1 Pre-work Preparation at Store before Cleaning 清理前的准备工作 Equipment and Chemicals needed 所需配备与化学品 Appropriate PPE inclusive of protective gloves (when

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1 Office Common Area Cleaning Procedures 办公室公共区域清洁程序 STORE CAUTION! CLEANING IN PROGRESS 3 4

2 1 Pre-work Preparation at Store before Cleaning 清理前的准备工作 Equipment and Chemicals needed 所需配备与化学品 Appropriate PPE inclusive of protective gloves (when handling chemicals), uniform and covered shoes 适当的个人防护配备包括防护手套 ( 应在处理化学剂时使用 ) 和安全鞋 Step 步骤 1 Description 描述 Put on appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) before starting work 在开始工作前, 穿戴适当的个人防护配备 (PPE) RESET TEST RED ON BLACK OFF Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) (recommended) 漏电断路器 (ELCB) ( 推荐 ) 2 Check List Glove Broom Dust Pan Safety Signage Mop Sanitizer Cleaning Chemical Mopping Solution Check condition of working tools and equipment Ensure that there is sufficient capacity in the vacuum cleaner dust bag if applicable 检查工具和配备的操作状况 确保吸尘机里的集尘袋容量充足 ( 如适用 )

3 Supervisor 2 Pre-work Inspection 工作前视察 Equipment and Chemicals needed 所需配备与化学品 Step 步骤 Description 描述 CAUTION! CLEANING IN PROGRESS Safety Signage 安全告示牌 1 CAUTION! CLEANING IN PROGRESS Display safety signage at the work area 在工作区域摆放安全告示牌 Absorbent Paper Material 吸水纸 White Cleaning Cloths 白布 Water Spray Bottle 喷雾瓶 2 3 HIGH VOLTAGE Identify any possible hazard or risk at the work area 确认工作区域是否有任何可能的危害或危险情况发生 Check for any damage and report damage (if any) to supervisor 检查是否有任何损坏情况 ; 如有损坏情况, 请向上级报告 Cleaning Chemical Cleaning chemical (neutral commonly green colour -coded tape) 清洁剂 ( 一般贴有绿色标签贴纸为中性 ) 4 Identify the location of the spillages, stains etc. 确认发生溅漏或留有污渍的位置

4 2 Pre-work Inspection (Continued) 工作前视察 - 续 Equipment and Chemicals needed 所需配备与化学品 CAUTION! CLEANING IN PROGRESS Safety Signage 安全告示牌 Step 步骤 5 Description 描述 Spray cleaning chemical onto the spillage or stain on hard floor 对地板上的溅漏或污渍处喷洒清洁剂 Absorbent Paper Material 吸水纸 6 Clear spillage using absorbent paper material 使用吸水纸清除溅漏物 White Cleaning Cloths 白布 Water Spray Bottle 喷雾瓶 7 Spray water and use white cleaning cloth to clear spillage or stain in circular motion till completely removed Repeat steps 5 to 7 to remove other spillages and stains found within the pantry 向溅漏或污渍处喷水, 用白色清洁布以画圈动作清理直到完全干净为止 重复步骤 5 至 7, 清除其他溅漏和污渍 Cleaning Chemical Cleaning chemical (neutral commonly green colour -coded tape) 清洁剂 ( 一般贴有绿色标签贴纸为中性 ) 8 For removal of stains and spillages on the carpet, refer to Sequence 3 of the pictorial guide for Office Space Cleaning 有关清除地毯上的污渍和溅漏的方法, 请参考办公室清洁图解指南, 次序 3

5 3 Dust Mopping of Floor 地面除尘 Equipment and Chemicals needed 所需配备与化学品 Dust Mop 除尘拖把 Dust Pan 畚斗 Step 步骤 1 Description 描述 Push the dust mop while holding the handle near to user s stomach or chest region 将除尘拖把的手柄握在靠近腹部或胸部位置并推动拖把 Broom 扫把 Waste Bin 垃圾桶 Note: Start dust mopping from the outer perimeter, going across the area starting from one corner to another in a sweeping turn motion 注意 : 从最外围开始推扫, 从一个角落推扫至对向的角落, 再转换方向推扫回来, 如此来回推扫 Push the dust mop close to the edges of the aisle where possible 尽可能靠走道边缘推扫 Pull and shake the mop head or drop mop head against the ground to keep dirt and debris in front of the mop 拉起并甩动拖把头, 或将拖把头靠着地面甩动, 使灰尘和碎屑集中在拖把前面

