致各參展商 : 歡迎參加香港國際美酒展 2017 煩請查收 - 香港國際美酒展 2017 重要通告 1. 電子版參展商手冊及額外設施服務申請表格通告 - 額外設施截止申請日期 : 2017 年 9 月 28 日 2. 買家專享贊助推薦計劃 3. 有關於攤位內舉行的特別節目之事宜 4. 參展商遵守的入

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September 2017 Dear Exhibitors, Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair 2017 Important Circulars Thank you for your participation in the Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair 2017. Enclosed please find the following important notices for your preparation of the Fair: - 1. Use of Electronic Version for Exhibitors Manual and Additional Facilities Order Form - Additional Facilities and Services Order Deadline: 28 September 2017 2. Buyer Nominations for Incentive Programmes 3. Special Events Organised by the Exhibitors during the Fair 4. Immigration Regulations to be observed and followed by exhibitors (if applicable) 5. <NEW> Caution on Third Party Promotional Offers from Fair Guide/Expo Guide/Event Fair/AVRON/International Fairs Directory 6. <NEW> Caution on Arranging Payment and Fraudulent Emails 7. <NEW> Caution on Emails and Phone Calls of Questionable/Unclear Origins 8. Security Measures and Related Issue 9. Important Exhibition Regulations 10. Wine & Liquor Related Laws and Regulations 11. Food Related Laws & Regulations 12. Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations 13. Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags 14. <NEW> Reminder for the Proper Use of Standard Booth/ Premium Booth 15. New measures on Custom-Built Stand 16. <NEW> Restriction on Custom-built Stand Height 17. <NEW> Guidance to Custom Built exhibitors for on-site usage of electricity 18. Guidance to exhibitors for on-site usage of electricity and fair system and furniture 19. Daily Stock Replenishment 20. Issue Receipt to Consumers 21. Move-out Regulations 22. Product QR Code 23. Duty Exemption Arrangement for Hard Liquor (30% alcoholic content) 24. Special Airfares by Cathay Pacific & Cathay Dragon * Vehicle Entry Permit and Exhibitor Badges will be distributed in October 2017. Exhibitors Manual http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkwinefair-en/s/2720-for_exhibitor/hktdc-hong-kong-international-wine-and-spir its-fair/exhibitors'-manual.html Additional Facilities & Services Order Form http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkwinefair-en/s/2718-for_exhibitor/hktdc-hong-kong-international-wine-a nd-spirits-fair/order-form.html Circulars http://m.hktdc.com/fair/hkwinefair-en/s/8474-for_exhibitor/hktdc-hong-kong-international-wine-a nd-spirits-fair/circulartoexhibitor.html For more information, please feel free to contact us: Contact Tel Fax E-mail Mr. Savi Au (852) 2240 4231 (852) 3521 3145 savi.th.au@hktdc.org Mr. Brian Poon (852) 2240 4317 (852) 3915 2482 brian.cy.poon@hktdc.org Ms. Vincci Chung (852) 2240 4239 (852) 3915 1441 vincci.wc.chung@hktdc.org Ms. Dawn Chan (852) 2240 4077 (852) 3521 3178 dawn.hf.chan@hktdc.org Hong Kong Trade Development Council

致各參展商 : 歡迎參加香港國際美酒展 2017 煩請查收 - 香港國際美酒展 2017 重要通告 1. 電子版參展商手冊及額外設施服務申請表格通告 - 額外設施截止申請日期 : 2017 年 9 月 28 日 2. 買家專享贊助推薦計劃 3. 有關於攤位內舉行的特別節目之事宜 4. 參展商遵守的入境規例 ( 如適用 ) 5. < 新 > 請小心處理由第三者 (Fair Guide/ Expo Guide/Event Fair/ AVRON/International Fairs Directory) 提供之推廣優惠 6. < 新 > 請小心處理有關繳付參展費用之安排及欺詐電郵騙案 7. < 新 > 請小心處理來歷不明的電子郵件或電話 8. 保安措施及相關事項 9. 展覽會重要規則 10. 葡萄酒及烈酒有關法律和規例 11. 食物有關法律和規例 12. 遵守適用法律及規章 13. 塑膠購物袋環保徵費計劃 14. < 新 > 正確使用標準 / 特級攤位設計之提示 15. 特裝攤位新措施 16. < 新 > 特裝展位高度限制 17. < 新 > 特裝參展商注意事項 - 現場使用電力指引 18. 現場使用電力及攤位結構及傢俱安全指引 19. 日常展品補充 20. 參展商向消費者提供收據 21. 撤館規則 22. 參展商編碼掃瞄推廣服務 23. 關稅豁免安排 ( 適用於攝氏 20 度的溫度下量度高於 30% 酒精濃度的酒類 ) 24. 國泰航空及國泰港龍航空特選優惠機票 * 有關車輛入場許可證及參展商證將於 2017 年 10 月派送到貴公司 參展商手冊 http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkwinefair-en/s/2720-for_exhibitor/hktdc-hong-kong-international-wine-and-spirits -Fair/Exhibitors'-Manual.html 額外設施及服務申請表格 http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkwinefair-en/s/2718-for_exhibitor/hktdc-hong-kong-international-wine-and-spirits -Fair/Order-Form.html 通告 http://m.hktdc.com/fair/hkwinefair-en/s/8474-for_exhibitor/hktdc-hong-kong-international-wine-and-spirits-f air/circulartoexhibitor.html 若有任何疑問, 請與本局聯絡 姓名 電話 傳真 電郵 歐達熙先生 (852) 2240 4231 (852) 3521 3145 savi.th.au@hktdc.org 潘政賢先生 (852) 2240 4317 (852) 3915 2482 brian.cy.poon@hktdc.org 鍾慧慈小姐 (852) 2240 4239 (852) 3915 1441 vincci.wc.chung@hktdc.org 陳凱芳小姐 (852) 2240 4077 (852) 3521 3178 dawn.hf.chan@hktdc.org 預祝展出成功! 香港貿易發展局二零一七年九月

Circular 1 Use of Electronic Version for Exhibitors Manual and Additional Facilities Order Form Please note that the Electronic Version of Exhibitors Manual and Order Forms are now available at the Fair Website for your view and downloading. Web links are listed below: Exhibitors Manual: http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkwinefair-en/s/2720-for_exhibitor/hktdc-hong-kong-in ternational-wine-and-spirits-fair/exhibitors'-manual.html Order Forms: http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkwinefair-en/s/2718-for_exhibitor/hktdc-hong-kong-int ernational-wine-and-spirits-fair/order-form.html The Exhibitors' Manual outlines details of the exhibition and will assist you in preparing your participation in the fair. Please read through the manual carefully and observe all the rules and deadlines specified on the Order Forms for Additional Facilities and Services. Additional Facilities and Services Order Deadline: 28 September 2017 Hong Kong Trade Development Council 通告 1 - 電子版參展商手冊及額外設施服務申請表格通告 參展商手冊及額外設施服務申請表格電子版已上載到展會網站, 供各參展商細閱及下載 網址如下 : 參展商手冊 : http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkwinefair-tc/s/2720-for_exhibitor/ 香港貿發局香港國際美酒展 / 參展商手冊.html 額外設施及服務申請表格 : http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkwinefair-tc/s/2718-for_exhibitor/ 香港貿發局香港國際美酒展 / 申請表格.html 參展商手冊詳細刊載了今屆展覽會的有關資料, 對貴公司籌備參展甚有幫助 請詳閱手冊內所列各項規則, 並留意遞交額外設施及服務申請表格上所列明的呈交截止日期 額外設施及截止申請日期 : 2017 年 9 月 28 日 香港貿易發展局

Circular 2 - Buyer Nominations for Incentive Programmes Thank you very much for your participation at the upcoming Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair 2017. To attract buyers from all over the world, we are offering various customised buyer incentive programmes for selected overseas buyers to visit the Fair. In this regard, you are invited to nominate buyers for our selection. We shall give you due credit when extending the offers to the buyers selected and will advise you the outcome of your nomination afterwards. Please note, however, that we shall have the final discretion in selecting buyers for our programmes, and that priority will be given to those who did not visit the Fair in 2017. To facilitate buyer invitation, please make use of the nomination form attached and return it to us by 6 October 2017. We hope that, with your full support in the promotion campaign, you will be able to capture the greatest business opportunities at Wine Fair. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Cyril Fok by telephone at (852) 2240-4203, by fax at (852) 2169-9169, or by email at cyril.kc.fok@hktdc.org. Hong Kong Trade Development Council 通告 2 買家專享贊助推薦計劃 感謝貴司參加香港國際美酒展 2017 為了吸引更多海外買家到場與貴司洽談業務, 本局將提供買家專享贊助予被挑選的買家 因此, 本局誠邀閣下提名合適的買家 被揀選邀請的買家, 將會收到列出提名公司名稱的邀請函 ; 同時, 本局亦會通知貴公司提名的結果 請注意優先權將給予沒有參觀香港國際美酒展 2017 的買家, 而本局保留最終選擇權利 為了給予本局充足的時間安排, 請閣下填妥買家推薦表格, 並於 2017 年 10 月 6 日前傳真至 本局 本局將繼續以貴司的利益為依歸, 務求利用展覽會為貴司締造一個具效益 高增值 的宣傳渠道 詳情請電 (852) 2240-4203 或傳真至 (852) 2169-9169 或電郵 至 cyril.kc.fok@hktdc.org 與霍竟昌先生洽 香港貿易發展局

To 致 : Mr. Cyril Fok (Hong Kong Trade Development Council) 霍竟昌先生 ( 香港貿發局 ) Fax 傳真 : (852) 2169-9169 Email 電郵 : cyril.kc.fok@hktdc.org Exhibiting Company 參展公司 : HKTDC Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair 2017 香港貿發局香港國際美酒展 2017 Buyer Nominations for Incentive Programmes 買家專享贊助推薦計劃 Submission Deadline 截止日期 6 / 10 / 2017 Information of Nominated Buyer 買家資料 Company Name 公司名稱 : Buyer Name (Mr./Mrs./Ms/) 買家姓名 ( 先生 / 小姐 ) Position 職位 : Address 公司地址 : Country 國家 : Postal Code 郵編 : Telephone 電話 : Fax 傳真 : Email 電子郵件 : Website 網址 : Nature of Business 公司業務性質 :

Circular 3 - Special Events Organised by Exhibitors during the Fair To facilitate the management of traffic flow at the fairground and protect the interest of all exhibitors, exhibitors who plan to organise special events such as tasting, talk shows and cocktails WITHIN their booth area during the Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair 2017 are requested to submit the detailed proposal of the event(s) to the organisers in advance for official approval. These events should be organised in a planned and considerate manner and the exhibitors should employ sufficient staff/security guards for crowd control. The Organiser reserves the right to intervene the event(s) if it is not officially approved. The Organiser will evaluate the number of special events that launched concurrently and the expected number of attendees at the fairground. The Organiser may request your special event(s) to be rescheduled to other time slot(s) if necessary. The Organiser may terminate the event(s) if the crowd has blocked the passages or causes disturbance to other exhibitors or visitors during the event(s). Should your organisation incline to organise special events as mentioned, please send us the written request with proposal including the date, time, programme and other details by fax on or before 11 October 2017. Hong Kong Trade Development Council 通告 3 - 有關於攤位內舉行的特別節目之事宜 為保障各參展商的權益及加強現場之人流控制, 假若參展商有意在展覽期間於攤位內舉行特別節目, 如舉行品酒活動邀請知名人士出席任何演講或推廣活動, 在進行該宣傳或推廣活動前, 必須事先獲得本局書面批准及自行僱用足夠員工或保安人員以便控制人群及維持秩序, 並在不妨礙其他參展商的情況下, 方可進行 凡未經批准的特別節目, 本局均有權隨時禁止該活動 本局會視乎個別時段特別節目的多寡及預期屆時之人流, 安排參展商的特別節目於不同時段舉行, 故貴司之特別節目可能會被安排至其他時段 另外, 如參展商的特別節目於展會進行期間引致嚴重的通道擠塞, 為其他參展商或參觀人士帶來不便, 本局可能會終止該特別節目, 敬請留意 貴司如有意於攤位內舉行特別節目, 煩請貴司於 2017 年 10 月 11 日或之前以傳真方式, 書面通知本局該特別節目之日期 時間 內容及其他詳情 香港貿易發展局

Circular 4 - Immigration and Regulations to be Observed and Followed by Exhibitors 1. Exhibitors from outside Hong Kong According to the policy of Immigration Department of Hong Kong, foreign visitors are allowed to remain in Hong Kong for the purposes of sightseeing, shopping, as well as conducting contracts, attending meetings and conferences, etc. For the purpose of immigration control, visitors are subject to certain conditions of stay specified in the Immigration Regulations. These conditions preclude a visitor from taking up employment, whether paid or unpaid and he is not allowed to establish or join in any business. Those who wish to be engaged in day-to-day business operations or investment activities in Hong Kong will have to apply for a work permit. In the case of a trade exhibition, whether an exhibitor needs a work permit would depend on the nature of the business of the exhibition booth he/she mans and his/her activities therein. In general, if the exhibitor s activities are focused on promotion without engaging in retail sales, he will not need to apply for a work permit. However, if an exhibitor from outside Hong Kong is engaged in retail sales activities, a work permit will be required. 2. Exhibitors from Chinese mainland Where Chinese Mainland exhibitors participating in trade fairs are concerned, it should be noted that they must apply for exit permission from the relevant Chinese mainland authorities. For business visits, mainland residents have to apply to the PSB Office in their place of domicile for permission to enter Hong Kong under the Business Visit Scheme. The PSB will issue an exit-entry permit with a business visit endorsement to mainland business visitors. Exhibitors from Chinese mainland are required to meet Hong Kong Immigration regulations as stipulated in Item 1 of the above. 3. Hong Kong Exhibitors If any local exhibitor is planning to deploy or hire any personnel from outside Hong Kong at the booths during fair period (including move-in and move-out days), the above regulations (Items 1 and 2) will also apply. For details of Hong Kong immigration regulations, you may access the Immigration Department s web-site (www.info.gov.hk/immd/). If you have any queries regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact Hong Kong Trade Development Council. Hong Kong Trade Development Council

通告 4 - 參展商須遵守的入境規例 1. 來自香港以外的參展商根據香港入境事務處的政策, 外來旅遊人士可憑觀光 購物 洽談合約及出席會議等理由在香港逗留, 惟逗留期間, 旅遊人士必須遵守香港入境規例內訂明的若干條件 根據有關條件, 旅遊人士不得從事僱傭工作 ( 無論受薪或非受薪 ), 亦不得開設或參與任何業務 有意在香港從事日常業務運作或投資活動的人士, 必須申請工作簽證 就貿易展覽會而言, 參展商是否需要申請工作簽證, 將視乎其展覽攤位的業務性質以及所涉活動而定 一般來說, 假若參展商的活動主要為業務推廣而不涉及零售, 則毋須申請工作簽證 ; 假若參展商從事零售活動, 便須申請工作簽證 2. 來自中國內地參展商參加貿易展覽會的內地參展商, 必須向中國內地有關部門申請出境許可 至於商務旅遊, 內地居民須向戶籍所在的公安機關, 根據商務旅遊計劃申請來港許可, 公安機關會向內地的商務旅遊人士簽發往來港澳通行證及商務簽注 內地參展商必須遵守以上第 1 項所列的香港入境規例 3. 香港參展商假若任何本地參展商有意於展覽會舉行期間 ( 包括進館及撤館期間 ), 在攤位派駐或僱用任何來自香港以外的人士, 上述規例 ( 第 1 及 2 項 ) 亦同樣適用 有關香港入境規例詳情, 請瀏覽香港入境事務處網址 (www.info.gov.hk/immd/) 如對上述規定有任何疑問, 歡迎聯絡香港貿易發展局 香港貿易發展局

Circular 5 Caution on Third Party Promotional Offers from Fair Guide/Expo Guide/Event Fair/AVRON/International Fairs Directory <NEW> The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) has learnt that exhibitors have been receiving invitations from Fair Guide (owned by Construct Data) for listings in its guide at the exhibitors' expense. It has also come to HKTDC s attention that other companies under the name Expo Guide (owned by Commercial Online Manuals S de RL de CV ( Commercial Online Manuals )), Event Fair, AVRON and International Fairs Directory have sent similar invitations to exhibitors inviting them to update or correct their data with its fair directory for free listing. The HKTDC would like to stress that the Fair Guide, the Expo Guide, the Event Fair, the AVRON and the International Fairs Directory has NO CONNECTION with the HKTDC or any of our fairs. UFI, an international organization which represents the interests of the exhibition industry worldwide has been warning the exhibition industry to be vigilant against Fair Guide, Expo Guide, Construct Data, Commercial Online Manuals and other similar guides and organisations such as Event Fair, AVRON and International Fairs Directory. UFI has also reported that debt collection agencies work in partnership with these guides to intimidate exhibitors for payment. The practice of Construct Data has been considered as unconscionable and misleading by the Austrian Protective Association. Recent information suggests that Construct Data & Event Fair have shifted its operation from Austria to Mexico and/or Slovakia. It should be noted that the contents and wording of Fair Guide s and Expo Guide s letter and order form are virtually identical. It is possible that Construct Data, Commercial Online Manuals, Event Fair, AVRON and International Fairs Directory are related companies or are in some way connected. You should therefore exercise due diligence and care when being approached for such invitations so as to avoid possible unwarranted and/or unnecessary financial commitments. In order to protect your own interests, you are urged to read the contracts (including the small print) and attachments carefully, as well as seeking legal advice, before signing any such documents. The HKTDC does not recommend that you sign any materials that you receive from Construct Data, and/or Commercial Online Manuals and/or Event Fair, and/or AVRON, and/or International Fairs Directory. If you have mistakenly entered into contract with Construct Data and/or Commercial Online Manuals and/or Event Fair and/or AVRON, and/or International Fairs Directory, you should notify Construct Data and/or Commercial Online Manuals and/or Event Fair and/or AVRON, and/or International Fairs Directory in writing and inform them that you dispute the validity of the contract on the basis of mistake and/or misrepresentation. You should take legal advice as to how to respond to any demands for payment that you might receive. For more information about UFI s action against Fair Guide, Expo Guide, Construct Data, AVRON and International Fairs Directory, please visit http://www.ufi.org/industry-resources/warning-construct-data/ Should you have any questions, please contact Ms Dawn Chan, Exhibitions Project Manager at tel: (852) 2240 4077; or email: dawn.hf.chan@hktdc.org. Hong Kong Trade Development Council

通告 5 請小心處理由第三者 (Fair Guide/Expo Guide/Event Fair/ AVRON/International Fairs Directory) 提供之推廣優惠 < 新 > 香港貿易發展局獲悉參展商曾接獲 Fair Guide( 由 Construct Data 所擁有 ) 的邀請, 在其指南中刊登名錄, 費用由參展商負責 香港貿發局最近發現另外多家公司, 包括 Expo Guide( 由 Commercial Online Manuals S de RL de CV ( Commercial Online Manuals ) 所擁有 ), Event Fair AVRON 和 International Fairs Directory 及亦向參展商發出類似信件, 邀請參展商更新或更正他們於其指南中之資料作爲免費刊登名錄 香港貿發局特此澄清及重申 : Fair Guide 或 Expo Guide 或 Event Fair 或 AVRON 或 International Fairs Directory 概與香港貿發局或本局的任何展覽完全無關 UFI, 一個代表全球展覽業利益的國際組織, 已經警告展覽業要小心警惕 Fair guide Expo Guide Construct Data Commercial Online Manuals 和其他類似的指南和組織如 Event Fair AVRON 和 International Fairs Directory UFI 還報告說, 收債公司和這些指南和組織有夥伴的關係, 從而恐嚇參展商付款 Construct Data 之經營手法已被奧地利保障公平競爭協會 (Austrian Protective Association) 視為不公平及誤導 最近有資料顯示,Construct Data Event Fair 及 AVRON 已從奧地利轉移其運作到墨西哥和 / 或斯洛伐克 由於 Fair Guide 及 Expo Guide 的信件及訂單內容及語句幾乎完全相同, Construct Data, Commercial Online Manuals, Event Fair, AVRON 與 International Fairs Directory 可能是相關或連繫之公司 閣下因此應盡量以小心謹慎的態度處理該等邀請, 以免作出不必要的財務承擔 本局特此呼籲閣下在簽署任何合約 ( 包括以細小字體列印的合約 ) 及附件之前, 應細閱有關文件和尋求法律意見, 以保障閣下本身的利益 本局並不建議閣下簽署任何從 Construct Data 及 / 或 Commercial Online Manuals 及 / 或 Event Fair 及 / 或 AVRON 及 / 或 International Fairs Directory 收到之文件 如閣下在錯誤情況下與 Construct Data 及 / 或 Commercial Online Manual 及 / 或 Event Fair 及 / 或 AVRON 及 / 或 International Fairs Directory 訂立合約, 閣下應以書面通知 Construct Data 及 / 或 Commercial Online Manuals 及 / 或 Event Fair 及 / 或 AVRON 及 / 或 International Fairs Directory 指出基於錯誤或被誤導之情况下簽署該文件, 有關合約無效 閣下應該就如何應對你可能會收到的付款要求尋求法律意見 欲瞭解更多信息關於 UFI 對 Fair Guide, Expo Guide, Construct Data 與 Commercial Online Manuals 採取之行動, 請瀏覽此網頁 http://www.ufi.org/industry-resources/warning-construct-data/ 如有任何問題, 請與本局展覽項目經理陳凱芳小姐聯絡, 電話 :(852) 2240-4077, 電郵 : dawn.hf.chan@hktdc.org 香港貿易發展局

Circular 6 Caution on Arranging Payment and Fraudulent Emails <NEW> The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) would like to remind all applicants to be cautious when arranging payments for their participation in the HKTDC Fairs. HKTDC would like to clarify that all payments should be made payable to Hong Kong Trade Development Council as specified on relevant application form and invoice. Should you require relevant bank account information for telegraphic transfer, please contact our fair representatives directly. To protect your own interests, you are reminded to always exercise due diligence and keep proper records when making relevant payments. In view of the recent incidents of fraudulent emails in the market, HKTDC would like to remind our exhibitors to stay vigilant and take extra precautions. We hope that the following tips may help to raise your awareness. 1) Ensure that the email is genuinely from HKTDC Always identify the sender of the email from its domain. 2) Check the HKTDC disclaimer All emails sent from HKTDC will carry the Council s disclaimer at the bottom of the email. 3) Reconfirm bank account number and beneficiary name (Hong Kong Trade Development Council) when making payments. 4) Always use trusted Wi-Fi network There is always security risk when using untrusted public Wi-Fi network to access emails. It is possible that hackers can capture your emails or send fraudulent emails to you on untrusted Wi-fi network. The above is for reference only. In case of doubt, please contact HKTDC hotline at +852 1830 668 and quote the fair name concerned or contact us at Contact Tel Fax E-mail Mr. Savi Au (852) 2240 4231 (852) 3521 3145 savi.th.au@hktdc.org Mr. Brian Poon (852) 2240 4317 (852) 3915 2482 brian.cy.poon@hktdc.org Ms. Vincci Chung (852) 2240 4239 (852) 3915 1441 vincci.wc.chung@hktdc.org Ms. Dawn Chan (852) 2240 4077 (852) 3521 3178 dawn.hf.chan@hktdc.org Hong Kong Trade Development Council

通告 6 請小心處理有關繳付參展費用之安排及欺詐電郵騙案 < 新 > 香港貿易發展局 ( 貿發局 ) 在此提醒所有參展商應加倍小心處理有關繳付參展費用之安排 凡參加由本局主辦的展覽會, 參展商應把參展費用支付予 香港貿易發展局, 有關繳款資料已詳列於申請表格和發票上 參展商如需安排電匯, 請直接與本局職員聯絡以索取銀行帳戶資料 為保障貴公司利益, 在支付相關款項時, 請務必謹慎處理及保存清晰繳款記錄 另外, 有鑑於近日市面出現欺詐電郵騙案, 香港貿發局特意提醒各參展商注意以下事項, 並時刻提高警覺 1) 確保電郵由香港貿發局發出 經常檢查電郵發件人之域名 2) 檢查電郵是否附有香港貿發局之免責聲明 所有由香港貿發局發出之電郵底部均附上免責聲明 3) 付款前小心核對銀行戶口號碼及匯款賬戶名稱 ( 香港貿易發展局或 Hong Kong Trade Development Council) 4) 避免使用公眾無線網絡 參展商如使用公眾無線網絡開啟電郵, 隨時有機會被黑客截取郵件, 以他人名義發放虛假電郵予貴公司 以上各項提示僅作參考, 如有任何疑問, 請隨時致電本局熱線 : +852 1830 668 並提供參展展會的名稱或歡迎聯絡本局查詢 姓名 電話 傳真 電郵 歐達熙先生 (852) 2240 4231 (852) 3521 3145 savi.th.au@hktdc.org 潘政賢先生 (852) 2240 4317 (852) 3915 2482 brian.cy.poon@hktdc.org 鍾慧慈小姐 (852) 2240 4239 (852) 3915 1441 vincci.wc.chung@hktdc.org 陳凱芳小姐 (852) 2240 4077 (852) 3521 3178 dawn.hf.chan@hktdc.org 香港貿易發展局

