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1 中国网购前景调查报告 Survey Report of China Online Shopping Prospects 2016Q1 ( 简版 ) (Abbreviated Version) QQSurvey 中国在线调研 QQSurvey China Online Research Feb., 2016

2 目录 Contents 中国网购前景 China Online Shopping Prospects 城市间比较 Inter-City Comparison 年龄段比较 Age Group Comparison 性别比较 Gender Comparison 网购排行榜 Online Shopping Ranking List 购物网站热度排名 Shopping Websites Ranking 网购商品热度排名 Online Shopping Products Popularity Ranking 网购人均消费金额 Online Shopping Consumption per Person 法律声明 Legal Notice

3 中国网购前景 China Online Shopping Prospects QQSurvey 中国在线调研 2016Q1 网购前景调查是基于对中国 1030 位具有网络 购物经验的网民访问结果而得到的 所有被访问对象均被问及同样的问题 : 您 预计未来 3 个月, 您网购的消费金额与过去一个季度相比, 会发生怎样的变化? QQSurvey China online research 2016Q1 prospect survey of online shopping is based on replies of 1030 netizens with online shopping experience. All respondents were asked the same question what changes of your online shopping consumption are you expected to happen in the next three months compared with last quarter?. 在 2016Q1 受访的网民中,51.8% 的网购消费者预计将增加网购消费金额,17.7% 的网购消费者表示将会减少网购消费金额, 同时有 30.5% 的网购消费者表示网购消费金额将维持不变 2016Q1 中国净网购前景指数为积极的 34.2% Among the 2016Q1 surveyed netizens,51.8% online shopping consumers anticipated to increase their online shopping consumption, while 17.7% of them would decrease their consumption and 30.5% respondents said they would remain their consumption unchanged. 2016Q1 China net online shopping prospect index is positive 34.2% 在这份报告中, 我们使用 净网购前景指数 这一名词 该数据是由在区域内, 期望在下一季度中增加网购消费金额的网购消费者比例减去期望减少网购消费金额的网购消费者比例而得 计算结果即为净网购前景指数 In this report, we adopted the nouns of net online shopping prospect index. The index was the difference between the proportion of consumers who expect to raise their online shopping consumption and that of those who anticipate to reduce. The result is what we call as net online shopping prospect index.

4 图表 1:2016Q1 净网购化妆品前景指数图表 Chart One: 2016Q1Net Online Cosmetic Shopping Prospect Index 增加 (%) 减少 (%) 维持不变 (%) 净网购前景指数 (%) 季节性调整指数 (%) 2010 年第三季度 年第四季度 年第一季度 年第二季度 年第三季度 年第四季度 年第一季度 年第二季度 年第三季度 年第四季度 年第一季度 年第二季度 年第三季度 年第四季度 年第一季度 年第二季度 年第三季度 年第四季度 年第一季度 年第二季度 年第三季度 年第四季度 年第一季度 Increase(%) Decrease Remain Net online Term (%) unchange shopping adjustment d(%) prospect index(%) index(%) Third quarter Fourth quarter First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter First quarter Second quarter Third quarter / 31

5 Fourth quarter First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter First quarter / 31

6 区域间比较 Regional Comparison 参与调查的珠三角地区 ( 含广州 深圳 东莞 惠州 中山 珠海及周边等城市 ) 长三角地区 ( 含上海 杭州 南京 苏州 无锡 扬州 温州 义乌及周边等城市 ) 环渤海地区 ( 含北京 烟台 天津 大连 威海 青岛等城市 ) 的网购消费者们预期在 2016Q1 网购消费金额均有所变化 其中长三角地区网购消费者的网购前景最为乐观, 网购消费者的净网购预期前景指数达 +38.5% 环渤海地区的网购消费者的净网购前景紧追长三角地区, 网购消费者的净网购前景指数达到 +34.1% 珠三角地区的网购消费者的净网购前景指数为 +29.9% Surveyed online shopping consumers from pearl river delta region (including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Huizhou, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, and other surrounding cities), yangtze river delta region (including Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Yangzhou, Wenzhou, Yiwu, and other surrounding cities), and circum-bohai sea region (including Beijing, Yantai, Tianjin, Dalian, Weihai, Qingdao, and other cities) all expect to change their 2016Q1 online shopping consumption amount. Among the three regions, online shopping prospects of yangtze river delta region are the most positive with its net online shopping prospect index of +38.5%. Following yangtze river delta region closely, the net online shopping prospect index of circum-bohai sea region is+34.1%. The same index of pearl river delta region is +29.9%. 图表 2:2016Q1 区域间比较净网购前景指数图 Chart Two: 2016Q1 Regional Comparison of Net Online Shopping Indexes 6 / 31

