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1 SOUTH AMERICA 南美洲 19 天 16 夜神秘的南美洲 (ULA) 19D16N MYSTERIOUS SOUTH AMERICA (ULA) Sao Paulo Rio De Janeiro Iguassu Lima Ica Paracas Cusco Puerto Maldonado 圣保罗 里约热内卢 伊瓜苏 利马 ICA 帕拉卡斯 库斯科马尔多纳多港 3 马丘比丘神秘的失落之城 The Lost city of Machu Picchu 利马 Lima 秘鲁原始热带雨林 Peruvian Rainforest 利马 Lima 救世基督像 Statue of Christ the Redeemer 圣保罗 Sao Paulo 5 The Lost city of Machu Picchu Machu Picchu is tangible evidence of the urban Inca Empire at the peak of its power and achievement, a citadel of cut stones fit together without mortar so tightly that its cracks still can't be penetrated by a knife blade. Today Machu Picchu is far from isolated. In fact it's a must-see for any visitor to Peru and the draw that compels many to travel to that nation. Machu Picchu's management challenge is preservation of the site while making it accessible to all those who hope to experience an incredible part of Inca history. Peruvian Rainforest Peruvian rainforest is one of the last true frontiers on earth and a thrilling place for an adventure. There are few stretches of rain forest that remains untouched in southeastern Peru. The Peruvian rainforest provides invaluable natural resources, water, food and natural medicines; it is one of the most bio-diverse regions in the world; and it plays a crucial role stabilising global climate. Statue of Christ the Redeemer It is a statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro; considered the largest Art Deco statue in the world and the 5th largest statue of Jesus in the world. It is 30 metres tall, not including its 8 metres pedestal, and its arms stretch 28 metres wide. It is located at the peak of the 2,300 ft Corcovado mountain in the Tijuca Forest National Park overlooking the city. A symbol of Brazilian Christianity, the statue has become an icon for Rio de Janeiro and Brazil. It was constructed between 1926 and Lima Visit Lima, known as the 'City of the Kings', once the center of the Spanish New World Empire for three centuries after Pizarro's conquest. Peru's incredibly rich and compelling archaeological heritage and its great natural beauty--remarkable even in a continent renowned for its exotic vistas--draw tens of thousands of visitors each year. Almost all make a stop at Lima, which is Peru's cultural and business center. Nazca Lines Be amazed by the aerial view of Nazca Lines. Located in the arid Peruvian coastal plain, some 400 km south of Lima, the geoglyphs of Nazca and the pampas of Jumana cover about 450 km². These lines on the ground surface were scratched between 500 B.C. and A.D. 500 and are among archaeology's greatest enigmas due to their quantity, nature, size and continuity. They have been recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The lines are a series of complex designs, some up to 300 meters long which can only be seen in their true dimension from the sky, from an altitude of at least 1,500 feet above. Some of the figures that you will see is are the monkey, the spider, the astronaut, the family and the hummingbird. Iguazu Falls The falls divide the river into the upper and lower Iguazu. The Iguazu River rises near the city of Curitiba. The river flows through Brazil for most of its course, although most of the falls are on the Argentine side. Below its confluence with the San Antonio River, the Iguazu River forms the boundary between Argentina and Brazil. The Iguazu Falls are arranged in a way that seems like a reverse letter "J". The border between Brazil and Argentina runs through the Devil's Throat. On the right bank is the Brazilian territory, which has just over 20% of the jumps of these falls, and the left side jumps are Argentine, which make up almost 80% of the falls. Buenos Aires Experience one of the most elegant and busiest cities in South America - Buenos Aires, a place heavily influenced by European culture, notably in its cooking and architecture.

