導言 : 閱讀小冊子前, 你要知道的 3 / I) 同性性傾向 同性戀者 4 1. sexual orientation gender identity social gender role

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2 導言 : 閱讀小冊子前, 你要知道的 3 / I) 同性性傾向 同性戀者 4 1. sexual orientation gender identity social gender role II) 同性性行為 同性戀情愛關係

3 / / / III) 同性戀運動 ( 同運 ) C 醫生的話 : 同性戀是如何發展的? 60 延伸閱讀 書籍推介 66 幫助及資源

4 面對同性戀議題, 我們需要先認識, 才能與同性戀者同行, 真正關心他 / 她們 / gay affirmative approach ( ) A. 同性性傾向 同性戀者 B. 同性性行為 同性戀情愛關係 C. 同性戀運動 ( 同運 ) 3

5 I 1. 何謂性傾向 (sexual orientation)? American Psychological Association 1 A. heterosexual orientation B. homosexual orientation C. bisexual orientation 40 2 sadomasochism 1 "Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality", American Psychological Association(APA), [Accessed on December 14, 2012, from

6 2. 容易混淆的概念 : 性別身份 社會性別角色 2.1 gender identity sexgender sex gender gender identity / / MorrisUdry Kovenock social gender role J. R. Udry, N. M. Morris and J. Kovenock, Androgen effects on women's gendered behavior, Journal of Biosocial Science 27, no.3 (1995): John C. Condry, Gender Identity and Social Competence, Sex Roles11, 5/6 (1984):

7 3. 性傾向何時出現? Condry gender differentiation 5 A. XX, XY B. preawareness 18 / C. gender awareness18 6 / D. gender orientation6 / E. gender identitysexual maturity Ramafedi, Resnick, Blum Harris % 6 5 Condry, Gender Identity and Social Competence,. 6 G. Ramafedi, M. Resnick, R. Blum and L. Harris, Demography of Sexual Orientation in Adolescents, Pediatrics 89 (4 Pt 2) (Apr 1992):

8 4. 甚麼是同性戀? / / Kallmann % 50% 7 King McDonald % 25% 8% 12% 8 Bailey T. J. Taylor, Twin Studies of Homosexuality (Ph.D. diss. submitted, Cambridge University, 1992). [Accessed on December 14, 2012, from papers/twin_studies/studies.html]. 8 M. King and E. McDonald, Homosexuals who are twins. A study of 46 probands, The Bristian Journal of Psychiatry 160 (March 1992): K. Dawood, J. M. Bailey and N. G. Martin, Genetic and Environmental Influences on Sexual Orientation, in Handbook of Behavior Genetics, edited by Y. K. Kim (New York: Springer Science + Business Media, 2009),

9 % 1991 : 1993 : % 56 48% 20% 24% 22% 54 16% / 9.2% / / 11% 6% / sampling bias Dean Hamer 40 X 33 X Hamer 1993 Baron X Manic depressive illness X X 10 Rice 52 4 Xq Baron, Miron. "Genetic linkage and male homosexual orientation." BMJ: British Medical Journal (1993): P. Sprigg, and T. Dailey, eds., Getting It Straight: What the Research Shows about Homosexuality (Washington: Family Research Council, 2004). 8

10 4.1.3 interstitial nuclei of the anterior hypothalamusinah LeVay , 6 18, INAH-2 INAH-3 INAH-3 INAH-3 INAH-3 Byne Parson 1993 LeVay INAH-3 13 INAH-3 INAH-3 INAH S. LeVay, "A Difference in Hypothalamic Structure between Heterosexual and Homosexual Men, Science, New Series 253, no.5023 (Aug 1991): "Biological Causes of Same-Sex Attraction" Biological Sex Attraction Org. [Accessed on December 14, 2012, from 13 W. Byne and B. Parsons, "Human Sexual Orientation: The Biologic Theories Reappraised," Archives of General Psychiatry 50, no.3 (March 1993):

