HOH Newsletter May R5

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1 91 MAY 2016 Haven of Hope Sister Annie Skau Holistic Care Centre The Haven Project (Including Haven of Hope Hospital Expansion Project, expansion projects of Haven of Hope Sister Annie Skau Holistic Care Centre, Haven of Hope Woo Ping Care & Attention Home and Haven of Hope Sunnyside School etc.) THEME Get in touch with the Y generation Understanding new generation s work culture Card Valid Until Donor s personal data will only be used by HOHCS for passing information and fundrasing work. Donors who don t want to receive our information or want to change their personal data, please contact our Communications and Resource Development Department at or to privacy@hohcs.org.hk. NEW-BL-16-02

2 CONTENT MAY 2016 ISSUE91 HAVEN OF HOPE NEWS Theme: Get in touch with the Y generation Understanding new generation s work culture TOUCH 8-9 Feature: TOUCH Care for Staff Programme 4-7 Blog Respecting Life Blog Impacting Life Story You can change the world What s New Health Tips Editorial Board 蔡慧嫻 Mary Choy 梁智達 Dr Antony Leung 潘煒珊 Linda Poon 梁詠茵 Viann Leung 梁桂芬 Rebecca Leung 林雪兒 Zoe Lam 何少珊 Susan Ho 廖鳳翎 Lydia Liu 林君賢 Rex Lam 鄺家良 Kevin Kwong 邱淑美 Yen Yau 孔淑芝 Suzette Hung 王愛盈 Calia Wong Haven Of Hope Christian Service Vision Prayer 神啊, 我們並肩服事及成長, 見證福音, 並體會祢的愛, 願祢心滿意足 阿們 God, together we serve and grow, witness the Gospel and experience Your love. May you be satisfied. Amen. Mission 透過關懷全人的事工, 我們致力與人分享福音及建立基督化社群 在基督的愛中, 我們以關懷 專業及進取的精神提供服務, 使服事者及被服事者彼此建立更豐盛的生命 Through a ministry of holistic care, we strive to share Gospel and develop a Christian community. In the love of Christ, we deliver our service in a caring, professional and progressive spirit so that the lives of those serving and being served are mutually enriched. Address 香港新界將軍澳靈實路 7 號 7 Haven of Hope Road, Tseung Kwan O, N.T., Hong Kong Website info@hohcs.org.hk Service Enquiry Hotline Volunteer Donation Hotline Words from CEO 行政總裁的話 近年流行用出生年代區分年輕人, 如八十後 九十後 千禧後, 他們各自有不同的形象特徵 坊間不少人均認為現今年輕的僱員, 尤其是八 九十後, 生於舒適安泰的年代, 以致部份缺乏責任感, 不願意在工作上拚搏, 往往成為管理層頭痛的根源 然而, 出類拔萃的年青人又確實為數不少 靈實自去年七月推出 靈實青年護理服務啟航計劃, 已成功錄取 62 名 18 至 25 歲的年青人投身護理行業, 一邊工作, 一邊進修, 逐步邁向護理青雲路 接觸過這群八 九十後的新世代, 我發現他們大部份都有理想, 獨立有主見, 雖然並非如上一代般言聽計從, 但都對工作充滿熱誠, 實屬可造之材 護理服務行業是如此, 其他行業的情況又如何? 今期靈感訪問了廣告公司掌舵人蘇偉良及資深人事顧問張淑儀博士, 他們都對新世代員工有獨特的個人看法 靈實深信每位員工都各有恩賜, 在其崗位上盡忠職守, 是機構寶貴的資產 我們近年亦積極建立關愛文化, 於 15/16 年度推行 觸動 靈實關懷同工計劃, 關心同工身 心 社 靈的需要, 並計劃 16/17 年度進一步把關懷同工的精神植根在靈實文化 我們盼望繼承創辦人司務道教士的精神, 建立靈實人的生命, 推動年青及較年長的同工彼此以愛觸動, 並把這份愛傳遞至每一位服務使用者 行政總裁林正財醫生 Dear Haven of Hope Supporters, In recent years, people tend to categorize young people by the decades in which they were born, such as the post-80s, the post-90s and the post millennium. They all bear different images and characteristics. In general, people deem that the young employees were born in an era of comfort and prosperity. Hence, they may lack a sense of responsibility. Such phenomenon becomes a headache for the management. But in fact, there are plenty of outstanding youngsters in Hong Kong. Since HOHCS launched the Haven of Hope Navigation Scheme for Young Persons in Care Services, we successfully recruited 62 young adults from the age of to commit themselves in health care industry. Through the scheme, they work and study at the same time, step by step attaining success in the health care industry. Interacting with these young adults, I discover most of them are independent and assertive. Although they may not be obedient as the past generations, they are filled with passion in work. In general, I think they are promising talents. This is the case for the health care industry, how about the other sectors? In this issue we interviewed the helmsman of an advertising agency, Mr Desmond So and veteran human resource consultant, Dr Rachel Cheung. They have unique opinions and insights about the new generation of employees. HOHCS believes that each staff has their talent. They are all valuable assets of the organization. We have been building a culture of love and care by promoting the TOUCH programme 15/16. Through the camapign, we care for the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs of our staff. In 16/17, we will further deepen this value as part of our HOHCS culture. In hopes of upholding the spirit of our founder Sister Annie Skau, we build the lives of Haven of Hopers and encourage young and elder staff to care for each other and further spread love and blessings to our service users. Message to donor 22 All published material is under copyright protection. Permission must be obtained from Haven of Hope Christian Service for the reproduction of the contents. Dr. Lam Ching-choi, BBS, JP Chief Executive Officer 2 3