7 珠三角地区 :+29.9% Pearl River Delta Region: +29.9% 珠三角地区净网购前景指数为 +29.9% 与上个季度比下降 25.6% Net online shopping prospect index of pearl river delta region is +29.9%, decreasing 25.6% compared with last quarter. 图表 3: 珠三角地区每季净网购前景指数图 Chart Three: Quarterly Net Online Shopping Prospect Indexes of Pearl River Delta Region 长三角地区 :+38.5% Yangtze River Delta Region: +38.5% 长三角地区净网购前景指数为 +38.5% 与上个季度比下降 15.4% Net online shopping prospect index of yangtze river delta region is +38.5%, decreasing 15.4% compared with last quarter 图表 4: 长三角地区每季净网购前景指数图 Chart Four: Quarterly Net Online Shopping Prospect Indexes of Yangtze River Delta Region 7 / 31

8 环渤海地区 :+34.1% Circum-Bohai Sea Region:+34.1% 环渤海地区净网购前景指数为 +34.1% 与上个季度相比下降 15.2% Net online shopping prospect index of circum-bohai sea region is +34.1%, decreasing 15.2% compared with last quarter. 图表 5: 环渤海地区每季净网购前景指数图 Chart Five: Quarterly Net Online Shopping Prospect Indexes of Pearl River Delta Region 年龄段比较 8 / 31

9 Age Group Comparison 参与调查的各年龄段网购消费者们预期在 2016Q1 网购消费金额,26-35 岁网购消费者的净网购前景最为乐观, 网购消费者的净网购预期前景指数达 +40.7% 46 岁以上网购消费者的净网购预期前紧追 岁网购消费者, 网购消费者的净网购前景指数为 +35.0% 25 岁以下网购消费者的净网购前景指数为 +30.6% 岁网购消费者的净网购前景指数为 +23.8% All surveyed online shopping consumers of all ages anticipate to change their 2016Q1 online shopping consumption. Net online shopping prospect of online shopping consumers aged 26 to 35 years old is the most positive with the corresponding index reaching +40.7%. Following the above age group closely, net online shopping prospect index of online shopping consumers aged 46 years old and above arrives +35.0%. The same indexes of online shopping consumers aged 25 years old and under and aged 36 to 45 years old are respectively 30.6% and 23.8%. 各年龄段消费者的季度间比较显示均有所下降, 其中 岁网购消费者净网购前景指数与上季度比较最为显著, 下降幅度超出 23.1% Net online shopping prospect indexes of all ages decreasing compared with last quarter. Of all surveyed consumers, the index of aged 36 to 45 years old and above is the most evident in the decreasing, whose descending rate is over 23.1%. 图表 6:2016Q1 年龄段净网购前景指数图 Chart Six: 2016Q1 Different Age Groups Net Online Shopping Indexes 9 / 31

10 25 岁以下 :+30.6% 25 Years Old and under: +30.6% 25 岁以下消费者网购前景指数为 +30.6% 与上个季度相比下降 16.9% Net online shopping prospect index of consumers aged 25 years old and under is +30.6%, decreasing 16.9% compared with last quarter 岁 :+40.7% 26 to 35 Years Old: +40.7% 岁消费者网购前景指数为 +40.7% 与上个季度相比下降 20.4% Net online shopping prospect index of consumers aged 26 to 35 years old is +40.7%, decreasing 20.4% compared with last quarter. 图表 7 : 25 岁以下每季净网购前景指数图 Chart Seven: Quarterly Net Online Shopping Prospect Indexes of 25 Years Old and under Age Group 图表 8:26-35 岁每季净网购前景指数图 Chart Eight: Quarterly Net Online Shopping Prospect Indexes of 26 to 35 Years Old Age Group 10 / 31