2 19天16夜 神秘的南美洲 (ULA) SOUTH AMERICA 南美洲 19D16N MYSTERIOUS SOUTH AMERICA (ULA) Sao Paulo Rio De Janeiro Iguassu Lima Ica Paracas Cusco Puerto Maldonado 圣保罗 里约热内卢 伊瓜苏 利马 ICA 帕拉卡斯 库斯科马尔多纳多港 3 马丘比丘 Machu Picchu 布宜诺斯艾利斯 Buenos Aires 5 纳斯卡线条 Nazca Lines 伊瓜苏瀑布 Iguazu Falls 利马 Lima 马丘比丘神秘的失落之城 马丘比丘也被称作 失落的印加 城市 是保存完好的前哥伦布 时期的印加遗迹 马丘比丘是南 美洲最重要的考古发掘中心 也 因此是秘鲁最受欢迎的旅游景点 由于独特的位置 地理特点和 发现时间较晚 马丘比丘成了印 加帝国最为人所熟悉的标志 在 1983年 马丘比丘被联合国教科 文组织定为世界遗产 是世界上 为数不多的文化与自然双重遗产 之一 但与此同时 马丘比丘也 面临着遭旅游业破坏的担忧 秘鲁原始热带雨林 秘鲁的热带雨林位于南美洲的东 南部 秘鲁河在安第斯和雅马逊 平原之间流淌了几千年 在这个 水源和沃士共存之地 大部分的 哺乳动物和鸟类安然地生活在此 自然保护区之中 在秘鲁热带雨 林之中 生长着擎天大树 成为 猴子的生活乐园 还有美洲豹 水塔 野猪 长尾鹦鹉 臭鸟等 世界级保护动物组成雨林的自然 天籁 成为世界的重点自然保护 区 救世基督像 救世基督像是一座装饰艺术风格的 巨型耶稣基督雕像 位于巴西的里 约热内卢 是该市的标志 也是世 界最闻名的纪念雕塑之一 2007 年更入选为世界新七大奇迹 基督 像于1931年落成 总高38米 站 立在里约热内卢国家森林公园中高 达 2, 尺 的 科 科 瓦 多 C o rc o vado 山顶 俯瞰着整个城市 张开双臂欢迎来自世界各地的游客 是巴西人民热情接纳和宽阔胸怀 的象征 布宜诺斯艾利斯 布宜诺斯艾利斯享有 南美洲巴 黎 的盛名 它是一座十分欧化 的城市 不仅城市居民几乎都是 欧洲移民的后裔 而且城市布局 街景以及居民的生活方式 风 俗习惯 文化情趣 处处显露出 欧洲风情 布宜诺斯艾利斯市内 绝大多数广场 街道 公园 博 物馆 纪念碑和塑像 都用重大 历史事件和著名历史人物命名 南部的圣特尔莫和蒙特塞拉区街 道狭窄 还保留着几个世纪以前 的西班牙和意大利风格的古老建 筑 纳斯卡线条 空中俯瞰纳斯卡线条 体验神秘 的秘鲁之旅 位于秘鲁干旱的沿 海平原 利马以南约400公里 整 个纳斯卡线条与地画和朱马纳草 原线条图分布的面积广达450平方 公里 这些线条早在公元前500年 已出现 被联合国教科文组织列 入世界遗产名录之中 其数量 性质 规模和持续性至今仍是考 古学最大的谜团 纳斯卡线是一 系列复杂的设计 有的长达300米 长 只能从至少1500英尺的高空 看见其真实的尺寸 利马 利马是秘鲁的首都 同时是最大 的港口 位于秘鲁西部的利马濒 临太平洋 终年少雨 是世界有 名的 无雨城 冬季多雾潮湿 利马由于其便利的海港 利马 在1535年被选为秘鲁的首都 在 大部分殖民地时期 利马始终是 南美洲最重要的政治和商业权力 中心 这辉煌的过去反映在殖民 地时期的建筑上 这些建筑也为 利马赢得了联合国教科文组织授 予的 世界文化遗产 的美名 伊瓜苏瀑布 伊瓜苏瀑布群所在的阿根廷伊瓜苏 国家公园和巴西伊瓜苏国家公国先 后在1984年及1986年被列为联合 国世界遗产 自此巴西政府当局在 1990年代末开始发展该瀑布为旅 游区 亦吸引到企业投入了大量资 金 修建了约20公里长的游览栈 道 铺设了电气铁路 旅游设施焕 然一新 伊瓜苏瀑布群位于伊瓜苏 河上 伊瓜苏河在与巴拉那河会合 前的约23公里前有一段高崖 因 而造成差落为72米的瀑布群 其 实 此高崖的成因是由于巴拉那河 的河谷是由南至北走 而伊瓜苏河 的河床岩层却正好与巴拉那河垂直 因此 巴拉那河承受的河水冲刷 远较伊瓜苏河高 在经过长年累月 的侵蚀下 巴拉那河渐渐变得越来 越低 从而造成宽达4000米伊瓜 苏瀑布群的形成

3 19D16N MYSTERIOUS SOUTH AMERICA (ULA) - Sao Paulo Rio De Janeiro Iguassu Lima Ica Paracas Cusco Puerto Maldonado PERU Lima Paracas Cusco Ica Puerto Maldonado SOUTH AMERICA BOLIVIA MEALS INCLUDED 16 Breakfasts 7 Lunches 14 Dinners Sao Paulo Rio De Jeneiro Iguassu Lima Paracas Cusco Puerto Maldonado Buenos Aires PARAGUAY Iguassu NIGHT(S) STAY BRAZIL MEALS HIGHLIGHTS The Brazillian Feijoda Rio by Night BBQ dinner & Samba Show Peruvian cuisine 3 course Western dinner with Tango Show at Esquina Carlos Gardel Rio De Janeiro Sao Paulo 1N 1N 4N Day 1 Depart / Arrive Sao Paulo (D) Upon arrival, transfer to hotel to check-in. Dinner at a local restaurant. Day 2 Sao Paulo - Rio de Janeiro (B/L/D) After breakfast, proceed for a half day São Paulo city tour. Visit the historical district of São Paulo. Attractions : Paulista Avenue (financial district); Liberdade (Japanese district); Sé Cathedral; Pátteo do Colégio (São Paulo's birthplace); São Bento Monastery; Martinelli Building (1 st skyscraper in Sao Paulo); São Paulo Stock Exchange; Banco do Brasil Cultural Center, Anhangabaú Valley and Municipal Theatre. Dinner at the hotel. Day 3 Rio de Janeiro (B/L/D) After breakfast, proceed on a full day city tour & trip to Sugarloaf. Proceed to Cosme Velho Station board the cog-train to Corcovado Mountain. It is 710 meters high located in Tijuca Forest. Take a closer look at the forest s lush tropical vegetation and enjoy scenic landscapes of the beaches and city. Walk up to the peak where the towering statue Christ the Redeemer stands. Pass through Rio s world famous beaches in Urca District. Board the