11 LeVayanterior commissureacsuprachiasmatic nucleusscncorpus callosum prenatal hormone 1970 Byne Parsons 15 Ellis Money M. S. Lasco et al., A Lake of Dimorphism of Sex or Sexual Orientation in the Human Anterior Commissure, Brain Research 936, issue1-2 (May 2002):95-98; W. Byne and B. Parsons, Human Sexual Orientation: The Biologic Theories Reappraised (New York: Columbia University, 1993). 15 W. Byne and B. Parsons, Human Sexual Orientation: The Biologic Theories Reappraised, Archives of General Psychiatry 50, no.3 (March 1993): L. Ellis et al., A Brief Report on Sexual Orientation of Human Offspring may be Altered by Severe Maternal Stress During Pregnancy, The Journal of Sex Research 25, no.1 (Feb 1988): J. Money, Gay, Straight, and In-Between (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988), 398. Biological Causes of Same-Sex Attraction. 10

12 androgen congenital adrenal hyperplasia, CAH CAH CAH gender nonconformity 19 成長經歷 家庭 ( 父母角色 父母關係 與父母的關係 ) D. J. Bem. Exotic Becomes Erotic: A Developmental Theory of Sexual Orientation, Psychological Review 103, no.2 (April 1996): G. Rieger and R.C. Savin-Williams, Gender Nonconformity, Sexual Orientation, and Psychological Well-Being, Archives of Sexual Behavior 41, no.3 (June 2012): M. Siegelman, Parental Background of Male Homosexuals and Heterosexuals, Archives of Sexual Behavior 3, no.1 (1974):3-4.

13 4.2.2 Evans R. B. Evans, Childhood Parental Relationships of Homosexual Men, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 33, no.2 (April 1969):

14 4.2.3 Attachment theory Ainsworth 22 Bartholomew & Horowitz Ainsworth 23 Hazan Shaver Ainsworth 24 Hazan Shaver 1. (secure attachment) 2. / (axious/ ambivalent attachment) 3. (avoidant attachment) Ainsworth secure Bartholomew & Horowitz (securely attached) M. D. S. Ainsworth, Object Relations, Dependency, and Attachment: a Theoretical Review of the Infant-mother Relationship, Child Development 40 (1969): K. Bartholomew and L.M. Horowitz, Attachment Styles Among Young Adults: A Test of a Four-Category Model, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61, no.2 (1991): C. Hazan and P. R. Shaver, Attachment as an organizational framework for research on close relationships, Psychological Inquiry 5, no.1 (1994): 1-22.

15 Ainsworth avoidant / ambivalent/ resistant secure base disorganized Bartholomew & Horowitz (anxious-preoccupied) (dismissive-avoidant) (fearful-avoidant) 成長經歷 朋輩關係 創傷 J. Nicolosi, Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality (New York: Jason Aronson Inc., 1991). 26 L. Bieber et al., Homosexuality: A Psychoanalytic Study (New York: Jason Aronson Inc., 1988). 14

16 J. Dallas, Desires in Conflict (Oregon: Harvest House, 1991). 15

17 5. 轉變性傾向 的討論 28 aversion therapy Haldeman statement/title/n inmediahk.net/ - 29 D. C. Haldeman, The Practice and Ethics of Sexual Orientation Conversion Therapy, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 62, no.2 (1994):

18 Macintosh % 84% Perloff Throckmorton 33 National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, NARTH ( 2004) H. Macintosh, Attitude and Experience of Psychoanalysts, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 42, no. 4 (1994): Some Clarifications about the Psychological Associations Resolution on Reparative Therapy. [Accessed on December 17, 2012, from clarifications.html]. 33 W. Throckmorton, Attempts to Modify Sexual Orientation: A Review of Outcome Literature and Ethical Issues, The Journal of Mental Health Counseling 20, (Oct 1998): New Study Confirms Homosexuality Can be Overcome. [Access on January 24, 2013, from

