Deem (sexuality) Michael W. Apple (14) E. Vallance (13) Apple Vallance Apple Philip Jackson (Apple 49)

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1 1 (discourse) (hidden curriculum) (internalized)

2 Deem (sexuality) Michael W. Apple (14) E. Vallance (13) Apple Vallance Apple Philip Jackson (Apple 49)

3 (political socialization) (Apple 84-85) Diller Houston (learning that is not openly intended) ( ) Vallance (Michel Foucault) (Discipline ) Apple (53) Apple Apple

4 (Apple 51) Apple (social construction of reality) 3 (negotiated) Apple 4 (Apple 52-53) (curriculum in use) (Apple 51) (Apple Trudell 167) (Apple 84) (Apple 49) 3 Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality (New York: Anchor Books, 1967) 4 Apple Michael M. Apple, Education and Power (London: ARK paperbacks, 1982, 1985), esp. Chapters 1 & 3.

5 5 The History of Sexuality (incite) (discourse) (desexualization) (Sara Delamont) ( )

6 7 (individual/ity) (unthought)

7 (Sara Delamont) ( ) 8 Rosemary Deem (36) 7 9 (sexual variants) (sexual minorities) 8 9 7

8 (Giroux and Simon 3) (cultural studies) (empowered) 7 Deem (41) 1997

9 sex negative

10 (gendered) (Trudell 26, ) (Trudell 27-28)

11 (ASHA) 10 (Trudell 10-11) 10 (eugenics) (Asbell 9; Grant 43; D Emilio & Freedman 245)

12 (Trudell 18) D Emilio & Freedman, Patton (the melting pot) (assimilation) (Goldberg 4) 1960 (integration)

13 (Goldberg 6) 1970 (multiculturalism) (pluralism) 11 (hybridity) (Goldberg 7-9) 11 John Knight, Richard Smith, Judyth Sachs

14 12 (sex negativity) (Rubin 13-14) 13 Morgan 170 Michelle Fine (discourse) 14 (sexuality as violence) William Bennett Allen Bloom The Closing of the American Mind (1987) E. D. Hirsch Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know (1987) (Duberman ) 14 (Zeidenstein & Moore 1-5)

15 (Fine 33) (sexuality as victimization) Fine (discourse) (Fine 34) (sexuality as individual morality) (Fine 35)

16 (sexuality as desire) Fine (Fine 35-38) Fine ( 19)

17 (defensive teaching) (conflicting) (Trudell 172 cf. Apple ) Paolo Freire (dehumanization) (39) sexualized

18 (Stanley Fish)

19 (Echols 215) (discourse) 16 16

20 (Whatley ) (Whatley 125 Apple 87-92) (Whatley ) 17 (naturalized) 17 S/M

21 cf. Patton (minority discourse) 18 Irvine 218 Irvine Patton 148 (note 14), Weeks & Irvine

22 1 2 (libertarians) laisser-faire (liberals) 3 emancipation of sexuality 20 Rudolf Müller Müller Müller 20 local) Foucauldian

23 (306) Müller Whatley (William Masters and Virginia Johnson) (Whatley ) (Weeks 61-95) (deployment of sexuality) (Foucault, History of Sexuality 56)

24 Delamont, Sara Sex Roles and the School Apple, Michael W. Ideology and Curriculum. Second Edition. New York: Routledge, Asbell, Bernard. The Pill: A Biography of the Drug That Changed the World. New York: Random House, Aufderheide, Patricia, ed. Beyond PC: Toward a Politics of Understanding. Saint Paul, MN: Graywolf P, Ball, Stephen J. Foucault and Education: Disciplines and Knowledge. London: Routledge, Deem, Rosemary. Women and Schooling. London: RKP, D Emilio, John & Estelle B. Freedman. Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America. New York: Harper & Row, Diller, Ann, Babara Houston, Kathryn Pauly Morgan, and Maryann Ayim. The Gender Question in Education. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1996.

25 Diller, Ann and Barbara Houston. Women s Physical Education: A Gender-Sensitive Perspective. Diller et. al Duberman, Martin. Gay and Lesbian Studies for Everyone. Aufderheide Echols, Alice. Daring To Be Bad: Radical Feminism in America, Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, Fine, Michelle. Sexuality, Schooling, and Adolescent Females: The Missing Discourse of Desire. Disruptive Voices: The Possibilities of Feminist Research. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish. New York: Vintage, History of Sexuality, Vol. 1: An Introduction. Trans. by Robert Hurley. New York: Random House, 1978, Freire, Paolo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Trans. By Myra Beroman Ramos. New York: Seabury, Giroux, Henry and Roger I. Simon. Popular Culture as Pedagogy of Pleasure and Meaning. Popular Culture, Schooling, and Everyday Life. Eds. by Henry Giroux, Roger I. Simon, et. al. New York: Bergin & Garvey, Goldberg, David Theo, ed. Multiculturalism: A Critical Reader. Oxford: Blackwell, Grant, Linda. Sexing the Millennium: Women and the Sexual Revolution. New York: Grove, Irvine, Janice M. A Place in the Rainbow: Theorizing Lesbian and Gay Culture. Queer Theory/Sociology. Edited by Steven Seidman. Cambridge, Mass: Blackwell, Knight, John, Richard Smith and Judyth Sachs. Deconstructing Hegemony: Multicultural Policy and a Populist Response. Ball Morgan, Kathryn Pauly. The Moral Politics of Sex Education. Diller, et. al Müller, Rudolf. Sex Education. Handbook of Sexology. Ed. by J. Money and H. Musaph. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, Patton, Cindy. Inventing Aids. London: Routledge, Rubin, Gayle S. Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the

26 Politics of Sexuality. American Feminist Thought at Century s End: A Reader. Ed. By Linda S. Kauffman. London: Blackwell, Trudell, Bonnie Nelson. Doing Sex Education: Gender Politics and Schooling. New York: Routledge, Vallance, E. Hiding the Hidden Curriculum: An Interpretation of the Language of Justification in Nineteenth Century Educational Reform. Curriculum Theory Network 4.1(1974): Weeks, Jeffrey. Sexuality and Its Discontents. London: Routledge, Whatley, Mariamne H. Raging Hormones and Powerful Cars: The Construction of Men s Sexuality in School Sex Education and Popular Adolescent Films. Postmodernism, Feminism, and Cultural Politics: Redrawing Educational Boundaries. Ed. By Henry Giroux. Albany: SUNY, Zeidenstein, Sondra & Kirsten Moore, eds. Learning about Sexuality: A Practical Beginning. New York: The Population Council, 1996.


國立中山大學學位論文典藏.PDF Foucault 2006 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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