3 Theme 主題 談及新世代八 九十後, 很多企業都會 耍手擰頭, 原因大多是嫌棄他們不夠勤力 欠缺責任感等 然而, 從事廣告創作, 曾統領逾三百人的廣告公司, 現為赤子創意有限公司 (Uth Creative Group Limited) 執行合夥人的蘇偉良 (Desmond) 則最喜歡聘請初出茅廬的畢業生 我不介意同事反叛, 相反經驗淺與資歷深的同事互相交流, 往往可以打破隔膜, 將經驗融匯貫通 Desmond 坦言 他認為廣告策劃是創意工業, 需要與時俱進, 因此一定要年青化 以他的公司為例, 超過一半同事是八 九十後的年青人, 大部份都是勤力, 對工作充滿熱誠的小伙子 社會上很多人批評 一代不如一代,Desmond 不認同, 因為每個年代都一樣, 平庸之輩為多, 菁英只佔少數 ; 以前的人可能較順服, 新世代的人卻敢於挑戰權威, 但只要可以說服他們, 推動他們尋找工作的滿足感, 新世代同樣會赤膽忠誠 不過與上一代比較,Desmond 都認為他們普遍缺乏好勝心 : 以前的人看重 成功, 但現今的年青人較重視生活平衡 要他們更上進, 不可以靠說教, 而是要他們親身經歷成功帶來的滿足感 他認為新世代大多數是獨生子女或只有一個兄弟姊妹, 是父母的掌上明珠, 曾經有同事離職時反映 父母覺得廣告行業工時長, 要求高, 不值得, 相反上一輩人的父母只負責供書教學, 子女投身工作後, 一般都會放手不理 Desmond 深信員工是公司重要的資產, 亦十分欣賞年青同事工作以外親密的友伴關係 因應新世代的特質, 他覺得管理層要調整管理技巧, 透過集思會議 午餐短聚, 多了解同事的想法 ; 最高領導人宜放下身段, 建立暢所欲言的文化, 最好能做到 冇大冇細 Desmond 直言自己都不斷革新其管理手法及心態 : 我以前較執著, 絕不會接受沒有工作在身的應徵者, 但時移勢易, 有些年青人喜歡體驗, 享受工作假期, 從而汲取人生經驗, 我也不能一成不變 To attain a smooth handover and achieve a win-win condition, we need to have a deeper understanding of the work habitat of the Y generation. In this issue, we invited the helmsman of an advertising agency, Interview with Mr Desmond So, helmsman of advertising agency Whenever talking about the new 80s and 90s generations, they are not well received as most firms think they lack diligence and sense of responsibility. However, Desmond So, who was the helmsman of an advertising company with over 300 staff and now the managing partner of Uth Creative Group Limited enjoys coaching fresh graduates. I don t mind colleagues being rebellious. In fact, interaction among the less experienced and the more experienced can break the barrier and attain a transcendence of experience and knowledge. Desmond said. He reckons advertising is a creative industry, so it is necessary to stay up-to-date and he tends to hire younger staff. In Desmond s firm, half of his colleagues are the 80s and 90s generations, most of them are diligent and passionate about work. Though many people criticize that the current generation is getting worse, Desmond disagreed. He thought that for each generation, mediocre is the majority; elites are few. In the past, people were more obedient, while the new generation dares to challenge the authority. Yet, as long as you are able to convince and motivate them; the new generation is loyal. In comparison with the older generation, Desmond thinks the young adults lack competitive spirit. People of older generations viewed success very seriously. Young people prefer balance of life. In order to motivate them, we can t preach. Instead, we should allow them to get a taste of success. Desmond commented. He thinks the younger generations are mostly single child. They are very precious to their parents. Some colleagues of Desmond resigned and said that their parents think it s not worthwhile to commit in advertising industry due to its long working hour. Desmond deems that in his generation, parents were only responsible for their kids education. Once their children start to work, they will let go. Desmond So and veteran human resource consultant, Rachel Cheung to tell us more about the current situation and the corresponding remedies. of the company. He deeply appreciates the friendship that younger colleagues develop among each other. To better coach the new generation, Desmond thinks it s necessary for the management to adjust their management skill. Through organizing brainstorming session and lunch gathering, they can understand better about their colleagues. Those in senior management should humble themselves and build up a culture which favours communication. The best is everyone can voice out their opinions regardless of their positions. Desmond has kept fine-tuning his management methods and attitudes. In the past I will not accept candidates without a job on hand. However, with the change of trend, some youngsters love new experience such as broadening their horizons through working holiday. To stay abreast of change, I must change as well. Desmond concluded. Desmond believes that employees are important assets 4 5

4 Theme 主題 作為人事顧問公司 Young Samuel Chambers (YSC) Limited 東南亞及大中華區領導力發展主管張淑儀博士 (Rachel), 專職為本地及國際企業培訓人才, 可謂閱人無數, 她認為 知人善任 是與八十 九十後職場新力軍相處的王道 我身邊有很多同事是八十 九十後, 但我們不要把他們標籤化, 必須要知道他們的長處, 多考慮他們的意見 老闆可先以聽取這批員工的意見, 同時分享個人成功或失敗的經驗 假如員工處理問題的方法最終可達至同樣理想效果, 老闆亦不妨選擇員工提出的方法處理 Rachel 稱 Rachel 認為, 作為上司要先了解這批下屬的需要, 知道他們的工作動力來源, 才可把他們的能力發揮至最好 Rachel 說 : 作為老闆切忌以家長式的態度 管教 下屬, 反而要知道他們在工作上追求甚麼, 因為八十 九十後工作未必只追求金錢回報, 工作環境氣氛也很重要, 因此老闆要多與這批員工溝通 老闆亦不妨嘗試主動加入他們的社交網絡, 例如加為 Facebook 好友 不要以為他們一定很抗拒老闆的加入, 有時他們反而很歡迎老闆與他們打成一片 她指出八十 九十後兩者不同之處是八十後比九十後所接觸視野更廣, 亦累積了一定的工作經驗, 開始有晉升機會, 成為新晉經理級, 慢慢要面對人事管理疑難 但在工作層面上, 八十及九十後均擁有不少優點例如思考靈活 有理想 做事積極 願意學習新事物, 很注重工作與生活平衡, 同輩間亦容易互相影響 Interview with veteran human resource consultant Dr Rachel Cheung As the Head of Leadership Development of Southeast Asia and China of Young Samuel Chambers Limited, Rachel is responsible for executive development for both local and international corporations. She had met people with very diverse background. She reckoned that the best way to deal with the post-80s and post- 90s is to leverage their strengths and place them in the right