cable car for a two-stage ascend up Sugarloaf Mountain at 390 meters high. Proceed to Guanabara Bay and Flamengo Park. Visit the downtown area, pass by the financial and business districts and other attractions such as the Candelaria Church, Saint Sebastian Cathedral, Lapa Arches, National Library, Fine Arts Museum and Sambadrome; site of Rio s famous Carnival parade. Day 4 Rio de Janeiro - Iguassu (B/L/D) Domestic flight to Iguassu and check-in upon arrival. Visit the Brazil side of the fall. Travel by motor coach and cross Iguassu National Park via the Brazilian Falls. Walk along the paths, admiring a series of cascades, and then stroll along the route that leads to the bottom of the Devil's Throat. Have lunch at Porto Canoas and dinner at the hotel. Day 5 Iguassu - Lima (B/L/D) Visit the Argentina side of the fall by crossing the Tancredo Neves bridge over the Iguassu River, which forms the border between Argentina & Brazil. Proceed to Iguazu National Park and see the falls. From the Superior Circuit; the up-river cascades, to the Inferior Circuit; the down-river falls then take the Ecological Jungle Train that leads to and from the most impressive observation point of the fall - The Devil s Throat. Domestic flight to Lima. Lunch at La Selva restaurant and dinner at the hotel. Day 6 Lima (B/D) During the city tour, visit main attractions of Lima; the Government Palace, Archbishop s Palace and City Hall. Visit Lima Cathedral an immense baroque cathedral originally built in In addition to its fine baroque art, it is best known for being designed by Francisco Pizarro (who conquered the Incas and founded Lima) and for containing his tomb. Then, visit the San Francisco Monastery, which is also an interesting museum which features catacombs. Continue to the residential districts of San Isidro and Miraflores where you get great views of the Pacific Ocean. After lunch, free leisure time before dinner at La Rosa Nautica restaurant where a variety of local cuisine and seafood is served. *Remarks : The Cathedral is closed on Saturday afternoons, Sundays and public holidays. Sugarloaf Mountain Candelaria Church Sequence of itinerary may vary on actual tour Validity : 1 August September 2014 Updated: 3 Sept 2013

4 19D16N MYSTERIOUS SOUTH AMERICA (ULA) - Sao Paulo Rio De Janeiro Iguassu Lima Ica Paracas Cusco Puerto Maldonado Huacachina Lagoon Day 7 Lima - Ica - Paracas (B/D) Travel to Ica in the morning by car. See the downtown of Ica and its surrounding places during the city tour. At the Regional Museum, be overwhelmed by ample archaeological remains such as potteries, textiles, mummies etc that belongs to the ancient civilizations of Paracas, Nazca, Wari, Ica-Chincha and Inca. Next, stop by the traditional / industrial winery where you will learn how to make Pisco & wine and see the facility up close. At the exit, taste all the varieties of wine and pure Pisco made from various kinds of grapes. Final stop at the Huacachina Lagoon, also known as "America s Oasis. It is a beautiful landscape which you will never forget. It is surrounded by sand dunes, palm and huarango trees as well as beautiful houses. Lastly, transfer to the hotel to check-in and have dinner in Paracas. Day 8 Paracas Pisco - Paracas (B/D) After breakfast, transfer to Pisco airport for an overflight to see the mysterious Nazca lines (approximately 90 