11 36-45 岁 :+23.8% 36 to 45 Years Old: +23.8% 岁消费者网购前景指数为 +23.8% 与上个季度相比下降 23.1% Net online shopping prospect index of consumers aged 36 to 45 Years Old is +23.8%, decreasing 23.1% compared with last quarter. 46 岁及以上 :+35.0% 46 Years Old and above: +35.0% 46 岁及以上消费者网购前景指数为 +35.0% 与上个季度相比下降 5.0% Net online shopping prospect index of consumers aged 46 and above is +35.0%, decreasing 5.0% compared with last quarter. 图表 9:36-45 岁每季净网购前景指数图 Chart Nine: Quarterly Net Online Shopping Prospect Indexes of 36 to 45 Years Old Age Group 图表 10:46 岁及以上每季净网购前景指数图 Chart Ten: Quarterly Net Online Shopping Prospect Index es of 46 Years Old and above Age Group 11 / 31

12 性别比较 Gender Comparison 参与调查的男女网购消费者们预期在 2016Q1 有不同程度增加网购消费金额 男性网购消费者的净网购预期前景指数为 +41.2% 女性网购消费者净网购预期前景指数为 +27.2% Male and Female online shopping consumers participating in the 2015Q3 survey all anticipate to online shopping consumption amount decreased to different extent. Net online shopping prospect indexes of the two groups are respectively +41.2% and +27.2%. 图表 11:2016Q1 性别净网购前景指数图 Chart Eleven: 2016Q1 Different Grender Groups Net Online Shopping Indexes 中国在线调研 N= / 31

13 男性 :+41.2% Male: +41.2% 男性消费者净网购前景指数为 +41.2% 与上个季度相比下降 11.4% Net online shopping prospect index of male consumers is +41.2%, decreasing 11.4% compared with last quarter. 女性 :+27.2% Female: +27.2% 女性消费者网购前景指数为 +27.2% 与上个季度相比下降 26% Net online shopping prospect index of female consumers is +27.2%, decreasing 26% compared with last quarter. 图表 12: 男性每季净网购前景指数图 Chart Twelve: Males Quarterly Net Online Shopping Prospect Indexes 图表 13: 女性每季净网购前景指数图 Chart Thirteen: Females Quarterly Net Online Shopping Prospect Indexes 13 / 31

14 网购排行榜 Online Shopping Ranking List 2015Q4 购物网站排名 2015Q4 Shopping Websites Ranking 图表 14:2015Q4 网购排行榜图表 Chart Fourteen: 2015Q4Online Shopping Ranking List 网站排行品牌市场渗透率 2015Q3 排名 1 淘宝网 66.5% 京东商城 47.2% 淘宝商城 37.1% 美团网 23.5% 唯品网 13.4% 苏宁易购 11.1% 1 号店 9.0% 当当网 8.0% 阿里巴巴 7.6% 聚美优品 6.5% Website ranking Website Market penetration rate 2015Q3 Ranking 1 Taobao 66.5% 2 Jingdong Mall 47.2% 3 Tmall 37.1% 4 MeiTuan 23.5% 5 VipShop 13.4% Suning 11.1% 7 The Store 9.0% Dangdang 8.0% 9 Alibaba 7.6% 10 JUMEI 6.5% / 31

15 15 / 31

16 2015Q4 购买产品排名 2015Q4 Purchase Products Ranking 图表 15:2015Q4 购买产品排行榜图表 Chart Fifteen: 2015Q4 Purchase Products Ranking List 商品排名品牌市场渗透率 2015Q3 排名 服装 / 配饰 / 鞋帽 / 箱包 69.4% 食品 / 饮料 / 保健药品 52.5% 化妆品 / 护理用品 43.9% 虚拟商品 / 充值 / 卡券 / 信息 36.6% 手机 / 数码 / 家电 34.8% 书籍 / 音像 / 软件 33.1% 家居 / 家装用品 32.7% 旅游 / 机票预定 18.9% 母婴用品 16.0% 鲜花 / 珠宝 / 礼品 10.4% Product ranking Product kinds Market penetrati on rate 2015Q3 Ranking 1 Clothing / accessories/ shoes and hats / bags and suitcases 69.4% 2 Cosmetics/ nursing materials 52.5% 3 Food/ beverage/ health care drug 43.9% 4 Virtual products/ recharge/ cards and certificates/ information 36.6% 5 Mobile phones/ digital products/ household appliances 34.8% 6 Books/ audio and video products/ software 33.1% 7 Household items/ home supplies 32.7% 8 Travel/ air ticket reservation 18.9% 9 Mother and baby products 16.0% 10 Flower/ jewelry/ gift 10.4% / 31