positions. A lot of my colleagues are post-80s and post-90s. We should not stigmatize them. Instead, we should understand their talents and value their opinions. We can share our experience with them as well, be it successes or failures. If the same results could be attained by following their way, bosses may consider adopting their views. Rachel said. Rachel reckoned that bosses should find out the real needs of their staff. They can help them excel themselves only if they know from where their motivations come. The boss should never parent their subordinates. They should try to understand what their staff desire. This is because the new generations may not strive only for monetary return; the working atmosphere is also crucial to them. Thus, strengthening communication between both parties may do good. For instance, boss may invite his staff as friends in the facebook. We should not pre-assume the staff will resist; sometimes, they may welcome their boss joining their social network. Rachel said. Rachel pointed out that the main difference between the post-80s and post-90s is that the former start to have promotion opportunities; as a junior manager, they need to handle management issues. At the same time, having accumulated some working experience, they have broader horizons. However, regarding work, both the post-80s and post-90s are proactive, willing to learn, aspirational and creative in thinking. They also value work-life balance and can easily influence each other. Rachel felt that the new generations already have myriad comparative advantages. Should the corporations offer them appropriate guidance and training, it is easy to achieve a win-win situation. The corporations can offer them professional career advice to facilitate them to understand their direction for middle and long-term development. Simultaneously, they can be given mentoring and professional coaching. Rachel added that if the post-80s and post-90s cherish these opportunities, a shining career path is awaiting. Rachel 覺得這批職場新貴, 本身已擁有不少優勢, 只要機構給予他們適當的培訓及引導, 不難為機構締造雙嬴局面 機構可以為他們提供專業職業規劃, 讓這批人才知道中長線的發展方向及晉升機會, 同時機構亦要給予在職專業培訓及導師指導, 才能讓他們發揮所長 Rachel 補充說, 只要這批職場新秀好好珍惜機會, 前途無可限量 6 7

5 Feature 專題 2015/16 TOUCH 在知識型香港社會, 人力資源是機構企業重要的資產, 所謂 工欲善其事, 必先利其器, 靈實一直依賴每位員工的努力, 在服務中發揮 尊重生命 改變生命 的精神, 幫助有需要的人 隨著服務規模擴大, 時至今日, 靈實全體員工人數已接近 2,000 人 為了更貼身了解同工的需要, 關顧其身 心 社 靈各方面的發展, 我們於 2015/16 年度推出了 TOUCH 觸動 靈實關懷同工計劃 去年六月, 我們率先進行 TOUCH 觸動啟動禮, 由行政總裁林正財醫生向一眾管理層員工闡釋計劃的理念及方向原則, 並邀請到鴻福堂集團執行董事司徒永富博士分享建立企業文化之道 啟動禮中, 各位經理合力完成 指彩油畫, 象徵大家同心協力用愛彼此觸動 及後, 我們積極加強員工同樂會的活動內容, 搜集同工意見設計適切的同工活動, 希望在康樂及資訊提供方面都可以更貼合同工的需要 此外, 在節日期間, 我們亦會送上水果 湯水 飲品等等小小心意, 推動互相關心分享的文化 而自九月份出爐的生日休假更為靈實人帶來驚喜, 成為最受歡迎的觸動項目 工作環境方面, 各經理在搜集單位部門同工意見後, 立即著手改善工作間安全及舒適度, 如購置新的辦公室座椅, 防止文職同事勞損 ; 添置資訊科技用品, 提升工作效率 ; 加建鮮風系統, 改善空氣流通等 靈實是個大家庭, 我們重視每位成員, 在 2016/17 年度, 我們會繼續擴張 TOUCH 觸動的闊度和深度, 建立尊重關愛的文化, 盼望靈實人可以在這家庭中可以一邊服侍, 一邊成長 TOUCH Care for Staff Programme 2015/2016 In Hong Kong such a knowledge-based society, human resource is an important asset of any organization. This is echoed by the proverb - Sharpen your tools if you want to do well. With the endeavours of our staff, HOHCS helps those in need in the spirit of Respecting Life. Impacting Life. With the expansion of services, currently we have around 2,000 staff. We want to care more for their physical, psychological, social and spiritual well-being, thus TOUCH Programme was launched in 2015/16. In June last year, we officially kicked off the TOUCH programme. Dr Lam Ching-choi, our Chief Executive Officer, expounded the concept and objective of the programme. Besides, we invited Dr Ricky Szeto, Executive Director of Hung Fook Tong Holdings Limited, to share his view on building a corporate culture. In the kick-off ceremony, all managers joined hands in drawing the finger painting. The painting symbolizes our concerted effort and love to touch one another. Thereafter, we further enhanced our staff club programme by collecting opinions from staff. We hope to provide more suitable recreation and information. Apart from that, during festive seasons, we showed our appreciation by offering fruits, soup coupons and drinks. Through all these activities, we wish the culture of care and sharing can be further promoted. Last but not least, the birthday leave that launched last September was well received by colleagues. As for the work environment, managers collected opinions from staff to devise measures to improve work safety and make the environment more comfortable. For instance, new office furniture was purchased to prevent staff from getting muscle strain. Technological gadgets were added to enhance work efficiency. Air processing units were installed to improve air quality. HOHCS is a big family where members are valued. In 2016/17, we are going to sustain the TOUCH programme. Together we continue to build a culture of respect and love. May each valued member of the HOHCS family dedicate themselves to serve and at the same time enjoy personal growth. 8 9