19 Nicolosi % 12.8%34.3% 35.1% 35 Byrd Spitzer sexual attraction scale sexual orientation self-identity scale / 66% 44%good heterosexual functioning 37 46% 42% 17% 54% 81%79% 67% 35% Spitzer 2001 Spitzer J. Nicolosi et al., Beliefs and Practices of Therapists who Practice Sexual Reorientation Psychotherapy, Psychological Reports 86, (April 2000): A. D. Byrd et al., Clients Perceptions of How Reorientation Therapy and Self-Help Can Promote Changes in Sexual Orientation, Psychological Reports 102, no.1 (February 2008): R. L. Spitzer, Can Some Gay Men and Lesbians Change Their Sexual Orientation? 200 Participants Reporting a Change from Homosexual to Heterosexual Orientation, Archives of Sexual Behavior 32, no.5 (October, 2003): [Accessed on December 17, 2012, from Spitzer.pdf]. 18

20 not true Spitzer The American Prospect My so-called Ex-gay Life Spitzer 40 Spitzer Spitzer Spitzer Archives of Sexual Behavior Zucker TruthWinsOut.org Spitzer PFOX 2004 Spitzer YouTube Dr. R. Spitzer - Homosexuals Can Changehttp:// com/watch v=rzf9bjrzsbq&feature=youtu.be 39 YouTube (Out of) Focus on Familyhttp:// watch?v=zwe6_dlweyo 40 G. Arana, My So-Called Ex-Gay Life, The American Prospect 11 April, [Accessed on December 17, 2012, from 41 YouTube Dr. Robert Spitzer Retracts Ex-Gay Study and Apologizes to the LGBThttp://

21 Spitzer 42 I. self-report credibility II. rarely 43 III. Spitzer 44 A. B. C. autonomy and self-determination D. reparative therapy gay affirmative therapy Schumm 2008 Spitzer Hershberger 2003 guttman analysis Spitzer Spitzer reparative therapy 42 Spitzer, Can Some Gay Men and Lesbians Change Their Sexual Orientation?

22 45 Nicolosi Whitehead S. L. Hershberger, Guttman Scalability Confirms the Effectiveness of Reparative Therapy, Archives of Sexual Behavior 32, issue 5 (Oct 2003): ( 2004) A summary of What Research Shows: NARTHs Response to the APA Claims on Homosexuality, NARTH. [Accessed on December 17, 2012, from com/docs/journalsummary.html]. 48 W. Throckmorton, Homosexuality and Psychotherapy: An Interview with Nicholas Cummings, DrThrockmorton.com 19 Feb [Accessed on December 17, 2012, from 49 S. L. Jones, M. A. Yarhouse, Ex Gays? An Extended Longitudinal Study of Attempted Religiously Mediated Change in Sexual Orientation, Sexual Orientation and Faith Tradition Symposium, APA Convention [Accessed on December 17, 2012, from pdf]. 50 N. Whitehead and B. Whitehead, My Genes Made Me Do it, revised ed (Los Angeles: Huntington House, 2010), 5.

23 5.1 Phelan % gay-affirmative therapy 51 J. E. Phelan, N. Whitehead and P. M. Sutton, What Research Shows: NARTH's Response to the APA Claims on Homosexuality, A Report of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH, 2009). 22

24 小結 總結而言, 沒有科學證據支持處理性傾向的輔導或所謂的修正治療會對尋求服務者帶來傷害 相反, 我們有理由相信若禁止為要求轉變性傾向的同性戀者提供服務, 那可能帶來更大傷害, 甚或引起集體訴訟 因為某些尋求改變的同性戀者就是害怕持續同性性行為的生活方式, 會帶來身體傷害 ( 如各種性病或愛滋病 ), 當他們感到生命受威脅, 治療師卻拒絕幫助, 這樣反而是有違倫理守則 特別是一些有宗教信仰的同性戀者, 若拒絕他們的要求, 其實是否定他們的宗教自由 他們有權在信仰層面界定自己的身分, 並因此希望不受同性性傾向的操控 即或部份個案對尋求服務者帶來短暫的不適或傷害, 也不可推論到這要一律禁止 因為在臨床診治上仍有很多方式, 某種形式的治療有害, 不代表其他形式也一樣有害 與同性性傾向有困惑的人同行, 方法有很多, 社會如果禁止某一方法, 必須要有更多的研究調查, 始能服人 23