Circular 7 Caution on Emails and Phone Calls of Questionable/Unclear Origins <NEW> The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) would like to remind all applicants to be cautious of any emails of questionable/unclear origins for their participation in the HKTDC Fairs. To protect your own interests, you are reminded to always exercise due diligence. If applicants would like to verify any phone calls, e-mails purporting to be initiated by or related to HKTDC, please feel free to contact our fair representatives directly Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. HKTDC customer service hotline: (852) 1830-668 Contact Tel Fax E-mail Mr. Savi Au (852) 2240 4231 (852) 3521 3145 savi.th.au@hktdc.org Mr. Brian Poon (852) 2240 4317 (852) 3915 2482 brian.cy.poon@hktdc.org Ms. Vincci Chung (852) 2240 4239 (852) 3915 1441 vincci.wc.chung@hktdc.org Ms. Dawn Chan (852) 2240 4077 (852) 3521 3178 dawn.hf.chan@hktdc.org Hong Kong Trade Development Council 通告 7 請小心處理來歷不明的電子郵件或電話 < 新 > 香港貿易發展局 ( 貿發局 ) 在此提醒所有參展商應加倍小心來歷不明的人士或機構發出的可疑電郵或電話 為保障貴公司利益, 請務必謹慎處理, 參展商如需核實任何以本局名義撥出的電話或發出的電郵, 請直接與本局職員聯絡 如有任何疑問, 歡迎聯絡本局查詢 香港貿易發展局熱線 : (852) 1830-668 姓名 電話 傳真 電郵 歐達熙先生 (852) 2240 4231 (852) 3521 3145 savi.th.au@hktdc.org 潘政賢先生 (852) 2240 4317 (852) 3915 2482 brian.cy.poon@hktdc.org 鍾慧慈小姐 (852) 2240 4239 (852) 3915 1441 vincci.wc.chung@hktdc.org 陳凱芳小姐 (852) 2240 4077 (852) 3521 3178 dawn.hf.chan@hktdc.org 香港貿易發展局

Circular 8 Security Measures and Related Issues Security Measures Against Thefts and Losses at the Fair The daily set-up time in the morning is 1 hour 45 minutes before the official opening time of the Expo. The opening hours for exhibitors to enter the fairground will be as follows: For Exhibitors For Visitors 8 November 2017 (Wed) (Move-In) 11:00am Not Applicable 9-11 November 2017 (Thu Sat) 8:45am 10:30am As thefts and losses may occur during the set-up and move-out periods, exhibitors are advised to be extra vigilant during these periods. Exhibitors are also reminded that responsibilities for ensuring sufficient insurance covered against any losses or damages rest on the exhibitors and not the Organiser. All property and goods (including without limitation all Publicity Material) brought by Exhibitors into any part of the Exhibition Venue (including, without limitation, Stands, Space and Raw Space) are at the Exhibitor s risk. The Organiser does not guarantee the safety and security of such property or goods and shall not in any way be liable or responsible for any theft, loss or damage thereof. For the avoidance of doubt, the showcases, cabinets and other storage facilities as provided by the Organiser in any part of the Exhibition Venue including, without limitation, Stands, Space and Raw Space are for exhibition purposes only. The Exhibitors are solely responsible for the safety and security of all their property or goods stored in such showcases, cabinets and storage facilities at all times. Caution on Rental of Credit Card Payment Terminals To protect your own interests, you are reminded to exercise due diligence and read all contracts carefully before appointing any Credit Card Payment Terminals service providers. Hong Kong Trade Development Council

通告 8 保安措施及相關事項 有關防止展品遺失或盜竊的保安措施 進場時間各參展商每日於展覽會開放前 1 小時 45 分鐘方可進入展館, 參展商進館時間為 : 參展商 參觀人士 2017 年 11 月 8 日 ( 星期三 ) 進館日 上午 11 時 00 分 不適用 2017 年 11 月 9-11 日 ( 星期四至六 ) 上午 8 時 45 分 上午 10 時 30 分 提高警覺由於以往展品遺失或盜竊事件或會發生於進館及離館時間, 參展商亦必須特別提高警覺 為更有效及全面地防止展品遺失或盜竊, 最終還有賴各參展商的合作及提高警覺 參展商亦應替其展品投購保險, 以減低展品遺失或盜竊之損失 所有參展商帶進展覽場地任何部分 ( 包括但不限於攤位 展覽攤位及展覽淨地 ) 的財物和物品 ( 包括但不限於所有宣傳品 ) 均由參展商自行負上責任 主辦機構對該等財物或物品的安全及保安不作出保證, 亦無需為任何失竊 損失或損壞負上任何責任 為免生疑問, 主辦機構於展覽場地任何部分 ( 包括但不限於攤位 展覽攤位及展覽淨地 ) 所提供的陳列櫃 貯存櫃及其它貯物設施只作展覽用途 參展商於任何時間均對存放於該等陳列櫃 貯存櫃及貯物設施的所有財物或物品的安全及保安擁有全部責任 提防有關信用卡終端機租賃服務香港貿發局提醒所有參展商在使用任何信用卡終端機供應商的租賃服務前, 應先清楚了解其背景, 並細閱有關文件及合約細則, 以確保閣下本身的利益 香港貿易發展局

Circular 9 - Important Exhibition Regulations We would like to bring your attention to three particularly important Exhibition rules which are set out in the Terms and Conditions governing your participation in the Exhibition. Please take note and observe these rules carefully. 1. Sub-letting It is strictly forbidden for you to sublet your Exhibition Space or Stand to any third party. Any Exhibitor found to be subletting will be asked to immediately remove all its exhibits from its stand at its own expense and will be black-listed in relation to future events we organise. We will have no hesitation in using this penalty against anyone found subletting. By way of clarification, Exhibitors are ONLY permitted to do the following in relation to companies which are directly and/or legally related to them. By this, we mean that it is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Exhibitor or the Exhibitor has a formal agreement as agent or distributor for the third party company: (i) (ii) promote exhibits, distribute name cards, printed matter or display-graphic materials; allow their personnel to solicit business. Please remember that you MUST obtain the prior written approval from us no later than 9 August 2017 if you wish to conduct the above-mentioned activities. We will expect to receive some form of documentation confirming the relationship between you and the third party company before considering your application. Our approval is given entirely at our discretion and our decision is final. Please note that any Exhibitor found to be conducting the above activities without having obtained our written permission will be treated as sub-letting in contravention of the sub-letting rules and regulations. Please remember that any of the above-mentioned activities can only take place in relation to products which fall into the same product category zone as that chosen by you. 2. Display relevant exhibits Exhibitors are reminded that they may only display exhibits, which fall into the product section that they have chosen on their application form and subsequently confirmed by the Organiser. If Exhibitors are found using less than 60% of their display area exhibiting the appropriate product under a designated product section, we have the right and will have no hesitation to ask the Exhibitor to immediately rearrange their exhibits / relocate their booth location and/or terminate its participation in the Exhibition. 3. Admission The Organiser reserves the right to refuse admission to the Fair of any visitors, exhibitors or their agents who are at the absolute discretion of the Organiser regarded as unfit, intoxicated or in anyway likely to create disturbance or discomfort to the Fair, other exhibitors or visitors. No persons under 18 will be admitted. We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding in complying with these particular rules which have been brought to your special attention. These rules exist in order to keep a fair and profitable business environment for all participants in the Exhibition. Hong Kong Trade Development Council

通告 9 - 展覽會重要規則 各參展商在展出期間, 必須遵守各項展覽會規則 現特別將其中三項重要規則詳列如下, 敬希垂注 1. 分租參展商一律嚴禁將展台或展覽空地分租予他人 如有違者, 主辦機構會著令有關公司即時將所有展品遷離展覽場地, 費用自付, 並會將違規者列入黑名單, 禁止其日後參加本局舉辦的其他展覽活動 主辦機構明確規定, 參展商只可為與之有直接或法定關係的公司進行以下活動 : (I) 推廣展品以及派發名片 印刷品或圖像宣傳資料 ; (II) 容許有關公司的工作人員在場招攬生意 所謂有直接或法定關係的公司, 乃指參展商的全資附屬公司, 或參展商與之訂有代理或分銷協議的公司 假若參展商有意進行上述活動, 必須於 2017 年 8 月 9 日或之前向主辦機構提出申請書面批准, 並須出示有關文件, 證明與所涉公司的關係 主辦機構有權決定是否批准有關申請, 其他人不得異議 如未經主辦機構書面批准, 不得擅自進行上述活動, 否則將被當作違規處理 參展商亦須謹記, 上述活動涉及的產品, 必須與參展申請表格中列明的展品類別相同 2. 展品類別參展商展示的產品, 必須與參展申請表格中及經我局確認後的產品區相符 假若主辦機構發現有參展商用於展示該類別產品的展覽面積少於六成, 有權採取行動, 要求參展商即時重新安排展品或展台位置, 甚至終止其參展權 3. 進場限制任何參觀者 參展商或其代理, 如被主辦機構認定為精神不健全 醉酒或會對展覽會 其他參展商或參觀人士造成騷擾或不便, 主辦機構有權禁止其進入會場 任何未滿十八歲人士均不准進場 以上規則旨在為所有參展商提供一個公平有利的展覽環境, 各參展商務須遵守, 多謝合作 香港貿易發展局

Circular 10 - Wine & Liquor Related Laws and Regulations Exhibitors are requested to read through sections 3.24 of the Exhibitor's Manual and ensure complete compliance with all the stated laws, regulations and conditions. 3.24.1 Attention As Exhibitors are responsible for any complaint/legal action in relation to their activities and participation in the Exhibition, they are strongly recommended to comply with all the relevant laws and regulations during the Exhibition on their own account. In particular, attention should be drawn to the sales or supplies of liquor on the fair ground which can only be lawful if: (i) the Exhibitor / buyer / consumer is aged 18 or above; and (ii) no onsite consumption of liquor is allowed after the liquor sales transaction unless a liquor license has been obtained by the individual Exhibitor. (iii) wine tasting subsequent to a liquor sales transaction in booth area or the designated wine tasting areas on the fair ground is not considered as onsite consumption of liquor. 3.24.2 Liquor Licence In accordance with the laws of Hong Kong, any person who intends to sell liquor at any premises for consumption on the premises must obtain a liquor licence before commencement of such business. A liquor licence can be obtained from the Liquor Licensing Board using the prescribed application form (downloadable at http://www.fehd.gov.hk/english/forms/fehb106.pdf). Details on the application and procedural requirements can be found in A Guide to Application for Liquor Licences and Club Liquor Licences published by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department downloadable at www.fehd.gov.hk/english/licensing/ll-cll-appguide.doc. For detailed information, Exhibitors may contact the Licensing Section of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department at www.fehd.gov.hk/ and their inquiry hotlines (Hong Kong and Islands: Tel: (852) 2879 5728; Kowloon: Tel: (852) 2729 1237 and New Territories: Tel: (852) 3183 9255). A holder of a liquor licence is required to personally supervise the sale or consumption of liquor at the premises specified in the liquor licence. Each holder of a liquor licence has to be a natural person and can only obtain no more than one liquor licence. On any occasion where sale or supply of liquor for consumption is intended to be conducted at additional premises or in some events in public, an existing liquor licence holder must apply for a temporary liquor licence at the Police Licensing Office, The Hong Kong Police Force, 12-13/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (Tel: (852) 2860 6524). A temporary liquor licence may be granted subject to payment of a prescribed fee and any conditions that may be imposed by the Commissioner of Police. Only holder of a liquor licence can apply for a temporary liquor licence. In view of the rigid licensing conditions for liquor licence stipulated by the Liquor Licensing Board (listed on the Annex VI of the above-mentioned A Guide to Application for Liquor Licences and Club Liquor Licences as attached), it may not be possible for Exhibitors from overseas to obtain liquor licences.

3.24.3 Dutiable Commodities Ordinance Exhibitors must pay attention to the provisions of the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (Cap. 109 of the Laws of Hong Kong) which set forth the rules and regulations relating to the taxation, manufacturing/import/export, dealing and control of liquors in Hong Kong. The Ordinance defines liquor as any liquid which contains more than 1.2% of ethyl alcohol. 1. Taxation With the coming into operation of the Duty Commodities (Amendment) Ordinance (2008) on 27 February 2008, duty shall be payable on the following types of liquor at the rates, expressed as a percentage of the value (calculated in accordance with section 26A of the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance), set out opposite to each type of liquor : Type of Liquor : Liquor with an alcoholic strength of more than 30% by volume measured at a temperature of 20 C Liquor, other than wine, with an alcoholic strength of not more than 30% by volume measured at a temperature of 20 C (e.g. beer, cider, perry, etc) Rate 100% 0% Wine (e.g. red and white table wines, champagne, sherry, etc) 0% Where there is no or insufficient information available from which the Commissioner of Customs and Excise (or any officer authorized by him in that behalf) is able to determine the value of any quantity of liquor of less than 12 litres, imported at any time in one consignment, duty payable on such liquor is assessed at a fixed rate. HK$160 per litre 2. Manufacturing / Import / Export Licence is required for the importation, exportation and manufacturing of dutiable liquors including wine and liquor with an alcoholic strength of not more than 30% which are classified as zero-rated goods. Exhibitors should check with their own legal advisors or the Customs and Excise Department ( Customs ) on the current licensing and permit control arrangements which may be amended from time to time. Updates of news regarding the arrangements can be obtained from the Customs and Excise Department at www.customs.gov.hk/en/home/index.html. For the time being, Exhibitors should take note of the following: (1) Customs may require any imported intoxicating liquor (for which a standard of quality is prescribed to be accompanied by a certificate of origin from the place where the liquor was made) to be certified as to the type, nature and quality of that liquor. Certificates of origin for brandy, whisky and rum shall contain such analytical and other particulars as will enable the liquor to be readily identified. (2) The name of the place of origin of port not produced in the Alto Douro district in Portugal, or sherry not produced in Jerez de la Frontera in Spain, shall be clearly marked on every container thereof.

(3) For zero-rated goods imported in a single shipment for commercial purpose, no licence or permit is required if the value of the goods is less than $5,000 but for goods with a value at $5,000 or above, Customs will detain the goods and inform the owner to apply for an import licence and removal permit with the Department s Office of the Dutiable Commodities Administration. (4) The existing licence and permit control arrangements continues to apply on (i) zero-rated goods if imported by companies for commercial purpose under a regular annual licence goods and (ii) the removal of zero-rated goods from one warehouse to another, or for export. (5) For zero-rated goods for release to the local market, Customs will still issue a Removal Permit for Duty-paid Goods (despite zero duty) but with a special endorsement specifying that the duty on the subject goods is 0% of the value of the goods, and the goods will be regarded as duty-paid goods for the purpose of the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance. Zero-rated goods without such endorsement on the permits will be regarded as dutiable goods and subject to control under the Ordinance. 3. Sale or Supply Pursuant to the Dutiable Commodities (Liquor) Regulations (Cap. 109B of the Laws of Hong Kong), the sale of liquor is prohibited:- (i) at any premises for consumption on those premises; or (ii) at a place of public entertainment or a public occasion for consumption at the place or occasion except on the authority of a liquor licence or a temporary liquor licence. Any person who contravenes the above regulation shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $1,000,000 and imprisonment for 2 years. 4. Control 4.1. Legal age of consumption of intoxicating liquor Exhibitors should be aware of the offence prescribed by the Dutiable Commodities (Liquor) Regulations (Cap. 109B of the Laws of Hong Kong) for a liquor licensee to permit any person under the age of 18 years to drink any intoxicating liquor on any licensed premises. Any person who contravenes the above regulation shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine at level 5 ($50,000) and to imprisonment for 6 months. 4.2. Employment Pursuant to the Dutiable Commodities (Liquor) Regulations (Cap. 109B of the Laws of Hong Kong), no liquor licensee shall employ, or permit the employment of, on or about the licensed premises, or in connection with the business carried on therein - (i) (ii) at any time any person under the age of 15 years; or between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. any person under the age of 18 years;or (iii) between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. any person under the age of 18 years except with the written permission of the Liquor Licensing Board. Any person who contravenes the above regulation shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable

on conviction to a fine at level 5 ($50,000) and to imprisonment for 6 months. 4.3. Labelling of liquor for local consumption Regulation 67A of the Dutiable Commodities (Liquor) Regulations (Cap.109B of the Laws of Hong Kong) requires that every container containing liquor that is imported into or manufactured in Hong Kong for local consumption shall bear a label on which is printed the alcoholic strength, or the range of alcoholic strength, of the liquor and the label shall: (a) include the information needed which is printed legibly in English letters, Chinese characters, Arabic numerals or the symbol %, or any combination of them, unless the Commissioner of Customs and Excise otherwise authorizes in writing to be in other languages; (b) be securely affixed to or be part of the container; and (c) be so placed as to be clearly visible. The importer or manufacturer in Hong Kong who contravenes the above regulation shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine at level 5 ($50,000). 3.24.4 Other Applicable Laws In addition to the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance, Exhibitors should take note of other relevant laws and regulations including but not limited to the following: - 1. Counterfeit Alcoholic Liquor Section 52(2) of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap.132 of the Laws of Hong Kong) makes it an offence for any person who for the purpose of sale keeps in any container any liquid which is not of the nature, or not of the substance, or not of the quality, of the alcoholic liquor (meaning spirits, liqueurs, wines and Chinese type liquor) which, by reason of the labelling or other marking of such container, it appears to be. 2. The Trade Descriptions (Unfair Trade Practices) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012 effective 19 July 2013 In response to strong public demands for enhancing protection of consumers against other commonly seen unfair trade practices in consumer transactions, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has completed a review of the existing consumer protection legislation and proposed improvements through amendments to the Trade Descriptions Ordinance. The Trade Descriptions (Unfair Trade Practices) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012 (Amendment Ordinance) was eventually passed on 17 July 2012 by the Legislative Council and its key changes include: the expansion of the definition of trade description in respect of goods to mean any indication, direct or indirect, and by whatever means given, with respect to any goods or parts of goods such as price indication; the extension of the coverage of the Ordinance to prohibit false trade descriptions in respect of services made in consumer transactions, and to define services under any consumer contract; the creation of new offences on such practices as misleading omissions, aggressive commercial practices, bait advertising, bait-and-switch and wrongly accepting payment; and an introduction of a civil compliance-based enforcement mechanism in addition to criminal sanctions to promote adherence to the TDO.

The Amendment Ordinance came into operation on 19 July 2013. Exhibitors are reminded to read the Amendment Ordinance in detail to avoid possible offences, in particular the usage of terms in relation to prices and puffery claims (like sale, original price, reduced price, lowest price, best seller etc), bait advertising etc. For enquiries on the Trade Descriptions (Unfair Trade Practices) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012, please contact the Customs and Excise Department at (852) 2815 7711 or visit http://www.customs.gov.hk/en/whats_new/tdspg/index.html. Hong Kong Trade and Development Council

通告 10 - 葡萄酒及烈酒有關法律和規例 參展商應仔細閱讀 參展商手冊 內第 3.24 項, 並確保完全符合所述的有關法律 規例和條件的規定 3.24.1 注意 3.24.2 酒牌 由於參展商須就其於展覽會中的活動及參與而招致的投訴 / 訴訟承擔責任, 貿發局強烈建議參展商於展覽期間自行遵守所有有關法例及規定 參展商須特別注意, 如在展覽場地中售賣或供應酒類, 則僅在下列情況下被視為合法 : (i) 買家或消費者為十八歲或十八歲以上人士 ; (ii) 除領有酒牌的參展商外, 嚴禁在售賣酒類後即場飲用 ; 及 (iii) 在展覽場地的攤位或指定的試酒區內試酒將不被視為即場飲用酒類 根據香港法律, 任何人士如有意在任何地方售賣酒類飲品, 以借人在該處所內飲用, 必須在經營有關業務前領有酒牌 參展商可向酒牌局申請酒牌, 有關表格可於 http://www.fehd.gov.hk/tc_chi/forms/fehb106.pdf 網頁內下載 關於酒牌的申請及要求可以在網頁 www.fehd.gov.hk/tc_chi/licensing/ll-cll-appguide.doc 下載由食物環境衛生署印製的 如何申請酒牌及會社酒牌參考資料 有關詳情, 參展商可聯絡食物環境衛生署的酒牌辦事處, 其網址為 www.fehd.gov.hk/ 及查詢電話為 ( 香港 :(852) 2879-5728; 九龍 : (852) 2729-1237 及新界 :(852) 3183-9255) 酒牌持有人必須親自管理在酒牌上批准處所內的酒類隻售賣或飲用 每個酒牌持有人必須為自然人且其最多可獲得一個酒牌, 如果想在其他處所或公共地方舉行的一些項目中售賣或供應酒類以供飲用, 現有酒牌持有人必須向香港警務處警察牌照課 ( 香港灣仔軍器廠街一號警察總部警政大樓十二樓至十三樓, 電話 (852) 2860-6524) 申請臨時酒牌 在繳付規定費用後, 基於警務處處長可能附加的任何條件, 方能發出臨時酒牌 只有酒牌持有人才可以申請臨時酒牌 由於酒牌局規定的嚴格持牌條件 ( 列於上述 如何申請酒牌及會社酒牌參考資料 中 ), 海外參展商未必可以申請酒牌 3.24.3 應課稅品條列 參展商必須注意, 應課稅品條列 ( 香港法例第 109 章 ) 對於酒類在香港的課稅, 製造 / 進口 / 出口, 處理及管制之規定 應課稅品條例中, 將酒類釋義為任何含有多於 1.2% 乙醇的液體 1. 課稅根據於 2008 年 2 月 27 日生效之 應課稅品 ( 修訂 ) 條例, 以下各種酒類須按與之對應的稅率繳稅, 稅率以價值 ( 按照 應課稅品條例 第 26A 條計算 ) 的百分率表示 :

酒類 : 稅率 在攝氏 20 度的溫度下量度所得酒精濃度以量計多於 30% 的酒類 1 0 0 % 在攝氏 20 度的溫度下度量所得酒精濃度以量計不多於 30% 的酒類, 葡萄酒除外 0 % ( 例如啤酒 蘋果酒 梨酒等等 ) 葡萄酒 ( 例如紅餐酒 白餐酒 香檳 雪利酒等等 ) 0 % 如無可用資料或資料不足, 使關長 ( 或關長為評定須繳稅款而授權的任何人員 ) 無法釐定在任何時間以一批托運的形式進口而分量少於 12 升的酒類的價值, 須 每升 160 港元 繳於該批酒類之稅款則以定額稅率作出評估 2. 製造 / 進口 / 出口對於應課稅酒類 ( 包括葡萄酒, 即酒精濃度以量計不多於 30%) 的進口 出口及製造, 必須領有牌照 參展商必須向其法律顧問或香港海關查詢關於有可能不時更改的現行牌照及許可證管制的安排 對於有關安排的更新, 可以在香港海關的網站 www.customs.gov.hk/eng/content_e.htm 內取得有關資料 參展商應注意以下內容 : (1) 海關可規定任何進口的已訂明品質標準的令人醺醉的酒類, 須連同一份由配製該等酒類的地方發出的證明書 ( 本規例下文稱為產地來源證 ), 證明該等酒類的種類 性質和品質 拔蘭地酒 威士忌酒和冧酒的產地來源證, 須載明使酒類輕易獲得辨別的分析詳情及其他詳情 (2) 並非在葡萄牙 Alto Douro 區生產的砵酒, 或並非在西班牙 Jerez de la Frontera 區生產的雪利酒, 其每一容器上須清楚地標明來源地的名稱 (3) 零稅率貨品以單一次商業付運形式進口作商業用途, 如貨品價值少於 5,000 元, 便無需申請進口牌照或許可證, 但如貨品價值為 5,000 元或以上, 海關會扣留該批貨物, 並通知貨主前往部門的應課稅品科申請進口牌照及搬運許可證 (4) 現行牌照及許可證管制將繼續適用於 (i) 如公司運用正式的一年牌照進口零稅率貨品作商業用途及 (ii) 將零稅率貨品從一個保稅倉移往另一個保稅倉 或出口往外地 (5) 如貨品需運往本地市場銷售時, 儘管貨品無須繳稅, 海關仍會簽發一張 已完稅貨品移走許可證, 並在證上附有特別批註, 標明該貨品的稅款是貨品價值的 0%, 就 應課稅品條例 而言, 該貨品已被視為已完稅貨品 零稅率貨品的許可證如沒有這項批註會被視作應課稅品處理, 並受條例管制 3. 售賣或提供根據應課稅品 ( 酒類 ) 規例 ( 香港法例第 109B 章 ), 除根據酒牌或臨時酒牌外, 不得 : (i) 在任何處所售賣酒類以供在該處所飲用 ; 或 (ii) 在任何公眾娛樂場所或公眾場合售賣酒類以供在該場所或場合飲用 任何人違反以上條例, 即屬犯罪, 一經定罪, 可處罰款 $1,000,000 及監禁 2 年 4. 限制 4.1 飲用令人醺醉的酒類的法定年齡參展商必須注意, 應課稅品 ( 酒類 ) 規例 ( 香港法例第 109B 章 ) 規定酒牌持牌人不得准許任何 18 歲以下的人在任何領有牌照處所飲用令人醺醉的酒類 任何人違反以上條例, 即屬犯罪, 一經定罪, 可處第 5 級罰款 ($50,000) 及監禁 6 個月 4.2 僱用根據應課稅品 ( 酒類 ) 規例 ( 香港法例第 109B 章 ), 持牌人不得在領有牌照處所或其附近, 或就在該處所經營的業務而 (i) 在任何時間僱用或准許僱用任何 15 歲以下的人 ; 或

(ii 在晚上 10 時至上午 6 時一段期間僱用或准許僱用任何 18 歲以下的人 ; 或 (ii) 在上午 6 時至晚上 10 時一段期間僱用或准許僱用任何 18 歲以下的人, 除非獲酒牌局書面准許 任何人違反以上條例, 即屬犯罪, 一經定罪, 可處第 5 級罰款 ($50,000) 及監禁 6 個月 4.3 為本地飲用的酒類加上標籤應課稅品 ( 酒類 ) 規例第 67A 條例 ( 香港法例第 109A 章 ) 要求每個盛載進口香港或在香港製造以供本地飲用的酒類的容器須附有印上該酒類的酒精濃度或酒精濃度幅度的標籤 標籤須 : (a) 載有用英文字母 中文字樣 亞拉伯數字或 % 符號, 或其任何組合以清晰可讀方式印上的所需的資料, 但已獲關長以書面授權採用其他語文者除外 ; (b) 穩固地加於容器上或屬容器的一部分 ; 及 (c) 置於清楚可見的位置 任何香港入口商或製造商違反以上條例, 即屬犯罪, 一經定罪, 可處第 5 級罰款 ($50,000) 3.24.4 其他適用法例除了應課稅品條例外, 參展商應注意其他有關法例及規定, 包括但不限於以下內容 :- 假酒類根據公眾衞生及市政條例的第 52(2) 條例 ( 香港法例第 132 章 ), 任何人如以容器存盛液體作出售用途, 而該液體的性質 物質或品質與該液體因容器上標籤或其他標記而看似所屬的酒類 ( 指烈酒 甜酒 葡萄酒及中國酒 ) 所具有者不符, 即屬犯罪 ( 此中文版本僅供參考, 一切以英文版本為準 ) 香港貿易發展局