6 Respecting Life Blog 尊重生命 Blog Evangelistic Work Department 靈實司務道寧養院 Haven of Hope Sister Annie Skau Holistic Care Centre 景林社區健康發展中心婦女成長小組在農曆年間與福音事工部傳道來個團拜, 並有信仰交流 Women development group of King Lam Community Health Development Centre had Lunar New Year gathering and spiritual sharing with pastor of Evangelistic Work Department. Haven of Hope Day Care cum Rehabilitation Centre for Elderly (HK East) 院牧事工組在一個午飯時段安排了午間點唱, 並邀請醫院職業治療部的同事讀出點唱信 ; 藉歌曲及祝福, 讓同事們彼此打氣! For celebrating Lunar New Year, chaplains of Chaplaincy Unit and colleagues of Occupational Therapy Department of Haven of Hope Hospital broadcast songs with words of blessings in the hospital during lunch time. 一眾老友記和家人在院內吃開年飯, 同慶新春 The elderly had Lunar New Year feast with their family, celebrating the start of the year. 老友記親手製作炮仗, 為迎接新年作好準備 Elderly hand-made some New Year decorations for the Centre. 義工用色士風為老友記演奏多首經典金曲, 老友記都聽出耳油 Volunteers played the saxophone. Elderly were all attracted by the renowned old songs. 靈實秀茂坪日間活動中心暨宿舍的醒獅隊蒞臨演出, 學員賣力演出, 老友記投入欣賞 Lion dance team of Sau Mau Ping Day Activity Centre cum Hostel came to the Centre to perform for our elderly. 長者們透過遊戲, 提升記憶力 Through games, elderly improved their memory. 於夜間中心舉辦認知小組, 提升長者的認知力 Cognitive training group was organized at the Night Care Centre to enhance elderly s cognitive ability. 靈實胡平頤養院 Haven of Hope Woo Ping Care & Attention Home 與房協合辦中醫講座, 提升觀龍樓的居民對自身健康的關注 Collaborating with Housing Society, seminar on Traditional Chinese Medicine was held to raise health awareness of Kwun Lung Lau s residents. 靈實恩光學校 Haven of Hope Sunnyside School 藝人陳明恩 徐偉賢和布偉傑到校與學生慶祝聖誕 Artistes Corinna Chamberlain, Peco Chui and Brian Burrell celebrated Christmas with the students. 靈實恩光成長中心 Haven of Hope Sunnyside Enabling Centre 天朗氣清, 院友和義工一起到公園活動 Elderly had outdoor activites with volunteers in nice weather. 義工和靈實同工齊為院友慶祝生日 Volunteers and HOH staff celebrated with elderly on her birthday. 端午節時, 院友親手包粽子應節 Elderly prepared zongzi for Dragon Boat Festival. 靈實恩光學校及靈實恩光成長中心學員一起參加蘋果日報慈善基金步行籌款, 並與慈善行大使梁詠琪拍照留念 Students of Haven of Hope Sunnyside School and Enabling Centre took part in the Apple Daily Charitable Foundation Walkathon. They took photos with walkathon ambassador Gigi Leung. 傷健共融樂滿 FUN 計劃喜獲香港海景驕陽扶輪社資助, 令靈實恩光成長中心 ( 將軍澳 ) 學員可獲得額外的音樂治療 職業治療及藝術治療服務 The Happy Integration of the Abled & the Differently Abled project was sponsored by Rotary Club of Bayview Sunshine Hong Kong. Students of Enabling Centre (Tseung Kwan O) were provided with extra music therapy, occupational therapy and art therapy

7 Impacting Life Story 改變生命的故事 Haven of Hope Memory Care Centre for Elderly Help demented patients to fall into slumber 給她買了早餐, 過一陣子她會以為自己已經吃過, 但其後你會發現整份早餐原封不動地放在一旁 芳姐憶述九十二歲的媽媽認知障礙症發病初期時的徵狀 四年前, 芳姐的媽媽記憶力突然衰退, 不但經常記錯約會時間, 甚至不懂穿衣, 醫生確診她患上認知障礙症 芳姐起初也不能接受媽媽由獨立自主變得善忘且難以自理 與社工傾談後, 芳姐亦接受了這個事實, 更接了媽媽回家同住 由於擔心媽媽獨留家中容易發生意外, 芳姐絕少跟丈夫一起外出, 好讓有人能留在家中全天候照顧媽媽, 然而卻因為這緣故, 其照顧壓力變得愈來愈大 此外, 芳姐媽媽有時會在半夜大叫, 令她與丈夫不能安睡, 加重精神負荷, 身體亦日漸消瘦, 最後更不幸病倒入院 在靈實全護通的協助下, 芳姐安排媽媽到靈實長者記憶護理中心接受夜託, 由專人一星期三晚照顧她, 協助調節媽媽的生理時鐘, 助她安睡, 大大紓緩了芳姐夫婦的壓力, 而芳姐媽媽的情緒亦平伏了不少 根據香港認知障礙症協會估計, 到 2039 年, 認知障礙症患者會由目前超過 10 萬名增加至 33 萬名 1, 情況實在不能忽視 靈實長者記憶護理中心除了可以為芳姐媽媽這些認知障礙症患者提供夜託服務外, 中心更會因應患者每晚的情緒狀況, 先安頓好患者, 再安排小食及牛奶, 並進行香薰按摩或播放柔和音樂, 加快他們入睡 另外, 中心亦會安排患者接受導向及認知訓練, 訓練患者認知能力, 同時教導照顧者如何處理患者情緒, 從而紓緩照顧壓力 靈實長者記憶護理中心熱線電話 : 資料來源 : 1 香港認知障礙症協會 Winter.pdf After I bought breakfast for her, for a while, she would think she had eaten. However, you would soon discover the breakfast was left untouched. Auntie Fong recalled the early dementia symptoms of her 92 year-old mother. Four years ago, memory of Auntie Fong s mother suddenly deteriorated. She couldn t remember the correct meeting time and even failed to dress herself. She was later diagnosed with dementia. At the beginning, it was difficult for her to accept the fact that her mother who was once independent and now become absent-minded and couldn t take care of herself. After talking to the social worker, Auntie Fong felt better and took her mother home. But she would not leave her mother alone at home lest accident might occur. She rarely went out with her husband as she wanted to ensure someone would stay home to look after her mother. Gradually, the couple became overly stressed. Sometimes, Auntie Fong s mother would scream during midnight. The couple was deprived of proper sleep and Auntie Fong was finally hospitalized. With the help of Haven of Hope TotalCare, Auntie Fong arranged her mother to receive night care service at Haven of Hope Memory Care Centre for Elderly. Auntie Fong s mother is taken care by experienced nursing staff three nights a week. The comprehensive and professional care has helped to adjust the daily routine of Auntie Fong s mother, letting her have better sleep at night. Besides, Auntie Fong s mother is emotionally calmer than before. Such improvement alleviates