25 II 1. 同性戀者有多少? 1940 Kinsey 2%-4% 52 (CDC) (NHIS) 1.6% 53 同性性傾向與同性性行為之間並沒有等號 52 T. Taylor and K. Ralph, "Developing Survey Questions on Sexual Identity," Report on National Statistics Omnibus Survey Trial 3, June 2008, Data Collection Methodology-Social Surveys. 53 Brian W. Ward, James M. Dahlhamer et. al, "Sexual Orientation and Health Among U.S. Adults: National Health Interview Survey, 2013", National Health Statistics Reports, No. 77, 15 July [Accessed on December 2, 2014, from nhsr/nhsr077.pdf] 24

26 2. 同性戀行為有甚麼影響?

27 Laumann et al 54 Handsfield 55 Ernst Houts; 56 EvansScallyWellard Wilson 57 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 58 75% 16.9% 78% bacterial vaginosis % 63% 10% % E. O. Laumann et al, The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1994). 55 H. H. Handsfield, Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Homosexual Men, American Journal of Public Health 71, issue 9 (Sept 1981): R. S. Ernst and P. S. Houts, Characteristics of Gay Persons with Sexually Transmitted Disease, Sexually Transmitted Diseases 12, no.2 (1985): A. L. Evans et al, Prevalence of bacterial vaginosis in lesbians and heterosexual women in a community setting, Sexually Transmitted Infections 83, no.6 (Oct 2007): Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Men Living with Diagnosed HIV Who Have Sex with Men: Progress Along the Continuum of HIV Care United States, 2010, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Vol. 63, No. 38, 26 September, [Accessed on 2 December 2014 from 59 Walt Odets, Love in the Shadow: Being HIV-Negative in the Age of Aids (New York: Irvington, 1994) stat.htm 26

28 33.4% % 53.3% 1.3% 14.3% % 52% 2.7% 16% % 50.3% 3.6% 17.9% 62 Goode Troiden % % % 63 Smith 1, Satinover Schmidt (25/11/201426/08/ /02/2014) "The Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality," Family Research Council. [Accessed on December 18, 2012, from 62 "The Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality," Family Research Council. [Accessed on December 18, 2012, from 63 R. R. Troiden and E. Goode, Variables Related to the Acquisition of a Gay Identity, Journal of Homosexuality 5, issue 4 (Summer 1980): T. W. Smith, Adult sexual behavior in 1989: Number of Partners, Frequency of Intercourse and Risk of AIDS, Family Planning Perspectives 23, no.3 (1991): J. Satinover, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth (Michigan: Baker Books, 1996), 51; T. E. Schmidt. Straight and Narrow? Compassion and Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1995),

29 % 3% 66 37% % 24% 51% 7% 68 35% 5% 69 30% 10% % 11% 31% 24% J. B. Williams et al., Multidisciplinary Baseline Assessment of Homosexual Men with and without Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection: II. Standardized Clinical Assessment of Current and Lifetime Psychopathology, Archives of General Psychiatry 48, no.2 (Feb 1991): ; P. H. Rosenberger et al., Psychopathology in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection: Lifetime and Current Assessment,Comprehensive Psychiatry 34, no.3 (May-June 1993): 153, table 1; 154, table 2. Rosenberger et al. 45% 67 C. Ryan and J. Bradford, The National Lesbian Health Care Survey: An Overview, in Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay Male Experiences, ed L. D. Garnets and D. C. Kimmel. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1993), M. T. Saghir and E. Robins, Male and Female Homosexuality: A Comprehensive Investigation (Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1973), 274, table C. Vourakis,Homosexuals in Substance Abuse Treatment,in Substance Abuse: Pharmacologic, Developmental, and Clinical Perspectives, ed. G. Bennett et al. (New York: Wiley, 1983), ; and J. M. Hall, Lesbians and Alcohol: Patterns and Paradoxes in Medical Notions and Lesbians Beliefs, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 25, no. 2 (April-June 1993): K. Freund et al., Pedophilia and Heterosexuality vs Homosexuality, Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 10, issue 3 (Fall 1984): 197; P. Cameron, Homosexual Molestation of Children: Sexual Interaction of Teacher and Pupil, Psychological Reports 57 (1985): N. E. Whitehead, Homosexuality and Mental Health Problems, NARTH. [Accessed on December 18, 2012, from 28