minutes). * Remark : Overflight is shared with other passengers. After the overflight, transfer to hotel in Paracas to check-in and have dinner. Day 9 Paracas - Lima (B/D) Depart to the Ballestas Islands and appreciate the Paracas Bay, San Martín Port and Candelabro. The Candelabro is a geoglyph located in the north-west of the Peninsula of Paracas. It is considered as the starting point of the Nazca lines. Photo stop at the giant figure. Continue on to the islands to see great colonies of sea mammals like sea lions and seabirds namely Inca terns, pelicans, Peruvian boobies, Humboldt penguins and turkey vultures. Return to the pier and head back to hotel in Lima. * Remark : Tour is shared with private guide on board. Transfer to hotel in Lima then Mangos restaurant, located in the Larco Mar shopping mall in Miraflores. Enjoy a variety of the Peruvian cuisine seated outside at the patio with an imposing view of the Pacific Ocean or inside with a comfortable ambience. Day 10 Lima- Cusco (B/D) Domestic flight to Cusco and transfer to hotel upon arrival. In the afternoon, tour around some of the best of Cusco spots. Pass by the Main Square, visit the Cathedral which stores over 400 paintings from the Cusqueña School. Then, visit Korikancha or Sun Temple, which is the main religious center of the Incas dedicated to the Sun cult. According to the chroniclers, the walls of this temple were entirely covered with gold. Next, the nearby ruins in Cusco, including the fortress-temple of Sacsayhuaman which is famous for its enormous carved rocks. Then, visit the nearby shrines of Kenko and the cleansing water rituals at Tambomachay. Finally, you will see Puka Pukara, the red fort in Quechua. This fort is made of large walls, terraces, and staircases and was part of defense of Cusco in particular and the Inca Empire in general. In the evening, enjoy dinner La Retama restaurant, located in the heart of the city, and surrounded by Cusco s historical monuments. Experience the Peruvian folklore dances and live music while having dinner. Transfer back to hotel after dinner. Puka Pukara Day 11 Cusco - Machu Picchu - Cusco (B/D) Transfer to the train station in Ollantaytambo to take the Vistadome train to head towards Aguas Calientes. Upon arrival, take the shuttle bus (shared service) to Machu Picchu (30 minutes). Arrive at the Lost Citadel of the Incas. Machu Picchu is now recognised as one of the "New Seven Wonders of the World". Go on a guided tour of the citadel and stroll through the archeological site, visit the Main Square, the Royal Quarters, the Temple of the Three Windows, the Circular Towers, the Sacred Sun Dial and the Burial Grounds. In the afternoon, return back to the hotel in Cusco. Dinner at the hotel. Lost Citadel Day 12 Cusco - Puerto Maldonado (B/L/D) Domestic flight to Puerto Maldonado. Arrive in Reserva Amazonica : An introductory session on the Infierno ecotourism project is presented every night by the hotel staff, welcoming you to Puerto Maldonado and registration is at the Butterfly House. Transfer to the boarding wharf. After 45 minutes of boat ride, arrive at Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica. Enjoy the Trail System adventure and the Twilight River excursion or the nature presentation at the Eco Center, with cocktail served. Trail System adventure : Walk to one of the trails that extend 7.3 