 C40 Cities- about 1000 cities responsible to Mr. Boomberg, the 100% Renewable Energy Challenge an initiative bringing together global leaders to co-create solutions to achieve 100 percent renewable energy cities.

9 能源转型 企业 Energy transition in business 能源突破联盟 - 清洁能源技术创新 Breakthrough Energy Coalition- Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson and other high-profile entrepreneurs have pledged to spark a new economic revolution based around clean energy.

10 中国减缓气候变化的目标 2020 China s targets for 2020 on climate change 碳强度 Carbon intensity 2005 比 2005 年下降 40-45% Decease by 2020 非化石能源在一次能源中的占比 Share of non-fossil fuel in primary energy consumption 升至约 15% Increase to about 增加森林面积 4 千万公顷 Increase forested area by 40 million ha. 增加森林蓄积量 13 亿立方米 Increase forest stock volume by 1.3 billion m3

11 中国减缓气候变化的目标 2030 国家自主贡献 China s targets for 2030 on climate change INDC 减缓 Mitigation 二氧化碳排放 CO 2 emission 2030 在 2030 年左右达到峰值 Peak around 2030 碳强度 Carbon intensity 比 2005 年下降 60-65% Decrease by 60-65% 非化石能源占比 Share of nonfossil fuel 提高至 20% [ 值 ] 森林蓄积量 Forest stock volume 比 2005 年增加 45 亿立方米 4.5 billion m 3

12 中国能源转型战略 China s strategy of energy transition

13 中国将能源转型作为长期国家战略 China has made energy transition a long-term national strategy 中国将能源转型作为长期国家战略 Energy transition set as a long-term national strategy 2013 年 9 月, 国务院颁布大气污染治理 国十条, 指向能源转型 September 2013, the State Council released the Action Plan for Air Pollution Prevention and Control,with goals of air pollution control and measures of energy transition 年 4 月, 李克强总理在国家能源委员会会议上提出了国家能源变革的要求 April 2014, Premier Li Keqiang pledged the country s crucial needs of energy evolution 年 6 月, 习近平总书记在中央财经领导小组第六次会议上提出中国能源革命的五大任务, 把能源的清洁化 低碳化发展作为能源转型的首要目标 June 2014, President Xi Jinping called for an Energy Revolution in energy production and consumption.

14 中国已开始能源转型的征程, 并取得重要进展 China has made significant achievements in energy transition. 中国能源转型取得重要进展 Significant achievements have been achieved 2014 年, 中国首次实现燃煤发电量和煤炭消费量的负增长 By 2014, China for the first time witnessed decrease in coal-fire power generation and coal consumption 年, 中国发电总量首次下降 2%, 但非化石能源发电量净增 1500 亿千瓦时 In 2015, China's output of electric power dropped 2%, meanwhile nonfossil power generation increased 150GWh 年, 中国可再生能源发电量占比达到 24.8%, 较 2012 年提高 4.8% In 2015, China s renewable energy power generation reached 24.8%, with an increase of 4.8 % in 3 years. 可再生能源发电量 Renewable energy power 非化石能源占比 Share of non-fossil fuel in primary energy 比 2013 年提高 4.6% RE power share increased by 4.8% from % 12.21% 升至约 12.2% Increase to12.21% from 11.37%

15 中国能源转型行动进展 China s achievements in energy transition 2015 能源结构 Energy Structure 一次能源消费 Primary Energy Consupmtion Non-Fossil Fuel 12.2% Others 319 GW Hydro Power 水电 129 GW Wind Power 风电 43.2 GW Solar Power 光伏 GW Nuclear Power 核电

16 中国能源转型行动进展 China s achievements in renewable energy development GW 15.1% increase 可再生能源装机 Renewable Capacity 2015 可再生能源发电 Renewable Electricity billionkwh 8.3% increase 2015 可再生能源占比 Renewable Energy Share 一次能源消费 Primary Energy Consupmtion % Renewable Others 总发电装机 Total Capacity Installed 33.3% Renewable Others 总发电量 Total Electricity Output 24.8% Renewable Others

17 中国能源转型行动进展 China s achievements in renewable energy development % 可再生能源投资 Renewable Energy Investment % % 61.6% 70% 65% 60% % 52.1% 55% % 50% 可再生能源投资 ( 十亿元 ) Renewable energy investment (billion CNY) 可再生能源占电源建设投资比例 Renewable energy investment Share 45%

18 中国可再生能源发展挑战 Major bottlenecks that impede China s renewable energy development 可再生能源发电基地与沿海负荷中心的错位 Imbalance between renewable energy power base (west and north area) and coastal load centers. 跨省电力互联匮乏, 难以满足可再生能源送出需求 Inadequate energy interconnection, leading to serious curtailment of wind and solar in areas that already have a high penetration of renewables 西部省份弃风弃光现象日趋严重 In 2015, financial losses from wind curtailment were worth over 18bn Yuan, almost offsetting the overall value of wind installations

19 全球能源互联网助推能源转型 Global energy interconnection and energy transition

20 全球能源转型为全球能源互联网提供了市场需求 energy transition creates market demand for Global energy interconnection 全球能源转型的基础的可再生能源的广泛利用 全球能源互联是解决可再生能源的间歇性和波动性的技术途径 早在 1970 年代美国人就提出了把全球的风电和太阳能发电连起来的梦想 德国人也提出了与非洲 中东相连解决欧洲的能源供应问题

21 中国也提出了全球能源互联网的设想 China also proposed Global Energy Interconnection 全球能源互联网解决了两个问题 解决了电从远方来, 实现能源共享的理念 解决了电从身边来, 实现了电力和能源的分布式发展 Global energy interconnection solved the following problems Remote power sharing Renewable power for distribution

22 中国与全球能源转型的合作 China s role to promote global energy transition

23 推动低碳能源转型已经成为世界主要经济体的共识 To promote the transition of energy system towards a low-carbon one has already become a consensus among major economies 年 6 月, 七国集团 (G7) 领导人在德国举行的会议上表示, 全球应于本世纪末结束使用化石燃料 2015 年 9 月习近平主席访美, 提出本世纪末用非化石能源取代化石能源 The G7 members have agreed to phase out the use of fossil fuels by the year 2100, President Xi Jinping made an announcement of replace fossil fuels by non-fossils.

24 实现全球能源转型需要加强国际合作 Enhanced international cooperation is needed for the global energy transition. 能源转型同应对气候变化一样, 需要全球共同行动才能实现 Energy transition needs global collective action to be realized, the same way as joint efforts tackling climate change. 能源转型需要各国合作, 共同维护安全稳定的能源供给 Energy transition needs every country to collaborate on securing global energy supply. 中国愿坚持创新 协调 绿色 开放 共享的发展理念, 与各国一道推动全球能源转型 China is willing to have an innovative, harmonious, green, open and sharing strategy of energy development, to achieve global energy transition together with all countries. 全球能源互联网可能实现上述目标的重要载体 Global energy interconnection could be one of the options to achieve the targets mentioned above.

25 谢谢! Thanks for your attention! 耿丹 GENG Dan Climate Parliament/Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association

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