the stress of the loaded couple. According to the estimation by Hong Kong Alzheimer s Disease Association (HKADA) 1, the number of demented patients will increase from over 100,000 to 330, Such situation should be seriously addressed. Haven of Hope Memory Care Centre for Elderly not only provides night care service for demented patients like Auntie Fong s mother; the centre would also provide different scopes of services to improve patients condition. For instance, according to patients emotional status, they would settle them down and provide them with milk and snacks. Meanwhile, by applying aromatherapy and playing natural rhythm music, the demented patients will rest better. The centre would also provide cognitive training to enhance patients cognitive ability and teach demented patients families to cope with patients emotion in order to alleviate their pressure. Haven of Hope Memory Care Centre of Elderly Enquiry hotline: Source from: 1 Hong Kong Alzheimer s Disease Association

8 Impacting Life Story 改變生命的故事 This year is the 10th anniversary of Haven of Hope Sister Annie Skau Holistic Care Centre (SASHCC). In this issue, we interviewed four of their staff members who have served SASHCC for long. They shared with us their stories in these 10 years time in SASHCC. 老人科顧問醫生吳鼐成及護士長陳佩清 Dr Ng Ngai Sing, Consultant Geriatrician and Alice Chan, Chief Nurse 2006 年開院時, 吳醫生隨梁院長到寧養院開荒 由於寧養院的服務需要不同專業的同工, 包括醫生 護士 物理治療師 社工等, 加上資源有限, 寧養院面臨種種挑戰 吳醫生憶起當初院內只有 四個半 護士照顧病人, 藥房內尚未有配藥員, 但神的供應仍然源源不絕, 例如有來自私家醫院及公立醫院的資深護理同工出謀劃策, 共度時艱, 所以吳醫生特別感激開院初期一起 打江山 的戰友, 還有總能 穩住軍心 的梁院長 在寧養院服務多年, 令吳醫生最深刻的是每當以為絕望時就會看到神的供應 展望寧養院的擴展計劃, 他期望增加病床後能服事更多有需要的人, 但他笑言現在及未來最需要的還是人手 四個半 護士之一, 負責護理行政工作的陳佩清姑娘 (Alice), 開院初期由於人手不足, 亦需要兼任前線工作, 但她亦樂此不疲, 她道出 我們要作院友的同行者, 讓他知道我們會陪他到最後一刻 談到最令她鼓舞的事,Alice 不假思索的回答 : 每當院友要找陳姑娘的時候, 因為從此我看到他們對我的信任 Alice 直言 : 起初覺得只有能負擔院費的病人才能入住寧養院有點可惜, 但很感恩, 幾年過後寧養院得到善長的捐助, 透過 慈惠病床計劃 即使是低收入的病人也能在人生最後階段得享平安及尊嚴 物理治療師嚴偉能及復康助理簡鳳端 Daniel Yam, Advanced Practitioner (Physiotherapist) and Kan Fung Tuen, Rehabilitation Assistant 身為物理治療師, 嚴偉能 (Daniel) 坦言不是每個院友的身體狀況也能改善, 但他希望至少能紓緩他們的不適, 他補充 : 我知道我們的限制, 到了適當時候, 就要退下來, 讓其他專業同工接手, 可能是藥物治療, 可能是心靈關顧 Daniel 形容寧養院內不同專業的同工是一個團隊, 互補不足 他很感激團隊中用心服侍的每一位, 與他們一同商討治療方法的過程令他感到心滿意足, 亦鼓勵他繼續在寧養院工作 Daniel 盼望寧養院未來繼續持守當初的理念, 造福更多有需要的人 鳳端的工作主要是協助物理治療師進行復康治療, 多年來看見院友接受治療後身體狀況改善, 自己和同事的努力並沒有白費, 驅使她一直服務至今 十年間, 鳳端尤其記得院友關伯伯, 她憶述 : 他剛來到復康部時, 不能站立, 需要以鼻飼喉餵食 經過物理治療和職業治療後, 關伯伯不單改善了身體狀況, 心境亦變得開朗, 更不時獻唱英文歌和開玩笑, 為寧養院帶來不少歡樂 在寧養院工作難免面對死亡, 縱然不捨, 鳳端仍提醒自己 : 離開或許對他們更加好, 將來還會在天家相見 Consultant Geriatrician Dr. Ng Ngai Sing Since the commencement of SASHCC in 2006, Dr Ng followed Dr Leung to set up and cultivate SASHCC. The services of SASHCC require different professional staff. However, due to limited resources, SASHCC faced different challenges at that time. Dr Ng recalled that there were only four and a half nurses taking care of the patients. And there was no dispenser serving in the pharmacy unit. Nonetheless, God s provision is abundant. For instance, there were experienced clinical staffs from both private hospitals and public hospitals. They were the masterminds of SASHCC. Dr Ng was very grateful for his comrades who worked hard and went through difficult times together. Last but not least, he wanted to give thanks to Dr Leung who could always keep the morale of the team. Having served in SASHCC for 10 years, what impressed him most is whenever he starts to feel desperate, God always provides. Looking forward to the SASHCC development plan, an increase in number of beds could serve more people in need. However, for the present and near future, what they need most is manpower. Chief Nurse Alice Chan Alice is responsible for Nursing Administration. She was one of the Four and a half nurses as aforementioned. At the beginning, SASHCC lacked manpower and she thus had to work in frontline whenever needed. However, she was delighted to do so and didn t feel weary about the heavy workload. We have to be the companion of our service users. Let the service users know we will accompany them till the very last moment. she said. As for the most encouraging thing, Alice responded without second thought, Whenever the patients need me and I see their trust in me. Alice articulated, At the beginning only those who can afford the fees could stay in SASHCC. After a few years, SASHCC received some donations and could serve more. Even low-income patients can now have peace and dignity during their terminal stage through the Relief and Charity Beds Programme. Advanced Practitioner(Physiotherapist) Daniel Yam As a physiotherapist, Daniel frankly admitted that not every patient s body conditions could be improved. However, he hoped that he could at least alleviate their discomfort. He added, I know we have limitations, when time comes, we need to let go and allow other professionals to take over. Daniel described that different professionals in SASHCC form a team