Circular 11 - Food Related Laws and Regulations 3.25 Food Related Laws and Regulations Exhibitors are requested to read through sections 3.25.1 to 3.25.18 of the Exhibitor's Manual and ensure complete compliance with all the stated laws, regulations and conditions. The exhibitor agrees to comply with all the laws, regulations and conditions mentioned in sections 3.24 and 3.25, and to exempt the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited from, and indemnify them against all liabilities whatsoever incurred from any complaint lodged or proceedings instituted by any person arising from any offence committed under the laws and regulations by the exhibitor. 3.25.1 Free Tasting for Product Demonstration Exhibitors may offer food or beverage samples to visitors of the Exhibition for tasting provided that: a. the samples are prepared in connection with the demonstration of the Exhibitor s products; b. the samples are provided free of charge; c. alcoholic beverages must not be tasted by or sold to visitors aged below 18; d. the samples are offered in the area of the Exhibitor s Stand (or areas designated by the Organiser, if any); e. the samples and/or the ingredients are well packaged or well covered and are served in small quantity and tasting portion only; f. Exhibitor s staff preparing or dispensing food or beverages must wear face masks, gloves and clean clothing; g. the samples and/or the ingredients must be within the expiry date of consumption and must be in a condition normally expected of or commonly acceptable in relation to that particular kind of food or beverages. 3.25.2 Onsite Inspection To ensure full compliance with the laws and regulations, the Organiser maintains the right to demand for immediate remedial action by Exhibitors upon request during the Fair period if the Organiser has any suspicion on any non-compliance of the laws and regulations mentioned in sections 3.24 and 3.25. In the incidence that repeated verbal warnings are in vain, the Organiser may terminate the exhibitors' right to continue participating in the Fair with immediate effect. Officials from various government departments and authorities such as Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Department of Health, Customs & Excise Department, Immigration Department, Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong, as well as the Consumer Council, may also conduct inspections onsite during the Fair period. 3.25.3 Food Laws of Hong Kong The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) have set forth very strict rules and regulations relating to sale of food in Hong Kong. Any food, whether imported or locally produced, intended for sale in Hong Kong shall comply with the local food laws including but not limited to the list below:

(1) Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) (a) Part V (Food and Drugs) of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132 of Laws of Hong Kong); (b) Abattoirs Regulation (Cap. 132A) (c) Colouring Matter in Food Regulations (Cap.132H); (d) Dried Milk Regulations (Cap.132R); (e) Sweeteners in Food Regulations (Cap.132U); (f) Food Adulteration (Metallic Contamination) Regulations (Cap.132V); (g) Food and Drugs (Composition and Labeling) Regulations (Cap.132W); (h) Food Business Regulation (Cap.132X); (i) Frozen Confections Regulation (Cap.132AC); (j) Harmful Substances in Food Regulations (Cap.132AF); (k) Imported Game, Meat and Poultry Regulations (Cap.132AK); (l) Milk Regulation (Cap.132AQ); (m) Mineral Oil in Food Regulations (Cap.132AR); (n) Preservatives in Food Regulation (Cap.132BD); (o) Slaughterhouses Regulation (Cap.132BU); and (p) Smokeless Tobacco Products (Prohibition) Regulations (Cap.132BW) (q) Pesticide Residues in Food Regulation (Cap.132CM). The full text of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance and its subsidiary legislations can be downloaded at http://www.legislation.gov.hk/index.htm. Note that Pesticide Residues in Food Regulation (Cap.132CM) takes effect from 1 August 2014. The Regulation imposes the maximum concentration of specified pesticide residues permitted in specified food commodities. It also stipulates that unless the consumption of the concerned food is not dangerous or prejudicial to health, the import or sale of any food found to contain pesticide residues, except for exempted pesticides specified in the Regulation, is an offence under the Regulation which attracts a maximum penalty of $50,000 fine and 6-month imprisonment. For compliance with the requirements of this Regulation, Exhibitors may refer to the Guidelines published by the FEHD and the Centre for Food Safety which can be browsed at the following link: http://www.cfs.gov.hk/english/whatsnew/whatsnew_fstr/whatsnew_fstr_21_pesticide.html. The full text of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance and its subsidiary legislations can be downloaded at http://www.legislation.gov.hk/index.htm. (2) Food Safety Ordinance (Cap. 612) The Food Safety Ordinance provides a tracing mechanism for food safety in Hong Kong, which comprises a registration scheme for food importers and distributors and a record-keeping scheme prescribed for all food importers and distributors in relation to movement of food. According to the Ordinance, Food includes (a) drink; (b) ice; (c) chewing gum and other products of a similar nature and use; (d) smokeless tobacco products; and (e) articles and substances used as ingredients in the preparation of food, but does not include

(f) live animals or live birds, other than live aquatic products; (g) fodder or feeding stuffs for animals, birds or aquatic products; or (h) medicine as defined by section 2(1) of the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (Cap. 138) or Chinese herbal medicine or proprietary Chinese medicine as defined by section 2(1) of the Chinese Medicine Ordinance (Cap. 549). Food importer means a person who carries on a business which brings or causes to be brought any food into Hong Kong by air, land or sea. Food distributor means a person who carries on a business of which the principal activity is wholesale supply of food in Hong Kong. This also includes in general food producers (like fish/vegetables farmers and fishermen) and food manufacturers who supply their products by wholesale. Registration scheme The Ordinance requires any person who carries on a food importation/ distribution business to register with Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene as a food importer/ food distributor. Any person who does not register with FEHD as a food importer/distributor but carries on a food importation or distribution business commits an offence and is liable to a maximum fine of $50,000 and imprisonment for 6 months. For details of the registration scheme, exhibitors should refer to the FEHD s publication A Guide to the Registration Scheme for Food Importers and Food Distributors available at the website of Centre for Food Safety at www.cfs.gov.hk. Record-keeping requirements The Ordinance requires any person who, in the course of business, imports, acquires or supplies by wholesale food in Hong Kong to keep transaction records of the business from which it acquired the food and the business to which it supplied the food. Any person who captures local aquatic products and in the course of business, supplies them in Hong Kong is also required to keep the capture records. Failure to comply with the record-keeping requirement is an offence under the Ordinance and upon conviction a person is liable to a maximum fine of $10,000 and imprisonment for 3 months. There is no stipulated format for the records of each transaction to be maintained but such records should cover the following information as required under Part 3 of the Food Safety Ordinance: (A) Record of local acquisition of food (Local acquisition record) A person who, in the course of business, acquires food in Hong Kong must record the following information about the acquisition (a) the date the food was acquired; (b) the name and contact details of the seller; (c) the total quantity of the food; (d) a description of the food. The record must be made within 72 hours after the time the food was acquired.

(B) Record of acquisition of imported food (Import record) A person who, in the course of business, imports food acquired outside Hong Kong must record the following information about the acquisition (a) the date the food was acquired; (b) the name and contact details of the seller; (c) the place from where the food was imported; (d) the total quantity of the food; (e) a description of the food. The record must be made at or before the time the food is imported. (C) Record of capture of local aquatic products (Capture record) A person who captures local aquatic products and who, in the course of business, supplies them in Hong Kong must record the following information about the capture (a) the date or period of the capture; (b) the common name of the local aquatic products; (c) the total quantity of the local aquatic products; (d) the area of the capture Exhibitors are required to fulfill their obligation in keeping records of their food products by following the Code of Practice on Keeping Records Relating to Food issued under section 43 of the Ordinance which can be downloaded from the website of Centre for Food Safety at www.cfs.gov.hk The full text of the Ordinance can be downloaded at http://www.legislation.gov.hk/index.htm and Guidelines on the operation of the Ordinance issued by the Centre for Food Safety can be downloaded from the website of Centre for Food Safety at www.cfs.gov.hk Exhibitors of the fair must comply with all the laws and regulations relating to food. Exhibitors are deemed to have notice of the latest Food Laws in Hong Kong and have complied with any amended Food Laws once the amended laws have been posted on the website of Centre for Food Safety at www.cfs.gov.hk 3.25.4 Summary on Food Related Regulations The following is a summary of some of the regulations and conditions for Exhibitors compliance: (1) Selling and Dispensing Food or Beverages Any food or beverages for on-site sale should be seal-packaged. For all on-site retail sale, exhibitors should offer proper receipts to consumers. The receipts should clearly indicate the company name of the exhibitor, the transaction date and amount. All exhibitors should note that no elaborate food preparation processes are allowed at the fairground. Exhibitors are NOT allowed to cook or reheat any food items for sale, unless the items are intended for free tasting without any retail transaction or an Exhibitor has obtained the necessary Temporary Food Factory Licences and food permits from the FEHD and displayed the same at an eye-catching location of the Exhibitor s booth. Exhibitors who wish to conduct retail sales of restricted items like milk, ice-cream and frozen confections should apply for the necessary food permits from the FEHD.

Exhibitors who will carry out on-site food processing activities must provide Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) at least 30 days before the fair notification in writing with the type of food items to be processed and whether the items are for free tasting or for sale. Where sale of on-site processed food will be conducted, the exhibitor is also required to provide HKTDC a copy of its Temporary Food Factory Licence at the same time; or if such licence is not available 30 days before the commencement of the fair, Exhibitors shall submit copies of the application for the licence filed with the FEHD and the FEHD s written acknowledgment of the same to HKTDC at least [30] days before the commencement of the fair for records and shall provide a copy of the licence to HKTDC for records as soon as (and in any event not later than [7] days) the license has been granted by the FEHD. [For inquiries, please contact FEHD at: (852) 2868 0000 or http://www.fehd.gov.hk/english/licensing/] (2) Fire Regulation No open fire is allowed at the fairground for any purpose. [For inquiries, please contact HKTDC (852) 2240 4470]. (3) Food Labelling All pre-packaged food and beverages exhibited or offered at the fair must comply with the Food and Drug (Composition and Labelling) Regulations (Cap.132W) to have the prescribed label and nutrition label written in Chinese, English or both. [For inquiries, please contact Centre for Food Safety at (852) 2868 0000 or visit its website at www.cfs.gov.hk.] (4) Undesirable Medical Advertisements Ordinance Any exhibits, which include any kind of medicament, other curative or preventive substance or orally consumed products except those customarily consumed as food or drink, and whether a proprietary medicine, a patent medicine, or purported natural remedy, must conform to the requirements under the Undesirable Medical Advertisements Ordinance (Cap. 231) on labeling and advertisements. Any labeling or advertisement should not contravene the provisions of the Ordinance. [For inquiries, please contact the Department of Health at (852) 2961 8989 or (852) 2961 8991 or visit its website at http://www.dh.gov.hk/.] (5) Registration of Proprietary Chinese Medicines According to Chinese Medicine Ordinance (Cap 549), all proprietary Chinese medicines must first be registered by the Chinese Medicines Board of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong before they can be imported, manufactured or sold in Hong Kong. All proprietary Chinese medicines must also carry a prescribed label and be attached with package insert according to the provision of the Ordinance. [For inquiries, please contact the Secretariat of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong at (852) 2121 1888 or http://www.cmchk.org.hk.] (6) Product Genuineness & Product Labelling Please note that the Organiser and Po Sau Tong Ginseng & Antler Association Hong Kong Limited, sponsor of the fair, have the sole discretion to examine or test any ginseng, antler, dried seafood or Chinese soup ingredients which are suspected to be not genuine.

(7) Retail Sales Activities for Overseas Exhibitors According to the provisions of the Immigration Ordinance (Cap. 115), all exhibitors who are not ordinary residents of Hong Kong will be required to obtain a Temporary Work Visa when they participate in a public fair in Hong Kong involving retail sales activities; unless a local representative is employed to conduct retail sales activities and the handling of proceeds. [For inquiries, please contact Immigration Department of the HKSAR at (852) 2824 6111, by fax (852) 2877 7711 or through the Internet http://www.immd.gov.hk/.] 3.25.5 Conditions on Selling and Dispensing Food or Beverages To comply with the provisions of the Food Safety Ordinance Cap 612, all exhibitors intending to import or distribute food in the fair are required to register with or obtain exemption from the FEHD. Application forms and Guidelines on the operation of the Ordinance can be obtained from the Center for Food Safety at 43/F Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong or downloaded at its website at: www.cfs.gov.hk. [For inquiries, please contact Centre for Food Safety at: (852) 2868 0000 or www.cfs.gov.hk ] In addition to the provisions of the Food Safety Ordinance, the following conditions on selling and dispensing food or beverages must be observed and complied with by all exhibitors: Food Permits and Licences 1. All food and beverages exhibited at the fair must be in hygienic condition of the highest standard and must be fit for human consumption. For the sake of public health, the Organiser maintains the right to demand for valid certificates on the food product quality issued by the relevant health and food safety authorities upon request during the Fair period. If the Organiser has any suspicion on any of the exhibits, given all the circumstantial supportive factors, it may call for immediate removal of the concerned items from display and from sale. In the incidence that repeated verbal warnings are in vain, the Organiser may terminate the exhibitors' right to continue participating in the Fair with immediate effect. Please ensure that there are no fake or unhygienic food products at the fairground. 2. Exhibitors can offer exhibits for tasting by visitors provided that they are free of charge to the visitors and that such tasting takes place within the designated area to which each exhibitor is assigned by the (HKTDC). Exhibitors are strongly recommended that any food or beverages for free tasting should be well packaged or well covered and to be served on one-to-one basis in small quantity. Staff dispensing food or beverages is strongly recommended to wear face masks, gloves and clean clothing. 3. ANY FOOD or BEVERAGES that exhibitors WARM UP or REHEAT at their booth(s) must be for visitors' FREE TASTING ONLY and MUST NOT BE FOR SALE at the fairground unless the Exhibitor concerned has obtained a Temporary Food Factory Licence from the FEHD for sale of food at the fairground. The said Temporary Food Factory Licence must be displayed at an eye-catching location within the Exhibitor s booth with copy provided to HKTDC at least 30 days before the commencement of the fair; or if such licence is not available 30 days before the commencement of the fair, Exhibitor shall submit copies of the application for the licence filed with the FEHD and the FEHD s written acknowledgment of the same to HKTDC at least [30] days before the commencement of the fair for records and shall provide a copy of the licence to HKTDC for records as soon as (and in any event not later than [7] days) the license has been granted by the FEHD. The Organiser reserves the right to discontinue any sale if the exhibitor fails to present the said licence and/or documents by the deadline.

4. Only pre-packaged food samples i.e. samples of any food packaged, whether completely or partially, in such a way that the contents cannot be altered without opening or changing the packaging, the food in which is ready for presentation to the visitors as a single food item, can be sold to the visitors at the exhibition venue. 5. All exhibits, whether sold to or tasted by the visitors, must be within the expiry date of consumption, which must be clearly marked on the containers or packers or otherwise for pre-packaged exhibits. Any other food or beverages supplied to visitors for tasting must be not older than would normally be expected of or commonly acceptable in relation to that particular kind of food or beverages. 6. All sales of beverages must be closed and sealed to prevent spilling. 7. The latest Food Laws in Hong Kong shall become effective immediately upon posting of the same on the website of Centre for Food Safety at www.cfs.gov.hk. Once the amended laws have been posted, exhibitors will be deemed to have notice of the same and have complied with the amended laws. 8. Depending on the nature of the exhibits, exhibitors will be required to apply for food permits/licences from the FEHD. Any such food permit / licence obtained by the exhibitors must be displayed at an eye-catching location in the booth and have to be copied to HKTDC at least 30 days before the commencement of the fair; or if such permit / license is not available 30 days before the commencement of the fair, we shall submit copies of the application for the permit and/or license filed with the FEHD and the FEHD s written acknowledgment of the same to HKTDC at least 30 days before the commencement of the fair for records and shall provide a copy of the permit and/or license to HKTDC for records as soon as (and in any event not later than 7 days) the permit and/or license has been granted by the FEHD. The Organiser reserves the right to discontinue any sale if the exhibitor fails to present the said permit / licence and/or documents by the deadline. On-site Food-processing Activities and Storage 1. No open fire is allowed at the fairground and all exhibitors should note that no elaborate food preparation processes are allowed at the exhibitors booth(s). 2. The means of food processing (such as cooking, warming or reheating) shall be restricted to steaming, pan-frying, non-charcoal grilling and baking only. Deep-fry or Yakitori-style cooking is not permitted. 3. Any cooking, warming or re-heating of the food products must take place within the stands in the exhibition venue to which each exhibitor is assigned by HKTDC and shall only be done by microwave ovens and electric cooking appliances of good working condition only. HKTDC reserves the right to request exhibitors to remove immediately without notice any appliance that HKTDC regards as defective, dangerous or improper. Each exhibitor is only allowed to install one microwave oven and one other electrical cooking appliance in his/her respective stand regardless of the size of the stand. Exhibitors are also responsible for ordering sufficient power supply to support their electric cooking appliances. Booths with pan-frying, non-charcoal grilling or baking activities must be installed with charcoal-filtered range hood in order to minimise problems of indoor air pollution. HKTDC Exhibition Services can offer officially recognised charcoal-filtered range hoods for rent. Any exhibitor wishing to install any additional microwave ovens or electric cooking appliances must obtain the prior written approval of HKTDC who have an absolute discretion upon whether to give such approval. Notwithstanding that the HKTDC may have given such approval, they have the sole and absolute discretion to subsequently withdraw such approval at any time.

4. Booths with sales or distribution of soften ice-cream must be equipped with piping and drainage. 5. Acceptance of exhibitors which conduct food-processing on-site is subject to the sole decision of HKTDC. 6. Upon signing the fair Application Form and Declaration the exhibitor agrees to comply with the said conditions, and to exempt HKTDC and Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited from, and indemnify them against all liabilities whatsoever incurred from any complaint lodged or proceedings instituted by any person arising from food provided by the exhibitor or any offence committed by the exhibitor. 7. Exhibitors should avoid causing possible nuisance of oil fumes generated from frying and warming of food. As a safety measure, cooking appliances facing the aisles are required to be shielded off by 30cm high panels above the cooking counter on three sides to avoid spillage of cooking oil or hot water. 8. All exhibitors should ensure that storage of food items should be under temperature-controlled conditions in refrigerators, freezers or other appropriate appliances of good and proper working condition. Prior arrangements should be made with HKTDC for the supply of 24-hour electricity throughout the duration of the exhibition. (Please refer to Form 6 in "Additional Facilities and Services Order Form"). 9. 70% of the total booth area shall be used to sell and/or display pre-packageded foods and/or beverages. In addition, at least 70% of the items displayed at the booth shall consist of pre-packaged foods or beverages. Any cooking, reheating, displaying and/or selling of unpacked food shall be conducted within the booth and the aggregate area for conducting such activities shall not exceed 30% of the total booth area. 3.25.6 Conditions on Tasting and/or Sales of Alcoholic Beverages Below are the rules and conditions governing the tasting and/or sales of alcoholic beverages during the Fair. All exhibitors are required to declare if their participation would involve alcoholic beverages. The supply and sales of alcoholic beverages by the glass or by open bottle in any catering form without a valid Temporary Liquor Licence within the exhibition venue is strictly prohibited and any breach thereof shall result in the exhibitor concerned being disallowed from continuing to participate in the exhibition. Exhibitor conducting alcoholic beverage promotion within the exhibition venue should comply with the Dutiable Commodities (Liquor) Regulations of the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance, Laws of Hong Kong Cap. 109. According to the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance, alcoholic liquor means any liquid which contains more than 1.2% of ethyl alcohol by volume, such as sheung ching, mow toi, ko leung, brandy, whisky, gin, rum, vodka, champagne, still wine, beer, cider, sake and etc. Since the legislative amendments to the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance took effect from 6 June 2008, wine/liquor traders are no longer required to apply for any licences or permits for the import or export, manufacture, storage or movement of wine and liquor with an alcoholic strength of not more than 30% by volume measured at a temperature of 20ºC. No valuation of the alcoholic beverages concerned for duty purpose will be required. However, the existing licensing/permit controls on liquors with an alcoholic strength of more than 30% by volume measured at a temperature of 20ºC remain

unchanged. Exhibitors of such liquors should forward a copy of the removal permit for duty-paid goods issued by the Customs & Excise Department to the HKTDC at least 30 days before the commencement of the fair for records. Exhibitors conducting sales and/or tasting of alcoholic beverages during the fair should observe the following rules and conditions: Consumption or tasting of alcoholic beverages must be done in the following ways: 1) for those exhibitors who wish to conduct alcoholic beverages free tasting within the exhibition booth, they must apply for the relevant Temporary Liquor Licence directly from the Hong Kong Police at least 30 days before the commencement of the fair. Only a person who is already in possession of a full Liquor Licence will be considered to be issued with a Temporary Liquor Licence. Any such Temporary Liquor Licence an exhibitor obtained must be displayed at an eye-catching location in the booth AND have to be copied to HKTDC at least 30 days before the commencement of the fair. 2) Unless a Temporary Liquor Licence is obtained, all sales of alcoholic products must be bottled or canned, and no sales and/or free-tasting of alcoholic beverages by the glass or open-bottle would be allowed. Exhibitors conducting alcoholic beverage promotion within the exhibition venue should comply with the Dutiable Commodities (Liquor) Regulations of the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (Cap. 109) wherever appropriate. Alcoholic beverages MUST NOT be tasted by or sold to visitors aged below 18. In case of any doubt, please request visitors to show a proof of age, e.g. Hong Kong ID Card. It is necessary to post a sign stating a message to the above effect. (The Organiser will provide the sign to the concerned exhibitors) For details on the application for a Temporary Liquor Licence, please contact General Licensing Section of the Hong Kong Police at (852) 2860 6524 or email to general-licensing@police.gov.hk. For compliance with the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance, please contact Customs & Excise Department at (852) 2815 7711 or http://www.customs.gov.hk. 3.25.7 Product Genuineness To protect the welfare of the visitors, products sold, dispensed, promoted or displayed at the fair must be genuine and conform to the labels affixed to them and their package insert. Please note that the Organiser and Po Sau Tong Ginseng & Antler Association Hong Kong Limited, have the sole discretion to examine or test any ginseng, antler, dried seafood or Chinese soup ingredients regarding the product genuineness. The Organiser will take the examination or test results into account when considering whether or not to accept the application of the exhibitor for the upcoming Hong Kong Internatinal Wine and Sprits Fair. Government Officials from FEHD, Department of Health, Customs & Excise Department, Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong as well as the Consumer Council, will also conduct regular inspections onsite during the Fair period.

3.25.8 Guidelines on Processing Food & Beverages For the sake of public hygiene, exhibitors should follow the Food Hygiene Code issued by the FEHD in processing food and beverages and strictly follow the guidelines below. Exhibitors should have their body temperature measured daily before entering the fairground. If you do not feel well, especially when you have a fever (body temperature higher than 38ºC/100.4ºF) and/or respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, do not attend the function. Consult a doctor promptly. Exhibitors are strongly recommended that any food or beverages for free tasting should be well packaged or well covered and to be served on one-to-one basis in small quantity. Staff dispensing food or beverages is strongly recommended to wear face masks, gloves and clean clothing. All food, beverages and tableware must be stored and covered properly. Any food or beverages for on-site sale should be sealed packaged. Maintain good personal hygiene. Wash your hands with liquid soap, and then dry with a disposable towel or a hand drier before processing food, after going to the toilet, when your hands are contaminated by respiratory droplets or other bodily secretions or after touching rubbish. Do not cough or sneeze toward any food and beverages. Do not spit or litter. All exhibitors should ensure that exhibits are displayed only in the stands specifically assigned to them and that they keep their stand dry, clean and tidy. All rubbish or packing materials should be disposed of in the garbage bags and placed in the refuse collection area in the exhibition venue at the end of an exhibition day. Exhibitors should keep potentially hazardous food at 4ºC or below, or at 60ºC or higher. If the food items are frozen, they must be stored frozen (preferably stored at -18ºC or below). Potentially hazardous food that is intended for immediate consumption may be displayed or held for service at temperatures between 4ºC and 60ºC for a period of not more than 4 hours, otherwise it should be discarded. [The Food Hygiene Code issued by the FEHD can be downloaded at http://www.fehd.gov.hk/english/publications/code/code_index.htm] 3.25.9 Catering Services According to the regulations of the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre (HKCEC), no catering items or service provided from outside HKCEC is permitted, and HKCEC security will take action against the delivery of any catering items. Exhibitors may have food and drinks at the cafeteria inside the exhibition halls or at the restaurants. Should you require in-house delivery service, you may also contact the HKCEC directly at (852) 2582 8888.

