33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page

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1 1935 Photographic Archives and Visual Modernity: A Case Study of the Taiwan Exhibition 1935 page * Photographic Archives and Visual Modernity: A Case Study of the Taiwan Exhibition 1935 Chen Chia-chi Post-Doc, the Center of Multiple-Cultural Studies, NCKU *

2 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page

3 1935 Photographic Archives and Visual Modernity: A Case Study of the Taiwan Exhibition 1935 page. 41 Abstract From reading photographs and related archives of Documents of Taiwan Exhibition of the Fortieth Anniversary of Governance and Shashin Choof Taiwan Exhibition of the Fortieth Anniversary of Governance, this article discuss the meaning of these images archives which about activities and new techniques of photography, intending to understand the relationship of the Japanese Colonial Period and the visual modernity experience in Taiwan. Photographic display in exhibition, photographic activities in exhibition and photographic archives about exhibition are three points this article trying to provide, then the interaction and cooperation between photography, exhibition, and visual politics from empire in modern history will be observed. First of all, to analyze photographic display in Exhibition, the education attempt behind a photo will be discover. Secondary, to survey photographic activities in exhibition can reach a small dimension in the trend of photography in 1930s. At last, to reading photographic archives about exhibition can help us finding out the construction of visual modernity in the Japanese Colonial Period. Keywords: Photography, Shashin, Taiwan Exhibition, Archives, Visual Modernity

4 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page John Thompson

5 1935 Photographic Archives and Visual Modernity: A Case Study of the Taiwan Exhibition 1935 page visualization critical_data/10/656/73

6 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page 近代日本の植民地博覧会 博覧会と異文化表象 2003 明治日本と万国博覧会 Taiwan and Its Self-Images The Case of Osaka Exhibition in : 6-3: ~

7 1935 Photographic Archives and Visual Modernity: A Case Study of the Taiwan Exhibition 1935 page ,

8 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page panorama

9 1935 Photographic Archives and Visual Modernity: A Case Study of the Taiwan Exhibition 1935 page Ceres

10 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page

11 1935 Photographic Archives and Visual Modernity: A Case Study of the Taiwan Exhibition 1935 page

12 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page

13 1935 Photographic Archives and Visual Modernity: A Case Study of the Taiwan Exhibition 1935 page D D02

14 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page 実

15 1935 Photographic Archives and Visual Modernity: A Case Study of the Taiwan Exhibition 1935 page paradisic.org/wu-sin-roung/picture/ /

16 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page

17 1935 Photographic Archives and Visual Modernity: A Case Study of the Taiwan Exhibition 1935 page /

18 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page 眞 写真団体の関東連盟成る

19 1935 Photographic Archives and Visual Modernity: A Case Study of the Taiwan Exhibition 1935 page 會誌 2010: ) 台博力メラテー寫眞展

20 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page 臺中臺中寫眞研究會 山岳寫眞の研究 新刊紹介山岳寫眞の研究 小池晩人著

21 1935 Photographic Archives and Visual Modernity: A Case Study of the Taiwan Exhibition 1935 page , Art Deco

22 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page

23 1935 Photographic Archives and Visual Modernity: A Case Study of the Taiwan Exhibition 1935 page Quentin Bajac Naomi Rosenblum

24 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page

25 1935 Photographic Archives and Visual Modernity: A Case Study of the Taiwan Exhibition 1935 page 関戸 2008

26 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page ,

27 1935 Photographic Archives and Visual Modernity: A Case Study of the Taiwan Exhibition 1935 page , D 遠藤寫眞館と夜間撮影 D

28 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page (burning with desire) Enwezor OkwuiEnwezor archive fever Archive Impulse burning with desire archive fever Derrida 1995 Hal Foster Archive Impulse Foster ICP Geoffery Batchen Burning with Desire 1997

29 1935 Photographic Archives and Visual Modernity: A Case Study of the Taiwan Exhibition 1935 page. 67 Wilder

30 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page 覧会 (2) : : Bajac, QuentinLa Photographie: l' époquemoderne Rosenblum, Naomi A World History of Photography 2012 Wilder, Kelley Photography and Science 国書刊行会 2012 世界を見せた明治の写真帖 2007 日露戦争と写真報道 場を駆ける写真師たち 2012 関戸 近代日本の視覚的経 絵地図と古写真の世界 2008 実 明治日本と万国博覧会 帝国の視線 博覧会と異文化表象 台湾上より見たる台湾館 3: 覧会 2010 Taiwan and Its Self-Images The Case of Osaka Exhibition in : Batchen, Geoffery. Burning with Desire : The Conception of Photography. Massachusetts: MIT, Derrida, Jacques. Archive Fever. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1995.

31 1935 Photographic Archives and Visual Modernity: A Case Study of the Taiwan Exhibition 1935 page. 69 Enwezor, Okwui. Archive Fever: Uses of the Document in Contemporary Art. NY: Steidl/ ICP, Foster, Hal. An Archival Impulse. in October 110 (Fall 2004). pp

32 33 The Age of Photography: Japanese Colonial History and Taiwan Photography page. 70


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