and they complement one another. He is very grateful for each team member who serves wholeheartedly and that s what keeps him working in SASHCC. Daniel hopes that SASHCC can continue to retain its primary vision and benefit more people in need. Rehabilitation Assistant Kan Fung Tuen Fung Tuen s main duty is to assist physiotherapist in conducting rehab treatment for patients. For many years, seeing all those service users body conditions getting better after therapy has assured her that her effort is not futile. That is what motivates her to keep serving till now. The patient that impressed Fung Tuen most in these years is Uncle Kwan. She recalled, When he first arrived at rehabilitation centre, he couldn t stand and need to be fed by nasogastric tube. After therapy, Uncle Kwan s health conditions had improved a lot. Besides, he became more positive. He would sing English songs and crack a joke occasionally; bringing a lot of joy to the team. Working in SASHCC, it is inevitable to encounter death. Fung Tuen constantly reminded herself that leaving may be better for the patients and they would reunite in Heaven. 對於寧養院的發展計劃, 縱然前路有各種挑戰, 她仍滿有信心地說 : 若神容許的話就會為我們開路 As for the development plan, despite challenges are there, Alice proclaimed, If God allows, he will pave a way for us

9 Y ou can change the world 您的支持帶來改變 靈實獲社區投資共享基金資助, 於 2015 年 9 月開展為期三年的 耆 盼有你 共融社區 - 長者院舍互助計劃, 服務居住於長者院舍的體弱長者, 透過配對長者 義工及院舍照顧員, 鼓勵彼此間建立長期伙伴關係, 組織互助支援網, 於院舍建立 你幫我, 我幫你 的精神 計劃首年成功招募 140 位義工, 當中包括企業義工 退休人士 社區人士 大專生及區內中學生 計劃邀請專業醫護人員及社工提供培訓, 協助義工掌握照顧體弱長者的知識和技巧, 為院舍長者提供持續的支援和照顧, 包括由醫生講解長者常見疾病 ( 中風 腦退化 ) 的成因及預防方法 ; 註冊護士講解院舍預防感染控制 照顧體弱長者知識 ; 治療師教授推輪椅技巧 ; 健康服務員指導義工協助樓層日常運作 ; 註冊社工講解園藝治療等 義工經培訓後, 於靈實護養院為長者院友製作生命故事相冊 舉辦園藝種植活動 協助樓層日常運作, 並舉行節日慶祝活動, 如千歲宴 新春團拜等 計劃於 2016 年 1 月向位義工進行問卷調查, 當中 94% 義工表示提升了對長者的包容 ;98% 義工表示更明白照顧員工作上的挑戰及限制 ;98% 義工更掌握護老所需的知識和技巧 ;90% 義工能將所學應用在實際生活, 照顧有需要的長者 Support Network for Elderly Residential Homes Programme Funded by Community Investment and Inclusion Fund (CIIF), HOHCS kicked off the Support Network for Elderly Residential Homes Programme in September The Programme targets to serve the frail elderly who are staying in residential homes. Through matching process, elders, volunteers and nursing staff are encouraged to build a long term partnership. Besides, a support network is formed to promote the spirit of helping one another. For the first year, the programme has successfully recruited 140 volunteers, including volunteers from community, corporations, retirees, universities and secondary schools. The programme invited medical staff and social workers to provide training, enabling the volunteers to grasp the knowledge and skills of elderly care. Therefore, they could offer continuous support to elders of residential homes. In the programme, Doctor would talk about the causes and preventive measures of common illness among elders, e.g. stroke and dementia. Nurses shared about knowledge of infection preventive measures. Physiotherapist taught volunteers techniques of using the wheelchair; whilst care staff instructed the volunteers to assist with daily operation. Last but not least, social worker expounded about gardening therapy to volunteers. After training, volunteers made life story albums for elders. Furthermore, volunteers also organized gardening activity, assisted daily operation of nursing home and helped in various festive events (such as Spring Feast, Chinese New Year Celebration etc.) 計劃義工與院友一起種菜, 享受園藝種植的樂趣 Programme volunteers and service users enjoy planting. They all enjoy the fun of gardening. 活動啟動禮於 2015 年 9 月舉行 Opening Ceremony was held on September 義工於聖誕節前夕製作精美的紮染布袋送給院友一同歡度佳節 Volunteers made beautiful tie-dye bags for service users on Christmas Eve. In January 2016, the programme collected feedback from volunteers. 94% of the volunteers expressed that their acceptance of elders have increased; 98% volunteers said that they now knew the challenges and limitations that nursing staff were facing; 98% volunteers agreed that they gained more knowledge and skills about elderly care. 90% volunteers applied what they have learnt in daily lives and attend to the needs of elders around. 義工與院友一同收割, 共同分享活動成果 Volunteers and service shared the joy of harvesting. 義工準備將製作精美的生命故事相集送贈院友 Volunteers helped preparing album of life stories for service users

