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1 0 6 Jun. 0 China's Borderland History and Geography Studies Vol. No. * 方铁黄禾雨 ** 0 &ZD


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14 CONTENTS SEA TERRITORY STUDIES On the Transformation of the Coastal Defense System of the South China Sea during Jiajing and Wanli Years in Ming Dynasty Li Aijun Wu Hongqi In order to protect coastal areas and territorial seas in the early Ming Dynasty a coastal defensive system mainly formed by guarding posts was constructed in the Nanhai area of Guangdong. During the Jiajing and Wanli years due to the decline of Weisuo System the sucessive Governor- Generals of Guangdong-Guangxi Wu Guifang Yin Zhengmao and Ling Yunyi gradually reformed the defense system in order to squash the increasing harassment of Japanese pirates and built six marine military bases namely Zhulin Jieshi Nantou Beijin Baige and Baisha. The Ming government also set the position of Vice-General of Nan'ao and sketched out a structure of land-sea joint defense and zoning defense and thus formed a complete defense system of Nanhai area. It exerted a great influence not only on the formation of the coastal-defense thought of East-Middle-West -route in Ming and Qing Dynasties but also on the perfection of defense system of Nanhai area in later generations. Key words Ming Dynasty Nanhai coastal defense system reform The Policy Review of the Sea Territory in the Early Qing Dynasty Liu Junke 0 The policy of sea territory is an important part of the border policies in the Qing Dynasty. It is also one of the features different from the former Dynasties. Under the careful management of the rulers the governance level of the sea territory in the early Qing Dynasty reached unprecedented peak. However with the changes of situation and the decision errors those policies fell behind. In fact this is not only the contest between the Qing dynasty and the Western capitalist countries but also the result of longtermed game between two civilizations and two entirely different institutions. It is due to the factor of Qing Dynasty itself and the limitations of political economic and cultural tradition. Key words early Qing Dynasty military defense system of coastal area and sea territory marine ban policy marine opening policy SPECIAL THESIS On the Cultural Soft Power of Border Governance of Central Plains Dynasties Fang Tie Huang Heyu 9 The cultural soft power for the Central Plains Dynasties to manage the borderlands is one part of comprehensive powers. The foundation of cultural soft power is the different views of Xia being different from Yi and using Xia to change Yi. The main contents of cultural soft power are to show the culture power and institution of the Central Plains Dynasties the main destination is to realize to defend bordering areas. The carrier of cultural soft power is the tributary system and the mechanism is cultural spreading. After Song Dynasty the situation and the contents of cultural soft power to manage borderlands as well as spreading carrier changed. Key words Central Plains Dynasties borderland governance cultural soft power 7

2007 3,, 1981 : :, :,,,, :,,, ( ) ;,, :, : :, :, 1984 : 1999,218 2

2007 3,, 1981 : :, :,,,, :,,, ( ) ;,, :, : :, :, 1984 : 1999,218 2 2007 9 17 3 China s Borderland History and Geography Studies Sep12007 Vol117 No13 :,1964 : 1, 100006,20 20 40,,,, 1938 1941 1946 1997 1995 1 2007 3,, 1981 : :, :,,,, :,,, ( ) ;,, :, : 1981 4 :, :, 1984

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