3.25.10 Regulations on Sales of Restricted Food Restricted Foods According to the provisions of the Food Business Regulation (Subsidiary Legislation X of Chapter 132 of the Laws of Hong Kong), no person shall sell, or offer or expose for sale, or possess for sale the following kinds of food and beverages which are restricted foods in Hong Kong except with the relevant licences or permits issued by the FEHD: 1. (a) Fresh meat; (b) Chilled meat other than pre-packaged chilled beef, mutton or pork; (c) Pre-packaged chilled beef, mutton or pork; (d) Frozen meat; 2. Fresh, chilled or frozen game; 3. Fresh, chilled, frozen or live fish, excluding live fish on a fish farm; 4. (a) Live water birds, excluding live water birds on a poultry farm or in a wholesale market; (b) Other live poultry, excluding live poultry on a poultry farm or in a wholesale market; (c) Fresh, chilled or frozen poultry carcass; 5. Fresh, chilled or frozen shell fish, excluding shell fish collected in the Hong Kong Harbour and Harbour in Aberdeen which is prohibited food; 6. Imported cooked or dried meat or imported meat which has been otherwise treated or prepared, unless such food is to be sold in an unopened hermetically sealed container or, until the time it is about to be used in the preparation of any article of food, such food is contained in an unopened hermetically sealed container; 7. Imported intestines or other parts of any animal which are prepared in the form of sausage casings, unless such food is to be sold in an unopened hermetically sealed container or, until the time it is about to be used in the preparation of any article of food, such food is contained in an unopened hermetically sealed container; 8. Imported pies, sausages or other prepared or manufactured articles of food which contain any meat or cooked or dried meat other than fat, unless such food is to be sold in an unopened hermetically sealed container or, until the time it is about to be used in the preparation of any article of food, such food is contained in an unopened hermetically sealed container; 9. Milk or any milk beverages, being milk or a milk beverage to which the Milk Regulation (Cap 132AQ) applies; 10. (a) Soft ice cream; (b) Other frozen confections; 11. Chinese herb tea; 12.Non-bottled drinks (which generally mean drinks prepared for immediate consumption but required no storage in sealed bottles, cans or other containers, e.g. fresh fruit juice, diluted drinks prepared from concentrates, soya bean juice and drinks sold from a manual dispensing machine);

13. Siu Mei ( 燒味 ) or Lo Mei ( 鹵味 ); 14. Cut fruit; 15. Leung Fan ( 涼粉 ), unless such food is to be sold in an unopened hermetically sealed container or, until the time it is about to be used in the preparation of any article of food, such food is contained in an unopened hermetically sealed container; 16. Man Tau Lo ( 饅頭籮 ); 17. Food sold by means of a vending machine; 18. Sashimi; 19. Sushi; 20. Oyster to be eaten in raw state; or 21. Meat to be eaten in raw state. Note: According to the Guide to Import of Game, Meat and Poultry into Hong Kong published by the Food Safety Centre, the word chilled can be referred to the pre-chilling process of food with subsequent storage at a temperature between 0ºC and 4ºC. Similarly, according to the Food Hygiene Code issued by the FEHD, the word frozen can be referred to the state in which the temperature of a food is reduced below its freezing point and the majority of the water inside the food undergoes a change in state to form ice crystals. To maintain the quality of frozen food, a temperature of 18ºC or less is preferred. In addition to the provisions of the Food Business Regulation, Exhibitors must observe the provisions in the Import and Export Ordinance (Chapter 60 of the Laws of Hong Kong) concerning the import of food and also the provisions of the Imported Game, Meat and Poultry Regulations (Chapter 132AK of the Laws of Hong Kong) concerning the import of game, meat and poultry into Hong Kong. Sale of Restricted Foods Exhibitors who intend to conduct sale of any of the above restricted foods in the fair are required to obtain the necessary Restricted Food Permit and/or a Composite Food Shop Licence from the FEHD. Exhibitors should submit copy of the permits / licences to HKTDC at least 30 days before the commencement of the fair for records; or if such permit and/or license is not available 30 days before the commencement of the fair, Exhibitors shall submit copies of the application for the permit and/or license filed with the FEHD and the FEHD s written acknowledgment of the same to HKTDC at least 30 days before the commencement of the fair for records and shall provide a copy of the permit and/or license to HKTDC for records as soon as (and in any event not later than 7 days) the permit and/or license has been granted by the FEHD. A Temporary Food Factory Licence is also required for any Exhibitor who intends to conduct sale of any pre-cooked food or beverages reheated for consumption at the fair. A copy of the licence should be forwarded to HKTDC at least 30 days before the commencement of the fair for records; or if such licence is not available 30 days before the commencement of the fair, the Exhibitors shall submit copies of the application for the licence filed with the FEHD and the FEHD s written acknowledgment

of the same to HKTDC at least 30 days before the commencement of the fair for records and shall provide a copy of the licence to HKTDC for records as soon as (and in any event not later than [7] days) the license has been granted by the FEHD. Both the Form of Application for Permit (FEHB95A) and the Form of Application for a Temporary Food Factory Licence (FEHB 201) can be downloaded from the website of FEHD at www.fehd.gov.hk. For enquiries, please call the 24-hour hotline of FEHD at (852) 2868 0000. 3.25.11 Regulations on Importation of Food Products Food importers, through close liaison with exporting countries, are responsible for ensuring that food items they procure comply with the local legislation. To help ensure hygienic standards of food, importers are encouraged to obtain health certificates issued by health authorities of countries of origin to accompany their imports certifying that the food products concerned are fit for human consumption. There are specific legal requirements or administrative arrangements for the import of the following selected food items due to their perishable or high-risk nature: (a) game, meat, poultry and eggs; (b) milk and milk beverages; (c) frozen confections; and (d) marine products. FEHD has prepared individual leaflets advising on the proper procedures for importing the above food items respectively: Guide to Import of Mainland Chilled Chickens into Hong Kong Guide to Import of Food into Hong Kong Guide to Import of Milk and Milk Beverages into Hong Kong Guide to Import of Frozen Confections into Hong Kong Guide to Import of Game, Meat and Poultry and Eggs into Hong Kong Guide to Import of Marine Products into Hong Kong Guide to Application for Import Licence for Frozen Meat, Chilled Meat, Frozen Poultry and Chilled Poultry. Guide to Frozen meat destined for Hong Kong from overseas temporarily stored in Qianhaiwan Bonded Port Area of Shenzhen before its importation into Hong Kong in batches Guide to Import of Beef, Pork and Mutton from European Union Member States into Hong Kong These leaflets can be collected at the Centre for Food Safety of FEHD at 43/F, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong or browsed at: the website of Centre for Food Safety at www.cfs.gov.hk Health Certificate by Local Health Authority on Food Products Regardless of the type of food product, exhibitors are required to present a health certificate issued by their respective local health authority for importation into Hong Kong. A copy of the health certificate should be forwarded to HKTDC at least 30 days before the commencement of the fair for records.

Close Watch on Latest News Regarding Food Safety Exhibitors should keep a close watch on the latest news published by the Centre for Food Safety on its website at www.cfs.gov.hk to ensure their display and/or promoted food products are safe for public consumption. Prior Approval for Importation of Restricted Food Items The importations of restricted food items require prior approval for importation from FEHD. These restricted items include frozen confections (including ice cream), milk and milk beverages, etc. A copy of the approval, if applicable, should be forwarded to HKTDC at least 30 days before the commencement of the fair for records. The application forms are downloadable from the website of FEHD at: http://www.fehd.gov.hk/english/forms/fehb95.pdf. Regulated Items There are specific legal and administrative requirements under the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap.132) for the import of any food containing regulated items such as added colouring matter, metal, artificial sweeteners, aflatoxins, erucic acid and/or other prohibited substances, preservatives and/or antioxidants and endangered species ingredients. Exhibitors are required to conform with these requirements to ensure that their products are fit for local sale or consumption. Further information on importation of regulated items can be found at the websites of Customs & Excise Department at www.customs.gov.hk and the Centre for Food Safety of FEHD at www.cfs.gov.hk. Freight Forwarder Exhibitors may contact any Freight Forwarder for further details regarding importation of food products. The contacts of some Freight Forwarders are listed on the website of Hong Kong Exhibitions and Convention Industry Association (HKECIA) at http://www.exhibitions.org.hk/english/members_company_a.php. 3.25.12 Food & Drugs (Composite and Labelling) Regulations The Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling*) Regulations (Cap. 132W of the Laws of Hong Kong SAR) make it mandatory for all prepackaged food, infant formula and follow-up formula to carry a prescribed label of prepackaged food and a nutrition label marked or labeled with its energy value and nutrient. Both labels shall be in either the English or the Chinese language or in both languages. Violation of the Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) Regulations is an offence. Offenders found guilty are liable to a fine of up to HK$50,000 and to imprisonment of up to 6 months. Unless the prepackaged food is to be sold at the exhibition for immediate consumption, or unless otherwise exempt under the Regulations, the label of prepackaged food must provide information of 1) food name/designation; 2) list of ingredients; 3) indication of best before or used by date;

4) statement of special condition for storage or instructions for use; 5) full name and address of manufacturer or packer; 6) count, weight or volume; 7) declaration of the presence of substances which are known to cause allergy on food labels; 8) energy value and nutrient content. And, additive constituting one of the ingredients of a prepackaged food shall be listed by both its functional class and its specific name or its identification number under the International Numbering System for Food Additives. The nutrition label for prepackaged food must contain the following 8 aspects and should also cover the amount of any claimed nutrients: energy protein available carbohydrates total fat saturated fatty acids trans fatty acids sodium sugars The nutrition label for infant formula must, unless otherwise exempt under the Regulations, contain the following aspects: energy protein total fat total carbohydrates vitamin A, D3, E, K, B6, B12, C thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, biotin pantothenic acid, folic acid iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chloride, potassium, manganese, iodine, selenium, copper, zinc and cholineif the fluoride content of any infant formula exceeds 100µg per 100kcal, the formula must also be labelled with a statement indicating that consumption of the formula may cause dental fluorosis and recommending that such risk be discussed with a medical practitioner or health professional. The nutritional label for follow-up formula must, unless otherwise exempt under the Regulations, contain the following aspects: energy protein total fat available carbohydrates vitamin A, D, E, K, B6, B12, C thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, biotin pantothenic acid, folic acid iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chloride, potassium, iodine and zinc

The nutritional label for prepackaged food for infants and young children must, unless otherwise exempt under the Regulations, contain the following aspects: energy protein total fat available carbohydrates sodium vitamin A and D (if added) All Hong Kong and overseas exhibitors that intend to conduct selling of prepackaged foods, infant formula and/or follow-up formula at HKTDC Hong Kong International Wine and Spirts Fair should make sure their products carry the required prepackaged food and/or nutrition label. For exhibitors selling prepackaged foods that have a total sales volume of less than 30,000 units a year in Hong Kong, and the prepackaged foods do not provide any nutrition claims, they are eligible to apply for a Small Volume Exemption (SVE) at the Centre for Food Safety under the FEHD. Upon approval, the Centre will issue to the exhibitor an exemption number per food application for use in the course of its selling at the Fair. SVE should only be applied by Hong Kong manufacturers or Hong Kong importers. Overseas exhibitors are advised to apply for their SVE via their Hong Kong importers/distributors/agents. Prepackaged food samples that have no required nutrition labels and are not exempted should only be offered for free food tasting or promoted as display items. They are not allowed to be sold at the fair. Officials from the FEHD may conduct random inspections onsite during the Fair period. The Organiser may, given all circumstantial supportive factors, call for immediate removals of the alleged food items from sale. In the incidences that repeated warnings are in vain, the Organiser have the discretion to terminate the exhibitors right to continue participating in the Fair with immediate effect. To comply with the requirements of the Regulations, Exhibitors should refer to the Guidelines/Guidance Notes issued by the Centre for Food Safety, available at its website at www.cfs.gov.hk and including, without limitation to, the following: Trade Guidelines on Preparation of Legible Food Label Trade Guidelines on Serving Size of Prepackaged Food For Nutrition Labelling Labelling Guidelines on Food Allergens, Food Additive and Date Format Technical Guidance Notes on Nutrition Labelling and Nutrition Claims Method Guidance Notes on Nutrition Labelling and Nutrition Claims Guide to Application for Small Volume Exemption Technical Guidance Notes on Nutritional Composition and Nutrition Labelling of Infant Formula, Follow-up Formula and Prepackaged Food for Infants and Young Children Method Guidance Notes on Nutritional Composition and Nutrition Labelling of Infant Formula, Follow-up Formula and Prepackaged Food for Infants and Young Children For further details regarding the Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) Regulations, please contact the Food Safety at: (852) 2868 0000 or visit its website at http://www.legislation.gov.hk/eng/home.htm.

IMPORTANT NOTICE During the Fair period, exhibitors must observe and pay special attention to the following relevant ordinances & rules for Chinese medicine & health products (3.25.13 to 3.25.15): 3.25.13 Chinese Medicine Ordinance and Other Relevant Legislations Chinese Medicine Ordinance (Cap. 549 of the Laws of Hong Kong) The Ordinance which was passed by the Legislative Council on 14 July 1999 established a regulatory system for the protection of public health, the accomplishment of a professional status for Chinese medicine practitioners and the enhancement of safety, quality and efficacy of Chinese medicines in Hong Kong. The contents of the Chinese Medicine Ordinance include the composition and functions of the Chinese Medicine Council, Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board, Chinese Medicines Board and the seven committees established under the Chinese Medicine Council; the regulatory system for Chinese medicine practitioners, which includes registration, examination and discipline of Chinese medicine practitioners; and the regulatory system for Chinese medicines, which includes licensing and regulation of Chinese medicines traders and registration of proprietary Chinese medicines. All exhibitors are reminded that they must hold a valid Retailer Licence (Exhibition) in Chinese Herbal Medicines for selling or offering Chinese medicines at the Fair. For details on the application of the Licence, please contact the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong at (852) 2121 1888 or email to info@cmchk.org.hk. Registration System and Statutory Requirements for Proprietary Chinese Medicines Implemented In accordance with s.119 of the Chinese Medicine Ordinance (Cap. 549), all proprietary Chinese medicines must be registered under the Ordinance with the Chinese Medicines Board of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong before they can be imported, possessed or sold in Hong Kong. Any person who sells, or imports, or possesses any unregistered proprietary Chinese medicine shall commit an offence and upon conviction shall be sentenced at maximum for a fine at HK$100,000 and imprisonment for 2 years. Sections 143 and 144 of the Ordinance also impose an offence on any person who sells, or has in his possession for the purpose of selling, any proprietary Chinese medicine without a label and a package insert which does not comply with the prescribed requirements and the maximum penalty is a fine of $100,000 and 2-years imprisonment. All Hong Kong and overseas exhibitors are reminded that they must fulfill the obligations imposed by the Chinese Medicine Ordinance before they can possess, sell, market, display, exhibit or deal in any other ways with proprietary Chinese medicines at the Fair(s). Summaries of the operation of the Ordinance in respect of Chinese herbal medicines and proprietary Chinese medicines can be found on the website of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong at http://www.cmchk.org.hk/. For a full text of the Ordinance, please browse the website of the Bilingual Law Information System at http://www.legislation.gov.hk/eng/home.htm.

3.25.14 Undesirable Medical Advertisements Ordinance The Department of Health of the HKSAR Government has set forth very strict rules and regulations relating to drug labelling and advertising. The Undesirable Medical Advertisements Ordinance, Cap.231 of the Laws of Hong Kong, prohibits the advertising of any medicine, surgical appliances or treatment for the prevention or treatment of diseases or conditions specified in the Schedules 1 and 2 of the Ordinance. Advertisements include any notice, poster, pamphlet and label on product and any announcement made orally or by means of producing or transmitting light or sound. It is possible that representatives from relevant government departments would conduct an on-site inspection during the Fair for any misbehaviors or irregularities. Exhibitors are reminded that sections 2 to 8 and Schedules 1, 2 and 4 of the Undesirable Medical Advertisements Ordinance has taken effect from 1 June 2012 so that the prohibition or restriction on advertisements of six prescribed group of health claims (relating to breast lumps, genitourinary system, endocrine system, body glucose, blood pressure and blood lipids or cholesterol) is extended to all orally consumed products, except those customarily consumed as food or drink. The maximum penalty for contravention of the Ordinance is also increased to $50,000 and 6-months imprisonment for a first offence and $100,000 and 1-year s imprisonment for a second or subsequent offence. The full text of the Ordinance can be downloaded from the Bilingual Law Information System at http://www.legislation.gov.hk/eng/home.htm. For compliance with the requirements of the Ordinance, Exhibitors should also consult the Guidelines on Undesirable Medicial Advertisement Ordinance available at the website of the Drug Office of the Department of Health at www.drugoffice.gov.hk. The exhibitor agrees to comply with the said conditions, and to exempt HKTDC and Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited from, and indemnify them against all liabilities whatsoever incurred from any complaint lodged or proceedings instituted by any person arising from any offence committed under the regulations by the exhibitor. 3.25.15 Rules & Regulations for Imports and Exports of Chinese Medicines The import and export of proprietary Chinese medicines and 36 types Chinese herbal medicines (including 31 Chinese herbal medicines specified in Schedule 1 and the 5 Chinese herbal medicines specified in Schedule 2 (Flos Campsis ( 凌霄花 ); processed Radix Aconiti ( 製川烏 ); processed Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii ( 製草烏 ); Radix Clematidis ( 威靈仙 )and Radix Gentianae ( 龍膽 ) of the Chinese Medicine Ordinance ) as listed in the First Schedule to the Import and Export (General) Regulations (Chapter 60, sub Leg.A), Laws of Hong Kong, are subject to licensing control. Importation / Exportation of these articles must be covered by an import/export licence issued by the Department of Health. Please note that importation/exportation of proprietary Chinese medicines and 36 types Chinese herbal medicines without an import/export license may violate the Import and Export (General) Regulations. Such violation constitutes an offence and offenders found guilty are liable to a fine of up to HK$500,000 and to imprisonment of 2 years. For details of the relevant provisions of the Regulations, please browse the website www.legislation.gov.hk.

1) An Import or Export Licence must be applied to cover the consignment before the arrival or departure of the goods. Application should be submitted after completion of Import Licence Form 3 and Export Licence Form 6, by hand to the Chinese Medicine Section, Chinese Medicine Division of the Department of Health, at 16/F., AIA Kowloon Tower, Landmark East, 100 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon. Details of the applications for import/export permit for Chinese herbal medicines and proprietary Chinese medicines can be found in the Guidelines issued by the Chinese Medicine Division of Department of Health which are available on its website at www.cmd.gov.hk. 2) In the case of an import licence application, the applicant will be given the original and duplicate of licence. The original is to enable the licensee to take delivery of the goods from the carrier (shipping company, airline or transportation company). Please note that under Section 8 of the Import and Export Ordinance (I & E Ordinance), the original must be presented to the carrier within 7 days after importation of the goods, irrespective of whether delivery of the goods is taken. The duplicate is for the licensee s retention. 3) Under Sections 6C(1) and 6D(1) of the I & E Ordinance, no person shall import or export pharmaceutical products and medicines except under and in accordance with a licence issued by the Director-General of Trade and Industry. Sections 6C(2) and 6D(3) of the I & E Ordinance stipulate that any person who contravenes Sections 6C(1) and 6D(1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $500,000 and to imprisonment for two years. 4) For further information, please contact Drug Office of the Department of Health at (852) 23198458 or visit its website at www.drugoffice.gov.hk. 5) The exhibitor agrees to comply with the said conditions, and to exempt HKTDC and Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited from, and indemnify them against all liabilities whatsoever incurred from any complaint lodged or proceedings instituted by any person arising from any offence committed under the regulations by the exhibitor. 3.25.16 Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance The Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (the Ordinance), Cap. 586, is the local legislation which gives effect to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in Hong Kong. The Ordinance requires a licence to be issued in advance by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department for the import, introduction from the sea, export, re-export or possession of specimens of a scheduled species, whether alive, dead, its parts or derivatives (including medicines). The Ordinance also specifies the circumstances under which no licence is required for trade in endangered species. The control regime follows closely the requirements under CITES. The Ordinance applies to all parties, including traders, tourists and individuals, who conduct activities involving endangered species. For details of the Ordinance and guidelines for applying necessary licences, please visit the website of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department at http://www.afcd.gov.hk/eindex.html. 3.25.17 Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags Introduced under the Product Eco-responsibility Ordinance (Cap. 603) ("PERO"), the Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags seeks to address the problem of excessive plastic shopping

bag use. The Product Eco-responsibility (Amendment) Bill 2013 for the full implementation of the Scheme was introduced into the Legislative Council. It was approved by the Legislative Council on 19 March 2014 and has come into effect on 1 April 2015. The Product Eco-responsibility Ordinance imposes duty on seller to charge for plastic shopping bags in retail sale of certain goods to a customer. Unless exempted under the Ordinance, a seller must charge the customer an amount not less than 50 cents for each plastic shopping bag or each pre-packaged pack of 10 or more plastic shopping bags. Any person who fails to comply commits an offence and will be liable to a fine at HK$100,000 on the first occasion and to a fine at $200,000 on each subsequent occasion. For further information, please contact the Environmental Protection Department at (852) 31522299 or email psb@epd.gov.hk. 3.25.18 Other Relevant Legislations Other than the laws and regulations mentioned in the foregoing sub-sections, Exhibitors shall also comply with the provisions of relevant legislations for example: (i) Under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap.201), any person who, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse, offers any advantage to a public servant as an inducement to or reward for that public servant's exercise of his duties commits an offence; (ii) Under the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132), which imposes restrictions on and requirements for, amongst others, preparation and adulteration of drugs; possession for the purpose of sale, exposition and advertising of drugs injuriously affected in their quality, constitution or potency by means of adulteration; prohibitions against sale to the prejudice of purchasers of drugs not of the nature or quality demanded by purchasers; prohibitions against sale, exposition or possession for sale of drugs intended but unfit for use by man; and prohibitions against sale and display of drugs for sale with false or misleading labeling or advertising; (iii) Under the Protection of Endangerd Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586), restrictions related to the import, introduction and possession or control of endangered species; (iv) Under the Undesirable Medical Advertisements Ordinance (Cap.231), which imposes, amongst others, prohibitions against advertisements likely to lead to the use of any medicine, surgical appliance or treatment for certain diseases and all orally consumed products as prescribed in such Ordinance and abortion; (v) Under the Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap. 354), which makes provisions for the control and regulation of the production, storage, collection and disposal including the treatment, reprocessing and recycling of waste of any class or description, the licensing and registration of places and persons connected with any such activity, the protection and safety of the public in relation to any such activity and other related matters; (vi) Under the Trade Descriptions Ordinance (Cap. 362), which imposes, amongst others, prohibitions against application of false trade description to goods or services; possession for sale or for any purpose of trade or manufacture goods with false trade description; prohibitions against supply of goods or services with false trade description; prohibitions against forging trade mark or application of false trade mark to goods; prohibitions against import and export of goods with false trade description or forged trade mark; and prohibitions against unfair trade practices including without limitation misleading omissions, aggressive commercial practices,

bait advertising, bait and switch and wrongly accepting payment. Specific requirements relating to trade descriptions for jewelry, precious stones, watches, garments and electronic goods may apply. (vii) Under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (Cap.138), which imposes restrictions on and requirements for, amongst others, possession and sale (both retail and wholesale) of poisons by registered pharmacists; registration of premises where poisons are kept for the purposes of retail sale; the requirement of prescription by a registered medical practitioner, registered dentist or registered veterinary surgeon for sale of certain designated poisons; labeling of and containers for poisons; storage and transport of poisons; and manufacture, import and export for pharmaceutical products. In particular, attention should be drawn to the restrictions relating to the control of medicines containing any western medicine as ingredients, and references should be made to the latest information and news posted on the website of Drug Office, Department of Health: www.drugoffice.gov.hk. Please refer to the various ordinances for details. The full text of the ordinances can be downloaded from the website: http://www.legislation.gov.hk/index.htm. Government publications can also be purchased through the following channels: visiting the online Government Bookstore at http://www2.bookstore.gov.hk; calling the Publications Sales Unit of Information Services Department at (852) 2537 1910 or sending an email to puborder@isd.gov.hk; or downloading the order form from the ISD website at http://www.isd.gov.hk and submit the order online or by fax to (852) 2523 7195. The exhibitor agrees to comply with the said conditions, and to exempt HKTDC and Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited from, and indemnify them against all liabilities whatsoever incurred from any complaint lodged or proceedings instituted by any person arising from any offence committed under the regulations by the exhibitor. Thank you for your kind attention. Hong Kong Trade Development Council