17 17 / 31

18 网购消费金额 ( 单位 : 元 ) Online Shopping Consumption Amount (Unit: Yuan) 图表 16:2015Q4 网购消费金额图表 Chart Sixteen: 2015Q4 Online Shopping Consumption Amount 2015Q3 人均消费总额 2015Q4 人均消费总额季度增长率 总体总体 % 男 % 性别 女 % 25 岁及以下 % 岁 % 岁 % 年龄 46 岁及以上 % 珠三角地区 % 长三角地区 % 区域 环渤海地区 % 2015Q3 total consumption per person 2015Q4 total consumption per person Quarterly growth rate Totality Totality % Male % Gender Age Female % 25 years old and under % 26 to 35 years old % 36 to 45 years old % 46 years old and above % Pearl river delta region % Yangtze river delta region % 18 / 31 Region Circum-bohai sea %

19 region 总体人均 : Total Consumption per Person 图表 17: 总体人均消费金额每季图 Chart Seventeen: Quarterly Total Consumption per Person 性别 : Gender: 图表 18: 性别消费金额每季图 Chart Eighteen: Quarterly Gender Consumption 19 / 31

20 年龄 : Gender 图表 19: 年龄段消费金额每季图 Chart Nineteen: Different Age Groups Quarterly Consumption 区域 : Region: 20 / 31

21 图表 20: 区域消费金额每季图 Chart Twenty: Quarterly Regional Consumption 21 / 31

22 法律声明 Legal Notice 本报告版权仅为我公司所有, 未经书面许可, 任何机构和个人不得以任何形式翻版 复制和发布 如引用 刊发, 需注明出处为 QQSurvey, 且不得对本报告进行有悖原意的引用 删节和修改 本报告中发布的调研数据部分采用抽样调研方法, 其数据结果受到样本的影响 由于调研方法及样本的限制, 调查资料收集范围的限制, 部分数据不能够完全反映真实市场情况 本报告只提供给客户作为市场参考资料,QQSurvey 对该报告的数据准确性不承担法律责任 Copyright of this report belongs to our company solely. Without written permission, any organizations and individuals shall not reprint, copy, or publish in any form. For citation or publishment purposes, please indicate the source of QQSurvey and don t cite, abridge, or recompose the report against original intentions. Part of the research data released in this report adopted sampling survey method, and the data results are influenced by samples. Caused by restrictions of survey methods, samples, and survey data acquisition range, partial data can not reflect real market conditions completely. This report is only for market reference of clients. QQSurvey will not bear any legal responsibility for data accuracy in this report. 关于 QQSurvey About QQSurvey QQSurvey 是一家领先的在线调研公司, 为客户提供更快速 更经济 更高效的市场调研服务 QQSurvey is a leading online research company, providing clients faster, more economic, and more efficient market research service. QQSurvey 旗下运营中国最活跃的观点分享网站 - - 第一调查网 QQSurvey operates China s most active view sharing site --- 1diaocha ( QQSurvey 是中国信息协会市场研究业分会 (CMRA) 和欧洲市场研究协会 (ESOMAR) 会员 QQSurvey holds memberships of China Marketing Research Association (CMRA) and European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR). 更多资讯, 请浏览 For more information, please browse 22 / 31

23 联系我们 Contact Us 地址 : 上海市吴兴路 2772 号锦都大厦 912 室 Address: Rm912, Jindu Plaza, No.277 Wuxing Rd. Shanghai, China 电话 : Tel: 传真 : Fax:

24 附 : 调查问卷 Attachment: Questionnaire 配额 Quota: 区域配额 珠三角地区 ( 含广州 深圳 东莞 惠州 中山 珠海及周边等城市 ) 344 长三角地区 ( 含上海 杭州 南京 苏州 无锡 扬州 温州 义乌及周边等城市 ) 343 环渤海地区 ( 含北京 烟台 天津 大连 威海 青岛等城市 ) 343 Regional quota Pearl river delta region (including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Huizhou, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, and other surrounding cities) Yangtze river delta region (including Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Yangzhou, Wenzhou, Yiwu, and other surrounding cities) Circum-bohai sea region (including Beijing, Yantai, Tianjin, Dalian, Weihai, Qingdao, and other cities) 性别配额 男 515 女 515 Gender quota Male 515 Female 515 性别配额 25 岁及以下 岁 岁 岁及以上 60 24

25 Age quota 25 years old and under to 35 years old to 45 years old years old and above 60 问卷 Questionnaire: 1 您最近三个月内上网都做过什么?[ 多选 ] [ 选项随机 ] 1. What have you done online during the past three months (Random options) 交友聊天 1 泡论坛 / 社区 2 邮件收发 3 网络购物 4 浏览新闻 / 信息 5 网上学习 6 网上银行 7 网络招聘 8 网络影音 / 游戏 9 预订机票酒店 10 最近三个月内没有上过网 99 未选择 网络购物 的终止访问 Chat dating 1 BBS/ community 2 Mail receiving and sending 3 Online shopping 4 Browsing news/ information 5 Online learning 6 E-bank 7 Online recruitment 8 Internet media/ games 9 Air ticket and hotel reservation 10 Haven t surfed the internet in the past three months 99 25

26 Terminate the questionnaire if online shopping is not selected. 2 最近三个月内, 您曾经在哪些购物网站中购买过商品? ( 最多选 3 个 ) 2. Which websites did you use to buy products on the internet over the past three months? (Three selections at most) 淘宝网 1 耀点 淘宝商城 2 唯品网 18 当当网 3 草莓网 19 卓越网 4 团购网 20 京东商城 5 阿里巴巴 21 拍拍网 6 新蛋网 22 1 号店 7 百度有啊 23 凡客诚品 8 麦包包 24 乐蜂网 9 乐淘网 25 红孩子 10 赶集网 26 聚美优品 11 梦芭莎 27 易趣网 12 苏宁易购 28 麦考林 13 拉手网 29 DHC 官网 14 美团网 30 天天购物网 15 其他 ( 请注明 ) 31 莎莎 16 Taobao 1 Yaodian Tmall 2 Vipshop 18 Dangdang 3 StrawberryNET 19 JOYO 4 Groupon 20 Jingdong Mall 5 Alibaba 21 Paipai 6 Newegg 22 The Store 7 Baidu Youa 23 VANCL 8 Mtaobao 24 Lefeng 9 Letao 25 Redbaby 10 Ganji 26 JUMEI 11 Moonbasa 27 ebay 12 Suning 28 Mecox Lane 13 Lashou 29 DHC Official Website 14 Meituan 30 Tiantian 15 Others (indication ) 31 SaSa 16 3 请问你最近三个月内, 网购消费总金额为 : 3. How much did you spend on online shopping over the past three months? (unit: yuan) 26

27 4 您最近三个月内在网上买过哪些商品?[ 多选 ] [ 选项随机 ] 4. What products have you bought on the internet over the past three months? (Multiple choice) (Random options) 手机 / 数码 / 家电 1 服装 / 配饰 / 鞋帽 / 箱包 2 化妆品 / 护理用品 3 旅游 / 机票预定 4 鲜花 / 珠宝 / 礼品 5 母婴用品 6 家居 / 家装用品 7 食品 / 饮料 / 保健药品 8 书籍 / 音像 / 软件 9 虚拟商品 / 充值 / 卡券 / 信息 10 其他 ( 请注明 ) 11 Mobile phones/ digital products/ household appliances 1 Clothing/ accessories/ shoes and hats/ bags and suitcases 2 Cosmetics/ nursing materials 3 Travel/ air ticket reservation 4 Flower/ jewelry/ gift 5 Mother and baby products 6 Household items/ home supplies 7 Food/ beverage/ health care drug 8 Book/ audio and video products/ software 9 Virtual products/ recharge/ cards and certificates/ information 10 Others (indication ) 11 5 您预计未来 3 个月, 您网购的消费金额与现在相比, 会发生怎样的变化?[ 单选 ] 5. Compared with now, what changes of your online shopping consumption do you expect to happen in the coming three months? (Single choice) 增加 1 减少 2 维持不变 3 Increase 1 Decrease 2 Remain unchanged 3 6 请问您的性别是?[ 单选 ] 6. Your gender? (Single choice) 男 1 女 2 27

