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39 屆 畢 業 典 禮


Gasgoo Automotive Chassis Systems (Parts) Match-Making Event 2009 Invitation letter Organizer Aug.28 2009 Shanghai China

Event Overview After the Low Displacement Gasoline Engine Technology Seminar, Gasgoo.com will focus on the most cutting-edge technology related to automobile electronic chassis, integrated technology and how to apply it to the domestic automakers. The organizers will invite chassis technology research and development experts and technical directors from the overseas tier 1 suppliers to give speeches and deep discussion on electrification of Chassis Suspension System, Steering System, Braking System, advanced technological development, products design and application on the by-wire technology, positive response technology and ISYSCON. In view of this, Electrification & Integration Applications Technology Seminar on Chassis Systems 2009 will be held on August 28, 2009 in Shanghai Automobile Exhibition Center. At the same time, the organizer will hold Gasgoo Automotive Chassis Systems (Parts) Match-making Event 2009. As a communication and learning platform of the advanced technology and products, our seminar will invite about 30 leading automakers and automotive chassis assembly suppliers to come to do buying and purchasing. Auto Parts Match-making Events is a unique service by Gasgoo which is specially made to match buyers with potential suppliers accordingly to save the time and cost of the purchasing and supplying. This event has improved a lot comparing to the former ones. 1 The supplying and purchasing of automotive chassis can attract mainstream suppliers to come to negotiate with buyers. 2 Simultaneously, there will be an Auto Chassis (Parts) Match-making event which can attract R&D experts to participate in. 3 The issues which will be discussed can definitely have a good impact on buyers. 4 The organizer will invite experts in buying and purchasing chain areas to give speeches of relating topics.

Automotive Chassis Systems (Parts) Match-Making Event 2009 Time:August 28 th, 2009 (09:00 AM-05:30 PM) Venue:Shanghai Automobile Exhibition Center Add: No.7575, BoYuan Rd, Anting Town, Jiading District, Shanghai What is it like? will invite leading domestic auto chassis assembly (parts) suppliers. The organizer will arrange the meeting between the buyer and matched suppliers (each meeting for 20-30 minutes). Buyers could also have on-site visit to the selected suppliers factories after the meeting. Who will attend? Buyers: 30 Automakers at home and abroad Auto chassis assembly suppliers Suppliers:200 leading chassis assembly and parts suppliers at home and abroad

Conformed, Invited Companies OE Buyers 配套采购商 通用汽车 GM 福特汽车 FORD 菲亚特 Fiat 长城汽车 Great Wall 标致雪铁龙 PSA 江淮汽车 JAC 上海大众 Shanghai Volkswagen 东风本田 Dongfeng Honda 阿斯霍克雷兰德 Ashok Leyland 南京名爵 Nanjing MG 比亚迪 BYD 众泰汽车 Zotye Auto 吉利汽车 Geely 广州本田 Guangzhou Honda 广州丰田 Gac-toyota 东风乘用车公司 DFPV 雷诺 Renault 美国大车辆集团 TRIZ LLC 采埃孚 ZF 法雷奥 Valeo Asia Purchasing Office 上海蒂森克虏伯汇众汽车零部件有限公司 ThyssenKrupp Presta HuiZhong Shanghai 大陆汽车系统管理 ( 上海 ) 有限公司 Continental Corporation 伊顿中国卡车业务 EATON China Truck Operations 德韧车用部件有限公司 DURA Auto 博格华纳中国 BorgWarner 舍弗勒集团 Schaeffler Group 美国天合汽车集团 TRW Automotive 麦格纳汽车技术有限公司 Magna 利纳马汽车系统有限公司 Linamar 翰德 Haldex Global Sourcing China 特瑞堡减震系统 Trelleborg China 奥托立夫 Autoliv (Shanghai) 美国德纳有限公司 Dana 西艾意 CIE Automotive 美嘉帕拉斯特 Mecaplast Car Components Aftermarket Buyers 售后采购商 瑞典尼德曼公司上海办事处 Nederman (Shanghai) Co. Ltd 美国特路普国际公司 Twoloop International Inc. 美国阿菲尼亚集团公司 Affinia 汽车地带 Autozone 加拿大 CTCCanadian Tire 美国畅博电子上海有限公司 WAI Global 蓝霸汽车连锁 Napa 美国艾尔比泛太平洋公司上海代表处 Dorman Simerx Sourcing Repco Corporation Ltd. Super Cheap Auto Group Limited Dalian Shida Artcrafts Co. Ltd. 印度 Mercantile Syndicate GAP International Trading Co.,Ltd. India Emta Group 法国格普贝尔特艾尤股份有限公司上海代表处 佳威合贸易上海有限公司 BUY ASIAN SOLUTIONS LTD TOREX DO BRAZIL IMPORT & EXPORT LTD

Accommodation We recommend the following hotels: Name Star rating Tel Add. Time/driving Great Tang Hotel 021-39586666 4339 BaoAn Rd. 10m Anting New Town 021-61231888 258 Nong, AnLi Rd. 5m Xinci Hote 021-59568888 29 Moyu Road Anting 4m Xietong Hotel 021-59595858 4671 CaoAn Rd. 15m Leifeng Hotel 021-69581888 300 LuYuan Rd. 10m Meilihua holiday hotel 021-59592588 5000 CaoAn Rd. 5m Traffic Free shuttle services are provided for attendees. Please take our free bus at the gate of Novotel Atlantis, 728 Pudong Avenue, by Fushan Lu.,or at the gate of Shanghai Museum,by People s Square,You may choose to get aboard at different times of the day. 1. 07:30 AM Pudong, 08:00 AM Puxi Aug.28 2. 08:30 AM Pudong. 09:00 AM Puxi Aug.28 3. 11:00 AM Pudong. 11:30 AM Puxi Aug.28 Attendees also can take the bus back at 18:00 PM Aug. 28 and our bus will stop at People s Square and Novotel Atlantis Shanghai Please specify whether you need the bus service and which time you like to take the bus in the application form. Thank you. Public transport information LuAn Line (Get off at Boyuan Rd.) Tourist Line 6 (Get off at Shanghai auto exhibition Park) BeiAn Line (Get off at Boyuan Rd. Moyu Rd.)

Organizer Gasgoo International Gasgoo International (http://www.gasgoo.com) is China's largest automotive B2B marketplace with over 80,000 global buyers and 43,200 verified member suppliers. With over 10 years automotive purchasing & exporting experience, Gasgoo International is dedicated to connecting global automotive buyers and suppliers. Gasgoo International provides professional auto parts sourcing assistance service to global buyers. Our service is to help buyers in exploring, prescreening and match-making suppliers on a basis of time & cost minimization and sourcing optimization. For Registration, please contact Please contact:jennifer Kang Tel:86-21-5169 9066#8847 Fax:86-21-5036 6652 E-mail:jiangny@gasgoo.com For being Speaker and onsite Exhibitor Please Contact:Queena Zheng Tel:86-21-5169 9066-8835 Fax:86-21-5036 6106 E-mail:zhengc@gasgoo.com Contact Information Add:5F, International Shipping & Finance Building,No.720 Pudong Avenue Shanghai,China Zip code:200120 Tel:86-21-5169 9066 Fax:86-21-5036 6106 Email:event@gasgoo.com Website:www.gasgoo.com