6 3 Dust Mopping of Floor (Continued) 地面除尘 - 续 Equipment and Chemicals needed 所需配备与化学品 Dust Mop 除尘拖把 Dust Pan 畚斗 Step 步骤 Description 描述 41 Make a large sweeping turn and sweep back down the aisle overlapping the previous path by about 6 or 8 inches 做一个大转弯动作, 换方向沿着走道推扫回来, 与之前的推扫路径重叠约 6 到 8 英寸 Broom 扫把 Waste Bin 垃圾桶 5 Use dust pan and broom to sweep up dirt, debris and litter Take special notice of the corners where dirt and debris tend to gather and accumulate 用畚斗和扫把残留的灰尘 碎屑和垃圾扫起来 特别注意灰尘常积聚的角落 Note: Start dust mopping from the outer perimeter, going across the area starting from one corner to another in a sweeping turn motion 注意 : 从最外围开始推扫, 从一个角落推扫至对向的角落, 再转换方向推扫回来, 如此来回推扫 6 Empty the dust pan into appropriate rubbish container lined with bin liner 将畚斗中的垃圾倒入装有垃圾袋的垃圾桶中

7 4 Damp Mopping of Floor 拖地 Equipment and Chemicals needed 所需配备与化学品 Step 步骤 Description 描述 Mopping Solution Mopping solution with sanitizing properties (refer to product specification for compatibility to cleaning surface) 有消毒作用的拖地液 ( 对于此拖地液是否适用于需清洗的表面, 请参阅产品规格 ) 1 1/4 Mopping Solution 1/2-3/4 Fill water into the blue bucket (1/2 to 3/4 filled) and red bucket (1/4 filled) Add mopping solution for blue bucket and dilute according to manufacturer s specification 把水装入蓝格桶 (1/2 至 3/4 满 ) 和红格桶 (1/4 满 ) 在蓝格桶中加入 拖地液, 并依照制造商的指示进行稀释 Double Mopping-buckets 蓝红双格桶 2 Dip mop into red bucket and wring mop to ensure no dripping 将拖把浸入红格桶中, 然后拧干, 确保不滴水 Mop 拖把 3 Dip mop into blue bucket and wring mop to ensure no dripping 将拖把浸入蓝格桶中, 然后拧干, 确保不滴水

8 4 Damp Mopping of Floor (Continued) 拖地 - 续 Equipment and Chemicals needed 所需配备与化学品 Mopping Solution Mopping solution with sanitizing properties (refer to product specification for compatibility to cleaning surface) 有消毒作用的拖地液 ( 对于此拖地液是否适用于需清洗的表面, 请参阅产品规格 ) Step 步骤 4 Description 描述 Damp mop the floor surface section by section including corners/edges using figure of 8/S and/or in overlapping motion 分区拖地, 以 8 字或 S 形路线用重叠方式拖地, 不要遗漏角落和边缘 Double Mopping-buckets 蓝红双格桶 5 Repeat steps 2 to 3 to rinse mop for another section of the work area 重复步骤 2 至 3, 将拖把清洗拧干后再进行下一个区域的拖地工作 Mop 拖把

9 Cleaning Passenger Lift 清理客用电梯 Equipment and Chemicals needed 所需配备与化学品 Step 步骤 Description 描述 Sanitizer Sanitizer 消毒剂 Mopping Solution Mopping Solution 拖地液 1 Sanitizer Use sanitizer to damp wipe the lift button panel, removing any dust, finger marks, smudges 用消毒剂擦洗电梯按钮, 以清除任何灰尘 指印和污迹 Mop 拖把 Cleaning Cloth 清洁布 2 3 Use a cloth and sanitizer to damp wipe and clean the lift interior including walls, mirrors (if any), interior of doors and ceiling 使用清洁布和消毒剂擦电梯内部, 包括墙面 镜子 ( 如有 ) 电梯门内侧和天花板 Damp mop the floor of the lift 拖洗电梯的地板 Cleaning Chemical Cleaning chemical (neutral commonly green colour -coded tape) 清洁剂 ( 一般贴有绿色标签贴纸为中性 ) 4 Wipe the exterior of lift doors with cleaning chemical and cloth, and dry the surfaces with another piece of dry cloth 使用清洁剂和布擦电梯门的外侧, 再用一条干布擦干表面

10 IN PROGRESS 6 Cleaning Staircase 清理楼梯 Equipment and Chemicals needed 所需配备与化学品 Step 步骤 Description 描述 CAUTION! CLEANING IN PROGRESS Safety Signage 安全告示牌 1 2 CAUTION! CLEANING Display safety signage 摆放安全告示牌 Use cloth to wipe the inside and outside of entrance door along with the hinges 用布擦洗门的内外侧, 包括铰链 Dust Cloth 擦尘布 Dust Mop 除尘拖把 Cleaning Cloth 清洁布 3 4 Use a dust mop to sweep the steps and landings Take special notice of the corners where dirt and debris tend to gather and accumulate 使用除尘拖把推扫梯阶和平台 特别注意灰尘和碎屑常积聚的角落 Use a dust cloth to wipe the railing 用擦尘布擦栏杆扶手 Mop 拖把 Mopping Solution Mopping Solution 拖地液 5 6! CAUTION CLEANING IN PROGRESS Damp mop the steps and landings. Ensure that staircases are thoroughly dry to prevent slipping 拖洗梯阶和平台 确保所有楼梯已彻底干了, 以免滑倒 Remove safety signage only when floor is dry 等地面干了之后, 移走安全告示牌