28 Male 1 Female 7 请问您所在的区域是?[ 单选 ] 7. Your location? (Single choice) 珠三角地区 ( 含广州 深圳 东莞 惠州 中山 珠海及周边等城市 ) 1 长三角地区 ( 含上海 杭州 南京 苏州 无锡 扬州 温州 义乌及周边等城市 ) 2 环渤海地区 ( 含北京 烟台 天津 大连 威海 青岛等城市 ) 3 Pearl river delta region (including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Huizhou, Zhongshan, Z huhai, and other surrounding cities) Yangtze river delta region (including Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Yangzhou, Wenzhou, Yiwu, and other surrounding cities) Circum-bohai sea region (including Beijing, Yantai, Tianjin, Dalian, Weihai, Qingdao, and other cities) 请问您的年龄是?[ 单选 ] 8. Your age? (Single choice) 25 岁及以下 岁 岁 3 46 岁及以上 4 25 years old and under 1 26 to 35 years old 2 36 to 45 years old 3 46 ears old and above 4 9 请问您的教育程度是?[ 单选 ] 9. Your educational status? (Single choice) 未接受正规学校教育 / 小学及以下 1 初中 2 中专 / 技校 / 职高 3 高中 4 大学专科 5 大学本科 6 研究生及以上 7 Haven t received any formal schooling/ primary school or 1 28

29 under Junior high school 2 Technical secondary school/ vocational school/ professional high 3 school High school 4 Junior college 5 Undergraduate college 6 Graduate or above 7 10 请问您的婚姻状况?[ 单选 ] 10. Your marital status? (Single choice) 单身 1 同居 / 已婚 2 其他 ( 如离婚 / 丧偶等 ) 3 Single 1 Cohabiting/married 2 Others (such as divorced, widowed, etc.) 3 11 请问您的工作?[ 单选 ] 11. Your job? (Single choice) 全职人员 1 问 13 题 兼职人员 2 问 13 题 失业 3 跳问 15 题 学生 4 跳问 15 题 退休 5 跳问 15 题 全职家庭主妇 6 跳问 15 题 Full-time staff 1 Get to 13 Part-time staff 2 Get to 13 Unemployed 3 Jump to 15 Student 4 Jump to 15 Retired 5 Jump to 15 Full-time housewife 6 Jump to 15 29

30 12 请您告诉我您的职业?[ 单选 ] 12. Your vocation? (Single choice) 高级行政管理 ( 董事长 / 总经理 / 行政总裁 ) 1 部门经理 / 主管 2 私营业主 / 合伙人 / 个体户 3 专业人员 - 医生 律师 会计师等 4 政府人员 / 机关干部 5 其他技术白领 6 非技术白领 / 文员 7 技术蓝领 8 非技术蓝领 9 自由职业者 10 其他 ( 注明 ) 11 Senior executive manager (board chairman/ general manager/ 1 chief executive officer) Department manager/ supervisor 2 Private owner/ partner/ individual household 3 Specialized persons doctor, lawyer, accountant, etc 4 Governmental personnel/ government functionary 5 Other technical white-collar worker 6 Non-technical white-collar worker/ clerk 7 Technical blue-collar worker 8 Non-technical blue-collar worker 9 Freelance worker 10 Others (indication ) 请问下列哪一项最能形容您个人每月的平均收入?[ 单选 ] 13. Which of the following best describes your personal monthly income? (Single choice) 1000 元以下 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元以上 yuan and under yuan yuan yuan 4 30

31 yuan yuan yuan yuan yuan and above 9 14 请问下列哪一项最能代表您家庭每月的总收入呢? ( 含工资 奖金和补贴等所有收入 )?[ 单选 ] 14. Which of the following best represents your family monthly income (including wage, bonus, subsidy, and all other earnings)? (Single choice) 2000 元以下 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元以上 yuan and under yuan yuan yuan yuan yuan yuan yuan yuan and above 9 31

1 0 5 2016 5 2 2016 8 15 2016 8 22 2016 8 23 2016 9

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