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1 (sex) (gender)


3 \

4 \ 2

5 \ 3 (the personal is political)

6 \

7 \ 5

8 \ 6 (gender stratification)

9 \ 7 (ahistorical) (social categories) ( 2000) (sexuality) (homosexuality) (bi-sexuality)

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11 \ 9

12 \ 3000 ( ) ( )

13 \ 11

14 \

15 \ 13 ( 2000) ( )

16 \ 14 ( 1997)

17 \ * 15

18 \ : : (2) () () a b () () (1)87-118

19 \ (127) () : Becker, G. 1981, A Treatise on the Family. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Granovetter, M. 1985, Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness. American Journal of Sociology, 91(3): Hartmann, H. 1982, Capitalism, Patriarchy, and Job Segregation by Sex, pp , in Giddens, A. and Held, D. (eds.) Classes, Power, and Conflict: Classical and Contemporary Debate. University of California Press. Hochschild, A. 1989, The Second Shift. New York: Avon. Millett, K. 1970, Sexual Politics. New York: Doubleday. Ritzer, G. 1992, Sociological Theory. Singapore: McGraw-Hill. Tong, R. 1989, Feminist Thought: a Comprehensive Introduction. Colo.: Westview Press. 17

20 \ 18

21 \ ( ) (6.2%) 312 (5.6%) 959 (17.3%) 234 (4.2%) 788 (14.2%) 505 (9.1%) 2410 (43.4%) (1.6%) 303 (7.9%) 656 (17.1%) 792 (20.7%) 957 (25.0%) 191 (5.0%) 871 (22.7%) 2001

22 \ 20

23 03/02/11 01:40 PM D:\ \ 9.DOC ( ) Gary Becker Hendi Hartmann Kate Millette (femininity) (friendly workplace) (patriarchy) (sex) (reproduction) (equal pay for equal work) (homosexual) (comparable worth) (gay) (Masculinity) (sexuality) (gender politics) (Sexual Politics) (gender) (heterosextual 21

24 03/02/11 01:40 PM D:\ \ 9.DOC (bisexual) 22

234 Y Keyboard

234 Y Keyboard 10 234 Y Keyboard 2003 12 17 10 235 2009 236 10-1 10-1 3C Rosabeth Kanter 2008/1977 Kanter 10 237 Kanter token tokenism Kanter tokenism Kanter spillover effects of sex role 238 Patricia Roos Barbara Reskin

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