km (4.5 mi) to discover the incredible realm of the Amazon rainforest. The trails offer an excellent introduction to the environment of the jungle, as you walk pass exotic rainforest and the natural habitat of many floras and faunas. Twilight River excursion : On this guided boat ride, you will witness the enchanting transformation from a diurnal to a nocturnal environment, as animals and birds of the daytime are replaced by species specially adapted to the night. As you enjoy their paradise, you will learn about their habits while searching for nightjars, owls, capybaras and caimans. In addition, on a clear night, the southern hemisphere stars can be seen. Dinner will be served at the main dining room. Sequence of itinerary may vary on actual tour Validity : 1 August September 2014 Updated: 3 Sept 2013

5 19D16N MYSTERIOUS SOUTH AMERICA (ULA) - Sao Paulo Rio De Janeiro Iguassu Lima Ica Paracas Cusco Puerto Maldonado Day 13 Puerto Maldonado (B/L/D) Enjoy the excursion to Lake Sandoval and Inkaterra Canopy Walkway & Anaconda Walk. Lake Sandoval excursion : A 30-minute boat ride to the Tambopata National Reserve, where wildlife surrounds you as you enjoy the 1.5-hour walk along 3km of trails to reach Lake Sandoval. Glide in a wooden canoe, across a beautiful, mirror-like oxbow lake that is home to the endangered giant river otter, as well as red howler monkeys, macaws, prehistoric hoatzins, also called shanshos, anacondas, point-tailed palm creepers and side-neck turtles. Inkaterra Canopy Walkway & Anaconda Walk : A 5-minute boat ride to the Inkaterra Canopy Interpretation Center. After ascending the first tower, at 29m above the forest floor, you will literally walk through the treetops along suspension bridges that link eight observation platforms. Enjoy landscapes and vistas that would be unimaginable from below, while on the look-out for giant strangler fig trees, orchids, toucans, woodpeckers, trogons and -with luck- monkeys or sloths. After alighting the canopy, experience the Anaconda Walk along the 200m wooden bridge over the Aguajales swamps. In this eco-system, observe the various species of amphibians, serpents, birds, mammals and abundant flora and trees of this flooded marshland. Inkaterra Butterfly House Day 14 Puerto Maldonado - Lima (B) After breakfast, visit Inkaterra Butterfly House. This excursion is an introduction to the amazing world of butterflies. The Tambopata National Reserve in Peru holds various records of butterfly species. Enjoy a personalized excursion accompanied by Inkaterra interpreter who will explain the diverse characteristics of these wonderful species. There are 3,800 species in Peru, and many of these can be found in the Butterfly House. * Remarks : Schedules and inclusion of activities are subject to change according to season and weather conditions. The transfers and excursions are together with other travelers and accompanied with shared bilingual guide. Arrival transfers (airport - lodge) : daily departures at 13:00 hrs and 14:00 hrs. Departure transfers (lodge - airport) : daily departures at 07:00 hrs and 08:00 hrs. For transfers at different timing, surcharge applies. Caminito Street Day 15 Lima - Buenos Aires (B/D) Arrive at Buenos Aires and go on half day city tour. First visit the famous Avenida de Mayo that runs into Plaza De Mayo, surrounded by the Casa Rosada (Government House), the Cabildo (the first City Hall built during the Spanish rulers era) and the Congress building is located at the other end of Avenida de Mayo. Visit also the Metropolitan Cathedral, a Neo-classical building which is Argentina s main Catholic building. The mausoleum of General San Martin is located in the Cathedral, and Pope Francis used to celebrate religious services in this Cathedral when he was Cardinal of Buenos Aires city. Proceed to San Telmo, a historical neighborhood and the oldest district of Buenos Aires. Walk about Plaza Dorrego where many antique shops are located (open only on Sundays. Transfer back to the hotel after tour not included). Next stop is La Boca, famous for its colourful Caminito street. Drive along 9 de Julio Avenue, the widest avenue in the world, for the Colon Theatre, a famous Opera House that stages the world s most important artists and musicians and the cultural pride of the "porteños" (known among the inhabitants of Buenos Aires). Continue to Palermo with its beautiful parks, the City Zoo, Botanical Garden, Argentine Horse Track and National Polo Fields. Palermo is well-known for its artificial lakes. At the end of the tour, visit Recoleta area, one of the city s most glamorous spots where the Municipal Cultural Center, elegant boutiques and excellent restaurants, surrounded by centennial trees are located. At the cemetery of Recoleta, you will find the grave of Eva Duarte, known in the whole world as Eva Perón (Evita). The cemetery is the center of this Aristocratic neighbourhood, and the more relevant personalities of Argentina s history rest in this place. The mausoleums and pantheons reflect the architectural diversity emerging from different cultural tendencies Argentina incorporated in its formation as a nation. The cemetery is considered to be one of the most impressive monuments of Argentina. At night, dinner & tango performances are some of the options Buenos Aires offers. The Tango - This dance started at the end of the last century from a mixture of various rhythms, which were danced, in the poorer quarters. At the beginning, it was danced by pairs of men to the music of the flute, the violin and the guitar, the first of which was subsequently replaced by the "bandoneón" (a type of accordion), which gave it its distinctive flavor. With the addition of the nostalgia and melancholy contributed by immigrants, the tango developed to give forth such musicians as Astor Piazzolla and Anibal Troilo. Spending a night visiting one of the many Tango Shows is a MUST when you are visiting Buenos Aires. After the tango show, return to the hotel. Day 16 Buenos Aires (B/L) Full Day Fiesta Gaucha at Estancia Santa Susana. At the end of the last century, Mr. Francisco Kelly of Irish ancestry, named these lands Santa Susana, to pay homage to his wife, Susana Caffrey. The estancia is located in the district of Campana, close to Los Cardales town. It covers an area of 1,200 hectares; mostly dedicated to agriculture and for the last ten years it has been a tourist resort. Guests are welcomed and enjoy typical criollas meals, followed by a show of folk dances, as well as modern melodies. The most distinctive feature would be the guided tour to the Spanishcolonial style casco, which holds an authentic museum of that period. Take a horse sulky ride which brings you along Argentine