通告 11 - 食品有關法律和規例 3.25 食品有關法律和規例 參展商應仔細閱讀 參展商手冊 內第 3.25.1 至 3.25.18 項, 並確保完全符合所述的有關法律 規例和條件的規定 參展商同意遵守所有 3.24 及 3.25 項內所述的法律 規例和條件之規定, 並同意如因違反該等規定而招致任何投訴或訴訟, 香港貿易發展局 ( 香港貿發局 ) 及香港會議展覽中心 ( 管理 ) 有限公司均不會負上任何責任, 亦無須作出任何賠償 3.25.1. 產品示範及免費樣品 參展商可向參觀人士提供食品或飲品樣品作試味, 但必須遵守下列規定.. (a) 樣品是從參展商的產品示範中準備而成的 ; (b) 樣品是免費提供的 ; (c) 參展商不得向十八歲以下人士售賣或提供含酒精飲品試飲服務 ; (d) 樣品在參展商攤位內 ( 或主辦機構指定地區, 如適用 ) 提供 ; (e) 樣品及 / 或其原材料經妥善包裹或蓋掩, 並且只屬小量及試味性質 ; (f) 參展商負責準備及派發食品或飲品的員工必須佩載口罩 手套和穿着潔淨衣物 ; (g) 樣品及 / 或其原材料必須仍在有效日期內並屬該食品或飲品一般預期或通常被接受的狀態或狀況 3.25.2. 會場內巡查 為確保有關法律和規例的執行, 主辦機構有權在懷疑有任何違反 3.24 及 3.25 項所述法律和規例的事情時, 要求有關參展商於展覽會場上即時採取補救行為 若屢勸無效, 主辦機構有權即時終止該參展商的參展資格 政府部門及機構包括食物環境衛生署 衛生署 海關 入境事務處, 香港中醫藥管理委員會及消費者委員會等均會派員於展覽期間到場巡查 3.25.3. 香港的食物法例 香港特別行政區政府的食物環境衛生署 ( 食環署 ) 對於在香港銷售的食品訂有嚴格的規例 任何在香港售賣的食品, 不論是從外地進口或在本地製造, 均須遵守香港有關食物的法律, 包括但不限於下列法規 : (1) 公眾衛生及市政條例 ( 香港法律第 132 章 ) a) 公眾衛生及市政條例 ( 香港法律第 132 章 ) 第 V 部 食物及藥物 b) 屠場規例 ( 香港法律第 132A 章 ) c) 食物內染色料規例 ( 香港法律第 132H 章 ) d) 奶粉規例 ( 香港法律第 132R 章 ) e) 食物內甜味劑規例 ( 香港法律第 132U 章 ) f) 食物攙雜 ( 金屬雜質含量 ) 規例 ( 香港法律第 132V 章 ) g) 食物及藥物 ( 成分組合及標籤 ) 規例 ( 香港法律第 132W 章 ) h) 食物業規例 ( 香港法律第 132X 章 ) i) 冰凍甜點規例 ( 香港法律第 132AC 章 )

j) 食物內有害物質規例 ( 香港法律第 132AF 章 ) k) 進口野味 肉類及家禽規例 ( 香港法律第 132AK 章 ) l) 奶業規例 ( 香港法律第 132AQ 章 ) m) 食物內礦物油規例 ( 香港法律第 132AR 章 ) n) 食物內防腐劑規例 ( 香港法律第 132BD 章 ) o) 屠房規例 ( 香港法律第 132BU 章 ) p) 無煙煙草產品 ( 禁止 ) 規例 ( 香港法律第 132BW 章 ) q) 食物內除害劑殘餘規例 ( 香港法律第 132CM 章 ) 請注意 食物內除害劑殘餘規例 ( 香港法律第 132CM 章 ) 自 2014 年 8 月 1 日起實施 該規例規定在食物類商品內指定的除害劑殘餘的最高濃度, 同時規定只有在食用含有除害劑殘餘 ( 該規例指定豁免的除害劑除外 ) 的食物不會損害健康的情況下, 才會容許有關食物的進口或銷售 違反該規例所訂的罪行最高可被判處 5 萬元罰款和 6 個月監禁 就如何符合該規例的要求, 參展商可參閱食環署及食物安全中心公佈的指引, 有關指引可瀏覽以下網址 : http://www.cfs.gov.hk/english/whatsnew/whatsnew_fstr/whatsnew_fstr_21_pesticide.html 香港法律第 132 章 公眾衛生及市政條例 及其附屬規例的全文可於網頁 http://www.cfs.gov.hk/tc_chi/food_leg/food_leg_list.html 下載 (2) 食物安全條例 ( 香港法律第 612 章 ) 食物安全條例 為加強香港之食物安全實行食物溯源措施, 包括設立食物進口商和分銷商登記制度, 以及規定食物商必須備存食物進出紀錄 根據香港法律第 612 章 食物安全條例, 食物 包括 : a) 飲品 ; b) 冰 ; c) 香口膠及其他具相類性質及用途的產品 ; d) 無煙煙草產品 ; 及 e) 配製食物時用作配料的物品及物質, 但不包括 f) 活的動物或活的禽鳥 ( 活水產除外 ); g) 動物 禽鳥或水產的草料或飼料 ; 或 h) 藥劑業及毒藥條例 ( 香港法律第 138 章 ) 第 2(1) 條所界定的藥物或 中醫藥條例 ( 香港法律第 549 章 ) 第 2(1) 條所界定的中藥材或中成藥 食物進口商 指經營食物進口業務的人, 而其業務是以 / 安排以空運或循陸 / 水路將食物運入香港 食物分銷商 指經營食物分銷業務的人, 而其業務的主要活動是在香港批發供應食物 ; 食物生產者 ( 如養魚戶 菜農 漁民 ) 和食物製造商, 如以批發方式出售其產品, 亦屬食物分銷商 登記制度 食物安全條例 規定任何經營食物進口 / 分銷業務的人須向食環署署長登記為食物進口商 / 食物分銷商 任何人如未向食環署署長登記為食物進口商 / 食物分銷商而經營食物進口 / 分銷業務, 即屬犯罪, 最高可被判罰款 50,000 元及監禁六個月

有關此登記制度的詳情, 請參閱食環署出版的 食物進口商和食物分銷商登記制度指引, 該指引可見於食物安全中心的網頁 www.cfs.gov.hk 備存食物進出紀錄的規定 食物安全條例 規定任何人如在業務運作中在香港從某地方進口食物 獲取食物或以批發方式供應食物, 須就獲取食物及供應食物備存有關商號的交易紀錄 此外, 捕撈本地水產並在業務運作中在香港供應該等水產的人士, 須備存捕撈紀錄 任何人如未能遵從備存紀錄的規定, 在 食物安全條例 下即屬違法, 最高可被判罰款 10,000 元及監禁三個月 須備存的每項交易的紀錄並無訂明的格式, 但有關紀錄應涵蓋 食物安全條例 第 3 部規定的以下資料 : (A) 本地獲取食物的紀錄 ( 本地來貨紀錄 ) 任何人如在業務運作中在香港獲取食物, 須就獲取有關食物記錄以下資料 : (a) 獲取有關食物的日期 ; (b) 賣方的名稱及聯絡詳情 ; (c) 有關食物的總數量 ; (d) 有關食物的描述 有關紀錄須在獲取有關食物後的 72 小時內作出 (B) 獲取進口食物的紀錄 ( 進口紀錄 ) 任何人如在業務運作中進口在香港以外地方獲取的食物, 須就獲取有關食物記錄以下資料 : (a) 獲取有關食物的日期 ; (b) 賣方的名稱及聯絡詳情 ; (c) 進口有關食物的地方 ; (d) 有關食物的總數量 ; (e) 有關食物的描述 有關紀錄須在進口有關食物之時或之前作出 (C) 捕撈本地水產的紀錄 ( 捕撈紀錄 ) 任何人如捕撈本地水產, 並在業務運作中在香港供應該等水產, 須就該項捕撈記錄以下資料 :

(a) 該項捕撈的日期或期間 ; (b) 該等本地水產的常用名稱 ; (c) 該等本地水產的總數量 ; (d) 該項捕撈的地區 參展商必須遵照食環署根據 食物安全條例 第 43 條發出的 備存食物紀錄的實務守則 之內容就獲取食物及供應食物備存有關的紀錄 該守則可見於食物安全中心的網頁 www.cfs.gov.hk 香港法律第 612 章 食物安全條例 的全文可於網頁 http://www.legislation.gov.hk/index.htm 下載 食物安全中心有關執行上述條例的指引可於網頁 http://www.cfs.gov.hk 下載 參展商必須遵守上述法例和規例內所有有關食物的規定並查閱於食物安全中心的網頁 www.cfs.gov.hk 上公告的最新之香港食物法例 任何有關香港食物法例的立法和修訂一經在該網頁刊登, 即表示參展商已知悉並接納遵守該等法例 3.25.4. 食物規例概覽 參展商必須遵守的一些規例和條件現摘要如下 : (1) 售賣及派發食品或飲料現場售賣之食品或飲料必須為密封包裝之產品 所有現場零售交易參展商必須向消費者提供有效之收據 收據上需列明參展商公司名稱, 交易日期及金額 參展商需注意展場內不得進行繁複的食物加工程序 參展商不得於攤位內煮熟或加熱任何食品以作零售用途, 除非被處理的食品只供免費試食, 或參展商已領有食環署發出的臨時食物製造廠牌照及有關的食物許可證並將其展示於參展商攤位內顯眼的位置 參展商如想進行例如奶類 雪糕及其他冰凍甜點之零售交易, 須向食環署申請有關食物許可證 參展商如欲於展場內烹調食品, 必須在展覽會舉行前最少 30 天以書面通知香港貿發局, 將要在展場內烹調的食品之類別及其用途 ( 免費試食或銷售 ) 如參展商欲烹調食品作銷售用途, 則需同時額外提供其臨時食物製造廠牌照的副本予香港貿發局 ; 或如此牌照不能於展覽會開始前 30 天發出, 參展商必須於展覽會舉行至少 30 天前, 將已向食環署提交的牌照申請及食環署的確認書副本交予香港貿發局以作紀錄, 並須盡快 ( 在任何情況下不遲於 [7] 天 ) 於食環署發出牌照後將有關牌照副本交予香港貿發局以作紀錄 [ 查詢 : 食環署電話 (852) 2868 0000 或網址 http://www.fehd.gov.hk/tc_chi/licensing/index.htm] (2) 防火規例在任何情況下, 會場內皆不得生火 [ 查詢 : 香港貿發局電話 (852) 2240 4470 ] (3) 食物標籤根據香港法例第 132 章 公眾衛生及市政條例 中 食物及藥物 ( 成分組合及標籤 ) 規例 的規定,

所有於展覽會內展示或提供的預先包裝食品及飲品須附有適當標籤和營養標籤 食物標籤須以中文或英文或中英兩種語文印製 [ 查詢 : 食物安全中心 - 電話 (852) 2868-0000 或網址 www.cfs.gov.hk ] (4) 不良醫藥廣告條例任何展品包含藥劑或其他治療性或預防性物質, 不論是專有藥物 專利藥物 看來是天然藥品的物質或所有口服產品 ( 惟不包括慣常作為食品或飲品食用或飲用的產品 ), 都必須遵守香港法例第 231 章 不良醫藥廣告條例 內對標籤和廣告的規定 任何製品標籤或廣告均不得違反該法例的規定 [ 查詢 : 衛生署 - 電話 (852) 2961 8989 或 (852) 2961 8991 或網址 http://www.dh.gov.hk/ ] (5) 中成藥的註冊根據香港法例第 549 章 中醫藥條例, 所有中成藥必須經香港中醫藥管理委員會轄下中藥組註冊後才可以進口香港 在香港製造或售賣 所有中成藥亦必須附有法例規定的標籤和說明書 [ 查詢 : 香港中醫藥管理委員會秘書處電話 (852) 2121 1888 或網址 http://www.cmchk.org.hk ] (6) 產品真偽主辦機構有權審核或測試各種參茸海味或中式保健湯包之真偽 (7) 海外參展商會場零售活動根據香港法律第 115 章 入境條例, 所有非香港居民之海外參展商, 如欲在展覽會期間向公眾人士作出零售活動, 必須申請臨時工作簽証 聘用本地人員操作零售活動及處理收益除外 [ 查詢 : 入境事務處 - 電話 (852) 2824 6111 或傳真 (852) 2877 7711 或網址 http://www.immd.gov.hk/ ] 3.25.5. 售賣及派發食品或飲料之條件 為符合香港法律第 612 章 食物安全條例 的要求, 所有會進口或在展覽會中分配食物的參展商都必須取得食環署的註冊或豁免證明 有關的申請書和執行該條例的指引可向位於香港金鐘道 66 號金鐘政府合署 43 樓的食物安全中心索取, 或在其網頁 : www.cfs.gov.hk 下載 [ 查詢 : 食物安全中心 - 電話 (852) 2868 0000 或網址 : www.cfs.gov.hk ] 除 食物安全條例 的規定外, 所有參展商在展場售賣或派發食品或飲料時必須遵守下列條件 : 食物牌照 / 許可證 1. 所有供銷售或試味的食品及飲料, 必須符合最嚴格的衛生規定和適合人類食用 為保障市民健康, 主辦機構有權要求參展商於展覽會場上即時提交由認可衛生或檢驗檢疫部門發出的食物衛生及安

全之證明文件 如果基於環境證據的支持使主辦機構對任何展品產生懷疑, 主辦機構可以要求有關參展商立即停止售賣或展示該展品 若屢勸不效, 主辦機構亦有權即時終止該參展商的參展資格 主辦機構要求所有參展商能確保所有攤位內之展品沒有任何劣質貨品或不衛生食品 2. 參展商可提供展品予參觀人士試味, 但此等試食必須為免費, 並於香港貿發局分配予參展商的攤位範圍內進行 主辦機構強烈建議參展商妥善包裹或蓋掩所有供免費試食之食品或飲料, 並且安排專人以小量形式派發 所有負責派發食品或飲料之工作人員應盡量戴上口罩 手套及穿著清潔衣服, 以確保衛生 3. 參展商於攤位內處理或加熱之任何食品或飲料, 只可供參觀人士免費試食, 不可作現場銷售之用, 除非參展商已就展場內之銷售食品領有食環署發出的臨時食物製造廠牌照 有關的牌照必須展示於參展商攤位內顯眼的位置並已於展覽會舉行前最少 30 天提交牌照副本予香港貿發局 ; 或如此類牌照不能於展覽會開始前 30 天發出, 參展商必須於展覽會舉行至少 30 天前, 將已向食環署提交的牌照申請及食環署的確認書副本交予香港貿發局以作紀錄, 並須盡快 ( 在任何情況下不遲於 [7] 天 ) 於食環署發出牌照後將有關牌照副本交予香港貿發局以作紀錄 如參展商於限期前未能提交有關牌照及 / 或文件, 主辦機構有權停止該參展商的銷售服務 4. 參展商在展場銷售的食品必須預先包裝妥當, 而且不論是全部或局部包裝, 所採用的方法必須是可以確保內裹的食品不會被人以無需開啟或改變包裝的方式轉換的 同時, 所有包裝食品必須以整件形式出售 5. 所有展品, 不論是供參觀人士購買或試食, 均須為未超逾食用期限的食物, 而有關期限必須清楚標明於展品的容器或包裝上 任何其他供試味的食品或飲料, 其儲存期均不得超逾該類產品一般可以接受的期限 6. 所有飲品必須以密封形式包裝售賣以防濺溢 7. 最新之香港食物法例在刊登於食物安全中心的網站 www.cfs.gov.hk 時生效 經修訂之香港食物法例一經刊登, 即表示參展商已知悉該等法例, 並接納經修訂之法例條款 8. 根據展品的不同性質, 參展商須向食環署申請有關的食品牌照 / 許可證 有關的食品牌照 / 許可證必須張貼於攤位內的顯眼位置 參展商須於展覽會舉行前最少 30 天提交其食品牌照 / 許可證副本予香港貿發局存檔 ; 或如此類食品牌照 / 許可證不能於展覽會開始前 30 天發出, 參展商必須於展覽會舉行至少 30 天前, 將已向食環署提交的食品牌照 / 許可證申請及食環署的確認書副本交予香港貿發局以作紀錄, 並須盡快 ( 在任何情況下不遲於 7 天 ) 於食環署發出食品牌照 / 許可證後將有關食品牌照 / 許可證副本交予香港貿發局以作紀錄 如參展商於限期前未能提交有關食品牌照 / 許可證及 / 或文件, 主辦機構有權停止該參展商的銷售服務 會場內的食品處理及存放 1. 會場內不得生火, 參展商亦須注意 : 不得在攤位內進行繁複的食品烹調程序 2. 參展商於展場內的食品處理方式 ( 例如烹調 加熱或保溫 ) 應只限於蒸煮 煎 無碳燒烤 焗 不能進行油炸或以日式燒烤的方式烹調食品 3. 所有展出的食品或飲料如須烹調 加熱或保溫, 必須在香港貿發局分配予各參展商的攤位內進行,

並只可採用操作正常的微波爐及電動煮食器 香港貿發局有權著令參展商即時撤換香港貿發局認為危險 有問題或不合適的加熱器具, 而無需預先作出通知 同時, 每家參展商只許在其攤位裝設微波爐及其他電動煮食器各一具 ( 不管攤位面積的大小 ) 參展商需安排足夠電力供應予其煮食用具 以煎 無碳燒烤或焗的方式處理食品的參展商必須安裝含過濾木炭的抽油煙機以室內減少空氣污染 參展商可向香港貿發局展覽服務部租用合資格的抽油煙機 任何參展商如欲安裝額外的微波爐或電動煮食器, 必須事先取得香港貿發局的書面許可 香港貿發局有絕對酌情權決定是否批准這類申請, 而即使在作出批准後, 仍有絕對酌情權隨時收回所發出的許可 4. 銷售或供應軟雪糕的展台必須配備水管及排水裝置 5. 香港貿發局對批准參展商在場內烹調食品有絕對酌情權, 亦有權隨時取消已發出的許可 6. 參展商一經簽署展覽會申請表格及聲明書, 即表示參展商同意遵守有關條款, 並同意如有任何因參展商供應的食品或參展商違反法規而招致的投訴或訴訟, 香港貿發局及香港會展中心均不需要負責, 亦無需作出賠償 7. 為避免熱油或熱水濺溢發生意外, 所有面向行人通道的烹飪器具必須以 30 厘米高的三面板遮蔽烹調櫃檯上方, 以避免濺出加熱時製造的油或熱水 8. 所有參展商必須確保食物妥為存放於有溫度調節並操作正常的雪櫃 冷藏庫及其他適當的設備內 參展商如需在展出期間獲得 24 小時電力供應, 必須預先通知香港貿發局, 以便作出安排 ( 詳情請參閱 額外設施及服務申請表 內之表格六 ) 9. 展位的七成面積必需為售賣及 / 或展示已預先包裝的食品及 / 或飲品 此外, 於展位展示的物品至少有七成必需為預先包裝的食品或飲品 參展商只可於展位現場烹調 加熱非包裝食品 展示及 / 或售賣有關非包裝食品, 而有關佔位總面積之比例不可多於整個展位面積的三成 3.25.6. 售賣及 / 或提供含酒精飲品試飲服務之條件 以下是有關在展覽會期間售賣及 / 或提供含酒精飲品試飲服務之規條 : 所有參展商必須聲明會否於展覽期間售賣或提供含酒精飲品試飲服務 未領有臨時酒牌的參展商嚴禁在展覽場地以散裝杯或開瓶式供應及售賣酒精飲品 違反此規例的參展商將被主辦機構取消其繼續參展的資格 在展場推廣含酒精飲品的參展商, 必須遵守香港法例第 109 章 應課稅品條例 中 應課稅品 ( 酒類 ) 規例 的有關規定 根據該條例, 酒類是指任何以量計含多於 1.2% 乙醇的液體例如雙蒸 茅台 高樑 拔蘭地 威士忌 氈酒 蘭姆酒 伏特加酒 香檳酒 無氣葡萄酒 啤酒 蘋果酒 日本清酒等酒類 根據 2008 年 6 月 6 日生效的 應課稅品條例 的修訂, 酒商毋須再就進口或出口 製造 貯存或搬運葡萄酒和在攝氏 20 度的溫度下量度所得酒精濃度以量計不多於 30% 的酒類而申請任何牌照或許可證, 亦無須就有關的含酒精飲品作稅務評值 不過, 對於在攝氏 20 度的溫度下量度所得酒精濃度以量計多於 30% 的酒類, 原有牌照 / 許可證的管制措施則維持不變 參展商如果想在展覽會中銷售對於在攝氏 20 度的溫度下量度所得酒精濃度以量計多於 30% 的酒類飲品, 請於展覽會舉行 30 天前, 將香港海關發出的已課稅貨品移走許可證之副本交予香港貿發局以作紀錄

在展覽會期間售賣及 / 或提供含酒精飲品試飲服務的參展商應遵守以下規則和條件 : 酒精飲品之飲用或試味必須以下列形式進行 : 1) 參展商若有意於所屬攤位內進行酒精飲品之試飲服務, 需於展覽會舉行前最少 30 天自行向香港警方申請臨時酒牌 香港警察牌照課只會考慮向持有正式酒牌的人士發給臨時酒牌 臨時酒牌必須張貼於攤位內的顯眼位置, 並於展覽會舉行前最少 30 天提交其副本予香港貿發局存檔 2) 除非已申領臨時酒牌, 否則所有含酒精飲品必須以密封式瓶裝或罐裝售賣, 不得以杯裝或已開瓶的形式供應 ( 包括免費試飲或銷售 ) 任何參展商在展場內推廣含酒精飲品, 須遵守香港法例第 109 章 應課稅品條例 內之 應課稅品 ( 酒類 ) 規例 的有關規定 參展商不得向十八歲以下人士售賣或提供含酒精飲品試飲服務 若對有興趣購買或試飲含酒精飲品人士之年齡有懷疑, 應要求對方出示身份證明 請於攤位內張貼有關上述聲明之告示牌 ( 主辦機構將會派發告示牌予有關參展商 ) [ 查詢臨時酒牌之申請 : 香港警察牌照科 - 電話 :(852) 2860 6524 或電郵 : general-licensing@police.gov.hk] 3.25.7. 膺品假貨 [ 查詢 應課稅品條例 : 香港海關電話 (852) 2815 7711 或網址 http://www.customs.gov.hk] 為保障消費者之權益, 展覽會會場內所售賣 派發 推廣及展示之商品必須為真品及附有適當標籤和說明書 主辦機構及展覽會之贊助機構 香港參茸藥材寶壽堂商會有限公司 有絕對權審核或測試各種參茸補品 海味或中式湯料之真偽 主辦機構可參考審測結果作為決定是否接納該參展商參與之後的香港國際美酒展 政府部門包括食環署 衛生署 海關 中醫藥委員會與及消費者委員會等均會派員於展覽期間作巡查 3.25.8. 處理食品及飲料之衛生指引 為確保公眾衛生, 參展商應參照食環署編製的 食物衛生守則 處理食品及飲料, 並嚴格遵守下列之指引 : 參展商應該於每天進入場館前自行量度體溫, 如有不適, 尤其體溫超過攝氏 38 度 ( 華氏 100.4 度 ), 及 / 或有呼吸道病徵例如咳嗽或打噴嚏, 便不應進入場館, 並且應該立即求診 本局建議參展商妥善包裹或蓋掩所有供免費試食之食品或飲料, 並且安排專人以小量形式派發, 確保衛生 而負責派發食品或飲料之工作人員應盡量戴上口罩 手套及穿著清潔衣服 所有食物 飲品或餐具, 必須適當貯存和蓋掩

任何作現場銷售的包裝食品或飲料應以密封式包裝 保持個人衛生 接觸食物前 如廁後 接觸過口沫鼻涕或處理垃圾後, 必須以肥皂或皂液和清水洗手, 並以乾手機或用後即棄的紙巾抹乾 切勿面對食物咳嗽或打噴嚏 不可隨地吐痰或丟棄垃圾 所有參展商必須保証展品只在指定攤位內展出, 而攤位必須保持乾淨整潔 所有垃圾或拆開之包裝物料必須放入垃圾袋內, 並於每日展覽完畢後放置於展館的垃圾收集區 有潛在危害的食物必須放在攝氏 4 度或以下, 或攝氏 60 度或以上的環境 ; 如食物應該冷藏, 食物必須處於冷藏的狀態 ( 最好是在攝氏零下 18 度或以下 ) 參展商可將有潛在危害的即食食物留存在攝氏 4 度至 60 度環境下陳列或等候以待食用, 但陳列或留存的時間不得超過 4 小時 [ 食環署編製的 食物衛生守則 可以在網址 http://www.fehd.gov.hk/tc_chi/publications/code/code_index.htm 下載 ] 3.25.9 餐飲服務 根據香港會展中心之規則, 會場範圍內不可享用任何非由香港會展中心提供之餐點服務, 該中心的保安人員將會阻截任何由非香港會展中心提供之外賣飲食 參展商如需進餐, 可到會場內的飲食部或餐廳 如欲享用香港會展中心的餐飲送遞服務, 請致電 (852) 2582 8888 3.25.10. 限制出售的食物規例 依照香港法律第 132X 章 食物業規例 之規定, 除非有食環署發出的相關牌照或許可證, 任何人 不得售賣 要約出售或為出售而展示, 或管有以供出售下列的在香港受限制出售之食物 : 1. (a) 新鮮肉類 ; (b) 冷凍肉類, 但不包括經預先包裝的冷凍牛肉 羊肉或豬肉 ; (c) 經預先包裝的冷凍牛肉 羊肉或豬肉 ; (d) 冷藏肉類 ; 2. 新鮮 冷凍或冷藏野味 ; 3. 鮮魚 冷凍魚 冷藏魚或活魚, 但不包括魚塘的活魚 ; 4. (a) 活的水禽, 但不包括家禽飼養場內或批發市場內的活的水禽 ; (b) 其他活的家禽, 但不包括家禽飼養場內或批發市場內的活的家禽 ; (c) 新鮮家禽屠體 冷凍家禽屠體或冷藏家禽屠體 ; 5. 新鮮 冷凍或冷藏介貝類水產動物, 但不包括被列為禁售食物的在香港海港和香港仔海港內收 集的介貝類水產動物 ; 6. 進口的熟肉或乾肉, 或經其他方法處理或配製的進口肉類, 除非該等食物是盛載於未開口的緊 密加封容器內, 或直至即將把食物以供配製成供出售用時, 該等食物仍盛載於未開口的緊密加 封容器內 ; 7. 進口的腸或配製成腸衣的任何動物的其他部分, 除非該等食物是盛載於未開口的緊密加封容器 內, 或直至即將把食物以供配製成供出售用時, 該等食物仍盛載於未開口的緊密加封容器內 ; 8. 進口的肉餡餅 香腸或其他經配製或製造而含有非肥肉的任何肉類 熟肉或乾肉的食品, 除非

該等食物是盛載於未開口的緊密加封容器內, 或直至即將把食物以供配製成供出售用時, 該等食物仍盛載於未開口的緊密加封容器內 ; 9. 奶類或奶類飲品, 即 奶業規例 ( 第 132 章 AQ) 對其適用的奶類或奶類飲品 ; 10. (a) 軟雪糕 ; (b) 其他冰凍甜點 ; 11. 涼茶 ; 12. 非瓶裝飲料 ( 一般來說是指那些調製供即時飲用, 而毋須盛於密封瓶 罐或其他容器的飲品, 例如鮮果汁 以濃縮果汁或糖漿稀釋的飲品 豆漿和由人手操作的調配分售機所出售的飲品 ); 13. 燒味或鹵味 ; 14. 切開的水果 ; 15. 涼粉, 除非該等食物是盛載於未開口的緊密加封容器內, 或直至即將把食物以供配製成供出售用時, 該等食物仍盛載於未開口的緊密加封容器內 ; 16. 饅頭籮 ; 17. 以售賣機出售的食物 ; 18. 刺身 ; 19. 壽司 ; 20. 供不經烹煮而食用的蠔 ; 或 21. 供不經烹煮而食用的肉類 註 : 按食物安全中心發行的 香港入口野味 肉類及家禽指引 的解釋, 上述 冷凍 一詞是指食物經預冷工序處理後再保存於攝氏 0 度至 4 度 而根據食環署編製的 食物衛生守則 之理解, 冷藏 一詞是指把食物溫度降低至冰點以下, 並最好貯放在氏零下 18 度或以下, 以保持其品質不變 除 食物業規例 之規定外, 參展商在進口上述食物時須遵守香港法律第 60 章 進出口條例 中有關進口食物之規定, 在進口野味 肉類及家禽時, 亦須遵守香港法律第 132AK 章 進口野味 肉類及家禽規例 之規定 限制出售食物之銷售 參展商如果想在展覽會中售賣任何受限制出售食物, 必須取得食環署發出的售賣限制出售食物許可證及 / 或綜合食物店牌照 參展商請於展覽會舉行至少 30 天前, 將其許可證及 / 或牌照副本交予香港貿發局以作紀錄 ; 或如此類許可證及 / 或牌照不能於展覽會開始前 30 天發出, 參展商必須於展覽會舉行至少 30 天前, 將已向食環署提交的許可證及 / 或牌照申請及食環署的確認書副本交予香港貿發局以作紀錄, 並須盡快 ( 在任何情況下不遲於 7 天 ) 於食環署發出許可證及 / 或牌照後將有關許可證及 / 或牌照副本交予香港貿發局以作紀錄 參展商如果想在展覽會中銷售任何需加熱才出售的食物或飲料産品, 必須同時取得食環署發出的臨時食物製造廠牌照 參展商請於展覽會舉行至少 30 天前, 將該牌照副本交予香港貿發局以作紀錄 ; 或如此類牌照不能於展覽會開始前 30 天發出, 參展商必須於展覽會舉行至少 30 天前, 將已向食環署提交的牌照申請及食環署的確認書副本交予香港貿發局以作紀錄, 並須盡快 ( 在任何情況下不遲於 7 天 ) 於食環署發出牌照後將有關牌照副本交予香港貿發局以作紀錄 申請售賣限制出售食物許可證的表格 ( 表格編號 :FEHB95A) 和臨時食物製造廠牌照的申請書 ( 表格編號 :FEHB201) 可以在食環署的網址 http://www.fehd.gov.hk/tc_chi/forms/index_forms.html 下