10 What s New 最新消息 剛剛於 4 月 16 日圓滿結束的 2016 雛聲頌揚 : 兒童粵劇折子戲 成功為靈實司務道寧養院籌得超過港幣一百一十萬善款, 支持 慈惠病床服務 及院舍發展 緊接下來, 我們即將推出第二炮慶祝活動 靈實司務道寧養院十周年呈獻 : 用愛擁抱晚晴慈善音樂會 這次音樂會的收益會用作支持 免費心靈社交關顧 服務, 讓院友和家人得到免費的心靈關顧和哀傷輔導服務, 陪伴他們渡過生命最困難的時刻 活動詳情如下 : 日期 :2016 年 8 月 27 日 ( 六 ) 時間 :7:30pm 地點 : 國際基督教優質音樂中學暨小學以勒音樂廳演出團體 : 香港西貢合唱團購票 / 贊助方法 : 請致電 Haven of Hope Sister Annie Skau Holistic Centre 10th Anniversary presents: Embrace the Last Journey with Love Charity Concert The Junior Cantonese Opera Charity Performance 2016 ended with great success on 16 April Over HK$ 1,100,000 was raised for Sister Annie Skau Holistic Care Centre (SASHCC) to support the Relief and Charity Beds Service Programme and its development project. Here comes the second wave of celebration for SASHCC s 10 th anniversary: Embrace the Last Journey with Love Charity Concert 2016 will be held to solicit donation support for the FREE Psycho-Social-Spiritual Care Service which provides psycho-social-spiritual care and bereavement therapy to the patients and their family for FREE when they are in a hard time. Event details are as follows: Date: 27 August 2016 (Sat) Time: 7:30pm Venue: Jehovahjireh Concert Hall, International Christian Quality Music Secondary and Primary School Presenter: Hong Kong Sai Kung Chorus Ticket Purchase / Sponsorship: Please call 成立於 1955 年, 靈實醫院乃一所專科復康醫院, 合共 461 張病床, 透過提供老人復康專科 胸肺科及紓緩治療科等服務, 尊重生命, 改變生命 靈實醫院將會開展重置擴建計劃, 將額外增加 160 張延續護理病床 重置 116 張療養病床及成立日間內科復康中心及綜合照顧者支援中心, 擴建計劃完成後, 將可為社會帶來更現代化的醫療設施 並增設日間醫療復康中心及照顧者支援中心, 把更多嶄新服務帶到社區, 以回應市民對醫療護理及社會服務的需求 有見及此, 我們即將舉辦 2016 靈實醫院 夢想 展翅 音樂會, 為靈實醫院擴建計劃及非政府資助服務籌款, 詳情如下 : 日期 :2016 年 6 月 19 日 ( 日 ) 時間 :7:30pm 地點 : 香港大會堂音樂廳演出團體 : 香港愛樂團贊助方法 : 請致電 / Haven of Hope Hospital Dream Big Fly High Charity Concert 2016 Established in 1955, Haven of Hope Hospital (HHH) is a rehabilitation hospital with 461 beds. Upholding the spirit of Respecting Life and Impacting Life, HHH provides holistic specialty medical services in geriatrics, pulmonary, rehabilitation and palliative medicine. HHH will embark on an Expansion Project which includes the addition of 160 extended care beds, relocation of 116 infirmary beds and the establishment of a day rehabilitation centre and an integrated carer support centre. Upon completion, we will serve the local community better with more modern healthcare facilities. To fundraise for Haven of Hope Hospital Expansion Project and non-subvented service, we are organizing the Haven of Hope Hospital Dream Fly High Chairty Concert Details are as follows: Date:19 June 2016 (Sun) Time:7:30pm Venue:Concert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall Presenter:HKSAR Philharmonic Orchestra Sponsorship: Please call /

11 Health Tips 健康知多少 Hair Loss 頭髮不僅是人之華冠, 還具有保護頭皮和大腦的功能, 擁有一頭濃密 飄逸的頭髮, 是青春和健康的象徵 脫髮 白髮是現代都市人常見症狀, 白髮雖給人以衰老 病態的感覺, 但通過染髮等美容方法, 仍可保持烏黑亮麗 相對而言, 頭髮稀疏脫落, 甚則形成班禿, 不但儀容受損, 對心理 精神都有一定壓力 脫髮是指頭髮脫落的現象 正常脫落的頭髮都是處於退行期及休止期的毛髮, 由於進入退行期與新進入生長期的毛髮不斷處於動態平衡, 故能維持正常數量的頭髮 病理性脫髮是指頭髮異常或過度的脫落, 每天達百多條, 其原因很多, 有遺傳因素 內分泌失調 藥物因素 神經精神因素 慢性疾病等 中醫治療脫髮強調內外合治, 外治利於毛囊藥液吸收生效, 內服藥物重在調整身體平衡 鑑於每人體質的差異, 本文只能與大家分享治療的大法, 具體治療方案請諮詢中醫師 脫髮臨床症狀大致可分為兩類 一是頭髮油膩發亮, 如同擦油一樣, 或伴大量的灰白色糠狀鱗屑脫落, 西醫稱為脂溢性脫髮 二是頭髮變幼變細, 或見干燥 缺乏光澤, 如將毛髮拔出, 可看到該毛髮上粗下幼像感嘆號 脂溢性脫髮以往稱為早禿 男性型禿髮或雄性禿髮, 於女性較少見, 與遺傳 雄性素 皮脂溢出有關 臨床表現為患者頭皮脂肪過量溢出, 導致頭皮油膩潮濕, 加上塵埃與皮屑混雜, 一兩天不洗頭就很髒, 並散發臭味, 尤其在氣溫高時更是如此, 病因中醫學多歸納為 脾胃濕熱, 治宜健脾祛濕 此類患者必須限制甜食 魚生 啤酒 煎炸厚膩等食物, 多食蔬菜 水果 另外以山楂焗普洱茶, 或 清補涼湯方 飲用, 效果尤佳 外治方面, 臨床結果說明洗頭過勤只會增加油脂的分泌, 用水過熱及碱性大的洗髮水也不宜, 但如配合中藥外用洗髮, 則洗髮次數稍為增多也無防, 常用中藥有側柏葉 桑白皮 白鮮皮 皂角刺 苦參等 至於髮質干枯, 變幼變細, 又或多生白髮, 中醫學認為病機有虛有實, 可為 肝腎不足, 亦可能是 血熱生風 或 血瘀毛竅 虛則補之, 實則瀉之, 這是治療的綱領, 但必須通過中醫辯證才可用藥 筆者接觸不少病人每見頭髮稀疏, 總會認定是體虛所致, 到網上搜尋藥方自行服用, 不是益氣補血就是滋補肝腎, 結果當然是賠了夫人又折兵 另外, 近年坊間出現很多中藥焗髮的治療中心, 在此我想強調要小心選擇 筆者聽聞有人出現頭皮過敏症狀, 這可能是個人體質, 亦可能是某類中草藥劑量過高所致 中醫治療脫髮效果是肯定的, 但正如頭髮的漫長生長周期, 中藥的療效是需要時間體驗出來的, 欲速則不達, 切勿藥石亂投 保持心情舒暢, 充足睡眠, 也是治療脫髮的良方妙藥 李萬發註冊中醫師成都中醫藥大學中醫學學士 ( 針灸推拿專業 ) Hair a crown that protects our scalp and brain. A person possessing thick hair deems to be youthful and healthy. But hair loss seems to be common symptoms to many urbanites nowadays. Hair loss or baldness affects the appearance and triggers psychological or mental stress. Hair loss, a normal physiological phenomenon, refers to hair sheds in phases of catagen and telogen. Entering into the catagen phase or the refreshed anagen phase, hair growth is in active state of equilibrium rendering a normal amount of hair replenishment. If more than 100 threads of hair are lost every day, it may be classed as pathological hair loss. Excessive hair loss may be caused by genes, endocrinal disorder, drug, chronic illness, etc. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment stresses both external and internal applications. Externally, it stimulates the growth by treating the hair follicles with medicine. Internal medication is used to bring about body adjustment. Since the body conditions vary from person to person, please consult professional TCM practitioners for treatment plan. In this article I will share the general treatment direction. Seborrheic alopecia, formerly known as premature baldness or male baldness, is less common in female and is highly related to heredity, androgen and seborrhea. Clinically speaking, the patient s scalp is overflown with grease; thus rendering the scalp oily and damp. Hair becomes dirty and smelly without shampooing for couple of days when mixing up with dirt and dandruffs, especially in hot and damp days. In TCM, the symptom is resulted from hot and damp spleen/ stomach ; so it must be treated by strengthening