countryside where you mesmerize at its scenaries, its cultivated lands and the incomparable wild aroma. The day will end with some typical activities of an estancia : regional games such as the Carrera de Sortijas. Return to the hotel. * Remarks : Upon request, vegetarian options (salads) are available. Day 17 Buenos Aires (B) Transfer to airport for flight back home. Day 18 Crossing International Dateline Day 19 Arrive home country Sequence of itinerary may vary on actual tour Validity : 1 August September 2014 Updated: 3 Sept 2013

6 19 天 16 夜神秘的南美洲 (ULA) - 圣保罗 里约热内卢 伊瓜苏 利马 ICA 帕拉卡斯 库斯科 马尔多纳多港 秘鲁 利马帕拉卡斯马尔多纳多港库斯科 ICA 南美洲 圣保罗里约热内卢伊瓜苏利马帕拉卡斯库斯科马尔多纳多港布宜诺斯艾利斯 玻利维亚 巴拉圭 膳食 住宿 特选膳食 伊瓜苏 巴西炖菜 烧烤式晚餐及森巴舞蹈表演 秘鲁美食 备至推崇的卡洛斯贾德尔角 3 道西式晚餐探戈秀 巴西 圣保罗 里约热内卢 1 晚 1 晚 4 晚 第 1 天圣保罗 ( 晚 ) 抵达圣保罗, 前往入住酒店 第 2 天圣保罗 - 里约热内卢 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 早餐后, 展开半天的圣保罗城市游览 参观圣保罗城市中历史文化区的主要地标 景点 : 保利斯塔大道 ( 金融区 ); 自由区 ( 日本人社区 ); 圣保罗主教座堂 ; 耶稣会中学 ( 圣保罗诞生地 );São Bento 修道院 ; 马蒂内利大厦 ( 圣保罗第一座摩天大楼 ); 圣保罗证券交易所 ; 巴西银行文化中心 ; 阿亨格堡谷广场及市政剧院 返回酒店享用晚餐 第 3 天里约热内卢 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 早餐后, 展开全天游里约热内卢城市和甜面包山 前往 Cosme Velho 缆车站, 乘搭通往海拔 2300 尺的耶稣山 ( 科尔科瓦多山 ) 的缆车 沿途穿越 Tijuca 国家公园, 山上树木繁茂 花草间杂, 生机盎然的热带气氛浓烈逼人 在湿润的云雾天气中, 耶稣山间薄纱缭绕 盘旋而上, 朦胧间水声淙淙 飞瀑哗然, 神秘之感顿生 到达山顶后, 爬上 202 级台阶就可以到达这个被称作 世界第七大奇迹 的耶稣像脚下 欣赏壮丽的风景后, 乘搭两阶段缆车登上高达 390 米高的甜面包山 前往瓜纳巴拉湾继往弗拉门戈公园 游览市中心, 路经金融和商业中心以及其他景点如坎德拉里亚教堂 圣塞巴斯蒂安大教堂 拉帕拱门 市政剧院 国家图书馆 美术馆, 以及森巴馆, 里约热内卢著名的嘉年华游行专属场地 晚上, 在一家烧烤餐厅享用美味晚餐 接着前往一家夜总会观赏民俗及嘉年华表演 丰富多彩的盛会服装 舞技精湛的舞者 曼妙漂亮的混血女生以及热辣的巴西森巴舞节奏, 让夜晚沸腾起来 接下来的压轴节目, 是在嘉年华游行中令人眼花缭乱的服装表演 第 4 天里约热内卢 - 伊瓜苏 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 前往里约热内卢机场, 乘搭飞机到伊瓜苏, 抵达后下榻酒店 参观巴西边界的伊瓜苏瀑布 乘坐旅游巴士, 穿越伊瓜苏国家公园到达瀑布 沿着小瀑布的步行小道一直走到 魔鬼之喉 大瀑布的四分之三在阿根廷境内, 但从巴西一侧看去更为壮观 在波尔图卡诺阿斯享用午餐, 然后回返酒店享用晚餐 第 5 天伊瓜苏 - 利马 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 驱车穿越伊瓜苏河的坦克雷多内维斯桥观看阿根廷边界的瀑布 该河流是阿根廷与巴西的分界线 前往阿根廷游览阿根廷伊瓜苏国家公园景区 展开阿根廷瀑布之旅 徒步路线分上路和下路, 而且可以乘搭火车穿越生态丛林, 前往瀑布最震撼人心的观景点, 魔鬼喉 前往机场, 飞往利马 乘搭内陆班机飞往利马 在 La Selva 餐厅享用午餐, 晚餐则在酒店享用 魔鬼之喉 第 6 天利马 ( 早 / 晚 ) 游览利马城市主要景点 驱车前往利马武器广场, 周围环绕着政府宫 总主教宫 主教座堂 市政厅与协和宫 参观始建于 1625 年巴洛克式风格的主教座堂, 其独有珍藏从 17 世纪和 18 世纪的油画和雕塑作品 西班牙征服者也是秘鲁首都利玛的建立者皮萨罗也安葬于该教堂 过后, 参观利马历史中心的圣方济各圣殿与修院, 同时也会参观其著名的地下墓穴 继往圣伊西德罗和 Miraflores 的住宅区, 在这里可以观看到太平洋 前往罗莎诺蒂卡餐厅享用午餐, 过后自由活动 * 注 : 主教座堂于星期六中午 星期日及公共假期关闭 马蒂内利大厦 行程路线的顺序可能配合当地情況作适当的调整 有效日期 : 2013 年 8 月 1 日至 2014 年 9 月 30 日 最后更新 : 2013 年 9 月 3 日

7 19 天 16 夜神秘的南美洲 (ULA) - 圣保罗 里约热内卢 伊瓜苏 利马 ICA 帕拉卡斯 库斯科 马尔多纳多港 第 7 天利马 -Ica- 帕拉卡斯 ( 早 / 晚 ) 早上从酒店出发前往 Ica, 游览 Ica 市中心景点以及博物馆 在博物馆内可以看到大量的考古遗物如陶器 纺织品和木乃伊等等 这些均属于帕拉卡斯, 纳斯卡, 瓦里,Ica-Chincha 和印加人的古文明 另一停留站则是传统工业酒庄, 了解如何酿制皮斯科酒和葡萄酒 你将有机会品尝到各种葡萄酒以及由不同品种葡萄酿制而成的纯皮斯科酒 最后, 参观 Huacachina Lagoon, 也被称为 美国的绿洲 这里的旖旎风景将让人留下深刻印象, 周围皆是被沙丘 棕榈树 huarango 树木和美丽的房子包围着 接着, 前往入住帕拉卡斯酒店和晚餐 第 8 天帕拉卡斯 - 皮斯科 - 帕拉卡斯 ( 早 / 晚 ) 早餐后, 前往皮斯科机场以乘搭飞机观赏神秘纳斯卡线条巨画 ( 大约 90 分钟飞行时间 ) * 注 : 飞机与其他游客共乘 飞行后, 返回帕拉卡斯酒店 Ballestas 群岛 前往利马酒店后到米拉弗洛雷斯的海岸购物商场内地餐厅, 坐在露台外欣赏一望无际的太平洋, 或坐在舒适的室内享用各式的秘鲁美食 烛台线条地画 第 10 天利马 - 库斯科 ( 早 / 晚 ) 前往机场, 飞往库斯科, 抵达后下榻酒店 中午, 展开 4 个小时的城市游览 路经库斯科大广场, 参观拥有超过 400 幅画的主教座堂 接着, 参观 Korikancha 或太阳神庙, 印加人对太阳崇拜的主要宗教中心, 是市区内最重要的神殿 据说当时这裡堆满了大量的黄金, 金箔石牆和地板 黄金神明雕像... 