30 % 72 35% % Herrell 73 Gilman 125 4,785 lifetime risk or odd ratios, LOR 74 女同性戀者 ( 對比女異性戀者 ) 男同性戀者 ( 對比男異性戀者 ) Conron , % 1.9% 1% Paul Cameron and Kirk Cameron,Gay obituaries closely track officially reported deaths from AIDS,Psychological Reports 96, issue 3 (June 2005): R. Herrell et al. Sexual Orientatiion and Suicidality: A Co-Twin Control Study in Adult Men, Archives of General Psychiatry 56, no.10 (1999): S. E. Gilman et al, Risk of psychiatric disorders among individuals reporting same-sex sexual partners in the National Comorbidity Survey, American Journal of Public Health 91, no.6 (2001):

31 King , , K. J. Conron et al. A Health Profile of Massachusetts Adults by Sexual Orientation Identity: Results from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Surveys (Massachusetts: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Public Health, 2008). [Accessed on 19 December 2012, sexual-orientation-disparities-report.pdf]. 76 A. King et al. A Systematic Review of Mental Disorder, Suicide, and Deliberate Self Harm in Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual People, BMC Psychiatry 8, no.70 (Aug 2008). 77 A. P. Bell and M. S. Weinberg, Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity among Men and Women (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978); M. T. Saghir and E. Robins, Male and Female Homosexuality; P. H. Rosenberger et al., Psychopathology in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection: Lifetime and Current Assessment,; J. B. Williams et al., Multidisciplinary Baseline Assessment of Homosexual Men with and without Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection,; C. Ryan and J. Bradford, The National Lesbian Health Care Survey: An Overview. 30

32 3. 同性戀的迷思 ,000 58% 42% ,000 69% pathological adaptation 13% National Association of Research & Therapy of Homosexuality NARTH Hooker The Adjustment of the Male Overt Homosexual J. E. Phelan, N. Whitehead and P. M. Sutton, What Research Shows: NARTH's Response to the APA Claims on Homosexuality,. 79 E, Hooker, The Adjustment of Male Overt Homosexual, Journal of Projective Techniques 21, issue 1 (Mar 1957):

33 sampling bias Hooker rorschach testtat MAPS , Remafedi 83 Paul T. G. M. Sandfort et al., Same-sex sexuality and quality of life: Findings from the Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study, Archives of Sexual Behavior 32, no.1 (Feb 2003): R. de Graaf et al. Suicidality and sexual orientation: Differences between men and women in a general population-based sample from the Netherlands, Archives of Sexual Behavior 35, no.3 (June 2006): H. Hendin, Suicide and homosexuality, in Suicide in America (New York: W. W. Norton, 1995), G. Remafedi et al., Risk Factors for Attempted Suicide in Gay and Bisexual Youth, Pediatrics 87, no.6 (June 1991) J. P. Paul et al., Suicide attempts among gay and bisexual men: Lifetime prevalence and antecedents, American Journal of Public Health 92, no.8 (Aug 2002):

34 A. F. Jorm McKellar McKellar 86 Cothran A. F. Jorm et al., Sexual Orientation and Mental Health: Results from a Community Survey of Young and Middle-Aged Adults, The British Journal of Psychiatry 180 (May 2002): Home page of Homosexuals Opposed to Pride Extremism, [Accessed on 28 December 2012, from HOPE02.htm].