載 如有查詢, 請致電食環署的 24 小時熱線 :(852) 2868 0000 如需各種食物牌照 / 許可證及其申請程序的詳細資料, 請參閱食環署印刷的 申請所需牌照類別指引 和 申請牌照指南 ( 兩者皆可在網頁 :http://www.fehd.gov.hk/tc_chi/licensing/index.html 下載 ) 或致電食環署的 24 小時熱線 : (852) 2868 0000 3.25.11. 進口食品之規例 食物入口商有責任與出口當地保持緊密聯繫, 確保所入口的食物符合香港法例的規定 確保食物衛生標準, 食物入口商應先向來源地衛生當局申領衛生證明書, 然後將證明書隨貨附上, 以證明所入口的食物適宜供人食用 下列食物由於屬於 容易變壞 和 高危 性質, 入口時必須符合某些特定的法例要求或行政安排 : (a) 野味 肉類 家禽及蛋類 ; (b) 奶類及奶類飲品 ; (c) 冰凍甜點 ; 及 (d) 海產 食環署已分別就入口上述食物的正確程序製備了下列指引單張供入口商參考 : - 內地冰鮮雞輸入香港指引 - 香港入口食物指引 - 香港入口奶類及奶類飲品指引 - 香港入口冰凍甜點指引 - 香港入口野味 肉類 家禽及蛋類指引 - 香港入口海產指引 - 冷藏肉類 冰鮮肉類 冷藏禽肉和冰鮮禽肉進口許可證申請指引 - 外國進口香港的凍肉經深圳前海灣保稅港區暫存然後分批進口香港指引 - 從歐洲聯盟成員國進口牛肉 豬肉及羊肉到香港的指引 這些指引單張可在香港金鐘道 66 號金鐘政府合署 43 樓食物安全中心索取或其網站 www.cfs.gov.hk 瀏覽 當地衛生局之食物衛生證明書 - 不論任何食品, 參展商必須持有出口地區衛生局之食物衛生證明書, 方可進口本港 請於展覽會舉行 30 天前, 將該證明書副本交予香港貿發局以作紀錄 密切注意食物安全之最新資訊 - 參展商應密切注意食物安全中心網站 www.cfs.gov.hk 上提供之最新資訊, 以確保展出 / 銷售之食品可供公眾安全享用

進口 限制出售之食物 須獲預先許可 - 所有限制出售之食品必須獲得食環署之預先批核方可進口本港 其中包括冰凍甜點 ( 包括雪糕 ), 鮮奶及奶類飲料等 請於展覽會舉行三十天前, 將該證明書副本交予香港貿發局以作紀錄 - 申請表可於食環署的網頁 http://www.fehd.gov.hk/english/form/fehb95.pdf 下載 受管制的食物 - 根據香港法律第 132 章 公眾衛生及市政條例, 任何食物內含染色料 金屬雜質 人工甜味劑 致癌物質 芥子酸及 / 或其他禁止物質 防腐劑及 / 或抗氧化劑及瀕臨絕種的動物成份等受限制之成份, 均需遵照有關法例的管制或特別行政安排, 方可進口 參展商須確保其展品符合有關規定而適合在香港銷售或使用 - 詳細資料可見於香港海關的網站 www.customs.gov.hk 或食物安全中心的網站 www.cfs.gov.hk 轉運代理人 - 欲知食品進口的更詳盡資料, 參展商可與任何轉運代理人聯絡 部份轉運代理公司聯絡資料已刊於香港展覽會議業協會之網站 :http://www.exhibitions.org.hk/english/members_company_a.php 3.25.12. 食物及藥物 ( 成分組合及標籤 ) 規例 根據香港法律第 132W 章 公眾衛生及市政條例 中 食物及藥物 ( 成份組合及標籤 ) 規例, 所有預先包裝食物 嬰兒配方產品及較大嬰兒及幼兒配方產品須加上規定的預先包裝食物標籤及標明其能量值及營養素含量的營養標籤 有關標籤須以中文或英文或中英兩種語言印製 違反 食物及藥物 ( 成份組合及標籤 ) 規例 是違法的, 可判處最高達港幣 50,000 元罸款及監禁 6 個月 除非預先包裝食物於展覽出售以供即時食用, 或規條另有豁免, 該食物的營養標籤須提供以下八項資料 : 1) 食物名稱 / 稱號 ; 2) 配料 / 成分 ; 3) 此日期前最佳或此日期前食用日期的標示 ; 4) 特別的貯存方式或使用名稱的陳述 ; 5) 製造商或包裝商的名稱及地址 ; 6) 數量 重量或體積 ; 7) 已知可導致過敏的物質 ; 8) 食物所含能量值及營養素含量 此外, 添加劑如構成預先包裝食物的配料, 須列明該添加劑的作用類別及其所用名稱或它在食物添加劑國際編碼系統中的識別編號

該規例同時規定所有預先包裝食物必須附有標明其能量值或任何營養素含量與及營養聲稱的標籤 標籤必須包含以下八種資料 : - - - - - - - - 能量蛋白質可獲得的碳水化合物總脂肪飽和脂肪酸反式脂肪酸鈉糖 標籤亦必須列明各種涉及聲稱的營養素的含量 任何嬰兒配方產品的營養標籤必須包含以下資料 ( 除規例另有豁免 ): - 能量值 - 蛋白質 - 總脂肪 - 總碳水化合物 - 維他命 A D3 E K B6 B12 C - 硫胺素 核黃素 煙酸 生物素 - 泛酸 葉酸 - 鐵 鈣 磷 鎂 鈉 氯化物 鉀 錳 碘 硒 銅 鋅及膽鹼如任何嬰兒配方產品的氟化物含量每 100 千卡超過 100 微克, 該產品須在標籤上載有陳述示明食用該產品可導致氟斑牙及建議應與醫生或衞生專業人員討論氟斑牙的風險 任何較大嬰兒及幼兒配方產品的營養標籤必須包含以下資料 ( 除規例另有豁免 ): - - - - - - - - 能量值蛋白質總脂肪可獲得的碳水化合物維他命 A D E K B6 B12 C 硫胺素 核黃素 煙酸 生物素泛酸 葉酸鐵 鈣 磷 鎂 鈉 氯化物 鉀 碘及鋅 任何預先包裝嬰幼兒食物的營養標籤必須包含以下資料 ( 除規例另有豁免 ): - 能量值 - 蛋白質 - 總脂肪 - 可獲得的碳水化合物 - 鈉 - 維他命 A 及 D( 如加入 )

所有參加香港貿發局展覽會並擬在現場銷售預先包裝食物 嬰兒配方產品及 / 或較大嬰兒及幼兒配方產品的香港及海外參展商, 均須在有關產品加上所規定的預先包裝食物標籤及 / 或營養標籤 如任何預先包裝的食品屬相同版本而在香港的每年銷售量不超過 30,000 件, 可向食物環境衛生署轄下的食物安全中心申請 小量豁免 申請豁免的產品不能在包裝上載有任何營養聲稱 食物安全中心批准后, 會就每份申請發給參展商一個豁免號碼以用在展覽會場上的銷售過程中 小量豁免 的申請必須由於香港註冊的公司提出 海外參展商應透過本地進口商或經銷商提出申請 如參展商的貨品未能附合上述營養聲稱標籤的規例及未能成功申請 小量豁免, 其貨品則不能在展覽期間出售, 只能以宣傳或免費試食形式推廣 食環署的職員會派員於展覽期間進行巡查 如發現違規情況, 主辦機構可以要求有關參展商即時停止售賣有關貨品 若屢勸不效, 主辦機構有權即時終止該參展商的參展資格 任何干犯營養聲稱標籤規例有關罪行的人士可被罰款港幣五萬元及監禁六個月 參展商應參考食物安全中心的網站 www.cfs.gov.hk 上有關的指引, 包括但不限于 : 製備可閱的食物標籤業界指引, 預先包裝食品營養標籤的食用分量業界指引, 有關食物致敏物 食物添加劑及日期格式的標籤指引, 營養標籤及營養聲技術指引, 營養標籤及營養聲稱檢測方法技術指引, 小量豁免申請指引, 嬰兒配方產品 較大嬰兒及幼兒配方產品及預先包裝嬰幼兒食物的營養成分組合及營養標籤技術指引, 嬰兒配方產品 較大嬰兒及幼兒配方產品及預先包裝嬰幼兒食物的營養成分組合及營養標籤檢測方法技術指引 如有任何查詢, 參展商可致電食物安全中心, 電話 :(852)2868 0000 或瀏覽網頁 : www.cfs.gov.hk 重要通知 在展覽會期間, 參展商必須注意並嚴格遵守以下各項有關中醫藥及健康產品的法例及規則 (3.25.12 至 3.25.14) 3.25.13. 中醫藥條例 香港法例第 549 章 中醫藥條例 香港法例第 549 章 中醫藥條例 於 1999 年 7 月 14 日由立法會通過, 設立了全面的中醫藥規管制度以保障公共健康 提高中醫的專業地位和增進中藥業的水平 中醫藥條例 的內容包括香港中醫藥管理委員會及其轄下中醫組 中藥組和七個小組的組成及職能 ; 中醫規管制度的中醫註冊 考試和紀律 ; 以及中藥規管制度的中藥商領牌 中藥商監管和中成藥註冊 參展商必須持有中醫藥管理委會轄下中藥組發出的 中藥材零售商 ( 展銷 ) 牌照 才可在展場內

零售中藥材展品 有關詳情可查詢中醫藥管理委會 ( 電話 :(852) 2121 1888 或電郵 :info@cmchk.org.hk) 中成藥註冊制度和法定要求開始實施 香港法例第 549 章 中醫藥條例 ( 下稱 該條例 ) 第 119 條規定所有中成藥必須經香港中醫藥管理委員會轄下的中藥組註冊, 方可在本港進口 銷售和管有 任何人銷售 進口或管有任何未經註冊的中成藥即屬違法, 定罪後可被判處港幣 100,000 元罰款及入獄 2 年監禁 根據該條例第 143 和 144 條, 任何人銷售或管有用作銷售任何沒有附上指定的標籤和說明書的中成藥亦屬違法, 最高刑罰為罰款 100,000 元及監禁 2 年 所有香港和外地的參展商都必須滿足該條例的規定才可在展場內管有 銷售 推廣 展示或以任何方式處理中成藥物品 有關該條例的簡介可參看香港中醫藥管理委員會的網頁 :http://www.cmchk.org.hk/ 參展商亦可於雙語法例資料系統的網頁 : http://www.legislation.gov.hk/eng/home.htm 閱讀及列印該條例的全文 3.25.14. 不良醫藥廣告條例 香港特別行政區政府的衛生署對於藥劑製品標籤及宣傳訂有嚴格的規例 根據香港法例第 231 章 不良醫藥廣告條例 的規定, 任何人不得發布廣告以宣稱任何藥物 外科用具或療法可以治療或預防該條例內列於附表 1 及附表 2 內所指定的疾病或病理情況 廣告包括任何公告 海報 單張 廣告外盒標籤及任何以口頭方式或籍產生或傳送光或聲音的方式所出的宣布 有關政府部門有可能於展覽會期間到場巡查所有不當及違規行為 參展商須注意該條例第 2 至 8 及附表 1 2 及 4 自 2012 年 6 月 1 日起生效, 禁止或限制發布廣告的範圍擴展至包括乳房腫瘤 生殖泌尿系統 內分泌系統 體內糖分 血壓和血脂或膽固醇等 6 組保健聲稱及將受禁止或限制的聲稱實施於所有口服產品, 但不包括慣常作為食品或飲品食用或飲用的產品 違反該條例的刑罰, 亦加重至初犯者罰款 50,000 元及監禁 6 個月和重犯者罰款 100,000 元及監禁 1 年 有關條例的全文可在於雙語法例資料系統的網頁 : http://www.legislation.gov.hk/eng/home.htm 下載 參展商亦應參閱衞生署在藥物辦公室網站 www.drugoffice.gov.hk 發出的 不良廣告 ( 醫藥 ) 條例指引 參展商當清楚知道並同意遵守有關條款, 任何參展商因違反上述有關或相關條例而招致的投訴或訴訟, 香港貿易發展局及香港會議展覽中心概不負責, 亦無須作出賠償 3.25.15. 關於輸入或輸出香港的中藥材和中成藥須知 根據法例規定, 進 / 出口載列於香港法例第 60 章附屬法例 A 進出口 ( 一般 ) 規例 附表一內的中成藥及 36 種中藥材 ( 包括 中醫藥條例 訂明的 31 種附表 1 中藥材及 5 種附表 2 的中藥材 ( 凌霄花 (Flos Campsis); 製川烏 (processed Radix Aconiti); 製草烏 (processed Radix Aconiti

Kusnezoffii); 威靈仙 (Radix Clematidis) 和龍膽 (Radix Gentianae)), 須受簽證管制 凡進 / 出口此等物品, 必須事先向衞生署申領相關的進口許可證 / 出口許可證 請注意, 在未有進口許可證和出口許可證的情況下進口及出口有關 36 種中藥材及中成藥, 可能會觸犯 進出口 ( 一般 ) 規例, 一經定罪, 最高可處罰款港幣 500,000 元及監禁 2 年 有關法例條文的詳細內容, 可於 www.legislation.gov.hk 網頁瀏覽 一 ) 申請中藥材和中成藥的進出口許可證, 申請人於貨品進出口前, 應遞交下列資料至 香港九龍觀塘巧明街 100 號 Landmark East 友邦九龍大樓 16 樓衛生署中醫藥事務部中藥事務組 申請簽證 有關申請中藥材和中成藥的進出口的詳情, 請參閱見於衛生署中醫藥事務部網站 : www.cmd.gov.hk 的 申請中藥材進出口許可證指南 和 中成藥進出口申請指南 二 ) 如申請進口證, 申請人將會獲發給正本及第一副本 持證人可憑正本向運載商 ( 船務公司 航空公司或運輸公司 ) 提取證上所述貨物 請注意, 根據 進出口條例 第 8 條, 不論提取貨物與否, 正本必須於貨物進口後七天內交給運載商 第一副本則由持證人保存 三 ) 根據 進出口條例 第 6C(1) 條及第 6D(1) 條, 任何人士必須已獲有效的進出口證, 並遵行證上所述規定, 方可輸入或輸出藥劑產品及藥物 上述條例第 6C(2) 條及第 6D(3) 條訂明, 凡違反第 6C(1) 條及第 6D(1) 條即屬犯罪, 一經定罪, 可被判罰款五十萬元及監禁兩年 四 ) 如需進一步查詢關於藥劑產品及藥物的進出口簽證手續, 請瀏覽衛生署藥物辦公室網址 www.drugoffice.gov.hk 或致電藥物辦公室藥物註冊及出入口管制組 :(852) 2319 8460 五 ) 參展商一經簽署申請表格, 即表示參展商同意遵守有關條款, 任何參展商因違反上述條例而招致的投訴或訴訟, 香港貿發局及香港會議展覽中心概不負責, 亦無需作出賠償 3.25.16. 保護瀕危動植物物種條例 香港法例第 586 章 保護瀕危動植物物種條例 是香港為履行 瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約 ( 該公約 ) 的規定而制定的法律 該條例規定 : 凡進口 從公海引進 出口 轉口或管有列明物種的標本, 不論屬活體的 死體的 其部分或衍生物 ( 包括藥物 ), 均須事先申領漁農自然護理署發出的許可證 該法例亦指明在某些情況下准予進行列明物種的交易, 而無需申領許可證 有關的管制制度大致上參照該公約的規定 該條例適用於所有進行牽涉瀕危物種的活動的人士, 包括貿易商 旅客及個別人士 有關該法例及申領有關許可證的詳情, 請瀏覽漁農自然護理署的網站上有關自然護理的網頁 http://www.afcd.gov.hk/cindex.html 3.25.17. 塑膠購物袋環保徵費計劃 產品環保責任條例 ( 香港法例第 603 章 ) 引進的塑膠購物袋環保徵費計劃是爲解決過度使用塑料購物袋的問題 向立法會提交審議的 2013 年產品環保責任 ( 修訂 ) 條例草案將全面實施該計劃 該草案在 2014 年 3 月 19 日被立法會批准, 並已於 2015 年 4 月 1 日生效 産品環保責任條例規定如有某些貨

品以零售方式出售予顧客, 賣方有義務向顧客就塑料購物袋收取訂明的款額 除非獲該條例豁免, 賣方就直接或間接向顧客提供的每個塑膠購物袋或經預先包裝的每份爲數 10 個或以上的塑膠購物袋, 向顧客收取不少於 5 角的款額 任何人如未能遵從即屬犯法, 首度被裁定犯該罪行時可被判處港幣 100,000 元罰款, 而在其後每次被裁定犯該罪行時可處罰款港幣 200,000 元 有關詳情可查詢環境保護署 ( 電話 :(852) 3152 2299 或電郵 :psb@epd.gov.hk) 3.25.18. 其他相關法律 除了上述各項法律和規例之外, 參展商亦須遵守其他相關的法例, 如 : (i) 防止賄賂條例 ( 香港法例第 201 章 ) 訂明, 任何人士無合法權限或合理辯解向公職人員提供任何利益, 作為其執行職務的誘因或報酬, 均屬犯法 ; (ii) 公眾衛生及巿政條例 ( 香港法例第 132 章 )- 對於藥物的配製及攙雜 ; 將經攙雜程序而導致品質 成分或效力受損的藥物售賣或為將該等藥物出售而將其展出 宣傳及管有 ; 禁止售賣其性質或品質與購買人所要求不符的藥物以致對購買人不利 ; 禁止售賣 展出或管有以供出售擬供人使用但不宜作該用途的藥物 ; 及禁止出售及為出售而展出含虛假或誤導性標籤或宣傳的藥物及其他事項施加管制與規定 ; (iii) 保護瀕危動植物物種條例 ( 香港法例第 586 章 ) 就有關瀕危動植物物種的進口 引進 管有或控制之管制 ; (iv) 不良醫藥廣告條例 ( 香港法例第 231 章 ) 就藥物 ( 包括中藥材 中成藥 外科用具或療法及不包括慣常作為食品或飲品的所有口服產品 ) 的廣告宣傳作出的管制 ; (v) 廢物處置條例 ( 香港法例第 354 章 )- 對任何類別或種類的廢物的產生 貯存 收集及處置 ( 包括處理 再加工 循環再造 ); 對任何有關該等活動的地方及人士的發牌及登記 ; 以及對涉及該等活動的公眾的保護及其他有關事宜施加管制與規定 ; (vi) 商品說明條例 ( 香港法例第 362 章 )- 該條例其中條文禁止將虛假商品説明應用於貨品或服務 ; 禁止管有應用了虛假商品説明的貨品作售賣或商業或製造用途 ; 禁止供應應用了虛假商品説明的貨品或服務 ; 禁止僞造商標或將虛假商標應用於貨品 ; 禁止進口或出口應用了虛假商品説明或僞造商標的貨品 ; 禁止不良營商手法, 包括但不限於誤導性遺漏, 具威嚇性的營業行為, 餌誘式廣告宣傳, 先誘後轉銷售行為及不當地接受付款 條例中包括有關珠寶 寶石 手錶 成衣及電子貨品商品説明的特定規定 (vii) 藥劑業及毒藥條例 ( 香港法例第 138 章 )- 對於註冊藥劑師管有及銷售 ( 包括零售及批發 ) 毒藥 ; 用作存放毒藥以供零售的處所的註冊 ; 由註冊醫生 註冊牙醫或註冊獸醫開出某些指定毒藥的處方的規定 ; 毒藥的標籤及盛載容器 ; 毒藥的存放及運送 及藥劑的製造 進口及出口施加管制及規定與及其他事項施加管制與規定 參展商須特別注意有關對含有西藥成分的藥物管制, 並留意衛生署藥物辦公室在其網頁 : http://www.drugoffice.gov.hk/eps/root/index.html 上通告的最新資料和更新 詳情請參閱各有關條例 條例的全文可以從網址 http://www.legislation.gov.hk/index.htm 下載 香港政府的刊物可以下列方法購買 : - - 進入網上 政府書店 選購, 網址為 http://www2.bookstore.gov.hk; 致電 (852) 2537 1910 或電郵 puborder@isd.gov.hk 致政府新聞處刊物銷售組 ; 或

- 於政府新聞處的網址 http://www.isd.gov.hk 下載並於網上遞交訂購表格, 或將表格傳真至刊物銷售組的傳真號碼 :(852) 2523 7195 參展商一經簽署申請表格, 即表示參展商同意遵守有關條款, 任何參展商因違反上述條例而招致的投訴或訴訟, 香港貿發局及香港會議展覽中心概不負責, 亦無需作出賠償 香港貿易發展局

Circular 12 - Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations Exhibitors are strongly advised to consult their own legal advisors, relevant government authorities and relevant professional bodies before applying for participation in the Exhibition to ensure that they are able to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, codes of practice and guidelines governing the exhibition, promotion and supply of their products and/or services in Hong Kong, including without limitation, the following legislations: Trade Descriptions Ordinance (Cap. 362) and its subsidiary legislations - which imposes, amongst others, prohibitions against application of false trade description to goods; possession for sale or for any purpose of trade or manufacture goods with false trade description; prohibitions against supply of goods with false trade description; prohibitions against forging trade mark or application of false trade mark to goods; prohibitions against import and export of goods with false trade description or forged trade mark, and unfair trade practices. Specific requirements relating to trade descriptions for jewelry, precious stones, watches, garments and electronic goods may apply. Consumer Goods Safety Ordinance (Cap. 456) - which imposes a duty on manufacturers, importers and suppliers of consumer goods to ensure that the consumer goods supplied are safe. Consumer goods refers to any goods which are ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption (except those specified in the Ordinance) and includes the packaging of the consumer goods. Sales of Goods Ordinance (Cap. 26) - which codifies the law relating to the sale of goods, including formation, effects and performance of the sales contract, implied terms of the contract, rights of the parties and consequences of breach of the contract. Supply of Services (Implied Terms) Ordinance (Cap. 457) - which consolidates the law with respect to the terms to be implied in contracts for the supply of services, including implied terms as to care, skill, timing of performance and consideration. Import and Export Ordinance (Cap.60) - which imposes, amongst other, restrictions on and requirements for import and export of articles to and from Hong Kong and handling and carriage of articles which have been imported into Hong Kong. In particular, the Ordinance provides for articles which are prohibited to be imported into and exported from Hong Kong. Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) - which makes provisions for the prevention of bribery and other related matters.

Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486) - which protects the privacy of individuals in relation to personal data by, amongst others, imposing a duty on data users to comply with the data protection principles as listed under the Ordinance. Copyright Ordinance (Cap.528) - which makes provisions in respect of protection and enforcement of copyright and other related rights. Registered Design Ordinance (Cap.522) - which makes provisions in respect of registered design right. Trade Marks Ordinance (Cap.559) - which makes provisions in respect of the registration of trade marks and related matters including protection and enforcement of registered trade marks. Patents Ordinance (Cap. 514) - which makes provisions in respect of the registration of patents and related matters including protection and enforcement of registered patents. Pyramid Schemes Prohibition Ordinance (Cap.617) - which makes provisions to prohibit the promotion of and the knowing participation and inducement of another to participate in pyramid schemes. Undesirable Medical Advertisements Ordinance (Cap. 231) - which imposes, amongst others, prohibitions against advertisements likely to lead to the use of any medicine, surgical appliance or treatment for certain diseases as prescribed in the Ordinance. (See 3.26.14 below) Electricity Ordinance (Cap.406) - which provides for, amongst others, safety requirements for electrical products, meaning any current-using equipment, lighting fitting or accessory that uses low voltage or high voltage electricity. Air Pollution Ordinance (Cap. 311) - which makes provision abating, prohibiting and controlling pollution of the atmosphere, including prohibiting the manufacture in or import into Hong Kong certain regulated consumer products (such as hairspray) that contain volatile organic compound content in excess of the prescribed limit. Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap.132) - which regulates, amongst others, the preparation and adulteration of food and drugs and provides for protection to purchasers of food and drugs by prohibiting sale of food or drugs unfit for human use and false or misleading labeling or advertising of the same. (See 3.26 below) Control of Obscene & Indecent Articles Ordinance (Cap.390) - which controls articles which contain material that is obscene or indecent (including material that is

violent, depraved or repulsive). Toys and Children's Products Safety Ordinance (Cap. 424) - which provides for, amongst others, safety standards for children's toys, specified chattels used in association with children. Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586) - which regulates the import, export, and possession or control of certain endangered species of animals and plants. (See 3.26.16 below) Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap. 354) - which makes provisions for the control and regulation of the production, storage, collection and disposal including the treatment, reprocessing and recycling of waste. Firearms and Ammunitions Ordinance (Cap. 238) - which makes provisions for the control and licensing on the possession and dealing in arms and ammunition. Weapons Ordinance (Cap. 217) - which prohibits the possession of certain weapons. All of the above mentioned ordinances and regulations can be downloaded from the website http://www.legislation.gov.hk. Warranties Each Exhibitor hereby represents and warrants to the Organiser that all products, services, promotional, advertising and other materials displayed, exhibited, offered, distributed and supplied by the Exhibitor for, in relation to and at the Exhibition and all other activities of the Exhibitor at the Exhibition: (a) (b) (c) (d) shall comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the Exhibitor or the Organiser, including but not limited to the laws of Hong Kong, and any applicable international conventions; shall comply with all codes of practice, guidelines or statement issued by the relevant government authorities or professional bodies applicable to the Exhibitor or the Organiser, including but not limited to the government authorities or professional bodies of Hong Kong; do not infringe any intellectual property rights or other rights of any third party; are not, in the reasonable opinion of the Organiser, unfavorable to the images or reputation of the Organiser or otherwise undesirable. Each Exhibitor hereby further represents, warrants and undertakes to the Organiser that it shall have duly obtained at its own costs and expenses all necessary and valid exemptions, consents, approvals and licenses for the exhibition, promotion, offer, distribution and supply of all products, services, promotional, advertising and other materials at the Exhibition and all other activities of the Exhibitor at the Exhibition.