当太阳照射的时候, 真的就是 " 满城尽带黄金甲 ", 闪闪发亮 过后, 参观库斯科附近的废墟, 包括因巨大的雕刻岩石而闻名的萨克塞华曼堡垒寺庙 然后参观肯科的神社和塔博玛凯 最后, 你将看见普佳普卡拉, 克丘亞語的 紅色堡壘 傍晚, 在市中心的 La Retama 餐厅边享用晚餐, 边欣赏民族舞蹈 晚餐后前往酒店 第 11 天库斯科 - 马丘比丘 - 库斯科 ( 早 / 晚 ) 在 O l l a n t a y t a m b o 火车站, 乘搭 Vistadome 火车前往 Aguas Calientes 抵达后, 乘搭巴士到马丘比丘, 大约 30 分钟车程到达 印加帝国的失落之城, 被列入世界新 7 大奇迹名录之的马丘比丘 接着, 漫步于考古遗迹游览城堡 马丘比丘有 3 个组成部分 : 神圣区 南边的通俗区 和祭司和贵族区 ( 居住区 ) 在神圣区里献给最伟大的太阳神因蒂的 拴日石 太阳庙 和 三窗之屋 是有重大考古学价值的主要宝藏 下午, 返回库斯科酒店享用晚餐 第 12 天库斯科 - 马尔多纳多港 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 乘搭内陆班机到马尔多纳多港 Reserva Amazonica: 每天由酒店职员介绍生态旅游项目 欢迎来到马尔多纳多港, 在 Butterfly House 注册 前往码头, 45 分钟航行后, 抵达 Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica 酒店 享受步道系统冒险和暮光之河游览, 或生态中心的大自然介绍, 备有鸡尾酒 小径冒险设施 : 在 Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica 自然保护区 7.3 公里的小径漫步, 你会发现亚马逊雨林令人难以置信的境界 这段小径是一个介绍丛林环境很好的设施, 当你走过这片奇异的热带雨林, 你可以看见多种动植物的栖息地 暮光之河游览 : 在此午间的游船河, 你将见证昼夜迷人转变的环境 来到夜晚, 白天的动物和鸟类躲藏了, 而夜间的动物所则开始出没活动 同时, 在清晰的夜晚可以欣赏到南半球的星星 在主餐厅晚餐 Korikancha 第 9 天帕拉卡斯 - 利马 ( 早 / 晚 ) 前往帕拉卡斯码头, 出发至 Ballestas 群岛 此航程你将欣赏到帕拉卡斯湾 圣马丁港口和烛台线条地画 此烛台线条地画位于帕拉卡斯半岛西北部, 甚至被认为是早于纳斯卡线条地画 游船将停泊几分钟以供拍照留念 随后, 继续前往 Ballestas 群岛 在那里是海洋哺乳动物的大型栖息地, 你可以见识到大群的海狮 海鸟 印加燕鸥 鹈鹕 秘鲁鲣鸟 洪堡企鹅以及红头美洲鹫 游船河后折返码头, 送往利马酒店 * 注 : 共享船上私人导游 美国的绿洲 行程路线的顺序可能配合当地情況作适当的调整 有效日期 : 2013 年 8 月 1 日至 2014 年 9 月 30 日 最后更新 : 2013 年 9 月 3 日

8 19 天 16 夜神秘的南美洲 (ULA) - 圣保罗 里约热内卢 伊瓜苏 利马 ICA 帕拉卡斯 库斯科 马尔多纳多港 第 13 天马尔多纳多港 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 游船河到桑多瓦尔湖和 Inkaterra 雨棚走道及蟒蛇走道 桑多瓦尔湖游船河 :30 分钟船程抵达坦博帕塔国家级自然保护区, 你可以尽情享受 1.5 小时行走于分别衔接 8 个观望平台的 3 公里小径抵达桑多瓦尔湖 以一个木制独木舟滑行, 划过一道像镜子般美丽的牛轭湖, 这里便是濒临灭绝巨型水獭 红吼猴 金刚鹦鹉 麝雉 ( 也被称为 shanshos ) 蟒蛇和侧颈亚目龟的家园 Inkaterra 雨棚走道及蟒蛇走道 :5 分钟的船程, 抵达 Inkaterra 翻译中心 在 29 米的丛林楼层上, 你可以沿着分别衔接 8 个观望平台的沿悬索桥走到各别树梢上, 享受欣赏难以置信的风景 过后体验蟒蛇走道, 沿着 200 米的木桥跨越 Aguajales 沼泽 在这个沼泽地生态系统中, 观察各种种类的两栖类动物 蛇 鸟类 哺乳动物和繁多种类的植物 第 14 天马尔多纳多港 - 利马 ( 早 ) Reserva Amazonica: 早餐后, 参观蝴蝶屋 此游览让你了解在马尔多纳多港 Inkaterra 蝴蝶屋内的蝴蝶之神奇世界 坦博帕塔国家级自然保护区和秘鲁保持着拥有大量各种各样的蝴蝶品种记录 在 Inkaterra 翻译员陪同下, 向你解释奇妙品种多样化的特点 秘鲁拥有多达 3800 种品种, 大部分品种可在蝴蝶屋寻获 * 注 : 行程表以及所包含的活动会随着季节和天气条件而更改! 机场接送 / 旅馆 / 机场以及双语导游是与其他旅客一起共享 抵达接送 ( 机场 - 旅馆 ): 每日下午 1 点和 2 点出发出发接送 ( 旅馆 - 机场 ): 每日上午 7 点和 8 点出发对于需在不同时间出发, 费用另计 玫瑰宫 科隆剧院 第 15 天利马 - 布宜诺斯艾利斯 ( 早 / 晚 ) 抵达布宜诺斯艾利斯 展开布宜诺斯艾利斯城市半天游 在这次游览中, 将接近世界上最著名的歌剧院之一的科隆剧院 到五月大道参观五月广场 五月广场是游览布宜诺斯艾利斯一个不可缺少的旅游景点 环绕广场有一些重要的地标 : 玫瑰宫 ( 阿根廷总统府 ) 布宜诺斯艾利斯主教座堂 和卡维尔 ( 第一间市政厅, 建于西班牙统治 ) 在五月大道的另一端则是国会大厦 我们将进入参观大都会大教堂, 这新古典主义气势的建筑物是阿根廷主要的天主教建筑 圣马丁将军 ( 民族英雄 ) 陵墓位于大教堂内部, 当教皇弗朗西斯是布宜诺斯艾利斯市红衣主教时, 他曾在这个大教堂做宗教礼仪 继往圣特尔莫, 布宜诺斯艾利斯历史悠久的街区 在这里, 你可会有一些时间去逛一逛许多古董店的德利哥广场,( 只在星期天以及在行程结束时, 没有回返酒店 ) 星期天游逛德利哥广场的著名古董店是必须的指定活动 下一站是拉博卡, 最缤纷多彩的区域与著名的街道卡米尼托 沿着 9 de Julio 大道 ( 世界最宽阔大道 ) 行驶, 将看见著名 Colon 歌剧院 继往拥有美丽公园 城市动物园 植物园 阿根廷赛马场和国家马球场的巴勒莫 在行程结束时, 参观城市的最迷人的景点之一,Recoleta 区 在这里, 市文化中心 优雅的精品店和一流餐厅的周围都被百年树木环绕着 在 Recoleta 区的墓地, 也会看到被世人称为伊娃庇隆 ( 贝隆夫人 ) 的伊娃杜阿尔特坟墓 这里是贵族聚居区的中心点, 所有与阿根廷历史相关的人物都在此地 万神殿的陵墓反映了建筑的多样性, 其摆脱了阿根廷作为一个国家对不同文化的倾向 因此, 墓地被认为是阿根廷最令人印象深刻的古迹之一 享用晚餐及探戈表演 这是布宜诺斯艾利斯最为著名的表演之一 探戈 (Tango) 是一种双人舞蹈, 起源于非洲中西部的民间舞蹈探戈诺舞, 探戈是摩登舞中较为特殊的舞蹈, 是摩登舞中唯一一个带有拉丁特色的舞蹈 16 世纪末到 17 世纪初, 随着黑奴贩卖进入美洲, 融合了拉美民间舞蹈风格, 形成了舞姿优雅洒脱的墨西哥探戈和舞姿挺拔 舞步豪放健美的阿根廷探戈随后传入欧洲, 随后不断融合发展至今 当你游览布宜诺斯艾利斯, 花一个晚上观赏城市内的探戈表演是必须的 探戈表演后返回酒店 探戈表演 第 16 天布宜诺斯艾利斯 ( 早 / 午 ) 全天高索节在 Estancia Santa Susana 埃斯坦西亚位于坎帕纳地区, 靠近 Los Cardales 市镇的布宜诺斯艾利斯省 占地面积 1200 公顷, 主要用于农业, 过去十年来, 它一直是个旅游胜地 客人将会享受典型的的 criollas 餐 ( 午餐包括饮料 ), 紧接下来是民间舞蹈以及流行歌曲表演 最大特点是参观西班牙殖民风格的 卡斯科, 拥有该时期风格的博物馆 骑马活动将展示阿根廷农村的魅力 在埃斯坦西亚的一天将以一些典型活动作为终结 返回酒店 * 注 : 根据要求提供素食 ( 沙律 ) 选择 第 17 天布宜诺斯艾利斯 ( 早 ) 送往机场, 返回家园 第 18 天跨越国际换日线 第 19 天抵达家园 行程路线的顺序可能配合当地情況作适当的调整 有效日期 : 2013 年 8 月 1 日至 2014 年 9 月 30 日 最后更新 : 2013 年 9 月 3 日


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