35 87 Cothran Venus Magazine 38, 同性性行為的倫理思考 C. E. Cothran, Redeemed! 10 Ways to Get Out of the Gay Life, If you Want Out, Venus Magazine Oct 2006 [Accessed on 18 December 2012, from org/cover_story.html]. 34




39 5. 對待同性戀者的基本態度 6. 當你發現他 / 她是同性戀者, 你可以如何回應? 6.1 / / / / / 38

40 / 6.2 / / / 39

41 / / 1. Christ-centred caring ( ) 2. Accurate assessment and empathy 40

42 3. Restoration and reconciliation 4. Edification and enrichment 5. Spiritual formulation and direction / 耻 41

43 / 42

44 / 43

45 7. 同性戀者的心聲 Worthen 88 15% 88 F. Worthen, Ministering to the Sexually Broken, a powerpoint used in Exodus Asia Conference, Restoring Sexual Wholeness: Effective Ministries to the Sexually-Broken held on Feb, in

46 ( 2005)




50 III 1. 甚麼是同性戀運動? 2. 同運中的性小眾? LGBT movement lesbiansgaysbisexuals / / transsexual/transgenderqueer / intersexquestioningasexual post-gayspostlesbians 49

51 3. 同運的進程是如何? 90 I. II. III. IV. 4. 同運策略的 4 個 C I. culture II. court III. classroom IV. church 90 A. E. Sears and C. J. Osten, The Homosexual Agenda, Exposing the Principal Threat to Religious Freedom Today ( Tennessee: B & H Publishing Group, 2003),

52 5. 同運在香港的發展 %

53 Civil Partnership Act BNO 4 BNO W W 2011 W

54 W 12 W ICS ( )

55 6. 明光社對 性傾向歧視條例 的一些看法

56 6.3 come-out 55

57 / / 56

58 有關同性婚姻的一些討論 common good research/homosex_develop. 92 ICCPR

59 93 ; 93 Joslin v. New Zealand, Communication No.902/1999; Schalk and Kopf v. Austria, Final Judgment 22 Nov

60 common good Macedo judgmental liberalism 59

61 94 Jeffrey Satinover

62 61

63 62

64 63

65 64

66 65

67 性別有自信, 孩子更快樂 2013 (Gender non-confident) (Gender Identity Disorder) 同志. 有路 2013 給最後女友的信

68 同話 家 2013 ( ) 移風易俗的同性戀運動 第二版 2013 基督教與現代社會的爭論 道德 政治與 宗教右派 是非曲直 對人權 同性戀的倫理反思

69 讀者回應表 100 本人願意... 奉獻 : /The Society For Truth And Light 18033/ ppshk.com : 9436 個人資料 通訊資料明光社 The Society for Truth and Light Unit 1105, 11/F., Billion Plaza, 8 Cheung Yue Street, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel : info@truth-light.org.hk Fax : URL :


71 1. 同性戀諮詢熱線 / 2. 輔導機構轉介 有關同性戀資料的網頁推介 Christian Mental Health Services facebook Page

72 由平等機會 ( 性傾向 ) 資助計劃資助此刊物並不代表香港特別行政區政府的立場


同性戀的起源:天生抑或後天 同 性 戀 的 起 源 : 天 生 抑 或 後 天 香 港 的 同 志 團 體 一 直 聲 稱 同 性 戀 是 與 生 俱 來 的, 這 種 性 傾 向 不 應 受 到 歧 視 他 們 甚 至 要 求 制 訂 反 性 傾 向 歧 視 條 例, 防 止 同 性 戀 者 的 權 利 被 剝 奪 究 竟 同 性 戀 是 天 生 的 還 是 後 天 的 呢? 本 文 嘗 試 從 生 物 學 心 理 學 及