11 7 Emptying of General Waste Bins 清除垃圾桶 Equipment and Chemicals needed 所需配备与化学品 New Bin Liner 新垃圾袋 Step 步骤 1 2 Description 描述 Tie and remove used bin liner from waste bin. Hold the used bin liner at an arm s length apart from body to avoid contact with sharp objects in the used bin liner 将垃圾袋绑紧并取出 在绑紧垃圾袋时应该与身体保持一个手臂的距离, 以免接触到垃圾袋中的尖锐物体 Place used bin liner into disposal bag on the service trolley 将用过的垃圾袋放入清洁服务车上的废弃物收集袋 Sanitizer Sanitizer 消毒剂 Cleaning Cloth 清洁布 3 Sanitizer Clean the interior and exterior of the waste bin with sanitizer and cloth and place new liner into the waste bin 用消毒剂和布擦垃圾桶内部和外部, 然后将新的垃圾袋放入垃圾桶里 Note: Bulky items should be flattened/ broken down before disposal 注意 : 大型物品应先平压或拆除再丢弃 Repeat steps 1 to 3 for other waste bins found within the work area 重复步骤 1 至 3, 处理工作区域内其他的垃圾桶

12 8 Re-instating Work Area 将工作区域恢复原状 Equipment and Chemicals needed 所需配备与化学品 Step 步骤 1 2 Check List 1. XXXXX 2. XXXXX 3. XXXXX 4. XXXXX Collection Point Done Description 描述 Reassess work area and check to ensure that work has been done according to requirements 重新评估工作区域, 并确定已按照要求完成工作 Remove waste/refuse and dispose at designated collection point 清除废弃物或垃圾, 将它们丢进指定的垃圾收集站 3 4 CLEANING IN PROGRESS CAUTION! Remove safety signage only when floor is dry 等地面干了之后, 才移走安全告示牌 Remove all tools and equipment from the work area 拿走在工作区域中的所有工具和配备

13 9 Returning Tools & Equipment to Store 将工具和配备放回储藏室 Equipment and Chemicals needed 所需配备与化学品 Step 步骤 1 STORE Description 描述 Clean and return trolley, tools and equipment back to the store 将服务车 工具和配备清理干净并放回储藏室 2 Remove gloves. Wash and hang to dry for next use 脱下手套 清洗并吊干手套, 准备下次使用 3 Wash hands for good personal hygiene 洗手以维持良好的个人卫生

14 Equipment and Chemicals List 配备和化学剂列表 Equipment 配备 Chemicals 化学剂 Appropriate PPE inclusive of protective gloves (when handling chemicals), uniform and covered shoes 适当的个人防护配备包括防护手套 ( 应在处理化学剂时使用 ) 和安全鞋 Broom 扫把 Dust Pan 畚斗 Sanitizer Sanitizer 消毒剂 CAUTION! CLEANING IN PROGRESS RESET TEST RED ON BLACK OFF Safety Signage 安全告示牌 Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) (recommended) 漏电断路器 (ELCB)( 推荐 ) Dust Cloth 擦尘布 Cleaning Cloth 清洁布 2 Mop 拖把 Absorbent Paper Material 吸水纸 White Cleaning Cloths 白布 Double Mopping -buckets 蓝红双格桶 Dust Mop 除尘拖把 Water Spray Bottle 喷雾瓶 Waste Bin 垃圾桶 New Bin Liner 新垃圾袋 Mopping Solution Cleaning Chemical Mopping solution with sanitizing properties (refer to product specification for compatibility to cleaning surface) 有消毒作用的拖地液 ( 对于此拖地液是否适用于需清洗的表面, 请参阅产品规格 ) Cleaning chemical (neutral commonly green colour -coded tape) 喷雾瓶

15 Singapore Workforce Development Agency and Programme Partners for Environmental Cleaning WSQ Environmental Management Association of Singapore (EMAS) ISS Facility Services Pte Ltd Ramky Cleantech Services Pte Ltd Center For Competency- Based Learning & Development

16 Prosedur Pembersihan Kawasan Umum Pejabat அ வலக ப வள க ப ர றகள STORE CAUTION! CLEANING IN PROGRESS 3 4



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