the spleen and expelling dampness. In nutshell, the patient must refrain from eating sashimi, sweet, fatty and deep-fried food or drinking beer. Instead, he should eat more vegetables and fruit. Besides, a cup of Pu er tea with hawthorn or some Chinese soup (qing bu liang soup) will also benefit. In TCM, there may be contrasting reasons for hair becoming dry, brittle and white, thinning or losing luster. These symptoms may be attributed to deficiency in liver and kidneys or excessive blood heat generating wind or "blood stasis blocking hair orifices. The golden rule is to fill it up when it s empty; drain it away when it s overfilled. Medication will only be applied upon symptoms differentiation. From my observations, many patients assert that hair thinning must be related to frailty. So, he will self-medicate by searching a prescription on internet, either supplementing qi and blood or enriching the liver and kidneys. For sure, things are not that simple and thus results in a definite loss scenario. In recent years, the number of hair treatment centres using TCM has multiplied. But be careful to choose for I heard that some people end up getting scalp allergy. This may be due to individual s physical conditions or over-dose of certain Chinese herbs. Finally, I must stress that the efficacy of TCM in treating hair loss is verified. However, the hair growth cycle is progressively long. It takes time for the TCM treatment to produce effect. Haste makes waste. Sufficient sleep and psychological well-being are also effective treatment to hair loss. Li Man Fat Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Major in Acupuncture and Moxibustion) Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Totalcare Home Care Service hotline: 靈實全護通上門護理熱線 :

12 Message to Donor 給捐贈者的話 經濟學人智庫去年十月公布最新 死亡質量指數 調查, 顯示本港死亡質量在八十個國家中位列廿二, 如何提供優質的寧養服務, 一直是社會大眾關注的議題 靈實創辦人司務道教士六十多年前已非常重視寧養服務, 初期靈實設立肺病療養院, 服侍患有肺結核的病人, 當時肺結核是不治之症, 病人甚至會在床上洛血而死 然而, 司教士曾說 : 我絕不會讓任何一位病人孤單離世 因此, 她吩咐同工如有病人彌留, 必須立刻通知她, 哪怕是半夜凌晨, 她也希望可以陪伴病者 靈實司務道寧養院於 2006 年成立, 以專業的醫療護理服務, 揉合心靈社交關顧, 服侍晚期病人, 使他們縱然忍受病患的煎熬, 仍能感受一份尊重 平安及安慰, 這也是司教士起初設立肺病療養院的心意 今年是司務道寧養院成立十周年, 過去十年, 院舍曾服侍超過 1,300 名病人及家屬, 與他們一起 用愛擁抱晚晴 為使更多人受惠於優質的寧養服務, 院舍於 2012 年推出 慈惠病床服務, 協助低收入人士免費享用司務道寧養院的服務 雖然每張病床每年的營運成本約七十七萬, 但全賴善長的捐獻, 至今受惠人數已達 140 人 院舍更於去年十月更推出 夾心階層病床補助計劃, 資助非在社會福利安全網內的夾心階層接受晚晴服務 如果你有感動, 希望支持司務道寧養院的事工, 推廣 去者善終, 留者善別 的精神, 歡迎你填妥靈感背頁的捐款表格 Message to Donor In October 2015, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) announced the newest Quality of Death Index. Hong Kong ranks 22 among all 80 countries. How to provide quality palliative care has always been an issue under public concern. Sixty years ago, Sister Annie Skau, the founder of HOHCS was very concerned with end-of-life care to late-stage patients. In the early days, the Haven of Hope Tuberculosis Sanatorium was established to serve patients with tuberculosis. At that time, tuberculosis was an incurable disease. Some patients died after expectoration of blood. However, Sister Annie once said, I would not let any patient pass away on lonesome. She reminded her staff whenever there was a patient who was about to die, she had to be informed instantly. Even if it s at midnight, she still wanted to stay with the patient. Sister Annie Skau Holistic Care Centre (SASHCC) was established in 2006, with professional medical care and integrated psychological-social-spiritual care to serve the patients at terminal stage. It is hoped that patients can enjoy respect, peace and comfort despite severe agony. This is exactly what Sister Annie wished to achieve by establishing the Tuberculosis Sanatorium. This year marks the 10 th Anniversary of SASHCC. In the past ten years, the centre served over 1,300 patients and families. Together, we embrace the last journey with love. In order to let more people benefit from our holistic care service, the centre launched the Relief and Charity Beds Programme in 2012, allowing low-income families to enjoy the services of SASHCC for free. Notwithstanding that the annual operating cost for each hospice care bed is around HK$770,000, with the support from donors, there are now around 140 beneficiaries. In last October, SASHCC has launched the Sandwich Class Bed Programme, offering timely subsidized hospice care to patients of the sandwich class who does not fall into the social security net. If you are moved by this philanthropic cause and wish to promote the spirit of good life and good death, please support SASHCC s ministry by filling in the donation form at the back of the newsletter. 22

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Microsoft Word - 第四組心得.doc 徐 婉 真 這 四 天 的 綠 島 人 權 體 驗 營 令 我 印 象 深 刻, 尤 其 第 三 天 晚 上 吳 豪 人 教 授 的 那 堂 課, 他 讓 我 聽 到 不 同 於 以 往 的 正 義 之 聲 轉 型 正 義, 透 過 他 幽 默 熱 情 的 語 調 激 起 了 我 對 政 治 的 興 趣, 願 意 在 未 來 多 關 心 社 會 多 了 解 政 治 第 一 天 抵 達 綠 島 不 久,

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