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次 經 歷 作 為 後 性 幻 想 的 依 據, 並 且 將 己 介 定 為 同 性 戀 者 Storm (1981) 指 出 性 傾 向 通 常 在 青 春 期 確 立 男 孩 子 和 女 孩 子 ㆒ 般 都 在 青 春 期 才 有 較 多 接 觸 機 會, 男 孩 子 的 性 慾 這 時 候 開

次 經 歷 作 為 後 性 幻 想 的 依 據, 並 且 將 己 介 定 為 同 性 戀 者 Storm (1981) 指 出 性 傾 向 通 常 在 青 春 期 確 立 男 孩 子 和 女 孩 子 ㆒ 般 都 在 青 春 期 才 有 較 多 接 觸 機 會, 男 孩 子 的 性 慾 這 時 候 開 ㆓ 零 零 ㆒ 年 八 月 CB(2)2196/00-01(06) 號 文 件 ㆒, 引 言 最 近, 香 港 的 同 性 戀 者 要 求 立 法 保 障 他 們 的 個 權 利, 他 們 聲 稱 同 性 戀 是 與 生 俱 來 的, 他 們 的 性 傾 向 不 應 受 到 歧 視 究 竟 同 性 戀 是 先 的 還 是 後 的 呢? 本 報 告 從 同 性 戀 的 起 源 性 傾 向 的 易 變

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目 錄 導 言 : 閱 讀 小 冊 子 前, 你 要 知 道 的... 2 I) 同 性 性 傾 向 同 性 戀 者... 3 1. 何 謂 性 傾 向 (sexual orientation)?...3 2. 容 易 混 淆 的 概 念 : 性 別 身 份 社 會 性 別 角 色...4 2.1

目 錄 導 言 : 閱 讀 小 冊 子 前, 你 要 知 道 的... 2 I) 同 性 性 傾 向 同 性 戀 者... 3 1. 何 謂 性 傾 向 (sexual orientation)?...3 2. 容 易 混 淆 的 概 念 : 性 別 身 份 社 會 性 別 角 色...4 2.1 目 錄 導 言 : 閱 讀 小 冊 子 前, 你 要 知 道 的... 2 I) 同 性 性 傾 向 同 性 戀 者... 3 1. 何 謂 性 傾 向 (sexual orientation)?...3 2. 容 易 混 淆 的 概 念 : 性 別 身 份 社 會 性 別 角 色...4 2.1 性 別 身 份 (gender identity)...4 2.2 社 會 性 別 角 色 (social

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160 1997 80/1997 Carver & Mottier, 1998; Richardson & Seidman, 2002 Plummer 1992 Modern Homosexualities 1995 2001 2006 84 2001 2000 2000 2005 2000 200

160 1997 80/1997 Carver & Mottier, 1998; Richardson & Seidman, 2002 Plummer 1992 Modern Homosexualities 1995 2001 2006 84 2001 2000 2000 2005 2000 200 2011 159-182 159 * T T T T T T Cheshire Calhoun * ** 116 e-mail meiyou@nknu.edu.tw 07-7172930 2012 160 1997 80/1997 Carver & Mottier, 1998; Richardson & Seidman, 2002 Plummer 1992 Modern Homosexualities

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118 度 探 討 了 鼠 疫 的 起 源 起 因 發 生 過 程 影 響 鼠 疫 細 菌 發 現 以 及 防 疫 措 施 等 諸 多 方 面 李 永 宸 和 賴 文 在 其 專 門 研 究 鼠 疫 的 著 作 嶺 南 瘟 疫 史 中, 對 這 次 鼠 疫 的 起 病 傳 播 影 響, 死 亡 情 行 政 第 二 十 八 卷, 總 第 一 百 零 七 期,2015 No. 1,117 134 117 1894-1895 * ** 19 世 紀 末 期 在 華 南 地 區 出 現 了 一 次 大 規 模 傳 播 的 鼠 疫, 流 行 的 程 度 很 廣 泛, 受 影 響 者 眾, 死 亡 數 字 驚 人 由 於 此 次 鼠 疫 造 成 的 死 亡 情 況 和 社 會 危 害 非 常 慘 烈, 有

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