Each Exhibitor hereby represents, warrants and undertakes to the Organiser that it shall explain to customers and potential customers the scope, particulars and specification of its products and/or services (as the case may be) and the relevant fees and charges, and that the Organiser are not liable for any liability, losses, damages, costs and expenses arising from or in connection with any dispute between an Exhibitor and any of its customers or potential customers, which shall be the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor concerned. Indemnity Each Exhibitor agrees to comply with all rules and regulations of the Exhibition and all applicable laws and regulations, and to exempt the Organiser and the Exhibition Venue from, and indemnify each of them against all liabilities incurred from any complaint lodged or proceedings instituted by any person arising from any offence committed or breach of laws, rules and regulations by the Exhibitor. Hong Kong Trade Development Council

通告 12 - 遵守適用法律及規章 參展商在申請參展前, 應先咨詢其法律顧問 有關政府機關及相關專業團體以確保參展商能夠遵守及符合所有管轄且關於其產品及 / 或服務在香港的展覽 宣傳 / 促銷及供應的適用法律 規章 專業守則及指引, 包括但不限於以下法例 : 商品説明條例 ( 第 362 章 ) 及其附屬法例 - 該條例其中條文禁止將虛假商品説明應用於貨品 ; 禁止管有應用了虛假商品説明的貨品作售賣或商業或製造用途 ; 禁止供應應用了虛假商品説明的貨品 ; 禁止僞造商標或將虛假商標應用於貨品 ; 禁止進口或出口應用了虛假商品説明或僞造商標的貨品 ; 及不良營商手法 條例中包括有關珠寶 寶石 手錶 成衣及電子貨品商品説明的特定規定 消費品安全條例 ( 第 456 章 ) - 該條例向製造商 進口商及供應商施加確保所供應的消費品屬安全的責任 消費品是指一般供應予私人使用或耗用 ( 該條例中所指明的貨品除外 ) 的任何貨品, 並包括供應該等貨品時所用的包裝 貨品售賣條例 ( 第 26 章 ) - 該條例編纂有關貨品售賣的法律, 包括售賣合約的訂立 效力及履行 合約的隱含條款 合約雙方的權利及違約的後果 服務提供 ( 隱含條款 ) 條例 ( 第 457 章 ) - 該條例綜合有關服務供應合約中隱含的條款的法律, 包括有關謹慎 技術 履行時間及代價的隱含條款 進出口條例 ( 第 60 章 ) - 該條例其中施加有關在香港輸入及輸出物品以及對已經輸入香港的物品在香港境內的處理及運載的限制及就此作出有關規定 尤其是, 該條例規定了在香港禁止進口及出口的物品 防止賄賂條例 ( 第 201 章 ) - 就防止賄賂及其他相關事項訂立條文 個人資料 ( 私隱 ) 條例 ( 第 486 章 ) - 該條例藉向資料使用者施加須遵守該條例下所列的保障資料原則的責任及其他條文規定以保障有關個人資料的私隱 版權條例 ( 第 528 章 ) - 該條例就版權及其他相關權利的保護及執行訂立條文 註冊外觀設計條例 ( 第 522 章 ) - 該條例就註冊外觀設計權利訂立條文 商標條例 ( 第 559 章 ) - 該條例就商標註冊及包括註冊商標的保護及執行的相關事項訂立條文 專利條例 ( 第 514 章 ) - 該條例就專利註冊及包括註冊專利的保護及執行的相關事項訂立條文

禁止層壓式計劃條例 ( 第 617 章 ) - 該條例禁止推廣 知情參與及誘使他人參與層壓式計劃 不良廣告 ( 醫藥 ) 條例 ( 第 231 章 ) - 該條例其中條文禁止發佈可能導致他人使用該條例中所訂明的某些疾病的任何藥物 外科用具或療法的廣告 ( 見下列 3.26.14) 電力條例 ( 第 406 章 ) - 該條例其中就電氣產品 ( 指使用低壓或高壓電力的任何用電器具 照明配件或附件 ) 的安全規格訂立條文 空氣污染管制條例 ( 第 311 章 ) - 該條例就消減 禁止與管制大氣污染訂立條文 其中包括禁止在香港製造或進口所含的揮發性有機化合物成分超出所規定限額的若干受規管消費品 ( 例如髮膠 ) 公眾衞生及市政條例 ( 第 132 章 ) - 該條例其中就規管食物及藥物的配製及攙雜並就藉禁止售賣不宜供人使用的食物或藥物或該等食物或藥物的虛假或誤導標籤或廣告而對食物及藥物購買人提供保障訂立條文 ( 見下列 3.26) 淫褻及不雅物品管制條例 ( 第 390 章 ) - 管制內容屬於或含有淫褻或不雅資料 ( 包括暴力 腐化或可厭的資料 ) 的物品 玩具及兒童產品安全條例 ( 第 424 章 ) - 該條例其中就兒童玩具及指明的兒童用品的安全標準訂定條文 保護瀕危動植物物種條例 ( 第 586 章 ) - 該條例對一些瀕危的動物和植物物種的進口 出口 擁有或控制作出管制 ( 見下列 3.26.16) 廢物處置條例 ( 第 354 章 ) - 該條例規管廢物的處理 儲存 收集及處置, 包括廢物處理 再加工和回收 火器及彈藥條例 ( 第 238 章 ) - 該條例規管火器及彈藥的管有和經營的牌照事宜 武器條例 ( 第 217 章 ) - 該條例禁止持有某些武器 上述所有條例及規例均可於網址 http://www.legislation.gov.hk 下載 保證 各參展商謹此向主辦機構陳述及保證其有關在展覽會所展示 展覽 出售 分派及供應之產品 服務 宣傳品 廣告物品及其他物品及參展商在展覽會的所有其他活動 : (a) 必須遵守所有適用於參展商或主辦機構的法律及規章 ( 包括但不限於香港法例 ) 及任何

適用的國際公約 ; (b) 必須遵守所有由有關的政府機關及專業團體 ( 包括但不限於香港的政府機關及專業團體 ) 發出適用於參展商或主辦機構的專業守則 指引或聲明 ; (c) 並無侵犯任何第三者的任何知識產權或其他權利 ; (d) 根據主辦機構的合理意見, 並非不利於主辦機構的形象 聲譽或有其他不良影響 各參展商謹此向主辦機構進一步陳述, 保證及承諾其必須已經自費妥當取得所有在展覽會展覽 宣傳 出售 分派及供應的一切產品 服務 宣傳品 廣告物品及其他物品及參展商在展覽會所有其他活動的必需及有效的豁免 同意 批准及牌照 各參展商謹此向主辦機構陳述 保證並承諾其將向客戶及潛在客戶解釋其產品及 / 或服務的範圍 詳情及規格 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 以及相關費用及收費, 及主辦機構對於因為或者有關參展商與其客戶或潛在客戶之間的任何爭議而產生的任何法律責任 損失 損害賠償 費用及開支不承擔任何責任, 而有關參展商須獨自爲此承擔責任 彌償 各參展商同意遵從展覽會所有條例及細則和所有適用的法例及規例, 並豁免主辦機構及展覽場地就任何人士就參展商任何罪行或違規作出的投訴或程序帶來的全部法律責任, 及就該等法律責任對主辦機構及展覽場地作出彌償 香港貿易發展局

Circular 13 - Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags Introduced under the Product Eco-responsibility Ordinance (Cap. 603) ("PERO"), the Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags seeks to address the problem of excessive plastic shopping bag use. The Product Eco-responsibility (Amendment) Bill 2013 for the full implementation of the Scheme was introduced into the Legislative Council. It was approved by the Legislative Council on 19 March 2014 and has come into effect on 1 April 2015. The Product Eco-responsibility Ordinance imposes duty on seller to charge for plastic shopping bags if there is a sale by retail of goods to a customer. The seller must charge the customer an amount not less than 50 cents for each plastic shopping bag or each pre-packaged pack of 10 or more plastic shopping bags. Any person who fails to comply commits an offence and will be liable to a fine at HK$100,000 on the first occasion and to a fine at $200,000 on each subsequent occasion. For further information, please contact the Environmental Protection Department at (852) 3152 2299 or email psb@epd.gov.hk. Hong Kong Trade Development Council 通告 13 - 塑膠購物袋環保徵費計劃 產品環保責任條例 ( 香港法例第 603 章 ) 引進的塑膠購物袋環保徵費計劃是爲解決過度使用塑料購物袋的問題 向立法會提交審議的 2013 年產品環保責任 ( 修訂 ) 條例草案將全面實施該計劃 該草案在 2014 年 3 月 19 日被立法會批准, 並於 2015 年 4 月 1 日生效 産品環保責任條例規定如有貨品以零售方式出售予顧客, 賣方有義務向顧客就塑料購物袋收取訂明的款額 賣方就直接或間接向顧客提供的每個塑膠購物袋或經預先包裝的每份爲數 10 個或以上的塑膠購物袋, 向顧客收取不少於 5 角的款額 任何人如未能遵從即屬犯法, 首度被裁定犯該罪行時可被判處港幣 100,000 元罰款, 而在其後每次被裁定犯該罪行時可處罰款港幣 200,000 元 有關詳情可查詢環境保護署 ( 電話 :(852) 3152 2299 或電郵 :psb@epd.gov.hk) 香港貿易發展局

Full Implementation of the Plastic Shopping Bag Charging Background Since 1 April 2015, the Plastic Shopping Bag (PSB) Charging has been fully implemented in Hong Kong to promote reduction in the use of PSBs. Scope The PSB Charging covers all sellers with retail sales of goods in Hong Kong, irrespective of scale of operation and business nature. Except for the situations where there is exemption, the seller must charge the customer an amount not less than 50 cents for each PSB provided, and must refrain from offering any rebate or discount to the customer with the effect of directly offsetting the PSB charge or any part of that amount. The PSB charge is to be retained by the seller. Seller who provides PSB in contravention of the law will be subject to a fixed penalty of $2,000. Bags Subject to Charge All bags that are made wholly or partly of plastic, irrespective of whether there is a carrying device, are subject to charge. Paper bags with plastic lamination or component and non-woven bags (commonly known as environmental bags), are also covered. (Sellers can check with suppliers or manufacturers to ascertain whether bags distributed contain plastic materials.) Exemption arrangements Under the PSB Charging, the following uses of PSBs can be exempted from the charging requirements: 1. PSB used for food hygiene reasons In order to address food hygiene concerns, the use of PSBs to carry only foodstuff without packaging or not in airtight packaging can be exempted. Furthermore, the use of PSBs to carry frozen/ chilled foodstuff to segregate the condensation of water vapour from other goods can be exempted. Foodstuff without packaging Foodstuff in non-airtight packaging Frozen/ Chilled foodstuff 2. PSB used for packaging PSBs used for prepackaging and have been sealed before they are delivered to the retailer can be exempted. Examples are detergents value pack and toilet paper rolls in packaging bag. PSBs forming part of the goods, for example, packaging bags for magazines and shirts, and cooler bags provided for containing ice-cream can also be exempted. However, additional PSBs provided to contain these packaged products are required to be charged. 3. PSB provided with the services PSBs provided with the service tendered, without involving the retail sale of goods, can be exempted. Examples are PSB provided by medical laboratory for carrying x-ray report and PSBs provided with medical consultation for containing medicines. 1 (Oct 2016 ver.)

Common Sales Promotions in Exhibitions 1. Gift with purchase Exhibitors must charge the customer not less than 50 cents for the PSB provided to contain the gift, which is given out in connection with retail sale of goods (e.g., upon certain amount of purchase or purchase of specific item(s)). If the gift itself is a bag with plastic, such as non-woven environmental bag, it has to be charged for not less than 50 cents and cannot be given out as a free gift. Upon $500 purchase or purchase of specific item(s) A bag with plastic cannot be given out as a free gift 2. Lucky bags If exhibitors use a plastic bag to bundle up products for sale, or allow customers to choose the products to put in a plastic bag, this bag has to be charged for not less than 50 cents. 3. Sets If exhibitors bundle a plastic bag together with other products for sale as a set, exhibitors should list out the price of the bag clearly (e.g. products $100, bag $5, set price $105). In addition, the purchase of shopping bag should be optional for customers. Customers may return the plastic bag and request for a refund. Therefore, exhibitors should formulate relevant refund policy and inform customers clearly of the refund policy to avoid confusion. FAQs for Exhibitors Q 1: Are the PSBs provided during exhibitions subject to the PSB charge? A 1: Whether PSBs distributed during exhibitions are subject to PSB charge or not depend on if there is a retail sale of goods. If retail activities are involved (e.g. Book Fair, Food Expo), the exhibitor (both local and overseas) must charge the customer an amount not less than 50 cents for each PSB provided to the customer according to the legislative requirements, except for situations where there is exemption. If only wholesale with no retail activities are involved during the exhibitions, the PSBs distributed are not subject to charge. Nevertheless, based on the "Use less, Waste less" principle, exhibitors are encouraged to minimize the use of PSBs under any circumstances. Q 2: A 2: Are the PSBs distributed outside the exhibition booths (e.g., at the entrance of the exhibition hall, on the footbridge) subject to the PSB charge? If there is a sale by retail of goods to a person, the PSB provided in connection with the sale of goods is subject to charge, regardless where the bags are provided. Example: An exhibitor distributes PSBs outside the exhibition hall. If a person obtained a PSB and then shopped at the exhibitor s booth, the exhibitor will have to charge the person not less than 50 cents for the PSB provided previously. We recommend that exhibitors, in particular those with retail sales, do not distribute PSBs for promotion to avoid potential violation of the legislative requirements. Do s Always ask if customers need a PSB before distribution and suggest them to BYOB Reduce the use of PSBs by making the best use of the volume of PSBs Always charge at least 50 cents for each PSB provided unless it is exempted Issue a receipt for the PSB charge Provide suitable staff training to ensure smooth operation and proper compliance Keep a record of the PSB charge collected and number of PSBs distributed as far as possible Don ts Do not provide any discount or rebate to offset the PSB charge Do not hand out more PSBs than necessary, charged or otherwise Do not distribute any PSB containing both exempted and non-exempted items without the PSB charge For details about the PSB Charging, please visit our dedicated website: http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/psb_charging/ For enquiry about the PSB Charging, please contact the Environmental Protection Department at: Hotline: 2835-1124 Email: psb@epd.gov.hk 2 (Oct 2016 ver.)

全面推行塑膠購物袋收費 背景 自 2015 年 4 月 1 日起, 塑膠購物袋收費 ( 膠袋收費 ) 已全面實施, 以進一步減少膠袋用量 膠袋收費的範圍 膠袋收費 涵蓋全港所有以零售方式出售貨品的商戶 除了法例訂明的豁免情況外, 賣方必須就提供的每個塑膠購物袋, 向顧客收取不少於 5 角, 並不得向顧客提供任何回贈或折扣, 以直接抵銷膠袋收費的款額 膠袋收費由商戶自行保留及處理 如商戶違規派發膠袋, 可被定額罰款 2,000 元 需要收費的塑膠購物袋 所有完全或部分由塑膠製成的袋, 不論是否有作攜帶用途的設計, 都需要收費 有塑膠薄面或塑膠成分的紙袋及以塑膠製造的不織布袋 ( 一般稱為 環保袋 ) 亦包括在內 ( 商戶可以向供應商或製造商查詢, 從而確定所派發的袋是否含有塑膠物料 ) 豁免情況按照 膠袋收費 的條例, 以下用途的膠袋可豁免收費 : 1. 因食品衞生而用的袋為了確保食品衞生, 如膠袋只盛載無包裝或非氣密包裝的食品, 是可豁免收費的 此外, 如膠袋只盛載冰凍或冷凍食品, 以把凝結的水氣與其他貨品分開, 亦可豁免收費 無包裝的食品非氣密包裝的食品冰凍或冷凍食品 2. 用作包裝的袋膠袋如用作預先包裝貨品及於運送到零售商之前已經密封, 便無須收費, 例如多支裝洗潔精或多卷裝廁紙的包裝膠袋 構成貨品的一部分的膠袋, 亦無須收費, 例如用於包裝雜誌和恤衫的透明膠袋 以及用作保溫的雪糕袋 但如額外再提供膠袋盛載這些已經包裝的貨品就要收費 3. 構成服務一部分的袋隨服務提供的膠袋而當中不涉及以零售方式出售貨品, 便可豁免收費, 例如化驗所盛載 X 光報告的膠袋或診所隨診治服務提供盛載藥物的膠袋 1 (Oct 2016 ver.)

展覽常見的銷售推廣活動 1. 購物贈送禮品參展商如在與貨品的出售有關連的情況下 ( 例如購物滿指定金額或購買指定貨品 ) 提供膠袋盛載禮品, 必須就提供予顧客的每個膠袋收取不少於 5 角 如該禮品本身是含塑膠成分的袋, 例如不織布環保袋, 亦需要收取不少於 5 角的款額, 不能免費贈送 購物滿 $500 或購買指定貨品 禮品為有塑膠成分的袋, 不可免費贈送 2. 福袋參展商組合貨品作促銷或由顧客挑選貨品並載在一個塑膠購物袋內出售, 該袋需要收取不少於 5 角 3. 套裝參展商如以套裝形式出售貨品及有塑膠成分的袋, 應清楚列明貨品及袋的價錢 ( 例如 : 貨品 $100+ 袋 $5, 合併價 $105) 此外, 參展商亦應讓顧客選擇是否需要膠袋 如有顧客不要膠袋, 可能會與賣方協商退回膠袋及其收費 因此, 參展商亦應制定相關的退款安排, 及清楚向顧客表明有關安排, 以避免引起混淆 供展覽商參考的常見問題 問 1: 答 1: 在展覽時提供的膠袋需要收費嗎? 在展覽時所派發的膠袋是否需要收費, 視乎是否有貨品以零售方式出售而定 如有涉及零售活動 ( 例如書展 食品展 ), 參展商 ( 包括本地及海外 ) 必須根據法例要求, 除在可豁免收費的情況外, 就提供予顧客的每個膠袋收取最少 5 角 但如展覽只涉及批發交易並沒有零售活動, 則所派發的膠袋不受法例規管 不過, 基於 惜物 減廢 的原則, 參展商在任何情況下都應盡量減少使用膠袋 問 2: 在展覽攤位以外的地方 ( 例如展覽館門口 天橋 ) 派發膠袋是否受規管? 答 2: 如有貨品以零售方式出售予某人, 參展商在與貨品的出售有關連的情況下提供的膠袋便須收費 例子 : 參展商在場外派發膠袋, 如有人索取了膠袋後在展覽攤位購物, 參展商便需要就該膠袋收取不少於 5 角的膠袋收費 我們不建議參展商, 特別是涉及零售貨品的參展商, 派發膠袋作宣傳, 以避免違規 應做的事項 不應做的事項 先詢問顧客是否需要膠袋才派發, 並建議顧客自備購物袋 善用膠袋容量盛載貨品, 以減少使用膠袋 切勿向顧客提供折扣或回贈以抵銷膠袋收費 切勿向顧客提供沒有收費的膠袋以盛載混合豁免及非豁免的貨品 除非只用於盛載豁免貨品, 否則就每個所提供的膠袋收取不少於 5 角的款額 切勿過量發放膠袋, 不論膠袋需要收費與否 為顧客提供有顯示膠袋收費的收據 加強培訓員工以確保運作順暢及遵守有關規定 有關 膠袋收費 的詳情, 可參考有關網站 : http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/psb_charging/ 盡可能保存交易紀錄以記載袋的派發量及收取的膠袋收費 有關 膠袋收費 的查詢, 可與 環境保護署聯絡 : 熱線 : 2835-1124 電郵 :psb@epd.gov.hk 2 (Oct 2016 ver.)

Circular 14 - Reminder for the Proper Use of Standard Booth/ Premium Booth <NEW> Standard/ Premium Booth Exhibitors and their appointed contractors must adhere to the following regulations: 1) All Exhibitors using a Shell Booth can only decorate the interior of their booth area. No additional booth fitting, structure, lighting, display, decoration items or exhibits can be attached, by any means, to the aluminum profile or structure or panels of the Shell Booth. Any drilling/nailing to the Shell Booth panels and shelves is strictly prohibited. 2) The Exhibitor shall be liable to pay to the Organiser any loss or damage suffered by failing to comply with paragraph 1, including the costs of restating and resetting up the Shell Booth in compliance with the requirements. 3) The use of adhesives and glues to the Shell Booth panels and shelves is strictly prohibited. Any stickers, graphics or any kind of fixtures applied to the Shell Booth must be removed at the end of the fair. The Organiser reserves the right to claim the cleaning and damage cost from the corresponding exhibitor if stickers are not fully removed. 4) All structures, decoration materials, exhibits, stand materials and the like must be completely removed immediately after the closing of the Exhibition according to arrangements and within the time limits specified by the Organiser. Any materials left behind at the Exhibition Venue shall be deemed abandoned. The Organiser reserves the right to claim any waste disposal cost from the corresponding exhibitor due to their negligence. 5) No items could exceed a height of 2.5m or extend beyond the boundaries of the booth allocated. These include, but are not limited to, fittings, exhibits, and company names, advertising material logos, inflatables brought along by the Exhibitor. 6) The fascia panel and its fixing structure must not be removed. 7) If any booth with fittings differs from the approved specifications or does not conform to the Organiser s rules and regulations, the Organiser reserves the rights to alter or remove the fittings without prior notice at the Exhibitor s own expense. 8) All built-in structures including the lighting fixtures within the Shell Booth must not be removed without the prior approval from the Organiser. 9) Installation of electrical equipment, including lighting fixtures, must strictly adhere to the Electricity (Wiring) Regulations of Hong Kong Electricity Ordinance (Chapter 406E). Exhibitors are prohibited to install any sub-standard fittings or wirings. 10) All lighting fixtures must not be altered or tampered with; if necessary, the work should be done by a locally qualified electrician. 11) If Contractor needs extra electricity, they should order from Official Contractor and pay for extra cost. Any illegal or inadequate electricity wiring or connection will be removed without prior notice or

at the Organiser s option the Organiser may impose a surcharge determined by it. 12) All the Shell Booth structures, lighting fixtures and furniture items are property of the Organiser. The movable or furniture items must be kept within the booth area and in their original place for complete hand-over of the booth to the Organiser when the fair ends. The Organiser reserves the right to claim the Exhibitor for any missing or damaged items. 13) The Exhibitor shall fully indemnify the Organiser, its agents, representatives, contractors and employees on demand from and against all losses, liabilities, actions, proceedings, claims, damages, costs (including but not limited to legal costs) and expenses whatsoever which it may suffer or incur by reason of: a) the Exhibitor s failure to comply with the requirements relating to Shell Booth set out above and/or other rules and regulations relating to constructing and use of booths; b) any loss or damage arising from Exhibitor s decoration of the interior of their booth areas (whether or not in adherence to the requirements); c) any death or personal injury suffered by a third party attributable to use or decoration by the Exhibitor of their booth and/or suffered in their booth area; d) loss or damage, including death or personal injury, caused by the negligence or wilful default of the Exhibitor or failure to comply with the rules and regulations of the Organiser; e) loss or damage caused by the Exhibitor or the Exhibitor s contractors, to the Organiser, other exhibitors or visitors arising from the decoration and/or fitting out of the Exhibitor s Shell Booth, or work undertaken for handover to the Organiser when the fair ends, howsoever arising. 14) The Organiser hereby excludes all liability to the Exhibitor, its agents, representatives, contractors and employees for any loss or damage suffered in relation to the Shell Booth, the booth area or their presence at the fair, including loss or damage to the Exhibitor s fittings and/or personal property, save and except to the extent such exclusion is prohibited or limited by law. Nothing herein shall limit or effect the Organiser s liability for death or personal injury arising from its negligence. In case of discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail. Hong Kong Trade Development Council

通告 14 - 正確使用標準 / 特級攤位設計之提示 < 新 > 租用標準 / 特級展台的參展商及其委託之承建商必須遵守下列各項規定 : 1) 使用標準展台的所有參展商只可裝飾其展台範圍的內部 標準展台鋁架或結構或圍板上均不能以任何方式附加任何額外的展台裝置 結構 燈具 陳列品 裝飾物或展品等 嚴禁在標準展台的圍板及陳列架作任何鑚孔 / 打釘 2) 參展商須負責就因沒有遵從第 1 段而引致的任何損失或損害, 向主辦機構支付款項, 包括遵從有關規定重新整理及重新搭建標準展台的費用 3) 嚴禁在標準展台的圍板及陳列架施用強力黏貼劑或膠水 所有張貼於標準展台的的膠貼 繪圖或任何附着物必須於展覽會完結時清理妥當 假若膠貼等物品未有妥善清理, 主辦機構有權向有關參展商收取清理費及損毀之賠償 4) 展覽會完結時, 所有結構 展品 展台物料必須在主辦機構規定的指定時間內妥善清理 任何展品 展台物料擱置於展覽會場將視為棄置物品, 主辦機構會向有關參展商收取所需的清理費用 5) 任何物品的高度不得超過 2.5 米, 或伸展超逾劃定的展台界限 有關物品包括但不限於參展商帶來的裝置 展品 公司名牌 宣傳材料 標記及充氣物 6) 不得拆除公司名牌及其固定構件 7) 如附有裝置的任何展台有別於認可規格或不符合主辦機構所訂之規則, 主辦機構保留權利進行改建或清拆裝置而毋須事先通知 有關費用一概由參展商負責 8) 未經主辦機構事先批准, 不得拆除標準展台內任何原有構件, 包括照明裝置 9) 參展商裝設的電器設備 包括照明裝置 必須嚴格遵循香港 電力條例 之 電力 線路 規例 第 406E 章 嚴禁參展商安裝任何未符標準的裝置或電線 10) 不得改動或干擾任何照明裝置 ; 如有需要, 有關工程必須由本地合資格電力技師施工 11) 如承建商需額外供電, 應向大會指定的承建商申請並支付額外費用 電力線路或接駁如有任何違法或不足之處, 均會被清拆而毋須事先通知, 或者在主辦機構的選擇下, 主辦機構可收取其所釐定的附加費用 12) 標準展台的一切構件 照明裝置及傢俬全屬主辦機構所有 在展覽結束時, 可移動或傢俬物品必須放於展台範圍內並放回原位, 以示展台完整交還主辦機構 主辦機構保留權利, 就任何遺失或損壞物件

向參展商作出申索 13) 參展商應就主辦機構基於下列理由可能蒙受或招致的一切損失 法律責任 行動 法律程序 申索 損害賠償 費用 包括但不限於法律費用 及開支, 應要求向主辦機構 其代理人 代表 承建商及僱員作出全數彌償 : a) 參展商未能遵從上文所列出有關標準展台的規定及 / 或有關建造及使用展台的其他規則及規例 ; b) 參展商對其展台範圍的內部裝飾 不論是否遵循有關規定 所引致的任何損失或損害 ; c) 可歸因於參展商使用或裝飾其展台而引致第三方的任何死亡或身體受傷及 / 或在其展台範圍內所引致的任何死亡或身體受傷 ; d) 因參展商的疏忽或故意失責或者未能遵從主辦機構的規則及規例而造成的任何損失或損害 包括死亡或身體受傷 ; e) 因參展商標準展台的裝飾及 / 或裝修工程或在展覽完結時為向主辦機構交還展台而進行的工程而引致 不論是如何引致的, 由參展商或參展商的承建商對主辦機構 其他參展商或參觀者造成的損失或損害 14) 主辦機構特此卸除對參展商 其代理人 代表 承建商及僱員就標準展台 展台範圍或他們停留在展覽會所蒙受的任何損失或損害 包括對參展商的裝置及 / 或個人財產造成的損失或損害 所須承擔的一切法律責任, 但該等法律責任的卸除受法律所禁止或限制的範圍則除外 本文中的任何規定不應限制或影響主辦機構對因其疏忽而引致的死亡或身體受傷所須承擔的法律責任 倘中英文本有所差異, 概以英文本為準 香港貿易發展局

Circular 15 - New measures on Custom-Built Stand We have summarised the changes below and would like to draw your attention to them. You are strongly advised to download the full version of the Exhibitor Manual & Order Form at http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkwinefair-en/s/2720-for_exhibitor/hktdc-hong-kong-international-wineand-spirits-fair/exhibitors'-manual.html and go through the details. Drawings submitted must be in reasonable scale of at least 1:100, fully dimensioned and must contain information such as floor plan, stand elevation, electrical fittings, carpeting, colours and materials to be used, moving exhibits, audio-visual equipment, weights and point loading of exhibits etc. Stands & temporary structures >2.5m & <4.5mH 4.5mH or two-storey construction Stages or platforms >1.1m & <1.5mH 1.5mH Suspended lighting truss & equipment <100 kg 100 kg Authorized Person/ Registered Structural Engineer (AP/RSE) should be deployed to Submit design drawings to Organiser by 21 Sep 2017 Submit by dropping into the collection box at Technical Services Counter by 1500 hrs on 8 Nov 2017 Submit to Official Electrical Contractor by 1500 hrs on 8 Nov 2017 Verify stability of Verify stability of design drawings & design drawings endorse structural calculations Supervise construction works at site; verify stability after completion by issuing structural safety certificate 4 original copies with structural By email calculations* 1. Structural safety certificate (refer to section 4.2.6) 2. Fire services certificate (refer to section 4.2.8) Certificate of installation, inspection & testing (Form WR1) (please refer to section 4.2.7) * Of which 2 sets will be forwarded to Director of Food & Environmental Hygiene at least 42 days before first show day as required by the Food & Environmental Hygiene Department for applying Temporary Places of Public Entertainment (TPPE) license Pursuant to Electronic Transactions (Exclusion) Order made under Section 11(1) of the Electronic Transaction Ordinance (1 of 2000), the Director of Food & Environmental Hygiene Department will not accept any electronic submission of plans. An Authorized Person could either be a Registered Architect (AP-List I), or a Registered Structural Engineer (AP-List II), or a Registered Building Surveyor (AP-list III). An Authorized Person is legally defined in the HKSAR Buildings Ordinance Chapter 123. For the AP/RSE registry, please visit https://mwerdr.bd.gov.hk/register/registrationsearch.do?method=pageregistration&regtype=rse

A documentary proof of compliance for all Custom-built stands with the use of combustible materials for false ceilings, partitions or wall furnishings, draperies and curtains shall conform to any standard acceptable to the Director of Fire Services; or shall be brought up to any of those standards by treating with a fire retardant paint or solution acceptable to Director of Fire Services. In the latter case, the work shall be carried out by a Class 2 Registered Fire Service Installation Contractor and a certificate (FS251) to this effect from the Contractor shall be submitted to the Organiser by 1500 hrs on the last move-in day, i.e. 8 Nov 2017, as documentary proof of compliance for submission to the Fire Services Department. Please refer to http://www.hkfsd.gov.hk/eng/source/licensing/premises.htm#e3 for details. For Registered Fire Service Installation Contractor registry, please visit http://www.hkfsd.gov.hk/home/eng/source/fsic_list_eng.pdf. Any alterations after drawing submission should be addressed to the Organiser and relevant parties for review. You will be asked to collect the contractor s badge and vehicle pass at HKTDC, 83 Chun Yat Street, Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate, Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon, Hong Kong. However, no contractor s badge or vehicle pass will be issued for entry of Exhibition Venue and no custom-built stand is permitted to be erected at the Exhibition Venue unless Form 1 (Custom-built participation contractors information), construction drawings, site work deposit (including late charge, if applicable) and a copy of valid insurance policy have been received by the Organiser. Hanging Truss (For lighting purpose only) The suspension of Stands or lighting devices from the ceiling structure of Exhibition Venue is not permitted. All lighting devices should be attached to a lighting truss of no more than 1.0m height, with a minimum of 2.5m and a maximum of 6.0m ground clearance. Hong Kong Trade Development Council

通告 15 特裝攤位新措施 今年我們修改了參展商手冊及申請表格的部分內容, 其中較主要的部份以列於以下的通告 致於詳細的變動, 請於 http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkwinefair-tc/s/2720-for_exhibitor/ 香港貿發局香港國際美酒展 / 參展商手冊.html 下載, 並細閱參展商手冊的內容 圖則比例必須不少於 1:100, 並須註明十足尺寸及詳附平面布置圖 攤位正視圖 電力裝置 地毯 用色及用料 流動展品 視聽器材 展品重量及點荷載等資料 攤位及臨時搭建物 >2.5 米而 <4.5 米高 4.5 米高或雙層結構 舞台或平台 >1.1 米而 <1.5 米高 1.5 米高 懸空照明支架及設備 <100 公斤 100 公斤 認可人士 / 註冊結構工程師應 於 9 月 21 日 或之前提交圖則予主辦機構 於 11 月 8 日 下午 3 時或之前投放到 攤位設施 之收集箱 於 11 月 8 日 下午 3 時或之前 交予大會電力承建商 證明其設計圖則穩定性 以電郵方式 監督搭建工程 證明其設計圖則穩定性 及簽發數據證明 在完成搭建後驗證並簽發結構安全證明書 一式四份設計圖則及數據證明 * 1. 結構安全證明書 詳情請參閱第 4.2.6 章 2. 消防證明書 詳情請參閱第 4.2.8 章 電力裝置完工證明書 表格 WR1 詳情請參閱第 4.2.7 章 * 其中兩份設計圖則及數據證明須按食物環境衛生署申請 臨時公眾娛樂場所牌照 之要求, 於活動首日的最少 42 天前, 轉交予食物環境衛生署署長審閱 按照 電子交易條例 2000 年第一號 第 11 1 條訂立的 電子交易 豁免 令, 署長不會接受 以電子形式提出申請牌照的圖則 認可人士包括註冊建築師 認可人士名單 1 註冊結構工程師 認可人士名單 2 或註冊屋宇測量師 認可人士名單 3 認可人士的定義詳述於香港建築物條例第 123 章 有關認可人士 / 註冊結構工程師的名冊, 請瀏覽屋宇署網頁 : https://mwerdr.bd.gov.hk/register/registrationsearch.do?method= PageRegistration&regType=AP%28E%29&langCode=2

所有用作假天花板 間隔或牆面裝飾及所有布簾及窗簾的可燃物料必須符合消防處處長接受的標準, 或使用消防處處長接受的防火溶液加以處理以達到任何該等標準 以防火溶液加以處理的工作, 須由註冊二級消防裝置承辦商進行, 完工後須於上述指定時間提交一份證書 消防表格 251, 以證明符合規定 該證書則會轉交消防處存檔 詳情請瀏覽消防處網頁 http://www.hkfsd.gov.hk/chi/source/licensing/premises.htm#e3 有關註冊消防裝置承辦商的名冊, 請瀏覽消防處網頁 : http://www.hkfsd.gov.hk/home/chi/source/fsic_list_chi.pdf 所有已交到主辦機構之圖則如有改動, 亦須交予主辦機構及相關機構審閱 請貴公司於香港貿易發展局位於香港九龍將軍澳將軍澳工業邨駿日街 83 號辦公室 ; 領取承建商證及車輛通行證 假若特裝攤位的表格一 承建商資料申報表 設計圖則 施工按金 包括逾期行政費, 如適用 及有效的保險單副本未達主辦機構, 參展商或其委託之承建商將不獲發適用於展覽場地的承建商證及車輛通行證, 亦不得在展覽場地搭建攤位 懸空支架 ( 只供照明用途 ) 不得在展覽場地的天花結構懸垂攤位構件或照明裝置 所有照明裝置必須安裝在照明支架, 而其高度不得超過 1 米 離地高度介乎 2.5 米與 6 米之間 香港貿易發展局

Circular 16 - Restriction on Custom-built Stand Height <NEW> For rising occupational health and safety concerns, Hong Kong Trade Development Council will lower the maximum height of all custom-built stands, including double-deck stands, in all its fairs with details below: 1. Starting 1 May 2016, all NEW custom-built designs, including double-deck stands, shall not exceed the height of 5 metres (note: all stand construction underneath ±0.5m of the smoke curtain shall not exceed 2.5 metres in height in Hall 3FG and 3 metres in height in 3BCDE). 2. Re-used stands can continue to be used until end of April 2018 only if the stand design remains unchanged. Based on the same design with drawings submitted to HKTDC last year, no modifications can be made. Otherwise, the revised stands will be regarded as new and be subject to the height restriction of 5 metres. 3. Starting 1 May 2018, no custom-built stands (including re-used stands) shall exceed the maximum stand height restriction of 5 metres. Hong Kong Trade Development Council 通告 16 - 特裝展位高度限制 < 新 > 香港貿易發展局為促進職業健康及提供安全的工作環境, 將在其展覽會限制包括雙層展位在內的特裝展位高度, 詳情安排如下 : 1. 由 2016 年 5 月 1 日起, 所有新設計的展位高度不得超越 5 米 ( 注 : 在防煙閘以下的 ± 0.5 米範圍, 展館 3FG 的展位高度不可超越 2.5 米 ; 展館 3BCDE 及大堂的展位高度不可超越 3 米 ) 2. 重用的展位如設計不變, 可以繼續保留至 2018 年 4 月底 重用展位設計必須與上年提交給貿發局的圖則相同, 並不可作出任何結構性改動 ; 否則, 本局將以新設計論, 並需把展位高度降至 5 米 3. 由 2018 年 5 月 1 日起, 所有特裝展位 ( 包括重用展位 ) 最高限制為 5 米 香港貿易發展局

Circular 17 - Guidance to Custom Built exhibitors for on-site usage of electricity <NEW> - For electricity supply you have ordered from HKTDC, exhibitors must have their own electrician. The official contractor will not provide installation and connection services for these items. - Total power consumption shall not exceed the current specified. In case of overload, the Organiser reserves the right to suspend the electricity supply until the problem is rectified by the exhibitor concerned. - In compliance with the Electricity Ordinance (Chapter 406) Electricity (Wiring) Regulations, all electrical installations, inspection and testing must be carried out by a registered electrical worker together with a registered electrical contractor. Certification of installation, inspection & testing (Form WR1) should be submitted to the Official Electrical Contractor by 1500 hrs on the last move-in day. Failing to provide by 2200 hrs on the last move-in day will result in suspension of electricity supply throughout the fair period. The employer of the electrician shall be liable for any damages caused if the electrician fails to comply with the above requirements. - It is important that custom built exhibitor should take full responsibility of turning off main switch of the booth after fair closes every day. For safety and energy-saving purposes, the respective contractor will be asked to come back to the fair ground for turning off main switch if it is found still on in the empty booth. The Organiser will not be responsible for any loss subsequently caused by turning off the booth main switch if the responsible contractor is not accessible. Exhibition Services, Hong Kong Trade Development Council 通告 17 - 特裝參展商注意事項 - 現場使用電力指引 < 新 > - 特裝參展商必須聘有持牌電器工人 大會承建商將不會提供安裝及接駁服務予特裝參展商所使用的自攜電燈及電器用品 - 參展商須申請足夠供電及不可使用至超過已申請之總電量 如因用電超荷, 主辦機構有權立即終止供電至有關參展商將問題改正 - 按電力條例 第 406 章 電力 線路 規例, 所有電力安裝 檢查及測試必須由註冊電業工程人員及註冊電業承辦商代行, 並須簽發表格 WR1 及於最後進場日下午 3 時前交予大會電力承建商, 以兹證明 如未能於該晚下午 10 時前交妥, 展期內將不獲電力供應 如電器工人未能符合上述規例要求, 則其僱主須負責賠償因此引起的一切損失 參展商須於遞交此表格時連同所聘用的電力工人及公司牌照副本 特裝參展商如採用配電總制, 應將所有配電要求計算在總制內, 不能分拆租用獨立插座 - 特裝參展商每日展會後須負責關掉攤位配電總制, 為安全與環保起見, 展會後配電總制倘未關掉, 攤位承建商將被要求返會場處理 倘承建商未能及時返會場, 大會將會代勞, 對造成之任何損失概不負責 香港貿易發展局展覽服務部

Circular 18 - Guidance to ALL exhibitors for on-site usage of electricity and fair system and furniture Electricity Supply Exhibitor should check which type of socket you have ordered including those standard socket included in the booth provided by organizer (if any) and its power limitation. Each socket can connect one electrical appliance only. The fuse will be broken if electricity consumption exceeds the power supply limit. HKD50 will be charged for each fuse re-installation. No multi-plug or extension cord are allowed to be connected to the socket. HKTDC reserves the right to suspend the electricity supply until the problem is rectified by the exhibitor concerned. The electrical appliance used by the exhibitor on-site should be a 3-pin plug and in compliance with the electrical safety requirements (as shown in the picture). For those exhibitors who ordered lighting connections only, please contact the Technical Services Counter for power supply once your lightings are installed. The exhibitors shall be solely responsible for any consequences caused by the electrical appliances they bring to the fair. Please do not exceed the power supply limit. Fair System & Furniture No tapes, nails, fixtures, removals or modifications of any kind are allowed to be applied to the official booth structure. No additional booth fitting (including exhibitor s own shelves), structure, lighting, display, decoration items or exhibits can be attached, by any means, to the aluminium profile or structure or panels or fascia of the booth. Please request for booth modifications at our Technical Services Counter ONLY. Exhibitors are liable to any damage caused to their booth fixtures and fittings at the fair.

Each square metre of wooden shelf and cabinet top can only support weight under 3kg. Hanging objects from ceiling beams and system panels are prohibited. For safety reasons, standing on the table, chairs, cabinet tops or showcase tops, etc. are strictly prohibited. The exhibitor undertakes to indemnify the organizer from any claims caused by their decoration / construction works done to the shell scheme. The exhibitor is recommended to take out insurance policies to cover itself against all potential liabilities. The exhibitor shall be solely responsible for death, injury, damages or any consequences in relation to the violation of any of the above guidelines. Exhibition Services, Hong Kong Trade Development Council

通告 18 - 參展商現場注意事項 - 使用電力及攤位結構及傢俱安全指引 電力供應 參展商請留意閣下所租用或大會提供 ( 如包括 ) 之電力插座供電量, 每一個插座均有其負電上限, 以及只供單一電噐使用, 切勿超過負荷, 以免保險絲斷路 現場重新安裝保險絲的費用為港幣五十元 參展商切勿於插座上安裝萬能插頭或拖板, 一經發現本局將保留終止供電權利直至有關參展商將問題插座改正 參展商所用之電器用品必須使用符合電力安全規格的三腳插頭 ( 如圖示 ) 參展商若已租用電力接線服務 ( 供自行攜帶及安裝電燈使用 ), 在自行安裝電燈後, 請聯絡會場之 攤位設施服務台 以便安排電力接駁 參展商將對自行攜帶之電器用品所引致之任何結果負擔所有責任, 切勿超過負荷 攤位結構及傢俱 攤位結構不得擅自作任何形式之拆除 改裝或張貼任何東西, 亦不得釘上任何釘子 展台的鋁架或結構或圍板或公司名牌上均不能以任何方式附加任何額外的展台裝置 ( 包括自攜層架 ) 結構 燈具 陳列品 裝飾物或展品等 如需作出改動, 請於攤位設施服務台作現場申請 展覽攤位及展場內裝置如有任何損壞概由參展商負責賠償

每米木層板及地櫃櫃面只能負重不超過三公斤之物件 天花橫樑及攤位圍板嚴禁懸掛任何物件 基於安全理由, 嚴禁站立在桌子 椅子 地櫃或展示櫃等上 參展商保證, 對於任何因其或其聘用之承建商於展台施工或佈置而引致的索償, 主辦機構毋須負責 建議參展商須就可能對其構成的所有潛在責任購買保險. 若違反以上任何指引, 參展商將對引致之死亡 人身傷害 損失或任何後果擔負所有責任 香港貿易發展局展覽服務部

Circular 19 - Daily Stock Replenishment For daily stock replenishment, please be reminded that no pallet jet will be allowed to access the exhibition hall 30 minutes before the fair opening i.e. 10:00 am. All the stocks and pallets must be stored and placed inside your booth area or at the designated storage area 15 minutes before the fair opening i.e. 10:15am on all show days (i.e. 9-11 Nov). Any exhibits found being placed in public areas or outside of the designated storage area after 10:15am till end of the show day will be confiscated by the HKTDC without any prior notification. To retrieve the confiscated exhibits, the responsible exhibitor must complete the formalities and pay the fine (HK $500 per pallet). If exhibitors do not retrieve the confiscated exhibits within 24 hours, the HKCEC staff will dispose all the goods and the exhibitor will be charged for a disposal fee. For those who failed to comply with the above rule and regulation may affected your future application in HKTDC events. Hong Kong Trade Development Council 通告 19 - 日常展品補充 日常展品補給於展覽期間 ( 即 11 月 9 至 11 日 ), 展會開幕 30 分鐘前即上午 10:00 前, 所有 唧車 不得進入展館範圍內, 此外所有貨物和儲存板必須於展會開幕 15 分鐘前即上午 10:15 前妥善存放於展位範圍或預先申請的額外儲倉內 展覽當日早上 10:15 至展覽完結前, 參展商於非指定倉庫或公眾地方放置貨物, 本局將沒收有關貨物而不另行事前通知 參展商必須辦理手續並繳交罰款 ( 每板港幣 500 元 ) 以取回被沒收之貨物 如參展商於 24 小時內未有領取沒收之貨物, 會展中心的工作人員將棄置有關物品, 並收取垃圾處理費用 若參展商未能遵守以上規則, 將會影響貴司參與香港貿易發展局舉辦之活動 香港貿易發展局

Circular 20 - Issue Receipt to Consumers For all on-site retail sales, exhibitors should offer proper receipts to consumers. The receipts should clearly indicate the company name of the exhibitor, the transaction date and amount. Hong Kong Trade Development Council 通告 20 - 參展商向消費者提供收據 所有現場零售交易, 參展商必須向消費者提供有效之收據 收據上需列明展商公司名稱, 交易日期及金額 香港貿易發展局

Circular 21 - Move out Regulations Please note that many buyers/visitors have to utilize all opening hours in the 3-day event to schedule and complete their visits at the Fair. We have received complaints about exhibitors who had removed all the exhibits well before the official closing time. In order to maintain a good image of the Fair including exhibitors professionalism, and to protect all exhibitors and buyers/visitors as well as their interests, move-out of exhibits is prohibited before 6:00 p.m. on 11 November 2017. According to clause 46 in the exhibition regulation listed on the application form no stand or exhibits shall be dismantled or removed before the official closing time. Our staff will conduct on-site spot-checks on 11 November 2017, those exhibitors who violated such rule will be served a warning letter. It may affect the booth selection priority at future editions of the Fair for those exhibitors who violate the rule. In addition, the Organiser reserves the right to reject their future participations at the Fair. Grateful for your understanding and co-operation. Hong Kong Trade Development Council 通告 21 - 撤館規則 本局接到不少買家 / 參觀人士投訴參展商提早撤離展館, 影響其預定的參觀計劃 為了保持展覽會及參展公司專業和良好的形象, 以及保障所有參展商及買家 / 參觀人士的利益, 所有參展商嚴禁於 11 月 11 日下午 6 時前把展品搬離會場 參展申請表內的展覽會規則第 46 項, 已列明展商須於展覽結束後, 才可收拾展品, 請各參展商務必遵守 本局將於 11 月 11 日派員巡察各展館, 如發現展商違規, 本局將即時發出警告信 此舉或會影響違規展商下屆參展選擇展位的次序, 間接影響其展位位置 此外, 本局保留拒絕違規展商往後參展之權利 敬請各參展商諒解及合作 香港貿易發展局

Circular 22 - Product QR Code More business opportunities to you by Exhibitor Code Scanning Service (For Exhibitors of Liquor and Beverage Products ONLY * ) All eligible exhibitors of the fair are entitled to a one-year online promotion at the HKTDC s Online Marketplace (www.hktdc.com) which lets you display company profile, and 10 product photos and information. On top of the Exhibitor Code Scanning Service, exhibitors of liquor and beverage products can also try out the Product QR Code at the 2017 Fair. About the Exhibitor Code Scanning Service and the Product QR Code : Buyers Download App and Activate the Scanner 1. Download the HKTDC Product Magazines App for FREE from App Store/ Google Play or the buyer badge. 2. Start the App and tap on the Scan button. Scan the QR code on the buyer badge to activate the scanner. Exhibitors Scan the QR codes 3. Buyers can scan the QR code at your booth via their smart device to read your company and product information. Receive Report with Exhibitors Information 4. A daily summary will be emailed to buyers, with all the exhibitors information they scanned during the day for their record. Upload / Update Product Information 1. Update your profile on hktdc.com with latest company and product information, photos and catalogues before the fair. 2. Exhibitors will receive a dedicated company QR code board and 3 product QR code hang tags during move-in. Place your QR codes at Prominent Location 5. Place the QR code boards prominently at your booth and attach the QR code hang tags to respective wine products. 6. Ask buyers to scan your QR codes proactively at the fair. Receive Report with Visitors information 5. At the end of each fair day, a buyers list will be emailed to you containing contact information of those buyers who scanned your QR code for your record and follow-up. * Exhibitors of Non-Liquor and Beverage products will receive a dedicated company QR code board only

通告 22 參展商編碼掃描推廣服務 參展商編碼掃描推廣服務 為您帶來的額外商機 ( 只供酒精類飲品之參展商 * ) 是次展覽會之合資格參展商均可在本局的 貿發網 網上商貿平台 (www.hktdc.com) 享有一年的基本推廣服 務, 登載公司資料及產品照片 10 張 ; 並透過我們在會場提供的一系列增值服務, 獲取更多買家查詢, 促成生意 機會 今屆酒精類飲品之參展商更可享參展商編碼及 產品二維碼 掃描推廣服務 參展商編碼掃描推廣服務 及 產品二維碼 簡介 : 買家 下載應用程式及啟動掃描器掃描二維碼收取參展商資料報告 1. 可從 App Store 或 Google Play 或掃描買家入場證上的二維碼免費下載 HKTDC Product Magazines 應用程式 3. 買家可於您的攤位掃描參展商編碼並即時下載您的公司及產品資料 4. 本局會輯錄買家當天下載過的參展商資料, 傳送到其電郵中存檔 2. 開啟應用程式並點擊 Scan, 然後掃描買家入場證上的二維碼 (QR code) 即完成啟動程序 參展商 上載及更新產品資料 1. 於展前更新或上載公司資料及產品 / 服務照片及目錄到 貿發網 2. 本局會於展覽會進館當日向貴公司派發公司二維碼和三個產品二維碼吊牌 將二維碼放於攤位當眼位置 3. 請將二維碼吊牌放於有關產品之上 4. 鼓勵買家掃描您的二維碼繼而獲取買家 聯絡資料 收取買家資料報告 5. 於展覽期間, 每日經電郵收取曾掃描貴公司二維碼的買家名單及聯絡資料, 助您與這些買跟進洽商 * 非酒精類飲品之參展商只獲派發公司二維碼板